"Seems like we are all in agreement." Dain says with a glance around. He looks back to his kin. "Any more information on those two market jobs, or is what you said already all you know on those?"b
"Hmmm, let's see...", Milo rustles through some papers.
"Song Wen Ming is the Citadel contact for the package delivery, they are an assistant to the Yongjing Speaker. They can be reached at the Speaker's offices, I don't know who the package is being delivered to, they will fill in whoever takes the contract to deliver it."
"Merchant Vyndr Suwan is head of the Dyn Singh Merchant Collective, he'd be who you'd want to touch base with at the Market to see what sort of effort the job entails."
"I've got your passes loaded, here, take Alston's with you. If he shows up here, I'll have him meet you at the Passage*.", Milo hands you each a metal bracelet with a crystal embedded in a housing.
*The Passage of Respite is a small island connected to the larger 'landmass' that spirals counter-clockwise down the length of the Auroral Diamond. It is here that the Concord Jewels that are able to teleport to the various civilizations dock. It is the only official entrance and exit from the Radiant Citadel. The office space secured by House Kundarak is on the Turn of the Upper Whorl, on the opposite side of the Auroral Diamond from the Passage of Respite, a little over a mile away. The Speaker's offices are up from your office, closer to the Diamond, and on the way to the Passage.
From the Passage, there are two Whorls of 'land', the Upper and the Lower. The Lower is denoted by where it passes below the uppermost part of the Upper Whorl, where the Passage of Respite is located. The Upper Whorl tends to be more commercial, as it is closer to the Passage, while the Lower tends to be more residential, though there is not a set zoning. A business on the Lower Whorl would not see as much foot traffic, and any goods brought in or out would have to travel farther to get there. Taking the main thoroughfares from the Passage down to the lowest point of the Whorls, it would be nearly five miles of travel.
((Image Description: A long slender diamond, positioned at a 45 degree angle from lower left to upper right. For scale, it is over two miles from tip to tip, and maybe half a mile wide at its thickest part. The middle portion of the diamond is wrapped with a spiral of land, the highest portion being in the upper right, and wrapping counter clockwise down and around the diamond in two revolutions, coming to an end on the lower right side. The upper portion of land has a larger radius out from the Diamond, and both are covered in dwellings and vegetation.))
((Image Description: A top view of the Radiant Citadel. In the upper right (it has a compass rose, but NSEW make no real sense here) is the Passage of Respite, where the Concord Jewels orbiting the Citadel dock. It is connected via a bridge to the fossilized rock upon which the Citadel is built, which spirals counter clockwise and down around the Auroral Diamond. If the Passage is at 12 on a clock face, the Palace of Exile is at 9, a place of respite for those in need, and the head quarters of the Shieldbearers, the Citadel's search and rescue force. The Speaker's hold office in a half circular building at 8, House Kundarak's offices are at 7, and against the outer rock wall of the Upper Whorl. The dwarves in the initial force that set it up felt much more secure with rock at their backs. There is a bridge that spans a gap in half of the Turn nearby. At 6, built snug to the Diamond, is the Entrance to The Preserve of the Ancestors, which is contained within the hollow core of the Diamond. At 5 is the Court of Whispers, where a lot of business, intrigue, and deals are done. It is likely here that Milo went to pick up the leads on the jobs he presented to you. Sweeping along the right face of the Diamond is the district referred to as the Trade Discal, where the logistics of deals happen. The business concluded here is often of the city or nation level, rather than individual to individual, but there are some small shops scattered throughout that provide goods and services to those in the Discal to do other business. Continuing back up to 12 and back down, the Lower Whorl begins. It is more heavily residential and agricultural than the Upper Whorl. Of particular note, near the start of the Lower Whorl is the House of Convalescence, which is visible from above due to the peninsula of fossil that extends away from the Diamond to the Passage of Respite. Here are talented healers who can help to perform miraculous works much more easily than on most other planes.))
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM:Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
"Why don't we split up? One group can head down and get the package and description of who to give it to, and the others can figure out what this more hushed one involves. And then we'll all meet back up at the Dyn Singh Merchant Collective? That's where this Vyndr Suwan is, right?"
((The preference of the Clavigers who operate the Concord Jewels would be to do the planar transport to the Dyn Singh Market once rather than running you down in multiple groups. It's doable, but since you're largely at their whims as far as teleporting timetables, it's wise to stay on their good side. The Speaker's office is on the way to the dock, so you can easily stop their on your way.))
