“Thank you, but one is enough for now” Mica nods at Esther “Have you seen this show before? What do you know of this author? Some of the other guests don't seem impressed.” Mica gestures toward the group of dwarves ahead of him.
As he turns his attention to the stage, he takes a moment to approach Velan while he waits for the performance to begin “You know some of the hunters and explorers at this anchorage? I am Mica, I would like to learn more of some of the beasts that roam this jungle.”
“Maybe he is afflicted by the Death Curse.” Velan says in response to Ran comment about the one-armed dwarf. “He certainly had scars from wounds that could have been mortal and that would explain his eagerness to go in this particular expedition, although greed got the better of him.”
The armored warrior then asked if the wizard knew about any guide, Meili thanking him for the bit of information he mentioned a moment before. Should I put a price on the information? He was definitely tempted. The reservation Danica showed about discussing openly how much she would pay the members of the expedition could very well mean she had no coin to offer and instead would pay with a share of any treasure found on the adventure, if not try to appeal to their sense of charity. If that was the case then it would be good to get something from this group.
“No need to thank me, lady. Just keep in mind the area is rough. And, Ran, not directly.” He decided to answer truthfully. “What I do know is a contact that can easy our search, if not solve it for us entirely. I would bet that he knows better than most in the city which guides to avoid, and he is an honest man. We work together so he himself is not likely to scam us.”
Esther shakes her head at Mica. "No. Mr. Geddarm is only just arrived in Port Nyanzaru, a guest of one of the Merchant Princes. We were asked to give him a platform to present his latest book. He wishes to give such a presentation each day at lunch, but we would like to see how well it is received before we make a larger commitment to him."
Esther and Emeka excuse themselves and move out from bar to visit some tables. During your time here, the crowds have slowly trickled in and now the lunch rush is fully on. A Chultan girl of perhaps 15 emerges from the kitchens and assists them in delivering bowls of pepper soup and popcorn to the customers.
From your position at the bar, you don't have a clear line of sight to the stage, but you can hear everything. A voice with a Chultan accent makes the following announcement: "Friends of the Thundering Lizard, we are proud to present to you the internationally famous author of such works as 'Dungeonology' and 'On Goblins,' here today to read to you with excerpts from his newest book, 'Volo's Guide to Monsters'... the one, the only, Volothamp Geddarm."
There is a smattering of applause and a few whistles... which is then replaced by a hush and then murmurs of awe and interest. Next, the voice of the colorful fellow who greeted Danica earlier echoes out from the back room, seemingly amplified somehow. "Ahem... The serpent creatures known as yuan-ti are all that remains of an ancient, decadent human empire. Ages ago their dark gods taught them profane, cannibalistic rituals to mix their flesh with that of snakes, producing a caste-based society of hybrids in which the most snake-like are the leaders and the most human-like are spies and agents in foreign lands...".
The presentation continues on in this fashion.
(Do we remain at the bar in conversation? Remove to Danica's room to discuss financing? Go to the back to watch the show? Exit to tour the city? Something different?)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Ran's eyelids start to droop as Volothamp Geddarm voice continues on about serpent people. Whether it's the heat or boredom, the result is the same, Ran has stopped paying attention to what's happening on stage.
He looks around at his new acquaintances, trying to gauge if they're interested in the show or not. The fellow is animated so he can stick it out if the others look interested but at any sign of boredom on their parts he's getting out of here.
"As great as this is," Ran says. "How about we go check out this contact Velan has? No one was jumping to hire Hew so we can always find him later if he turns out to be the best option."
He turns to address Velan directly.
"Is this Tyriki Anchorage far?" Ran asks. He then nods over at Danica and adds "The noise of the streets should make any conversation as private as your room if there's more we need to talk about on the way."
If Ran counted, Meili was among those who listened "the one and the only". Volothamp Geddarm's voice was pleasant enough (and certainly loud) and the things he was talking about quite fascinating. Meili never heard of yuan-ti. She did not understand, though, if that was some kind of fairy tale or those yuan-ti really existed somewhere.
Ran was right, however, as fascinating as the information was, it was a distraction from the task at hand. "I would be glad to accompany you to Tyriki Anchorage." Meili looked at Danica, checking if she heard and wants to join, or at least knows that they will be back as soon as they learn something.
Mica quickly grew bored and restless as the presentation continued. A Guide to Monsters sounded promising, but Mica preferred gaining his knowledge through experience in the wilds, or at the side of those that walked the dangers as well. This fine fellow on the stage looked several stories and tales removed from seeing an actual Yuan-Ti, whatever that was. Then again, looks can be deceiving.
Regardless, he was beyond ready to leave when Ran and Meili suggested visiting the anchorage “I will go with you. I would like to talk with some of these hunters and explorers at the anchorage and learn more of the jungle and what lies within."
