Having the grace to be embarrassed by his mistake, Logan says, “Ah yes, I believe you may be right. Sometimes it is harder to tell with performers in their flamboyant costumes.”
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
"No, no," Karvian says waving his hands in protest. "Had nothing t' do with the costume. Like the tax man came and collected all the pretty and that's all they're left with." he says with a chuckle. "Never mind. As you said, best t' leave it alone," he says as he sits back down, grin plastered across his face.
"I suppose you would have been a lot kinder if some stray troubador had interrupted your performance?" Gorm asks, an eyebrow raised. "Still and all, best that is in the past. Our good doctor here is in need of a bit of peace and quiet to look into the mystery dropped into his lap."
Gorm turns to Logan and Talgred and asks "You know of a place suitable for him to study what was given to him?"
"I am fine with the Dr Arbutaveyu using my quarters for his study, though perhaps we should secure additional rooms," suggests Logan to Talgred, adding, "What do you think, Talgred?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
"To be fair Gorm, we met because someone interrupted my performance with a bit more than a well-intended strum," Karvian says wryly. "And I tried to apologize to the stunted potato. I hadn't even asked for a share, just t' play."
Karvian sets his elbows on the table putting his head in his hands so that his face squished up around his eyes. Karvian looks at Talgred and says, "Ith wee shtay here I can bunk with some-un."
Grabbing his cup of tea, he pulls it towards his nose, taking a deep breath, allowing the aroma to fill his head. He'd heard that tea was supposed to have some calming properties to it, and he was still pretty on edge. Taking another deep breath, he closes his eyes and drinks deeply.
"Well that was disappointing," Karvian thought. "But it tastes alright I guess."
Gorm reaches out and puts a hand on Karvian’s shoulder and gives it a squeeze. “You shouldn’t be playing behind that gnome or anyone else. When you’re on stage you should be front and center, yes?”
“As for rooms, I’d arranged nothing yet but can get one here as well as anyplace, I reckon,” she says looking around to try to gauge who she would see about arranging such a thing. “No reason not to share the space… Though we should let Doctor Arbutaveyu examine their item before we make too many plans?”
"I wouldn't dare to presume the needs of your new friends in such a delicate matter as their intimacy and rest sire. I will, however, ask the owner to come and my lords and lady could find an accommodation that suits your needs and preferences " he says bowing slightly his head towards the rest of the party. Without waiting for an answer he diligently stands and goes to do as he said.
Not long time after the group are in Logan's cabin, which is composed of three actual rooms; a central, not too big but comfy living room, a small room for Talgred and a bigger one with his bed. The suite is decorated as if it was the ships' captain cabin. And in a distant past perhaps it actually was.
Even the shared cabin the others had less space and no tables or chairs, and the beds are hammocks hanging from the walls. "For a full sailor experience" said with a toothless smile the old, thin and bald proprietor of the inn when they arranged their accommodations for 5 silver pieces each, dinner included. Rowan "Merry" Payne, for that it's his name, smiles at them while collecting their money.
Dr A cannot wait for the dinner to be served to go and inspect the closed scroll case. He cannot hide his deception and even frustration when he sees that it is locked. The minutes they spent debating how to deal with it without damaging the interior are enough for Talgred to come in with the food, some roasted pilchards and squids with onions. The food is surprisingly good and Logan's aide admits that he had convinced Mr. Payne to allow him cook for them.
Finally they manage to open the scroll case with one of the knifes brought by Talgred for dinner, and they are able to examine its contents.
Inside there are a handful of parchments and notes. At first glance Dr A. have the feeling that they are just the notes of a student, and that maybe he has been the victim of a prank. The scrolls are full of side notes, small drawings and sentences scrabble on the sides. Most, if not all of them, are just nonsense and weird symbols.
But then he recognizes one letter here, another there... he picks up again the almost discarded parchments and cannot help but gasp. That rigmalore is actually written in old elvish, a form of that language that were used in old times by the eladrin, even before the coming fo the elves to Faerûn and that nowadays were relegated to the most cult of their race. He had studied it as part of his studies in elvish but it was just a side note long time passed at the beginning of his studies.
Still there are parts that he cannot understand and when it shows it to the rest Logan recognizes the script. It is draconic.
