Something familiar tickled at the back of her mind at Azaka's answer and she asked with a tilted head, "Martha Moore Durin? Marthamor Duin? The expedition some of those dwarves," She gestures back out to the bar where the first one she had spoken with had been, "are going on?" She had to bite her tongue from saying aloud, 'Those lot have better chance of finding that noble priest or his bones at the bottom of their cups of tej.'
"Well I wish you speed and luck. May Selûne guide your steps in the night, and bring them to the new dawn. Save me a boat load of hassle if you reverse this Death Curse. Though I'd also be out of my own boat load well." The sailor shrugs.
"You know about the curse!"Azaka's words woke Meili from deep thoughts about wasted money. Her admiration of the bard's knowledge was sincere, but she doubted a simple conversation was worth five gold. "I apologize for the interruption,"a short bow to Danica underlined the apology, "many do know. I spoke up without thinking. Were there many expeditions that tried to find the source? Did someone return?" Actually, Azaka did not have to answer. Obviously, if one guide knew that, so did others. A visit to Anchorage seemed even more urgent and useful now. Meili restrained from commenting on the scouting abilities of drunkards - it was Azaka's problem but she pitied both. God's willing, they will all return alive. But it did make her think.
Once the harsh guide left, Meili elaborated a bit. "If there are many expeditions, there are fewer guides left for others. We might want to get one sooner. And that lost expedition could have found something useful or at least known where not to look." She thought a little and added "Azaka said she will need canoes. Are we sailing too?"
Ran goes still and then looks around the garden when Azaka describes her mission.
"How will you possibly find them?" Ran asks Azaka. "Did someone survive the first expedition? Or did they leave word at the temple where they were headed?"
Ran opens his mouth to ask more questions, but realizes that might draw attention and then questions.
Mica listens to Azaka’s tale. Apparently this Death Curse drew adventurers to the jungle like flies to a venus fly trap. “Can you recommend another guide? Surely you know the best and can direct us to more reputable ones than some here.” Mica hesitates “This Volo, did he truly encounter some of these snake people he describes?”
As the questions end, Mica leans into Velan, who has already proven himself knowledgeable of the city, and whispers “Did you hear Volo mention that he is a guest of Wakanga? Is he one of your merchant princes?”
Azaka's brow furrows in confusion when Danicaasks about the dwarves in the bar and Marthammor Duin. "That lot? No. No to all of that."
Turning to Meili, she does her best to answer. "Well... yes. They have been many, many expeditions it seems. I was in country for much of the last few months. I first learned of this 'curse' from some adventurers I encountered in the bush. Since I returned, Jobal forbade me from taking any jobs until he could hire me off to the top bidder. But groups have been leaving essentially non-stop since then." The serious look on her face remains, though you detect a bit of sadness in her eyes. "Few return. Salida made it back - alone - last week. Constantine, Selina, Drake... none of them, or their clients, have been heard from." She shakes her head slightly. "This is not necessarily a sign of trouble. The jungles are vast and it could easily take a group several months to cross the central basin and return."
To Ran, she responds, "No one has returned from the Chauntea Expedition, but we know the direction they went... up the Tiryki. With Ubtao's blessing, we will find them camped somewhere upriver. If not... we will hope to find where they grounded their canoes and then track them through the jungle."
Turning to Mica, she sighs and then states, "Many of the guides I know best are currently in country leading other groups. Jobal has personally vetted all of the official guides in the city. All of them are well educated in the dangers of the deep jungle and how best to keep their charges safe."
Insight DC 12:
Azaka's response to Mica'squestion has the sound of a script, and one without much passion behind it.
"As for Volo," she smiles, for the first time since you have met her, "I will say he is a scholar, an entertainer, and a tourist, in no particular order. More than that, you will need to ask him yourself."
If there are no other questions, she politely excuses herself and departs.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Ran contemplates what Azaka has said. He looks around the bar once more, then, before his new companions move to join Volo, he gestures for them to huddle up for a second.
"I say up the Tiryki River is the best bet," Ran says. "It gets us inland quickly. The priests were searching for the same thing many of your are. And even the biggest muppet of a guide in this city should be able to get us up there. Even Hew."
He pauses, deciding how much to reveal. He nods to himself a couple of times.
"I'm here looking for my sister and who she was looking for. The noble brat priest is a spot on description."
He looks over his shoulder again, then at Danica.
"I know this is your expedition, but if you're not set on a destination, the Tiryki's a good start. Only thing is, I've got to get up there right quick. Before Azaka gets her crew there. If they get the brat first, my sister and family are screwed."