As they prepare to leave, Mica turns to Esther “Maybe a juggler or a bard next time, although some of these others seem to like it well enough”
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
“Allow me to advice against taking such course of action right now.” He speaks as his not yet companions express their will to visit Tyrik. “Esther just said that our dear writer there…” The wizard gestures at the stage. “… have contact with nothing less than the Merchant Princes, the very rulers of this city, one of which just so happens to deal in guides and sellswords.” Jobal, the wizard remembers with little effort. Who better to provide orientation in Danica’s endeavor? Who knows, with a little bit of luck they could even get a guide without having to pay any coin. It would still cost some kind of favor though. Of that much he was certain. “Even if Mr. Geddarm does not accompany us or help in negotiating with some stray adventuring party, speaking with him could bring much good fortune.”
And ignoring him could spell disaster. Where the man to feel offended while having the good graces of so much as a Prince then forget the Death Curse, they would need to worry about their lives. All the more if Volothamp had anything resembling friendship with Jessamine.
“I take none of you had heard of him before?” Velan asked considering Mica’s comment about the spectacle. “He looks like… A bard?”Suddenly he couldn’t be sure. Geddarm’s clothes were that much outlandish to him. To be fair most things in the world not related to his previous studies was. “Although not the musical type.” The wizard concluded taking another sip of his still unfinished cup.
History check to see if Velan have heard or read anything about/from Volo:18
You recall that the Crone had a copy of an unpublished manuscript, 'Volo's Complete Guide to the Behavior of Nymphs.' It was quite a salacious work and it was one of her favorite reads. When questioned, she would not reveal how she came to possess this manuscript but did divulge that she liked to trade in favors and had picked it up in her travels. Volo was supposed to be some kind of famous author, mostly of guidebooks and adventuring stories, and someone who moved in circles of powerful people. She also remarked that he was a legendary drunkard and plagiarist.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Ran listens to Velan and turns back to look at Volothamp up on the stage.
"He's connected?" Ran says, eyebrows raising. Then he turns back to Velan. "You've got a lot of knowledge in that head there. We'll have to make sure no one tries to take it off when we're out in the wilds."
Wiping a few drops of sweat from his brow, Ran edges past the dwarfs, to get closer to the stage to see if this Volothamp is anywhere close to be done.
Velan made a lot of sense, though personally, Meili never had to deal with any kind of rulers and they were more of an abstract idea to her rather than living beings. How do you even talk to them? What can you offer to someone who already has everything? So, as reasonable as it all sounded, she had to ask "Maybe we can do both? Some wait for Mr. Geddarm to finish, and others check the Anchorage. Just to be sure." She did not insist on immediate running anywhere, though. The decision was on Danica anyway.
Mica did not know of these Merchant Princes Velan spoke of, or how they could be linked to this fellow on the stage. But there was much in this crowded city he did not know or understand.
Mica cocked his head at Velan “Do you mean to use this writer’s relationship with the princes to get us supplies and guides for our search? Why would he help us, is such a thing possible?”
Mica shrugged, he was out of his element here, and he knew it. He was eager to leave civilization behind and get back into the embrace of nature, but while in the city he would listen to those familiar with the workings of it. He focused his attention back to the stage. In the meantime, he would try to learn more of these Yuan-Ti and whatever other monsters this Volo described.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Danica shook her head at Esther's offer for a refill, raising her still half full cup before resting a hand on the top spoke of her ship wheel shield leaning against her stool as she settled in to listen to the show begin with half an ear to the fancily dressed man's droning on snake people and the other half on her hopefully soon to be companions. She was about to agree with Ran about leaving when she heard Velan out and cocked an eyebrow at mention of the Merchant Princes. "You bring up a solid point there." Though at his question about if she had heard anything of this 'author' before had her head tilting in thought.
Nodding at Meili's plan, the elf then glanced at Mica and butted in even though the question wasn't posed at her, "He's writin' about monsters, right? Maybe he wants protection while he looks at more of them? Or for corpses to be brought back to him for study? Who knows. Wouldn't hurt to try and find out though."
She would lean back and observe the crowd rather than look at Mr. Geddarm while he prattled on about the serpent creatures.
You may have heard the names 'Volo' or 'yuan-ti' once or twice in one port town or another, but you cannot recall anything significant about either.
Moving to the back and securing a table that can view the exhibition, you're able to get the total experience of this 'show.' The area around the stage is criss crossed with thin, mist like vapors and now that you are closer, you can hear ambient noises of the jungle... frogs and buzzing insects and - far off - the low growl of some unseen beast. Volo is on the stage, book open as he winds down a lengthy explanation of yuan-ti politics.
