I'm having a similar issue the book was working this morning and I could read it fine got through the opening chapter and into the races when I went to read the dragonmarks section it dumped me to the marketplace saying I'd purchased the preorder as though the book hadn't been released but I could still read anything I'd already read just nothing after.
I looked on here to see advice about cache clearing - I did this and now can't access any of the book at all
Eberron:RftLW isn't in the app yet it's not a bug they need to push an update before it will show I expect it won't be long but will likely be a couple of days
If I create a character that is a Rock Gnome Artificer, you get Tinker's Tools proficiency from both, but you should be able to pick a different Tool proficiency when there's duplicates.
When selecting the Artificer Battlesmith the feature "Battle Ready" does not apply atm. I tried using +1 Weapons and the Artificers own Radiant Weapon to make sure i am using a Magic weapon. Intelligence is not being used as modifier for attack and dmg.
I preordered The Source and when I click to access it it takes me to the table of contents. Then when I click on a content to view it takes me to the Marketplace Page to purchase, and says the book has already been preordered. Can't view anything. Also Can't access the new Artificer Class in Character Creation.
It seems like purchasing just the Artificer subclasses does not grant access to the infusions (in any form as far as I can tell) or to the steel defender creature. Is this as intended? Should the steel defender be included in the battle smith subclass?
I can't access the spell list, or the infusions despite having purchased all the sub classes
I know you are still working on Infusions, I can use the infusion option to create magical items without problems. The only thing missing is the "Attunement" option for them, and without it some items don't give the bonus intended on the sheet (For example, "Gauntlets of Ogre Power" don't give 19 in Strength).
I purchased the Warforged race back in WGtE, I cant see this in the list of races when creating a character, either as the Warforged (UA) version or as the updated RftLW version. I've cleared my cache etc. Am I supposed to be able to see the archived version or the latest version? Am I going to have to buy this content again? Thanks.
The DMG classifies pistols as martial ranged weapons but the infusions don't allow for a pistol to be the target item when it should. This means no cool repeating shot pistols!
All the pre order bonuses are doubled, have 2 of each frame, background, etc. And Adam Bradford said anyone who bought WGtE before ERotLW was released, they would get it's pre orders as well, but nothing yet.
I'm having a similar issue the book was working this morning and I could read it fine got through the opening chapter and into the races when I went to read the dragonmarks section it dumped me to the marketplace saying I'd purchased the preorder as though the book hadn't been released but I could still read anything I'd already read just nothing after.
I looked on here to see advice about cache clearing - I did this and now can't access any of the book at all
Eberron:RftLW isn't in the app yet it's not a bug they need to push an update before it will show I expect it won't be long but will likely be a couple of days
If I create a character that is a Rock Gnome Artificer, you get Tinker's Tools proficiency from both, but you should be able to pick a different Tool proficiency when there's duplicates.
I also had access to the book earlier, and now it is gone.
Yup waiting for them to add these items. Also I can’t choose any of the dragonmarked races.
When selecting the Artificer Battlesmith the feature "Battle Ready" does not apply atm. I tried using +1 Weapons and the Artificers own Radiant Weapon to make sure i am using a Magic weapon. Intelligence is not being used as modifier for attack and dmg.
Add my name to the list of people who had access to the material and now cannot access it anymore. =/
Edit: Should go without saying I pre-ordered it.
Try deleting your cookies and cache. had to do so multiple times but it allways helps.
I preordered The Source and when I click to access it it takes me to the table of contents. Then when I click on a content to view it takes me to the Marketplace Page to purchase, and says the book has already been preordered. Can't view anything. Also Can't access the new Artificer Class in Character Creation.
I can't access the spell list, or the infusions despite having purchased all the sub classes
I know you are still working on Infusions, I can use the infusion option to create magical items without problems. The only thing missing is the "Attunement" option for them, and without it some items don't give the bonus intended on the sheet (For example, "Gauntlets of Ogre Power" don't give 19 in Strength).
Broken Link: in the section https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/erftlw/welcome-to-eberron#AMagicalWorld, the paragraph "Game statistics are given for magewrights in chapter 6", that link to "chapter 6" incorrectly links to "https://www.dndbeyond.com/vecna/erftlw/friends-and-foes" instead of "https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/erftlw/friends-and-foes" - thanks!
Another broken link: in the section https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/erftlw/welcome-to-eberron#DragonmarkedDynasties, the paragraph, "Chapter 1 contains more details about dragonmarks and the dragonmarked houses, along with rules for creating dragonmarked characters.", that link to "Chapter 1" incorrectly links to "https://www.dndbeyond.com/vecna/erftlw/character-creation-dragonmarks" instead of "https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/erftlw/character-creation-dragonmarks" - thanks!
Don't know if this one was reported yet but on the artificer page, the picture of Battle Smith has the following Tag: Batle Smith with Steel Defender
Clear your cache on your browser. That's what i had to do in order to access it.
Disregard I realized this is because on dndbeyond I dont own the dungeon masters guide.
I purchased the Warforged race back in WGtE, I cant see this in the list of races when creating a character, either as the Warforged (UA) version or as the updated RftLW version.
I've cleared my cache etc.
Am I supposed to be able to see the archived version or the latest version?
Am I going to have to buy this content again?
I pre-ordered and could access it this morning.... but now I cannot.
The DMG classifies pistols as martial ranged weapons but the infusions don't allow for a pistol to be the target item when it should. This means no cool repeating shot pistols!
All the pre order bonuses are doubled, have 2 of each frame, background, etc.
And Adam Bradford said anyone who bought WGtE before ERotLW was released, they would get it's pre orders as well, but nothing yet.
Fixed - thank you!
Also fixed - thank you!
Pun-loving nerd | Faith Elisabeth Lilley | She/Her/Hers | Profile art by Becca Golins
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