They barely reached the beach area when Volo invited them to dive in the water. Reticent about staying far from his spellbook and knowing better than drenching it, Velan simply watched in silence. When Ran described his sister the wizard could not help but to imagine a long-haired version of the warrior in a dress. A funny thought that disappeared as soon as he heard mention of the wizards in white robes.
As he tried to remember all he knew of the mysterious group he heard Dani speak. To that point the spellcaster shared the doubt of the bard concerning how the druid intended to start the search for a cure to the Death Curse. Her answer was less than inspiring and left him questioning if her reluctance on speaking about coin wasn’t because she, in fact, had none. It wouldn’t be the first case he heard of someone trying to get some service for free.
Velan was about to voice his concerns when Ran asked to see Wakanga. Before Volo could answer Danica finally named the pay for their services. He decided it was enough to take the travel.
“Those are fair conditions, Mrs. Druid. You can count me in officially and as it happens I am familiar with the local flora and do know about this mysterious group Ran spoke about.” He was about to enter in details about his work when he remembered how little it had been since anyone there arrived in the city. The chances of any of them having any idea about who is Zaidi Sahandi was practically nonexistent. “I don’t know their name or purpose, but they arrived last month. Secretive bunch, socialized with no one, paid for porters, boats and supplies and then traveled up the Soshenstar.”
Danica could as well say "one silver" or a "hundred platinum" - for Meili it did not matter. No, she did not say it out loud nor make a gesture indicating it, just nodded absentmindedly catching the leaf and tracing its contours with the finger.
Another Volo's tale provoked so many questions but she did not want to interrupt, asking only in sure pauses. "We heard about a red dragon too. The one that attacked Hew Hackinstone. But those dinosaurs... Do they live in the water too?" If so, fast travel by the river might need some adjustments. "So, the yuan-ti you told earlier about - they are from here? And we might encounter them?"Of course, they were, at this point, Meili could believe that Chult is the motherland of any monster imaginable and unimaginable too. Still, it was not only frightening but exciting too. The man sure could talk! She tried to memorize as much as possible.
Volo did not answer about the Prince yet, though. Meili did not think it was her place to pressure that question but she could ask another. "Do you know what the locals think about the source of the Curse?"
"Oh, this little wonder?" Volo asks in response to Danica. He reaches down and pulls out the crystal orb from... his small clothes somewhere? "It's a gift from an old friend. You need a basic level of skill with magic to operate it... essentially, you design an illusion and then 'store' it inside. You can then call it up and project it on command. It only holds three at a time so I need to reprogram it depending on what reading I am presenting. But it is always a showstopper. I'm afraid something like the constellations would be more complex than this item could handle." He seems to reconsider. "Perhaps a skilled illusionist, with a mastery of astrology, could pull that off. I don't know. Interesting to think about."
He looks to Meiliand a thoughtful expression crosses his face. "I never encountered any dragons here. True dragons, that is. Faerie dragons... wyverns... um... ah gods what are they called?" He rolls a hand absentmindedly as he tries to recall a name. It is the hand holding his mug, and he spills a fair amount of tej into the pool but doesn't seem to notice. "Komatonga? Something like that. Big, crested creatures that fly and breathe fire. Chult has all sorts of large, draconid species, but you don't hear much about true dragons. Though I don't doubt there are some out there." He smiles again. "The technical answer to your next questions is 'no, there are no dinosaurs in the water.' But don't let that cheer you up. The seas and even some of the rivers are full of giant marine reptiles similar to dinosaurs. But the crocodiles are the real riparian dangers to look out for." He is starting to look like the tej is catching up with him and he tries to keep up with your questions. "Yuan-ti? With luck, you won't meet them. But yes, they are out there. Historians differ on where these creatures originally hail from, but southern Chult is said to have some of the densest population distributions of the snake-men in all the known realms."
"As far as the curse, I don't get the impression it is on the agenda of most of the locals. Other than, of course, all the coin it is bringing in, by way of adventurers and would-be heroes traveling here to seek out the source. If there are any local theories on it, I haven't heard it. You might want to... you might want to try at one of the temples to see what they have to say?"
Finally getting back around to Ran, "You know, that's a capital idea. I am to be Wakanga's guest later this afternoon at the Grand Coliseum. There are to be some... gladiator matches or other such violent entertainment. You seem like fine, upstanding young... folk." He pauses to draw another mug from the bucket. There's a large piece of cinnamon sticking out of his mug but he just tries to drink around it. "I'd be delighted to introduce you to Wakanga."
(Who is drinking with Volo? Micait seems, and Ranand Danicahave had at least one drink so far. I don't believe Velanor Meilihave yet consumed any alcohol. But I need to keep track of how much everyone has had to drink.)