He looks around the room and says, "Now that we've cleared that up, what say we have a look at the ugly buggers, shall we?" He draws an object from one of his pockets and releases into the air. It is a glass or crystal sphere, small enough to fit in the palm of his hand. It floats around him, orbiting at chest height. Looking back to the book, he reads, "The Broodguard, or 'histachii' in the tongue of the serpentfolk, stands between 5 and 6 feet tall...". As the little orb passes in front of him, Volo reaches out with his free hand and taps it several times. Instantly, a figure materializes on the stage next to him. It is a hideous, reptilian beast, like something out of a nightmare. It makes no sound, but seems to walk slowly in place, glance around the room, and snarl silently.
There are gasps from the audience, and a scream from someone watching from out in the gardens. A smile passes Volo's lips as he continues. "These poor creatures are the result of transformative magics applied to human...".
He is cut short as one of the dwarves from earlier rises, chair in hand. "Fret not! I've got 'im!" He charges toward the image and seems to disappear into it... a half second later there is a crash near the back of the stage. The reaction of the crowd runs the full spectrum, from cries of alarm to riotous laughter. Another dwarf stands. "I'll save you, Jephrem!" He grabs his own chair and hurls it twohanded over his head toward the stage. The crowd holds its breath as it seems headed straight for the unlucky author, who throws up a hand to protect himself. The chair hurtles toward him - and is caught deftly by a wiry Chultan woman who darts in from the gardens. She sets the chair down hard on the wood floor, and from the other side of the room the Chultans around the hookah pipes throw up a cry of "Azaka! Azaka! Azaka!"
Volo peaks out through his fingers and then grins sheepishly. "Friends, it is none other than my guardian angel herself! Three cheers for Azaka Stormfang! Finest jungle guide in all of Chult, and only the fourth woman to ever knock me out cold with one punch!" She walks to the stage and they exchange a few words. He taps his little orb once and the image of the monster disappears. "Ladies and gentlemen," Volo says to the crowd after Azaka is done speaking to him, "upon the advice of counsel, I will be adjourning the rest of the presentation, perhaps indefinitely. I'd like to thank you all for your time and attention... and would like to remind you that copies of my latest work, Volo's Guide to Monsters, are available upon request for the low, low price of 50gp. Autograph included at no additional charge. Please remember to tip your waitstaff." He closes his book and climbs down off the stage, continuing his conversation with Azaka closer to the doorway to the gardens. Meanwhile, some of the dwarves are helping their comrade off of the stage, while Emeka has come out to have stern words with the others at the table.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
“I would be most pleased with any help in keep my head, good warrior.” Velan answers to Ran quite honestly. “And forgive me not answering your question before, but Tyriki is outside of the city walls, beyond the closest gate from here." Not exactly what he would call distant, but he was too used to the walk from and to there. There was also the fact that the way was not a swamp, he though turning his eyes to the genasi. “Mica, I won’t vouch for him helping, but he did approach us with interest in the expedition.” Not his expedition, he though. At least not yet. Payment was matter still to be accorded upon. “I was not familiar with Volothamp Geddarm, but Volo? Believe it or not, and I swear I am tempted to not, this man is a famed author of guidebooks and adventuring histories, well known for moving in powerful circles. He may very well be the guide we need and if not he is a sure bridge to an arrangement where we manage to find someone extremely reliable to provide the service.”
He took another sip of the juice, giving though to what Danica had mentioned. Her hypothesis were fairly plausible and likely to mean that the bard would pay for their services. Two payments in a single job? He could live with the idea.
“I would advise against dividing the group too.” The wizard said moving his attention to the monk. “Think like that, Meili: what if the absence of any of us is notice by the bard, he takes offense and decides to take this to his ruling friends. Murders happened for less throughout History. Best to wait and speak with him. My contact in the anchorage won’t go anywhere.”
Meili highly doubted Mr. Geddarm would notice even if she would die in the spot, let alone her absence from the crowd. Dividing the group, though, was a serious reason to postpone any sightseeing. She nodded quietly acknowledging Velan's words of wisdom and concentrated on the show, which turned out to be quite interesting! Meili gasped with the rest of the audience at the sight of the monster, laughed at the dwarves (though, that one was a bit in a "second-hand shame" area - how could they!) and was about to cry "Azaka!" when realized, it's a person and she does not know her. A touch ashamed (not for her own inappropriate excitement) she made a step towards the star of the show and looked at others. "We probably have to catch Mr. Geddarm before he left?" It was a pleasant task anyway - Meili was glad to express her gratitude. "Mr. Geddarm, thank you for that presentation, it was truly great! Can I ask a few questions about that snake-people?"Meili was absolutely genuine in her interest and if the expression of the interest could help to slow down bard's departure, it was even better.
Danica's pointed ears twitched at hearing an unfamiliar growl and couldn't help but glance around for its source, uneasy that she couldn't find it. Chalking it up to magic as she didn't see anyone else too concerned, she focused on Volothamp's presentation. But what caught most attention was of course the creature that suddenly seemed to materialize on stage with him after tapping a tool of some kind. The elf's eyes lit up, her mouth parting ever so slightly in wonder, green eyes raking over the uncanny illusion (at least she could only assume) and flicking back to the device that seemed to make it happen.
