This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Day 4 Persuasion Roll: 14 to see if Galingal can get any more information about what the drow elf has done.
Day 6:
Galingal listens to the new voices, while holding the large spider in his hand, and idly pulling and twisting the mask covering his eyes.
"Are guards nearby?" he asks the room in general, never being sure who is near him.
Once anyone confirms there are no guards eavesdropping, Galingal continues.
"I don't want to go home," Galingal begins, "but I don't want to slave for drow either. We are many now. Escape is possible. When we are out, how many guards have been seen? Do guards carry key to jail door?"
He pauses, to make sure guards haven't shown up.
"If I can get mask off," he continues, "can get out of cell. Get key. We leave."
The drow doesn't respond to Io's pleas, and instead finishes his bowl of broth and wanders back to curl up against a wall.
Day 6: Stena
You aren't able to decide between the gooseberry and plum or the blackberry and fig. A second slice of each is probably called for.
Day 6: Thom
You've never heard of the Prince before, nor the Kingdom he claims to hail from. You are familiar with the High Forest, and have traveled to and through it multiple times, but never came across Nelrindenvane, nor heard tell of it.
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DM:Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
The drow weighs you with his eyes for a while, before deciding to share with you... or deciding he has nothing left to lose. He gets a bit worked up as he speaks in Elvish.
"They accuse me of murder, but I have no recollection of it. I didn't like him, but I don't like any of them. It has to be a set up, I KNOW IT! If I can prove it, they'll have to let me go!"
His fists clench and his bloodshot eyes bulge before he gets his ragged breathing under control. He speaks words of hope, but that's not reflected in his demeanor, and he soon withdraws into a quiet huddle.
Day 6: Galingal and other prisoners
"In roof tower. Watching.", grunts a deep voice in response to your question about guards.
((For every two days you've been a prisoner, make a Perception roll, and we'll see if anyone has managed to pick up any tidbits. NPCs may have also picked up on some gossip, or otherwise know details you're interested in.))
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DM:Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
When the drow mentions he was accused of murder and has no recollection of it, he thinks of asking more but decides to continue to keep quiet. He thinks to himself ya. no recollection of it my arse
Day 6
When Galingal starts talking about a potential escape, Thom perks up. He does not respond to the tattooed elf who is masked, but he waits to see how all of the other prisoners respond to the elf's questions.
The first time Thom speaks is now, and it is only one word. It is in elvish, and it is spoken to the beast who is claiming they are Prince Derendil. He gives him a cold stare and says, in Elvish:
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Day 6: Thom and other prisoners
The furry face contorts in anger as Derendil bellows in Elvish that transitions to a furious roar as he launches himself at Thom
Initiative: 7
The other NPCs fall back to the walls, not wanting to get in the way of the two new guys duking it out. Jimjar does whisper over to Lex, "Five silver on the elf?"
((I'll need initiative from Thom and anyone else who things they might like to do something in this moment.))
Day 6: Stena
Stena is well fed, warm, dry and comfortable. She's awoken in the middle of the night, a half remembered dream fading as she rolls over and goes back to sleep, breathe sighing softly in and out as she descends back into her cozy dreams.
Day 6: Lia
Not the plushest of accommodations, but it was free as long as you provided a show, which you certainly did! A slightly cramped room but a full belly and full purse isn't the worst way to spend the night.
Of course she couldn't leave well enough alone, and just had to send you dreams. Dark dreams, filled with skittering and screaming. She wants you to do something, and you've a sense of where she wants you to go, but you've been putting it off a bit.
((You both are! While 'higher DEX' isn't RAW, we'll use that to decide the tie in this case, so Thom has the slightest of edges and can act before the angry Prince pounces on him.))
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM:Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Galingal hears the accusation of liar thrown out and the angry response and shakes his head. This would be a good diversion if he had managed to loosen this mask already but now it's just inconvenient.
Not knowing who the combatants are or where they're fighting, Galingal edges himself up the nearest wall, keeping his back to it and makes his way over to the bars to keep an ear out for any guards responding to the fight.
Returning from a long day of work, exhausted and starving, Lex hardly blinks at the sight of a new prisoner or his odd choice of headwear. She approaches the half-elf, collapsing against the wall next to him. She gives a single nod of greeting, then a few seconds later, closes her eyes and dozes off.