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PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Ah! Here it was - what can you give to someone who has everything? A show. Something you can not collect and lock away but need to get fresh every time. She shrugged and brushed off a thick black hair lock from her eyes. Well, if this is what it takes... Why not. Could be a useful exercise too. And then temples - somehow she thought she knew everything temples could offer, but Chultians definitely could know more!
"Thank you, Temples are worth visiting too, of course." Meili glanced at Ran. The idea to beat up Azaka on the run for the "brat" seemed less and less possible - there was so much to do before the group could depart. "Would you go to the palace from here?" Maybe they still have time to do something before visiting the Prince.
"The coliseum, actually. And the event is to begin... three hours before sunset. Plenty of time yet to relax."
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PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
"You know them? The white wizards? And you're sure they went up the Shoshenstar?" Ran asks, a sense of excitement in his voice. "Not the Tiryki? You're sure of that. The Shoshenstar?"
Ran smiles and claps Velan on the back.
"Appears that there is more then one dag covered noble whelp on the loose in these jungles," he says. He pauses and looks around at the others. "Sorry for raising the temperature earlier. Turns out to have been a bit of a false alarm, eh. Wrong brat on the wrong river."
He looks around the pool area again then back to Velan and nods. And then back to Volo.
"That would be grand. The coliseum and Wakanga," Ran says to Volo. "I'm in."
(Danica just had a pineapple juice at the bar and one mug of tej so far.)
A smile stretched across Danica's face at Velan's agreement to join her on her quest and nodded in return to Meili. Ran she already got the impression was on board no matter what but she hadn't hear much from Mica. But perhaps his voiced yearning to encounter the large reptiles Chult's jungles were famous for was enticing enough.
Attention taken hold of again as Volo extracted the projection tool from only Selûne knew where as he explained the basics of how it worked. Her eyes were absolutely sparkling with intrigue but a frown pulled at her lips as he stated that likely the stars would be a bit much for the simple crystal. "I'm rather invested in mapping out the stars. I've been charting nautical star maps on parchment but this seems much more interesting. The stars see all after all and have a lot to tell us. If there's a chance you come across a skilled illusionist....well I'm far from a master of astrology but I'm no novice either."
Glancing between Velan and Ran as connections were made with this mysterious group of white robed wizards, the elf spotted the wet hand print left by the warrior heartily patting the other man on the back and tried to hide an amused chuckle. "So there are two nobles missing in the jungles? Do you know the name of the one that Azaka is after?" She asked of Volo before looking to Ran. "Or the name of yours? What's your sister's name by the way? I've got an older map of Chult and if I remember right, the Soshenstar leads a bit further south than that other one. Definitely will need some canoes or better yet a boat if the river's wide n deep enough."
After Ran stated that he was in, Danica raised a hand in two finger salute, "Count me in as well."She looked towards the other three and stated, "I won't speak for my companions but I'm not much one for relaxing when there's things to be done. Wouldn't hurt to check out that Temple in the mean time."
(Mica has had two mugs of Tej so far, one in the bar and one with Volo)
Mica listens to Volo with rapt attention as he describes the dinosaurs and other beasts roaming the Chultan jungle, trying to file away bits of information that may be useful later. He gives Ran a second glance when he discusses the white robed wizards, it seems there is more to that story than first appears.
“Well, Cap’n” Mica raises his mug in salute and addresses Danica. He wasn’t sure if it was the correct title or not, but he did overhear the bartender refer to her as a sea captain earlier, and he was signing on to her crew “A fair offer, I am in for your search, be it a cure for the Death Curse or a runaway, if you will have me. I am no stranger to finding things in the mountains and wilds myself, although I still have some to learn on the jungle.”
He is eager to get started, but there are preparations to make and a merchant prince to meet. “The temple sounds like a wise start, as does meeting the prince, I know little of this curse myself. After that, trails point up the Tiryki or the Shosenstar. Do we take one of those or choose another way?”
When the day started Velan didn’t think much of it. An idle morning that he could best use looking for some work. He didn’t expect to find a crew so rapidly and definitely didn’t expect to find a way to meet one of the Merchant Princes. Bloody Hells, if they could make a good impression to Wakanga then he could even find definitive employment.
“I think it would be more appropriate to say that I know of them and just as much as I said now.”He answers Ran, half surprised with the armored warrior’s reaction to mention of the wizards in white. “I am quite sure they sailed the Shonestar. They were quite the source of histories when they arrived. Attention about their moves just started dying when the Cormyr Company arrived.”
Now that was a flashy bunch. Two dozen fighters, archers, knights, and a godsdamn elephant. Not many things could rob attention of that, not even in Chult. They went south too, Velan remembered, and not a word about them ever since.
“While checking the temples may be a good idea, parting ways is not a good idea.”He says turning his head in Danica’s direction. “I doubt Wakanga’s guards would let us pass without Volo’s presence, besides, and I mean it with no offense, you need the rest. You just arrived from the port after a long travel and are about to start a journey in a harsh land. Take the chance to relax before the jungle.”
Volo shakes his head when Danicaasks about the noble Azaka is looking for. "It seems she shared more details... with you than with I. She just told me she was called out on an urgent job and didn't have time to visit with me and catch up." He holds up his mug. "To Azaka, finest guide in the land, ghost of the woods, tamer of tigers and ... and all that. She escorted my expedition years ago that forms a large portion of the material in my new book. Highly recommended. She kept us out of most of the trouble. Can't keep out of all of it of course. Not in those jungles. We did lose a couple of porters. Damnable 'raptors." He continues to hold his mug high, but a pall passes over his face. "I never bothered to learn their names." After another pause, "To the unknown porters, then. May the burdens of this world not follow them into the next." This seems to satisfy him, and he finishes his toast by draining his mug yet again.
It has been almost two hours in the pool now and Volo has been doing the vast majority of the drinking. He remains in good spirits but there is a slur developing in his words and his eyes are beginning to droop. At last he pulls himself up from the water to sit on the side of the pool. "Well, new friends... I think I might need to catch a cat nap before the party tonight. I'm going to go see... Emeka... about getting a room for a few hours. If you still would like to watch the fights and meet with Wakanga, meet me back at the bar in two... maybe three hours. Well met," he adds with a bow as he gathers up his clothes and walks in mostly a straight line back into the tavern. During your time at the pool the lunch rush has thinned out, though there are still several tables of guests out enjoying the clear weather in the gardens.
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PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
As regretful as it was to leave cool water, and as correct as Velan was about the well-needed rest, there was too much work ahead to stay in this paradise. Meili let the clothes dry a bit, dressed up and looked at others. "If the temples are not so far from here, maybe we can get there before an audience with the Prince?" It was unclear whether they will be introduced as quests or new gladiators - Volo kind of said it both ways - and two-three hours was also not that precise of a time but she was ready to go.
"Oh yeah, I know the name of the daft bugger. Know the name of my sister too," Ran says as he looks around while putting his armor back on. "But maybe not here with all these ears about. I'll tell you the story when we get out on the street."
As he shakes a few drops of water out of his hair, he rolls his shoulders and neck.
"I haven't set foot in a temple since I was a lad, but why not."
Mica gives a hearty farewell to Volo as he heads to his room, then flashes a smile to Velan “See, no problem, we can meet Volo back here before we visit the prince. No need for rest now, too much to do. I have been cooped up aboard that ship for days on end and need to stretch my legs anyway. Do you know the way to these temples?”
Velanis able to give the rest of you a summary of the different temples and where they are located in the city.
You are presently in the Market Ward, home to the Red Bazaar and many smaller shops, the Grand Coliseum, as well as the world famous dye works. It is also where most of the city's merchants dwell. The only temple here is also the largest in the city: the Hall of Gold, temple of Waukeen. It can be seen from most points in the city, so named for the gleeming gold painted dome atop the structure.
Further west is the Merchant's Ward, where the Merchant Prince's have their villas and were the wealthiest citizens dwell in multistory townhouses. It also is home to the Grand Souk, a more upscale version of the Red Bazaar in the Market Ward. This district has three temples, one each dedicated to Savras, Gond, and Sune.
Malar's Throat is the slum of Port Nyanzaru, located south of the Market Ward through a huge gate known as 'Ubtao's Jaws'. This district is a ravine, with ramshackle huts and shelters crammed along either side and with rope bridges spanning the game. This is the most dangerous area of the city. It is largely undefended when undead approach from the jungles and heavy rains can lead to flash floods down the ravine, carrying pedestrians and even entire homes down into large drains that lead to the Port Nyanzaru sewers and ultimately out to the sea. This district also hold a temple to Tymora... the only stone building in the district.
The last temple is devoted to Chauntea. It sits on a hillside between Malar's Throat and the Tiryki Anchorage. It is far from the protection of the city gates but has a low wooden fence around its many gardens.
The closest temple is the Hall of Gold, but it is also the most popular, given the town's reliance on commerce and trade. It may already be too late in the day to receive an audience with the priests there.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
At Mica's address, the "Cap'n" seemed a shade darker but it could have simply been the heat and she tried to hide behind her own raised mug towards him in acknowledgement."I'd be glad to have a warrior of your mettle."She then raised a glass with Volo at his toast. "To the porters. May we not join them in exiting this plane."With that she drained the remains of her mug of tej and then just stuck with water, assuming it was complimentary. The elf shrugs at Ran's answer, respecting his decision for wanting to keep the names of his sister and the noble she was with quiet.
Nodding along with what Velan was saying she pitched in, "The Soshenstar it is then."Before she raised an eyebrow at the man. "Haven't done anything but sleep in my bunk all night while we were docked. I'm no stranger to long travels. Spent more time on the ocean than on land for the past few decades." Even as she said that though, she tried to glance around at the others to get a read on them. "Though I'm sure the same can't be said for most so I'm more than happy to kick back if anyone wants to take a last chance at a midday nap."She nods in gesture to the direction that Volo had gone in search of his own respite.
Mica had an answer for himself at least and one that made the sailor grin before turning to Velan for the answer.
Religion roll to see what Danica knows about any of these gods/religions: 18.
Temple of Waukeen probably would not be Meili's first choice as a place of information. The priests there were ought to take as much money as possible for anything. She looked at the dome, looming above all the houses with serious doubt. On the other hand, a god is a god, they were all robbed of their followers by the curse, and information can be worth any kind of money. "Velan? Do you know who among the clergy is worried more about the curse? Maybe some sent their own expeditions? If we do not have much time," (and let's be honest here - money as well), "to check all temples, the most worried might want to help and share more."
(Oops. Fixed. The last temple, outside the city gates, is to Chauntea.)
Danica, you’re experience in port cities and towns has given you exposure to temples to most of the gods and goddesses of the Realms. Indeed, all of you at least recognize the names and have some sense of the respective portfolio of the deities:
Sune: aka Lady Firehair, goddess of love and beauty
Waukeen: a lesser, but popular deity responsible for trade and the accumulation of wealth
Savras: a lesser deity of wizards and magic users
Gond: The Lord of All Smiths; a god of forges, crafts and innovation
Tymora: Lady Luck, the goddess of good fortune
Chauntea: a goddess of life and agriculture
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PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Danica nodded as Velan told them about the different temples and remarked, "I don't get the sense that you're from here... Just been here long enough?" With a pensive expression on her face, the elf smiled as she said, "I'm interested in visiting the temples of Savras and Tymora. Sailors always need a bit o'luck...but I've respect for Savras. Knew a wizard that worshipped him. She always could predict things uncannily. Just as well as any druid could the weather. Might get some sound guidance." She arched an eyebrow to see what the others thought before shrugging. "Shame there isn't a temple to Selûne." She waited to hear Velan's response to Meili's well brought up questions.
“Mica’s and Volo’s ideas seems to work perfectly.” He said more than satisfied that the idea surfaced without any pression. Last thing he wanted was to have the bard take some offense and then lost the chance of meeting one of the richest merchants on the port. “But if any of you feels even the slightly need to rest, be sure to say immediately. We don’t want someone too tired before the start of the quest and tropical diseases are a reality.”
And ever so present one, but he felt it better to not commit such emphasis to words. They already had plenty to worry about without it. He was also happy to hear that Ran would share what he knew about the white robed wizards. Rarer information was always useful.
"Specialists on the school of Divination often achieve such feats.”He answers to Danica’s comment about the weather reading wizard. If he had a more formal arcane education Velan probably would have chosen this discipline to master. “I suspect your feeling comes from my way of speaking. It is right, of course, but not all Chultean have an accent.”Most had, of course. Their language was exquisite, at least to him. “Savras’ temple is the closest from where we are so if everyone is in accord, we can go there.”
Ran finishes cinching the last buckle on his armor. He then kneels down and dunks his head in the pool of water, leaving it under for several seconds before lifting it back up and shaking some of the water out, but letting most just run down his back and chest.
He adjusts the two longswords that rest across his back.
"Ready," Ran finally says. "The Savras temple then, is it?"
He starts walking out of the garden and towards the street.
Once they're out in the street and the hustle and bustle makes it more difficult for others to eavesdrop on their conversation, Ran starts talking.
"It's not much to say really. My family was hired to find the spoiled brat heir of one of the lord high mucky mucks of Waterdeep. Teenaged kid named Tobem, nephew of Trellin Rosznar. I found the kid but then got ambushed and the kid took off with his buddies. But old man Rosznar isn't the warm and understanding type. Because I had him then lost him, Rosznar wanted my head so I lay low for a bit and my sister, Shepard," Ran pauses and laughs. "My parents have a way with names. So Shepard gets wind of Tobem and follows him here. Last word I got was he was in the company of a group of white robed wizards and was headed inland. Haven't heard from her since."
He walks along for a few moments in silence.
"Rosznar doesn't want this last bit getting to be common knowledge, but the kid, Tobem, he's a bit of a dark arts wanker himself. Makes sense he'd be with these wizards." Ran pauses, stops and looks at the others. "I need to find my sister and get Tobem. Rosznar'll take it out on my parents if I don't find Tobem."
Ran then shrugs and continues before looking around the street.
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They barely reached the beach area when Volo invited them to dive in the water. Reticent about staying far from his spellbook and knowing better than drenching it, Velan simply watched in silence. When Ran described his sister the wizard could not help but to imagine a long-haired version of the warrior in a dress. A funny thought that disappeared as soon as he heard mention of the wizards in white robes.
