As the group reaches the tree lined outskirts of what looks like a clearing with a campsite set up in the middle, the first thing they see is a Kenku in clerical armour and vestments similar to Ebb's, the Kenku has a weapon raised in the air and daylight is glowing brightly from it illuminating the scene. Vin and Neferox are currently leaving, the half elf boy looks embarrassed, scared and the dog is PISSED, growling and sneering, blood drips from her maw as she is dragged past the group heading toward the original camp where the carriage stopped, they make it as far as where Gewyn is standing as you all arrive.
A second cleric, a Lizardfolk in the same vestments quickly sheaths his weapon and rushes toward Walker. Walker at this point slams his own shortsword into the ground in front of him and collapses onto one knee, "keep that monster leashed, ****!" His happy go lucky demeanour seems to have vanished as he grips his leg as blood pools under it, his leg is bloodstained from the upper thigh all the way to his foot, but the Lizardfolk cleric is already healing it, clapping his hands and muttering celestial tongues, Walker sighs in relief.
Elthana at this point is standing very close to Walker, between where he is and where Vin appears to be leaving from, she doesn't look happy.
"What the hell has happened!?" Gara barks, not quite directed at anyone in particular, he's angry at the apparent wound on his subordinate but not quite sure where the blame lies in the pandemonium that looks as if it just occurred.
Elthana continues to stare at Walker as she answers Gara. "Your man here snuck up on us while we were engaged with the clerics. I whirled on him and the boy's dog must have taken that as a go for attack. A guard should know better than to sneak up on others."She turns to look at Gara at this point, "Don't you think?"
She nods to Scratch and the kenku and then turns to follow Vin. As she passes Ebb, she points to him and calls back, "Here's the cleric the boy was talking about." and continues on her way.
Sam breaks through the tree line with his maul wound up and ready to knock someone into tomorrow. He angles towards the Kenku since they are the one with a weapon raised, the Half Orc more focused on that than the light that it is shedding...
But before he advances too far he hears Elthana, more or less calm and composed. Perhaps a bit of a sneer to her tone...
Sam manages to pull himself up short and spin to face Gara, poking his maul out at the elder 'guard' to ensure that they too stop their progress. "Vin ok?" he calls out to Elthana, having seen the kid heading the other direction but not having paused to take a good look. "We all ok?"
Ebb breaks into the clearing and sees a fellow priest helping the wounded guard, he hears what has happened and sighs. As the scouting party meme era walk by he says “We should confirm hostility before acting rashly. Please be more careful in the future.” Then walks to the guard and channels divinity through his hands onto the wound, aiding his brother with healing (healing 11 points) he the addresses the guard “Please don’t interfere with our operations. I know you mean we’ll but we can handle ourselves quite well. I don’t want either of you getting hurt or worse” he says with a smile.
Ebb looks to the two QuAr travelers with a smile. They looked a bit familiar. “I’m sorry we startled you. I am Ebb, high pupil. Thank you for helping” he says with a smile.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Drow enthusiast Lover of lore and magic. -The White Crow-
Elthana responds to Sam as they cross paths, “Vin is absolutely fine, though a bit embarrassed. And so is that devil dog of his. There is no threat here, just stupidity.”
Gewyn steps wide around Vin's dog as it passes by, and gives Elthana a questioning look, eyebrow raised, and mouths "talk after?" as he walks toward the edge of the clearing.
Passing her, he strolls out casually into the light, playing a little melody on his birdpipes before playing a C note to find his key. "Ahem.
There once was a man named Sir Walker
Whom a dog mistook for a stalker.
He was bit by the hound.
Now his leg's tightly bound,
And the atmosphere feels a bit awkward"
He finishes with a sarcastic bow, and then frowns theatrically. "Hmmm, I'll come up with something better for the official ballad when I am to perform it for galas and grand functions of the state and such." He then meets the Kenku's eyes and smiles charmingly.
"Damn it, get up, we'll talk about this later" Gara Drags Walker to his feet, nodding to Ebb and the Lizardfolk in thanks for the heal of his subordinate.
"I guess you were the other campers? Anymore to your party? If not we'll keep our distance, holler if there's anything up! Right everyone back to camp, the stew is getting cold and I've had enough of this!" After he asks his question to the Kenku and gives the group an order he stands there waiting for people to move, his frustrations are plain to see on his face as he is illuminated by the magic of the kenku's weapon.
"interfere?" Walker spits on the ground in front of him, but says no more, he is cowed by Garas words and actions.
"Just us two I'm afraid" the Kenku responds, looking around the group, "pleased to meet you all, especially you Ebb, as high pupil have you seen Priest Holm recently, we are supposed to be his escort detail back to Lyvander, but we are running a bit late."
Before Ebb can answer, or the guards can grumble anymore, a long low whistle is heard from the direction Vin and Elthana are in, the whistle almost has a low trill to it. Sounds like an animal, but nothing no one has heard before. It ends with a sharp almost urgent note, And is immediately followed by a howl.
The Lizard folk straightens up and looks to the Kenku, "that was no dog..." He then looks around to the group.
Just as soon as the lizardfolk finishes speaking a light can be seen and a sickening wet thud is heard, it sounds like a particularly pulpy watermelon being dropped from a great height. Splat!
"You are welcome to come join our camp," Sam is saying, deliberately speaking over Gara and using his large size (and thus large lungs) to maximum capacity.
Before he can say more the is a whistle, then a howl. Sam turns on his heel and is once more charging through the first, maul in hand, wondering what trouble the kid found himself in this time!
Gewyn shrugs and makes to follow after Sam, turning just before the treeline to shout out, "Or you could stay here and babysit Gara and Walker. They'd do it themselves, but as they'll tell you, that's not their job!" He puts particular emphasis on his last few words, making eye contact with Gara, and then he completes his spin and runs into the forest after Sam.
“Join us brothers. We could use your light. I’ll tell you what you need and which way to go.” Ebb says to the two fellow clerics with a ‘here we go I guess’ kind of smile. Then looks to the two guards sympathetically “I know you’re doing your best, and I thank you for your service and vigilance. I’m sorry for my fellows rudeness but we are all of us on edge from expectations. Forgive us and let’s work together.”
Ebb looks to his brothers, “Come, it’s hard for me to see. Please guide us with you light” he says with a beckoning hand motion himself. Ebb will walk back with his right hand on the shoulder of cleric that decides to join to provide light and his shield in the other hand. “Keep an eye out for me would ya.” He’ll ask the one he has his hand on. Casting Guidance on him to help with the implied perception while walking through the forest back to their camp.
Gara hoists Walker up on to his feet scowling somewhat at Sam, they begin rushing after the group.
As you all make it to within 30ft of Vin, Neferox and a blood drenched and viscera covered Elthana, you see now with the movement of the clerics light, that several Dire Wolves are making their way toward the two elf variant members of your party and your dog companion.
(For this round, Gara, Walker and the Kenku dash with you guys)
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
The young half-elf looks around as the light from the cleric's magic seems to illuminate pieces of the dire wolves that have come to hunt the party. Seeing now they are no longer hidden from the wolves and the surprise is out vin shouts "Wolves!" back towards the others then moves to get a line of sight on as many of the wolves as they can. Wanting to make sure that Elthana doesn't get surrounded and knowing that Nef can take care of themselves Vin focuses on protecting Elthana who was just bitten by the dire beasts. Vin doesn't want them to converge and team up on her so he moves up behind Elthana as he stares at the three closest dire wolves.
The boy makes a series of hand movements that seem to carve blackness into the night air so dark that it looks like a void. As they do so they chant "Невядома, смерць і страта. Адчуйце сілу незлічоных людзей, якія беглі перад абліччам праўды." Although difficult to detect, there is a feeling of a sudden thrum of power next to Elthana as if the presence of the boy was suddenly several times more massive. A sense that something keen and dangerous standing where the boy is. Danger. That is the feeling those nearby would get as Vin steps up behind Elthana and finishes his spell. There is a sudden flood of this feeling that heads past Elthana towards the closest wolves and as the last traces of the fear inducing effect pass there is a strange kindness behind it all. The boy says in a worried voice "I hope that works."
Nef meanwhile just attacks the closest wolf it can get to. Charging with a snarl and biting with a ferocity that even these wolves might fear. Viciously tearing into it's hide and flesh with it pre-bloodied jaws. The black hounds eyes aglow with red light as it sneers down at the first wolf whom it tries to tear apart.
Move - Behind Elthana 5 feet.
Action - Cast, Cause Fear. 3 targets, the closes wolves to Elthana. DC 16 wis save or become frightened. They cant get closer to Vin (and hopefully Elthana too) and have disadvantage on all attacks as long as they can see Vin. They repeat save at end of turn success ends effect. Concentration Spell. 1 minute duration.
Move - To closest Wolf
Action - Attack 2 bite attacks, if attacks hit DC 13 STR save or knocked prone.
Covered in blood, Elthana turns to Vin as he chants the strange words. Feeling the thrum of power beside her, she smiles, enjoying the surprises this boy is bringing with him. Seeing the three wolves now cowering in front of them, she turns her sights to the yellow one. As she moves forward fifteen feet towards the creature to be within 15 feet of it, the jagged tattoos on her left forearm start moving and changing shapes. Soon they lift off her skin and the inky tendrils force their way towards the creature as she strikes from a distance.
She uses a ki point for her flurry of blows, attempting to strike the wolf four times, moving to the green one if the yellow goes down.
She then retreats back to her original position, not wanting to leave the boy out on his own.
Three of the wolves cowed by Vin's strange words dare not approach the half elf but do however converge on Neferox instead, each of the frightened wolves gang up and take an attempt at biting down on the dog.
Attack one, 13 to hit, 12 damage
Attack two, 13 to hit, 12 damage
Attack three, 24 to hit, 8 damage
For any hit Nef makes a DC13 Str save or is knocked prone
The other two braver wolves growl and bay at Elthana, moving to her and striking out with practiced ease.
Attack one, 20 to hit, 11 damage
Attack two 24 to hit, 11 damage.
As the wolves bite and rip at her she tumbles to the ground, As Vin looks on.
Sam, now with some view of his friends, barrels forward through the branches and leaves, eyes picking out the closest opponent to head towards and prepare to put down. Seeing the wolves move in and attack Elthana, Sam curses and slams his maul against a nearby tree. The maul striking the tree with such force creates a wave or reverberating force that echoes out, stretching out to where the wolves and Elthana are, and throwing the first wolf to attack off just enough that they somehow attack their fellow wolf instead!
((Cloud Rune feature -))
In addition, when you or a creature you can see within 30 feet of you is hit by an attack roll, you can use your reaction to invoke the rune and choose a different creature within 30 feet of you, other than the attacker. The chosen creature becomes the target of the attack, using the same roll. This magic can transfer the attack’s effects regardless of the attack’s range. Once you invoke this rune, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
Breath heavy, legs pumping, Sam moves up to face off against one of the wolves attacking Elthana and swings his embiggened maul at the wolf. He feels his first swing missing the mark even as he is making it and growl in a fury none of the others have yet seen from him. ((this is Sam using the Bardic Inspiration Gwen gave him on their way to the first site...)).
Not even paying much attention if his first swing hit or not, Sam swings his maul again (same target unless it is somehow down...) This second swing most definitely connects with the beast dealing a goodly amount of damage, and satisfaction, as well as shoving the wolf five feet away from himself and Elthana.
(Crusher feet -)
Once per turn, when you hit a creature with an attack that deals bludgeoning damage, you can move it 5 feet to an unoccupied space, provided the target is no more than one size larger than you.
((Annnnnd.... I'll call Sam's turn done. Tempted to use Action Surge but will wait to see positioning and if Cloud Rune and Sam's strikes perhaps killed anything...))
Reaction to wolf attacking Elthana has Sam using Cloud Rune to make wolf attack other wolf instead of Elthana. Same attack and damage apply.
On Sam's turn his advances to whatever wolf new Elthana he can reach and swings his maul twice...
First swing is a 14 to hit, and it does 14 damage if it connects.
Second swing is 27 to hit, 15 damage (17 if first swing missed) and it pushes the wolf 5 feet away from Sam and Elthana.
Both wolves on Elthana are about to make contact with sharp teeth and intent to kill, their attacks straight and true. When, like a punch on the side of the head, the first wolf is struck aside, the force of the reverb from Sam's ability throwing it's attack slicing through the neck of its partner. The second wolf collapses in a bloodied heap. But before the first wolf can react, the large form of Sam Hall appears, with the first mail swing the wolf is battered bodily into the air, and with the second Sam bats the beast 5ft away.
Gewyn runs up, dagger in one hand, pipes in the other, and sees the situation unfolding before him. “Hey!” he shouts, throwing his dagger at the wolf Sam had beaten back.
(19 to hit. 4 Piercing damage. Rolled in campaign log)
He then puts pipes to lips and begins to weave a tune to announce the arrival of reinforcements. A the notes carry a subtle power to them, bolstering fighting spirit, and distracting the wolves just long enough for his companions to reposition.
(All of the other PCs plus Gara gain 8 temp HP, and they can use a reaction to move their full movement without taking Attacks of Opportunity)
As the group reaches the tree lined outskirts of what looks like a clearing with a campsite set up in the middle, the first thing they see is a Kenku in clerical armour and vestments similar to Ebb's, the Kenku has a weapon raised in the air and daylight is glowing brightly from it illuminating the scene. Vin and Neferox are currently leaving, the half elf boy looks embarrassed, scared and the dog is PISSED, growling and sneering, blood drips from her maw as she is dragged past the group heading toward the original camp where the carriage stopped, they make it as far as where Gewyn is standing as you all arrive.
A second cleric, a Lizardfolk in the same vestments quickly sheaths his weapon and rushes toward Walker. Walker at this point slams his own shortsword into the ground in front of him and collapses onto one knee, "keep that monster leashed, ****!" His happy go lucky demeanour seems to have vanished as he grips his leg as blood pools under it, his leg is bloodstained from the upper thigh all the way to his foot, but the Lizardfolk cleric is already healing it, clapping his hands and muttering celestial tongues, Walker sighs in relief.
Elthana at this point is standing very close to Walker, between where he is and where Vin appears to be leaving from, she doesn't look happy.
"What the hell has happened!?" Gara barks, not quite directed at anyone in particular, he's angry at the apparent wound on his subordinate but not quite sure where the blame lies in the pandemonium that looks as if it just occurred.
Elthana continues to stare at Walker as she answers Gara. "Your man here snuck up on us while we were engaged with the clerics. I whirled on him and the boy's dog must have taken that as a go for attack. A guard should know better than to sneak up on others." She turns to look at Gara at this point, "Don't you think?"
She nods to Scratch and the kenku and then turns to follow Vin. As she passes Ebb, she points to him and calls back, "Here's the cleric the boy was talking about." and continues on her way.
Sam breaks through the tree line with his maul wound up and ready to knock someone into tomorrow. He angles towards the Kenku since they are the one with a weapon raised, the Half Orc more focused on that than the light that it is shedding...
But before he advances too far he hears Elthana, more or less calm and composed. Perhaps a bit of a sneer to her tone...
Sam manages to pull himself up short and spin to face Gara, poking his maul out at the elder 'guard' to ensure that they too stop their progress. "Vin ok?" he calls out to Elthana, having seen the kid heading the other direction but not having paused to take a good look. "We all ok?"
Ebb breaks into the clearing and sees a fellow priest helping the wounded guard, he hears what has happened and sighs. As the scouting party meme era walk by he says “We should confirm hostility before acting rashly. Please be more careful in the future.” Then walks to the guard and channels divinity through his hands onto the wound, aiding his brother with healing (healing 11 points) he the addresses the guard “Please don’t interfere with our operations. I know you mean we’ll but we can handle ourselves quite well. I don’t want either of you getting hurt or worse” he says with a smile.
Ebb looks to the two QuAr travelers with a smile. They looked a bit familiar. “I’m sorry we startled you. I am Ebb, high pupil. Thank you for helping” he says with a smile.
Drow enthusiast
Lover of lore and magic.
-The White Crow-
Elthana responds to Sam as they cross paths, “Vin is absolutely fine, though a bit embarrassed. And so is that devil dog of his. There is no threat here, just stupidity.”
Gewyn steps wide around Vin's dog as it passes by, and gives Elthana a questioning look, eyebrow raised, and mouths "talk after?" as he walks toward the edge of the clearing.
Passing her, he strolls out casually into the light, playing a little melody on his birdpipes before playing a C note to find his key. "Ahem.
There once was a man named Sir Walker
Whom a dog mistook for a stalker.
He was bit by the hound.
Now his leg's tightly bound,
And the atmosphere feels a bit awkward"
He finishes with a sarcastic bow, and then frowns theatrically. "Hmmm, I'll come up with something better for the official ballad when I am to perform it for galas and grand functions of the state and such." He then meets the Kenku's eyes and smiles charmingly.
"Damn it, get up, we'll talk about this later" Gara Drags Walker to his feet, nodding to Ebb and the Lizardfolk in thanks for the heal of his subordinate.
"I guess you were the other campers? Anymore to your party? If not we'll keep our distance, holler if there's anything up! Right everyone back to camp, the stew is getting cold and I've had enough of this!" After he asks his question to the Kenku and gives the group an order he stands there waiting for people to move, his frustrations are plain to see on his face as he is illuminated by the magic of the kenku's weapon.
"interfere?" Walker spits on the ground in front of him, but says no more, he is cowed by Garas words and actions.
"Just us two I'm afraid" the Kenku responds, looking around the group, "pleased to meet you all, especially you Ebb, as high pupil have you seen Priest Holm recently, we are supposed to be his escort detail back to Lyvander, but we are running a bit late."
Before Ebb can answer, or the guards can grumble anymore, a long low whistle is heard from the direction Vin and Elthana are in, the whistle almost has a low trill to it. Sounds like an animal, but nothing no one has heard before. It ends with a sharp almost urgent note, And is immediately followed by a howl.
The Lizard folk straightens up and looks to the Kenku, "that was no dog..." He then looks around to the group.
Just as soon as the lizardfolk finishes speaking a light can be seen and a sickening wet thud is heard, it sounds like a particularly pulpy watermelon being dropped from a great height. Splat!
"You are welcome to come join our camp," Sam is saying, deliberately speaking over Gara and using his large size (and thus large lungs) to maximum capacity.
Before he can say more the is a whistle, then a howl. Sam turns on his heel and is once more charging through the first, maul in hand, wondering what trouble the kid found himself in this time!
Gewyn shrugs and makes to follow after Sam, turning just before the treeline to shout out, "Or you could stay here and babysit Gara and Walker. They'd do it themselves, but as they'll tell you, that's not their job!" He puts particular emphasis on his last few words, making eye contact with Gara, and then he completes his spin and runs into the forest after Sam.
“Join us brothers. We could use your light. I’ll tell you what you need and which way to go.” Ebb says to the two fellow clerics with a ‘here we go I guess’ kind of smile. Then looks to the two guards sympathetically “I know you’re doing your best, and I thank you for your service and vigilance. I’m sorry for my fellows rudeness but we are all of us on edge from expectations. Forgive us and let’s work together.”
Ebb looks to his brothers, “Come, it’s hard for me to see. Please guide us with you light” he says with a beckoning hand motion himself. Ebb will walk back with his right hand on the shoulder of cleric that decides to join to provide light and his shield in the other hand. “Keep an eye out for me would ya.” He’ll ask the one he has his hand on. Casting Guidance on him to help with the implied perception while walking through the forest back to their camp.
Drow enthusiast
Lover of lore and magic.
-The White Crow-
Gara hoists Walker up on to his feet scowling somewhat at Sam, they begin rushing after the group.
As you all make it to within 30ft of Vin, Neferox and a blood drenched and viscera covered Elthana, you see now with the movement of the clerics light, that several Dire Wolves are making their way toward the two elf variant members of your party and your dog companion.
(For this round, Gara, Walker and the Kenku dash with you guys)
The young half-elf looks around as the light from the cleric's magic seems to illuminate pieces of the dire wolves that have come to hunt the party. Seeing now they are no longer hidden from the wolves and the surprise is out vin shouts "Wolves!" back towards the others then moves to get a line of sight on as many of the wolves as they can. Wanting to make sure that Elthana doesn't get surrounded and knowing that Nef can take care of themselves Vin focuses on protecting Elthana who was just bitten by the dire beasts. Vin doesn't want them to converge and team up on her so he moves up behind Elthana as he stares at the three closest dire wolves.
The boy makes a series of hand movements that seem to carve blackness into the night air so dark that it looks like a void. As they do so they chant "Невядома, смерць і страта. Адчуйце сілу незлічоных людзей, якія беглі перад абліччам праўды." Although difficult to detect, there is a feeling of a sudden thrum of power next to Elthana as if the presence of the boy was suddenly several times more massive. A sense that something keen and dangerous standing where the boy is. Danger. That is the feeling those nearby would get as Vin steps up behind Elthana and finishes his spell. There is a sudden flood of this feeling that heads past Elthana towards the closest wolves and as the last traces of the fear inducing effect pass there is a strange kindness behind it all. The boy says in a worried voice "I hope that works."
Nef meanwhile just attacks the closest wolf it can get to. Charging with a snarl and biting with a ferocity that even these wolves might fear. Viciously tearing into it's hide and flesh with it pre-bloodied jaws. The black hounds eyes aglow with red light as it sneers down at the first wolf whom it tries to tear apart.
Move - Behind Elthana 5 feet.
Action - Cast, Cause Fear. 3 targets, the closes wolves to Elthana. DC 16 wis save or become frightened. They cant get closer to Vin (and hopefully Elthana too) and have disadvantage on all attacks as long as they can see Vin. They repeat save at end of turn success ends effect. Concentration Spell. 1 minute duration.
Move - To closest Wolf
Action - Attack 2 bite attacks, if attacks hit DC 13 STR save or knocked prone.
9 for 12 piercing damage
8 for 11 piercing damage
Covered in blood, Elthana turns to Vin as he chants the strange words. Feeling the thrum of power beside her, she smiles, enjoying the surprises this boy is bringing with him. Seeing the three wolves now cowering in front of them, she turns her sights to the yellow one. As she moves forward fifteen feet towards the creature to be within 15 feet of it, the jagged tattoos on her left forearm start moving and changing shapes. Soon they lift off her skin and the inky tendrils force their way towards the creature as she strikes from a distance.
She uses a ki point for her flurry of blows, attempting to strike the wolf four times, moving to the green one if the yellow goes down.
She then retreats back to her original position, not wanting to leave the boy out on his own.
Three of the wolves cowed by Vin's strange words dare not approach the half elf but do however converge on Neferox instead, each of the frightened wolves gang up and take an attempt at biting down on the dog.
Attack one, 13 to hit, 12 damage
Attack two, 13 to hit, 12 damage
Attack three, 24 to hit, 8 damage
For any hit Nef makes a DC13 Str save or is knocked prone
The other two braver wolves growl and bay at Elthana, moving to her and striking out with practiced ease.
Attack one, 20 to hit, 11 damage
Attack two 24 to hit, 11 damage.
As the wolves bite and rip at her she tumbles to the ground, As Vin looks on.
Sam, now with some view of his friends, barrels forward through the branches and leaves, eyes picking out the closest opponent to head towards and prepare to put down. Seeing the wolves move in and attack Elthana, Sam curses and slams his maul against a nearby tree. The maul striking the tree with such force creates a wave or reverberating force that echoes out, stretching out to where the wolves and Elthana are, and throwing the first wolf to attack off just enough that they somehow attack their fellow wolf instead!
((Cloud Rune feature -))
In addition, when you or a creature you can see within 30 feet of you is hit by an attack roll, you can use your reaction to invoke the rune and choose a different creature within 30 feet of you, other than the attacker. The chosen creature becomes the target of the attack, using the same roll. This magic can transfer the attack’s effects regardless of the attack’s range. Once you invoke this rune, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
Breath heavy, legs pumping, Sam moves up to face off against one of the wolves attacking Elthana and swings his embiggened maul at the wolf. He feels his first swing missing the mark even as he is making it and growl in a fury none of the others have yet seen from him. ((this is Sam using the Bardic Inspiration Gwen gave him on their way to the first site...)).
Not even paying much attention if his first swing hit or not, Sam swings his maul again (same target unless it is somehow down...) This second swing most definitely connects with the beast dealing a goodly amount of damage, and satisfaction, as well as shoving the wolf five feet away from himself and Elthana.
(Crusher feet -)
Once per turn, when you hit a creature with an attack that deals bludgeoning damage, you can move it 5 feet to an unoccupied space, provided the target is no more than one size larger than you.
((Annnnnd.... I'll call Sam's turn done. Tempted to use Action Surge but will wait to see positioning and if Cloud Rune and Sam's strikes perhaps killed anything...))
Reaction to wolf attacking Elthana has Sam using Cloud Rune to make wolf attack other wolf instead of Elthana. Same attack and damage apply.
On Sam's turn his advances to whatever wolf new Elthana he can reach and swings his maul twice...
First swing is a 14 to hit, and it does 14 damage if it connects.
Second swing is 27 to hit, 15 damage (17 if first swing missed) and it pushes the wolf 5 feet away from Sam and Elthana.
End Sam's turn.
Both wolves on Elthana are about to make contact with sharp teeth and intent to kill, their attacks straight and true. When, like a punch on the side of the head, the first wolf is struck aside, the force of the reverb from Sam's ability throwing it's attack slicing through the neck of its partner. The second wolf collapses in a bloodied heap. But before the first wolf can react, the large form of Sam Hall appears, with the first mail swing the wolf is battered bodily into the air, and with the second Sam bats the beast 5ft away.
Gewyn runs up, dagger in one hand, pipes in the other, and sees the situation unfolding before him. “Hey!” he shouts, throwing his dagger at the wolf Sam had beaten back.
(19 to hit. 4 Piercing damage. Rolled in campaign log)
He then puts pipes to lips and begins to weave a tune to announce the arrival of reinforcements. A the notes carry a subtle power to them, bolstering fighting spirit, and distracting the wolves just long enough for his companions to reposition.
(All of the other PCs plus Gara gain 8 temp HP, and they can use a reaction to move their full movement without taking Attacks of Opportunity)
His blood already hot from battle, the bard’s tune quickens his step as well! Sam rushes up the 5 feet to stay atop the wolf he knocked back…