Homebrew Aarakocra (Puffin Variant) Race Details

Unlike their  mountainous cousins, the Aarakocra puffin variant, sometimes called fowlings, evoke curiosity and wonder. The Aarakocra puffin variant aren’t even native to the Material Plane, but most call it home. They hail from a world beyond — from the boundless vistas of the Elemental Planes.

They are immigrants, refugees, scouts, and explorers, their outposts functioning as footholds in a world both strange and alien.

Beak and Feather

From below, the Aarakocra looks much like large birds. Only when they emerge from the water or walk across the ground does their humanoid appearance reveal itself. Standing upright, the variant might reach 3 feet tall, and they have short, narrow legs that lead to flipper-like feet.

Feathers cover their bodies. Their plumage typically is decorated to denote membership and placement in a tribe. However, this variant's feather colorations vary only slightly from person to person. A brightly colored beak adorns all every individual. Their heads complete the avian appearance, being something like a puffin with distinct tribal variations.

Sea Wardens

Nowhere are these Aarakocra more comfortable than in the water. They can spend hours in oceans, and some go as long as days, locking their wings in place and letting the currents carry them along. In battle, they prove dynamic and acrobatic swimmers, moving with remarkable speed and grace, diving to lash opponents with weapons or beaks before turning and swimming away.

Once waterborne, these Aarakocra leave the sea with reluctance. On their native plane, they can swim for days or months, coming up on land only to lay their eggs and feed their young before launching themselves back into the water. Those that make it to a world in the Material Plane find it a strange place. They sometimes forget or ignore waterlogged distances, and they have nothing but pity for those earthbound people forced to live and toil on the land.

Avian Mannerisms

The resemblance of Aarakocra to birds isn’t limited to physical features. Aarakocra display many of the same mannerisms as ordinary birds. They are fastidious about their plumage, frequently tending their feathers, cleaning and scratching away any tiny passengers they might have picked up. When they deign to descend from the sea, they often do so on the shore in tidepools where they can catch easy pray and relax.

Many Aarakocra punctuate their speech with chirps, sounds they use to convey emphasis and to shade meaning, much as a human might through facial expressions and gestures. An Aarakocra might become frustrated with people who fail to pick up on the nuances; an Aarakocra’s threat might be taken as a jest and vice versa.

In most of their cultures, the idea of ownership baffles most Aarakocra. After all, who owns the sea? Even when explained to them, they initially find the notion of ownership mystifying. As a result, Aarakocra who have little interaction with other people outside their tribes might be a nuisance as they dart to snatch fish or plunder ships. Shiny, glittering objects often catch their eyes.

They find it hard not to pluck the treasure and bring it back to their settlement to beautify it. An Aarakocra who spends years among other races are less inclined to possess these impulses.

Confinement terrifies the Aarakocra. To be landlocked, trapped in the sky, or imprisoned by the unyielding earth is a torment few Aarakocra can withstand. Even at rest in their oceeanside homes, they appear alert, with eyes moving and bodies ready to dive in the ocean.


Most Aarakocra live on the Elemental Plane of Air, but this variant originated from the Elemental Plane of Water. Aarakocra can be drawn into the Material Plane, sometimes to pursue enemies or thwart their foes’ designs there. Accidents might also send a nest of Aarakocra tumbling into a world on that plane. A few find their way to such a world through portals on their own plane and establish nests near ocean shores or on remote islands.

Once tribes of Aarakocra settle in an area, they share a hunting territory that extends across an area up to 100 miles on a side, with each tribe hunting in the lands nearest to their colony, ranging farther should game become scarce.

A typical colony consists of one large, open nest made of woven seaweed and local foliage. The eldest acts as leader with the support of a shaman.  

Aarakocra Names

As with much of their speech, Aarakocra names include clicks, trills, and whistles to the point that other peoples have a difficult time pronouncing them. Typically, a name has two to four syllables with the sounds acting as connectors. When interacting with other races, Aarakocra may use nicknames gained from people they meet or shortened forms of their full names.

An aArakocra of any gender may have one of these short names: Aera, Aial, Aur, Deekek, Errk, Heehk, Ikki, Kleeck, Oorr, Ouss, Quaf, Quierk, Salleek, Urreek, or Zeed. 

Aarakocra (Puffin Variant) Traits

As an Aarakocra variant, you have certain traits in common with your people. Being able to swim at high speed starting at 1st level is exceptionally effective in certain circumstances and exceedingly dangerous in others. As a result, playing an aarakocra puffin variant requires special consideration by your DM.

Aquatic Resilience

Due the aquatic nature of this variant, they can hold their breath while underwater for a minimum of 2 minutes, regardless of your base Constitution.

Ability Score Increase

Due to the rather inquisitive nature of this Aarakocran variant, your Charisma score increases by 2. Because of your size and usual nimbleness in water, your Dexterity score increases by 1. However, these rates are typically cultivated and nurtured by the tribal societies the variant grows up in, and thus you may choose to place your ability score modifiers in different skills if you so wish.


Aarakocra reach maturity by age 3. Compared to humans, aarakocra don’t usually live longer than 30 years.


These aarakocra that grow up and live in their traditional tribal societies are typically good and occasionally choose sides when it comes to law and chaos. Tribal leaders and warriors might be lawful, while explorers and adventurers might tend toward chaotic.


Aarakocra are about 3 feet tall. They have thin, lightweight bodies that weigh between 30 and 70 pounds. Your size is Small. 


Your base walking speed is 25 feet, and your fly speed is 20 feet.


You have a swimming speed of 50 feet. To use this speed, you can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor.


You are proficient with your bitting strikes, which deal 1d4 piercing damage on a hit. 


You're small and agile, but more comfortable on land or in water so your fly speed is 20


If you've grown up in a typical tribal society, you can speak, read, and write Common, Aarakocra, and Aquan. If not, you can speak Common and two other languages.

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