She only rouses when dinner is brought to grab a bowl of broth, practically inhale it, then let her head drop against the cool stone again and her eyes drift shut.
Day 5:
Lex sighs and shakes her head when Ront attempts to escape. She knew he was stupid, but honestly, did he really think that would work? If they wanted to get out, an organized effort would be their best bet, and even then, chances were slim. Then again, who would want to team up with him?
Noticing Thom's curious glance, she quietly explains,"He's an idiot. Tried to fight me on the first day, didn't go so well for him. I thought he had settled down, but apparently not."
She refuses to give the drow a reaction to the punishment, clenching her jaw and fixing her gaze forward. When the guards finally leave, she glances around for anyone who was particularly affected and tries to help them into a more comfortable position for the night.
Day 6:
Lex doesn't respond just yet to Galingal's plan - admittedly, she had been thinking about the same thing, but she worried about finding an opportune moment when the guards wouldn't be in their way. She tries to recall anything she's noticed about their schedules or what they've been discussing.
Perception rolls: 132011
When the beast launches itself at the half-elf, she whispers back to Jimjar, "I'm not letting this happen,"then steps forward.
Thom nods back at Lex, not saying anything to her yet.
Day 5
Thom shakes his head when Lex tells him about the fight on the first day. He just responds back "Yeh, apparently not."and cracks the smallest of smiles. He takes note of how well she took the lashings. Thom could only keep some of the yells in.
Day 6
Thom, somewhat surprised at the beasts reaction but at the same time not surprised at all, tries to stay as light on his feet as he can when he sees the thing jump at him. He takes note of the manacles around his own legs and readies himself to try and avoid the oncoming prince whether it's trying to pounce on him or swipe at him or bite him. He responds, in Elvish:
Not the plushest of accommodations, it’s true. But then, she hadn't been expecting a great deal when she’d arrived at this small frontier town a full tenday ago. The townsfolk were welcoming enough, but she hadn’t come here to sing and entertain the locals. She was stalling and she knew it. Reluctant to take the next step.
She’d finally found it though… the mine, nestled between twin mountains, just as it had been shown to her in her dreams. And now she was here.
But the dreams had been getting worse, and this one was the worst yet…
Lia wakes up with a start and sits bolt upright. It’s still dark outside, but her eyes are used to the dark.
She shivers at the thought of those skittering things clawing at her skin. In her dream, they reached her and tore at her flesh until she was slowly being ripped apart. Each gash and tear in her skin seemed to release rays of brilliant, blinding light that threatened to obliterated all else. But more skittering things came, hundreds upon thousands… their shear numbers overwhelming, and they blocked out the light entirely until nothing more remained but darkness…
The first time she’d had this vision, she woke up screaming, but over the months she’s learned to control the fear, and now she just sits there, breathing deeply, calmly, detached, humming a tune quietly to herself to ward off the nightmares.
She looks across to her bag. It’s been packed for days, but it’s clear that now’s the time she has to move on. SHE has returned to her. She’d been absent for some time, but now She’s back in her dreams, and there’s no doubt in Lia’s mind now: she must go Below…
Lia pulls on her travelling clothes, and grabs up her lyre and her flute. She takes one last look at civilisation and walks out into the dark, walking the last few hundred metres towards the mine: the place that some she’d questioned called The Gullet… or The Dark Path… but most people who’d been there just called it The Entrance Below…
As Thom speaks, there's a split second where the rage vanishes from Derendil's eyes and they widen in surprise. Mid swing, he attempts to pull the swipe by throwing himself bodily to the floor, drawing a shuddering breath as he gets to his feet with a rattle of chain and brushes off his fur, trying to slick the bit on his forehead back, even as slavering drool dribbles from his mouth.
After composing himself a moment, he addresses Thom in Elvish.
"You're absolutely right. I fear the longer I remain in this form, the more its savage nature begins to overwrite my own. Please accept my apologies for nearly striking you, my mother would be very ashamed. My younger brother once kicked a servant when we were children, and she saw to it that he soon learned to treat all of our subjects with dignity. Again, I apologize. I am not myself, but I shall not let that excuse my actions. I am a Prince, and must master my emotions."
He inclines his shaggy head to Thom in a nod.
