Ebb see the scene play out before him. It was a fight for survival and he winced at the violence at first, but then swallowed acceptance of the situation, and switched modes. There was no smile, only pure determination and confidence.
The verdan turns to his fellow clerics, he speaks loudly and confidently “Remember our first meditations brothers. Scratch, focus the guards. Kenku, focus me and the boy, I’ll handle the rest.”
Upon hearing the bard’s charge music, Ebb nods to the QuAr clerics in affirmation to move and start the planned tactics. The first meditations were drilled into every Cleric of Hermes no matter the branch. To embolden yourself and two others, and then pray for protection. The first option during dangerous or potentially dangerous situations is to help yourself and others, and to keep yourself alive. The Verdan just hoped the brothers didn’t freeze in the face of action.
After the movement bolstered by the call to charge, Ebb moves through the woods to get working within range and line of sight of his targets. He sees Elthana is wounded and the dog battling it out with the dire wolves. He is caught off guard by the towering Sam, but quickly accepts the reality of the situation. Deep inside he is giddy to see such a drastic change in stature, but that is buried under the gravity of the situation.
Once in position to see and be within under 30ft of His targets, Ebb raises his caduceus staff and calls out loudly “Elthana, Neferox, Sam, I am with you, stay close to each other!” Emboldening them in their efforts as long as they stay relatively grouped up. He looks to Elthana and says “Recuperare” causing her pain to ease slightly and her wounds to accelerate their healing.
Action: Embolden Bond (Cleric of peace 1st level feature) -
You can forge an empowering bond among people who are at peace with one another. As an action, you choose a number of willing creatures within 30 feet of you (this can include yourself) equal to your proficiency bonus. You create a magical bond among them for 10 minutes or until you use this feature again. While any bonded creature is within 30 feet of another, the creature can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw it makes. Each creature can add the d4 no more than once per turn.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Bonus Action: 2nd Level spell Healing Word [1,2,+5] -
A creature of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st.
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Drow enthusiast Lover of lore and magic. -The White Crow-
At Ebb's word the Kenku follows forward light still in hand with calm demeanour and similar chants he Emboldens the bonds blessing himself, Ebb, and Vin. He then continues chanting, casting Sanctuary on himself.
Same as Ebb's feature, Vin and Ebb can take 1d4 to add to any attack roll, ability checks or saving roll once per turn
In stark contrast to this calmness exemplified by the Kenku, Gara yells at Walker and Scratch, " walker stay here, you've done enough, you, cleric watch him for me!" He then unsheathes his short sword and runs head long to defend Neferox, stopping just short of being able to reach the attacking wolves... For now.
Walker hangs his head in shame still clutching the aches in his leg. His anger at the previous situation has abated for now and been replaced with worry, but he has his orders and he stays put.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Elthana looks up at the now very large Sam and tries her best not to gape at him. She mutters a quick thank you to him for stopping the wolves from attacking her. She swears in her mind it happened, and yet, here she was ok, with one dead close by. She's about to run towards the ones that are surrounding the dog, but just as she is about to, she hears something from the North. She looks at the very large wolf, bright white, that is sitting a top their carriage and is watching the fight go on below, but does not appear to notice the noise she hears. More wolves? Elthana thinks, getting a bit worried as these beasts bite hard. She makes a decision...
Moving 15' towards the green wolf, she unleashes her tendrils from the inky tattoo laced around her arm. Creating ranged forced attacks on the beast from where she stands.
Attack: 25 Damage: 9 + 3
Attack: 18 Damage: 10 + 3
She then calls upon the blessing of the Raven Queen and right before her friends eyes, her body is surrounded by smoke and what appears to be shadows and she is gone.
She teleports 30' N, attempting to be as stealthy as possible to see what the noise was she heard and be somewhat covered amongst the trees. With the fighting going on, she did not want her new team to be ambushed.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Vin didn't even see the big man come up from behind as he slams into the wolves scattering or killing them in an instant. It takes Vin a moment to realize what has happened and they need to blink for a moment before doing anything. The obvious evidence of their inexperience in battles. The boy was quick but it was their first battle. Vin wasn't ready for how bloody it would be. Vin wasn't sure why the wolves were not fleeing. THe only thing he could think of was that they weren't normal. He felt bad for the wolves as they seem driven to an almost insane bloodlust. They hesitate a moment and it almost seems like they won't continue to attack them but they seem to snap out of it and work to help Nef out. Moving a bit closer and knowing which wolves are terrified of him the boy gets about 15 feet behind Nef as they unleash a pair of raw magical force. "I'm got that one Nef." Streaks of shadowy red energy being called forth in the boy's hands once again as Vin focuses on the most injured wolf attacking Nef first. Then moving onto the next one.
