Thom responding to the Prince, in Elvish "I've been in the High Forest. Been through many times. Spent lots of time there." he sighs. "Nelrindenvane DOESN'T EVEN EXIS....."Thom takes a breath and pauses. "Ye know what, I care nothing of this. Tis all hogwash. You heard what I said and I stand by it."
"There will be no reconsiderations."
Thom wouldn't let the Prince put his paw on his shoulder.
"And yeh, you loose control again and I'll be sure to remind you."
Day 7
Thom's morale is going down the toilet. He does the manual labor as he's told, and likely gets mocked a lot by the drow because of the rabbit headdress he has on. Thom keeps it on. For now.
When the new prisoners come into the holding area that evening, Thom dose a double take at the woman with the white hair with the wooden block and tube connected to her mouth. He says out loud, in elvish: "By the gods, what kind of hell are we in here??"
(Thom is starting to go mad.)
When Thom wakes up in sweat after his dream about the Prince, he sits up and tries to get himself together. He doesn't say anything, but he would give a very confused look at Buppido, and then try and get back to sleep after the horrible dream. t'was just a dream he thinks to himself.
However, he can't get back to sleep. He notices Galingal is awake sitting up as well as the new woman with the white hair and the tube.
Thom would then quietly respond to Galingal in elvish because he was awake and heard him: "Good question, Galingal. We need to do something soon though, yeah?"
And he's notice Lia approach Galingal, Thom would also approach and say quietly "I'm Tom." and would again look at the contraption that is secured in her mouth and then think to himself these rabbits aren't so bad after all it seems. poor woman. we're doomed
When Thom approaches Lia, she composes herself enough to hum a muffled ‘doe ray me’, up until Ti, and then let’s that note ring out a little in recognition… ‘Ti for Tom’… It’s a melancholy note though, that leave the octave frustrated in the ear.
Thom tilts his head slightly like a dog sometimes does when it hears a high pitched noise in reaction when he hears Lia's last note. He gets her drift (he grew up around music) and responds "Aye. T for Tom."
He looks at the contraption attached to her mouth again.
the poor lass
He watches on intently as the interaction between her and Galingal continues.
Lia is touched at being understood. She sings again up until ‘La’ and hums it with a percussive-double-beat, in her throat, “LL-a!”… “Li’-a!”... She beats her wrists and manacles against her chest… Tears in her eyes again, nodding, desperate to be understood…
If he let her, she’s still holding Galingal’s hand, and squeezes and shakes it throughout her interaction with Thom.
Galingal, trying to decipher what is going on with the person holding his hand, realizes either they can't talk clearly or, given his circumstances, is being prevented from talking.
"Next time scarred drow here, some make contact," Galingal says in elvish, then common just in case. "Lex, Tom, now . . . La? Others want to stay or go?"
The last he directs to the rest of the room, in elvish and then common.
Then he notices the large hand-sized spider crawl across his foot again. He leans down and scoops it up. He's searched every nook and crevice of this cave, and a spider is all he has to show for it. Not much of a weapon.
When Galingal mentions the scarred drow and ‘making contact’, Lia makes an inarticulate sound of frustration, drops his hand, grabs her mask and shakes it. “Rrrraah!…”.
She makes a resigned ‘humphf’, stands, and moves over to the bars...
At the bars, she looks out for any guards. If no one is anywhere near, she tries to wedge her manacled hands and arms out through the bars ((if possible?)), as far as she can…
…she clasps her hands together, and attempts to heal herself using Healing Hands, to see if being beyond the bars means she can cast it. Only touch required.
After the attempt, she happens to glance down. And she sees a gold piece, behind one of the bars, trodden into the dirt. She quickly tries to swipe it, and hide it within her ragged clothes ((as per previous search roll)).
The spider crawls up and nestles among his lank hair, if he allows it. It seems content for now.
As Lia approaches the bars, she can see the stalactite across the way, with a drow guard watching across the rope bridge. He grabs a crossbow as she approaches, but relaxes when she just waves her arms about for a bit and nothing happens.
((I have some maps forthcoming, so you've a sense of the layout, but it'll be a bit, as I have to mask off some areas you wouldn't have been to.))
As the days go by, Lex grows weary. Her pacing around the cell grows less frequent, replaced with sitting slumped against the wall, eyes half-focused on the scenery outside. Her previous routine of checking over the new arrivals turns into a simple nod of greeting, and her gossip with Jimjar in Undercommon has slowed.
