Base Class: Ranger

Monster Masked Rangers carry a bag filled with selected magical masks based off of various monster. Some may give you physical aid, while others may provide magical assistance.

These masks don't lend their abilities to anyone. Only those that spend time in the Temple of the Monster Faced Warriors can absorb their magical energy. Those who have not trained at the temple cannot gain their abilities.

When a mask is worn, the material melds onto the face of the wearer, becoming part of their body, changing their skin color and texture to that of the mask, essentially looking like a humanoid version of that monster.

Spirit of the Masks

At 3rd level, you gain the ability to wear monster masks that share their ability or abilities with you. Putting on or changing masks requires a bonus action, and the effects gained last until you complete a short or long rest, or spend an action to remove the mask. These masks are magical and return to your person if they are ever 30ft. or more away from you.

Masks only grant their powers to those who have learned the art. They have no effect on other creatures.

Putting on monster masks take a physical toll on your body. As such you can only don a mask once per day, no matter when the mask is removed.

Favored Terrain Monster Masks

At 3rd level, choose 3 monster masks from the following list, based on one of your choices of favored terrain. At 7th, and 11th level, you can add another mask of your choice to your cache. You may also replace one that you already had. Some masks may be unavailable until higher levels.


You can choose masks based on monsters found in the arctic.


You can choose masks based on monsters found in the coast.


You can choose masks based on monsters found in the desert.


You can choose masks based on monsters found in the forest.


You can choose masks based on monsters found in the grassland.


You can choose masks based on monsters found in the mountain.


You can choose masks based on monsters found in the swamp.


You can choose masks based on monsters found in the Underdark.

Enhanced Mask Spirit

At 7th level, the spirit of the masks now take less of a toll on you. You can now wear up to two masks per day.

Once you reach 15th level, you can wear up to three masks per day.

Terrain Monster Mask Options

You can don one of these masks to gain abilities of creatures found in your chosen favored terrain. Choose 3 of the following masks:


Arctic - Frost Salamander - Burning Fury

When you take fire damage, you have advantage on your next attack.

Arctic - Ice Mephit - False Appearance

While you remain motionless, you are indistinguishable from an ordinary shard of ice.

Arctic - Polar Bear - Natural Weapons

You gain a Bite and Claw attack. On a hit, Bite deals 1d8 + Str piercing damage. On a hit, Claw deals 1d6 + Dex slashing damage.

Arctic - Remorhaze - Heated Body

Any creature that touches you or hits you with a melee attack while within 5 feet of you, takes 1d6 fire damage.

Arctic - Winter Wolf - Cold Breath

You exhale a blast of freezing wind in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw vs your Spell Save, taking 4d8 cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Once you use Cold Breath, you may not do so again until after completing a short or long rest

Arctic - Yeti - Chilling Gaze

You can target one creature you can see within 30ft. of you. If the target can see you, the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw vs your Spell Save against this magic or take 3d6 cold damage and then be paralyzed for 1 minute, unless it is immune to cold damage. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Once you use Chilling Gaze, you may not do so again until after completing a short or long rest.

Coast - Giant Crab - Natural Weapon

You grow two extra appendages with claws. On a hit, a claws attack deals 1d6 + Str bludgeoning damage, and you can make a free grapple check.

Coast - Kraken Priest - Evard's Black Tentacles

You can cast Evard’s Black Tentacles as a 4 level spell. Once you cast Evard’s Black Tentacles this way, you may not do so again until after completing a long rest.

Coast - Merfolk - Amphibious

You can breathe air and water. You also gain a swim speed of 30ft.

Coast - Sahuagin - Blood Frenzy

For 1 minute after you don this mask, you have advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature that doesn’t have all its hit points

Coast - Skulk - Invisibility

As an action, you can choose to become invisible. This invisibility ends if you attack, cast a spell, or if you end it as a free action. While invisible this way, you leave no tracks. Once you use Invisibility, you may not do so again until after completing a short or long rest

Coast - Wastrilith - Grasping Spout

You magically launch a spout of water at one creature you can see within 60 feet of you. The target must make a Strength saving throw vs your Spell Save, and it has disadvantage if it’s underwater. On a failed save, it takes 3d8 acid damage and is pulled up to 60 feet toward you. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage and isn’t pulled. Once you use Grasping Spout, you may not do so again until after completing a short or long rest.

Desert - Dust Mephit - Death Burst

As an action, you can force your mask temporarily explode in a burst of dust. Each creature within 5 feet of you must then succeed on a Constitution saving throw vs your Spell Save or be blinded for 1 minute. A blinded creature can repeat the saving throw on each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. After you use this action you are no longer wearing the mask and it reforms in your cache.

Desert - Giant Scorpion - Natural Weapon

You gain a Sting attack that deals 1d10 + Str piercing damage, and the target must make a Constitution saving throw vs your Spell Save, taking 1d10 poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Desert - Gynosphinx - Inscrutable

You are immune to any effect that would sense your emotions or read your thoughts. Additionally, Insight checks against you have disadvantage.

Desert - Lamia - Intoxicating Touch

Make a melee spell attack, on a hit the target is magically cursed for 1 minute. Until the curse ends, the target has disadvantage on Wisdom ability checks and saving throws. Once you use Intoxicating Touch, you may not do so again until after completing a short or long rest.

Desert - Medusa - Petrifying Gaze

When you make eye contact with another creature, that creature must make a Constitution saving throw vs your Spell Save. If the saving throw fails by 8 or more, the creature is instantly petrified. Otherwise, a creature that fails the save begins to turn to stone and is restrained. The restrained creature must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn, becoming petrified on a failure or ending the effect on a success. The petrification lasts until the creature is freed by magic. Once you use Petrifying Gaze, you may not do so again until after completing a short or long rest.

Desert - Mummy - Resistances

You gain resistance to necrotic and poison damage, as well as advantage against effects that charm, frighten, or poison.

Forest - Ape - Climb

You gain a climb speed of 30 feet.

Forest - Centaur - Equine Build

Your legs disappear and are replaced by a horse’s body. Your walking speed increases by 10 ft. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push or drag. In addition, any climb that requires hands and feet is especially difficult for you because of your hooves. When you make such a climb, each foot of movement costs you 4 extra feet, instead of the normal 1 extra foot. Additionally, a Medium or smaller creature can ride on your equine back if you allow it.

Forest - Owlbear - Keen Sight and Smell

You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight or smell.

Forest - Pixie - Tiny

Your size becomes tiny and you gain a fly speed of 10ft. You Strength score becomes 2 and can only be increased through magical means up to a maximum of 10. Non-magical weapon attacks against you have disadvantage.

Forest - Satyr - Magic Resistance

You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Forest - Unicorn - Shimmering Shield

As a bonus action, you create a shimmering, magical field around yourself or another creature you can see within 60 feet of you. The target gains a +2 bonus to AC until the end of your next turn.

Grassland - Bulette - Burrow

You gain a burrow speed of 20ft.

Grassland - Cockatrice - Natural Weapon

You gain a bite attack. On a hit, it deals 1d4 + Str piercing damage, and the target must make a Constitution saving throw vs your Spell Save. On a failed save, the creature begins to turn to stone and is restrained. It must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn. On a success, the effect ends. On a failure, the creature is petrified for 1 minute.

Grassland - Giant Poisonous Snake - Natural Weapon

You gain a bite attack. On a hit, it deals 1d4 + Str piercing damage, and the target must make a Constitution saving throw vs your Spell Save, taking 3d6 poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Grassland - Scarecrow - Terrifying Glare

As an action, you can target one creature within 30ft. of you. If it can see you, the target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw vs your Spell Save or be magically frightened of you. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the frightened target is paralyzed. Both effects cease at the end of your next turn.

Grassland - Tiger - Pounce

If you move at least 20ft. straight toward a creature then hit it with a melee attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a Strength saving throw vs your Spell Save or be knocked prone.

Grassland - Velociraptor - Pack Tactics

You have advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of the creature and that ally isn’t incapacitate.

Mountain - Basilisk - Petrifying Gaze

When you make eye contact with another creature, that creature must make a Constitution saving throw vs your Spell Save. If the saving throw fails by 8 or more, the creature is instantly petrified. Otherwise, a creature that fails the save begins to turn to stone and is restrained. The restrained creature must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn, becoming petrified on a failure or ending the effect on a success. The petrification lasts until the creature is freed by magic. Once you use Petrifying Gaze, you may not do so again until after completing a short or long rest.

Mountain - Galeb Duhr - Rolling Charge

As a bonus action, you can huddle to the shape of a sphere. If you roll at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hit it with an unarmed attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 2d6 bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw vs your Spell Save or be knocked prone.

Mountain - Harpy - Luring Song

You sing a magical melody. Every humanoid and giant within 30 feet of you that can hear the song must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed until the song ends. You must take a bonus action on each subsequent turn to continue singing. You can stop singing at any time. The song ends if you are incapacitated. While charmed by you, the target is incapacitated and ignores the songs of other harpies. If the charmed target is more than 5 feet away from you, the target must move at least half of its speed and must end their movement closer to you. It doesn’t avoid opportunity attacks. Whenever a target charmed this way take damage by a source other than you, they reroll the saving throw. A charmed target can also repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If the saving throw is successful, the effect ends on it. A target that successfully saves is immune to your song for the next 48 hours. Once you use Luring Song, you cannot do so again until after completing a long rest.

Mountain - Kruthik - Tunneler

You gain a burrow speed of 10ft. You can burrow through solid rock and leave up to a 2½-foot-diameter tunnel in your wake.

Mountain - Manticore - Tail Spike

You grow a tail with 5 spikes. As an action, you can spray up to three of your spikes from your tail at a target within 100 feet of you. They can target different creatures or the same. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 + Dex piercing damage.

Mountain - Roc - Natural Weapon

You grow extra appendages ending with talons under your arms. On a hit, your talons deal 1d6 + Str slashing damage and you can make a free grapple check.

Swamp - Allip - Incorporeal Movement

You can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. You take 2d10 force damage if you end your turn inside an object. You can use Incorporeal Movement up to 3 times. Expended uses recharge after a long rest.

Swamp - Bullywug - Standing Leap

Your long jump is up to 20 feet and your high jump is up to 10 feet, with or without a running start.

Swamp - Catoblepas - Stench

As a bonus action, you can emit a terrible odor from your body. Any creature other than a catoblepas that starts its turn within 5 feet of you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw vs your Spell Save or be poisoned until the start of the creatures’ next turn. On a successful saving throw, the creature is immune to your stench for 1 hour.

Swamp - Giant Crocodile - Amphibious

You gain a swim speed of 40ft. Additionally, you can hold your breath for 30 minutes.

Swamp - Mud Mephit - False Appearance

While you remain motionless, you are indistinguishable from an ordinary mound of mud.

Swamp - Nabassu - Demonic Shadows

As a bonus action, you can magically darken the area around your body in a 10-foot-radius. Nonmagical light can’t illuminate this area of dim light. Unless an attacking creature has darkvision or can see in dim light, all attacks made in the area or attempt to attack a target within the area have disadvantage. This darkness lasts for 1 minute. Once you use Demonic Shadows, you cannot do so again until after completing a long rest.

Underdark - Carrion Crawler - Devour Carrion

As an action, you can take a bite from a corpse that has been dead for at least one day, in doing so, you can spend one of your hit die to regain hit points.

Underdark - Darkmantle - Echolocation

As an action you can emit soundwaves for echolocation. For 1 minute, you become blinded, but gain blindsight of 30ft. You can’t use your blindsight while deafened. Once you use Echolocation, you cannot do so again until after completing a short or long rest.

Underdark - Flumph - Telepathy

You gain telepathy of 30ft.

Underdark - Kuo-Toa - Amphibious

You gain a swim speed of 20ft. Additionally, you can breathe air and water.

Underdark - Myconid - Pacifying Spores

As an action, you eject spores at once creature you can see within 5 feet of you. The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw vs your Spell Save or be stunned for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the condition on itself on a success. You spell save decreases by 2 for each repeated saving throw for this trait.

Underdark - Quaggoth - Wounded Fury

While your current hit points are 20% or less than your maximum hit points, you gain advantage on attack rolls. In addition, you deal an extra 1d6 damage to any target you hit with a melee attack.

Favored Enemy Monster Masks

At 7th level, choose 1 monster mask from the following list, based on one of your choices of favored enemy. At 11th level, you can add another mask of your choice to your cache. You may also replace one that you already had.


You can choose masks of aberration creatures.


You can choose masks of beast creatures.


You can choose masks of celestial creatures.


You can choose masks of construct creatures.


You can choose masks of dragon creatures.


You can choose masks of elemental creatures.


You can choose masks of fey creatures.


You can choose masks of fiend creatures.


You can choose masks of giant creatures.


You can choose masks of humanoid creatures.


You can choose masks of monstrosity creatures.


You can choose masks of ooze creatures.


You can choose masks of plant creatures.


You can choose masks of undead creatures.

Aspect of the Enemy

At 11th level, when you don the mask of one of your favored enemies, you can gain more of its abilities. You can choose one of the following effects to gain for one minute:

  • Your current hit points and hit point maximum increase by 2 hit die of your monster. This increases to 3 hit die at 15th level, and 4 hit die at 20th level.
  • You may gain a bonus to one skill that the creature is also proficient, or has expertise with.
  • You can replace one of the following scores with that of the creature whose mask you're wearing:
    • AC
    • Strength Score
    • Dexterity Score
    • Constitution Score
    • Intelligence Score
    • Wisdom Score
    • Charisma Score

Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until after you finish a long rest.

Favored Enemy Mask Options

You can don one of these masks to gain abilities of creatures related to your chosen favored enemy.

Aberration - Aboleth - Enslave

As an action, target one creature you can see within 30 feet. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw vs your Spell Save or be magically charmed by you for up to 1 hour. The charmed target is under your control and cannot take reactions or bonus actions, and you can communicate telepathically with each other over any distance. Whenever the charmed target takes damage, the target can repeat the saving throw. The target can also repeat the saving throw once they are 1 mile away from you.

Aberration - Beholder - Eye Rays

As an action, you can use an eye ray. Choose a target within 60 feet of you, then roll a d4 to determine the ray’s effect(s).

  1. Charm Ray. The targeted creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw vs your Spell Save or be charmed by you for 1 hour. A creature charmed this way can reroll the saving throw when it takes damage.
  2. Paralyzing Ray. The targeted creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw vs your Spell Save or be paralyzed by you for 1 minute. A creature paralyzed this way can reroll the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
  3. Fear Ray. The targeted creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw vs your Spell Save or be frightened of you for 1 minute. A creature frightened this way can reroll the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
  4. Slowing Ray. The targeted creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw vs your Spell Save. On a failed save, the target’s speed is halved for 1 minute. In addition, the creature can’t take reactions, and it can take either an action or a bonus action on its turn, not both. A creature can reroll the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Aberration - Mind Flayer - Mind Blast

As an action you can magically emit psychic energy in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw vs your Spell save or take 3d8 + Int psychic damage and be stunned for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Beast - Giant Ape - Natural Weapon

As an action, you can increase your size for 1 minute to Huge and your unarmed attacks deal 3d10 + Str bludgeoning damage.

Beast - Mammoth - Trampling Charge

As an action, you can increase your size for 1 minute to Huge and you gain an unarmed attack that deal 2d10 + Str bludgeoning damage. Additionally, if you move at least 20 feet toward a creature and then hit it with an unarmed attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a Strength saving throw vs your Spell Save or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, you can make one unarmed attack as a bonus action.

Beast - Tyrannosaurus Rex - Natural Weapon

As an action, you can increase your size for 1 minute to Huge and you gain an unarmed bite attack that deals 2d12 + Str piercing damage. If the target is a Medium or smaller creature, it is grappled. Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and you can’t bite another target.

Celestial - Ki-rin - Move

Your movement no longer provokes opportunity attacks, unless you allow them.

Celestial - Planetar - Angelic Weapons

Your weapon attacks are considered magical. On a hit, any weapon attack deals an additional 1d8 radiant damage.

Celestial - Solar - Flying Weapon

You release a weapon to hover magically in n unoccupied space within 5 feet of you. If you can see the sword, you can mentally command it as a bonus action to fly up to 50 feet and either make one attack against a target or return to your hands. If the hovering sword is targeted by any effect, you are considered to be holding it. The hovering sword falls if your hit points reach 0.

Construct - Clay Golem - Haste

As an action, until the end of your next turn, you magically gain a +2 bonus to AC, have advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and can make an unarmed strike as a bonus action. Once you use this ability, you cannot do so again until after completing a short or long rest.

Construct - Iron Golem - Fire Absorption

Whenever you are subjected to fire damage, you take no damage and instead regain a number of hit points equal to half of the fire damage dealt.

Construct - Stone Golem - Slow

As an action you can target one or more creatures you can see within 5 feet of you. Each target must make a Wisdom saving throw vs your Spell Save against this magic. On a failed save, a target can’t use reactions, its speed is halved, and it can’t make more than one attack on its turn. These effects last for 1 minute. A target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Once you use Slow, you cannot do so again until after completing a short or long rest.

Dragon - Chromatic Dragon - Breath Weapon

You gain a breathe weapon. As an action, you can use it. You can use your breathe attack once and cannot do so again until after a long rest. Choose one of the five chromatic dragon’s powers to absorb:

  • Black: 4d6 Acid Damage, 5 by 30 ft. line (Dex save vs Spell Save)
  • Blue: 4d6 Lightning Damage, 5 by 30 ft. line (Dex save vs Spell Save)
  • Green: 4d6 Poison Damage, 5 by 30 ft. cone (Con save vs Spell Save)
  • Red: 4d6 Fire Damage, 5 by 30 ft. cone (Dex save vs Spell Save)
  • White: 4d6 Cold Damage, 5 by 30 ft. cone (Con save vs Spell Save)

Additionally, you have advantage on Charisma checks with dragons of the same color.

Dragon - Faerie Dragon - Euphoria Blast

As an action you can exhale a puff of euphoria gas at one creature within 5 feet of you. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw vs your Spell Save, or for 1 minute, the target can’t take reactions and must roll a d6 at the start of each of its turns to determine its behavior.

  • 1-3: The target takes no action or bonus action and uses all of its movement to move in a random direction.
  • 4-6: The target doesn’t move and the only thing it can do on its turn is make a Wisdom saving throw vs your Spell Save, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Dragon - Metallic Dragon - Breath Weapon

You gain a breathe weapon. As an action, you can use it. You can use your breathe attack once and cannot do so again until after a long rest. Choose one of the five chromatic dragon’s powers to absorb:

  • Brass: 4d6 Fire Damage, 5 by 30 ft. line (Dex save vs Spell Save)
  • Bronze: 4d6 Lightning Damage, 5 by 30 ft. line (Dex save vs Spell Save)
  • Copper: 4d6 Acid Damage, 5 by 30 ft. line (Dex save vs Spell Save)
  • Gold: 4d6 Fire Damage, 5 by 30 ft. cone (Dex save vs Spell Save)
  • Silver: 4d6 Cold Damage, 5 by 30 ft. cone (Con save vs Spell Save)

Additionally, you have advantage on Charisma checks with dragons of the same color.

Elemental - Elemental - Elemental Attack

You gain a natural attack based on one elemental. As an action, you can use it. Choose one of the four elemental’s powers to absorb:

  • Air: Whirlwind: Each creature within 5 feet of you must make a Strength saving throw vs your Spell Save. On a failure, a target takes 3d8 + Str bludgeoning damage and is flung up to 10 feet away from you in a random direction and knocked prone. If a thrown target strikes an object, such as a wall or floor, the target takes an additional 1d6 bludgeoning damage. If the target is thrown at another creature, that creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw vs your Spell Save or take the same damage and be knocked prone. If the saving throw is successful, the target takes half the bludgeoning damage and isn’t flung away or knocked prone. Once you use Whirlwind, you cannot do so again until after a short or long rest.
  • Earth: Earth Glide: You can burrow through nonmagical, unworked earth and stone. While doing so, you don’t disturb the material it moves through.
  • Fire: Touch: As an action, you can touch one something in range, dealing 2d6 + Dex fire damage. If the target is a creature or a flammable object, it ignites. Until a creature takes an action to douse the fire, the target takes 1d10 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. You cannot have more than one creature be ignited from this trait at a time, you can however, still make the attack.
  • Water: Whelm: Each creature within 5 feet of you must make a Strength saving throw vs your Spell Save. On a failure, a target takes 2d8 + Str bludgeoning damage. If it is large or smaller, it is also grappled. Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained and unable to breathe unless it can breathe water. If the saving throw is successful, the target is released from your grapple. You can grapple one Large creature or up to two Medium or smaller creatures at a time with this ability. At the start of each of your turns, each grappled target takes 2d8 + Str bludgeoning damage. As an action, a creature within 5 feet of you can pull a creature or object out of your grapple by succeeding on a Strength (Athletics) check vs your Spell Save.

Elemental - Gargoyle - Immunities

You are immune to exhaustion, petrification, and being poisoned.

Elemental - Genie - Genie Trait

You gain a trait based on one genie. Choose one of the four genie’s powers to absorb:

  • Dao: Sure-Footed: You have advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws made against effects that would knock it prone.
  • Djinni: Create WhirlwindA 5-foot-radius, 15-foot-tall cylinder of swirling air magically forms on a point you can see within 60 feet of you. The whirlwind lasts as long as you maintain concentration (as if concentrating on a spell). Any creature except you that enters the whirlwind must succeed on a Strength saving throw vs your Spell Save or be restrained by it. You can move the whirlwind up to 30 feet as an action, and creatures restrained by the whirlwind move with it. The whirlwind ends after 1 minute or if you lose sight of it. Once you use Create Whirlwind, you may not do so again until after completing a short or long rest.
  • Efreeti: Hurl Flame: You gain a ranged spell attack. You can target one creature or object within 60 feet of you. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 fire damage.
  • Marid: Water Jet: As an action, you can shoot water in a 30 foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a Dexterity saving throw vs your Spell Save. On a failure, a target takes 4d6 bludgeoning damage and, if it is Huge or smaller, is pushed up to 20 feet away from you and knocked prone. On a success, a target takes half the bludgeoning damage, but is neither pushed nor knocked prone. Once you use Water Jet, you cannot do so again until after completing a short or long rest.

Fey - Bheur Hag - Weapon Magic

When you don this mask, choose one object in your inventory. While you wear this mask, that object is also treated as a broom of flying.

Fey - Korred - Command Hair

Your hair can grow to the length of a 25-foot-long rope. As a bonus action, you can command the rope to entangle a Large or smaller creature that you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw vs your Spell Save or become grappled. Until this grapple ends the target is restrained. You can use a bonus action to release the target, which is also freed if your hit points reach 0 or you become incapacitated. Your hair rope has an AC of 20 and 20 hit points. It is destroyed if its hit points reach 0. This hair cannot be regrown until the mask is removed.

Fey - Meenlock - Fear Aura

Any beast or humanoid that starts its turn within 5 feet of you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw vs your Spell Save or be frightened of you until the start of the creature’s next turn.

Fiend - Balor - Fire Aura

As an action, you can emit a fiery aura. For one minute, at the start of each of your turns, each creature within 5 feet of you takes 2d6 fire damage, and flammable objects in the aura that aren’t being worn or carried ignite. A creature that touches or hits you with a melee attack while within 5 feet of you takes 2d6 fire damage.

Fiend - Bearded Devil - Steadfast

You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened while you can see an allied creature within 30 feet of you.

Fiend - Rakshasa - Limited Magic Immunity

You can’t be affected or detected by spells of 4 level or lower unless you wish to be. You have advantage on saving throws against all other spells and magical effects.

Giant - Ettin - Two Heads

You grow an additional head. Your second head cannot wear an additional monster mask. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and on saving throws against being blinded, deafened, and stunned.

Giant - Giant - Giant Trait

You gain a trait based on one giant. Choose one of the six giant’s powers to absorb:

  • Cloud Giant: You can magically teleport as a bonus action. You teleport to an unoccupied space you can see that is no farther away than 10 feet.
  • Fire Giant: You gain a bonus to weapon damage rolls equal to your Constitution score.
  • Frost Giant: After you successfully cast a spell, or hit with a spell attack, you gain temporary hit points equal to your constitution modifier.
  • Hill Giant: After you successfully cast a spell or hit with an attack, you can target one creature within 5 feet of you that you can see. The target creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw vs your Spell Save or be pushed a number of feet away from you equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier. A target can choose to fail this save.
  • Stone Giant: Immediately after you successfully cast a spell, you gain a bonus to AC equal to half of your Constitution modifier (rounded down).
  • Storm Giant: As a bonus action, you can target up to three creatures of your choice that you can see within 15 feet of you. Each target takes lightning damage equal to your constitution modifier.

Giant - Troll - Regeneration

At the beginning of each of your turns, you regain 1d10 hit points. If you take acid or fire damage, this trait doesn't function at the start of your next turn. This trait doesn't function if you reach 0 hit points or are incapacitated.

Humanoid - Aarakocra - Fly

You gain a fly speed equal to your walking speed. You cannot use your fly speed while wearing heavy armor or wielding a weapon with the heavy property.

Humanoid - Gnoll - Rampage

When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a melee attack on its turn, you can take a bonus action to move up to half your speed and make a melee attack.

Humanoid - Nagpa - Paralysis

As an action, you can force each creature within 15 feet of you to succeed on a Wisdom saving throw vs your Spell Save or be paralyzed for 1 minute. A paralyzed target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Undead and constructs are immune to this effect. Once you use Paralysis, you cannot do so again until after a short or long rest.

Monstrosity - Drider - Spider Climb

Your legs disappear and are replaced by a spider’s body. You can climb on difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check. Additionally, a Medium or smaller creature can ride on your spider back if you allow it.

Monstrosity - Hydra - Reactive Heads

You grow an extra head. This head cannot wear an additional monster mask. If you take 20 or more damage in a single turn, your second head dies. While you have your extra head, you can take an extra reaction on each of your turns.

Monstrosity - Spirit Naga - Rejuvenation

If you die, you return to life in 1d6 days and regain all of your hit points. Only a wish spell can prevent this trait from functioning.

Ooze - Black Pudding - Corrosive Form

As an action, you can restructure your body. For 1 minute, any creature that touches you or hits you with a melee attack while within 5 feet of you takes 1d8 acid damage. Any non-magical weapon made of metal or wood hits you corrodes. After dealing damage, the weapon takes a permanent and cumulative -1 penalty to damage rolls. If its penalty drops to -5, the weapon is destroyed. Non magical ammunition made of metal or wood that hits you is destroyed after dealing damage. Once you use Corrosive Form, you cannot do so again until after a long rest.

Ooze - Gelatinous Cube - Engulf

As an action, you can restructure your body. For 1 minute, you can enter Large or smaller creatures’ spaces. Whenever you enter a creature’s space, the creature must make a Dexterity saving throw vs your Spell Save. On a failed save, you enter the creature’s space, and the creature takes 2d8 acid damage and is engulfed. The engulfed creature can’t breathe, is restrained, and takes 2d6 acid damage at the start of each of your turns. If you move, the engulfed creature moves with you. On a successful save, the creature can choose to be pushed 5 feet back or to the side of you. A creature that chooses not to be pushed suffers the consequences of a failed saving throw.An engulfed creature can try to escape by taking an action to make a Strength check vs your Spell Save. On a success, the creature escapes and enters a space of its choice within 5 feet of you. Once you use Engulf, you cannot do so again until after a long rest.

Ooze - Ochre Jelly - Split

As an action, you can restructure your body. For 1 minute, when your size is Medium or larger and you are subjected to lightning or slashing damage, as a reaction, you can split into two new jellies if you have at least 10 hit points. Each new jelly has hit points equal to half of your current hit points, rounded down. You and your new jelly are one size smaller than when you used this feature. All jellies have their own place in the initiative order. If you or any jellies deal damage while you are Small, your damage takes a penalty equal to your Strength modifier. All spell slots, abilities, features, etc. are shared between you and any additional jellies. Once you use Split, you cannot do so again until after a long rest.

Plant - Shambling Mound - Lightning Absorption

Whenever you are subjected to lightning damage, you take no damage and regain a number of hit points equal to half of the lightning damage dealt.

Plant - Thorny - Regeneration

You regain 1d10 hit points at the start of each of your turns. If you take cold, fire, or necrotic damage, this trait doesn’t function at the start of your next turn. If your current hit points reach 0 or you are incapacitated, you no longer gain hit points due to this trait.

Plant - Treant - Animate Trees

You magically animate one or two trees you can see within 60 feet of you. These trees share the same statistics as you, except they have half of your maximum hit points, Intelligence and Charisma scores of 1, they can’t speak, and they can only make unarmed attacks. An animated tree acts as an ally of yours. The tree remains animate for 1 day or until it dies; until you become incapacitated or is more than 120 feet from you; or until you take a bonus action to turn it back into an inanimate tree. The tree then takes root if possible. Once you use Animate Trees, you cannot do so again until after completing a long rest.

Undead - Ghost - Incorporeal Movement

You can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. You take 1d10 force damage if you end your turn inside an object.

Undead - Vampire - Legendary Resistance

If you fail a saving throw, you can choose to succeed instead. Additionally, you have Sunlight Hypersensitivity. If you start your turn in sunlight, you take 4d10 radiant damage. While in sunlight, you have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks. Once you use Legendary Resistance, you cannot do so again until after completing a long rest.

Undead - Wraith - Create Specter

As an action, target a humanoid within 10 feet of you that has been dead for no longer than 1 minute and died violently. The target’s spirit rises as a specter in the space of its corpse or in the nearest unoccupied space. The specter is under your control. Once you use Create Specter, you cannot do so again until after completing a long rest.

Duality Mask

At 15th level, your body and spirit's constitution increases. You can now wear up to two monster masks at the same time.


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