"If you would consent, I'd like it if you were willing to serve as my advisor. I'm afraid the pay is a bit lacking at the moment, but your insightful words tethered me in my moment of anger. If my nose informs me correctly, you have elvish blood yourself? I child of man and elf? A blessed union indeed, you are quite a hardy looking individual! I've long though that an influx of human heritage could provide some hybrid vigor and fertility to the elven lineage. Not that it would be seemly for royalty, at least not yet, but perhaps over time... Not that I'm looking to set anything up for you! But a valued advisor to a Prince comes with its own appeal... perhaps a younger daughter of a minor noble house? I shall have to consult the genealogies, and see.... do you know your elven parentage? First generation, or farther back? I think the genealogies are in the south libr--- oh..."
The Prince's animated discussion is brought up short when he looks around and is reminded what he is, and where he is.
Gossip and info: Galingal
You've heard the guards always come to the tower in at least a group of three, and when there's been commotions, it doesn't take them long to get here. There is a 10-15 ft swinging rope bridge that leads to the slave pens, but it's connected to something you suspect is a watch post that would give them a clear view of the slave pen entrance at least.
You gathered that one of the drow is heavily scarred following some sort of injury. This drow, Jorlan, used to warm Mistress Ilvara's bed, but has been replaced by another drow male named Shoor.
Gossip and info: Lex
You'd already gotten a sense of something oppressive tamping down your fire, but you overheard a couple of drow males talking about how one of the prisoners they had brought it seemed sure that someone would be scrying for them magically.
• Slave pens inhibit casting of spells and block scrying or other divination magics.
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DM:Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
As Galingal realizes the fight is not going to happen, he steps away from the cell bars and back along the wall, listening to Thom's and the other voice; the one that speaks elvish fluently but with a rough, coarse edge to it. Someone raised by elves, he wonders to himself.
Seeing no reason to hide the information he has learned, Galingal speaks to the group, not sure where everyone is.
"Have you seen drow with many scars? He comes with priestess" Galingal says. "Used to have sex with priestess but now not top consort. This drow, Jorlan, might have jealousy. Maybe we exploit."
Galingal sits down where he is, folding his legs under his body, hands resting on his knees.
"If we get cell open, still watchtower and guards across bridge," Galingal continues. "Either draw guards here with more fake fight, or get mask of my face and I can shadow step there."
He pauses for a moment, pulling at the mask again.
"But I can do nothing with mask on. Once ready to act, I need mask off."
Lex is on the balls of her feet, ready to jump in and separate the two, but then the large creature abruptly stops and starts monologuing in a language she doesn't understand. She hesitates. "Are we done here?"She asks in Common, then repeats in Undercommon in hopes that both of them understand at least one of the languages.
Pending confirmation that the two have settled their mysterious disagreement, she moves over to sit with Galingal. "I'm pretty sure I can get it off when the time comes. I don't know if they care about us fighting. This wasn't the first one, and I don't see them rushing over to break us up."
"As for your teleportation, I don't know if it'll work in the cell. Most magic doesn't, even the inherent kind, like mine."
Lex holds out a hand to demonstrate. She speaks a word in an unfamiliar, guttural language, and the swirling orange markings on her forearm begin to glow faintly. A moment passes, her hand starting to tremble from the effort. There's a whiff of sulfurous smoke, and maybe a few meager sparks, but.... nothing. She looks back up with a shrug.
"I think exploiting this drow would be our best bet. He might want revenge, and if we can help him get it, he may be willing to help us in return. If one of us catches him alone, we should bring it up."
You hear a click, and look up to see the iron gate softly swinging open. You call out into the darkness where the other slaves lurk, and carefully push it open. Slowly, carefully you move forward, easing onto the rope bridge, when something pricks your arm. Instinctively, you slap at it, and spatter some sort of buzzing fly. You wait, as the sound of your hand slapping your flesh reverberates softly over the sound of the waterfall. The drow don't seem to have heard... why aren't the other slaves following you?
Your arm begins to itch, as something moves under the skin. The itching becomes fiery pain, unbearable for a few moments before it fades into nothing. Your relief is short lived, as the lack of sensation reveals a new horror.... writhing, twisting somethings within your arm as hit hangs limp at your side... a pause, and then you can hear the scritching as dozens after dozens of thumb-sized maggots chew their way through your skin and rapidly form pupae anchored in your skin, slack now from the muscle consumed within. You scream, but nothing comes out as the pupae begin to crack open, more of the flies taking wing as the skin of your arm hangs loose around your bone like an empty waterskin. Backing up in horror, your back catches on the railing of the rope bridge and you plummet down, finally finding your voice to scream...
