The gentle breeze coming up the docks of Suzail, the capital city of Cormyr was welcoming to the young squire still on his heavy armor as he walked back to the inn were Talberd was waiting for him. The temperature was finally descending and after the second warmest day of Mirkul he could remember Logan was grateful for it the Gods. Despite the fact that he wanted to take out of his armor and possibly take a bath before dinner, he decided to walk off a little bit more instead of going directly to the Sailber's Ship, an actual ship turned into a tavern and inn were he and Talberd were guests for the last three days. Three days he has spent waiting to be allowed into the Purple Dragon's Keep to ask to join them as a squire. Three days of just waiting and sweating on his armor. He even had to take out the recommendation letter he wore to avoid ruin it.
The breeze brought the smell of the Fallen Stars Sea and some noises. Noises that the young warrior recognized almost immediately Someone was starting a fight in the nearest alley. He only caught the last defiant words of a woman.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Gorm started the dance before the three thugs could even turn her way.Not the trance. She hoped things did not get so out of control as to require her falling into the Trance of Swords, but the dance itself was often enough to intimidate bullies into choosing more compliant targets.
Her footsteps were subtle and smooth, lazily bringing her about the potential field of battle with a deceptive speed… but the real dance was the blades.The blades drew the eyes and demanded attention.They twirled and spun and moved in flashing arcs and swipes which were threateningly beautiful even from a distance.
Poise and discipline, she reminded herself internally.You’re a stranger here.Your skin, your horns, they’ll just be looking for a reason…Better to scare them off, if you can.Smack them with the side of the blade if you can’t.Poise and discipline… Cut them down only if you must. City people get upset when there are corpses…
She seemed to move more sideways than towards them, teasing them, letting them see the threat she posed, letting them realize this ivory skinned foreign warrior was a danger to their continued existence.Truth was she drew slightly away from the ruffians, giving them room to escape if they choose, or forcing them away for the musician if they wanted to come for her.
"Oh look! " says one of the bullies "There is another one... "
"And this one looks like a girl!" replied the third one. The apparent leader of the trio smirks and adds
"So you let your girlfriend fight for you weirdo?"
And then Grom started the Dance. First they look at her, not really understanding what was going on, then, when they realize that she had her swords in her hands they started to lose their temper and started to retreat. Even when she had covered half the distance they turned their backs and start running.
From the other side of the alley Logan hear the screams of surprise and panic as someone start to flee.
Walking calmly on the other side of the alley came a tortle, not really paying attention to his surroundings, reading a heavy tome.
The three bullies run into him, and soon a mix of legs, arms and bodies stumble in the floor as two of the bullies hit and make Dr. Arbutaveyu trip and fall too.
"Aaahhh another monster!!" screams the one that has avoided to fall pointing at the now headless body of the tortle for, instinctively he had hidden his head inside his shell to avoid any injury.
The other two somehow manage to stand up and keep running as they scream for help.
The tortle remains in the ground, upside down, spinning slowly.
Logan finally turns the corner to see two tieflings, one with two scimitars in her hands and a headless tortle spinning on his back at the other side of the alley.
"Well..." came a voice from inside the shell "This is embarrassing"
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
“If this is part of the test of knighthood for the Cormyr, their methods are even more unusual than I have heard,” thinks Logan as he rounds the corner and sees the sight before him.
People running away, screaming, a large turtle shell on its back with only arms and legs sticking out, and two Tieflings standing over the scene…What is one to make of such a situation?
”What transpires here?” says the human man with an attempt at authority, his hand on the pommel of his sword. His blonde hair matted to his forehead due to the heat in his well-kept chain armor, the young but strong-looking man looks sternly at the tiefling with the blades bared—as if trying to glimpse if there is blood on the scimitars given the headless nature of the tortle at present.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
A look of confusion and then embarrassment crossed Karvians face.
Looking from the Tiefling to the men running away, he yelled out, "Wait!? What!?! She's not my girlfriend!" He turned toward the Tiefling, a pleading tone in his voice, "C'mon, tell them you're not my girlfriend."
At that moment, he heard the human and turned. He looked strong and his hand was on his sword. This was the exact opposite of the situation he had wanted. All he wanted was a bit of pocket money and this place looked like the right one for it. What a nightmare this had become. Feigning a look of relief Karvian started in.
"Sir Knight! Oh thank the heavens.There were these three ruffians who accosted me, and as I was about to respond in kind, my," Karvian paused to clear his throat. Enunciating the word as though he thought no one would understand it, "FRIEND here showed up." Pointing animatedly towards the spinning Tortle, "And then they just ran off down there! You must get them Sir Knight, for they've stolen a bit of gold from me as well."
The authorities were the last thing that Karvian wanted to deal with. His days aboard a pirate ship had taught him that rules were meant to be broken, and those that made the rules rarely followed them anyways.
Slowly a wizened reptillian head emerges from the tortle's shell. This is followed by its hands and arms and eventually its feet. Interestingly its hands and arms are covered in blue tattoos. The tortle clambers to his feet, pulls a pair of spectacles out of a pocket places them on and peers around shortsightedly. "Ahbut what have here, a pair of tieflings, now that is unusual as usually you only ever find one and not that often at that and what's more, one is a warrior type; interesting. And then there is a human in armour - well that's not uncommon or really very interesting, I suppose! He pauses and then continues "but I've not introduced myself, my name is Vah Jo Gyaan Chaahata Hai and I am a scholar and researcher from the Great Library at Candlekeep."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond DM - Four bards walk into a bar... Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
The armored warrior bows and says, “Well-met, esteemed scholar. I trust you are well and these two here did nothing to harm you?”
At the sight of the tortle emerging unscathed and the absence of blood on the other tiefling’s blades, the noble relaxes fractionally and adds, “I am Logan Flameheart of Shadowdale, at your service. It would seem there was no blood shed here; such a simple misunderstanding requires no intervention by the watch, would you say?”
Logan remains on guard in case Master Hai incriminates the tieflings.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Gorm cocked her head at the other Tieflings plea and tried to understand what he was asking even as the bullies flee, crashing into some other party and sending them spiraling onto the ground. Far more literally than she would have expected. As she is taking all this in a voice comes out from the other direction, asking what is transpiring here. As she takes in the armored appearance of the new arrival and tries to form the best answer she can possibly give, the other one is already talking again. She is unsure if he had stopped, truthfully.
"Friend?" Gorm asks, confused. "Did you not insist to the others that we were not...?"
The emergence of the... Well she was unsure of what he was. Surely there was no such traveler on the sands of home. But the emergence of that, gentleman, did seem to lower the tension level a might. As the bullies had run off and the only other threat, the armored human, seemed more a possible diplomatic hassle than physical threat, Gorm allowed herself to find her calm and after a moment even sheathed her swords.
"To me you are the curiosity, good sir. I am new to these parts but have not seen your like... And you are nothing like any I have ever seen at home," Gorm responds with a bow of her head.
"I am Gorm Diabhal, of the sands of Anauroch. This friend, not friend, I have not met before. He seemed to be outnumbered so I stepped in to help. He's not of my tribe but as is apparent, our tribes must be related somewhere..." This answer was said to the Vac Jo Gyaan something, the name was unusual to her ear and did not fully stick. But it was intended as much for the human who seemed to be demanding answers.
Turning to face him, Gorm gave another bow of her head. "Well met, Logan Flameheart. I was drawn here by a song. When I arrived the one young was outnumbered. I attempted to assist by scaring them off without drawing blood or taking life. I do not believe any local laws or customs have been broken... But I am a stranger here..." This said, Gorm bows her head further this time with her arms out to her sides with the empty palms up to show she deferred to his judgement in the matter.
Seeing Gorm struggle with his name, the tortle says "ahbut call me Dr Arbutaveyu; everybody else does, I'm not exactly sure why but no matter!" He turns to Logan "no they did not hurt me good sir but don't you find it interesting that we have two Tieflings travelling together - hmm?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond DM - Four bards walk into a bar... Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
He was having no luck today, having now confused his fellow Tiefling and not dissuaded the Human. He needed some distance between himself and them.
