This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
As land slips away from them and Avaria feels the sea beneath her feet, it is a strange feeling for her. A mix of homesickness and a relief of finally leaving that area. A sense of wonder also washes over her until she notices the black line over the horizon. The foreboding worsens after the Quarter Master speaks about it. Well, she thinks, at least she is with this group of women and not on her own. They seem friendly.
When Bigge asks for their help, she asks, "What kind of help? Most of our stuff is below, are we going to need it?"
Val, as you listen to the quartermaster you can see that he definitely looks a little anxious about whatever the problem is in the hold. You get the impression, especially from his quick glances over at the other five passengers, that whatever it is, he doesn't want them to know about it.
Eran Bigge opens his mouth to answer, but before he can, you feel a significant discomfort in your stomach. The water and snack you just had does not want to stay down. You have just enough time to make it to the railing before it all comes back out.
Disadvantage on Dex checks for the next 1 hour than can re-roll save.
Unfortunately, before Avaria can get an answer to her question, she urgently joins Val at the rails to feed the fish.
Disadvantage on Dex checks for the next 1 hour than can re-roll save.
Eran Bigge looks after Avaria and Val as they race to the side of the boat, a smile creeping up under the frown and even a chuckle escaping his lips. He turns his attention to Marrin, who while feeling a little queasy manages to look to the horizon until her stomach settles.
"Keep it quiet and do it quickly, and, yeah, no duties until lunch tomorrow." Bigge says. He looks over at Ula and Ethlehyn waiting to see if these two need to visit the rail first or not. "And yeah, you might want to pick up some of your gear."
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Ula, despite growing up on the coast and watching these ships in the harbour most of her life, has never really ventured out past the edges of the cove. These waves aren't like anything she's experienced before. Her parents warned her that sailing didn't run in the family.
Just as Avaria and Val turn back from the rails, Ula takes her turn.
Disadvantage on Dex checks for the next 1 hour than can re-roll save.
While Ula works alongside Ethlehyn, the human might notice that Ula doesn’t show any sign that she’s phased by her condition in the slightest.
She holds the caster’s gaze like she might with anyone else, but not so much that she’d think the dwarf was staring. She doesn’t keep her distance unnecessarily or refrain from touching, if the job requires working in close quarters. She doesn’t ask after it, or say anything insensitive.
Ethlehyn, almost as if having spent so much time in libraries has made her more susceptible to unsteady planks under her feet, barely makes it to the edge of the ship; barely as in she'll be doing some extra cleaning duty on the gunwale before earning her break from light duties.
Disadvantage on Dex checks and half speed for the next 1 hour than can re-roll save
Eran Bigge looks back to Marrin and shakes his head. "Wouldn't have figured you to be the one not to get a touch of the mal de mer.Get your gear and meet me on the lower deck. I'll explain once we're below."
Once you all get finished admiring the view from the edge of the boat and grab your gear, you meet Bigge on the lower deck.
"Follow me down to the lower hold," the quarter master says.
Without even looking, Eran picks the proper key from his impressive keyring and opens the door into the dimly lit hold and makes a sideways gesture with his head to indicate you are supposed to go inside.
“Alright, here we are.” He sighs heavily as if about to divulge a particularly shameful secret. “We have rats” he says plainly. “It would ruin our reputation as a clean ship if rumor o’ this were to spread, so I’d be much obliged if you keep this between us. If ye can take care o’ them rats for me, I promise you’ll get at least until tomorrow lunch time off.”
He ushers you into the hold and as he's about to shut the door behind you he adds. "Not just any rats, mind you. These are big ones. Right nasty."
He closes the door to the hold and speaks through a small, barred window, “I’ll leave ye to it then. And remember: don’t let anyone find out about this. Come find me when yer all tidied up.”
You hear his boot steps echo away until you are left with only the sound of the water and gentle creaking of the ship’s hull.