“I believe I did and yes, Wakanga O’tamu is one of the Merchant Princes.” Velan answered Mica in the same whispered tone. Out of all the princes that was the one that he remembered the most, not that the wizard had ever seen the man. “He deals in magic and lore so it’s not strange he has connections with Volo. I mean a newly written guide on monsters and the illusion the bard used to show the appearance of the Yuan-Ti? Wakanga’s business through and through.”
Then Ran spoke and the spellcaster could help but to feel intrigued. Why would Akaza and her crew’s movements screw the warrior’s sister and family? For a moment he considered asking, but in the end, he decided it was best to not know. At least not until the negotiations had ended and they were officially an adventuring group.
“In this case let’s speak with the bard, see what he can arrange us and if it is not a guide and can lead you to the anchorage.” There they could find guides, official or not. At least with some help, Velan believed they could. “If I don’t follow travel with you, I hope you can reward my collaboration in finding a guide with something you find in your adventure.”
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Mica Insight: 13.
“With all of the expeditions heading out, we may be down the muppets for guides soon. Azaka says they are all educated in the dangers, but that sounds like the party line and it doesn’t mean they are all capable.”
He turns toward Ran “Up the Tiryki or not, maybe we should take up Volo on his offer of a drink first. He may get us a guide after all, or a sponsor" He glances at Velan and Danica “and I would like to hear more of his adventures.”
The motives of the big warrior were very far from Meili's (and Danica"s) goals, but the idea was sound. "If that expedition found a clue and was following it, it is worth checking with them first. Or with their remains. But Azaka is leaving tomorrow morning." She looked in the bard's direction. "Though if Mr. Volo can truly help us to meet Merchant Princes,"(everything said about them so far was very impressive), "we can still be faster."
With everything said Meili simply walked after Danica to the table she (or, better say Volo) chose.
Seizing Danica's suggestion, Volo has made a beeline for the lounge pool. He is presently draining a mug of tej, sitting in his small clothes in the water, his dress clothes folded neatly on a mat behind him, and a bucketful of tej and several more mugs at his side.
The pool is 3 feet deep. Here and there lillies and other water plants creep up from cracks in the stone bottom. Currently about 1/4 of the pool is in the shade of the Thundering Lizard building and the other side is afforded some shade from one of the tall trees in the garden. Attendants periodically bring buckets of cooler water, presumably from a well somewhere onsite, and pour them into the pool.
The mood in the gardens is considerably less chaotic than inside the tavern itself, where it sounds like the lunch crowd is getting a little rowdy. There are a surprising amount of guests out here, considering the steep 1gp price of admission. Most are Chultans but there are a few foreigners here as well.
"C'mon in, the water's exquisite," implores Volo when you reach him. "So... out to solve the mystery of the death curse, are we? And how exactly do you intend to succeed where it seems so many others have failed before you?" he asks over top of his mug as he drains it again.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Ran looks down at the pool for a moment, trying to decide between taking off just the boots or the whole suit of armor before getting in. He quickly peels off the chain mail links and settles into the water not far from Volo.
"I"m not sure this place wants northerners here," Ran says once his temperature drops a couple of degrees. "Can't believe how knackered this heat makes me."
He looks at Volo and thinks about his question for a moment.
"I'll let these ones talk about the death curse," he begins. "Haven't thought much about it one way or the other. I'm really here to find my sister. You might have even seen her. Leaner, more agile version of myself. Same skin and hair, but not the kind to get pranked by cranky wizards hiding their drawings. Doesn't ring any bells, does it?"
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Danica couldn't help but focus on Meili at her loud exclamation of surprise at Azaka's knowledge of the Curse before her eyebrows raised even higher at the bow the girl then gave her for 'interrupting'. "Ey, ey, no use bowing to me, I'm no Lord nor Goddess. As to the question of sailing, if we choose to take the river then we'll need them. To be honest, I hadn't thought that far ahead." She wood elf shrugged with plain honesty. "Wanted to consult with a guide before getting ahead of m'self."'Or bungling the decision...' She thought to herself.
For a moment she simply stood back and drank the last of her pineapple juice, the cup hanging loosely from her fingers as she listened to the back and forth between her party hopefuls and Azaka. The news of so many supposedly skilled guides dying or at least disappearing wasn't exactly heartening but if it were easy then the reward wouldn't be so handsome. She couldn't help but wonder if Hew was vetted by Jobal.