By the ninth day, she's sleeping most of the time that they aren't put to work or having their measly dinner. She stirs when she hears Galingal mention her name, looking around and noticing the masked woman growing frustrated and trying to wiggle her hands through the bars. Gripping a ledge in the wall to help herself stand, despite her aching muscles, she lumbers her way over.
"I'm Lex." She offers the barest hint of a smile, but it's obvious that she's utterly exhausted. "A few of us are planning to get out of here. We think one of the drow might be willing to betray his companions, but we haven't gotten the chance to speak with him yet. Whether he helps us or not, I can cut off your mask when we make a break for it. We just have to wait for the right moment. I'm sorry I can't do it now, but it would just cause worse punishment for both of us."
What is known about the layout to everyone except Galingal (and to a lesser degree, Io):
SP = Slave Pens MH = Main Hall (food prep, dishes, etc.) L = Lift
You'd know that the two stalactites and the two caverns to the West are Barracks for the drow, and the cavern to the North of the Slave Pen is where the quaggoth servants are housed, you'd have seen them (except Galingal, of course) moving past the Slave Pens too and from their quarters.
Lia is sad that her magic didn’t work, but not surprised.
If someone, who knew her very well, were to contrive a very personal hell for her, this would be it: having no voice and not hearing the sounds she makes echo and reverberate among the strings of magical weave around her…
When Lex approaches her, Lia’s eyes widen, with hope, at the talk of getting out of here.
She turns with her back to the bars (and to the guards in the stalactite) and then she privately gestures ‘cutting the mask’ and nods furiously, eyes wide again. She fumbles for the strong looking woman’s hands and grabs them clumsily and holds and shakes them, in joy? in hope? a silent agreement?
She nods again and shakes the woman’s hands again before letting go. The seed of a plan sewn in her mind.
Ok, when Thomsees Liaagain try to speak/sing (She sings again up until ‘La’ and hums it with a percussive-double-beat, in her throat, “LL-a!”… “Li’-a!”), Thomhas had enough. He mutters in elvish "what kind of sick forks are these people...."
He goes and thoroughly inspects the device/box that is attached to her along with the tube going into her mouth. He wants to see if he can remove it. At least the hose from her mouth. If it can't be removed, could it be... cut? He says to Lex"Lex, but it's awful. We can at least cut the bloody hose, yeah??"
Thomalso gauges Lia'sresponse as he starts to inspect the device. He will see if she tries to resist when he fusses with it. If she does, he will stop the investigation immediately.
When more talks continue of potential escape plans with the scared drow the next time he comes down, Thomwould discreetly show Galingal, Lexand Lia (and anyone else who is awake in this moment in this conversation)a small but sharp piece of flint that he had hidden in his loincloth.
He's say quietly, in common and elvish "It's not much, but its something. Don't tell the other lot I have this. I don't trust them. Especially the 'Prince' over there. He was lucky I didn't put it in his throat earlier."
Lia is happy for Thom to examine the mask and suggest ideas. But when he suggests ‘removing the tube’ she shakes her head ‘no’ and mimes eating, eyes maybe a little desperate, ashamed, and pleading.
Thom, you're pretty sure you could slice through the tube, no problem! Though "La" seems hesitant for you to do so.
Day 10: All prisoners
Your day starts with an infrequent visit by Mistress Ilvara and her two henchmales, flanked by assorted rank and file. She addresses the group in Undercommon.
"Your stay here is nearly at an end. You've all managed to stay alive, though some only barely. In the coming weeks or months you likely have left, you'll look back on this time fondly, when you remember how well treated you were. You are nothings, you've always been nothing, it just took us to remind you of this."
Prince Derendil begins muttering in Elvish.
"How dare you speak to any of us that way, much less one of royal blood! My father will have your head!"
Mistress Ilvara responds to him in Elvish.
"You're a mad beast, a novelty, nothing more. The only reason you weren't fed to the Guardians was I thought someone at the capital might find you amusing."
The Prince doesn't take it well.
He springs at her, only to have the cocky drow male, the one rumored to be servicing the Mistress after hours, pull a wand and blast the Prince with a glob of rapidly expanding goo that encases his limbs and torso, sending him pitching face first to the ground, where he's snorting, slavering and snapping at the air, eyes rolling wildly in his head as the beast takes over.
Mistress Ilvara whirls on her underling, speaking in a sharp tone in Elvish.
"That was unnecessary! I was anticipating the attempt. Now he's of no use until that wears off!"
The cocky male has the wind taken out of his sails as he hangs his head, a bit surly and pouty.