Well, sorry to have moved things a little bit fast forward. Do not worry you will have your chance to interact with Mr. Payne in the future if you want to ;)
Here are the relevant part of the parchments that you find.
Gorm squeezes in closely to get a good look at what’s in the case but after her curiosity is settled she eases back and away from the table. “Looks like no kind of writing I know of,” she states with surety and a small shrug. “Are any of you able to make anything of it?”
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Dr A looks up from the scroll takes a sip of tea and says "as I thought it is draconic and it is a bit scary for it says here" running his thumb along the first line "uh um when the night sky turns red as blood and the coming of the star that never settles the kings will die and the empires will fall!" He pauses "ahbut it changes here to another language which looks a bit like an arcane form of Elvish and goes onto say something the high mages, I'm guessing Elvish high mages, cast a ritual freeing elves from their draconic masters but somebody was cursed by somebody, possible the dragons cursed the elves. It then says this happened tens of millenia ago and then something happened to Calimport - almost 8000 years ago - and whatever happened is going to happen again."
Dr A tests Clue 1 - History (12) & Religion (18) Clue 2 - History (13) & Religion (18) Clue 3 - History (15) & Religion (20)
Karvian felt strange being in a room that looked like a ship, but didn't move like one. As he walked, he felt like he was bracing for a wave to crash into the wall that would never come. Grasping the table, he felt a bit steadier, but still off.
Looking over what'd been laid out he looks up, stating plainly, "Yep, those are words! At least I think they are." As he turns to make his way through another awkward slog across the room, something on the page catches his eye. Turning back, he peers closer look at the picture of the ruins. "That though," he says pointing to the image, "that looks like Calimport. Those buildin's ain't right, but I'd know that bay anywhere."
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Logan understands part of the Draconic language, but he is relieved that others have translated it first. He looks at the pictures and the translated text and tries to match it to anything he has seen or read of before in his lessons or the tales overheard in the Old Skull.
History: 17
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
"There was a story about it being destroyed, but I don't remember much more than that," Karvian says. "I think Vitalian was drunk rambling about it one night and when he gets like that it's usually not worth listening to."
Karvian looks at Logan and shrugs. "Maybe the pictures from then?"
Gorm edges close to the table and peers over shoulders to get a peek at the scrolls and the markings. It was purely curiosity, she knew it would mean nothing to her. “I’ve lived my life upon the sands of Anauroch, the histories and stories we tell have made no mention of a Calimport…”
“But how could what happened there so long ago matter now?” She asks with a shrug.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Karvian looks at Gorm saying, "Not sure. I've heard that history runs in cycles, but I'm no historian." He looks back at the scroll, whispering under his breath, "The coming of the star that never settles... The coming of the star that never settles... What star never settles?" His brow furrows as if trying to will a memory to life from his time aboard The Black Freighter.
“Whatever the history, why did your friend give this scroll to you?” Gorm asks turning towards Doctor Arbutaveyu. “How much intrigue can there be about such ancient events? And why would she not discuss it with you tonight?”
Gorm wasn’t sure the doctor would have the answers but these questions seemed more relevant to her than ancient history.
“Whatever the history, why did your friend give this scroll to you?” Gorm asks turning towards Doctor Arbutaveyu. “How much intrigue can there be about such ancient events? And why would she not discuss it with you tonight?”
"Ahbut my young friend, in all honesty I do not know. I can only suspect it has something to do with my life-long study of the the Weave and how it controls all aspects of life. Of particular area of interest is how powerful entities, Gods, Primodial beings, Powerful Devils and Demons, Liches, etc. are able to bend the Weave to their will and whether this bending and twisting of the Weave may not have unforeseen consequences as nature seeks to balance itself."Dr A answers. "Ahbut as you now be aware it would seem that somehow this young women has come across some information which would suggest that something momentous is about to happen!"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond DM - Four bards walk into a bar... Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
“If it is caused by a comet surely we have no way to stop it?” Gorm suggests, having just the vaguest idea of what comets are, mostly just knowing they are in the sky like the sun and moon and stars.
“Still, it would be wise to follow up with your friend and see what they have to say, yes?”
”When are we supposed to meet her again? It has been a somewhat eventful day and I think we could all use a good night’s rest,” says Logan, “Unless there is more to discuss tonight?”