And awake with a jolt on the floor of the slave pen.
As your sorting dream from reality, you have a moment of panic when you can't feel your right arm.... but it seems you rolled over on it and it just fell asleep, as prickling feeling begins to return.
Day 6, 'night': All Prisoners
You're awakened by the pale human (Io) screaming as she wakes up from a dream.
Day 7: Lia
Well... that could have gone better. Not more than twenty minutes after mustering yourself to follow her prodding and actually enter the mine, you turned a corner and came face to face with a half dozen drow. A crossbow bolt later and you were face down on the floor. You're not sure how long you were out, but when you came to, you were manacled and being watched over by two drow males, you think they are some of the ones that captured you, but it's hard to say. They seem to be waiting for others, as they note you being awake, but don't say or do anything other than peer out into the darkness spotted with bits of luminous glow. You see your instruments strapped to the pack of one of the drow.
You get a sense that you've come a fair way, and gone deeper than most folk in that village above would have any need or reason to.
After a while of waiting, two more drow appear, each carrying a struggling form before them. Bluish grey skin, bulbous noses and scraggly hair, they are writhing about, trying to kick, claw and bite their captors.
((You can make a Knowledge check to see if you know what race these folk are.))
As they approach, the drow watching over you seem highly amused by their fellows struggles, the new drow barking something at them and your guards chuckling as they step up and jab the pair of prisoners with a crossbow bolt each. The pair go limp in their captors hands, who seem much relieved. One of your guards shakes the rope attached to your bindings, and gestures for you to get up.
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DM:Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
After that, Thom calms down a bit as the adrenaline leaves his body and he listens to this so called prince in some beast form ramble on about royalty and pretentious elven stuff. Some things never change he thinks to himself. The younger daughter of some noble house part really erks him. Takes him back. Although this 'Prince' seems open to the idea of a half-elf... strange. BAH, I'll never understand he thinks to himself. Don't care, anyway. He thinks to himself.
"Aye, I've both elven and human blood, but my history and parentage need not concern you. I've no desire to be any type of advisor. I just want to get out of here. Do you have any ideas regarding THAT?"
Thom responds to Lex in common, referring to the scuffle with the Prince "Yes. We're done here." and then would take a keen interest when Lex tries her magic, watching her forearm glow intently.
Thom listens when Lex and Galingal talk about exploiting the drow and him being a potential tool for escaping. He isn't too optimistic, but he'd nod at Lex when she mentions that if anyone is alone with the drow to bringup what Galingal has said and the drow potentially wanting revenge (Thom hopes its not him).
At least someone is thinking about trying to get out of here, he thinks. He'd say to Lex and Galingal "Oh. I'm Tom."
Thom is annoyed at being woken by Lo's dream and tries to go back to sleep.
@Spider, Thom still has the rabbit headdress on, yes?
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Day 4 Persuasion Roll: 14 to see if Galingal can get any more information about what the drow elf has done.
Day 6:
Galingal listens to the new voices, while holding the large spider in his hand, and idly pulling and twisting the mask covering his eyes.
"Are guards nearby?" he asks the room in general, never being sure who is near him.
Once anyone confirms there are no guards eavesdropping, Galingal continues.
"I don't want to go home," Galingal begins, "but I don't want to slave for drow either. We are many now. Escape is possible. When we are out, how many guards have been seen? Do guards carry key to jail door?"
He pauses, to make sure guards haven't shown up.
"If I can get mask off," he continues, "can get out of cell. Get key. We leave."
Day 3: All prisoners
The drow doesn't respond to Io's pleas, and instead finishes his bowl of broth and wanders back to curl up against a wall.
Day 6: Stena
You aren't able to decide between the gooseberry and plum or the blackberry and fig. A second slice of each is probably called for.
Day 6: Thom
You've never heard of the Prince before, nor the Kingdom he claims to hail from. You are familiar with the High Forest, and have traveled to and through it multiple times, but never came across Nelrindenvane, nor heard tell of it.
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
Day 4: Galingal and other prisoners
The drow weighs you with his eyes for a while, before deciding to share with you... or deciding he has nothing left to lose. He gets a bit worked up as he speaks in Elvish.
