As you walk to the south you get the feeling that the people of this village may know more of what is going on than they say. They all are friendly and will trade the pleasantries with you but it goes no farther than that. If questioned about your quest they will put their heads down and move away not answering you. In fact these around when you ask any questions about your quests they too put their heads down and scurry away.
Rather than ask about the quest, Veeshal will ask about their overlord (if they have one) or the mayor or the town council-which ever is the authority for the town. He’ll ask around for about such rules or laws that they may need to know about ‘As is best to know before trouble finds you and you overstep what the law says you can do about it.’
The Aiel snorts ‘Frontier towns are not big on laws-at least in MY experience. Granted it may be a bout-skewed-due to my heritage and upbringing, but anyone trying to steal from me may find out what an axe feels like.’
You get the same response asking about the town council or laws. One older gentleman with a hand cart half full of Apples and pears he is selling will spit on the ground and say, "The laws around here and none that a person can conceive the damn Counsel will change it to what they need at the time mostly to just raise taxes. Only one true law that has not changed is no killing inside the village. If I did not live around here I would stay away from this village as something is going on."
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Feeling the vibe of the villagers I head towards Seth. "I will catch up to you shortly, I have a nagging feeling I should ask Seth about the coolies that transport goods out this way." I call out to the party
"Hello friend" towards Seth "I been asked to find out about missing supplies for the town and was hoping you have information about the coolies that bring the goods?"
Seth responds, "Well met stranger. I hope that you can find out what is going on with the supplies that have not made it here. I have a feeling that it is the work of... I can not say that name Too many may here of me saying their name and then I will disappear like the others have."
There is a light touch on Arishi’s arm. It’s the green female.‘Oberezhno, kuzeno. Vony boyatʹsya svoho zhyttya’ She whispers **Go careful, cousin. They are fearful of their very lives.**
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Stunned by Seth's response, slowly steeples his hands together and withdraws them into the folds of his robe.
Millwater's face hardens "just how many people are missing!?" Ponders a moment "I thought it was a missing shipment. I have been holding reins to carts since I was a kit. The coolies lives affect me deeply."
Seth answers. "I have already said too much. Those who whisper to him can cause me to be gone soon if they have heard. Go to the south I hope you can find the missing caravan nad find some other clues that I can not tell you" Seth turns away and walking into his shack that is next to the corral and shuts his door.
What do you do now? Question others who may be the ears of what is going on or innocent villagers who may run away from you as soon as you ask your questions. Or do you head south to see what may or may not be a clue when you find this delayed caravan?
She nods her head at Arishi signaling agreement with his assumption. Patting the haft of the greataxe, she pauses a moment then addresses the rest of the party. ‘Before we cause any of these fine folk more-distress-maybe we should head down the road a piece. Especially since it appears we’ve exhausted their fount of information and we’re being-steered-to go South anyway.’
OOC-she has her face covered, so (duh me) you wouldn’t have seen her smile…
Hurries to and looks up to Veeshal "I feel that is a wise move, the villagers energy is going sour by the minute."
Nods to the group "mew" starts taking big bouncy steps, adjusting gear for balance and silence. He turns around to look at where he came. "Anybody catch the name of the village?"
"We will depart. Sorry for causing such discomfort. We will investigate the disappearances of the caravans and report back." *Arashi starts to wander south out of town and keeps an eye out for potential dangers*
Veeshal stows the tome he has been clutching into his pack, pulls out a pair of black hair clips, parts his hair to either side of his head and clips it away from his pointed ears, scratches the tips vigorously then sighs. ‘Oh that is much better. And yes, I do believe we need to go.’ He looks the Tabaxi over, then sticks out his hand. ‘Forgive my manners. I am Veeshal Dalorzza of House Ssith, Acolyte of Sharindlar, at your service.’ He bows slightly.
He is 5’5”, about 150 lbs with hair so white you’d think it belongs on a Drow. His ears are not quite as pointed as either an elf or 1/2 elf. His hairless face as well as his hands are a dusky red in color and his eyes are mismatched-Left Amber Right violet. His over-robe is worn but serviceable snd clean, with a smattering of black splotches all over it. A closer look shows then to be spiders.
Not getting anywhere with the townsfolk except Seth the horse trainer you al decide that south is the way to go. As you head south through the village you pass a general store and even a bank. As you near the end of this small village you can see a river that runs past. There is a wooden bridge that crosses this river. As you get closer you see a tall hooded figure coming out of the woods on the village side of the river and approaches you. You will vaguely remember this hooded figure sitting at another table but still close enough to have listened to the conversation the party was having. Will this person be able to add anything new to the situation?
The Aiel takes two steps toward the figure, plants her feet and places her right hand within easy grasping of the axe haft over the right shoulder. ‘Hail and well met fellow wanderer. How fares your travel thru yon woods?’
The speaker is tall-over 6’, and best guess is she’s solidly built. She is wearing scale mail covered with a travelers cloak pulled up covering her head. Due to the balaclava pulled up over her face, all that is visible is her eyes. Her hands are covered with a mishmash of chain mail gloves and leather wraps, the ends opened enough to allow the nails/talons to poke thru.
The cloaked figure speaks. Greetings fellow travelers. Sorry if I have alarmed you. My name is Azurewrath and I am lost adventurer much like yourselves. Apologies for not approaching you in the tavern but I have found that most villagers are frightened by my form.
Azurewrath removes their hood and balaclava from their head to reveal herself as a Dragonborn. Navy blue scales cover her head and snout. She stands up fully revealing herself to be 6’7”.
As we are all stranded in this strange land I was wondering if perhaps I could join your entourage.
The solid gold eyes narrow slightly. She nods. ‘A trust given-a trust earned.’ Reaching up to her hood, she sighs. ‘Be warned-I have been told my visage is what nightmares are made of. So if I offend, please tell me.’ Pulling down the hood you see a set of horns, both marked with two silver filled scars. She then lowers the balaclava. With the added height of her horns she matches Azurewrath in height. The profile pic is what she looks like.
As you walk to the south you get the feeling that the people of this village may know more of what is going on than they say. They all are friendly and will trade the pleasantries with you but it goes no farther than that. If questioned about your quest they will put their heads down and move away not answering you. In fact these around when you ask any questions about your quests they too put their heads down and scurry away.
Rather than ask about the quest, Veeshal will ask about their overlord (if they have one) or the mayor or the town council-which ever is the authority for the town. He’ll ask around for about such rules or laws that they may need to know about ‘As is best to know before trouble finds you and you overstep what the law says you can do about it.’
The Aiel snorts ‘Frontier towns are not big on laws-at least in MY experience. Granted it may be a bout-skewed-due to my heritage and upbringing, but anyone trying to steal from me may find out what an axe feels like.’
You get the same response asking about the town council or laws. One older gentleman with a hand cart half full of Apples and pears he is selling will spit on the ground and say, "The laws around here and none that a person can conceive the damn Counsel will change it to what they need at the time mostly to just raise taxes. Only one true law that has not changed is no killing inside the village. If I did not live around here I would stay away from this village as something is going on."
Feeling the vibe of the villagers I head towards Seth. "I will catch up to you shortly, I have a nagging feeling I should ask Seth about the coolies that transport goods out this way." I call out to the party
insight 9
"Hello friend" towards Seth "I been asked to find out about missing supplies for the town and was hoping you have information about the coolies that bring the goods?"
Millwater Tabaxi Monk 1
Seth responds, "Well met stranger. I hope that you can find out what is going on with the supplies that have not made it here. I have a feeling that it is the work of... I can not say that name Too many may here of me saying their name and then I will disappear like the others have."
"Disappear like the others? What do you mean by that? What is happening in this town?"
There is a light touch on Arishi’s arm. It’s the green female.‘Oberezhno, kuzeno. Vony boyatʹsya svoho zhyttya’ She whispers **Go careful, cousin. They are fearful of their very lives.**
Stunned by Seth's response, slowly steeples his hands together and withdraws them into the folds of his robe.
Millwater's face hardens "just how many people are missing!?" Ponders a moment "I thought it was a missing shipment. I have been holding reins to carts since I was a kit. The coolies lives affect me deeply."
animal handling/ land vehicles 20 +2 proficiency
Millwater Tabaxi Monk 1
*in infernal* "This job has gotten a bit more complicated already. Do you think these raiders are taking the people too?"
Seth answers. "I have already said too much. Those who whisper to him can cause me to be gone soon if they have heard. Go to the south I hope you can find the missing caravan nad find some other clues that I can not tell you" Seth turns away and walking into his shack that is next to the corral and shuts his door.
What do you do now? Question others who may be the ears of what is going on or innocent villagers who may run away from you as soon as you ask your questions. Or do you head south to see what may or may not be a clue when you find this delayed caravan?
She nods her head at Arishi signaling agreement with his assumption. Patting the haft of the greataxe, she pauses a moment then addresses the rest of the party. ‘Before we cause any of these fine folk more-distress-maybe we should head down the road a piece. Especially since it appears we’ve exhausted their fount of information and we’re being-steered-to go South anyway.’
OOC-she has her face covered, so (duh me) you wouldn’t have seen her smile…
Hurries to and looks up to Veeshal "I feel that is a wise move, the villagers energy is going sour by the minute."
Nods to the group "mew" starts taking big bouncy steps, adjusting gear for balance and silence. He turns around to look at where he came. "Anybody catch the name of the village?"
"We will depart. Sorry for causing such discomfort. We will investigate the disappearances of the caravans and report back." *Arashi starts to wander south out of town and keeps an eye out for potential dangers*
Veeshal stows the tome he has been clutching into his pack, pulls out a pair of black hair clips, parts his hair to either side of his head and clips it away from his pointed ears, scratches the tips vigorously then sighs. ‘Oh that is much better. And yes, I do believe we need to go.’ He looks the Tabaxi over, then sticks out his hand. ‘Forgive my manners. I am Veeshal Dalorzza of House Ssith, Acolyte of Sharindlar, at your service.’ He bows slightly.
He is 5’5”, about 150 lbs with hair so white you’d think it belongs on a Drow. His ears are not quite as pointed as either an elf or 1/2 elf. His hairless face as well as his hands are a dusky red in color and his eyes are mismatched-Left Amber Right violet. His over-robe is worn but serviceable snd clean, with a smattering of black splotches all over it. A closer look shows then to be spiders.
Shakes Veeshal's hand firmly "I am called Millwater, physicians apprentice to master Wu" Returns Veeshal's bow.
‘Good! Nice to know there’s someone else who may be able to assist with herbals, setting bones or just handing out supplies.
’Now’ He lowers his voice ‘wadda think about our tall dark beautiful and brooding companion?’
Not getting anywhere with the townsfolk except Seth the horse trainer you al decide that south is the way to go. As you head south through the village you pass a general store and even a bank. As you near the end of this small village you can see a river that runs past. There is a wooden bridge that crosses this river. As you get closer you see a tall hooded figure coming out of the woods on the village side of the river and approaches you. You will vaguely remember this hooded figure sitting at another table but still close enough to have listened to the conversation the party was having. Will this person be able to add anything new to the situation?
The Aiel takes two steps toward the figure, plants her feet and places her right hand within easy grasping of the axe haft over the right shoulder. ‘Hail and well met fellow wanderer. How fares your travel thru yon woods?’
The speaker is tall-over 6’, and best guess is she’s solidly built. She is wearing scale mail covered with a travelers cloak pulled up covering her head. Due to the balaclava pulled up over her face, all that is visible is her eyes. Her hands are covered with a mishmash of chain mail gloves and leather wraps, the ends opened enough to allow the nails/talons to poke thru.
The cloaked figure speaks. Greetings fellow travelers. Sorry if I have alarmed you. My name is Azurewrath and I am lost adventurer much like yourselves. Apologies for not approaching you in the tavern but I have found that most villagers are frightened by my form.
Azurewrath removes their hood and balaclava from their head to reveal herself as a Dragonborn. Navy blue scales cover her head and snout. She stands up fully revealing herself to be 6’7”.
As we are all stranded in this strange land I was wondering if perhaps I could join your entourage.
The solid gold eyes narrow slightly. She nods. ‘A trust given-a trust earned.’ Reaching up to her hood, she sighs. ‘Be warned-I have been told my visage is what nightmares are made of. So if I offend, please tell me.’ Pulling down the hood you see a set of horns, both marked with two silver filled scars. She then lowers the balaclava.
With the added height of her horns she matches Azurewrath in height. The profile pic is what she looks like.
‘You may call me Sorrow’s Child-or just Sorrow.’