As Sam has the one remaining and bloodied wolf in front of him it frees Elthana up to move, her attacks each strike true and as she disappears in a could sof shadow and arcane smoke, the smoke is disturbed slightly as a quick blast of arcane energy flies through it, the now bloodied wolf Elthana just attacked absorbs the brunt of the eldritch blast before it explodes in a rain of blood, viscera and fur, Neferox barks in amusement before taking two bites at the wolf to her right.
Missing with her first attack but getting a good bite in with the second, the two wolves in front of Nef make their move in retaliation. The first too beaten back by Nef's assault is hasty and misses (Atk9), but the second chomps down on Nef's hind quarters causing the Dog to yelp and growl in response (Atk20,Dmg10).
Sam watches as the wolf he bloodied strikes a determined pose and leaps for his torso, mouth agape (Atk13), it attempts to connect but finds no purchase, merely falling infront of Sam's enlarged frame.
As Elthana appears 30ft to the north, investigating a noise she heard, she appears silently and stealthily directly behind three more wolves that appear to be stalking quickly toward Scratch and Walker lagging behind, as they strike forward two attack the Lizard folk and one on walker, each of them take one bite, Scratch being mauled in the shoulder buckles under the weight of the Dire Wolf and falls prone. Walker, at this point tired of being bitten, stands tall as he takes the pain.
Sam scoffs at the wolf’s attack and looks to ease the thing of its burden of life with a mighty swing of his maul. Two, if required…
First Attack: 17, Dam 19 (13 plus 6 rolled for Giant’s Might)
Second Attack: 24, Dam 12 (was 9, Great Weapon Master allows reroll of 1 or 2, becomes 12…)
After (presumably) dispatching the wolf in front of him, Sam takes a quick glance around the nettle field to assess every situation, friend and foe he sees. Sam then runs towards his next target with maul at the ready…
(out of all foes he can reach, Sam prioritizes going to those around the core party members, then those near Neferox, then clerics, then guards… I haven’t seen updated map though yet. I’m guessing the wolves near Neferox since I know they’re within my movement but not sure where new wolves are…)
Once within melee with a new wolf, Sam takes the second swing with his maul (if not used to dispatch pink/purple wolf) and adds the 5’ push from Crusher feet to move the beast away from any friend of Sam…
(Still have Action Surge, can I reserve right to use it based on updated map?)
Gewyn stops playing abruptly as he makes eye contact with the large white wolf perched atop their carriage. Something feels off about this one. Gewyn hears more wolves approaching from the north and he looks around at the battle taking place. There's too much going on, even without this oddly intelligent wolf that seems to be... observing them.
Looking back at the white wolf he begins walking forward, trying to appear outwardly calm. Once he reaches the second wolf Sam felled, the one with Gewyn's knife sticking out of it, he starts to hum a melancholy tune. As he hums, he kneels and calmly pulls his dagger out from the wolf's hide, never breaking eye contact with the observant white wolf. Knife retrieved, he wipes the blade on the wolf's fur and starts forward again, only now he is singing. And his voice seems to carry notes of wind instruments, though his pipes do not touch his lips. "Great white wolf...
Blood, death, pain, fear,
Tis no' good time for such a fight.
Whatever it is you seek here,
I suggest you look another night"
He stops walking when he is about 30 ft away, and watches the wolf carefully for its next move. What do you want? Gewyn wonders.
(Gewyn casts suggestion DC 16, to encourage the white wolf to leave for tonight)
In response the large White wolf rolls it's eyes at Gewyn's noise, and yawns wide as it uncrosses it's front paws and subsequently leaps down from the carriage, landing very softly, somehow silently in spite of its mass and density.
The wolf then, without breaking eye contact with Gewyn, approaches the large pot of stew Gara had been attending to and lifts the thing up between its teeth, letting the contents drain into its mouth.
At this close distance, roughly 15ft at this point, Gewyn can see the ripple of dense muscle under the fur and fat of this creature, the sheer size is awe inspiring. It then gently places the pot down and finally breaks eye contact with Gewyn, slowly exiting the camp, north west elegantly dodging around trees until it is out of sight completely.