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
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Having the grace to be embarrassed by his mistake, Logan says, “Ah yes, I believe you may be right. Sometimes it is harder to tell with performers in their flamboyant costumes.”
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
"No, no," Karvian says waving his hands in protest. "Had nothing t' do with the costume. Like the tax man came and collected all the pretty and that's all they're left with." he says with a chuckle. "Never mind. As you said, best t' leave it alone," he says as he sits back down, grin plastered across his face.
"I suppose you would have been a lot kinder if some stray troubador had interrupted your performance?" Gorm asks, an eyebrow raised. "Still and all, best that is in the past. Our good doctor here is in need of a bit of peace and quiet to look into the mystery dropped into his lap."
Gorm turns to Logan and Talgred and asks "You know of a place suitable for him to study what was given to him?"
"I am fine with the Dr Arbutaveyu using my quarters for his study, though perhaps we should secure additional rooms," suggests Logan to Talgred, adding, "What do you think, Talgred?"
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
"To be fair Gorm, we met because someone interrupted my performance with a bit more than a well-intended strum," Karvian says wryly. "And I tried to apologize to the stunted potato. I hadn't even asked for a share, just t' play."
Karvian sets his elbows on the table putting his head in his hands so that his face squished up around his eyes. Karvian looks at Talgred and says, "Ith wee shtay here I can bunk with some-un."
Grabbing his cup of tea, he pulls it towards his nose, taking a deep breath, allowing the aroma to fill his head. He'd heard that tea was supposed to have some calming properties to it, and he was still pretty on edge. Taking another deep breath, he closes his eyes and drinks deeply.
"Well that was disappointing," Karvian thought. "But it tastes alright I guess."
Gorm reaches out and puts a hand on Karvian’s shoulder and gives it a squeeze. “You shouldn’t be playing behind that gnome or anyone else. When you’re on stage you should be front and center, yes?”
“As for rooms, I’d arranged nothing yet but can get one here as well as anyplace, I reckon,” she says looking around to try to gauge who she would see about arranging such a thing. “No reason not to share the space… Though we should let Doctor Arbutaveyu examine their item before we make too many plans?”
Talgred hawks a little and replies to Logan
"I wouldn't dare to presume the needs of your new friends in such a delicate matter as their intimacy and rest sire. I will, however, ask the owner to come and my lords and lady could find an accommodation that suits your needs and preferences " he says bowing slightly his head towards the rest of the party. Without waiting for an answer he diligently stands and goes to do as he said.
Not long time after the group are in Logan's cabin, which is composed of three actual rooms; a central, not too big but comfy living room, a small room for Talgred and a bigger one with his bed. The suite is decorated as if it was the ships' captain cabin. And in a distant past perhaps it actually was.
Even the shared cabin the others had less space and no tables or chairs, and the beds are hammocks hanging from the walls. "For a full sailor experience" said with a toothless smile the old, thin and bald proprietor of the inn when they arranged their accommodations for 5 silver pieces each, dinner included. Rowan "Merry" Payne, for that it's his name, smiles at them while collecting their money.
Dr A cannot wait for the dinner to be served to go and inspect the closed scroll case. He cannot hide his deception and even frustration when he sees that it is locked. The minutes they spent debating how to deal with it without damaging the interior are enough for Talgred to come in with the food, some roasted pilchards and squids with onions. The food is surprisingly good and Logan's aide admits that he had convinced Mr. Payne to allow him cook for them.
Finally they manage to open the scroll case with one of the knifes brought by Talgred for dinner, and they are able to examine its contents.
Inside there are a handful of parchments and notes. At first glance Dr A. have the feeling that they are just the notes of a student, and that maybe he has been the victim of a prank. The scrolls are full of side notes, small drawings and sentences scrabble on the sides. Most, if not all of them, are just nonsense and weird symbols.
But then he recognizes one letter here, another there... he picks up again the almost discarded parchments and cannot help but gasp. That rigmalore is actually written in old elvish, a form of that language that were used in old times by the eladrin, even before the coming fo the elves to Faerûn and that nowadays were relegated to the most cult of their race. He had studied it as part of his studies in elvish but it was just a side note long time passed at the beginning of his studies.
Still there are parts that he cannot understand and when it shows it to the rest Logan recognizes the script. It is draconic.
Well, sorry to have moved things a little bit fast forward. Do not worry you will have your chance to interact with Mr. Payne in the future if you want to ;)
Here are the relevant part of the parchments that you find.
Please take a look to the PM thread now :)
PbP Character: A few ;)
Dr A breathes a sigh of relief when he sees that the words are written in draconic as he is familiar with the language.
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Gorm squeezes in closely to get a good look at what’s in the case but after her curiosity is settled she eases back and away from the table. “Looks like no kind of writing I know of,” she states with surety and a small shrug. “Are any of you able to make anything of it?”
Dr A looks up from the scroll takes a sip of tea and says "as I thought it is draconic and it is a bit scary for it says here" running his thumb along the first line "uh um when the night sky turns red as blood and the coming of the star that never settles the kings will die and the empires will fall!" He pauses "ahbut it changes here to another language which looks a bit like an arcane form of Elvish and goes onto say something the high mages, I'm guessing Elvish high mages, cast a ritual freeing elves from their draconic masters but somebody was cursed by somebody, possible the dragons cursed the elves. It then says this happened tens of millenia ago and then something happened to Calimport - almost 8000 years ago - and whatever happened is going to happen again."
Dr A tests
Clue 1 - History (12) & Religion (18)
Clue 2 - History (13) & Religion (18)
Clue 3 - History (15) & Religion (20)
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Karvian felt strange being in a room that looked like a ship, but didn't move like one. As he walked, he felt like he was bracing for a wave to crash into the wall that would never come. Grasping the table, he felt a bit steadier, but still off.
Looking over what'd been laid out he looks up, stating plainly, "Yep, those are words! At least I think they are." As he turns to make his way through another awkward slog across the room, something on the page catches his eye. Turning back, he peers closer look at the picture of the ruins. "That though," he says pointing to the image, "that looks like Calimport. Those buildin's ain't right, but I'd know that bay anywhere."
Logan understands part of the Draconic language, but he is relieved that others have translated it first. He looks at the pictures and the translated text and tries to match it to anything he has seen or read of before in his lessons or the tales overheard in the Old Skull.
History: 17
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
"I haven't heard anything Calimport, much less what happened to it 8000 years ago. Anyone know better than I?" asks Logan.
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
"There was a story about it being destroyed, but I don't remember much more than that," Karvian says. "I think Vitalian was drunk rambling about it one night and when he gets like that it's usually not worth listening to."
Karvian looks at Logan and shrugs. "Maybe the pictures from then?"
Gorm edges close to the table and peers over shoulders to get a peek at the scrolls and the markings. It was purely curiosity, she knew it would mean nothing to her. “I’ve lived my life upon the sands of Anauroch, the histories and stories we tell have made no mention of a Calimport…”
“But how could what happened there so long ago matter now?” She asks with a shrug.
Karvian looks at Gorm saying, "Not sure. I've heard that history runs in cycles, but I'm no historian." He looks back at the scroll, whispering under his breath, "The coming of the star that never settles... The coming of the star that never settles... What star never settles?" His brow furrows as if trying to will a memory to life from his time aboard The Black Freighter.
History (Clue 1): 11
“Whatever the history, why did your friend give this scroll to you?” Gorm asks turning towards Doctor Arbutaveyu. “How much intrigue can there be about such ancient events? And why would she not discuss it with you tonight?”
Gorm wasn’t sure the doctor would have the answers but these questions seemed more relevant to her than ancient history.
"Ahbut my young friend, in all honesty I do not know. I can only suspect it has something to do with my life-long study of the the Weave and how it controls all aspects of life. Of particular area of interest is how powerful entities, Gods, Primodial beings, Powerful Devils and Demons, Liches, etc. are able to bend the Weave to their will and whether this bending and twisting of the Weave may not have unforeseen consequences as nature seeks to balance itself." Dr A answers. "Ahbut as you now be aware it would seem that somehow this young women has come across some information which would suggest that something momentous is about to happen!"
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
“If it is caused by a comet surely we have no way to stop it?” Gorm suggests, having just the vaguest idea of what comets are, mostly just knowing they are in the sky like the sun and moon and stars.
“Still, it would be wise to follow up with your friend and see what they have to say, yes?”
”When are we supposed to meet her again? It has been a somewhat eventful day and I think we could all use a good night’s rest,” says Logan, “Unless there is more to discuss tonight?”
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"