Gewyn watches Ebb work for a minute as he listens to Ebb's story. Figuring he's got the the measure of what needs doing, he joins in with the food prep, matching Ebbs motions and slipping into a rhythm along side him.
"Me? Oh there's not much to tell. Grew up in the city. Found I had a knack for entertaining. Parents didn't much see the point in that, so we parted ways, me and them."Gewyn starts to juggle a few vegetables and a knife for a moment before he resumes chopping. "I've got a million tales to tell that would spin your head and curl your toes... but they're none of them tales about me. Not the ones worth telling at least. Though whether I'll be able to say the same when we're done here..." he holds out an empty hand to ebb, but with flick of the wrist a root vegetable appears which he promptly hands over to Ebb for peeling.
"I'll not lie to you though, I am going to miss sleeping in a nice bed. I'm not quite the ascetic you are," he chuckles.
Vin remains motionless as the figure crosses their path. A sense of dread and excitement filling the boy's mind. As they hold their breath they try to get a sense of who they are and what they are but only the sight of a tail gives any hint to those questions. Vin just can't see in the dark like Nef, the large hound back behind even Elthana. Vin can't help but smile at the thrill of this and he's thankful that as long as he doesn't move too much the shadow will form around him completely hiding him from view. A fond memory of when he first learned how to do this and how it got him out of trouble popping into his mind. As the tailed figure heads back to the campfire Vin learns their name is Scratch or perhaps a nickname. Vin knows that Elthana cannot see him so he looks around for her and Nef. The black as night dog seamlessly blending into the night moves quietly up next to Elthana and looks at her with those red eyes. Not glowing now as if the dog can control that to better hide in the night. She nips Elthana's sleeve and pulls her down gently. The dog trying to guide them to kneel.
Vin follows suit. They want to listen to these travelers a bit to figure out who they are and why they came this way. Perhaps learn more about these "stories" on the road they've heard. vin knew there had to be some kind of rumor. People don't just vanish for no reason. Something needs to be causing it. It sounds like bandits might become a problem too. Vin just sits and listens. Especially when their talk seems to bring them so close to rumors or stories of things going on. Vin at first wanted to say hello but he remembered that the first thing to do is gather information. You don't want to approach recklessly. When the time comes Vin knows what to do. They wanted to make sure they were what they seemed. Two innocent travelers getting away from something. If something happened to make them flee Vin is hopeful it'll be the topic of choice they decide to talk about.
Listening, if nothing else changes Vin will listen for a few minutes.
(Nice title Vin! And I don’t know how to spoiler on mobile, so just going with the norm)
Elthana watches as the boy literally disappears as he swallowed by the shadows. A smile plays on her lips as she follows him, truly impressed. Her thoughts on this pair as well as the others knowing their ability and not intruding, letting them scout things out, gave her some hope about the team. She missed her team, and wasn’t exactly sure what to expect in general with all the changes, but she was used to following orders, so here they were.
The shadow that crossed in front of them was too close before she noticed it. Damn it, She thinks, stop reminiscing and stick with the program. She listens a bit as the two at the campfire start chatting. Just before making a decision on what to do, the huge black dog actually makes eye contact with her and goes to grab her sleeve. Not wanting her robe torn, she allows it, but man… who is this Nef?
She kneels down and understands what Vin is trying to accomplish. Since this was his lead, she follows suit
The amazingly stealthy adventures of Elthana, Vin and Neferox;
As you creep slightly closer the light from the fire illuminating the scene. you see two humanoid figures come into view, each dressed in a familiar garb, one Lizardfolk and one Kenku both clad in the chainmail and clerical vestment over the top of it, of the Order of Hermes, Qui Arbitraur of which Ebb is a member.
