Homebrew Civil Kobold Race Details

Kobolds are a lot less cute when they learn how to cast fireballs.


A variant of Kobolds that have spent many generations in a more civilized social structure, contributing as laborors or tinkerers for other races, or creating communities amongst themselves away from the more tribal clans, benefiting from peaceful, or mutual trade and communication with more advanced races. The time developing as a proper member of civilization has led them away from their trap dependant, condensed underground lifestyles. Their ability to work together is still a great benefit to themselves, and others willing to work with them. Those from these groups that go beyond the average lifestyle tend to follow a certain path in life that they may naturally excel in.

Kobold Names

Kobold names are derived from the Draconic tongue and usually relate to a characteristic of the owner, such as scale color, distinctive body parts, or typical behavior. For example, “Red Foot,” “White Claw,” and “Scurry” are Common translations of often-used names. A kobold might change its name when it becomes an adult, or add additional word-syllables after important events such as completing its first hunt, laying its first egg, or surviving its first battle. The Kobold Names table presents kobold names suitable for any campaign.

Kobold Names

d20 Name d20 Name
1 Arix 11 Molo
2 Eks 12 Ohsoss
3 Ett 13 Rotom
4 Galax 14 Sagin
5 Garu 15 Sik
6 Hagnar 16 Sniv
7 Hox 17 Taklak
8 Irtos 18 Tes
9 Kashak 19 Urak
10 Meepo 20 Varn

Civil Kobold Traits

Your kobold character has the following racial traits.

Ability Score Increase

Your Dexterity score increases by 2.


Kobolds reach adulthood at age 6 and can live up to 120 years but rarely do so.


Civil Kobolds can at times show their old selfish nature, but their integration into society has resulted in Kobolds seeing the many benefits of a more peaceful and collaborative lifestyle with other races. Their alignment can vary depending on how they grow, who they work with, and what they do.


Kobolds are between 2 and 3 feet tall and weigh between 25 and 35 pounds. Your size is Small.


Your base walking speed is 30 feet.


You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Thorn in Their Side.

As an action on your turn, you can distract nearby foes. Whether it's annoying or pathetic grovelling, a fit of rageful hysteria, or an obnoxious spree of throwing objects at enemies, be creative! Until the end of your next turn, your allies gain advantage on attack rolls against enemies within 10 feet of you that can see you. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.


You can speak, read, and write Common and Draconic.

Dragonblood Kobold

Occasionally,  a Kobold will discover they have a spark that connects both body and mind to harness magic within them. This power could be a trace of ancient blood, a touch of the dragon within, or some gift or talent for the arcane. Kobolds are not an exception when it comes to practicing volatile magics, or helpful ones. Many know of the dangers of a Kobold who can hurl explosive flame, where size is not a factor in their capabilities.

Bonus - Intelligence or Charisma

You choice of Intelligence or Charisma score increases by 1.


The Kobolds are long descendants of a much greater power than them, meant to serve mighty dragons in a time long past. Through the generations, that spark of dragonblood within can boil up into a newfound strength. Choose 1 elemental damage type between Fire, Cold, Lightning, Poison, or Acid. You have resistance to your chosen elemental damage type. You deal 1 additional point of damage when you deal damage of your chosen elemental damage type.

Additionally, you learn 1 cantrip from the Wizard or Sorcerer spell list.

Additional Cantrip

Additionally, you learn 1 cantrip from the Wizard or Sorcerer spell list.

Grunt Kobold

These Kobolds have stuck true to their old ways, applying their skills in a labor force of some kind. They work best as grunt workers, a lack of raw strength being made up for by persistance and team work. This lifestyle has led to them becoming quite hardy for one so small, and should they ever be threatened, a friend or two can go a long way to ensuring survival.

Bonus - Constitution Score

Your Constitution score increases by 1.

Pack Tactics

You excel in situations where you can take advantage of a distracted enemy, whether it be by using your size to your advantage, or capitalizing on an allies actions, you can strike at the weakest point of your target. When you are within 10 feet of an enemy engaged by one of your allies who is not incapacitated, you can choose to turn one of your hits on that enemy into a critical strike. You can only use this feature once per Short or Long Rest.

Hardy Heart

A lifestyle of labor, or other hard work has led to you becoming quite the hardy little creature, able to conjure strength from determination to conquer normally improbable challenges. Once per Short or Long Rest, you may gain advantage on any Strength ability/skill check, or saving throw.

Tinker Kobold

What some Kobolds lack for in strength, they more than make up for in ingenuity. There are many a Kobold that has taken to a life of tinkering with gadgets and gizmos, or find a hobby of it. Whether it's conjuring traps as their ancestors once did, or delving into more advanced engineering, they are capable of learning, adpating, and applying this uncanny knack for creation.

Bonus - Intelligence Score

Your Intelligence Score increases by 1.

Deft Claws

Curiosity and creativity has led to an uncanny ability to understand and work with mechanical objects and mechanisms. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any skill check you make when interacting with mechanical objects or mechanisms. If you are not already proficient, you gain regular proficiency bonus instead.

Tinkerers Toy

Your time practicing tinkering resulted in you creating a simple magical mechanism. You possess a device that can act as an Arcane Focus for you, and it can store 1 cantrip from the Wizard's spell list of your choice. You may cast the cantrip only with this device. The cantrip can be changed if you use Tinker's Tools on it for a day.

Wanderer Kobold

There is every so often a Kobold that believes there is more to see in the world beyond their home and community, off as something more than another worker, or lacking that spark to create. They instead seek a life of communing with others, either to discover more of the world or make a better name for their kin. This can form into a passion for archiving or record keeping, performing for varying audiences, or finding that they may have a way words. The integration of their kin into more structured societies has them finding that there are many more groups to work with than the ones they grew with.

Bonus - Charisma Score

Your Charisma score increases by 1.

Small Talk

You've learned how to make your small stature and form curious, charming, or otherwise influential when interacting with others. You gain double proficiency on Persuasion, Deception, and Performance checks if you are already proficient from another source. Otherwise you gain proficiency.


You've spent much time on the move, skittering about, and are experienced at avoiding danger. Once per Short or Long rest, you may impose disadvantage on an attack roll against you. After the result of the attack, you may shift 5 feet without imposing Attacks of Opportunity.


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