The scarred male by the entrance turns and looks out into the cavern.
Amid the chaos, after the Mistress scolds one of the drow, you hear a soft throat clear from the entrance of the cave. Someone is amused, but trying not to be obvious about it.
The Mistress departs, flanked by her chastised underling and the scarred male, and the drow guards remove you in groups to be taken off on your work details for the day, other than the Prince, who is left snarling and howling unless one of you attempted to intervene with him.
Lex, Thom and Buppido are given buckets and set to scrubbing all of the walkways.
The drow, Shuushar, the male deep gnome teen Turvy, and Ront are taken down the lift somewhere.
Lia, Galingal and the female deep gnome teen, Topsy are taken to the Main Hall and put to work cooking the drow's meal. While fungus based, it smells a whole lot more appealing than what you get in the evenings. You're provided small, dull paring knives to do your work, but are watched closely by drow with loaded crossbows.
Io, Stena and Jimjar are made to assist in tossing captured Underdark critters (large bugs, etc.) down to the silk webbing that encloses the stalactites.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM:Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Galingal fumbles with the dull paring knife and the fungi, taking his time so he doesn't cut his hands.
"They find it amusing to make the blind use knife," Galingal says as he works. "But is easy work."
While they work, Galingal decides it's worth the risk to explore with his hands and see if there is anything here besides the knife that could be used as a sharp edge. Something small, maybe like the flint that Tom has found. Something he could make a pinprick hole in leather with.
"Topsy," Galingal whispers, "do guards watch always? Tap table if they look away."
If Topsy taps the table, he will explore more widely around them.
Thom bows his head at 'La' when she shakes her head no at removing the tube and does not try to cut it or remove it in any way. He doesn't totally catch La's drift completely about when she mimics eating, but he had a general idea and just shakes his head almost out of pity. He says "Lex is right. We will get that blasted thing off ye once we get out of here, yeah? Speaking of that..." he looks at the others, kind of desperately. "which way we go? We wait for the scared drow to tell us the way out?"
Day 10
Thom doesn't understand the 'Mistress' but he looks concerned.
Thom kind of starts to look at the new dwarf more now since she arrived yesterday and notices that she's remained quiet. He respects that especially after what he's already been through with the 'Prince'. perhaps she will want to escape as wellThom thinks to himself as he makes a mental note to get her attention later to gauge her sanity level.
Thom shakes his head at the prince when he tries to jump the mistress and when all of that is over with, Thom eyes Lex and Galingal in a see?? kind of way. Thom would not interact with the prince beast and just look at him and shake his head and make sure the prince sees him shaking his head at him as he's taken off to work to scrub all of the walkways with Lex and Buppido.
@Spider, is there any drow or other guards watching us currently as we scrub the walkways? Are there any other pieces of flint that Thom might see?
Thom would not engage Buppido at this point yet but will likely talk to Lex if no guards are around.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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Insight: 2
Stena: They are obviously all hiding something...
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
Just as she suspected. Probably all drow spies.
Day 6
Thom responding to the Prince, in Elvish "I've been in the High Forest. Been through many times. Spent lots of time there." he sighs. "Nelrindenvane DOESN'T EVEN EXIS....." Thom takes a breath and pauses. "Ye know what, I care nothing of this. Tis all hogwash. You heard what I said and I stand by it."
"There will be no reconsiderations."
Thom wouldn't let the Prince put his paw on his shoulder.
"And yeh, you loose control again and I'll be sure to remind you."
Day 7
Thom's morale is going down the toilet. He does the manual labor as he's told, and likely gets mocked a lot by the drow because of the rabbit headdress he has on. Thom keeps it on. For now.
When the new prisoners come into the holding area that evening, Thom dose a double take at the woman with the white hair with the wooden block and tube connected to her mouth. He says out loud, in elvish: "By the gods, what kind of hell are we in here??"
(Thom is starting to go mad.)
When Thom wakes up in sweat after his dream about the Prince, he sits up and tries to get himself together. He doesn't say anything, but he would give a very confused look at Buppido, and then try and get back to sleep after the horrible dream. t'was just a dream he thinks to himself.
However, he can't get back to sleep. He notices Galingal is awake sitting up as well as the new woman with the white hair and the tube.
Thom would then quietly respond to Galingal in elvish because he was awake and heard him: "Good question, Galingal. We need to do something soon though, yeah?"