As he tried to remember all he knew of the mysterious group he heard Dani speak. To that point the spellcaster shared the doubt of the bard concerning how the druid intended to start the search for a cure to the Death Curse. Her answer was less than inspiring and left him questioning if her reluctance on speaking about coin wasn’t because she, in fact, had none. It wouldn’t be the first case he heard of someone trying to get some service for free.
Velan was about to voice his concerns when Ran asked to see Wakanga. Before Volo could answer Danica finally named the pay for their services. He decided it was enough to take the travel.
“Those are fair conditions, Mrs. Druid. You can count me in officially and as it happens I am familiar with the local flora and do know about this mysterious group Ran spoke about.” He was about to enter in details about his work when he remembered how little it had been since anyone there arrived in the city. The chances of any of them having any idea about who is Zaidi Sahandi was practically nonexistent. “I don’t know their name or purpose, but they arrived last month. Secretive bunch, socialized with no one, paid for porters, boats and supplies and then traveled up the Soshenstar.”
Danica could as well say "one silver" or a "hundred platinum" - for Meili it did not matter. No, she did not say it out loud nor make a gesture indicating it, just nodded absentmindedly catching the leaf and tracing its contours with the finger.
Another Volo's tale provoked so many questions but she did not want to interrupt, asking only in sure pauses. "We heard about a red dragon too. The one that attacked Hew Hackinstone. But those dinosaurs... Do they live in the water too?" If so, fast travel by the river might need some adjustments. "So, the yuan-ti you told earlier about - they are from here? And we might encounter them?" Of course, they were, at this point, Meili could believe that Chult is the motherland of any monster imaginable and unimaginable too. Still, it was not only frightening but exciting too. The man sure could talk! She tried to memorize as much as possible.
Volo did not answer about the Prince yet, though. Meili did not think it was her place to pressure that question but she could ask another. "Do you know what the locals think about the source of the Curse?"
Meili Liang Lvl 5 Monk
"Oh, this little wonder?" Volo asks in response to Danica. He reaches down and pulls out the crystal orb from... his small clothes somewhere? "It's a gift from an old friend. You need a basic level of skill with magic to operate it... essentially, you design an illusion and then 'store' it inside. You can then call it up and project it on command. It only holds three at a time so I need to reprogram it depending on what reading I am presenting. But it is always a showstopper. I'm afraid something like the constellations would be more complex than this item could handle." He seems to reconsider. "Perhaps a skilled illusionist, with a mastery of astrology, could pull that off. I don't know. Interesting to think about."
He looks to Meili and a thoughtful expression crosses his face. "I never encountered any dragons here. True dragons, that is. Faerie dragons... wyverns... um... ah gods what are they called?" He rolls a hand absentmindedly as he tries to recall a name. It is the hand holding his mug, and he spills a fair amount of tej into the pool but doesn't seem to notice. "Komatonga? Something like that. Big, crested creatures that fly and breathe fire. Chult has all sorts of large, draconid species, but you don't hear much about true dragons. Though I don't doubt there are some out there." He smiles again. "The technical answer to your next questions is 'no, there are no dinosaurs in the water.' But don't let that cheer you up. The seas and even some of the rivers are full of giant marine reptiles similar to dinosaurs. But the crocodiles are the real riparian dangers to look out for." He is starting to look like the tej is catching up with him and he tries to keep up with your questions. "Yuan-ti? With luck, you won't meet them. But yes, they are out there. Historians differ on where these creatures originally hail from, but southern Chult is said to have some of the densest population distributions of the snake-men in all the known realms."
"As far as the curse, I don't get the impression it is on the agenda of most of the locals. Other than, of course, all the coin it is bringing in, by way of adventurers and would-be heroes traveling here to seek out the source. If there are any local theories on it, I haven't heard it. You might want to... you might want to try at one of the temples to see what they have to say?"
Finally getting back around to Ran, "You know, that's a capital idea. I am to be Wakanga's guest later this afternoon at the Grand Coliseum. There are to be some... gladiator matches or other such violent entertainment. You seem like fine, upstanding young... folk." He pauses to draw another mug from the bucket. There's a large piece of cinnamon sticking out of his mug but he just tries to drink around it. "I'd be delighted to introduce you to Wakanga."
(Who is drinking with Volo? Mica it seems, and Ran and Danica have had at least one drink so far. I don't believe Velan or Meili have yet consumed any alcohol. But I need to keep track of how much everyone has had to drink.)
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
(Meili did not drink at all!)
Ah! Here it was - what can you give to someone who has everything? A show. Something you can not collect and lock away but need to get fresh every time. She shrugged and brushed off a thick black hair lock from her eyes. Well, if this is what it takes... Why not. Could be a useful exercise too. And then temples - somehow she thought she knew everything temples could offer, but Chultians definitely could know more!