The reading was cut abruptly short as not just one but two dwarves attempted to attack the silent image, causing her to roll her eyes in disbelief. Though she supposed magic wasn't common to everyone, wasn't it enough to read the room?? Azaka certainly seemed formidable but as Ran exclaimed that she was the guide that they needed, Danica simply hummed noncommittally. She did stand with him and join the man as he made his way towards the gardens to where Mr. Geddarm and his warrior woman had retreated.
At Meili's excited questions, the sailor couldn't help but interject with a smirk, "Or will that cost us the full fifty gold? Heh. Might be worth it, but perhaps we're getting ahead of ourselves. Name's Danica Amastacia. Pleased to make your acquaintance. I'm looking into gathering a crew to go into the jungles. Trying to hire this lot." She gestures to the people that followed her, starting with Meili and Ran. "But we haven't settled on a guide just yet." She left the statement open ended to see what the writer or his talented guard replied.
As you approach the author and his guide-friend, the dwarf who crashed into the stage is being helped up by two of his comrades. They all seem to be enjoying a good laugh and have already dubbed the young hero ‘Jephrem Bookslayer.’ Emeka is less amused and seems to be in the process of the throwing the dwarves out to sober up, though the white skinned dwarf guide is doing his best to intercede on their behalf.
Volo and Azaka are standing just inside the tavern, in a square of bright sunshine coming in from the open air gardens beyond. Past them you can see that the gardens are just as crowded as the rest of the establishment. Completely enclosed by stone walls and only accessible through the Thundering Lizard, the gardens have seating, both tables and blankets on the ground. They are dominated by two features: A large shallow pool where some guests lounge in various stages of undress; and a aesthetically cultivated collection of jungle trees and plants, featuring hanging vines and large purple and yellow flowers, attended to by butterflies of all shapes, sizes and patterns. Most of the tables here have buckets of tej which the patrons dip their mugs into for refills. A tall, muscled Chultan leans against the doorway to the gardens, next to a sign that reads: Entry: 1gp.
Volo looks up and smiles at the greetings from Meili and Danica. "Ah yes. The intrepid explorers from the barroom. Well, young lady, I would ordinarily have to ask you to purchase a copy of my book for more details... but... as it so happens, I find myself without a drinking partner," he adds as he makes sad eyes toward Azaka. "That being the case, what say you and your allies join me out on the garden patios for some after noon refreshment? You can tell me all about the adventures you have planned, I can share a bit of wisdom, and we can all soak in this glorious tropical atmosphere." He looks once more at Azaka. "And as far as guides go, I would tell you to look no further than Azaka here, but apparently her dance card is already full."
Azaka, seemingly infinitely more restrained than her friend, gives a polite but curt nod. "Indeed. I'm contracted to lead a search party set to depart in the morning. In fact, I need to be on my way shortly to make sure the canoes and supplies have been ordered." She has a handsome, if not beautiful face and somehow the long clawmark scars running from her left eye down to below her jaw add, rather than detract, from her appearance.
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PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
At the offer of being his drinking companions, Danica eyes the sign with the pricing of admittance before nodding, retrieving five gold pieces for her group's entry. "I'm sure we couldn't ask for any better company." She said with a smile. "Likely the last bit of relaxation we'll see for a while, might as well soak it up as you said. Literally."The elf gestures to the pool.
Eyeing the attractive warrior, she echoes, "Search party? Might I ask what your party is in search of? Not trying to compete," She held up hands in sign of peace before explaining, "But if by any far flung chance you're looking for the cure for the Death Curse, I'd be obliged to ask to join if at all possible."
"Excellent," Volo says, clapping his hands. "I'll go fetch us some buckets." He moves into the garden area and as he passes the doorman he flashes an oversized silver coin and says something about being a 'guest of Wakanga'. He then walks into the gardens without paying.
Azaka shakes her head to Danica. "There's no need for secrecy, but no room for hangers-on, either. It's a straight-forward rescue or recovery and we need to move light and fast. Some time ago an expedition from the temple of Chauntea left the city to look for the death curse. One of the priests there was of noble blood and word finally reached his kin on the continent that he was missing in the jungle. So the family sent a few scouts and a chest full of coin and now I am escorting those scouts into the jungle to find the noble brat... or more likely his bones."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
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“Thank you, but one is enough for now” Mica nods at Esther “Have you seen this show before? What do you know of this author? Some of the other guests don't seem impressed.” Mica gestures toward the group of dwarves ahead of him.
As he turns his attention to the stage, he takes a moment to approach Velan while he waits for the performance to begin “You know some of the hunters and explorers at this anchorage? I am Mica, I would like to learn more of some of the beasts that roam this jungle.”