The two continue speaking, "I suppose you're right, better safe than sorry" the soft calm voice of the kenku, who is not Scratch replies, "I just wish we knew what was going on out at sea, if we could help I'd be there in a heartbeat". "I heard that there's monsters out there, only the bravest and most prepared ships are daring to venture out, but think of it this way, the more land travel that happens the more conflicts arise, and the more use we will be right?" Scratch the Lizardfolk responds with vigor. The Kenku sighs, "you shouldn't speak like that, we are necessary but it is never a good thing that we are needed, we live to resolve, remember the second pillar 'Seek to help others and yourself grow' " Scratch quickly quips back "but the 8th pillar states 'do not forget to express gratitude often. Be thankful for everything around you' and I'm like, thankful that we get this opportunity!"
They continue roasting what looks like some kind of caught rodents on sticks over their fire, there seems to be a point of contention in the air that is quickly broken as Scratch wolfs down his meal veraciously.
Back at the camp, Walker seems agitated, he takes a beat, looks to the group, then back to the pitch black forest, then back to the group, he realises that he's been standing there a good while, "erm...Ii'll just pop and check up on them, ummm sir." Gara sighs and gets to his feet, the fire is now lit and the smell of chopped vegetables and some kind of protein boiling away in a large pot wafts around, the group watch as the older guard takes a deep breath and turns to his subordinate, "It's only been a few minutes just don'- ...Ah bollocks!" at this point Walker is already half gone into the shadows and too far to hear, "The rest of you's stay put you hear, Walker will, ahh escort your friends back here, not a problem, umm yeah" with that he groans and sits himself back in front of the fire. with a warning glance around the camp.
With most of the food prep done, Gewyn sits back to take a breather and pulls out a hand mirror, taking a moment to examine his appearance. "Hey, Gara," he calls out idly while adjusting a strand of hair as Walker disappears into the darkness. "It seems to me that this scouting trip was made by two of our quietest members. Say those two are in a situation where perhaps there were an advantage to not being heard, what would you put the odds at that Walker would manage not to mess that up?"
He glances over the mirror at Gara, awaiting a response.
Sam's eyes have been returning to the same spot that Walker keeps dancing towards, he knows what the kid is feeling. Thing is, much as their "guards" may think different, this isn't a babysitting mission. Those in the group either know their roles or they don't and it's best off that they be allowed to demonstrate which it is earlier rather than later. So Sam sympathizes but shows much greater restraint.
Sam doesn't miss the fact Walker is off and away towards the scouts long before Gara even notices. Some guard, he thinks. Sam raises an eyebrow and growls to Gara "If your young one there gets the younger one hurt or killed, there will be a reckoning..." Sam then burps and then reaches over to ladle some of the slop into his bowl.
The unknown mishaps of the stealthy masters of darkness Vin, Elthana and Nef
Vin thinks to themselves about these two fellows. They have no idea that they are being watched by three people in the shadows. They definitely seem to be members of Ebb's order. Vin wonders if perhaps they should introduce themselves or let Ebb handle it. Vin tries to ponder what they know about Hermes. Unsure if they know a proper greeting or not. They look back to where Nef and Elthana is. It should be fine to introduce himself right? They are friends of Ebb's after all... or at least colleagues. Vin makes sure they are a bit back so as not to be threatening. He makes sure to maintain his stealth as he makes it just a bit away from the two campers. They they pause for a moment looking again at the other two.
Nef seems to get agittated as they sit next to Elthana. They shake there head and make a huffing noise. Elthana literally watches the dog roll their eyes and then Nef sighs in a sign of unmistakable exasperation. She looks at Elthana then lays down seemingly bored.
Vin meanwhile remains in stealth but follows the protocol for meeting others at camp. step one, scout, sense and safety. Vin definitely thinks of them as scouts tonight. Step two, flee, fight or fellow. Determine the status of the camp to see how to act. In this case they are fellows. Step 3, hail hide or harm. In this case its time to hail them and see if a greeting can establish friendly conversation. Training paying off for the would be traveler and adventurer. Vin just hopes he didn't forget anything. He supposed the worst case scnario is they attack him but Vin was pretty sure he was right. Besides, its just two of them sitting by the fire, What could go wrong?
From a safe distance away Vin says "Hail camp. Permission to approach?"
As Walker disappears, Gara seemed frustrated, "well in a fight... Erm, three's better than two right? And reckoning or not the boy is right, as naïve as it is, we're supposed to guard you all, for now."
There's a tension in the camp.
The thrilling adventures of the stealth lot!;
At Vin's voice the two go quiet and the Lizardfolk reaches for a mace by his side before the Kenku puts a feathered hand out signalling to lower the weapon, they look around for the source of the voice.
"Hello there, come into the light, state your name please" the kenku stares just past Vin obviously locked onto where he guestimates the voice came from.
"See! I knew I heard something," Scratch interrupts "uhh you need help or food or something?"
Vin drops his invisibility and allows light to touch him once again. He walks forward to let the campfire light shine on him. He bows in apology to the lizardfolk and the kenku. "I noticed your campfire and came to see who you were. I'm sorry if I scared you. I don't need food but I was hoping you could help. You're clerics of Hermes yes? Would you have happened to of traveled near Hokum recently?"
“Well, whatever you say then, Gara. I was going to suggest you maybe go after him and reign him in, but if you trust that he will not potentially sabotage this very important mission of a very important group working for very important people with his hasty meandering, then by all means sit back and relax with us”
An intent observer may notice, as Gewyn appears to continue looking nonchalantly into his hand mirror, that he has it angled in such a way as to give him a view of the tree line where his new companions disappeared.
Around mouthfuls of food, Sam Hall studies Gara and tries to determine if this 'guard' is on the level or not. Allowing one as young as Walker to rush off after two who are already doing something reckless, but at least doing it stealthily? Gara is either foolish or hiding something, to Sam's mind. ((Insight rolled on my channel...))
"Ye really think you can protect us against anything we can't protect ourselves against?" Sam asks. "What's your real job here, my friend?"
"My real job ain't 'To Think', it's to follow orders, this armour and this crest mean that if I don't do what I'm told or if I **** up, I get it in the neck from my superiors, just like Walker gets it in the neck from me if he does the same. So yeah, I think I'll stay here, relax, and make sure you 'Veeery Important People' also don't **** up, Okay?" Gara almost sneers at Gewyn but then thinks better of it, the sarcasm in his voice betrays him enough for Gewyn to know he's being mocked right now, if only slightly. Sam knows what he hears, the underlying frustration in the mans words.
Gewyn sighs quietly to himself, suddenly feeling tired. Apparently even in the countryside there is no escaping politics, ego, and small minded pettiness. And the fears and insecurities that link those things together.
He puts away his mirror and pulls out his bird pipes. But after wrestling over what he might be in the mood to play for a minute, he tucks them back into his belt and gets up to pace just at the edge of the firelight, not making eye contact with Gara.
The tension in the camp is broken all at once by a single noise, a deep and aggressive bark off in the relative distance, the kind of bark that makes hairs stand up on end and the instinctual side of any creature jump from the baying of a predator on the hunt, the source of it is coming from the direction that the other group, including Walker left in.
"Bollocks" exclaims Gara as he hurriedly throws his bowl of stew to one side and picks up his weapon, he starts off into the dark.
With an exacerbated sigh, Ebb rubs his neck and stands up. He looks to Sam and motions his head to the direction. “Baby sitting eh?” He says with a sly look. “Let’s go find out what’s going on. I hope our companions haven’t taken a life yet. Let’s go see.” He says while setting his bowl down and picking up his shield and staff. The green man follows the large Orc to the desired area.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Drow enthusiast Lover of lore and magic. -The White Crow-
At the bark Sam's eyes immediately go to growl and his eyes narrow. As their 'guard' is tossing aside their warm, delicious meal Sam is himself grabbing up his maul.
"I hope our companions haven’t taken a life yet. Let’s go see," Sam hears Ebb say.