"Thank you, Temples are worth visiting too, of course." Meili glanced at Ran. The idea to beat up Azaka on the run for the "brat" seemed less and less possible - there was so much to do before the group could depart. "Would you go to the palace from here?" Maybe they still have time to do something before visiting the Prince.
Meili Liang Lvl 5 Monk
"The coliseum, actually. And the event is to begin... three hours before sunset. Plenty of time yet to relax."
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
(Ran had one drink in the bar so far.)
Ran's attention snaps around to Velan.
"You know them? The white wizards? And you're sure they went up the Shoshenstar?" Ran asks, a sense of excitement in his voice. "Not the Tiryki? You're sure of that. The Shoshenstar?"
Ran smiles and claps Velan on the back.
"Appears that there is more then one dag covered noble whelp on the loose in these jungles," he says. He pauses and looks around at the others. "Sorry for raising the temperature earlier. Turns out to have been a bit of a false alarm, eh. Wrong brat on the wrong river."
He looks around the pool area again then back to Velan and nods. And then back to Volo.
"That would be grand. The coliseum and Wakanga," Ran says to Volo. "I'm in."
(Danica just had a pineapple juice at the bar and one mug of tej so far.)
A smile stretched across Danica's face at Velan's agreement to join her on her quest and nodded in return to Meili. Ran she already got the impression was on board no matter what but she hadn't hear much from Mica. But perhaps his voiced yearning to encounter the large reptiles Chult's jungles were famous for was enticing enough.
Attention taken hold of again as Volo extracted the projection tool from only Selûne knew where as he explained the basics of how it worked. Her eyes were absolutely sparkling with intrigue but a frown pulled at her lips as he stated that likely the stars would be a bit much for the simple crystal. "I'm rather invested in mapping out the stars. I've been charting nautical star maps on parchment but this seems much more interesting. The stars see all after all and have a lot to tell us. If there's a chance you come across a skilled illusionist....well I'm far from a master of astrology but I'm no novice either."
Glancing between Velan and Ran as connections were made with this mysterious group of white robed wizards, the elf spotted the wet hand print left by the warrior heartily patting the other man on the back and tried to hide an amused chuckle. "So there are two nobles missing in the jungles? Do you know the name of the one that Azaka is after?" She asked of Volo before looking to Ran. "Or the name of yours? What's your sister's name by the way? I've got an older map of Chult and if I remember right, the Soshenstar leads a bit further south than that other one. Definitely will need some canoes or better yet a boat if the river's wide n deep enough."
After Ran stated that he was in, Danica raised a hand in two finger salute, "Count me in as well." She looked towards the other three and stated, "I won't speak for my companions but I'm not much one for relaxing when there's things to be done. Wouldn't hurt to check out that Temple in the mean time."
Nym Durnodel - Aspiring Heroes of Faerûn // Danica Amastacia - Red Dead Annihilation
(Mica has had two mugs of Tej so far, one in the bar and one with Volo)
Mica listens to Volo with rapt attention as he describes the dinosaurs and other beasts roaming the Chultan jungle, trying to file away bits of information that may be useful later. He gives Ran a second glance when he discusses the white robed wizards, it seems there is more to that story than first appears.
“Well, Cap’n” Mica raises his mug in salute and addresses Danica. He wasn’t sure if it was the correct title or not, but he did overhear the bartender refer to her as a sea captain earlier, and he was signing on to her crew “A fair offer, I am in for your search, be it a cure for the Death Curse or a runaway, if you will have me. I am no stranger to finding things in the mountains and wilds myself, although I still have some to learn on the jungle.”
He is eager to get started, but there are preparations to make and a merchant prince to meet. “The temple sounds like a wise start, as does meeting the prince, I know little of this curse myself. After that, trails point up the Tiryki or the Shosenstar. Do we take one of those or choose another way?”
When the day started Velan didn’t think much of it. An idle morning that he could best use looking for some work. He didn’t expect to find a crew so rapidly and definitely didn’t expect to find a way to meet one of the Merchant Princes. Bloody Hells, if they could make a good impression to Wakanga then he could even find definitive employment.
“I think it would be more appropriate to say that I know of them and just as much as I said now.” He answers Ran, half surprised with the armored warrior’s reaction to mention of the wizards in white. “I am quite sure they sailed the Shonestar. They were quite the source of histories when they arrived. Attention about their moves just started dying when the Cormyr Company arrived.”
Now that was a flashy bunch. Two dozen fighters, archers, knights, and a godsdamn elephant. Not many things could rob attention of that, not even in Chult. They went south too, Velan remembered, and not a word about them ever since.