“Maybe he is afflicted by the Death Curse.” Velan says in response to Ran comment about the one-armed dwarf. “He certainly had scars from wounds that could have been mortal and that would explain his eagerness to go in this particular expedition, although greed got the better of him.”
The armored warrior then asked if the wizard knew about any guide, Meili thanking him for the bit of information he mentioned a moment before. Should I put a price on the information? He was definitely tempted. The reservation Danica showed about discussing openly how much she would pay the members of the expedition could very well mean she had no coin to offer and instead would pay with a share of any treasure found on the adventure, if not try to appeal to their sense of charity. If that was the case then it would be good to get something from this group.
“No need to thank me, lady. Just keep in mind the area is rough. And, Ran, not directly.” He decided to answer truthfully. “What I do know is a contact that can easy our search, if not solve it for us entirely. I would bet that he knows better than most in the city which guides to avoid, and he is an honest man. We work together so he himself is not likely to scam us.”
Esther shakes her head at Mica. "No. Mr. Geddarm is only just arrived in Port Nyanzaru, a guest of one of the Merchant Princes. We were asked to give him a platform to present his latest book. He wishes to give such a presentation each day at lunch, but we would like to see how well it is received before we make a larger commitment to him."
Esther and Emeka excuse themselves and move out from bar to visit some tables. During your time here, the crowds have slowly trickled in and now the lunch rush is fully on. A Chultan girl of perhaps 15 emerges from the kitchens and assists them in delivering bowls of pepper soup and popcorn to the customers.
From your position at the bar, you don't have a clear line of sight to the stage, but you can hear everything. A voice with a Chultan accent makes the following announcement: "Friends of the Thundering Lizard, we are proud to present to you the internationally famous author of such works as 'Dungeonology' and 'On Goblins,' here today to read to you with excerpts from his newest book, 'Volo's Guide to Monsters'... the one, the only, Volothamp Geddarm."
There is a smattering of applause and a few whistles... which is then replaced by a hush and then murmurs of awe and interest. Next, the voice of the colorful fellow who greeted Danica earlier echoes out from the back room, seemingly amplified somehow. "Ahem... The serpent creatures known as yuan-ti are all that remains of an ancient, decadent human empire. Ages ago their dark gods taught them profane, cannibalistic rituals to mix their flesh with that of snakes, producing a caste-based society of hybrids in which the most snake-like are the leaders and the most human-like are spies and agents in foreign lands...".
The presentation continues on in this fashion.
(Do we remain at the bar in conversation? Remove to Danica's room to discuss financing? Go to the back to watch the show? Exit to tour the city? Something different?)
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Ran's eyelids start to droop as Volothamp Geddarm voice continues on about serpent people. Whether it's the heat or boredom, the result is the same, Ran has stopped paying attention to what's happening on stage.
He looks around at his new acquaintances, trying to gauge if they're interested in the show or not. The fellow is animated so he can stick it out if the others look interested but at any sign of boredom on their parts he's getting out of here.
"As great as this is," Ran says. "How about we go check out this contact Velan has? No one was jumping to hire Hew so we can always find him later if he turns out to be the best option."
He turns to address Velan directly.
"Is this Tyriki Anchorage far?" Ran asks. He then nods over at Danica and adds "The noise of the streets should make any conversation as private as your room if there's more we need to talk about on the way."
If Ran counted, Meili was among those who listened "the one and the only". Volothamp Geddarm's voice was pleasant enough (and certainly loud) and the things he was talking about quite fascinating. Meili never heard of yuan-ti. She did not understand, though, if that was some kind of fairy tale or those yuan-ti really existed somewhere.
Ran was right, however, as fascinating as the information was, it was a distraction from the task at hand. "I would be glad to accompany you to Tyriki Anchorage." Meili looked at Danica, checking if she heard and wants to join, or at least knows that they will be back as soon as they learn something.
Meili Liang Lvl 5 Monk
Mica quickly grew bored and restless as the presentation continued. A Guide to Monsters sounded promising, but Mica preferred gaining his knowledge through experience in the wilds, or at the side of those that walked the dangers as well. This fine fellow on the stage looked several stories and tales removed from seeing an actual Yuan-Ti, whatever that was. Then again, looks can be deceiving.
Regardless, he was beyond ready to leave when Ran and Meili suggested visiting the anchorage “I will go with you. I would like to talk with some of these hunters and explorers at the anchorage and learn more of the jungle and what lies within."
As they prepare to leave, Mica turns to Esther “Maybe a juggler or a bard next time, although some of these others seem to like it well enough”
“Allow me to advice against taking such course of action right now.” He speaks as his not yet companions express their will to visit Tyrik. “Esther just said that our dear writer there…” The wizard gestures at the stage. “… have contact with nothing less than the Merchant Princes, the very rulers of this city, one of which just so happens to deal in guides and sellswords.” Jobal, the wizard remembers with little effort. Who better to provide orientation in Danica’s endeavor? Who knows, with a little bit of luck they could even get a guide without having to pay any coin. It would still cost some kind of favor though. Of that much he was certain. “Even if Mr. Geddarm does not accompany us or help in negotiating with some stray adventuring party, speaking with him could bring much good fortune.”