"They accuse me of murder, but I have no recollection of it. I didn't like him, but I don't like any of them. It has to be a set up, I KNOW IT! If I can prove it, they'll have to let me go!"
His fists clench and his bloodshot eyes bulge before he gets his ragged breathing under control. He speaks words of hope, but that's not reflected in his demeanor, and he soon withdraws into a quiet huddle.
Day 6: Galingal and other prisoners
"In roof tower. Watching.", grunts a deep voice in response to your question about guards.
((For every two days you've been a prisoner, make a Perception roll, and we'll see if anyone has managed to pick up any tidbits. NPCs may have also picked up on some gossip, or otherwise know details you're interested in.))
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
Day 4
When the drow mentions he was accused of murder and has no recollection of it, he thinks of asking more but decides to continue to keep quiet. He thinks to himself ya. no recollection of it my arse
Day 6
When Galingal starts talking about a potential escape, Thom perks up. He does not respond to the tattooed elf who is masked, but he waits to see how all of the other prisoners respond to the elf's questions.
The first time Thom speaks is now, and it is only one word. It is in elvish, and it is spoken to the beast who is claiming they are Prince Derendil. He gives him a cold stare and says, in Elvish:
3 perception rolls: 8 19 12
*In a tavern far away*
Stena wipes her mouth and belches contentedly. She nods to the tavern owner before giving a wave to a pair of acquaintances as she heads out.
*In a home far away*
Back home she yawns, freshens up and falls into her soft bed for a long, comfortable night of untroubled sleep.
Day 6: Thom and other prisoners
The furry face contorts in anger as Derendil bellows in Elvish that transitions to a furious roar as he launches himself at Thom
Initiative: 7
The other NPCs fall back to the walls, not wanting to get in the way of the two new guys duking it out. Jimjar does whisper over to Lex, "Five silver on the elf?"
((I'll need initiative from Thom and anyone else who things they might like to do something in this moment.))
Day 6: Stena
Stena is well fed, warm, dry and comfortable. She's awoken in the middle of the night, a half remembered dream fading as she rolls over and goes back to sleep, breathe sighing softly in and out as she descends back into her cozy dreams.
Day 6: Lia
Not the plushest of accommodations, but it was free as long as you provided a show, which you certainly did! A slightly cramped room but a full belly and full purse isn't the worst way to spend the night.
Of course she couldn't leave well enough alone, and just had to send you dreams. Dark dreams, filled with skittering and screaming. She wants you to do something, and you've a sense of where she wants you to go, but you've been putting it off a bit.
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
((oh wow... this is so good...))
Thom initiative: 18
((Is Derendil in the manacles?))
((You both are! While 'higher DEX' isn't RAW, we'll use that to decide the tie in this case, so Thom has the slightest of edges and can act before the angry Prince pounces on him.))
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
Galingal hears the accusation of liar thrown out and the angry response and shakes his head. This would be a good diversion if he had managed to loosen this mask already but now it's just inconvenient.
Not knowing who the combatants are or where they're fighting, Galingal edges himself up the nearest wall, keeping his back to it and makes his way over to the bars to keep an ear out for any guards responding to the fight.
Day 4:
Returning from a long day of work, exhausted and starving, Lex hardly blinks at the sight of a new prisoner or his odd choice of headwear. She approaches the half-elf, collapsing against the wall next to him. She gives a single nod of greeting, then a few seconds later, closes her eyes and dozes off.
She only rouses when dinner is brought to grab a bowl of broth, practically inhale it, then let her head drop against the cool stone again and her eyes drift shut.
Day 5:
Lex sighs and shakes her head when Ront attempts to escape. She knew he was stupid, but honestly, did he really think that would work? If they wanted to get out, an organized effort would be their best bet, and even then, chances were slim. Then again, who would want to team up with him?
Noticing Thom's curious glance, she quietly explains, "He's an idiot. Tried to fight me on the first day, didn't go so well for him. I thought he had settled down, but apparently not."
She refuses to give the drow a reaction to the punishment, clenching her jaw and fixing her gaze forward. When the guards finally leave, she glances around for anyone who was particularly affected and tries to help them into a more comfortable position for the night.
Day 6:
Lex doesn't respond just yet to Galingal's plan - admittedly, she had been thinking about the same thing, but she worried about finding an opportune moment when the guards wouldn't be in their way. She tries to recall anything she's noticed about their schedules or what they've been discussing.