And he's notice Lia approach Galingal, Thom would also approach and say quietly "I'm Tom." and would again look at the contraption that is secured in her mouth and then think to himself these rabbits aren't so bad after all it seems. poor woman. we're doomed
When Thom approaches Lia, she composes herself enough to hum a muffled ‘doe ray me’, up until Ti, and then let’s that note ring out a little in recognition… ‘Ti for Tom’… It’s a melancholy note though, that leave the octave frustrated in the ear.
GILLAIN OF ATHKATLA - Human Paladin - Into the Mists PHILLIP THE GRUNG - Grung Eldritch Knight - Tomb of Annihilation
ROBWIN WINDROBE - High Elf Wizard - Dragon of Icespire Peak EVE DARKSHORE - Tiefling Warlock - Rime of the Frost Maiden
ASH OF THE FIRE - Tabaxi Rogue - Ghosts of Marshswamp LIA STARBORN - Aasimar Bard - Out of the Abyss
Thom tilts his head slightly like a dog sometimes does when it hears a high pitched noise in reaction when he hears Lia's last note. He gets her drift (he grew up around music) and responds "Aye. T for Tom."
He looks at the contraption attached to her mouth again.
the poor lass
He watches on intently as the interaction between her and Galingal continues.
Lia is touched at being understood. She sings again up until ‘La’ and hums it with a percussive-double-beat, in her throat, “LL-a!”… “Li’-a!”... She beats her wrists and manacles against her chest… Tears in her eyes again, nodding, desperate to be understood…
If he let her, she’s still holding Galingal’s hand, and squeezes and shakes it throughout her interaction with Thom.
GILLAIN OF ATHKATLA - Human Paladin - Into the Mists PHILLIP THE GRUNG - Grung Eldritch Knight - Tomb of Annihilation
ROBWIN WINDROBE - High Elf Wizard - Dragon of Icespire Peak EVE DARKSHORE - Tiefling Warlock - Rime of the Frost Maiden
ASH OF THE FIRE - Tabaxi Rogue - Ghosts of Marshswamp LIA STARBORN - Aasimar Bard - Out of the Abyss
Day 6:
The Prince is understanding, as one of his station should be, and sympathetic at Thom's clear delusions and memory loss regarding his mighty kingdom.
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
Galingal, trying to decipher what is going on with the person holding his hand, realizes either they can't talk clearly or, given his circumstances, is being prevented from talking.
"Next time scarred drow here, some make contact," Galingal says in elvish, then common just in case. "Lex, Tom, now . . . La? Others want to stay or go?"
The last he directs to the rest of the room, in elvish and then common.
Then he notices the large hand-sized spider crawl across his foot again. He leans down and scoops it up. He's searched every nook and crevice of this cave, and a spider is all he has to show for it. Not much of a weapon.
When Galingal mentions the scarred drow and ‘making contact’, Lia makes an inarticulate sound of frustration, drops his hand, grabs her mask and shakes it. “Rrrraah!…”.
She makes a resigned ‘humphf’, stands, and moves over to the bars...
At the bars, she looks out for any guards. If no one is anywhere near, she tries to wedge her manacled hands and arms out through the bars ((if possible?)), as far as she can…
…she clasps her hands together, and attempts to heal herself using Healing Hands, to see if being beyond the bars means she can cast it. Only touch required.
After the attempt, she happens to glance down. And she sees a gold piece, behind one of the bars, trodden into the dirt. She quickly tries to swipe it, and hide it within her ragged clothes ((as per previous search roll)).
GILLAIN OF ATHKATLA - Human Paladin - Into the Mists PHILLIP THE GRUNG - Grung Eldritch Knight - Tomb of Annihilation
ROBWIN WINDROBE - High Elf Wizard - Dragon of Icespire Peak EVE DARKSHORE - Tiefling Warlock - Rime of the Frost Maiden
ASH OF THE FIRE - Tabaxi Rogue - Ghosts of Marshswamp LIA STARBORN - Aasimar Bard - Out of the Abyss
The spider crawls up and nestles among his lank hair, if he allows it. It seems content for now.
As Lia approaches the bars, she can see the stalactite across the way, with a drow guard watching across the rope bridge. He grabs a crossbow as she approaches, but relaxes when she just waves her arms about for a bit and nothing happens.
((I have some maps forthcoming, so you've a sense of the layout, but it'll be a bit, as I have to mask off some areas you wouldn't have been to.))
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
As the days go by, Lex grows weary. Her pacing around the cell grows less frequent, replaced with sitting slumped against the wall, eyes half-focused on the scenery outside. Her previous routine of checking over the new arrivals turns into a simple nod of greeting, and her gossip with Jimjar in Undercommon has slowed.