A howl vibrates through the forest, from the direction of the creature, the deep bass tones make each person's spine tingle, and just like that each Wolf in combat, pricks it's ears up, the fur on their haunches standing on end, they then turn in an attempt to leave.
(Everyone engaged with a wolf at the moment can choose to take an attack of opportunity as they all flee)
Sam hears the howl and quickly glances about but sees not the creature it came from. He does, however, see the wolf right in front of him attempt to flee. Sam uses the beasts distraction to take another swing at it with his maul…
Mail vs Blue Wolf: Attack Nat 20! Dam 16 but I can reroll the 1 and the 2… they become a 2 and a 4. Damage now 19 plus 5 and 4 from Giants Might so 28 final Damage.
And with Crusher fest I move it 5 feet since this is another turn…
Nef takes a daring bite at the wolf to her right severing something important in its neck, she begins devouring the flesh of the now dead wolf.
Whilst Nef's maw is deep in dripping gore, Sam slams his maul into the second wolf, just next to her head, breaking it's back in the process, it yelps but it's pain filled cry is cut short as the air escapes it's broken body, Nef now has more to feast upon.
Despite the dispersal of foes, Ebb stays vigilant. “Rally at camp, we need a perimeter set and the wounded tended to. Stay alert. That may not be the last of it. Brothers, keep you meditations up as long as you can. Everyone stay in sight of each other.” He calls out.
There probably wouldn’t be a subsequent attack seeing as they suffered no casualties and the wolves did, but in his experience Ebb knew that predators, humanoid or not, both wait for times of weakness. The surprise was lost, so as long as the group stayed on heals the chances of a follow up attack would most likely be low.
The Verdan cleric stayed alert while moving to the camp, taking tally of his fellows to make sure no one was missing. No one had fallen and he meant to keep it that way.
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Drow enthusiast Lover of lore and magic. -The White Crow-
Elthana takes one final swing at the last wolf exiting the area to the north, it helps as it's flank is severely pummelled and it limos off with his companions.
All of a sudden the quiet night air becomes silent save for the cracking and slurping coming from Neferox and her meal, the stillness in the air gives everyone relief as combat comes to a close.
Regrouping at camp, you find the stew completely gone, along with most rations from the box, luckily no wolves got into the healing potions. The camp is thoroughly messed up and the carriage, now sunk slightly into the dirt looks more than a little stressed from the weight put on it, large paw prints are everywhere with the largest, from the White wolf, being as big as Ebb's torso.
When the white wolf breaks eye contact and turns to leave, Gewyn barely resists gasping a breather of relief. He takes him a minute to suppress the wobble in his knees however.
After gathering up at the camp, he does a quick walkthrough, counting heads. "4,5...7...9... I think that's everyone. And are we uninjured too? That's grea- well... oooh." He winces at the sheer quantity of blood on Elthana's garb. "Well I think we have qualified healers around for you. As for the clothes, if anyone wants to come see me after, I'm pretty handy at getting a stain out.. Now, I already have an idea for my next song. About how on our first day Sam, brute and brawn, cowed the wolves with his display of raw might and massacre, sending the leader and its pack off with furry tails between their legs."
He pretends to nearly lose his balance as he steps into one of the white wolf's massive pawprints. "I won't even have to exaggerate the leader's size. I need to get this down before I forget it"
He flops down using the broken wreckage of a chest as a throne, pulls a quill and a book (entitled Very Secret Notes) out from a dedicated pouch on his hip, flips it open to mostly empty page, and begins to write.
Vin looks at all the dead wolves, splattered blood and injuries. The young man uncertain what to do at first as they look at one of the dead wolves that are mostly whole. It's body broken from the heavy slams of Sam's large hammer. Vin looks sadly at them and moves on over to Nef after a bit. The others making their way into the camp the half-elf not sure they are ready to talk to anyone but knows they will have to soon. Elthana alone probably wants to say quite a few things and Walker probably wants to yell at Vin. The boy sits next to Nef as they feed on the dead wolf. Tears flesh from bone and working their way through the entire corpse. Vin casts Prestidigitation of the black dog's fur, cleaning it of all the blood and viscera that has begun to seep into the beast's fur. Nef stops eating for a few seconds to look at Vin and with their freshly cleaned head they nuzzle the side of Vin. Vin quietly says to the dog "I know we had to kill them but it still makes me sad." they pet the top of Nef's head then get up and move into the camp.
As Vin enters the camp a bit after the others they spot Elthana all covered in the blood from the wolf they blasted with their magic. Vin really wanted to avoid people for now but they can help and so instead of finding their bed roll and trying to lay down and not draw attention for tonight they head over to Elthana and say "Umm, sorry about that. My magic is a bit... powerful. I can help though. Least I can do, although I feel I own you more." Vin holds their hand out and starts to cast the prestidigitation spell again. This time cleaning blood and gore from clothing, fabric and skin instead of fur and muscle. After casting the spell Vin stands a bit awkward as if not sure what to do next.
Sam looks around and seeing no more foes looks instead for allies... Moving around a bit, shrinking down to normal size as he does, he more or less accounts for everyone and then takes a look at the destruction of the camp. "Huh," he says with a bit of a shrug. "Looks like they did us poorly even before they attacked," Sam says to nobody in particular.
"Now, I already have an idea for my next song. About how on our first day Sam, brute and brawn, cowed the wolves with his display of raw might and massacre, sending the leader and its pack off with furry tails between their legs."
"Leader?" Sam says. "Can't say as I noticed one leading..." Though Sam does take a pause and wonder for a bit when Gewyn steps into a paw print. That's not right, he thinks but he never really bothers to ponder the train of thought further. Instead he walks to the edge of camp and pauses to look to the newly met priests. "You should definitely camp with us tonight. Anything you need from your prior site, come with me. I'm going to grab up the corpses anyway..."
Before departing the camp for a bit, Sam tries to catch Vin's eye. "Any fight you walk away from is a victory. You learn, you heal, you do better next time. Not book learning, that, but at least as important..." He says it casually and in passing. Everyone takes their first real fight differently, Sam always figures it best to mainly let them work through it themselves. Sam will then walk through the woods from their camp to the other. He'll escort the priests back and forth if they wish, but he also gathers up the dead wolves. Once everyone is set in the one camp, Sam will proceed to field dress the wolves. Of course Neferox doesn't get interrupted from his feast and is welcome to all the gore and guts from the others, but the camp was rightly raided of eats so like it or not Wolf Meat is what's for dinner for at least a couple of nights.
Bringing the meat back to camp Sam will also try to catch a word with Walker. Similar to Vin, Sam will tell him that everyone survived and they'll fight better together next time. "Everyone has a role. You have to trust in them to do their bit... and to let you know when they need help. Can't find it to be made in you wanting to protect us though, so help me store this meat and let's set a watch, eh?"
"Leader?" Sam says. "Can't say as I noticed one leading..."
Gewyn looks up and brushes his cheek with his quill. "Hhmm, that's no good, Sam. How about... you stood over the corpses of three fallen wolves and locked eyes with their king, growling 'care to find out which of us is more of a beast?' Then you stared each other down, neither of you blinking, until the Wolf King bowed its head in bitter respect, and the pack fled into the night. Yes, I like that more."Gewyn trails off, mumbling more to himself now. "Perhaps if I arrange it in a dactylic tetrameter and give myself some creative license with the rhyme scheme... Make it more about the rhythm and the evocative imagery..."
The Kenku treats Walkers wounds with a spell and accompanies Sam to the clerics campsite. Scratch the Lizardfolk merely heals himself and then takes a seat on the ground, waiting for whatever is apparently happening next.
Gara and Walker set about reconstructing the campsite, barely a word is spoken between them, and they both seem frustrated, but for different reasons.
Walkers eyes unsubtly avoid both Vin and Neferox, in fact he avoids them altogether, Gara seems more pissed at the wolves than any drama that might have unfolded before the attack.
Elthana assists in getting the camp back to order and as Sam question Gewyn on the wolf king, she leans over to Sam as he is making one of his trips…
”He is right, you know. There was a massive white wolf on top of our carriage, watching the entire thing unfold. Check out our carriage, you’ll see it’s not the same after the weight of that beast.
”It was odd, how he watched. Then as Gewyn had him leave, the damn thing stole our stew.” She shakes her head and continues on
"Huh. Ok, that explains the prints," Sam says when Elthana confirms the Wolf King a real thing. "Never heard of one so large. Nor acting in such a way."
Sam thinks on it for a bit before continuing. "There's what, nine of us in camp now? May be best to have three keeping watch all night. I'd suggest moving camp but it's late and wolves are good trackers anyhow. Chances are if they want another run at us they'll find us..."
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Ebb see the scene play out before him. It was a fight for survival and he winced at the violence at first, but then swallowed acceptance of the situation, and switched modes. There was no smile, only pure determination and confidence.
The verdan turns to his fellow clerics, he speaks loudly and confidently “Remember our first meditations brothers. Scratch, focus the guards. Kenku, focus me and the boy, I’ll handle the rest.”
Upon hearing the bard’s charge music, Ebb nods to the QuAr clerics in affirmation to move and start the planned tactics. The first meditations were drilled into every Cleric of Hermes no matter the branch. To embolden yourself and two others, and then pray for protection. The first option during dangerous or potentially dangerous situations is to help yourself and others, and to keep yourself alive. The Verdan just hoped the brothers didn’t freeze in the face of action.
After the movement bolstered by the call to charge, Ebb moves through the woods to get working within range and line of sight of his targets. He sees Elthana is wounded and the dog battling it out with the dire wolves. He is caught off guard by the towering Sam, but quickly accepts the reality of the situation. Deep inside he is giddy to see such a drastic change in stature, but that is buried under the gravity of the situation.
Once in position to see and be within under 30ft of His targets, Ebb raises his caduceus staff and calls out loudly “Elthana, Neferox, Sam, I am with you, stay close to each other!” Emboldening them in their efforts as long as they stay relatively grouped up. He looks to Elthana and says “Recuperare” causing her pain to ease slightly and her wounds to accelerate their healing.
Action: Embolden Bond (Cleric of peace 1st level feature) -
You can forge an empowering bond among people who are at peace with one another. As an action, you choose a number of willing creatures within 30 feet of you (this can include yourself) equal to your proficiency bonus. You create a magical bond among them for 10 minutes or until you use this feature again. While any bonded creature is within 30 feet of another, the creature can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw it makes. Each creature can add the d4 no more than once per turn.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Bonus Action: 2nd Level spell Healing Word [1,2,+5] -
A creature of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st.
Drow enthusiast
Lover of lore and magic.
-The White Crow-
At Ebb's word the Kenku follows forward light still in hand with calm demeanour and similar chants he Emboldens the bonds blessing himself, Ebb, and Vin. He then continues chanting, casting Sanctuary on himself.
Same as Ebb's feature, Vin and Ebb can take 1d4 to add to any attack roll, ability checks or saving roll once per turn
In stark contrast to this calmness exemplified by the Kenku, Gara yells at Walker and Scratch, " walker stay here, you've done enough, you, cleric watch him for me!" He then unsheathes his short sword and runs head long to defend Neferox, stopping just short of being able to reach the attacking wolves... For now.
Walker hangs his head in shame still clutching the aches in his leg. His anger at the previous situation has abated for now and been replaced with worry, but he has his orders and he stays put.
Elthana looks up at the now very large Sam and tries her best not to gape at him. She mutters a quick thank you to him for stopping the wolves from attacking her. She swears in her mind it happened, and yet, here she was ok, with one dead close by. She's about to run towards the ones that are surrounding the dog, but just as she is about to, she hears something from the North. She looks at the very large wolf, bright white, that is sitting a top their carriage and is watching the fight go on below, but does not appear to notice the noise she hears. More wolves? Elthana thinks, getting a bit worried as these beasts bite hard. She makes a decision...
Moving 15' towards the green wolf, she unleashes her tendrils from the inky tattoo laced around her arm. Creating ranged forced attacks on the beast from where she stands.
Attack: 25 Damage: 9 + 3
Attack: 18 Damage: 10 + 3
She then calls upon the blessing of the Raven Queen and right before her friends eyes, her body is surrounded by smoke and what appears to be shadows and she is gone.
She teleports 30' N, attempting to be as stealthy as possible to see what the noise was she heard and be somewhat covered amongst the trees. With the fighting going on, she did not want her new team to be ambushed.
Stealth 19 + 1 (from embolden bond)
Vin didn't even see the big man come up from behind as he slams into the wolves scattering or killing them in an instant. It takes Vin a moment to realize what has happened and they need to blink for a moment before doing anything. The obvious evidence of their inexperience in battles. The boy was quick but it was their first battle. Vin wasn't ready for how bloody it would be. Vin wasn't sure why the wolves were not fleeing. THe only thing he could think of was that they weren't normal. He felt bad for the wolves as they seem driven to an almost insane bloodlust. They hesitate a moment and it almost seems like they won't continue to attack them but they seem to snap out of it and work to help Nef out. Moving a bit closer and knowing which wolves are terrified of him the boy gets about 15 feet behind Nef as they unleash a pair of raw magical force. "I'm got that one Nef." Streaks of shadowy red energy being called forth in the boy's hands once again as Vin focuses on the most injured wolf attacking Nef first. Then moving onto the next one.