Perception rolls: 13 20 11
When the beast launches itself at the half-elf, she whispers back to Jimjar, "I'm not letting this happen," then steps forward.
Initiative: 15
Iris - Tiefling Cleric | Cassandra - Elf Warlock | Solace - Tiefling Monk | Tempest - Hexblood Monk | Lex - Fire Genasi Barbarian
Lilyn - Triton Ranger | Candor - Changeling Bard | Echo - Changeling Warlock/Bard | Rowan - Fairy Wizard
Day 4
Thom nods back at Lex, not saying anything to her yet.
Day 5
Thom shakes his head when Lex tells him about the fight on the first day. He just responds back "Yeh, apparently not." and cracks the smallest of smiles. He takes note of how well she took the lashings. Thom could only keep some of the yells in.
Day 6
Thom, somewhat surprised at the beasts reaction but at the same time not surprised at all, tries to stay as light on his feet as he can when he sees the thing jump at him. He takes note of the manacles around his own legs and readies himself to try and avoid the oncoming prince whether it's trying to pounce on him or swipe at him or bite him. He responds, in Elvish:
"Then where are you manners, PRINCE??"
Not the plushest of accommodations, it’s true. But then, she hadn't been expecting a great deal when she’d arrived at this small frontier town a full tenday ago. The townsfolk were welcoming enough, but she hadn’t come here to sing and entertain the locals. She was stalling and she knew it. Reluctant to take the next step.
She’d finally found it though… the mine, nestled between twin mountains, just as it had been shown to her in her dreams. And now she was here.
But the dreams had been getting worse, and this one was the worst yet…
Lia wakes up with a start and sits bolt upright. It’s still dark outside, but her eyes are used to the dark.
She shivers at the thought of those skittering things clawing at her skin. In her dream, they reached her and tore at her flesh until she was slowly being ripped apart. Each gash and tear in her skin seemed to release rays of brilliant, blinding light that threatened to obliterated all else. But more skittering things came, hundreds upon thousands… their shear numbers overwhelming, and they blocked out the light entirely until nothing more remained but darkness…
The first time she’d had this vision, she woke up screaming, but over the months she’s learned to control the fear, and now she just sits there, breathing deeply, calmly, detached, humming a tune quietly to herself to ward off the nightmares.
She looks across to her bag. It’s been packed for days, but it’s clear that now’s the time she has to move on. SHE has returned to her. She’d been absent for some time, but now She’s back in her dreams, and there’s no doubt in Lia’s mind now: she must go Below…
Lia pulls on her travelling clothes, and grabs up her lyre and her flute. She takes one last look at civilisation and walks out into the dark, walking the last few hundred metres towards the mine: the place that some she’d questioned called The Gullet… or The Dark Path… but most people who’d been there just called it The Entrance Below…
GILLAIN OF ATHKATLA - Human Paladin - Into the Mists PHILLIP THE GRUNG - Grung Eldritch Knight - Tomb of Annihilation
ROBWIN WINDROBE - High Elf Wizard - Dragon of Icespire Peak EVE DARKSHORE - Tiefling Warlock - Rime of the Frost Maiden
ASH OF THE FIRE - Tabaxi Rogue - Ghosts of Marshswamp LIA STARBORN - Aasimar Bard - Out of the Abyss
Day 6: All prisoners
As Thom speaks, there's a split second where the rage vanishes from Derendil's eyes and they widen in surprise. Mid swing, he attempts to pull the swipe by throwing himself bodily to the floor, drawing a shuddering breath as he gets to his feet with a rattle of chain and brushes off his fur, trying to slick the bit on his forehead back, even as slavering drool dribbles from his mouth.
After composing himself a moment, he addresses Thom in Elvish.
"You're absolutely right. I fear the longer I remain in this form, the more its savage nature begins to overwrite my own. Please accept my apologies for nearly striking you, my mother would be very ashamed. My younger brother once kicked a servant when we were children, and she saw to it that he soon learned to treat all of our subjects with dignity. Again, I apologize. I am not myself, but I shall not let that excuse my actions. I am a Prince, and must master my emotions."
He inclines his shaggy head to Thom in a nod.