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM:Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Just then a white furred cat strolls into the room. It purrs loudly as it weaves familiarly around everyone's legs before jumping up on a table and curling into a ball. It licks its lips and eyes Tandor. "Oh, nice of you to join us, Gilbert," the priest says to his familiar.
You head out, keeping an eye out for Alston, and soon arrive at the half circular building that houses offices for the Speakers. A receptionist greets you, beads in their hair clacking as they nod to you in greeting.
"How may I help you? Do you have an appointment?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM:Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
"Ah, yes. They did leave word that there may be some parties inquiring about a job. Could you wait here while I see if they are available?"
They take your agreement for granted, waving you towards some wooden benches and scurrying off.
You're left cooling your heels for less than five minutes, when they return trailing behind a slender man with a black cap over black hair pulled back in a single braid. His warm eyes crinkle as he greets you with a bow, the flowing cloth of his embroidered robes rustling as he does.
"You are the courier group then? I am Song Wen Ming, and assistant and advisor to her Excellency. Please, follow me. We can speak further in my office."
He glides down a hallway, clearly expecting you to follow, and enters a room appointed in rich carved wooden furniture with embroidered cushions, and a not insignificant amount of statuary in various media.
"Please, be seated. Do you required refreshments?"
If any of you express an interest in tea, he will pour for you, before settling behind his desk.
"What company do you represent, if I may ask?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM:Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
As they followed the man back to his office, Tandor discreetly asked Pelor for guidance. He wasn't trying to be sneaky, just didn't want to be blatant about it. Then he eyed their host carefully, trying to determine if he was everything he seemed.
Insight 26
Tandor gratefully accepted the with a murmured, "May Pelor's light and warmth shine on you." It was a common way of expressing thanks back home, at least among the faithful, but he realized it might not mean much to this person so, belatedly, he said, "Thank you."
Gilbert, stay by the door and listen for anything or anyone coming...or anything else.
That's what I love about your instructions, Tandor...so precise. The white cat moved to lay near the door, not blocking it.
When Song Wen Ming asked about their company, Tandor looked expectantly to Dain to answer.
Tandoor suspects that their host is well above a mere assistant, they carry themselves well above a minor functionary, and have a well appointed office. He suspects that they are likely within the Speaker's inner circle of advisors.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM:Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
This guys no mere assistant, Gilbert. He's pretty high-up, real close to the Speaker.
Oh, you think so, Tandor? Gee...I would never have suspected. I mean, I totally overlooked the splendid office, the quality of his speech, and his general bearing. Thanks for pointing it out. What was your first clue?
"You are quite welcome. Have you eaten? I could send for something."
((It's legit, but issues with the Concord Jewel that connected to their plane has left pretty much (leaving it a bit vague in case I want to introduce other House NPCs) just Dain and Milo as the representatives here. As such, the rest of you have been recruited to be able to form a viable group that can take jobs and keep the whole venture afloat in the interim. Not looking to put words in DragonDenn's mouth, but I suspect that Dain would be thrilled if once regular contact can be established, if the higher ups in his House find that their venture in the Radiant Citadel is thriving beyond all expectations.))
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM:Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Food would be wooooonderful, Tandor. A loud rumbling purr accompanied these words.
"That would be wonderful, sir, if its not too much. We were a little rushed and I didn't get to cook the meal I usually prepare. Some chicken, maybe," Tandor says.
The scholar nods and his expression becomes a bit distant as his lips move faintly, before he refocuses and smiles. "It will be a few minutes, but something will be delivered shortly. My earlier meeting didn't leave me with time to eat either, I admit this gives me the opportunity as well. So... you have me at a bit of an advantage, I have not yet had your names, or the name of the company you represent?", he asks expectantly, but kindly.
Tandor nods agreement. "The market works for me, too," he says.
Tandor the White, Human Life Cleric
"Seems like we are all in agreement." Dain says with a glance around. He looks back to his kin. "Any more information on those two market jobs, or is what you said already all you know on those?"b
"Hmmm, let's see...", Milo rustles through some papers.
"Song Wen Ming is the Citadel contact for the package delivery, they are an assistant to the Yongjing Speaker. They can be reached at the Speaker's offices, I don't know who the package is being delivered to, they will fill in whoever takes the contract to deliver it."
"Merchant Vyndr Suwan is head of the Dyn Singh Merchant Collective, he'd be who you'd want to touch base with at the Market to see what sort of effort the job entails."
"I've got your passes loaded, here, take Alston's with you. If he shows up here, I'll have him meet you at the Passage*.", Milo hands you each a metal bracelet with a crystal embedded in a housing.
*The Passage of Respite is a small island connected to the larger 'landmass' that spirals counter-clockwise down the length of the Auroral Diamond. It is here that the Concord Jewels that are able to teleport to the various civilizations dock. It is the only official entrance and exit from the Radiant Citadel. The office space secured by House Kundarak is on the Turn of the Upper Whorl, on the opposite side of the Auroral Diamond from the Passage of Respite, a little over a mile away. The Speaker's offices are up from your office, closer to the Diamond, and on the way to the Passage.
From the Passage, there are two Whorls of 'land', the Upper and the Lower. The Lower is denoted by where it passes below the uppermost part of the Upper Whorl, where the Passage of Respite is located. The Upper Whorl tends to be more commercial, as it is closer to the Passage, while the Lower tends to be more residential, though there is not a set zoning. A business on the Lower Whorl would not see as much foot traffic, and any goods brought in or out would have to travel farther to get there. Taking the main thoroughfares from the Passage down to the lowest point of the Whorls, it would be nearly five miles of travel.
((Image Description: A long slender diamond, positioned at a 45 degree angle from lower left to upper right. For scale, it is over two miles from tip to tip, and maybe half a mile wide at its thickest part. The middle portion of the diamond is wrapped with a spiral of land, the highest portion being in the upper right, and wrapping counter clockwise down and around the diamond in two revolutions, coming to an end on the lower right side. The upper portion of land has a larger radius out from the Diamond, and both are covered in dwellings and vegetation.))
((Image Description: A top view of the Radiant Citadel. In the upper right (it has a compass rose, but NSEW make no real sense here) is the Passage of Respite, where the Concord Jewels orbiting the Citadel dock. It is connected via a bridge to the fossilized rock upon which the Citadel is built, which spirals counter clockwise and down around the Auroral Diamond. If the Passage is at 12 on a clock face, the Palace of Exile is at 9, a place of respite for those in need, and the head quarters of the Shieldbearers, the Citadel's search and rescue force. The Speaker's hold office in a half circular building at 8, House Kundarak's offices are at 7, and against the outer rock wall of the Upper Whorl. The dwarves in the initial force that set it up felt much more secure with rock at their backs. There is a bridge that spans a gap in half of the Turn nearby. At 6, built snug to the Diamond, is the Entrance to The Preserve of the Ancestors, which is contained within the hollow core of the Diamond. At 5 is the Court of Whispers, where a lot of business, intrigue, and deals are done. It is likely here that Milo went to pick up the leads on the jobs he presented to you. Sweeping along the right face of the Diamond is the district referred to as the Trade Discal, where the logistics of deals happen. The business concluded here is often of the city or nation level, rather than individual to individual, but there are some small shops scattered throughout that provide goods and services to those in the Discal to do other business. Continuing back up to 12 and back down, the Lower Whorl begins. It is more heavily residential and agricultural than the Upper Whorl. Of particular note, near the start of the Lower Whorl is the House of Convalescence, which is visible from above due to the peninsula of fossil that extends away from the Diamond to the Passage of Respite. Here are talented healers who can help to perform miraculous works much more easily than on most other planes.))
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
"Why don't we split up? One group can head down and get the package and description of who to give it to, and the others can figure out what this more hushed one involves. And then we'll all meet back up at the Dyn Singh Merchant Collective? That's where this Vyndr Suwan is, right?"
((The preference of the Clavigers who operate the Concord Jewels would be to do the planar transport to the Dyn Singh Market once rather than running you down in multiple groups. It's doable, but since you're largely at their whims as far as teleporting timetables, it's wise to stay on their good side. The Speaker's office is on the way to the dock, so you can easily stop their on your way.))
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
ooc: gotcha, all one group then seems better for sure. ignore that first part lol
"Regardless, I've been waiting for a job for some time. I'm ready to head out if you lot are!"
"I am ready and willing. If difficulties ensue in dialogue, I can translate if need be."
Just then a white furred cat strolls into the room. It purrs loudly as it weaves familiarly around everyone's legs before jumping up on a table and curling into a ball. It licks its lips and eyes Tandor. "Oh, nice of you to join us, Gilbert," the priest says to his familiar.
Tandor the White, Human Life Cleric
"Let's go," Tandor says and starts for the door. Gilbert stands, stretches, hops down and darts outside. Tandor's head tilts to the side for a moment.
Tandor the White, Human Life Cleric
"Looks like we are moving then." Dain says with a half-smile. He gives his kin a nod of farewell, then follows the others out.
You head out, keeping an eye out for Alston, and soon arrive at the half circular building that houses offices for the Speakers. A receptionist greets you, beads in their hair clacking as they nod to you in greeting.
"How may I help you? Do you have an appointment?"
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
"No appointment, per se, we're here to see one Song Wen Ming about a job listing. You wouldn't happen to know where they are at the moment?"
"Ah, yes. They did leave word that there may be some parties inquiring about a job. Could you wait here while I see if they are available?"
They take your agreement for granted, waving you towards some wooden benches and scurrying off.
You're left cooling your heels for less than five minutes, when they return trailing behind a slender man with a black cap over black hair pulled back in a single braid. His warm eyes crinkle as he greets you with a bow, the flowing cloth of his embroidered robes rustling as he does.
"You are the courier group then? I am Song Wen Ming, and assistant and advisor to her Excellency. Please, follow me. We can speak further in my office."
He glides down a hallway, clearly expecting you to follow, and enters a room appointed in rich carved wooden furniture with embroidered cushions, and a not insignificant amount of statuary in various media.
"Please, be seated. Do you required refreshments?"
If any of you express an interest in tea, he will pour for you, before settling behind his desk.
"What company do you represent, if I may ask?"
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
As they followed the man back to his office, Tandor discreetly asked Pelor for guidance. He wasn't trying to be sneaky, just didn't want to be blatant about it. Then he eyed their host carefully, trying to determine if he was everything he seemed.
Insight 26
Tandor gratefully accepted the with a murmured, "May Pelor's light and warmth shine on you." It was a common way of expressing thanks back home, at least among the faithful, but he realized it might not mean much to this person so, belatedly, he said, "Thank you."
Gilbert, stay by the door and listen for anything or anyone coming...or anything else.
That's what I love about your instructions, Tandor...so precise. The white cat moved to lay near the door, not blocking it.
When Song Wen Ming asked about their company, Tandor looked expectantly to Dain to answer.
Tandor the White, Human Life Cleric
Tandoor suspects that their host is well above a mere assistant, they carry themselves well above a minor functionary, and have a well appointed office. He suspects that they are likely within the Speaker's inner circle of advisors.
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
This guys no mere assistant, Gilbert. He's pretty high-up, real close to the Speaker.
Oh, you think so, Tandor? Gee...I would never have suspected. I mean, I totally overlooked the splendid office, the quality of his speech, and his general bearing. Thanks for pointing it out. What was your first clue?
Tandor the White, Human Life Cleric
"our thanks for the refreshments." Liber politely accepts a cup from the host, and gently sips while others higher than him speak.
(OOC: is house kundarak a legitimate business or a vigilante group?)
"You are quite welcome. Have you eaten? I could send for something."
((It's legit, but issues with the Concord Jewel that connected to their plane has left pretty much (leaving it a bit vague in case I want to introduce other House NPCs) just Dain and Milo as the representatives here. As such, the rest of you have been recruited to be able to form a viable group that can take jobs and keep the whole venture afloat in the interim. Not looking to put words in DragonDenn's mouth, but I suspect that Dain would be thrilled if once regular contact can be established, if the higher ups in his House find that their venture in the Radiant Citadel is thriving beyond all expectations.))
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
Food would be wooooonderful, Tandor. A loud rumbling purr accompanied these words.
"That would be wonderful, sir, if its not too much. We were a little rushed and I didn't get to cook the meal I usually prepare. Some chicken, maybe," Tandor says.
Tandor the White, Human Life Cleric
The scholar nods and his expression becomes a bit distant as his lips move faintly, before he refocuses and smiles. "It will be a few minutes, but something will be delivered shortly. My earlier meeting didn't leave me with time to eat either, I admit this gives me the opportunity as well. So... you have me at a bit of an advantage, I have not yet had your names, or the name of the company you represent?", he asks expectantly, but kindly.
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock