" ...the All-Mother could bear it no longer. Her grief turned to rage when she saw what what her creation had come to, and so, rising up she smote the land, destroying what remained ... In her grief, she fled back to the cosmos, leaving behind that which had so sorely disappointed her. When she Sundered the land, it shook the whole of creation, and for many years after the world shuddered and spewed forth molten rock, and all was dark and grim."
~Excerpt from The Recounting of the Way, as delivered by Brother Willem in 997AS
A summary of events...
A group individuals find themselves in Circle Vale at the start of the Festival of Hope. They arrived on their own agendas, but will soon be united in common cause and adventure.
Coljin Burberry, a forest gnome cleric of Mielikki, as dependable and stalwart a companion that anyone could want. He wields divine magic and his mace with equal aplomb in his Lady's service.
Randerwaith "Randy" Buckthorn, a stoic human ranger/scholar, well traveled and often tasked by his order of Obad-Hai to handle issues at the fringes of civilization, and performing courier and liaison duties between like minded organizations.
Ulmwin, a cheerful rock gnome who has mastered multiple instruments, but favors the lute, able to imbue his music with notes that resonate with the very magic of creation. No last name, since sufficiently famous bards only need one name!
Holger Starwind, a flamboyant human entertainer, he is the center of attention. Always. And why wouldn't he be? He's amazing, and his act is peerless! Though some times things do tend to get a bit out of hand.
Maji'ah'l Laf'ann'aa, a black dragonborn, past trauma left speaking painful for him, so he may come across as surly and dour. However, he's a true ally to those he considers worth befriending, and he is able to bend his considerable natural magics to their cause.
Nemeia/"Tess", a young tiefling, she's private with her past but well skilled at moving quickly and quietly, and if sometimes her fingers rove into pockets that aren't hers, how could they be blamed?
Rudolph Beaumont, a human noble, trained in the art of war and shepherding. The black sheep in a family that built their fortune on mutton.
Zephyr Wind, a tiefling with ties to Circle Vale she can't remember, who has returned to seek answers. She's a determined fighter, figuring the fastest way to an answer is directly through whatever is in her way.
Festivities are disrupted as rats flood the festival grounds from two directions, and an assortment of townsfolk along with our soon-to-be heroes enter a warehouse to the south and the inn to the north, finding basements that connect to subterranean tunnels leading deeper. The two groups converge, and do battle with a small group of cultists that seem to have unearthed something where it was buried in the ground. A mass of mouths and eyes, it ends up consuming one of the shopkeeps before they manage to put it down.
Returning to the surface, they receive the thanks of the Abbey, and soon hear tell of a strange are to the east that caravans traveling through reported as being strangely quiet... devoid of all animal life. With a taste for adventure, the party sets out, eventually discovering an infestation of blights that have overrun what seem to be gnomish ruins, but from an age that seems to predate the Sundering, perhaps multiple millennia ago. They discovered evidence of gnomish tech, and somewhat unstable gems imbued with single use magic that managed to retain their power all those thousands of years later.
They found the source of the blights, a twisted awakened tree that had been composting anything the blights could capture to provide nourishment for its seedlings. Returning to Circle Vale, they encountered bandits, to add to the already worrisome signs of orc activity in the Wastes. They also befriended a band of centaurs, who shared information about the Wastes.
Back at the Vale, they reported their findings, and passed off some of the ancient gnome tech for study and translation. They took a month to relax and recuperate from their weeks of travel and roughing it, some of them learning new skills and abilities. Rudolph, however, received an urgent note from his younger brother, and took his leave, traveling west to the human lands.
After some discussion, the remaining seven decide to stick together, and the decision is made to head back out to the east, with the goal of reaching Estmont, the central of the Eastern Cities, a collection of cosmopolitan city states that are less constrained by the racial divides of elf, dwarf and man that fractures the western part of the continent.
Meanwhile, on the far east of the continent, Dorkinal Greystone, a fanatical evangelist for the dwarven god Dumathoin is setting out from one of the more southern Eastern Cities, employed as a member of a caravan guard.
After traveling through the grassy plains, the party eventually begins transitioning into the desert wastes, and it's not too long before they discover that some of the deep wells have been poisoned. The wells are presumed to have been built by the same ancient race that built the remains of the great roadway that ties the east and west halves of the continent together. These ancient peoples are known as the "Roadbuilders", though some of the things the party has discovered at the blight ruins suggests that there possibly was an ancient race of gnomes that was sufficiently advanced to have a continent spanning civilization.