Sam grunts and he sets his own pace to match that of Gara's. He has every intention of keeping that man in sight until whatever is going on is figured out. "Better taken than given," Sam suggests in reply to Ebb, his mind wondering if their chosen campsite was a coincidence or a set up. As the rush through the woods he is kicking himself for letting the kid split the party... But then again they were so quick and so stealthy he wasn't sure he had a choice in the matter... Which just makes him all that much angrier, which gets focused on the guard he is following and more than ready to blame.
When Gewyn hears the sound, he looks over his shoulder at the others. He almost seems relieved when he sees Sam and Ebb leap into action, and he quickly follows suit, heading into the woods at the back of the group.
Heading into the pitch darkness of the forest Feels like fighting against oncoming river flow, where was the noise? Panicked directionless running is suddenly given a focus point as the source of the noise bursts into bright light in front of them.
Not much is seen through the mass of trees, a few silhouettes, some movement, but As well as providing a focus to run toward, the light is bright when glimpsed directly.
With this new point of information, Gara continues running making it to just outside of a clearing within his 60ft dashing speed.
Gewyn fidgets with the dagger on his belt with one hand while holding his birdpipes in the other. He catches up to Sam and taps him on the shoulder as they run. "Hey big guy, you got this."He winks and gives a thumbs up, concealing the apprehension he feels inside. He then pulls up short of the edge of the clearing, hanging 30 ft back until he has a clearer sense of what is happening.
“Whatever this is,” Sam grunts between heavy breaths… Yet finds his breath coming just a bit easier, his step a bit lighter. Huh.
“That’s not campfire light,” Sam points out, still rushing towards it. Not seeing Gara do anything but rush to where the trouble may be, Sam starts paying less attention to the guard and more at the light. Someone didn’t want the stealthy kids hiding anymore, Sam figures and assumes that’s bad news for his people. As such Sam will barge right into the light, mail in hands and ready to be swung, seemingly growing in size as he steps out from the trees. ((BA to use Giant’s Might right before leaving darkness of trees…))
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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Gewyn watches Ebb work for a minute as he listens to Ebb's story. Figuring he's got the the measure of what needs doing, he joins in with the food prep, matching Ebbs motions and slipping into a rhythm along side him.
"Me? Oh there's not much to tell. Grew up in the city. Found I had a knack for entertaining. Parents didn't much see the point in that, so we parted ways, me and them." Gewyn starts to juggle a few vegetables and a knife for a moment before he resumes chopping. "I've got a million tales to tell that would spin your head and curl your toes... but they're none of them tales about me. Not the ones worth telling at least. Though whether I'll be able to say the same when we're done here..." he holds out an empty hand to ebb, but with flick of the wrist a root vegetable appears which he promptly hands over to Ebb for peeling.
"I'll not lie to you though, I am going to miss sleeping in a nice bed. I'm not quite the ascetic you are," he chuckles.
Secret Adventures of Vin and Elthana
Vin remains motionless as the figure crosses their path. A sense of dread and excitement filling the boy's mind. As they hold their breath they try to get a sense of who they are and what they are but only the sight of a tail gives any hint to those questions. Vin just can't see in the dark like Nef, the large hound back behind even Elthana. Vin can't help but smile at the thrill of this and he's thankful that as long as he doesn't move too much the shadow will form around him completely hiding him from view. A fond memory of when he first learned how to do this and how it got him out of trouble popping into his mind. As the tailed figure heads back to the campfire Vin learns their name is Scratch or perhaps a nickname. Vin knows that Elthana cannot see him so he looks around for her and Nef. The black as night dog seamlessly blending into the night moves quietly up next to Elthana and looks at her with those red eyes. Not glowing now as if the dog can control that to better hide in the night. She nips Elthana's sleeve and pulls her down gently. The dog trying to guide them to kneel.
Vin follows suit. They want to listen to these travelers a bit to figure out who they are and why they came this way. Perhaps learn more about these "stories" on the road they've heard. vin knew there had to be some kind of rumor. People don't just vanish for no reason. Something needs to be causing it. It sounds like bandits might become a problem too. Vin just sits and listens. Especially when their talk seems to bring them so close to rumors or stories of things going on. Vin at first wanted to say hello but he remembered that the first thing to do is gather information. You don't want to approach recklessly. When the time comes Vin knows what to do. They wanted to make sure they were what they seemed. Two innocent travelers getting away from something. If something happened to make them flee Vin is hopeful it'll be the topic of choice they decide to talk about.
Listening, if nothing else changes Vin will listen for a few minutes.
(Nice title Vin! And I don’t know how to spoiler on mobile, so just going with the norm)
Elthana watches as the boy literally disappears as he swallowed by the shadows. A smile plays on her lips as she follows him, truly impressed. Her thoughts on this pair as well as the others knowing their ability and not intruding, letting them scout things out, gave her some hope about the team. She missed her team, and wasn’t exactly sure what to expect in general with all the changes, but she was used to following orders, so here they were.
The shadow that crossed in front of them was too close before she noticed it. Damn it, She thinks, stop reminiscing and stick with the program. She listens a bit as the two at the campfire start chatting. Just before making a decision on what to do, the huge black dog actually makes eye contact with her and goes to grab her sleeve. Not wanting her robe torn, she allows it, but man… who is this Nef?
She kneels down and understands what Vin is trying to accomplish. Since this was his lead, she follows suit
The amazingly stealthy adventures of Elthana, Vin and Neferox;
As you creep slightly closer the light from the fire illuminating the scene. you see two humanoid figures come into view, each dressed in a familiar garb, one Lizardfolk and one Kenku both clad in the chainmail and clerical vestment over the top of it, of the Order of Hermes, Qui Arbitraur of which Ebb is a member.
The two continue speaking, "I suppose you're right, better safe than sorry" the soft calm voice of the kenku, who is not Scratch replies, "I just wish we knew what was going on out at sea, if we could help I'd be there in a heartbeat".
"I heard that there's monsters out there, only the bravest and most prepared ships are daring to venture out, but think of it this way, the more land travel that happens the more conflicts arise, and the more use we will be right?" Scratch the Lizardfolk responds with vigor.
The Kenku sighs, "you shouldn't speak like that, we are necessary but it is never a good thing that we are needed, we live to resolve, remember the second pillar 'Seek to help others and yourself grow' "
Scratch quickly quips back "but the 8th pillar states 'do not forget to express gratitude often. Be thankful for everything around you' and I'm like, thankful that we get this opportunity!"
They continue roasting what looks like some kind of caught rodents on sticks over their fire, there seems to be a point of contention in the air that is quickly broken as Scratch wolfs down his meal veraciously.
Back at the camp, Walker seems agitated,
he takes a beat,
looks to the group,
then back to the pitch black forest,
then back to the group,
he realises that he's been standing there a good while,
"erm...Ii'll just pop and check up on them, ummm sir." Gara sighs and gets to his feet, the fire is now lit and the smell of chopped vegetables and some kind of protein boiling away in a large pot wafts around, the group watch as the older guard takes a deep breath and turns to his subordinate, "It's only been a few minutes just don'- ...Ah bollocks!" at this point Walker is already half gone into the shadows and too far to hear, "The rest of you's stay put you hear, Walker will, ahh escort your friends back here, not a problem, umm yeah" with that he groans and sits himself back in front of the fire. with a warning glance around the camp.
With most of the food prep done, Gewyn sits back to take a breather and pulls out a hand mirror, taking a moment to examine his appearance. "Hey, Gara," he calls out idly while adjusting a strand of hair as Walker disappears into the darkness. "It seems to me that this scouting trip was made by two of our quietest members. Say those two are in a situation where perhaps there were an advantage to not being heard, what would you put the odds at that Walker would manage not to mess that up?"
He glances over the mirror at Gara, awaiting a response.
Sam's eyes have been returning to the same spot that Walker keeps dancing towards, he knows what the kid is feeling. Thing is, much as their "guards" may think different, this isn't a babysitting mission. Those in the group either know their roles or they don't and it's best off that they be allowed to demonstrate which it is earlier rather than later. So Sam sympathizes but shows much greater restraint.
Sam doesn't miss the fact Walker is off and away towards the scouts long before Gara even notices. Some guard, he thinks. Sam raises an eyebrow and growls to Gara "If your young one there gets the younger one hurt or killed, there will be a reckoning..." Sam then burps and then reaches over to ladle some of the slop into his bowl.
The unknown mishaps of the stealthy masters of darkness Vin, Elthana and Nef
Vin thinks to themselves about these two fellows. They have no idea that they are being watched by three people in the shadows. They definitely seem to be members of Ebb's order. Vin wonders if perhaps they should introduce themselves or let Ebb handle it. Vin tries to ponder what they know about Hermes. Unsure if they know a proper greeting or not. They look back to where Nef and Elthana is. It should be fine to introduce himself right? They are friends of Ebb's after all... or at least colleagues. Vin makes sure they are a bit back so as not to be threatening. He makes sure to maintain his stealth as he makes it just a bit away from the two campers. They they pause for a moment looking again at the other two.
Nef seems to get agittated as they sit next to Elthana. They shake there head and make a huffing noise. Elthana literally watches the dog roll their eyes and then Nef sighs in a sign of unmistakable exasperation. She looks at Elthana then lays down seemingly bored.
Vin meanwhile remains in stealth but follows the protocol for meeting others at camp. step one, scout, sense and safety. Vin definitely thinks of them as scouts tonight. Step two, flee, fight or fellow. Determine the status of the camp to see how to act. In this case they are fellows. Step 3, hail hide or harm. In this case its time to hail them and see if a greeting can establish friendly conversation. Training paying off for the would be traveler and adventurer. Vin just hopes he didn't forget anything. He supposed the worst case scnario is they attack him but Vin was pretty sure he was right. Besides, its just two of them sitting by the fire, What could go wrong?
From a safe distance away Vin says "Hail camp. Permission to approach?"
As Walker disappears, Gara seemed frustrated, "well in a fight... Erm, three's better than two right? And reckoning or not the boy is right, as naïve as it is, we're supposed to guard you all, for now."
There's a tension in the camp.
The thrilling adventures of the stealth lot!;
At Vin's voice the two go quiet and the Lizardfolk reaches for a mace by his side before the Kenku puts a feathered hand out signalling to lower the weapon, they look around for the source of the voice.
"Hello there, come into the light, state your name please" the kenku stares just past Vin obviously locked onto where he guestimates the voice came from.
"See! I knew I heard something," Scratch interrupts "uhh you need help or food or something?"
Ventures in shadows with Vin, Elthana and Nef
Vin drops his invisibility and allows light to touch him once again. He walks forward to let the campfire light shine on him. He bows in apology to the lizardfolk and the kenku. "I noticed your campfire and came to see who you were. I'm sorry if I scared you. I don't need food but I was hoping you could help. You're clerics of Hermes yes? Would you have happened to of traveled near Hokum recently?"
The daring exploits of the Stew Crew:
“Well, whatever you say then, Gara. I was going to suggest you maybe go after him and reign him in, but if you trust that he will not potentially sabotage this very important mission of a very important group working for very important people with his hasty meandering, then by all means sit back and relax with us”
An intent observer may notice, as Gewyn appears to continue looking nonchalantly into his hand mirror, that he has it angled in such a way as to give him a view of the tree line where his new companions disappeared.
Around mouthfuls of food, Sam Hall studies Gara and tries to determine if this 'guard' is on the level or not. Allowing one as young as Walker to rush off after two who are already doing something reckless, but at least doing it stealthily? Gara is either foolish or hiding something, to Sam's mind. ((Insight rolled on my channel...))
"Ye really think you can protect us against anything we can't protect ourselves against?" Sam asks. "What's your real job here, my friend?"
"My real job ain't 'To Think', it's to follow orders, this armour and this crest mean that if I don't do what I'm told or if I **** up, I get it in the neck from my superiors, just like Walker gets it in the neck from me if he does the same. So yeah, I think I'll stay here, relax, and make sure you 'Veeery Important People' also don't **** up, Okay?" Gara almost sneers at Gewyn but then thinks better of it, the sarcasm in his voice betrays him enough for Gewyn to know he's being mocked right now, if only slightly. Sam knows what he hears, the underlying frustration in the mans words.
Gewyn sighs quietly to himself, suddenly feeling tired. Apparently even in the countryside there is no escaping politics, ego, and small minded pettiness. And the fears and insecurities that link those things together.
He puts away his mirror and pulls out his bird pipes. But after wrestling over what he might be in the mood to play for a minute, he tucks them back into his belt and gets up to pace just at the edge of the firelight, not making eye contact with Gara.
He wishes the others would come back soon.
The tension in the camp is broken all at once by a single noise, a deep and aggressive bark off in the relative distance, the kind of bark that makes hairs stand up on end and the instinctual side of any creature jump from the baying of a predator on the hunt, the source of it is coming from the direction that the other group, including Walker left in.
"Bollocks" exclaims Gara as he hurriedly throws his bowl of stew to one side and picks up his weapon, he starts off into the dark.
With an exacerbated sigh, Ebb rubs his neck and stands up. He looks to Sam and motions his head to the direction. “Baby sitting eh?” He says with a sly look. “Let’s go find out what’s going on. I hope our companions haven’t taken a life yet. Let’s go see.” He says while setting his bowl down and picking up his shield and staff. The green man follows the large Orc to the desired area.
Drow enthusiast
Lover of lore and magic.
-The White Crow-
At the bark Sam's eyes immediately go to growl and his eyes narrow. As their 'guard' is tossing aside their warm, delicious meal Sam is himself grabbing up his maul.
"I hope our companions haven’t taken a life yet. Let’s go see," Sam hears Ebb say.
Sam grunts and he sets his own pace to match that of Gara's. He has every intention of keeping that man in sight until whatever is going on is figured out. "Better taken than given," Sam suggests in reply to Ebb, his mind wondering if their chosen campsite was a coincidence or a set up. As the rush through the woods he is kicking himself for letting the kid split the party... But then again they were so quick and so stealthy he wasn't sure he had a choice in the matter... Which just makes him all that much angrier, which gets focused on the guard he is following and more than ready to blame.
When Gewyn hears the sound, he looks over his shoulder at the others. He almost seems relieved when he sees Sam and Ebb leap into action, and he quickly follows suit, heading into the woods at the back of the group.
Heading into the pitch darkness of the forest Feels like fighting against oncoming river flow, where was the noise? Panicked directionless running is suddenly given a focus point as the source of the noise bursts into bright light in front of them.
Not much is seen through the mass of trees, a few silhouettes, some movement, but As well as providing a focus to run toward, the light is bright when glimpsed directly.
With this new point of information, Gara continues running making it to just outside of a clearing within his 60ft dashing speed.
Gewyn fidgets with the dagger on his belt with one hand while holding his birdpipes in the other. He catches up to Sam and taps him on the shoulder as they run. "Hey big guy, you got this." He winks and gives a thumbs up, concealing the apprehension he feels inside. He then pulls up short of the edge of the clearing, hanging 30 ft back until he has a clearer sense of what is happening.
(Sam has bardic inspiration)
“Whatever this is,” Sam grunts between heavy breaths… Yet finds his breath coming just a bit easier, his step a bit lighter. Huh.
“That’s not campfire light,” Sam points out, still rushing towards it. Not seeing Gara do anything but rush to where the trouble may be, Sam starts paying less attention to the guard and more at the light. Someone didn’t want the stealthy kids hiding anymore, Sam figures and assumes that’s bad news for his people. As such Sam will barge right into the light, mail in hands and ready to be swung, seemingly growing in size as he steps out from the trees. ((BA to use Giant’s Might right before leaving darkness of trees…))