Karvian looked at the bowing Gorm in puzzlement saying, "I was only insisting that we were not TO-GETH-ER. Not that we couldn't be 'together'. I love a good friend." He paused."You know, I don't think I'm making this any better right now if I'm being honest." He shook his head slowly and began idling towards the Tortle.
"Those are strange markings friend. My father did not have anything like that on him." He looked over Dr Arbutaveyu curiously, slowly moving away from the others.
BAH! He'd said something stupid just then and he knew it. And his damn mask was off. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Ugh... He could almost hear his father saying, "Slow down and use your damn head boyo." To which he'd retort, "I already did! I caught that rock with it, didn't ya see?" Ah, yes. The wit in his head was wonderful, but was not helping here.
Removing his hand from the hilt of his sword, Logan says, "Then it appears we have no need of the city guard, unless you need to recover your belongings," he adds, looking toward the unarmed tiefling.
"Indeed," replies Logan to Gorm, "Valiant of you, Gorm of Anauroch, to come to the aid of a stranger being accosted by...thieves, I suppose? I myself am not authorized to enforce the laws of this city, but I too would help where I can. I am on the way to Sailber's Ship to quench my thirst after a hot day. Would you trade your story for the price of a cold ale? I have never been to the great desert, and would know more about it."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
When the non-armed Tiefling questions Dr A about his tattoos explaining that his father does not have anything like that Dr A simply replies "ahbut these allow me to draw on the power of my patron the Mother of all magic. Ahbut tell me why would your father have tattoos like these - is he too a practitioner of the mystical arts?"
Hearing the word "guard" perks Karvians attention.
"No no! There's no need to involve the guard," he says quickly. "The only thing they've taken from me is a bit of blood," he says pointing to the wound on his head. "I can get that back in my own time, since they've run off, though I think embarrassing them would be a better punishment."
It seemed the situation had calmed - as had he. A Tiefling and a Tortle, in the same day. He still wasn't sure if it was a blessing or a warning.
Karvian looks back to Dr. A. "No no. He's nothing like that. I've just never seen blue tattoos before. Quite unique and fashionable on you!" Karvian twists his arms about, "All mine are black... like my soul. I'm kidding of course!" he says with a laugh. "It's the only color Say had when he did it."
Despite the agreement of the four strangers that the guard involvement is not needed the screams of the fleeing bullies seem to have attracted some attention and someone is calling for the guard not far away.
“Dr. Arbutaveyu…” Gorm tries, tentatively. She comes close but it’s an unfamiliar combination and her accent doesn’t help. But it’s at least recognizable.
“As little brother says,” she starts, referring to the other Tiefling, “we are not traveling together, we’ve just crossed paths. May the meeting be blessed.” Gorm makes a small gesture as she says the last bit, something almost ritualistic which makes it seem the phrase and gesture are a custom and we’re down by rote.
“I think more bullies than practiced thieves. Thugs taking advantage of an opportunity… if they’re lucky tonight will make them think twice in the future. But we shouldn’t dawdle and that drink you mention sounds good to my ears,” Gorm adds, pulling her aba, the light cloak of her desert home, back around her. “Lead the way and I shall buy a round as well…”
When Logan lifts his hand off the pommel of his sword, you can see that it is wrapped with an elaborate knot that would make it impossible to draw quickly. At best, he would have been able to pull out sword, scabbard and all and use it as a makeshift club.
Realizing the newcomer is unfamiliar with the local customs, Logan adds, “You will want to get your weapons peace-bonded soon as well. Let us go before the watch comes to investigate this disturbance.” The warrior turns and resumes his the in he previously mentioned.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Karvians thoughts are all over as he is trying to keep up with all that's occurred in the last few minutes. As he looks from person to person, he tries to answer in turn, often chiming in late like a child who's trying to sit at the grown-up table.
"Little brother? I don't mind that at all! I-"
"Thugs indeed! All I was doing was playing some music and-"
"Yes we should go!" Karvian said, smiling and shaking his head at everyone as if it was his idea.
Slinging his lute onto his back, and tossing his mask into his bag he followed the rest of them.
"Logan was it?" he asked from behind them "What is 'peace-bonded'?"
Karvians meat cleaver and sheath. He always keeps it strapped to his back both to keep it hidden and for easy access.
Gorm Diabhal is quite eager to listen to Logan's explanation of this 'peace-bonding' and scoffs at the idea.
"And what peace would have been kept if I needed to untangle these threads while those with sticks and rocks assaulted our friend her?"
"Would not the nefarious sort this is intended to hobble be exactly the ones who would skirt around the bond in some way? I can think of ways to do so without even trying to be clever..."
"And how are visitors and passer by to know of these customs? Or is the intent to make such people illegal just by their very presence within the city?"
As argumentative as Gorm's points may seem she is truly more curious than combative. She immediately agrees to comply at the earliest possible opportunity for "the duties of a guest are to be gracious and to be an advantageous addition."
The four strangers walk the couple of minutes that takes them to walk to the Sailber's Ship Inn. Which is more than just a name for it is an actual ship docked permanently in a pier at the harbor.
The ship has undergo some modifications and a covered passage has been constructed from the dock to the entrance of the former main cargo bay now turned into the tavern of the inn. As the group descend the wooden spiral stairs that leads towards the interior they can hear laughs and music and the smells of beer, smoke, food and sweat hit them in contrast with the salty air of the main deck of the ship.
Logan scans the room, which is not crowded but it has some patrons enjoying a couple of gnomes playing a song with a flute and a bagpipe, and he sees his faithful Talgred raising a hand to catch his attention. The older man, with his white beard and the scar that crosses his face vertically from his left cheek to the top of his eyebrow, seems surprised that Logan came with company. He already has a table at the ready and Logan notices that he is already talking with a waitress as they approach. Raising an inquisitive eyebrow when Logan approaches he makes a slight bow of his head in respect.
"Greetings Master. I took the liberty to guard this table for you. I didn't expect company tonight so I do apologize if the table is a little bit small to accommodate your guests. I already ordered some drinks for you and your guests. Please..."he opens his left arm inviting all to sit. Despite his words the table has enough room for all of them, including Talgred.
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PbP Character: A few ;)
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The gentle breeze coming up the docks of Suzail, the capital city of Cormyr was welcoming to the young squire still on his heavy armor as he walked back to the inn were Talberd was waiting for him. The temperature was finally descending and after the second warmest day of Mirkul he could remember Logan was grateful for it the Gods. Despite the fact that he wanted to take out of his armor and possibly take a bath before dinner, he decided to walk off a little bit more instead of going directly to the Sailber's Ship, an actual ship turned into a tavern and inn were he and Talberd were guests for the last three days. Three days he has spent waiting to be allowed into the Purple Dragon's Keep to ask to join them as a squire. Three days of just waiting and sweating on his armor. He even had to take out the recommendation letter he wore to avoid ruin it.
The breeze brought the smell of the Fallen Stars Sea and some noises. Noises that the young warrior recognized almost immediately Someone was starting a fight in the nearest alley. He only caught the last defiant words of a woman.
"Shall we dance?"
PbP Character: A few ;)
Gorm started the dance before the three thugs could even turn her way. Not the trance. She hoped things did not get so out of control as to require her falling into the Trance of Swords, but the dance itself was often enough to intimidate bullies into choosing more compliant targets.
Her footsteps were subtle and smooth, lazily bringing her about the potential field of battle with a deceptive speed… but the real dance was the blades. The blades drew the eyes and demanded attention. They twirled and spun and moved in flashing arcs and swipes which were threateningly beautiful even from a distance.
Poise and discipline, she reminded herself internally. You’re a stranger here. Your skin, your horns, they’ll just be looking for a reason… Better to scare them off, if you can. Smack them with the side of the blade if you can’t. Poise and discipline… Cut them down only if you must. City people get upset when there are corpses…
She seemed to move more sideways than towards them, teasing them, letting them see the threat she posed, letting them realize this ivory skinned foreign warrior was a danger to their continued existence. Truth was she drew slightly away from the ruffians, giving them room to escape if they choose, or forcing them away for the musician if they wanted to come for her.
((Rolls, if needed or wanted…))
Intimidation 11
Initiative: 14
"Oh look! " says one of the bullies "There is another one... "
"And this one looks like a girl!" replied the third one. The apparent leader of the trio smirks and adds
"So you let your girlfriend fight for you weirdo?"
And then Grom started the Dance. First they look at her, not really understanding what was going on, then, when they realize that she had her swords in her hands they started to lose their temper and started to retreat. Even when she had covered half the distance they turned their backs and start running.
From the other side of the alley Logan hear the screams of surprise and panic as someone start to flee.
Walking calmly on the other side of the alley came a tortle, not really paying attention to his surroundings, reading a heavy tome.
The three bullies run into him, and soon a mix of legs, arms and bodies stumble in the floor as two of the bullies hit and make Dr. Arbutaveyu trip and fall too.
"Aaahhh another monster!!" screams the one that has avoided to fall pointing at the now headless body of the tortle for, instinctively he had hidden his head inside his shell to avoid any injury.
The other two somehow manage to stand up and keep running as they scream for help.
The tortle remains in the ground, upside down, spinning slowly.
Logan finally turns the corner to see two tieflings, one with two scimitars in her hands and a headless tortle spinning on his back at the other side of the alley.
"Well..." came a voice from inside the shell "This is embarrassing"
No roll needed if weapons are showed... ;)
PbP Character: A few ;)
“If this is part of the test of knighthood for the Cormyr, their methods are even more unusual than I have heard,” thinks Logan as he rounds the corner and sees the sight before him.
People running away, screaming, a large turtle shell on its back with only arms and legs sticking out, and two Tieflings standing over the scene…What is one to make of such a situation?
”What transpires here?” says the human man with an attempt at authority, his hand on the pommel of his sword. His blonde hair matted to his forehead due to the heat in his well-kept chain armor, the young but strong-looking man looks sternly at the tiefling with the blades bared—as if trying to glimpse if there is blood on the scimitars given the headless nature of the tortle at present.
Insight: 10
(Edited to force roll to resolve)
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
A look of confusion and then embarrassment crossed Karvians face.
Looking from the Tiefling to the men running away, he yelled out, "Wait!? What!?! She's not my girlfriend!"
He turned toward the Tiefling, a pleading tone in his voice, "C'mon, tell them you're not my girlfriend."
At that moment, he heard the human and turned. He looked strong and his hand was on his sword. This was the exact opposite of the situation he had wanted. All he wanted was a bit of pocket money and this place looked like the right one for it. What a nightmare this had become. Feigning a look of relief Karvian started in.
"Sir Knight! Oh thank the heavens. There were these three ruffians who accosted me, and as I was about to respond in kind, my," Karvian paused to clear his throat. Enunciating the word as though he thought no one would understand it, "FRIEND here showed up."
Pointing animatedly towards the spinning Tortle, "And then they just ran off down there! You must get them Sir Knight, for they've stolen a bit of gold from me as well."
The authorities were the last thing that Karvian wanted to deal with. His days aboard a pirate ship had taught him that rules were meant to be broken, and those that made the rules rarely followed them anyways.
Deception (or Persuasion):20
Slowly a wizened reptillian head emerges from the tortle's shell. This is followed by its hands and arms and eventually its feet. Interestingly its hands and arms are covered in blue tattoos. The tortle clambers to his feet, pulls a pair of spectacles out of a pocket places them on and peers around shortsightedly. "Ahbut what have here, a pair of tieflings, now that is unusual as usually you only ever find one and not that often at that and what's more, one is a warrior type; interesting. And then there is a human in armour - well that's not uncommon or really very interesting, I suppose! He pauses and then continues "but I've not introduced myself, my name is Vah Jo Gyaan Chaahata Hai and I am a scholar and researcher from the Great Library at Candlekeep."
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
The armored warrior bows and says, “Well-met, esteemed scholar. I trust you are well and these two here did nothing to harm you?”
At the sight of the tortle emerging unscathed and the absence of blood on the other tiefling’s blades, the noble relaxes fractionally and adds, “I am Logan Flameheart of Shadowdale, at your service. It would seem there was no blood shed here; such a simple misunderstanding requires no intervention by the watch, would you say?”
Logan remains on guard in case Master Hai incriminates the tieflings.
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Gorm cocked her head at the other Tieflings plea and tried to understand what he was asking even as the bullies flee, crashing into some other party and sending them spiraling onto the ground. Far more literally than she would have expected. As she is taking all this in a voice comes out from the other direction, asking what is transpiring here. As she takes in the armored appearance of the new arrival and tries to form the best answer she can possibly give, the other one is already talking again. She is unsure if he had stopped, truthfully.
"Friend?" Gorm asks, confused. "Did you not insist to the others that we were not...?"
The emergence of the... Well she was unsure of what he was. Surely there was no such traveler on the sands of home. But the emergence of that, gentleman, did seem to lower the tension level a might. As the bullies had run off and the only other threat, the armored human, seemed more a possible diplomatic hassle than physical threat, Gorm allowed herself to find her calm and after a moment even sheathed her swords.
"To me you are the curiosity, good sir. I am new to these parts but have not seen your like... And you are nothing like any I have ever seen at home," Gorm responds with a bow of her head.
"I am Gorm Diabhal, of the sands of Anauroch. This friend, not friend, I have not met before. He seemed to be outnumbered so I stepped in to help. He's not of my tribe but as is apparent, our tribes must be related somewhere..." This answer was said to the Vac Jo Gyaan something, the name was unusual to her ear and did not fully stick. But it was intended as much for the human who seemed to be demanding answers.
Turning to face him, Gorm gave another bow of her head. "Well met, Logan Flameheart. I was drawn here by a song. When I arrived the one young was outnumbered. I attempted to assist by scaring them off without drawing blood or taking life. I do not believe any local laws or customs have been broken... But I am a stranger here..." This said, Gorm bows her head further this time with her arms out to her sides with the empty palms up to show she deferred to his judgement in the matter.
Seeing Gorm struggle with his name, the tortle says "ahbut call me Dr Arbutaveyu; everybody else does, I'm not exactly sure why but no matter!" He turns to Logan "no they did not hurt me good sir but don't you find it interesting that we have two Tieflings travelling together - hmm?"
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
He was having no luck today, having now confused his fellow Tiefling and not dissuaded the Human. He needed some distance between himself and them.
Karvian looked at the bowing Gorm in puzzlement saying, "I was only insisting that we were not TO-GETH-ER. Not that we couldn't be 'together'. I love a good friend." He paused. "You know, I don't think I'm making this any better right now if I'm being honest." He shook his head slowly and began idling towards the Tortle.
"Those are strange markings friend. My father did not have anything like that on him." He looked over Dr Arbutaveyu curiously, slowly moving away from the others.
BAH! He'd said something stupid just then and he knew it. And his damn mask was off. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Ugh... He could almost hear his father saying, "Slow down and use your damn head boyo." To which he'd retort, "I already did! I caught that rock with it, didn't ya see?" Ah, yes. The wit in his head was wonderful, but was not helping here.
Removing his hand from the hilt of his sword, Logan says, "Then it appears we have no need of the city guard, unless you need to recover your belongings," he adds, looking toward the unarmed tiefling.
"Indeed," replies Logan to Gorm, "Valiant of you, Gorm of Anauroch, to come to the aid of a stranger being accosted by...thieves, I suppose? I myself am not authorized to enforce the laws of this city, but I too would help where I can. I am on the way to Sailber's Ship to quench my thirst after a hot day. Would you trade your story for the price of a cold ale? I have never been to the great desert, and would know more about it."
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
When the non-armed Tiefling questions Dr A about his tattoos explaining that his father does not have anything like that Dr A simply replies "ahbut these allow me to draw on the power of my patron the Mother of all magic. Ahbut tell me why would your father have tattoos like these - is he too a practitioner of the mystical arts?"
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Hearing the word "guard" perks Karvians attention.
"No no! There's no need to involve the guard," he says quickly. "The only thing they've taken from me is a bit of blood," he says pointing to the wound on his head. "I can get that back in my own time, since they've run off, though I think embarrassing them would be a better punishment."
It seemed the situation had calmed - as had he. A Tiefling and a Tortle, in the same day. He still wasn't sure if it was a blessing or a warning.
Karvian looks back to Dr. A. "No no. He's nothing like that. I've just never seen blue tattoos before. Quite unique and fashionable on you!" Karvian twists his arms about, "All mine are black... like my soul. I'm kidding of course!" he says with a laugh. "It's the only color Say had when he did it."
Despite the agreement of the four strangers that the guard involvement is not needed the screams of the fleeing bullies seem to have attracted some attention and someone is calling for the guard not far away.
PbP Character: A few ;)
“Dr. Arbutaveyu…” Gorm tries, tentatively. She comes close but it’s an unfamiliar combination and her accent doesn’t help. But it’s at least recognizable.
“As little brother says,” she starts, referring to the other Tiefling, “we are not traveling together, we’ve just crossed paths. May the meeting be blessed.” Gorm makes a small gesture as she says the last bit, something almost ritualistic which makes it seem the phrase and gesture are a custom and we’re down by rote.
“I think more bullies than practiced thieves. Thugs taking advantage of an opportunity… if they’re lucky tonight will make them think twice in the future. But we shouldn’t dawdle and that drink you mention sounds good to my ears,” Gorm adds, pulling her aba, the light cloak of her desert home, back around her. “Lead the way and I shall buy a round as well…”
When Logan lifts his hand off the pommel of his sword, you can see that it is wrapped with an elaborate knot that would make it impossible to draw quickly. At best, he would have been able to pull out sword, scabbard and all and use it as a makeshift club.
Realizing the newcomer is unfamiliar with the local customs, Logan adds, “You will want to get your weapons peace-bonded soon as well. Let us go before the watch comes to investigate this disturbance.” The warrior turns and resumes his the in he previously mentioned.
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Karvians thoughts are all over as he is trying to keep up with all that's occurred in the last few minutes. As he looks from person to person, he tries to answer in turn, often chiming in late like a child who's trying to sit at the grown-up table.
"Little brother? I don't mind that at all! I-"
"Thugs indeed! All I was doing was playing some music and-"
"Yes we should go!" Karvian said, smiling and shaking his head at everyone as if it was his idea.
Slinging his lute onto his back, and tossing his mask into his bag he followed the rest of them.
"Logan was it?" he asked from behind them "What is 'peace-bonded'?"
Karvians meat cleaver and sheath. He always keeps it strapped to his back both to keep it hidden and for easy access.
Dr A follows Logan and the others.
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Gorm Diabhal is quite eager to listen to Logan's explanation of this 'peace-bonding' and scoffs at the idea.
"And what peace would have been kept if I needed to untangle these threads while those with sticks and rocks assaulted our friend her?"
"Would not the nefarious sort this is intended to hobble be exactly the ones who would skirt around the bond in some way? I can think of ways to do so without even trying to be clever..."
"And how are visitors and passer by to know of these customs? Or is the intent to make such people illegal just by their very presence within the city?"
As argumentative as Gorm's points may seem she is truly more curious than combative. She immediately agrees to comply at the earliest possible opportunity for "the duties of a guest are to be gracious and to be an advantageous addition."
The four strangers walk the couple of minutes that takes them to walk to the Sailber's Ship Inn. Which is more than just a name for it is an actual ship docked permanently in a pier at the harbor.
The ship has undergo some modifications and a covered passage has been constructed from the dock to the entrance of the former main cargo bay now turned into the tavern of the inn. As the group descend the wooden spiral stairs that leads towards the interior they can hear laughs and music and the smells of beer, smoke, food and sweat hit them in contrast with the salty air of the main deck of the ship.
Logan scans the room, which is not crowded but it has some patrons enjoying a couple of gnomes playing a song with a flute and a bagpipe, and he sees his faithful Talgred raising a hand to catch his attention. The older man, with his white beard and the scar that crosses his face vertically from his left cheek to the top of his eyebrow, seems surprised that Logan came with company. He already has a table at the ready and Logan notices that he is already talking with a waitress as they approach. Raising an inquisitive eyebrow when Logan approaches he makes a slight bow of his head in respect.
"Greetings Master. I took the liberty to guard this table for you. I didn't expect company tonight so I do apologize if the table is a little bit small to accommodate your guests. I already ordered some drinks for you and your guests. Please..." he opens his left arm inviting all to sit. Despite his words the table has enough room for all of them, including Talgred.
PbP Character: A few ;)