Homebrew Awakened Pupper - Canem Loquentes Race Details

 It is unknown where the Awakened Puppers come from or why they're so good, but they're loyal friends and fierce combatants.


There are three main subraces of Awakened Puppers including the Chonks, Borkers, and Yips. Choose from one of these three subraces.

Awakened Pupper - Canem Loquentes Traits

You are an awakened pupper. Please bork accordingly.

Ability Score Increase

Your Dexterity score increases by 1.


Awakened Puppers mature around one year of age and live between 7 and 14 years. Due to their short lifespan Awakened Puppers have disadvantage on history checks.


Awakened Puppers are really good. 11/10. Whether Chaotic or Lawful its rare that an Awakened Pupper is not good.


Your speed is 30 feet.

Canine Jaws

Your Canine jaws are capable and ready for battle. Whenever you bite an opponent, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the normal damage for an unarmed strike.

Your jaws have a reach of 5 feet, and can lift a number of pounds equal to five times your Strength score. You can use them to do the following simple tasks: lift, drop, hold, push, or pull an object or a creature; open or close a door or a container; grapple someone; or make an unarmed strike. Your DM might allow other simple tasks to be added to that list of options. Your jaws can’t wield weapons or shields or do anything that requires manual precision, such as using tools or magic items or performing the somatic components of a spell.

Canine Build

 Any climb that requires hands and feet is especially difficult for you because of your canine legs. When you make such a climb, each foot of movement costs you 4 extra feet, instead of the normal 1 extra foot. You count as a humanoid for the purpose of spells and other abilities. Abilities that would allow you to alter your appearance to that of another humanoid instead allow you to alter your appearance to fit that of four-legged beasts.


You can communicate with other canines including mastiffs, wolves, dire wolves, and werewolves verbally even if you don't share a language.

Magical Appendages

Your awakened state grants you access to two spectral hands which are capable of attacking, gesturing, and carrying items as though you were a normal humanoid with corporeal hands. They are unable to travel more than 5ft from you and cannot pass through objects. If you are asleep, become incapacitated, or your physical form is altered (Polymorph, Wildshape, Etc.)  these hands disappear. These hands instantaneously reappear once you are awake and your physical form is not altered.


Awakened Puppers are smart and fast learners often picking up the languages of their friends. You can speak read and write Common and one other language.


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