Dr A looks up from the scroll he is continuing to study "oh um The Roving Dragon in two days time" he responds to Logan "as to sleep I want to ponder this a bit more first!"
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DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond DM - Four bards walk into a bar... Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
"In the meantime I suppose the good doctor here should do whatever research he can. But if his friend's safety is endangered because of this, then so may his be if anyone knows he got the information. We should not allow him to be alone," Gorm suggests.. then pauses, looking around at the others. "That is assuming we are all of a mind that this... whatever this is... is something that we wish to tackle? I myself am, more or less, looking for adventure... I do not want to presume the pulls life has upon the rest of you."
”Well-said, Gorm. I am here to prove my mettle to the Knights of Cormyr. Taking part in preventing a cataclysm would be a step in that direction, I suppose,” Logan responds with a wry grin. “What do you need from me?”
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Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
"If it'll get me off of this hellish 'ship', I'm in," Karvian says emphatically. He spreads his arms as he looks around the room. "A ship that doesn't move is unnatural."
"So what should we do for 2 days then?" Karvian looks around at the group, before excitedly, punching his fist into the air. "Oh we could start a band and call ourselves FUGLY Untalented Gnomes Lick Yams! Or FUGLY for short." Karvian giggles, "Ha! Short. Like the Gnome."
Dr A looks up from the scroll "ahbut my friend you can't start an acronym with an acronym otherwise it is the F.U.G.L.Y.U.G.L.Y which in and of itself is not a bad name for a band. Can I suggest you replace the first word with 'Fully". Mind you there is only one problem and that is none of us are Gnomes, let alone whether we 'lick yams' - hmmm?"
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DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond DM - Four bards walk into a bar... Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
"Well I believe the question is what does Doctor Arbutaveyu need from us? A quiet, safe place to study the scroll? Someplace he can research? As I said, I don't think we should leave him on his own, for safety sake. But his friend? Should we try to track them down before the meeting?" Gorm asks, all but pacing.
"As for a place to stay, I prefer a bed that does not move beneath me," she says to Karvian with a bit of a questioning look.
"And while I do not approve of the name... I can play a bit of drums..."
”Alas, I have no musical talent,” says Logan, “though I do appreciate a rollicking tune. Very well, I will see you tomorrow. I must turn in so I can be up early for my regimen and be prepared should the Purple Dragons call for me tomorrow. Goodnight.”
Logan heads off for his nightly routine—a bath, equipment maintenance, and a review of the knightly vows…MYbe that should count as a ‘Knightly’ routine as well. His head still swimming with the events of the day, Logan drifts off to sleep dreaming of the heroics he may one day accomplish.
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Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
(OOC I'm not sure what the sleeping arrangements were and whether Dr A had his own room but anyway.)
The next morning a somewhat bleary eyed Dr A comes down to breakfast. If anybody had been awake during the night they would have seen light from the candle burning in his room going all night! "Ahbut I think I've worked it out. Most of you may not be aware, athough I think it possible that Gorm's people have stories to this affect, that eons ago the Dragons ruled Toril and the lives of all the other so called lesser races. Something cataclysmic cause the end of their rule although the various sages differ on exactly what. Some say it was a rebellion led by the elves, others say it was there was a split between the various dragon camps - metallic vs chromatic - with I suspect as is their nature the gems standing aloof, and others say the gods came back. Anyway exactly what caused the rebellion is moot but it is my opinion that the scroll may alluding to a campaign by the dragons, or dragon worshippers - yes they exist, to reclaim their hegemony over Toril."
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DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond DM - Four bards walk into a bar... Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Dawn finds Logan already up and moving, halfway through his practice forms with the heavy practice blade—it wasn’t much longer, but it was much thicker, made of wood as it was. Unfortunately, without special permission, Logan could not practice with his combat blade this morning, so he finishes his practice with the unarmed forms. Bare to the waist and wearing only simple breeches and boots, Logan glistens with the sweat of his exertion. He breathes heavily but not hoarsely—pushing himself hard enough to improve, but not so hard as to wreck his endurance for the day.
Taking a long pull on his waterskin, the young warrior splashes some more on his face, gather his things, then heads up to his room to freshen up and change into his clothes and armor for the day. By the time the sun is a full handspan above the horizon, Logan makes his appearance at breakfast, ready for whatever the day may bring.
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Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
((I believe we theoretically arranged rooms on the ship/inn but with Karvian finding the lack of movement so distasteful perhaps we arranged something elsewhere?))
Gorm wakes up slowly and wonders at the comfort of this world. Not that she is complaining, exactly... These luxurious beds and rooms were very enticing, she just feared perhaps she would get too used to them and she knew she would eventually go back to the 'real world' of sand and dune and a much more sparse lifestyle....
Likely the first at breakfast, for Gorm is used to rising before the sun and ritually going through the morning ceremonies of her people, the table would have plenty of food waiting when the others arrived. "Come, sit, eat..." she urges each as they arrive.
In response to Doctor Arbutaveyu, Gorm assures that "My people do not have much, but stories they have in abundance..." There are many stories about dragons amongst her people, she explains. Many are fanciful fables to warn and educate the young, others are more dramatic and romantic and more for more adult audiences around the fire. Some of her people, she explains, even claim they are descendants of dragons. This is delusion, obviously, told by those ashamed of the truth or yearning for a more proud ancestry... Or what they view as more proud and heroic. They're fools, she assures. Truer stories? More historic tales? Gorm admits such were never her forte but that she will think on it and see what she can remember...
The common hall, the cargo hold of old when the ship was still crossing the seas, is nearly empty at that early hour. Sun beams cross the awnings that crosses the old cargo hold aperture making the interior subtly illuminated.
The only other occupants of the main room are a waitress and the two gnome bards in a corner near the stage who are silent and half sleep in their table. The male has the lute on his lap and sometimes a soft note comes out of it... just as if he was making the instrument whispering.
After a few minutes trying to remember all the histories that her people tell around the fire about dragons, time enough for the waitress to bring her beakfrast, some toasted bread, butter, a couple of boiled eggs and some cold meat. The talk of a great event... and the references of the destruction of a city brings a particular history to her mind.
It is told, that in times of old, when Anauroch wasn't a desert but a land of green forests and blue lakes, and great cities follow the path of the winds among the clouds, the sky turned black as a moonless night, the sun covered by hundred of dragon wings. They gathered in great numbers, flying across the land destroying everything they find in their way. One of this great cities, its name now forgotten among the sands, fell under the wrath of the dragons. Their incredible magical defenses and spells couldn't stand the rage of so many dragons. The creatures fell into the city and destroyed it, killing everyone in a senseless rampage, and then kept flying, not even looking back towards the ones who fell under the spells and defenses of the prodigious city.
"As they wise old ones tell it, the dragons created the sands. So hungry for everything of value, they stole even the water from the land until the soil was turned to dust," Gorm said, trying to remember the fancier and more poetic imagery of the old ones but failing. "It is why the fools who claim we are the heirs of dragons are so despised. Well because it is not true, of course. But also because the truth is that those beasts stole paradise from us... We remain to show them they cannot take our heart as well. Our spirit. Our home."
Gorm then shrugs and pops a whole boiled ehh Ito her mouth.
Logan comes in just in time to catch the last part of Gorm's story. He is looking awake and alert for so early in the morning, and his hair is still a bit damp, but he is wearing his typical travelling clothes and armor, looking very much as he did last night.
"A fascinating story. I never realized dragons massed like that in ancient times, but I can well believe that hundreds of them could kill the very ground with their might and magic, were they roused to such destruction. Does your lore suggest why they may have gone on such a rampage against the very land itself?" asks Logan. As the professor arrives with evidence of too much study and not enough sleep, Logan nods as his question is at least partially answered.
"But what does that have to do with us now? What can we do against the might of a dragon, much less a horde of them, should they choose to raze this land?" he wonders aloud. Ordering a large mug of cold water, Logan drinks slowly but deeply as he thinks. Idly he considers what task Talgred might have for him today, or if a summons would arrive from the knights.
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Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Dr A takes a sip of his morning tea and thinks about Logan's question "ahbut what can we do against the might of a dragon? Well the answer is not much and certainly very little against a horde of them if they do band together. Ahbut what we can do is find out as much as we can before we meet at The Roving Dragon tomorrow. I'm going to spend the day at the Royal university to see what I can find out about this great city that Gorm speaks of."
After breakfast Dr A heads off to the university to research ancient Anauroch and any research about the dragon's laying waste to it. He draws upon his special feature 'Library Access' is order to get access to information that may not be readily available (OOC: DM I'm going to give Dr A advantage on is history roll to reflect this (History roll = 18 or 11) taking the better of the two).
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DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond DM - Four bards walk into a bar... Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
"Please, let me accompany you," Gorm said to Dr. Arbutaveyu as she grabs a muffin or other such to shove in her pocket for later. "I probably won't be of any help but if you're looking into Anauroch there is some chance..." And if your friend was being chased they may be on your trail now and I can play bodyguard, she mentally adds but does not speak aloud.
Right before exiting with the doctor, however, Gorm pauses and looks back to Logan. "Yesterday you said something about securing weapons? How vital is the process? How long does it take? I'd hate to take the doctor away from his research for long..."
"Here, let me help you," offers Logan, taking his peacebound sword and axe and unwinding the fabric. He shows Gorm how to properly bind her weapons using his supplies. "I'll have to take my weapons back to my room and lock them up until I can buy some more binding, but I should have plenty of time today to do so," says the young fighter. He suits action to words, storing his weapons up in his room before coming back downstairs.
"Talgred, what is on our schedule for today? I need to do a bit of shopping too," Logan asks quietly.
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Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
"Ahbut by all means feel free to accompany me. If we find something you may be able to bring a valuable insight into what the original authors meant"Dr A says to Gorm
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DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond DM - Four bards walk into a bar... Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Soon Dr. A., Karvian, who decides to join, and Gorm walks the streets of Suzail towards the University to see if the good doctor can shed more light to the obscure mystery they had stumble upon. Meanwhile Talgred informs his liege that they should be in less than an hour at the Citadel, hoping that their recruitment officer, Sir Isteval could see him today. So, after getting ready he heads that way. The path crosses one of the many markets of the capital of the Forest Kingdom and as he walks by followed by his loyal Talgred a sudden yelling brings him back from his inner thoughts into reality.
"Thief! Thief!"a man wearing a baker's apron yells. He sees a youngling, maybe ten or twelve years old running towards him holding something on his arms, close to the chest.
At other part of the town the trio are near the University facilites when Gorm notices that the same four guys that they have crossed paths a few blocks ago are still walking behind them, not too close, perhaps about twenty feet behind them, but definitely closing in.
"I am not yet comfortable in cities such as this, much more used to the sands of my homeland..." Gorm says a bit softly in order to get the others to pay attention to her without raising an alarm. "Maybe it is more common than I realize, but I do believe there are four men who have been behind us for far too long."
"Do not look!" Gorm says quickly in a bit of a louder hush. "Stop and look at the next thing that could be of interest. A vendor or shop. Then glance sideways back the way we came and see if you don't think they are following..." Gorm gives a quick description of the people she spotted but does her best not to look back at where she knows they are. "Could they be city officials of some kind? Or even a coincidence?"
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Dr A looks up from the scroll he is continuing to study "oh um The Roving Dragon in two days time" he responds to Logan "as to sleep I want to ponder this a bit more first!"
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
"In the meantime I suppose the good doctor here should do whatever research he can. But if his friend's safety is endangered because of this, then so may his be if anyone knows he got the information. We should not allow him to be alone," Gorm suggests.. then pauses, looking around at the others. "That is assuming we are all of a mind that this... whatever this is... is something that we wish to tackle? I myself am, more or less, looking for adventure... I do not want to presume the pulls life has upon the rest of you."
”Well-said, Gorm. I am here to prove my mettle to the Knights of Cormyr. Taking part in preventing a cataclysm would be a step in that direction, I suppose,” Logan responds with a wry grin. “What do you need from me?”
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
"If it'll get me off of this hellish 'ship', I'm in," Karvian says emphatically. He spreads his arms as he looks around the room. "A ship that doesn't move is unnatural."
"So what should we do for 2 days then?" Karvian looks around at the group, before excitedly, punching his fist into the air. "Oh we could start a band and call ourselves FUGLY Untalented Gnomes Lick Yams! Or FUGLY for short." Karvian giggles, "Ha! Short. Like the Gnome."
Dr A looks up from the scroll "ahbut my friend you can't start an acronym with an acronym otherwise it is the F.U.G.L.Y.U.G.L.Y which in and of itself is not a bad name for a band. Can I suggest you replace the first word with 'Fully". Mind you there is only one problem and that is none of us are Gnomes, let alone whether we 'lick yams' - hmmm?"
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
"Well I believe the question is what does Doctor Arbutaveyu need from us? A quiet, safe place to study the scroll? Someplace he can research? As I said, I don't think we should leave him on his own, for safety sake. But his friend? Should we try to track them down before the meeting?" Gorm asks, all but pacing.
"As for a place to stay, I prefer a bed that does not move beneath me," she says to Karvian with a bit of a questioning look.
"And while I do not approve of the name... I can play a bit of drums..."
”Alas, I have no musical talent,” says Logan, “though I do appreciate a rollicking tune. Very well, I will see you tomorrow. I must turn in so I can be up early for my regimen and be prepared should the Purple Dragons call for me tomorrow. Goodnight.”
Logan heads off for his nightly routine—a bath, equipment maintenance, and a review of the knightly vows…MYbe that should count as a ‘Knightly’ routine as well. His head still swimming with the events of the day, Logan drifts off to sleep dreaming of the heroics he may one day accomplish.
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
(OOC I'm not sure what the sleeping arrangements were and whether Dr A had his own room but anyway.)
The next morning a somewhat bleary eyed Dr A comes down to breakfast. If anybody had been awake during the night they would have seen light from the candle burning in his room going all night! "Ahbut I think I've worked it out. Most of you may not be aware, athough I think it possible that Gorm's people have stories to this affect, that eons ago the Dragons ruled Toril and the lives of all the other so called lesser races. Something cataclysmic cause the end of their rule although the various sages differ on exactly what. Some say it was a rebellion led by the elves, others say it was there was a split between the various dragon camps - metallic vs chromatic - with I suspect as is their nature the gems standing aloof, and others say the gods came back. Anyway exactly what caused the rebellion is moot but it is my opinion that the scroll may alluding to a campaign by the dragons, or dragon worshippers - yes they exist, to reclaim their hegemony over Toril."
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Dawn finds Logan already up and moving, halfway through his practice forms with the heavy practice blade—it wasn’t much longer, but it was much thicker, made of wood as it was. Unfortunately, without special permission, Logan could not practice with his combat blade this morning, so he finishes his practice with the unarmed forms. Bare to the waist and wearing only simple breeches and boots, Logan glistens with the sweat of his exertion. He breathes heavily but not hoarsely—pushing himself hard enough to improve, but not so hard as to wreck his endurance for the day.
Taking a long pull on his waterskin, the young warrior splashes some more on his face, gather his things, then heads up to his room to freshen up and change into his clothes and armor for the day. By the time the sun is a full handspan above the horizon, Logan makes his appearance at breakfast, ready for whatever the day may bring.
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
((I believe we theoretically arranged rooms on the ship/inn but with Karvian finding the lack of movement so distasteful perhaps we arranged something elsewhere?))
Gorm wakes up slowly and wonders at the comfort of this world. Not that she is complaining, exactly... These luxurious beds and rooms were very enticing, she just feared perhaps she would get too used to them and she knew she would eventually go back to the 'real world' of sand and dune and a much more sparse lifestyle....
Likely the first at breakfast, for Gorm is used to rising before the sun and ritually going through the morning ceremonies of her people, the table would have plenty of food waiting when the others arrived. "Come, sit, eat..." she urges each as they arrive.
In response to Doctor Arbutaveyu, Gorm assures that "My people do not have much, but stories they have in abundance..." There are many stories about dragons amongst her people, she explains. Many are fanciful fables to warn and educate the young, others are more dramatic and romantic and more for more adult audiences around the fire. Some of her people, she explains, even claim they are descendants of dragons. This is delusion, obviously, told by those ashamed of the truth or yearning for a more proud ancestry... Or what they view as more proud and heroic. They're fools, she assures. Truer stories? More historic tales? Gorm admits such were never her forte but that she will think on it and see what she can remember...
(History? 15 )
The common hall, the cargo hold of old when the ship was still crossing the seas, is nearly empty at that early hour. Sun beams cross the awnings that crosses the old cargo hold aperture making the interior subtly illuminated.
The only other occupants of the main room are a waitress and the two gnome bards in a corner near the stage who are silent and half sleep in their table. The male has the lute on his lap and sometimes a soft note comes out of it... just as if he was making the instrument whispering.
After a few minutes trying to remember all the histories that her people tell around the fire about dragons, time enough for the waitress to bring her beakfrast, some toasted bread, butter, a couple of boiled eggs and some cold meat. The talk of a great event... and the references of the destruction of a city brings a particular history to her mind.
It is told, that in times of old, when Anauroch wasn't a desert but a land of green forests and blue lakes, and great cities follow the path of the winds among the clouds, the sky turned black as a moonless night, the sun covered by hundred of dragon wings. They gathered in great numbers, flying across the land destroying everything they find in their way. One of this great cities, its name now forgotten among the sands, fell under the wrath of the dragons. Their incredible magical defenses and spells couldn't stand the rage of so many dragons. The creatures fell into the city and destroyed it, killing everyone in a senseless rampage, and then kept flying, not even looking back towards the ones who fell under the spells and defenses of the prodigious city.
PbP Character: A few ;)
"As they wise old ones tell it, the dragons created the sands. So hungry for everything of value, they stole even the water from the land until the soil was turned to dust," Gorm said, trying to remember the fancier and more poetic imagery of the old ones but failing. "It is why the fools who claim we are the heirs of dragons are so despised. Well because it is not true, of course. But also because the truth is that those beasts stole paradise from us... We remain to show them they cannot take our heart as well. Our spirit. Our home."
Gorm then shrugs and pops a whole boiled ehh Ito her mouth.
Logan comes in just in time to catch the last part of Gorm's story. He is looking awake and alert for so early in the morning, and his hair is still a bit damp, but he is wearing his typical travelling clothes and armor, looking very much as he did last night.
"A fascinating story. I never realized dragons massed like that in ancient times, but I can well believe that hundreds of them could kill the very ground with their might and magic, were they roused to such destruction. Does your lore suggest why they may have gone on such a rampage against the very land itself?" asks Logan. As the professor arrives with evidence of too much study and not enough sleep, Logan nods as his question is at least partially answered.
"But what does that have to do with us now? What can we do against the might of a dragon, much less a horde of them, should they choose to raze this land?" he wonders aloud. Ordering a large mug of cold water, Logan drinks slowly but deeply as he thinks. Idly he considers what task Talgred might have for him today, or if a summons would arrive from the knights.
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Dr A takes a sip of his morning tea and thinks about Logan's question "ahbut what can we do against the might of a dragon? Well the answer is not much and certainly very little against a horde of them if they do band together. Ahbut what we can do is find out as much as we can before we meet at The Roving Dragon tomorrow. I'm going to spend the day at the Royal university to see what I can find out about this great city that Gorm speaks of."
After breakfast Dr A heads off to the university to research ancient Anauroch and any research about the dragon's laying waste to it. He draws upon his special feature 'Library Access' is order to get access to information that may not be readily available (OOC: DM I'm going to give Dr A advantage on is history roll to reflect this (History roll = 18 or 11) taking the better of the two).
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
(Dr. A. That’s ok! What does the rest of you do during the day?)
PbP Character: A few ;)
"Please, let me accompany you," Gorm said to Dr. Arbutaveyu as she grabs a muffin or other such to shove in her pocket for later. "I probably won't be of any help but if you're looking into Anauroch there is some chance..." And if your friend was being chased they may be on your trail now and I can play bodyguard, she mentally adds but does not speak aloud.
Right before exiting with the doctor, however, Gorm pauses and looks back to Logan. "Yesterday you said something about securing weapons? How vital is the process? How long does it take? I'd hate to take the doctor away from his research for long..."
"Here, let me help you," offers Logan, taking his peacebound sword and axe and unwinding the fabric. He shows Gorm how to properly bind her weapons using his supplies. "I'll have to take my weapons back to my room and lock them up until I can buy some more binding, but I should have plenty of time today to do so," says the young fighter. He suits action to words, storing his weapons up in his room before coming back downstairs.
"Talgred, what is on our schedule for today? I need to do a bit of shopping too," Logan asks quietly.
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
"Ahbut by all means feel free to accompany me. If we find something you may be able to bring a valuable insight into what the original authors meant" Dr A says to Gorm
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Soon Dr. A., Karvian, who decides to join, and Gorm walks the streets of Suzail towards the University to see if the good doctor can shed more light to the obscure mystery they had stumble upon. Meanwhile Talgred informs his liege that they should be in less than an hour at the Citadel, hoping that their recruitment officer, Sir Isteval could see him today. So, after getting ready he heads that way. The path crosses one of the many markets of the capital of the Forest Kingdom and as he walks by followed by his loyal Talgred a sudden yelling brings him back from his inner thoughts into reality.
"Thief! Thief!" a man wearing a baker's apron yells. He sees a youngling, maybe ten or twelve years old running towards him holding something on his arms, close to the chest.
At other part of the town the trio are near the University facilites when Gorm notices that the same four guys that they have crossed paths a few blocks ago are still walking behind them, not too close, perhaps about twenty feet behind them, but definitely closing in.
PbP Character: A few ;)
"I am not yet comfortable in cities such as this, much more used to the sands of my homeland..." Gorm says a bit softly in order to get the others to pay attention to her without raising an alarm. "Maybe it is more common than I realize, but I do believe there are four men who have been behind us for far too long."
"Do not look!" Gorm says quickly in a bit of a louder hush. "Stop and look at the next thing that could be of interest. A vendor or shop. Then glance sideways back the way we came and see if you don't think they are following..." Gorm gives a quick description of the people she spotted but does her best not to look back at where she knows they are. "Could they be city officials of some kind? Or even a coincidence?"