And ignoring him could spell disaster. Where the man to feel offended while having the good graces of so much as a Prince then forget the Death Curse, they would need to worry about their lives. All the more if Volothamp had anything resembling friendship with Jessamine.
“I take none of you had heard of him before?” Velan asked considering Mica’s comment about the spectacle. “He looks like… A bard?” Suddenly he couldn’t be sure. Geddarm’s clothes were that much outlandish to him. To be fair most things in the world not related to his previous studies was. “Although not the musical type.” The wizard concluded taking another sip of his still unfinished cup.
History check to see if Velan have heard or read anything about/from Volo: 18
You recall that the Crone had a copy of an unpublished manuscript, 'Volo's Complete Guide to the Behavior of Nymphs.' It was quite a salacious work and it was one of her favorite reads. When questioned, she would not reveal how she came to possess this manuscript but did divulge that she liked to trade in favors and had picked it up in her travels. Volo was supposed to be some kind of famous author, mostly of guidebooks and adventuring stories, and someone who moved in circles of powerful people. She also remarked that he was a legendary drunkard and plagiarist.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Ran listens to Velan and turns back to look at Volothamp up on the stage.
"He's connected?" Ran says, eyebrows raising. Then he turns back to Velan. "You've got a lot of knowledge in that head there. We'll have to make sure no one tries to take it off when we're out in the wilds."
Wiping a few drops of sweat from his brow, Ran edges past the dwarfs, to get closer to the stage to see if this Volothamp is anywhere close to be done.
Velan made a lot of sense, though personally, Meili never had to deal with any kind of rulers and they were more of an abstract idea to her rather than living beings. How do you even talk to them? What can you offer to someone who already has everything? So, as reasonable as it all sounded, she had to ask "Maybe we can do both? Some wait for Mr. Geddarm to finish, and others check the Anchorage. Just to be sure." She did not insist on immediate running anywhere, though. The decision was on Danica anyway.
Meili Liang Lvl 5 Monk
Mica did not know of these Merchant Princes Velan spoke of, or how they could be linked to this fellow on the stage. But there was much in this crowded city he did not know or understand.
Mica cocked his head at Velan “Do you mean to use this writer’s relationship with the princes to get us supplies and guides for our search? Why would he help us, is such a thing possible?”
Mica shrugged, he was out of his element here, and he knew it. He was eager to leave civilization behind and get back into the embrace of nature, but while in the city he would listen to those familiar with the workings of it. He focused his attention back to the stage. In the meantime, he would try to learn more of these Yuan-Ti and whatever other monsters this Volo described.
Danica shook her head at Esther's offer for a refill, raising her still half full cup before resting a hand on the top spoke of her ship wheel shield leaning against her stool as she settled in to listen to the show begin with half an ear to the fancily dressed man's droning on snake people and the other half on her hopefully soon to be companions. She was about to agree with Ran about leaving when she heard Velan out and cocked an eyebrow at mention of the Merchant Princes. "You bring up a solid point there." Though at his question about if she had heard anything of this 'author' before had her head tilting in thought.
Nodding at Meili's plan, the elf then glanced at Mica and butted in even though the question wasn't posed at her, "He's writin' about monsters, right? Maybe he wants protection while he looks at more of them? Or for corpses to be brought back to him for study? Who knows. Wouldn't hurt to try and find out though."
She would lean back and observe the crowd rather than look at Mr. Geddarm while he prattled on about the serpent creatures.
History Roll for knowledge on Volo or Yuan-Ti: 18
Nym Durnodel - Aspiring Heroes of Faerûn // Danica Amastacia - Red Dead Annihilation
You may have heard the names 'Volo' or 'yuan-ti' once or twice in one port town or another, but you cannot recall anything significant about either.
Moving to the back and securing a table that can view the exhibition, you're able to get the total experience of this 'show.' The area around the stage is criss crossed with thin, mist like vapors and now that you are closer, you can hear ambient noises of the jungle... frogs and buzzing insects and - far off - the low growl of some unseen beast. Volo is on the stage, book open as he winds down a lengthy explanation of yuan-ti politics.
He looks around the room and says, "Now that we've cleared that up, what say we have a look at the ugly buggers, shall we?" He draws an object from one of his pockets and releases into the air. It is a glass or crystal sphere, small enough to fit in the palm of his hand. It floats around him, orbiting at chest height. Looking back to the book, he reads, "The Broodguard, or 'histachii' in the tongue of the serpentfolk, stands between 5 and 6 feet tall...". As the little orb passes in front of him, Volo reaches out with his free hand and taps it several times. Instantly, a figure materializes on the stage next to him. It is a hideous, reptilian beast, like something out of a nightmare. It makes no sound, but seems to walk slowly in place, glance around the room, and snarl silently.