Coljin is able to remove the poison from the wells, and the party makes steady, if somewhat slower, progress. They come across a crevasse that had opened up in the desert floor, and exploring it, find that it is full of undead, some of which are as much serpent as humanoid. They battle their way through, descending into the bowels of the complex, where they find the undead serpentfolk mummy that resides there, and manage to destroy both him, and his preserved heart that sustains his undeath.
During this time, the caravan Dornikal was traveling with has been heading west across the desert, and not having a cleric on hand, suffered the effects of the poisoned wells, leaving them weak when they were eventually attacked by a powerful band of orcs, orogs and an ogre. Most of the caravan was killed, only the owner and three of the other guards surviving as well. They are kept as slaves, and fed scraps of meat of dubious origin. One of the other guards is forced to be killed during their captivity, and it is eventually revealed that the orcs have been dumping the bones of those they kill into the nearby crevasse, once they've been stripped of flesh.
A battle ensues as the party takes on the mine the orcs have been holed up in, the tortured survivors staked out on the rock. There's also a vrock that gets summoned, and things get a bit wild, but the party wins the day, and also recruits the addled orc cook to their entourage. The survivors are in no shape to travel, so they stay in the mine until everyone is in good shape.
The caravan, their numbers and wagons depleted, opt to make use of the protection the party affords and return to the east. After a near scrape with a multiheaded snake (oops, they got cursed!) and some wyverns, the party makes out a tower standing athwart their path that had not been there before. Approaching it, and eventually gaining entry, they meet Kreldoran Stargazer, the brilliant, but occasionally dottering dwarven wizard. He's busy with research, but is looking for folks to follow up with an associate of his that has been out of touch for too long. A deal is struck where the party will track down his associate and the item she was procuring, in return for having their curse lifted, being provided with some items in trade for a bag of magic beans, and eventual transportation to their destination.
With the accord struck, most of the party is teleported to Galistri, a city on the far west of the continent, the caravan folk other than Dornikal staying at the tower, along with Zephyr and the orc cook. Dumped into an unfamiliar city, the party scrambles to get their feet under them, Tess making some contacts with the criminal underbelly, Holger avoiding entanglements with the branch of the school he once attended. Some in roads are made, reports of a murdered woman coincide with a more recent mauling of some young men. Exploring further, the party finds that the sewers to the north of town connect to an underground network of partially flooded tunnels. They managed to convince a contingent of town guard to let them join them, so are rolling in number. There they fight against strange humanoids that are part sea creature, bearing spines, or tentacles or other strange features, as well as large crustacean mounts. During the battle, Maji falls. Eliminating the threats, the party continues on, finding a strange complex bearing a series of tubes, one of which is still occupied.
The complex seems to deal with some aspect of time and space, and it appears to be unstable, as a small tear between planes gaps open, revealing a wide open plane of shallow water, inhabited by the strange creatures they party just fought. Some of them attempt to get through, and failing that, grab members of the crew and pull them back through. A few others cross the rip to fight off the enemy and regain lost members, and eventually the tear is able to be closed. However, during the chaos of battle, Holger's tenuous grasp on the power he wields slips and chaos rules the battlefield.
The most eventful of which was the sprig of yew that Maji carried in his belongings being awakened and subjected to a temporal anomaly, resulting in a massive yew tree sprouting and bursting the ceiling of the chamber. This tree, spawned of Maji and Holger's magics, eventually produces an offspring of its own, Zokk. They join up with the others later, but are a strange, perhaps one of a kind treefolk, much more mobile and tasked by their parent tree to continue Maji's quest.
The party grows by one more as the remaining tube is opened to deposit a very hairless, very nude, very tattooed gnomish figure on the ground. He's exhausted, and unable to communicate, even if he remembered who he was. They also find the item for which they were sent, though they were not able to save their wizard patron's associate. They return to the surface, to find that the temporal anomaly extended towards town, but get the nude gnome a bed in the infirmary.
The item, a sphere in a lead box, is taken to the local branch of the wizard's school to be identified, the party wondering if Kreldoran played them false in sending them to retrieve something that is looking more like stolen goods. The orb leaves their possession, being returned to an ambitious politician in town, who may have played a role in strong arming the city watch to cover up the death of the woman the party was sent to seek.