By the ninth day, she's sleeping most of the time that they aren't put to work or having their measly dinner. She stirs when she hears Galingal mention her name, looking around and noticing the masked woman growing frustrated and trying to wiggle her hands through the bars. Gripping a ledge in the wall to help herself stand, despite her aching muscles, she lumbers her way over.
"I'm Lex." She offers the barest hint of a smile, but it's obvious that she's utterly exhausted. "A few of us are planning to get out of here. We think one of the drow might be willing to betray his companions, but we haven't gotten the chance to speak with him yet. Whether he helps us or not, I can cut off your mask when we make a break for it. We just have to wait for the right moment. I'm sorry I can't do it now, but it would just cause worse punishment for both of us."
Iris - Tiefling Cleric | Cassandra - Elf Warlock | Solace - Tiefling Monk | Tempest - Hexblood Monk | Lex - Fire Genasi Barbarian
Lilyn - Triton Ranger | Candor - Changeling Bard | Echo - Changeling Warlock/Bard | Rowan - Fairy Wizard
What is known about the layout to everyone except Galingal (and to a lesser degree, Io):
SP = Slave Pens
MH = Main Hall (food prep, dishes, etc.)
L = Lift
You'd know that the two stalactites and the two caverns to the West are Barracks for the drow, and the cavern to the North of the Slave Pen is where the quaggoth servants are housed, you'd have seen them (except Galingal, of course) moving past the Slave Pens too and from their quarters.
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
Lia is sad that her magic didn’t work, but not surprised.
If someone, who knew her very well, were to contrive a very personal hell for her, this would be it: having no voice and not hearing the sounds she makes echo and reverberate among the strings of magical weave around her…
When Lex approaches her, Lia’s eyes widen, with hope, at the talk of getting out of here.
She turns with her back to the bars (and to the guards in the stalactite) and then she privately gestures ‘cutting the mask’ and nods furiously, eyes wide again. She fumbles for the strong looking woman’s hands and grabs them clumsily and holds and shakes them, in joy? in hope? a silent agreement?
She nods again and shakes the woman’s hands again before letting go. The seed of a plan sewn in her mind.
GILLAIN OF ATHKATLA - Human Paladin - Into the Mists PHILLIP THE GRUNG - Grung Eldritch Knight - Tomb of Annihilation
ROBWIN WINDROBE - High Elf Wizard - Dragon of Icespire Peak EVE DARKSHORE - Tiefling Warlock - Rime of the Frost Maiden
ASH OF THE FIRE - Tabaxi Rogue - Ghosts of Marshswamp LIA STARBORN - Aasimar Bard - Out of the Abyss
Ok, when Thom sees Lia again try to speak/sing (She sings again up until ‘La’ and hums it with a percussive-double-beat, in her throat, “LL-a!”… “Li’-a!”), Thom has had enough. He mutters in elvish "what kind of sick forks are these people...."
He goes and thoroughly inspects the device/box that is attached to her along with the tube going into her mouth. He wants to see if he can remove it. At least the hose from her mouth. If it can't be removed, could it be... cut? He says to Lex "Lex, but it's awful. We can at least cut the bloody hose, yeah??"
Investigation 6
Thom also gauges Lia's response as he starts to inspect the device. He will see if she tries to resist when he fusses with it. If she does, he will stop the investigation immediately.
When more talks continue of potential escape plans with the scared drow the next time he comes down, Thom would discreetly show Galingal, Lex and Lia (and anyone else who is awake in this moment in this conversation) a small but sharp piece of flint that he had hidden in his loincloth.
He's say quietly, in common and elvish "It's not much, but its something. Don't tell the other lot I have this. I don't trust them. Especially the 'Prince' over there. He was lucky I didn't put it in his throat earlier."
Lia is happy for Thom to examine the mask and suggest ideas. But when he suggests ‘removing the tube’ she shakes her head ‘no’ and mimes eating, eyes maybe a little desperate, ashamed, and pleading.
GILLAIN OF ATHKATLA - Human Paladin - Into the Mists PHILLIP THE GRUNG - Grung Eldritch Knight - Tomb of Annihilation
ROBWIN WINDROBE - High Elf Wizard - Dragon of Icespire Peak EVE DARKSHORE - Tiefling Warlock - Rime of the Frost Maiden
ASH OF THE FIRE - Tabaxi Rogue - Ghosts of Marshswamp LIA STARBORN - Aasimar Bard - Out of the Abyss
Thom, you're pretty sure you could slice through the tube, no problem! Though "La" seems hesitant for you to do so.