There are gasps from the audience, and a scream from someone watching from out in the gardens. A smile passes Volo's lips as he continues. "These poor creatures are the result of transformative magics applied to human...".
He is cut short as one of the dwarves from earlier rises, chair in hand. "Fret not! I've got 'im!" He charges toward the image and seems to disappear into it... a half second later there is a crash near the back of the stage. The reaction of the crowd runs the full spectrum, from cries of alarm to riotous laughter. Another dwarf stands. "I'll save you, Jephrem!" He grabs his own chair and hurls it twohanded over his head toward the stage. The crowd holds its breath as it seems headed straight for the unlucky author, who throws up a hand to protect himself. The chair hurtles toward him - and is caught deftly by a wiry Chultan woman who darts in from the gardens. She sets the chair down hard on the wood floor, and from the other side of the room the Chultans around the hookah pipes throw up a cry of "Azaka! Azaka! Azaka!"
Volo peaks out through his fingers and then grins sheepishly. "Friends, it is none other than my guardian angel herself! Three cheers for Azaka Stormfang! Finest jungle guide in all of Chult, and only the fourth woman to ever knock me out cold with one punch!" She walks to the stage and they exchange a few words. He taps his little orb once and the image of the monster disappears. "Ladies and gentlemen," Volo says to the crowd after Azaka is done speaking to him, "upon the advice of counsel, I will be adjourning the rest of the presentation, perhaps indefinitely. I'd like to thank you all for your time and attention... and would like to remind you that copies of my latest work, Volo's Guide to Monsters, are available upon request for the low, low price of 50gp. Autograph included at no additional charge. Please remember to tip your waitstaff." He closes his book and climbs down off the stage, continuing his conversation with Azaka closer to the doorway to the gardens. Meanwhile, some of the dwarves are helping their comrade off of the stage, while Emeka has come out to have stern words with the others at the table.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
“I would be most pleased with any help in keep my head, good warrior.” Velan answers to Ran quite honestly. “And forgive me not answering your question before, but Tyriki is outside of the city walls, beyond the closest gate from here." Not exactly what he would call distant, but he was too used to the walk from and to there. There was also the fact that the way was not a swamp, he though turning his eyes to the genasi. “Mica, I won’t vouch for him helping, but he did approach us with interest in the expedition.” Not his expedition, he though. At least not yet. Payment was matter still to be accorded upon. “I was not familiar with Volothamp Geddarm, but Volo? Believe it or not, and I swear I am tempted to not, this man is a famed author of guidebooks and adventuring histories, well known for moving in powerful circles. He may very well be the guide we need and if not he is a sure bridge to an arrangement where we manage to find someone extremely reliable to provide the service.”
He took another sip of the juice, giving though to what Danica had mentioned. Her hypothesis were fairly plausible and likely to mean that the bard would pay for their services. Two payments in a single job? He could live with the idea.
“I would advise against dividing the group too.” The wizard said moving his attention to the monk. “Think like that, Meili: what if the absence of any of us is notice by the bard, he takes offense and decides to take this to his ruling friends. Murders happened for less throughout History. Best to wait and speak with him. My contact in the anchorage won’t go anywhere.”
Meili highly doubted Mr. Geddarm would notice even if she would die in the spot, let alone her absence from the crowd. Dividing the group, though, was a serious reason to postpone any sightseeing. She nodded quietly acknowledging Velan's words of wisdom and concentrated on the show, which turned out to be quite interesting! Meili gasped with the rest of the audience at the sight of the monster, laughed at the dwarves (though, that one was a bit in a "second-hand shame" area - how could they!) and was about to cry "Azaka!" when realized, it's a person and she does not know her. A touch ashamed (not for her own inappropriate excitement) she made a step towards the star of the show and looked at others. "We probably have to catch Mr. Geddarm before he left?" It was a pleasant task anyway - Meili was glad to express her gratitude. "Mr. Geddarm, thank you for that presentation, it was truly great! Can I ask a few questions about that snake-people?" Meili was absolutely genuine in her interest and if the expression of the interest could help to slow down bard's departure, it was even better.
Meili Liang Lvl 5 Monk
Finally, this show was picking up, Ran thought to himself, smiling as the dwarves crashed through the illusion.
He banged the table in support and the gasps with the crowd as the guide, Azaka comes out of no where to catch the chair.
”That’s the guide we need.”
Ran stands and follows Meili to thank Volo and to meet Azaka. He looks back and nods for the others to follow. Might as well show who we are.
Danica's pointed ears twitched at hearing an unfamiliar growl and couldn't help but glance around for its source, uneasy that she couldn't find it. Chalking it up to magic as she didn't see anyone else too concerned, she focused on Volothamp's presentation. But what caught most attention was of course the creature that suddenly seemed to materialize on stage with him after tapping a tool of some kind. The elf's eyes lit up, her mouth parting ever so slightly in wonder, green eyes raking over the uncanny illusion (at least she could only assume) and flicking back to the device that seemed to make it happen.
The reading was cut abruptly short as not just one but two dwarves attempted to attack the silent image, causing her to roll her eyes in disbelief. Though she supposed magic wasn't common to everyone, wasn't it enough to read the room?? Azaka certainly seemed formidable but as Ran exclaimed that she was the guide that they needed, Danica simply hummed noncommittally. She did stand with him and join the man as he made his way towards the gardens to where Mr. Geddarm and his warrior woman had retreated.
At Meili's excited questions, the sailor couldn't help but interject with a smirk, "Or will that cost us the full fifty gold? Heh. Might be worth it, but perhaps we're getting ahead of ourselves. Name's Danica Amastacia. Pleased to make your acquaintance. I'm looking into gathering a crew to go into the jungles. Trying to hire this lot." She gestures to the people that followed her, starting with Meili and Ran. "But we haven't settled on a guide just yet." She left the statement open ended to see what the writer or his talented guard replied.
Nym Durnodel - Aspiring Heroes of Faerûn // Danica Amastacia - Red Dead Annihilation
As you approach the author and his guide-friend, the dwarf who crashed into the stage is being helped up by two of his comrades. They all seem to be enjoying a good laugh and have already dubbed the young hero ‘Jephrem Bookslayer.’ Emeka is less amused and seems to be in the process of the throwing the dwarves out to sober up, though the white skinned dwarf guide is doing his best to intercede on their behalf.
Volo and Azaka are standing just inside the tavern, in a square of bright sunshine coming in from the open air gardens beyond. Past them you can see that the gardens are just as crowded as the rest of the establishment. Completely enclosed by stone walls and only accessible through the Thundering Lizard, the gardens have seating, both tables and blankets on the ground. They are dominated by two features: A large shallow pool where some guests lounge in various stages of undress; and a aesthetically cultivated collection of jungle trees and plants, featuring hanging vines and large purple and yellow flowers, attended to by butterflies of all shapes, sizes and patterns. Most of the tables here have buckets of tej which the patrons dip their mugs into for refills. A tall, muscled Chultan leans against the doorway to the gardens, next to a sign that reads: Entry: 1gp.
Volo looks up and smiles at the greetings from Meili and Danica. "Ah yes. The intrepid explorers from the barroom. Well, young lady, I would ordinarily have to ask you to purchase a copy of my book for more details... but... as it so happens, I find myself without a drinking partner," he adds as he makes sad eyes toward Azaka. "That being the case, what say you and your allies join me out on the garden patios for some after noon refreshment? You can tell me all about the adventures you have planned, I can share a bit of wisdom, and we can all soak in this glorious tropical atmosphere." He looks once more at Azaka. "And as far as guides go, I would tell you to look no further than Azaka here, but apparently her dance card is already full."
Azaka, seemingly infinitely more restrained than her friend, gives a polite but curt nod. "Indeed. I'm contracted to lead a search party set to depart in the morning. In fact, I need to be on my way shortly to make sure the canoes and supplies have been ordered." She has a handsome, if not beautiful face and somehow the long clawmark scars running from her left eye down to below her jaw add, rather than detract, from her appearance.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
At the offer of being his drinking companions, Danica eyes the sign with the pricing of admittance before nodding, retrieving five gold pieces for her group's entry. "I'm sure we couldn't ask for any better company." She said with a smile. "Likely the last bit of relaxation we'll see for a while, might as well soak it up as you said. Literally." The elf gestures to the pool.
Eyeing the attractive warrior, she echoes, "Search party? Might I ask what your party is in search of? Not trying to compete," She held up hands in sign of peace before explaining, "But if by any far flung chance you're looking for the cure for the Death Curse, I'd be obliged to ask to join if at all possible."
Nym Durnodel - Aspiring Heroes of Faerûn // Danica Amastacia - Red Dead Annihilation
"Excellent," Volo says, clapping his hands. "I'll go fetch us some buckets." He moves into the garden area and as he passes the doorman he flashes an oversized silver coin and says something about being a 'guest of Wakanga'. He then walks into the gardens without paying.
Azaka shakes her head to Danica. "There's no need for secrecy, but no room for hangers-on, either. It's a straight-forward rescue or recovery and we need to move light and fast. Some time ago an expedition from the temple of Chauntea left the city to look for the death curse. One of the priests there was of noble blood and word finally reached his kin on the continent that he was missing in the jungle. So the family sent a few scouts and a chest full of coin and now I am escorting those scouts into the jungle to find the noble brat... or more likely his bones."
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War