Smiling at Azaka's words on Volo, she nodded in goodbye, already having said her parting words. At Ran's motion to huddle up, Danica got in close and listened for a moment, back slightly bent and neck craned in before starting back and standing up straight at the sudden personal news. Glancing immediately to where Azaka had exited before ducking back into the huddle with wide shifting eyes, her expression furtive and concerned as she whispered, "An why are you so sure of that??" Referring to his family being screwed. "And considering they're leaving right now, I seriously doubt we have a chance of doing that. Earliest we'd be able to depart is first light I imagine."
The sailor took in a deep breath, interlocking her fingers and pressing them against her forehead before letting out a deep sigh. "You're not wrong in that the river is a good start. I was already considering it and not just because I've a fondness for water. I'm going based on rumors right now and I'm painfully aware of it. The more information the better and there's all possibility that your sister or the noble priest might have discovered at least some clues."
Nodding at Mia and Meili, Danica suddenly felt as old as she was and stated, "Sorry Ran, but we need more information to proceed and I'm fairly sure that Volo's our best bet at getting a bit more if we have a few drinks with 'im." Not quite as optimistic as the other two. Nodding to the tall muscled Chultan that leaned next to the sign for entry as he counted out those that followed her to ensure she had paid for the whole group, Danica entered and approached where Volo was lounging. Snagging a mug of tej with a dubious look to what looked like sticks in it, the elf rested her cumbersome shield down against her pack, unbuckled her scimitar and began disrobing down to her own smallclothes. What little self consciousness she had about her body having been long discarded from the many years at sea in packed quarters with other fellow sailors. Rolling her clothes like a bedroll and setting them on top.
The druid's body was just as tanned and lean as what was previously visible. The barest of scars from minor nicks or cuts visible on her body and feet. Sinking into the cool fresh water, she let out an appreciative murmur in her native tongue before taking a sip and exclaiming in elvish, "This is delicious!" Raising the mug to Volo in toast before quieting as Ran spoke to him. Biding her time to ask her own questions.
Meili's cheeks blushed (she travelled long enough to get rid of old habits) and she nodded to Danica, following the elf to the garden. Tej she did not even touch - the smell told everything about the strength of the drink, and it was way too hot for drinking anyway. But the pool was something too hard to resist. Cool fresh water after days in the sea... Meili left her sun-bleached clothes perfectly folded at the edge of the pool and slip quietly into the water without a splash. "Every step on the path moves you forward. Those before showed what not to do, we can try something else."The answer was too obvious, and Meili had to fight the urge to apologize again. Instead, she went quiet again, listening to others.
The tej seems to be bottomless out here in the gardens, for as the buckets empty, the staff quickly replaces them with fresh ones. Small plates of popcorn are also available upon request, gratis. "It's good, isn't it?" Volo asks rhetorically. "There was a bar around here that made a variant with oranges and coconuts. I can't remember where they were in town to save my life... but gods, that was good stuff."
He looks over at Ran. He doesn't get your reference to the 'cranky wizard' wizard and her drawings - he was busy setting up for his show and missed all that - but he does take a long look at your face before answering, "Nope. Can't say I've ever seen a lady with your features. Am I to infer she went into the jungle? I've haven't yet been here a ten-day so I probably missed her completely." He is distracted as a jungle bird flies down from one of the trees to land on an empty table and scavenge some popcorn left by the departed customers. It is the size of a hawk, but with a thick, curved beak and brilliant red plumage, tapering to blacks and blues and golds at the tips of its wings and tail. He takes another long sip from his mug before he looks back at Ran. "Do you know where she was heading? If she went with a larger group or at least hired a guide?"
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Ran sighs, and his shoulders deflate ever so slightly when Volo mentions not seeing his sister around. But if he had been here only 10 days, Shepard would have been long gone by then.
"She's not the kind who would have gone with a group, unless they just happened to be going her way. She was looking for someone. My family do that. We look for people. Some want to be found but most don't." Ran says. "But asking around with the guides might be a start."
He looks around the pool area for a moment, seeing if anyone appears to be listening in on their conversation
(Perception: 20 )
If he doesn't notice any one, he leans in a little closer to Volo.
"You haven't heard of a group of white robed wizards in the area, have you?"
Mica followed the others in the garden, grabbing a mug and dipping it deep in the bucket of Tej. He was already gaining a taste for the local beverage. He avoided the pool, keeping his armor and clothes on, and instead lounged in the shade of the trees next to Volo and the others. He listened to Ran’s story with interest, he would search for a missing person, a runaway, or for the cure to the Death Curse, anything that would get him into the jungle. He leaned forward to learn more from the author.