Eldrich Blast
Beam 1: 27 for 15 force damage
Beam 2: 12 for 6 force damage
As Sam has the one remaining and bloodied wolf in front of him it frees Elthana up to move, her attacks each strike true and as she disappears in a could sof shadow and arcane smoke, the smoke is disturbed slightly as a quick blast of arcane energy flies through it, the now bloodied wolf Elthana just attacked absorbs the brunt of the eldritch blast before it explodes in a rain of blood, viscera and fur, Neferox barks in amusement before taking two bites at the wolf to her right.
Missing with her first attack but getting a good bite in with the second, the two wolves in front of Nef make their move in retaliation. The first too beaten back by Nef's assault is hasty and misses (Atk9), but the second chomps down on Nef's hind quarters causing the Dog to yelp and growl in response (Atk20,Dmg10).
Sam watches as the wolf he bloodied strikes a determined pose and leaps for his torso, mouth agape (Atk13), it attempts to connect but finds no purchase, merely falling infront of Sam's enlarged frame.
As Elthana appears 30ft to the north, investigating a noise she heard, she appears silently and stealthily directly behind three more wolves that appear to be stalking quickly toward Scratch and Walker lagging behind, as they strike forward two attack the Lizard folk and one on walker, each of them take one bite, Scratch being mauled in the shoulder buckles under the weight of the Dire Wolf and falls prone. Walker, at this point tired of being bitten, stands tall as he takes the pain.
Sam scoffs at the wolf’s attack and looks to ease the thing of its burden of life with a mighty swing of his maul. Two, if required…
First Attack: 17, Dam 19 (13 plus 6 rolled for Giant’s Might)
Second Attack: 24, Dam 12 (was 9, Great Weapon Master allows reroll of 1 or 2, becomes 12…)
After (presumably) dispatching the wolf in front of him, Sam takes a quick glance around the nettle field to assess every situation, friend and foe he sees. Sam then runs towards his next target with maul at the ready…
(out of all foes he can reach, Sam prioritizes going to those around the core party members, then those near Neferox, then clerics, then guards… I haven’t seen updated map though yet. I’m guessing the wolves near Neferox since I know they’re within my movement but not sure where new wolves are…)
Once within melee with a new wolf, Sam takes the second swing with his maul (if not used to dispatch pink/purple wolf) and adds the 5’ push from Crusher feet to move the beast away from any friend of Sam…
(Still have Action Surge, can I reserve right to use it based on updated map?)
Gewyn stops playing abruptly as he makes eye contact with the large white wolf perched atop their carriage. Something feels off about this one. Gewyn hears more wolves approaching from the north and he looks around at the battle taking place. There's too much going on, even without this oddly intelligent wolf that seems to be... observing them.
Looking back at the white wolf he begins walking forward, trying to appear outwardly calm. Once he reaches the second wolf Sam felled, the one with Gewyn's knife sticking out of it, he starts to hum a melancholy tune. As he hums, he kneels and calmly pulls his dagger out from the wolf's hide, never breaking eye contact with the observant white wolf. Knife retrieved, he wipes the blade on the wolf's fur and starts forward again, only now he is singing. And his voice seems to carry notes of wind instruments, though his pipes do not touch his lips. "Great white wolf...
Blood, death, pain, fear,
Tis no' good time for such a fight.
Whatever it is you seek here,
I suggest you look another night"
He stops walking when he is about 30 ft away, and watches the wolf carefully for its next move. What do you want? Gewyn wonders.
(Gewyn casts suggestion DC 16, to encourage the white wolf to leave for tonight)
In response the large White wolf rolls it's eyes at Gewyn's noise, and yawns wide as it uncrosses it's front paws and subsequently leaps down from the carriage, landing very softly, somehow silently in spite of its mass and density.
The wolf then, without breaking eye contact with Gewyn, approaches the large pot of stew Gara had been attending to and lifts the thing up between its teeth, letting the contents drain into its mouth.
At this close distance, roughly 15ft at this point, Gewyn can see the ripple of dense muscle under the fur and fat of this creature, the sheer size is awe inspiring. It then gently places the pot down and finally breaks eye contact with Gewyn, slowly exiting the camp, north west elegantly dodging around trees until it is out of sight completely.
A howl vibrates through the forest, from the direction of the creature, the deep bass tones make each person's spine tingle, and just like that each Wolf in combat, pricks it's ears up, the fur on their haunches standing on end, they then turn in an attempt to leave.
(Everyone engaged with a wolf at the moment can choose to take an attack of opportunity as they all flee)
Sam hears the howl and quickly glances about but sees not the creature it came from. He does, however, see the wolf right in front of him attempt to flee. Sam uses the beasts distraction to take another swing at it with his maul…
Mail vs Blue Wolf: Attack Nat 20! Dam 16 but I can reroll the 1 and the 2… they become a 2 and a 4. Damage now 19 plus 5 and 4 from Giants Might so 28 final Damage.
And with Crusher fest I move it 5 feet since this is another turn…
Nef takes a daring bite at the wolf to her right severing something important in its neck, she begins devouring the flesh of the now dead wolf.
Whilst Nef's maw is deep in dripping gore, Sam slams his maul into the second wolf, just next to her head, breaking it's back in the process, it yelps but it's pain filled cry is cut short as the air escapes it's broken body, Nef now has more to feast upon.
Despite the dispersal of foes, Ebb stays vigilant. “Rally at camp, we need a perimeter set and the wounded tended to. Stay alert. That may not be the last of it. Brothers, keep you meditations up as long as you can. Everyone stay in sight of each other.” He calls out.
There probably wouldn’t be a subsequent attack seeing as they suffered no casualties and the wolves did, but in his experience Ebb knew that predators, humanoid or not, both wait for times of weakness. The surprise was lost, so as long as the group stayed on heals the chances of a follow up attack would most likely be low.
The Verdan cleric stayed alert while moving to the camp, taking tally of his fellows to make sure no one was missing. No one had fallen and he meant to keep it that way.
Drow enthusiast
Lover of lore and magic.
-The White Crow-
Elthana takes one final swing at the last wolf exiting the area to the north, it helps as it's flank is severely pummelled and it limos off with his companions.
All of a sudden the quiet night air becomes silent save for the cracking and slurping coming from Neferox and her meal, the stillness in the air gives everyone relief as combat comes to a close.
Regrouping at camp, you find the stew completely gone, along with most rations from the box, luckily no wolves got into the healing potions. The camp is thoroughly messed up and the carriage, now sunk slightly into the dirt looks more than a little stressed from the weight put on it, large paw prints are everywhere with the largest, from the White wolf, being as big as Ebb's torso.
When the white wolf breaks eye contact and turns to leave, Gewyn barely resists gasping a breather of relief. He takes him a minute to suppress the wobble in his knees however.
After gathering up at the camp, he does a quick walkthrough, counting heads. "4,5...7...9... I think that's everyone. And are we uninjured too? That's grea- well... oooh." He winces at the sheer quantity of blood on Elthana's garb. "Well I think we have qualified healers around for you. As for the clothes, if anyone wants to come see me after, I'm pretty handy at getting a stain out.. Now, I already have an idea for my next song. About how on our first day Sam, brute and brawn, cowed the wolves with his display of raw might and massacre, sending the leader and its pack off with furry tails between their legs."
He pretends to nearly lose his balance as he steps into one of the white wolf's massive pawprints. "I won't even have to exaggerate the leader's size. I need to get this down before I forget it"
He flops down using the broken wreckage of a chest as a throne, pulls a quill and a book (entitled Very Secret Notes) out from a dedicated pouch on his hip, flips it open to mostly empty page, and begins to write.
Vin looks at all the dead wolves, splattered blood and injuries. The young man uncertain what to do at first as they look at one of the dead wolves that are mostly whole. It's body broken from the heavy slams of Sam's large hammer. Vin looks sadly at them and moves on over to Nef after a bit. The others making their way into the camp the half-elf not sure they are ready to talk to anyone but knows they will have to soon. Elthana alone probably wants to say quite a few things and Walker probably wants to yell at Vin. The boy sits next to Nef as they feed on the dead wolf. Tears flesh from bone and working their way through the entire corpse. Vin casts Prestidigitation of the black dog's fur, cleaning it of all the blood and viscera that has begun to seep into the beast's fur. Nef stops eating for a few seconds to look at Vin and with their freshly cleaned head they nuzzle the side of Vin. Vin quietly says to the dog "I know we had to kill them but it still makes me sad." they pet the top of Nef's head then get up and move into the camp.