"If you would consent, I'd like it if you were willing to serve as my advisor. I'm afraid the pay is a bit lacking at the moment, but your insightful words tethered me in my moment of anger. If my nose informs me correctly, you have elvish blood yourself? I child of man and elf? A blessed union indeed, you are quite a hardy looking individual! I've long though that an influx of human heritage could provide some hybrid vigor and fertility to the elven lineage. Not that it would be seemly for royalty, at least not yet, but perhaps over time... Not that I'm looking to set anything up for you! But a valued advisor to a Prince comes with its own appeal... perhaps a younger daughter of a minor noble house? I shall have to consult the genealogies, and see.... do you know your elven parentage? First generation, or farther back? I think the genealogies are in the south libr--- oh..."
The Prince's animated discussion is brought up short when he looks around and is reminded what he is, and where he is.
Gossip and info: Galingal
You've heard the guards always come to the tower in at least a group of three, and when there's been commotions, it doesn't take them long to get here. There is a 10-15 ft swinging rope bridge that leads to the slave pens, but it's connected to something you suspect is a watch post that would give them a clear view of the slave pen entrance at least.
You gathered that one of the drow is heavily scarred following some sort of injury. This drow, Jorlan, used to warm Mistress Ilvara's bed, but has been replaced by another drow male named Shoor.
Gossip and info: Lex
You'd already gotten a sense of something oppressive tamping down your fire, but you overheard a couple of drow males talking about how one of the prisoners they had brought it seemed sure that someone would be scrying for them magically.
• Slave pens inhibit casting of spells and block scrying or other divination magics.
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
As Galingal realizes the fight is not going to happen, he steps away from the cell bars and back along the wall, listening to Thom's and the other voice; the one that speaks elvish fluently but with a rough, coarse edge to it. Someone raised by elves, he wonders to himself.
Seeing no reason to hide the information he has learned, Galingal speaks to the group, not sure where everyone is.
"Have you seen drow with many scars? He comes with priestess" Galingal says. "Used to have sex with priestess but now not top consort. This drow, Jorlan, might have jealousy. Maybe we exploit."
Galingal sits down where he is, folding his legs under his body, hands resting on his knees.
"If we get cell open, still watchtower and guards across bridge," Galingal continues. "Either draw guards here with more fake fight, or get mask of my face and I can shadow step there."
He pauses for a moment, pulling at the mask again.
"But I can do nothing with mask on. Once ready to act, I need mask off."
Lex is on the balls of her feet, ready to jump in and separate the two, but then the large creature abruptly stops and starts monologuing in a language she doesn't understand. She hesitates. "Are we done here?" She asks in Common, then repeats in Undercommon in hopes that both of them understand at least one of the languages.
Pending confirmation that the two have settled their mysterious disagreement, she moves over to sit with Galingal. "I'm pretty sure I can get it off when the time comes. I don't know if they care about us fighting. This wasn't the first one, and I don't see them rushing over to break us up."
"As for your teleportation, I don't know if it'll work in the cell. Most magic doesn't, even the inherent kind, like mine."
Lex holds out a hand to demonstrate. She speaks a word in an unfamiliar, guttural language, and the swirling orange markings on her forearm begin to glow faintly. A moment passes, her hand starting to tremble from the effort. There's a whiff of sulfurous smoke, and maybe a few meager sparks, but.... nothing. She looks back up with a shrug.
"I think exploiting this drow would be our best bet. He might want revenge, and if we can help him get it, he may be willing to help us in return. If one of us catches him alone, we should bring it up."
Iris - Tiefling Cleric | Cassandra - Elf Warlock | Solace - Tiefling Monk | Tempest - Hexblood Monk | Lex - Fire Genasi Barbarian
Lilyn - Triton Ranger | Candor - Changeling Bard | Echo - Changeling Warlock/Bard | Rowan - Fairy Wizard
Day 6:
Galangal smells a whiff of smoke as proof magic doesn't work.
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
Day 6, 'night': Io
You hear a click, and look up to see the iron gate softly swinging open. You call out into the darkness where the other slaves lurk, and carefully push it open. Slowly, carefully you move forward, easing onto the rope bridge, when something pricks your arm. Instinctively, you slap at it, and spatter some sort of buzzing fly. You wait, as the sound of your hand slapping your flesh reverberates softly over the sound of the waterfall. The drow don't seem to have heard... why aren't the other slaves following you?