“While checking the temples may be a good idea, parting ways is not a good idea.” He says turning his head in Danica’s direction. “I doubt Wakanga’s guards would let us pass without Volo’s presence, besides, and I mean it with no offense, you need the rest. You just arrived from the port after a long travel and are about to start a journey in a harsh land. Take the chance to relax before the jungle.”
Volo shakes his head when Danica asks about the noble Azaka is looking for. "It seems she shared more details... with you than with I. She just told me she was called out on an urgent job and didn't have time to visit with me and catch up." He holds up his mug. "To Azaka, finest guide in the land, ghost of the woods, tamer of tigers and ... and all that. She escorted my expedition years ago that forms a large portion of the material in my new book. Highly recommended. She kept us out of most of the trouble. Can't keep out of all of it of course. Not in those jungles. We did lose a couple of porters. Damnable 'raptors." He continues to hold his mug high, but a pall passes over his face. "I never bothered to learn their names." After another pause, "To the unknown porters, then. May the burdens of this world not follow them into the next." This seems to satisfy him, and he finishes his toast by draining his mug yet again.
It has been almost two hours in the pool now and Volo has been doing the vast majority of the drinking. He remains in good spirits but there is a slur developing in his words and his eyes are beginning to droop. At last he pulls himself up from the water to sit on the side of the pool. "Well, new friends... I think I might need to catch a cat nap before the party tonight. I'm going to go see... Emeka... about getting a room for a few hours. If you still would like to watch the fights and meet with Wakanga, meet me back at the bar in two... maybe three hours. Well met," he adds with a bow as he gathers up his clothes and walks in mostly a straight line back into the tavern. During your time at the pool the lunch rush has thinned out, though there are still several tables of guests out enjoying the clear weather in the gardens.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
As regretful as it was to leave cool water, and as correct as Velan was about the well-needed rest, there was too much work ahead to stay in this paradise. Meili let the clothes dry a bit, dressed up and looked at others. "If the temples are not so far from here, maybe we can get there before an audience with the Prince?" It was unclear whether they will be introduced as quests or new gladiators - Volo kind of said it both ways - and two-three hours was also not that precise of a time but she was ready to go.
Meili Liang Lvl 5 Monk
Ran smiles and nods at Danica.
"Oh yeah, I know the name of the daft bugger. Know the name of my sister too," Ran says as he looks around while putting his armor back on. "But maybe not here with all these ears about. I'll tell you the story when we get out on the street."
As he shakes a few drops of water out of his hair, he rolls his shoulders and neck.
"I haven't set foot in a temple since I was a lad, but why not."
Mica gives a hearty farewell to Volo as he heads to his room, then flashes a smile to Velan “See, no problem, we can meet Volo back here before we visit the prince. No need for rest now, too much to do. I have been cooped up aboard that ship for days on end and need to stretch my legs anyway. Do you know the way to these temples?”
Velan is able to give the rest of you a summary of the different temples and where they are located in the city.
You are presently in the Market Ward, home to the Red Bazaar and many smaller shops, the Grand Coliseum, as well as the world famous dye works. It is also where most of the city's merchants dwell. The only temple here is also the largest in the city: the Hall of Gold, temple of Waukeen. It can be seen from most points in the city, so named for the gleeming gold painted dome atop the structure.
Further west is the Merchant's Ward, where the Merchant Prince's have their villas and were the wealthiest citizens dwell in multistory townhouses. It also is home to the Grand Souk, a more upscale version of the Red Bazaar in the Market Ward. This district has three temples, one each dedicated to Savras, Gond, and Sune.
Malar's Throat is the slum of Port Nyanzaru, located south of the Market Ward through a huge gate known as 'Ubtao's Jaws'. This district is a ravine, with ramshackle huts and shelters crammed along either side and with rope bridges spanning the game. This is the most dangerous area of the city. It is largely undefended when undead approach from the jungles and heavy rains can lead to flash floods down the ravine, carrying pedestrians and even entire homes down into large drains that lead to the Port Nyanzaru sewers and ultimately out to the sea. This district also hold a temple to Tymora... the only stone building in the district.
The last temple is devoted to Chauntea. It sits on a hillside between Malar's Throat and the Tiryki Anchorage. It is far from the protection of the city gates but has a low wooden fence around its many gardens.
The closest temple is the Hall of Gold, but it is also the most popular, given the town's reliance on commerce and trade. It may already be too late in the day to receive an audience with the priests there.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
At Mica's address, the "Cap'n" seemed a shade darker but it could have simply been the heat and she tried to hide behind her own raised mug towards him in acknowledgement. "I'd be glad to have a warrior of your mettle." She then raised a glass with Volo at his toast. "To the porters. May we not join them in exiting this plane." With that she drained the remains of her mug of tej and then just stuck with water, assuming it was complimentary. The elf shrugs at Ran's answer, respecting his decision for wanting to keep the names of his sister and the noble she was with quiet.