As Vin enters the camp a bit after the others they spot Elthana all covered in the blood from the wolf they blasted with their magic. Vin really wanted to avoid people for now but they can help and so instead of finding their bed roll and trying to lay down and not draw attention for tonight they head over to Elthana and say "Umm, sorry about that. My magic is a bit... powerful. I can help though. Least I can do, although I feel I own you more." Vin holds their hand out and starts to cast the prestidigitation spell again. This time cleaning blood and gore from clothing, fabric and skin instead of fur and muscle. After casting the spell Vin stands a bit awkward as if not sure what to do next.
Sam looks around and seeing no more foes looks instead for allies... Moving around a bit, shrinking down to normal size as he does, he more or less accounts for everyone and then takes a look at the destruction of the camp. "Huh," he says with a bit of a shrug. "Looks like they did us poorly even before they attacked," Sam says to nobody in particular.
"Now, I already have an idea for my next song. About how on our first day Sam, brute and brawn, cowed the wolves with his display of raw might and massacre, sending the leader and its pack off with furry tails between their legs."
"Leader?" Sam says. "Can't say as I noticed one leading..." Though Sam does take a pause and wonder for a bit when Gewyn steps into a paw print. That's not right, he thinks but he never really bothers to ponder the train of thought further. Instead he walks to the edge of camp and pauses to look to the newly met priests. "You should definitely camp with us tonight. Anything you need from your prior site, come with me. I'm going to grab up the corpses anyway..."
Before departing the camp for a bit, Sam tries to catch Vin's eye. "Any fight you walk away from is a victory. You learn, you heal, you do better next time. Not book learning, that, but at least as important..." He says it casually and in passing. Everyone takes their first real fight differently, Sam always figures it best to mainly let them work through it themselves. Sam will then walk through the woods from their camp to the other. He'll escort the priests back and forth if they wish, but he also gathers up the dead wolves. Once everyone is set in the one camp, Sam will proceed to field dress the wolves. Of course Neferox doesn't get interrupted from his feast and is welcome to all the gore and guts from the others, but the camp was rightly raided of eats so like it or not Wolf Meat is what's for dinner for at least a couple of nights.
Bringing the meat back to camp Sam will also try to catch a word with Walker. Similar to Vin, Sam will tell him that everyone survived and they'll fight better together next time. "Everyone has a role. You have to trust in them to do their bit... and to let you know when they need help. Can't find it to be made in you wanting to protect us though, so help me store this meat and let's set a watch, eh?"
Gewyn looks up and brushes his cheek with his quill. "Hhmm, that's no good, Sam. How about... you stood over the corpses of three fallen wolves and locked eyes with their king, growling 'care to find out which of us is more of a beast?' Then you stared each other down, neither of you blinking, until the Wolf King bowed its head in bitter respect, and the pack fled into the night. Yes, I like that more." Gewyn trails off, mumbling more to himself now. "Perhaps if I arrange it in a dactylic tetrameter and give myself some creative license with the rhyme scheme... Make it more about the rhythm and the evocative imagery..."
Sam rolls his eyes and moves on, convinced that Gewyn and his creative license created the Wolf King entirely in his own mind.
The Kenku treats Walkers wounds with a spell and accompanies Sam to the clerics campsite. Scratch the Lizardfolk merely heals himself and then takes a seat on the ground, waiting for whatever is apparently happening next.
Gara and Walker set about reconstructing the campsite, barely a word is spoken between them, and they both seem frustrated, but for different reasons.
Walkers eyes unsubtly avoid both Vin and Neferox, in fact he avoids them altogether, Gara seems more pissed at the wolves than any drama that might have unfolded before the attack.
Elthana assists in getting the camp back to order and as Sam question Gewyn on the wolf king, she leans over to Sam as he is making one of his trips…
”He is right, you know. There was a massive white wolf on top of our carriage, watching the entire thing unfold. Check out our carriage, you’ll see it’s not the same after the weight of that beast.
”It was odd, how he watched. Then as Gewyn had him leave, the damn thing stole our stew.” She shakes her head and continues on
"Huh. Ok, that explains the prints," Sam says when Elthana confirms the Wolf King a real thing. "Never heard of one so large. Nor acting in such a way."
Sam thinks on it for a bit before continuing. "There's what, nine of us in camp now? May be best to have three keeping watch all night. I'd suggest moving camp but it's late and wolves are good trackers anyhow. Chances are if they want another run at us they'll find us..."