Stymied, the party is contacted at the pre-decided time by Kreldoran, who joins them in Galistri. A plan is break into the manor, secure the item, then teleport out of the town. They manage to do so, taking the nude gnome, who has recovered somewhat and is going by Gordon Flash, but are shunted aside, landing some distance from the wizard's tower, as its defenses have been activated in response to a golem pounding on its walls. A lot of other crazy stuff has happened, the most significant of which is a huge oasis having sprung up, fulfilling some sort of prophecy for the desert tribes of dragonborn that have been camped by the tower, awaiting it coming to pass. ((It's doubtful that it will be common knowledge that what brought their thousand year old prophecy to pass is a brain damaged orc cheerfully 'hurm huming' to himself while planting magic beans in the desert.))
Prior to joining them in Galistri, Kreldoran had given Zephyr a job to do for him, as she was getting bored, so she is not there by the time the party returns.
The rest of the party is feasted by the dragonborn, and Gordon seems quite taken with them, having found a way to call his blue drake companion/mount to his side.
The tower became damaged in the siege, and Kreldoran says he needs quite a bit of gems to repair the matrix that will allow him to teleport the party to Estmont and fulfill his side of their arrangement. The dragonborn are happy to supply the gems, if only their gem mines were not currently over run by fire spitting bugs. They dispatch the crews they'd been training to retake them, along with Coljin, Dornikal, Randy, Ulmwin and Zokk, and are also joined by the two remaining caravan guards, Galt and Tren.
Battling their way in, they find the mines, and destroy dozens of bugs, making their way deeper and deeper...
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM:Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Randy fires an arrow into the sand, which erupts as one of the creatures burrows forth, Dornikal hurling a javelin and Zokk cracking it on the head with their staff as it gets close. Dornikal draws his blade and hacks into it, leaving it wavering and near death.
((Randy, you're up!))
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM:Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
((Once you learn it's quirks the dice system is pretty handy. Don't make any edits above any of your dice rolls though, that will often mess things up. Sometimes ANY edits will mess things up. Speaking from hard learned lessons...))
Randy's first arrow blows out the back of its chitinous body, and it falls to the sandy ground. He has no targets for the second arrow, and has a moment to catch his breath before the more burst forth. He looses, but it clatters wide.
Once closes with Dornikal and snaps at him, another with Zokk.
Bite Attack on Dornikal: 25 Damage: 15 + 1 fire
Bite Attack on Zokk: 7 Damage: 11 + 4 fire
Dornikal gets chomped on, the mandibles grasping tight about his leg as the scent of charred dwarf wafts up from the bite. Zokk fares better, nimbly sidestepping the attack.
More are pushing their way out of the sand, and the chamber fills with the sounds of skittering. The dragonborn shout a warning in draconic.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Ah I forgot about the squad and I am not sure about the editing after rolling.... they will stab at the bug from the distance. 11 dmg. 22 Also sorry about my previous post. I am not used to the dice roller yet.
Zokk's staff and root connect, and they back up a bit. Their squad chucks javelins and stick it for more damage. (They hit based on your hit).
Dornikal's blade skitters off the carapace, but he follows it up and drops the creature, before heading to the north to deal with the incoming from that side.
((Coljin and Randy to go!))
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM:Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
A summary of events...
A group individuals find themselves in Circle Vale at the start of the Festival of Hope. They arrived on their own agendas, but will soon be united in common cause and adventure.
Coljin Burberry, a forest gnome cleric of Mielikki, as dependable and stalwart a companion that anyone could want. He wields divine magic and his mace with equal aplomb in his Lady's service.
Randerwaith "Randy" Buckthorn, a stoic human ranger/scholar, well traveled and often tasked by his order of Obad-Hai to handle issues at the fringes of civilization, and performing courier and liaison duties between like minded organizations.
Ulmwin, a cheerful rock gnome who has mastered multiple instruments, but favors the lute, able to imbue his music with notes that resonate with the very magic of creation. No last name, since sufficiently famous bards only need one name!
Holger Starwind, a flamboyant human entertainer, he is the center of attention. Always. And why wouldn't he be? He's amazing, and his act is peerless! Though some times things do tend to get a bit out of hand.