Nodding along with what Velan was saying she pitched in, "The Soshenstar it is then." Before she raised an eyebrow at the man. "Haven't done anything but sleep in my bunk all night while we were docked. I'm no stranger to long travels. Spent more time on the ocean than on land for the past few decades." Even as she said that though, she tried to glance around at the others to get a read on them. "Though I'm sure the same can't be said for most so I'm more than happy to kick back if anyone wants to take a last chance at a midday nap." She nods in gesture to the direction that Volo had gone in search of his own respite.
Mica had an answer for himself at least and one that made the sailor grin before turning to Velan for the answer.
Religion roll to see what Danica knows about any of these gods/religions: 18.
Nym Durnodel - Aspiring Heroes of Faerûn // Danica Amastacia - Red Dead Annihilation
(So, two Waukeen's temples with one less fancy?)
Temple of Waukeen probably would not be Meili's first choice as a place of information. The priests there were ought to take as much money as possible for anything. She looked at the dome, looming above all the houses with serious doubt. On the other hand, a god is a god, they were all robbed of their followers by the curse, and information can be worth any kind of money. "Velan? Do you know who among the clergy is worried more about the curse? Maybe some sent their own expeditions? If we do not have much time," (and let's be honest here - money as well), "to check all temples, the most worried might want to help and share more."
Meili Liang Lvl 5 Monk
(Oops. Fixed. The last temple, outside the city gates, is to Chauntea.)
Danica, you’re experience in port cities and towns has given you exposure to temples to most of the gods and goddesses of the Realms. Indeed, all of you at least recognize the names and have some sense of the respective portfolio of the deities:
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Danica nodded as Velan told them about the different temples and remarked, "I don't get the sense that you're from here... Just been here long enough?" With a pensive expression on her face, the elf smiled as she said, "I'm interested in visiting the temples of Savras and Tymora. Sailors always need a bit o'luck...but I've respect for Savras. Knew a wizard that worshipped him. She always could predict things uncannily. Just as well as any druid could the weather. Might get some sound guidance." She arched an eyebrow to see what the others thought before shrugging. "Shame there isn't a temple to Selûne." She waited to hear Velan's response to Meili's well brought up questions.
Nym Durnodel - Aspiring Heroes of Faerûn // Danica Amastacia - Red Dead Annihilation
“Mica’s and Volo’s ideas seems to work perfectly.” He said more than satisfied that the idea surfaced without any pression. Last thing he wanted was to have the bard take some offense and then lost the chance of meeting one of the richest merchants on the port. “But if any of you feels even the slightly need to rest, be sure to say immediately. We don’t want someone too tired before the start of the quest and tropical diseases are a reality.”
And ever so present one, but he felt it better to not commit such emphasis to words. They already had plenty to worry about without it. He was also happy to hear that Ran would share what he knew about the white robed wizards. Rarer information was always useful.
"Specialists on the school of Divination often achieve such feats.” He answers to Danica’s comment about the weather reading wizard. If he had a more formal arcane education Velan probably would have chosen this discipline to master. “I suspect your feeling comes from my way of speaking. It is right, of course, but not all Chultean have an accent.” Most had, of course. Their language was exquisite, at least to him. “Savras’ temple is the closest from where we are so if everyone is in accord, we can go there.”
Ran finishes cinching the last buckle on his armor. He then kneels down and dunks his head in the pool of water, leaving it under for several seconds before lifting it back up and shaking some of the water out, but letting most just run down his back and chest.
He adjusts the two longswords that rest across his back.
"Ready," Ran finally says. "The Savras temple then, is it?"
He starts walking out of the garden and towards the street.
Once they're out in the street and the hustle and bustle makes it more difficult for others to eavesdrop on their conversation, Ran starts talking.
"It's not much to say really. My family was hired to find the spoiled brat heir of one of the lord high mucky mucks of Waterdeep. Teenaged kid named Tobem, nephew of Trellin Rosznar. I found the kid but then got ambushed and the kid took off with his buddies. But old man Rosznar isn't the warm and understanding type. Because I had him then lost him, Rosznar wanted my head so I lay low for a bit and my sister, Shepard," Ran pauses and laughs. "My parents have a way with names. So Shepard gets wind of Tobem and follows him here. Last word I got was he was in the company of a group of white robed wizards and was headed inland. Haven't heard from her since."
He walks along for a few moments in silence.
"Rosznar doesn't want this last bit getting to be common knowledge, but the kid, Tobem, he's a bit of a dark arts wanker himself. Makes sense he'd be with these wizards." Ran pauses, stops and looks at the others. "I need to find my sister and get Tobem. Rosznar'll take it out on my parents if I don't find Tobem."
Ran then shrugs and continues before looking around the street.