Your arm begins to itch, as something moves under the skin. The itching becomes fiery pain, unbearable for a few moments before it fades into nothing. Your relief is short lived, as the lack of sensation reveals a new horror.... writhing, twisting somethings within your arm as hit hangs limp at your side... a pause, and then you can hear the scritching as dozens after dozens of thumb-sized maggots chew their way through your skin and rapidly form pupae anchored in your skin, slack now from the muscle consumed within. You scream, but nothing comes out as the pupae begin to crack open, more of the flies taking wing as the skin of your arm hangs loose around your bone like an empty waterskin. Backing up in horror, your back catches on the railing of the rope bridge and you plummet down, finally finding your voice to scream...
And awake with a jolt on the floor of the slave pen.
As your sorting dream from reality, you have a moment of panic when you can't feel your right arm.... but it seems you rolled over on it and it just fell asleep, as prickling feeling begins to return.
Day 6, 'night': All Prisoners
You're awakened by the pale human (Io) screaming as she wakes up from a dream.
Day 7: Lia
Well... that could have gone better. Not more than twenty minutes after mustering yourself to follow her prodding and actually enter the mine, you turned a corner and came face to face with a half dozen drow. A crossbow bolt later and you were face down on the floor. You're not sure how long you were out, but when you came to, you were manacled and being watched over by two drow males, you think they are some of the ones that captured you, but it's hard to say. They seem to be waiting for others, as they note you being awake, but don't say or do anything other than peer out into the darkness spotted with bits of luminous glow. You see your instruments strapped to the pack of one of the drow.
You get a sense that you've come a fair way, and gone deeper than most folk in that village above would have any need or reason to.
After a while of waiting, two more drow appear, each carrying a struggling form before them. Bluish grey skin, bulbous noses and scraggly hair, they are writhing about, trying to kick, claw and bite their captors.
((You can make a Knowledge check to see if you know what race these folk are.))
As they approach, the drow watching over you seem highly amused by their fellows struggles, the new drow barking something at them and your guards chuckling as they step up and jab the pair of prisoners with a crossbow bolt each. The pair go limp in their captors hands, who seem much relieved. One of your guards shakes the rope attached to your bindings, and gestures for you to get up.
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
Lia’s Knowledge (history) check: 18 (regarding the little fuzzy folk)
GILLAIN OF ATHKATLA - Human Paladin - Into the Mists PHILLIP THE GRUNG - Grung Eldritch Knight - Tomb of Annihilation
ROBWIN WINDROBE - High Elf Wizard - Dragon of Icespire Peak EVE DARKSHORE - Tiefling Warlock - Rime of the Frost Maiden
ASH OF THE FIRE - Tabaxi Rogue - Ghosts of Marshswamp LIA STARBORN - Aasimar Bard - Out of the Abyss
You peg them to be a pair of svirfneblin or deep gnomes, these ones look pretty young, maybe the equivalent of teenagers.
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
Day 6
Thom responds to the Prince, again in elvish:
"Oh you didn't nearly strike me, mate. And I could care less about your past. Hear this... you try that again and I will kill you."
And Thom musters up the darkest stare he can and looks directly into the beasts eyes.
intimidation 15
After that, Thom calms down a bit as the adrenaline leaves his body and he listens to this so called prince in some beast form ramble on about royalty and pretentious elven stuff. Some things never change he thinks to himself. The younger daughter of some noble house part really erks him. Takes him back. Although this 'Prince' seems open to the idea of a half-elf... strange. BAH, I'll never understand he thinks to himself. Don't care, anyway. He thinks to himself.
"Aye, I've both elven and human blood, but my history and parentage need not concern you. I've no desire to be any type of advisor. I just want to get out of here. Do you have any ideas regarding THAT?"
Thom responds to Lex in common, referring to the scuffle with the Prince "Yes. We're done here." and then would take a keen interest when Lex tries her magic, watching her forearm glow intently.
Thom listens when Lex and Galingal talk about exploiting the drow and him being a potential tool for escaping. He isn't too optimistic, but he'd nod at Lex when she mentions that if anyone is alone with the drow to bringup what Galingal has said and the drow potentially wanting revenge (Thom hopes its not him).
At least someone is thinking about trying to get out of here, he thinks. He'd say to Lex and Galingal "Oh. I'm Tom."
Thom is annoyed at being woken by Lo's dream and tries to go back to sleep.
@Spider, Thom still has the rabbit headdress on, yes?