Maji'ah'l Laf'ann'aa, a black dragonborn, past trauma left speaking painful for him, so he may come across as surly and dour. However, he's a true ally to those he considers worth befriending, and he is able to bend his considerable natural magics to their cause.
Nemeia/"Tess", a young tiefling, she's private with her past but well skilled at moving quickly and quietly, and if sometimes her fingers rove into pockets that aren't hers, how could they be blamed?
Rudolph Beaumont, a human noble, trained in the art of war and shepherding. The black sheep in a family that built their fortune on mutton.
Zephyr Wind, a tiefling with ties to Circle Vale she can't remember, who has returned to seek answers. She's a determined fighter, figuring the fastest way to an answer is directly through whatever is in her way.
Festivities are disrupted as rats flood the festival grounds from two directions, and an assortment of townsfolk along with our soon-to-be heroes enter a warehouse to the south and the inn to the north, finding basements that connect to subterranean tunnels leading deeper. The two groups converge, and do battle with a small group of cultists that seem to have unearthed something where it was buried in the ground. A mass of mouths and eyes, it ends up consuming one of the shopkeeps before they manage to put it down.
Returning to the surface, they receive the thanks of the Abbey, and soon hear tell of a strange are to the east that caravans traveling through reported as being strangely quiet... devoid of all animal life. With a taste for adventure, the party sets out, eventually discovering an infestation of blights that have overrun what seem to be gnomish ruins, but from an age that seems to predate the Sundering, perhaps multiple millennia ago. They discovered evidence of gnomish tech, and somewhat unstable gems imbued with single use magic that managed to retain their power all those thousands of years later.
They found the source of the blights, a twisted awakened tree that had been composting anything the blights could capture to provide nourishment for its seedlings. Returning to Circle Vale, they encountered bandits, to add to the already worrisome signs of orc activity in the Wastes. They also befriended a band of centaurs, who shared information about the Wastes.
Back at the Vale, they reported their findings, and passed off some of the ancient gnome tech for study and translation. They took a month to relax and recuperate from their weeks of travel and roughing it, some of them learning new skills and abilities. Rudolph, however, received an urgent note from his younger brother, and took his leave, traveling west to the human lands.
After some discussion, the remaining seven decide to stick together, and the decision is made to head back out to the east, with the goal of reaching Estmont, the central of the Eastern Cities, a collection of cosmopolitan city states that are less constrained by the racial divides of elf, dwarf and man that fractures the western part of the continent.
Meanwhile, on the far east of the continent, Dorkinal Greystone, a fanatical evangelist for the dwarven god Dumathoin is setting out from one of the more southern Eastern Cities, employed as a member of a caravan guard.
After traveling through the grassy plains, the party eventually begins transitioning into the desert wastes, and it's not too long before they discover that some of the deep wells have been poisoned. The wells are presumed to have been built by the same ancient race that built the remains of the great roadway that ties the east and west halves of the continent together. These ancient peoples are known as the "Roadbuilders", though some of the things the party has discovered at the blight ruins suggests that there possibly was an ancient race of gnomes that was sufficiently advanced to have a continent spanning civilization.
Coljin is able to remove the poison from the wells, and the party makes steady, if somewhat slower, progress. They come across a crevasse that had opened up in the desert floor, and exploring it, find that it is full of undead, some of which are as much serpent as humanoid. They battle their way through, descending into the bowels of the complex, where they find the undead serpentfolk mummy that resides there, and manage to destroy both him, and his preserved heart that sustains his undeath.
During this time, the caravan Dornikal was traveling with has been heading west across the desert, and not having a cleric on hand, suffered the effects of the poisoned wells, leaving them weak when they were eventually attacked by a powerful band of orcs, orogs and an ogre. Most of the caravan was killed, only the owner and three of the other guards surviving as well. They are kept as slaves, and fed scraps of meat of dubious origin. One of the other guards is forced to be killed during their captivity, and it is eventually revealed that the orcs have been dumping the bones of those they kill into the nearby crevasse, once they've been stripped of flesh.
A battle ensues as the party takes on the mine the orcs have been holed up in, the tortured survivors staked out on the rock. There's also a vrock that gets summoned, and things get a bit wild, but the party wins the day, and also recruits the addled orc cook to their entourage. The survivors are in no shape to travel, so they stay in the mine until everyone is in good shape.