“Impressive performance, Mr. Volo. I didn’t expect the audience would get so involved. I must admit, I know very little of this Death Curse itself, or a cure, surely not near as much as you would know. I seek instead the monstrous creatures said to roam the jungles, such as the one hanging outside this very inn. Have you encountered those in your travels?”
Volo continues to drink at a brisk pace. “A group of white wizards? I haven’t seen such a thing, but perhaps I can ask Wakango. If such a group came through Port Nyanzaru, it wouldn’t have escaped his attention.”
He smiles broadly at Mica’s question. “Indeed. It was tales of the dinosaurs of Chult that first brought me here years ago to explore. Imagine an ecosystem where all the niches and rolls - large herbivores, small scavengers, giant predators, flyers, crawlers, burrowers - were occupied not by wolves and bears and deer and birds… but by reptilian monsters. The skull outside is of one such giant predator. It’s clearly a tyrannosaur, though I haven’t yet taken the time to examine it to determine the subspecies. Chult has several different tyrannosaur and they represent the peak of the food chain.” He goes on for some time, describing smaller predatory dinosaurs with bizarre names like deinonychus and dromaeosuarus, plant eaters like iguanodon and hadrosaurs, horned dinosaurs like triceratops and monocloneus, and more. At times he speaks with the refined knowledge of a scholar, while at other times he sounds like an awestruck child spinning tales of myth and monsters.
”And of course, dinosaurs aren’t the only danger. Aside from intelligent dwellers in the jungle like the yuan-ti I described, there are also more… mundane beasts: tigers, panthers, crocodiles both large and gigantic, predatory fish, snakes of all kinds, giant spiders, giant insects… it’s really just an amazing place to experience exciting fauna. The flora is remarkable as well, though I am far less knowledgeable in that regard.”
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Ran frowns slightly when Volo says he doesn't know anything about the white wizards. But then he straightens his back and smiles.
"Well, if it was easy to find those that didn't want finding, and anyone could do it, there wouldn't be so many punters coming around the Sleeping Snake to talk to my old man," Ran says.
Ran runs his hand under the water, cupping some and lifting it up to let the rivulets of water cascade back down into the pool.
"You don't suppose your friend Wakango would meet with us do you?" Ran asks. "I'm sure there must be something we can offer him in exchange for information and guidance. The boss here," he says gesturing at Danica, "seems pretty resourceful and is putting this little expedition together."
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Danica shifted so as to not have her back to Mica as he lounged in the shade behind them. She didn't seem nervous, simply awkward about having a conversation without eye contact. Quiet while she savored the local beverage while Ran and Volo went back and forth, nudging a lily pad towards Meili with a flick of her toes. "That we can," She agreed to the other woman's statement before amending with a small shrug, "Assuming we see it in time."
((Assuming that Danica would be close enough to hear the whispered question, History check for knowledge on white robed wizards: 20 ))
The fauna that the author described caused an incredulous expression on Danica's face as she rebutted, "Surely there can't only be reptiles here? Not one species of avian or mammal calls this place home?" The concept seemed absolutely foreign to her. But thankfully he then continued and she seemed relieved upon hearing of the other deadly creatures that weren't reptiles. "I'm no stranger to wilderness, grew up in it, but those were forests. Not deep jungles."
Giving a slight smile to Volo as Ran referred to her as 'boss', she nodded in agreement to his statement. "Aye. I've been contracted by Captain Arno Trench to procure the cure to the Death Curse. And been given a reasonable amount of coin to accomplish that." She didn't direct this last sentence but more her companions. "Depending on how much supplies are and possibly those canoes..." She hesitated, sucking on her teeth for a moment as she did the mental math before finishing, "Should be able to pay the four of you twenty to twenty-five gold a piece. Up front. But upon delivery of the cure to Captain Trench." She grinned before leaning in, "A pick of any piece of his treasure or it's value in coin. I've seen a peek myself for a guarantee and any one of them are likely worth a thousand gold."
Leaning back in the cool water she raised her hands and stated, "Now while my main goal is the cure, I'm more than happy to help my companions along the way."She gives a nod to Ran. "I'll be happy to chart the stars along the way. And speaking of such...." She moved closer to Volo, not trying to whisper but eyes seemed brighter and intent as she asked, "That tool that you used to cast the illusion of the serpent creature... Can it be fine tuned to show anything? Even say...the stars?"
Something familiar tickled at the back of her mind at Azaka's answer and she asked with a tilted head, "Martha Moore Durin? Marthamor Duin? The expedition some of those dwarves," She gestures back out to the bar where the first one she had spoken with had been, "are going on?" She had to bite her tongue from saying aloud, 'Those lot have better chance of finding that noble priest or his bones at the bottom of their cups of tej.'