Day 10: All prisoners
Your day starts with an infrequent visit by Mistress Ilvara and her two henchmales, flanked by assorted rank and file. She addresses the group in Undercommon.
"Your stay here is nearly at an end. You've all managed to stay alive, though some only barely. In the coming weeks or months you likely have left, you'll look back on this time fondly, when you remember how well treated you were. You are nothings, you've always been nothing, it just took us to remind you of this."
Prince Derendil begins muttering in Elvish.
"How dare you speak to any of us that way, much less one of royal blood! My father will have your head!"
Mistress Ilvara responds to him in Elvish.
"You're a mad beast, a novelty, nothing more. The only reason you weren't fed to the Guardians was I thought someone at the capital might find you amusing."
The Prince doesn't take it well.
He springs at her, only to have the cocky drow male, the one rumored to be servicing the Mistress after hours, pull a wand and blast the Prince with a glob of rapidly expanding goo that encases his limbs and torso, sending him pitching face first to the ground, where he's snorting, slavering and snapping at the air, eyes rolling wildly in his head as the beast takes over.
Mistress Ilvara whirls on her underling, speaking in a sharp tone in Elvish.
"That was unnecessary! I was anticipating the attempt. Now he's of no use until that wears off!"
The cocky male has the wind taken out of his sails as he hangs his head, a bit surly and pouty.
The scarred male by the entrance turns and looks out into the cavern.
Amid the chaos, after the Mistress scolds one of the drow, you hear a soft throat clear from the entrance of the cave. Someone is amused, but trying not to be obvious about it.
The Mistress departs, flanked by her chastised underling and the scarred male, and the drow guards remove you in groups to be taken off on your work details for the day, other than the Prince, who is left snarling and howling unless one of you attempted to intervene with him.
Lex, Thom and Buppido are given buckets and set to scrubbing all of the walkways.
The drow, Shuushar, the male deep gnome teen Turvy, and Ront are taken down the lift somewhere.
Lia, Galingal and the female deep gnome teen, Topsy are taken to the Main Hall and put to work cooking the drow's meal. While fungus based, it smells a whole lot more appealing than what you get in the evenings. You're provided small, dull paring knives to do your work, but are watched closely by drow with loaded crossbows.
Io, Stena and Jimjar are made to assist in tossing captured Underdark critters (large bugs, etc.) down to the silk webbing that encloses the stalactites.
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
Stena says nothing to the Mistress but looks at the others wondering how long they've been here.
She still doesn't chat with any of the other prisoners and watches and listens to their interactions.
Galingal fumbles with the dull paring knife and the fungi, taking his time so he doesn't cut his hands.
"They find it amusing to make the blind use knife," Galingal says as he works. "But is easy work."
While they work, Galingal decides it's worth the risk to explore with his hands and see if there is anything here besides the knife that could be used as a sharp edge. Something small, maybe like the flint that Tom has found. Something he could make a pinprick hole in leather with.
"Topsy," Galingal whispers, "do guards watch always? Tap table if they look away."
If Topsy taps the table, he will explore more widely around them.
Thom bows his head at 'La' when she shakes her head no at removing the tube and does not try to cut it or remove it in any way. He doesn't totally catch La's drift completely about when she mimics eating, but he had a general idea and just shakes his head almost out of pity. He says "Lex is right. We will get that blasted thing off ye once we get out of here, yeah? Speaking of that..." he looks at the others, kind of desperately. "which way we go? We wait for the scared drow to tell us the way out?"
Day 10
Thom doesn't understand the 'Mistress' but he looks concerned.
Thom kind of starts to look at the new dwarf more now since she arrived yesterday and notices that she's remained quiet. He respects that especially after what he's already been through with the 'Prince'. perhaps she will want to escape as well Thom thinks to himself as he makes a mental note to get her attention later to gauge her sanity level.
Thom shakes his head at the prince when he tries to jump the mistress and when all of that is over with, Thom eyes Lex and Galingal in a see?? kind of way. Thom would not interact with the prince beast and just look at him and shake his head and make sure the prince sees him shaking his head at him as he's taken off to work to scrub all of the walkways with Lex and Buppido.
@Spider, is there any drow or other guards watching us currently as we scrub the walkways? Are there any other pieces of flint that Thom might see?
Thom would not engage Buppido at this point yet but will likely talk to Lex if no guards are around.