Ula feels a little better after being sick, but still has a lingering dizzy feeling. When she makes it back to the quartermaster she nods and looks around to the others, ready to grab her gear and head down into the ship.
Ethlehyn made use of Mage Hand whenever possible to make the work pass easier (such as bundling and tying the ropes and riggings. The work was hard on her even so, and the prospect of taking the evening off sounded magical.
She was unprepared for how unsteady the ship would feel out here on the open sea. She poured all of her effort into self control, so as not to appear weak or infirm. As such, she fails to notice how comfortable Ula is around her deformities.
She was just beginning to tell herself she was finding her sea-legs, when she lost all equilibrium. No no no no no she thought as she scrambled for the side rail… but too late. Intense shame now commingled with her motion sickness as she followed the others below, silently trying to keep from wretching again.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
After settling her stomach, she smiles at Marrin and thanks her for getting her gear. She secures it in place and follows Bigge down. As he describes the issue and leaves, she looks to the others, "Right then. Rats, we got this. And nice job persuading Bigge until lunch tomorrow on the time off."
She gets her greataxe in her hands and gives it a couple swings, warming up her arms for whatever size rats they are about to come across.
Ula shudders. Under her breath she breaths, “Rats… why did it have to be rats?…”. She gladly dons her shield (emblazoned with the symbol of the cresting wave again) and readies her warhammer, which looks decidedly like it was designed to club rats. “Bring it on”, she says with a sideways look of ‘ready’ to the shifter at her side.
Janellae wipes her mouth delicately, before vanishing any of the sick that go on her, or any she spots on her bunkmates. She quietly offers an arm to Ethlehyn if she needs it, but doesn't make a production of it one way or the other.
Once in the hold, she tests the door, "Did he really just lock us in with big nasty rats and then just leave?!"
She says clear of Avaria swinging the axe about and sighs.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM:Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Avaria smiles at Ula by her side, and as she gives her great axe a couple swings, she starts to change...shift.
The exposed skin on her arms and legs get much, much hairier... even a bit more hair on her neck and face, the color of the hair matching her wolf like ears. A big bushy tail suddenly pops out between a slit of her clothing, and her fingers look a bit more clawlike as they grip the handle of the axe. Her facial features change a bit... more wolflike but still human.
"I'm always ready for a hunt." she says through her now sharpened teeth.
The ship’s hold is dimly lit by a half dozen small port holes on either side of the room. The weathered glass shows its age but is otherwise kept remarkably clean. All around the hold are crates of supplies, trade goods to be sold at port, and what looks to be chests that likely hold the personal belongings of the other passengers. Large stacks of crates are tied down with netting.
And, while you all noticed the quarter master unlock the door to let you into the hold, no one remembers hearing him lock the door when he left.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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"A special problem... in the hold... that you want us for? And why might tha- *hurgk*... And why might that be?"
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
As land slips away from them and Avaria feels the sea beneath her feet, it is a strange feeling for her. A mix of homesickness and a relief of finally leaving that area. A sense of wonder also washes over her until she notices the black line over the horizon. The foreboding worsens after the Quarter Master speaks about it. Well, she thinks, at least she is with this group of women and not on her own. They seem friendly.
When Bigge asks for their help, she asks, "What kind of help? Most of our stuff is below, are we going to need it?"
CON save 8
Val, as you listen to the quartermaster you can see that he definitely looks a little anxious about whatever the problem is in the hold. You get the impression, especially from his quick glances over at the other five passengers, that whatever it is, he doesn't want them to know about it.
Eran Bigge opens his mouth to answer, but before he can, you feel a significant discomfort in your stomach. The water and snack you just had does not want to stay down. You have just enough time to make it to the railing before it all comes back out.
Disadvantage on Dex checks for the next 1 hour than can re-roll save.
Con save: 17
"Until after lunch tomorrow."
Marrin counters, if she isn't being sick on herself.
Persuasion: 11
Unfortunately, before Avaria can get an answer to her question, she urgently joins Val at the rails to feed the fish.
Disadvantage on Dex checks for the next 1 hour than can re-roll save.
Eran Bigge looks after Avaria and Val as they race to the side of the boat, a smile creeping up under the frown and even a chuckle escaping his lips. He turns his attention to Marrin, who while feeling a little queasy manages to look to the horizon until her stomach settles.
"Keep it quiet and do it quickly, and, yeah, no duties until lunch tomorrow." Bigge says. He looks over at Ula and Ethlehyn waiting to see if these two need to visit the rail first or not. "And yeah, you might want to pick up some of your gear."
Ula’s CON save: 9
GILLAIN OF ATHKATLA - Human Paladin - Into the Mists PHILLIP THE GRUNG - Grung Eldritch Knight - Tomb of Annihilation
ROBWIN WINDROBE - High Elf Wizard - Dragon of Icespire Peak EVE DARKSHORE - Tiefling Warlock - Rime of the Frost Maiden
ASH OF THE FIRE - Tabaxi Rogue - Ghosts of Marshswamp LIA STARBORN - Aasimar Bard - Out of the Abyss
((Wow, we're definitely not going to be sailors!))
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Ula, despite growing up on the coast and watching these ships in the harbour most of her life, has never really ventured out past the edges of the cove. These waves aren't like anything she's experienced before. Her parents warned her that sailing didn't run in the family.
Just as Avaria and Val turn back from the rails, Ula takes her turn.
Disadvantage on Dex checks for the next 1 hour than can re-roll save.
While Ula works alongside Ethlehyn, the human might notice that Ula doesn’t show any sign that she’s phased by her condition in the slightest.
She holds the caster’s gaze like she might with anyone else, but not so much that she’d think the dwarf was staring. She doesn’t keep her distance unnecessarily or refrain from touching, if the job requires working in close quarters. She doesn’t ask after it, or say anything insensitive.
Its as if the disfigurement wasn’t even there.
GILLAIN OF ATHKATLA - Human Paladin - Into the Mists PHILLIP THE GRUNG - Grung Eldritch Knight - Tomb of Annihilation
ROBWIN WINDROBE - High Elf Wizard - Dragon of Icespire Peak EVE DARKSHORE - Tiefling Warlock - Rime of the Frost Maiden
ASH OF THE FIRE - Tabaxi Rogue - Ghosts of Marshswamp LIA STARBORN - Aasimar Bard - Out of the Abyss
Marrin sighs as Ula and Ethel make their way to the railing.
"Not making a strong impression here ladies."
She'll ask Erran,
"Where in the hold and what is it? Capture sort of thing or get rid of?"
Then she'll go grab her roommates gear for them.
Ethlehyn, almost as if having spent so much time in libraries has made her more susceptible to unsteady planks under her feet, barely makes it to the edge of the ship; barely as in she'll be doing some extra cleaning duty on the gunwale before earning her break from light duties.
Disadvantage on Dex checks and half speed for the next 1 hour than can re-roll save
Eran Bigge looks back to Marrin and shakes his head. "Wouldn't have figured you to be the one not to get a touch of the mal de mer. Get your gear and meet me on the lower deck. I'll explain once we're below."
Once you all get finished admiring the view from the edge of the boat and grab your gear, you meet Bigge on the lower deck.
"Follow me down to the lower hold," the quarter master says.
Without even looking, Eran picks the proper key from his impressive keyring and opens the door into the dimly lit hold and makes a sideways gesture with his head to indicate you are supposed to go inside.
“Alright, here we are.” He sighs heavily as if about to divulge a particularly shameful secret. “We have rats” he says plainly. “It would ruin our reputation as a clean ship if rumor o’ this were to spread, so I’d be much obliged if you keep this between us. If ye can take care o’ them rats for me, I promise you’ll get at least until tomorrow lunch time off.”
He ushers you into the hold and as he's about to shut the door behind you he adds. "Not just any rats, mind you. These are big ones. Right nasty."
He closes the door to the hold and speaks through a small, barred window, “I’ll leave ye to it then. And remember: don’t let anyone find out about this. Come find me when yer
all tidied up.”
You hear his boot steps echo away until you are left with only the sound of the water and gentle creaking of the ship’s hull.
Ula feels a little better after being sick, but still has a lingering dizzy feeling. When she makes it back to the quartermaster she nods and looks around to the others, ready to grab her gear and head down into the ship.
GILLAIN OF ATHKATLA - Human Paladin - Into the Mists PHILLIP THE GRUNG - Grung Eldritch Knight - Tomb of Annihilation
ROBWIN WINDROBE - High Elf Wizard - Dragon of Icespire Peak EVE DARKSHORE - Tiefling Warlock - Rime of the Frost Maiden
ASH OF THE FIRE - Tabaxi Rogue - Ghosts of Marshswamp LIA STARBORN - Aasimar Bard - Out of the Abyss
Ethlehyn made use of Mage Hand whenever possible to make the work pass easier (such as bundling and tying the ropes and riggings. The work was hard on her even so, and the prospect of taking the evening off sounded magical.
She was unprepared for how unsteady the ship would feel out here on the open sea. She poured all of her effort into self control, so as not to appear weak or infirm. As such, she fails to notice how comfortable Ula is around her deformities.
She was just beginning to tell herself she was finding her sea-legs, when she lost all equilibrium. No no no no no she thought as she scrambled for the side rail… but too late. Intense shame now commingled with her motion sickness as she followed the others below, silently trying to keep from wretching again.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
After settling her stomach, she smiles at Marrin and thanks her for getting her gear. She secures it in place and follows Bigge down. As he describes the issue and leaves, she looks to the others, "Right then. Rats, we got this. And nice job persuading Bigge until lunch tomorrow on the time off."
She gets her greataxe in her hands and gives it a couple swings, warming up her arms for whatever size rats they are about to come across.
Ula shudders. Under her breath she breaths, “Rats… why did it have to be rats?…”. She gladly dons her shield (emblazoned with the symbol of the cresting wave again) and readies her warhammer, which looks decidedly like it was designed to club rats. “Bring it on”, she says with a sideways look of ‘ready’ to the shifter at her side.
GILLAIN OF ATHKATLA - Human Paladin - Into the Mists PHILLIP THE GRUNG - Grung Eldritch Knight - Tomb of Annihilation
ROBWIN WINDROBE - High Elf Wizard - Dragon of Icespire Peak EVE DARKSHORE - Tiefling Warlock - Rime of the Frost Maiden
ASH OF THE FIRE - Tabaxi Rogue - Ghosts of Marshswamp LIA STARBORN - Aasimar Bard - Out of the Abyss
Janellae wipes her mouth delicately, before vanishing any of the sick that go on her, or any she spots on her bunkmates. She quietly offers an arm to Ethlehyn if she needs it, but doesn't make a production of it one way or the other.
Once in the hold, she tests the door, "Did he really just lock us in with big nasty rats and then just leave?!"
She says clear of Avaria swinging the axe about and sighs.
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
Avaria smiles at Ula by her side, and as she gives her great axe a couple swings, she starts to change...shift.
The exposed skin on her arms and legs get much, much hairier... even a bit more hair on her neck and face, the color of the hair matching her wolf like ears. A big bushy tail suddenly pops out between a slit of her clothing, and her fingers look a bit more clawlike as they grip the handle of the axe. Her facial features change a bit... more wolflike but still human.
"I'm always ready for a hunt." she says through her now sharpened teeth.
The ship’s hold is dimly lit by a half dozen small port holes on either side of the room. The weathered glass shows its age but is otherwise kept remarkably clean. All around the hold are crates of supplies, trade goods to be sold at port, and what looks to be chests that likely hold the personal belongings of the other passengers. Large stacks of crates are tied down with netting.
And, while you all noticed the quarter master unlock the door to let you into the hold, no one remembers hearing him lock the door when he left.