"Well I wish you speed and luck. May Selûne guide your steps in the night, and bring them to the new dawn. Save me a boat load of hassle if you reverse this Death Curse. Though I'd also be out of my own boat load well." The sailor shrugs.
Nym Durnodel - Aspiring Heroes of Faerûn // Danica Amastacia - Red Dead Annihilation
"You know about the curse!" Azaka's words woke Meili from deep thoughts about wasted money. Her admiration of the bard's knowledge was sincere, but she doubted a simple conversation was worth five gold. "I apologize for the interruption," a short bow to Danica underlined the apology, "many do know. I spoke up without thinking. Were there many expeditions that tried to find the source? Did someone return?" Actually, Azaka did not have to answer. Obviously, if one guide knew that, so did others. A visit to Anchorage seemed even more urgent and useful now. Meili restrained from commenting on the scouting abilities of drunkards - it was Azaka's problem but she pitied both. God's willing, they will all return alive. But it did make her think.
Once the harsh guide left, Meili elaborated a bit. "If there are many expeditions, there are fewer guides left for others. We might want to get one sooner. And that lost expedition could have found something useful or at least known where not to look." She thought a little and added "Azaka said she will need canoes. Are we sailing too?"
Meili Liang Lvl 5 Monk
Ran goes still and then looks around the garden when Azaka describes her mission.
"How will you possibly find them?" Ran asks Azaka. "Did someone survive the first expedition? Or did they leave word at the temple where they were headed?"
Ran opens his mouth to ask more questions, but realizes that might draw attention and then questions.
Mica listens to Azaka’s tale. Apparently this Death Curse drew adventurers to the jungle like flies to a venus fly trap. “Can you recommend another guide? Surely you know the best and can direct us to more reputable ones than some here.” Mica hesitates “This Volo, did he truly encounter some of these snake people he describes?”
As the questions end, Mica leans into Velan, who has already proven himself knowledgeable of the city, and whispers “Did you hear Volo mention that he is a guest of Wakanga? Is he one of your merchant princes?”
Azaka's brow furrows in confusion when Danica asks about the dwarves in the bar and Marthammor Duin. "That lot? No. No to all of that."
Turning to Meili, she does her best to answer. "Well... yes. They have been many, many expeditions it seems. I was in country for much of the last few months. I first learned of this 'curse' from some adventurers I encountered in the bush. Since I returned, Jobal forbade me from taking any jobs until he could hire me off to the top bidder. But groups have been leaving essentially non-stop since then." The serious look on her face remains, though you detect a bit of sadness in her eyes. "Few return. Salida made it back - alone - last week. Constantine, Selina, Drake... none of them, or their clients, have been heard from." She shakes her head slightly. "This is not necessarily a sign of trouble. The jungles are vast and it could easily take a group several months to cross the central basin and return."
To Ran, she responds, "No one has returned from the Chauntea Expedition, but we know the direction they went... up the Tiryki. With Ubtao's blessing, we will find them camped somewhere upriver. If not... we will hope to find where they grounded their canoes and then track them through the jungle."
Turning to Mica, she sighs and then states, "Many of the guides I know best are currently in country leading other groups. Jobal has personally vetted all of the official guides in the city. All of them are well educated in the dangers of the deep jungle and how best to keep their charges safe."
Insight DC 12:
Azaka's response to Mica's question has the sound of a script, and one without much passion behind it.
"As for Volo," she smiles, for the first time since you have met her, "I will say he is a scholar, an entertainer, and a tourist, in no particular order. More than that, you will need to ask him yourself."
If there are no other questions, she politely excuses herself and departs.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Ran contemplates what Azaka has said. He looks around the bar once more, then, before his new companions move to join Volo, he gestures for them to huddle up for a second.
"I say up the Tiryki River is the best bet," Ran says. "It gets us inland quickly. The priests were searching for the same thing many of your are. And even the biggest muppet of a guide in this city should be able to get us up there. Even Hew."
He pauses, deciding how much to reveal. He nods to himself a couple of times.
"I'm here looking for my sister and who she was looking for. The noble brat priest is a spot on description."
He looks over his shoulder again, then at Danica.
"I know this is your expedition, but if you're not set on a destination, the Tiryki's a good start. Only thing is, I've got to get up there right quick. Before Azaka gets her crew there. If they get the brat first, my sister and family are screwed."
Insight Check: 6
“I believe I did and yes, Wakanga O’tamu is one of the Merchant Princes.” Velan answered Mica in the same whispered tone. Out of all the princes that was the one that he remembered the most, not that the wizard had ever seen the man. “He deals in magic and lore so it’s not strange he has connections with Volo. I mean a newly written guide on monsters and the illusion the bard used to show the appearance of the Yuan-Ti? Wakanga’s business through and through.”
Then Ran spoke and the spellcaster could help but to feel intrigued. Why would Akaza and her crew’s movements screw the warrior’s sister and family? For a moment he considered asking, but in the end, he decided it was best to not know. At least not until the negotiations had ended and they were officially an adventuring group.
“In this case let’s speak with the bard, see what he can arrange us and if it is not a guide and can lead you to the anchorage.” There they could find guides, official or not. At least with some help, Velan believed they could. “If I don’t follow travel with you, I hope you can reward my collaboration in finding a guide with something you find in your adventure.”
Mica Insight: 13.
“With all of the expeditions heading out, we may be down the muppets for guides soon. Azaka says they are all educated in the dangers, but that sounds like the party line and it doesn’t mean they are all capable.”
He turns toward Ran “Up the Tiryki or not, maybe we should take up Volo on his offer of a drink first. He may get us a guide after all, or a sponsor" He glances at Velan and Danica “and I would like to hear more of his adventures.”
The motives of the big warrior were very far from Meili's (and Danica"s) goals, but the idea was sound. "If that expedition found a clue and was following it, it is worth checking with them first. Or with their remains. But Azaka is leaving tomorrow morning." She looked in the bard's direction. "Though if Mr. Volo can truly help us to meet Merchant Princes," (everything said about them so far was very impressive), "we can still be faster."
With everything said Meili simply walked after Danica to the table she (or, better say Volo) chose.
Meili Liang Lvl 5 Monk
Seizing Danica's suggestion, Volo has made a beeline for the lounge pool. He is presently draining a mug of tej, sitting in his small clothes in the water, his dress clothes folded neatly on a mat behind him, and a bucketful of tej and several more mugs at his side.
The pool is 3 feet deep. Here and there lillies and other water plants creep up from cracks in the stone bottom. Currently about 1/4 of the pool is in the shade of the Thundering Lizard building and the other side is afforded some shade from one of the tall trees in the garden. Attendants periodically bring buckets of cooler water, presumably from a well somewhere onsite, and pour them into the pool.
The mood in the gardens is considerably less chaotic than inside the tavern itself, where it sounds like the lunch crowd is getting a little rowdy. There are a surprising amount of guests out here, considering the steep 1gp price of admission. Most are Chultans but there are a few foreigners here as well.
"C'mon in, the water's exquisite," implores Volo when you reach him. "So... out to solve the mystery of the death curse, are we? And how exactly do you intend to succeed where it seems so many others have failed before you?" he asks over top of his mug as he drains it again.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Ran looks down at the pool for a moment, trying to decide between taking off just the boots or the whole suit of armor before getting in. He quickly peels off the chain mail links and settles into the water not far from Volo.
"I"m not sure this place wants northerners here," Ran says once his temperature drops a couple of degrees. "Can't believe how knackered this heat makes me."
He looks at Volo and thinks about his question for a moment.
"I'll let these ones talk about the death curse," he begins. "Haven't thought much about it one way or the other. I'm really here to find my sister. You might have even seen her. Leaner, more agile version of myself. Same skin and hair, but not the kind to get pranked by cranky wizards hiding their drawings. Doesn't ring any bells, does it?"
Insight: 11
Danica couldn't help but focus on Meili at her loud exclamation of surprise at Azaka's knowledge of the Curse before her eyebrows raised even higher at the bow the girl then gave her for 'interrupting'. "Ey, ey, no use bowing to me, I'm no Lord nor Goddess. As to the question of sailing, if we choose to take the river then we'll need them. To be honest, I hadn't thought that far ahead." She wood elf shrugged with plain honesty. "Wanted to consult with a guide before getting ahead of m'self." 'Or bungling the decision...' She thought to herself.
For a moment she simply stood back and drank the last of her pineapple juice, the cup hanging loosely from her fingers as she listened to the back and forth between her party hopefuls and Azaka. The news of so many supposedly skilled guides dying or at least disappearing wasn't exactly heartening but if it were easy then the reward wouldn't be so handsome. She couldn't help but wonder if Hew was vetted by Jobal.
Smiling at Azaka's words on Volo, she nodded in goodbye, already having said her parting words. At Ran's motion to huddle up, Danica got in close and listened for a moment, back slightly bent and neck craned in before starting back and standing up straight at the sudden personal news. Glancing immediately to where Azaka had exited before ducking back into the huddle with wide shifting eyes, her expression furtive and concerned as she whispered, "An why are you so sure of that??" Referring to his family being screwed. "And considering they're leaving right now, I seriously doubt we have a chance of doing that. Earliest we'd be able to depart is first light I imagine."
The sailor took in a deep breath, interlocking her fingers and pressing them against her forehead before letting out a deep sigh. "You're not wrong in that the river is a good start. I was already considering it and not just because I've a fondness for water. I'm going based on rumors right now and I'm painfully aware of it. The more information the better and there's all possibility that your sister or the noble priest might have discovered at least some clues."
Nodding at Mia and Meili, Danica suddenly felt as old as she was and stated, "Sorry Ran, but we need more information to proceed and I'm fairly sure that Volo's our best bet at getting a bit more if we have a few drinks with 'im." Not quite as optimistic as the other two. Nodding to the tall muscled Chultan that leaned next to the sign for entry as he counted out those that followed her to ensure she had paid for the whole group, Danica entered and approached where Volo was lounging. Snagging a mug of tej with a dubious look to what looked like sticks in it, the elf rested her cumbersome shield down against her pack, unbuckled her scimitar and began disrobing down to her own smallclothes. What little self consciousness she had about her body having been long discarded from the many years at sea in packed quarters with other fellow sailors. Rolling her clothes like a bedroll and setting them on top.
The druid's body was just as tanned and lean as what was previously visible. The barest of scars from minor nicks or cuts visible on her body and feet. Sinking into the cool fresh water, she let out an appreciative murmur in her native tongue before taking a sip and exclaiming in elvish, "This is delicious!" Raising the mug to Volo in toast before quieting as Ran spoke to him. Biding her time to ask her own questions.
Nym Durnodel - Aspiring Heroes of Faerûn // Danica Amastacia - Red Dead Annihilation
Meili's cheeks blushed (she travelled long enough to get rid of old habits) and she nodded to Danica, following the elf to the garden. Tej she did not even touch - the smell told everything about the strength of the drink, and it was way too hot for drinking anyway. But the pool was something too hard to resist. Cool fresh water after days in the sea... Meili left her sun-bleached clothes perfectly folded at the edge of the pool and slip quietly into the water without a splash. "Every step on the path moves you forward. Those before showed what not to do, we can try something else." The answer was too obvious, and Meili had to fight the urge to apologize again. Instead, she went quiet again, listening to others.
Meili Liang Lvl 5 Monk
The tej seems to be bottomless out here in the gardens, for as the buckets empty, the staff quickly replaces them with fresh ones. Small plates of popcorn are also available upon request, gratis. "It's good, isn't it?" Volo asks rhetorically. "There was a bar around here that made a variant with oranges and coconuts. I can't remember where they were in town to save my life... but gods, that was good stuff."
He looks over at Ran. He doesn't get your reference to the 'cranky wizard' wizard and her drawings - he was busy setting up for his show and missed all that - but he does take a long look at your face before answering, "Nope. Can't say I've ever seen a lady with your features. Am I to infer she went into the jungle? I've haven't yet been here a ten-day so I probably missed her completely." He is distracted as a jungle bird flies down from one of the trees to land on an empty table and scavenge some popcorn left by the departed customers. It is the size of a hawk, but with a thick, curved beak and brilliant red plumage, tapering to blacks and blues and golds at the tips of its wings and tail. He takes another long sip from his mug before he looks back at Ran. "Do you know where she was heading? If she went with a larger group or at least hired a guide?"
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Ran sighs, and his shoulders deflate ever so slightly when Volo mentions not seeing his sister around. But if he had been here only 10 days, Shepard would have been long gone by then.
"She's not the kind who would have gone with a group, unless they just happened to be going her way. She was looking for someone. My family do that. We look for people. Some want to be found but most don't." Ran says. "But asking around with the guides might be a start."
He looks around the pool area for a moment, seeing if anyone appears to be listening in on their conversation
(Perception: 20 )
If he doesn't notice any one, he leans in a little closer to Volo.
"You haven't heard of a group of white robed wizards in the area, have you?"
Mica followed the others in the garden, grabbing a mug and dipping it deep in the bucket of Tej. He was already gaining a taste for the local beverage. He avoided the pool, keeping his armor and clothes on, and instead lounged in the shade of the trees next to Volo and the others. He listened to Ran’s story with interest, he would search for a missing person, a runaway, or for the cure to the Death Curse, anything that would get him into the jungle. He leaned forward to learn more from the author.
“Impressive performance, Mr. Volo. I didn’t expect the audience would get so involved. I must admit, I know very little of this Death Curse itself, or a cure, surely not near as much as you would know. I seek instead the monstrous creatures said to roam the jungles, such as the one hanging outside this very inn. Have you encountered those in your travels?”
Volo continues to drink at a brisk pace. “A group of white wizards? I haven’t seen such a thing, but perhaps I can ask Wakango. If such a group came through Port Nyanzaru, it wouldn’t have escaped his attention.”
He smiles broadly at Mica’s question. “Indeed. It was tales of the dinosaurs of Chult that first brought me here years ago to explore. Imagine an ecosystem where all the niches and rolls - large herbivores, small scavengers, giant predators, flyers, crawlers, burrowers - were occupied not by wolves and bears and deer and birds… but by reptilian monsters. The skull outside is of one such giant predator. It’s clearly a tyrannosaur, though I haven’t yet taken the time to examine it to determine the subspecies. Chult has several different tyrannosaur and they represent the peak of the food chain.” He goes on for some time, describing smaller predatory dinosaurs with bizarre names like deinonychus and dromaeosuarus, plant eaters like iguanodon and hadrosaurs, horned dinosaurs like triceratops and monocloneus, and more. At times he speaks with the refined knowledge of a scholar, while at other times he sounds like an awestruck child spinning tales of myth and monsters.
”And of course, dinosaurs aren’t the only danger. Aside from intelligent dwellers in the jungle like the yuan-ti I described, there are also more… mundane beasts: tigers, panthers, crocodiles both large and gigantic, predatory fish, snakes of all kinds, giant spiders, giant insects… it’s really just an amazing place to experience exciting fauna. The flora is remarkable as well, though I am far less knowledgeable in that regard.”
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Ran frowns slightly when Volo says he doesn't know anything about the white wizards. But then he straightens his back and smiles.
"Well, if it was easy to find those that didn't want finding, and anyone could do it, there wouldn't be so many punters coming around the Sleeping Snake to talk to my old man," Ran says.
Ran runs his hand under the water, cupping some and lifting it up to let the rivulets of water cascade back down into the pool.
"You don't suppose your friend Wakango would meet with us do you?" Ran asks. "I'm sure there must be something we can offer him in exchange for information and guidance. The boss here," he says gesturing at Danica, "seems pretty resourceful and is putting this little expedition together."
Danica shifted so as to not have her back to Mica as he lounged in the shade behind them. She didn't seem nervous, simply awkward about having a conversation without eye contact. Quiet while she savored the local beverage while Ran and Volo went back and forth, nudging a lily pad towards Meili with a flick of her toes. "That we can," She agreed to the other woman's statement before amending with a small shrug, "Assuming we see it in time."
((Assuming that Danica would be close enough to hear the whispered question, History check for knowledge on white robed wizards: 20 ))
The fauna that the author described caused an incredulous expression on Danica's face as she rebutted, "Surely there can't only be reptiles here? Not one species of avian or mammal calls this place home?" The concept seemed absolutely foreign to her. But thankfully he then continued and she seemed relieved upon hearing of the other deadly creatures that weren't reptiles. "I'm no stranger to wilderness, grew up in it, but those were forests. Not deep jungles."
Giving a slight smile to Volo as Ran referred to her as 'boss', she nodded in agreement to his statement. "Aye. I've been contracted by Captain Arno Trench to procure the cure to the Death Curse. And been given a reasonable amount of coin to accomplish that." She didn't direct this last sentence but more her companions. "Depending on how much supplies are and possibly those canoes..." She hesitated, sucking on her teeth for a moment as she did the mental math before finishing, "Should be able to pay the four of you twenty to twenty-five gold a piece. Up front. But upon delivery of the cure to Captain Trench." She grinned before leaning in, "A pick of any piece of his treasure or it's value in coin. I've seen a peek myself for a guarantee and any one of them are likely worth a thousand gold."
Leaning back in the cool water she raised her hands and stated, "Now while my main goal is the cure, I'm more than happy to help my companions along the way." She gives a nod to Ran. "I'll be happy to chart the stars along the way. And speaking of such...." She moved closer to Volo, not trying to whisper but eyes seemed brighter and intent as she asked, "That tool that you used to cast the illusion of the serpent creature... Can it be fine tuned to show anything? Even say...the stars?"
Nym Durnodel - Aspiring Heroes of Faerûn // Danica Amastacia - Red Dead Annihilation