The caravan, their numbers and wagons depleted, opt to make use of the protection the party affords and return to the east. After a near scrape with a multiheaded snake (oops, they got cursed!) and some wyverns, the party makes out a tower standing athwart their path that had not been there before. Approaching it, and eventually gaining entry, they meet Kreldoran Stargazer, the brilliant, but occasionally dottering dwarven wizard. He's busy with research, but is looking for folks to follow up with an associate of his that has been out of touch for too long. A deal is struck where the party will track down his associate and the item she was procuring, in return for having their curse lifted, being provided with some items in trade for a bag of magic beans, and eventual transportation to their destination.
With the accord struck, most of the party is teleported to Galistri, a city on the far west of the continent, the caravan folk other than Dornikal staying at the tower, along with Zephyr and the orc cook. Dumped into an unfamiliar city, the party scrambles to get their feet under them, Tess making some contacts with the criminal underbelly, Holger avoiding entanglements with the branch of the school he once attended. Some in roads are made, reports of a murdered woman coincide with a more recent mauling of some young men. Exploring further, the party finds that the sewers to the north of town connect to an underground network of partially flooded tunnels. They managed to convince a contingent of town guard to let them join them, so are rolling in number. There they fight against strange humanoids that are part sea creature, bearing spines, or tentacles or other strange features, as well as large crustacean mounts. During the battle, Maji falls. Eliminating the threats, the party continues on, finding a strange complex bearing a series of tubes, one of which is still occupied.
The complex seems to deal with some aspect of time and space, and it appears to be unstable, as a small tear between planes gaps open, revealing a wide open plane of shallow water, inhabited by the strange creatures they party just fought. Some of them attempt to get through, and failing that, grab members of the crew and pull them back through. A few others cross the rip to fight off the enemy and regain lost members, and eventually the tear is able to be closed. However, during the chaos of battle, Holger's tenuous grasp on the power he wields slips and chaos rules the battlefield.
The most eventful of which was the sprig of yew that Maji carried in his belongings being awakened and subjected to a temporal anomaly, resulting in a massive yew tree sprouting and bursting the ceiling of the chamber. This tree, spawned of Maji and Holger's magics, eventually produces an offspring of its own, Zokk. They join up with the others later, but are a strange, perhaps one of a kind treefolk, much more mobile and tasked by their parent tree to continue Maji's quest.
The party grows by one more as the remaining tube is opened to deposit a very hairless, very nude, very tattooed gnomish figure on the ground. He's exhausted, and unable to communicate, even if he remembered who he was. They also find the item for which they were sent, though they were not able to save their wizard patron's associate. They return to the surface, to find that the temporal anomaly extended towards town, but get the nude gnome a bed in the infirmary.
The item, a sphere in a lead box, is taken to the local branch of the wizard's school to be identified, the party wondering if Kreldoran played them false in sending them to retrieve something that is looking more like stolen goods. The orb leaves their possession, being returned to an ambitious politician in town, who may have played a role in strong arming the city watch to cover up the death of the woman the party was sent to seek.
Stymied, the party is contacted at the pre-decided time by Kreldoran, who joins them in Galistri. A plan is break into the manor, secure the item, then teleport out of the town. They manage to do so, taking the nude gnome, who has recovered somewhat and is going by Gordon Flash, but are shunted aside, landing some distance from the wizard's tower, as its defenses have been activated in response to a golem pounding on its walls. A lot of other crazy stuff has happened, the most significant of which is a huge oasis having sprung up, fulfilling some sort of prophecy for the desert tribes of dragonborn that have been camped by the tower, awaiting it coming to pass. ((It's doubtful that it will be common knowledge that what brought their thousand year old prophecy to pass is a brain damaged orc cheerfully 'hurm huming' to himself while planting magic beans in the desert.))
Prior to joining them in Galistri, Kreldoran had given Zephyr a job to do for him, as she was getting bored, so she is not there by the time the party returns.
The rest of the party is feasted by the dragonborn, and Gordon seems quite taken with them, having found a way to call his blue drake companion/mount to his side.
The tower became damaged in the siege, and Kreldoran says he needs quite a bit of gems to repair the matrix that will allow him to teleport the party to Estmont and fulfill his side of their arrangement. The dragonborn are happy to supply the gems, if only their gem mines were not currently over run by fire spitting bugs. They dispatch the crews they'd been training to retake them, along with Coljin, Dornikal, Randy, Ulmwin and Zokk, and are also joined by the two remaining caravan guards, Galt and Tren.
Battling their way in, they find the mines, and destroy dozens of bugs, making their way deeper and deeper...
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
Randy fires an arrow into the sand, which erupts as one of the creatures burrows forth, Dornikal hurling a javelin and Zokk cracking it on the head with their staff as it gets close. Dornikal draws his blade and hacks into it, leaving it wavering and near death.
((Randy, you're up!))
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
(( I guess you didn't see my previous post then.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=256167]longbow damage 1: 1D8+3 = [2]+3 = 5 [/url]
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=256168]intiative: 1D20+3 = [8]+3 = 11 [/url]
((That was the damage for the initial arrow, then you're up in initiative with your 11!))
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
((Oi! I'll get on the same page as everyone else...someday!))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=256425]Longbow attack 1: 1D20+6 = [18]+6 = 24 [/url]
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=256427]longbow damage 1: 1D8+3 = [2]+3 = 5 [/url]
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=256428]planar warrior: 1D8 = [4] = 4 [/url]
Total damage: 9 force damage.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=256426]Longbow attack 2: 1D20+6 = [7]+6 = 13 [/url] ((Miss?))
((I'll have to spend a little time trying to figure out the built in dice system))
((Once you learn it's quirks the dice system is pretty handy. Don't make any edits above any of your dice rolls though, that will often mess things up. Sometimes ANY edits will mess things up. Speaking from hard learned lessons...))
Randy's first arrow blows out the back of its chitinous body, and it falls to the sandy ground. He has no targets for the second arrow, and has a moment to catch his breath before the more burst forth. He looses, but it clatters wide.
Once closes with Dornikal and snaps at him, another with Zokk.
Bite Attack on Dornikal: 25 Damage: 15 + 1 fire
Bite Attack on Zokk: 7 Damage: 11 + 4 fire
Dornikal gets chomped on, the mandibles grasping tight about his leg as the scent of charred dwarf wafts up from the bite. Zokk fares better, nimbly sidestepping the attack.
More are pushing their way out of the sand, and the chamber fills with the sounds of skittering. The dragonborn shout a warning in draconic.
"More ahead!"
"From the right, more!"
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
((Doesn't the fire damage dice get rolled twice on that crit too?
Also, what have you got Dornikal at HP wise now?))
((More fire! 2))
((I have him at 36/67 HP))
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
((Coljin and Ulmwin are up. Remember you've got your squads too.))
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
Hey this is Lost, you got the homebrew thing for zokk? If not I can try to make something less homebrewed.
Ulmwin moves one down in order to get a better shot, before shooting two fire bolts;
Attack: 1 Damage: 5
Attack: 2 Damage: 4
The dragonborn throw their javelins
Attack: 19 Damage: 21
((Even with modifiers those both miss.))
A bunch of javelins slam into the one in front of Dornikal, nearly killing it!
((Coljin, Dornikal, Zokk and Randy!))
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
Zokk will attack the two threatning them, attacking one of them twice before backing away. Mobile feat allows them to move without provoking.
Quaterstaff 1410
Quarterstaff 1211
Kick 179
Ah I forgot about the squad and I am not sure about the editing after rolling.... they will stab at the bug from the distance. 11 dmg. 22 Also sorry about my previous post. I am not used to the dice roller yet.
Dornikal will chop the one in front of him.
Attack: 9 Damage: 13
If it dies he'll call out,
"Aye'll go help at the other entrance, ye got this one covered."
He'll then attack the lead coweater there if he can make it.
Otherwise he'll just attack the same one and move to the north to meet the one coming down (if the one he is in melee with dies).
Attack: 21 Damage: 7
Zokk's staff and root connect, and they back up a bit. Their squad chucks javelins and stick it for more damage. (They hit based on your hit).
Dornikal's blade skitters off the carapace, but he follows it up and drops the creature, before heading to the north to deal with the incoming from that side.
((Coljin and Randy to go!))
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
Upon coming around the corner and seeing even more coming, Dornikal pauses and mutters a prayer,
"Dumathoin, protect us."
He then shouts for the benefit of those that don't have darksight,
"Got another four or five coming in from the north!"
((Coljin and Randy are up, I'll bot them in the next day or so if I don't have posts for them.))
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock