"It looks like Zybilna has helped each of you. Then I hope you do your best to help her if she needs it. You may leave when ready. There is also a general store in this hamlet if anyone need to make any purchases before setting out for the Carnival."says Madryck
"But wait! If we get to Prismeer, how do we get back? We won't be able to bring you any information about your patron, Mr. Roslof, if we get stuck in the Feywild!"
Absinthe pulls out a bag of “Ghost’s Library” and grins as she opens it and starts packing it down with her fingers, before grabbing a match and lighting it. Putting her briar pipe to her lips she gives an introductory puff and sighs in contentment. “Oohhhh, that’s nice! Well, anyway, I think we should totally help her out because she’s been so nice to all of us, right?”
Indeed. I have a faint memory of such a woman. It was during my apprenticeship. I was just about to pluck a poisonous flower and she stopped me. Pom, who is usually quite collected, now looks a bit fazed by the fact everyone here shares a connection of sorts. When do we want to leave? I have to grab a few things and close shop.
Eudith answers Pom, "I can be ready to go at a moment's notice, but understand that's not the case for everyone here. Before we leave the guildhall though, Mister Roslof: Is there anything else we should know?"
"Yes. Her palace is called Heart's Desire. It is located in the middle of Prismeer. She should be found within."says Madryck. He stands with the aid of his cane. You can hear the creak of his bones. "I think it is time I retire to my room. I wish each of you luck in your endeavors"The pixies do there best to steady him as he heads upstairs.
Surely an intriguing character he is. And so are all of you. It will be a pleasure to travel and get to know you. Pom stands in front of you with her arms crossed. As i mentioned before i'd have some things to resolve before i can leave and so might Abby. May i suggest we all run our errands and meet back here in one hour, She turns to Abby and continues to her directly, a bit quiteter but still loud enough for all to be audible Or is that too little?
The harengon hops up and kind of hops from one foot to the other in place, a mixture of excitement and anxiety. "Oh! When I left the sacred grove, I put myself in the hands of the fates. And didn't I say just this morning when we saw the rainbow, Hisashi, that is was an auspicious sign? And now we meet an old friend from my past and these other women here, all with a connection to thisarchfey!"As she talks, she fumbles with her pack to remove some papers covered with diagrams and notes. She points to a page as though it shows you anything, "And it's just at the beginning of a waxing crescent moon -- the best time for undertaking a new project! But -- oh! 'Hopefully Zybilna is fine?''If she is, she can send you back here?' What would we do if she's not? Would we be trapped in the Feywild like a child in those old stories about changelings?"
Val settles down as she carefully arranges her papers and puts them back in her backpack. "But I'm only packed for light travel. If we're going on an adventure into the Feywild, I need to get some things. And...and...oh!" Val stops as if something just occurred to her, hops down off the bench, and turns to face the tall women.
She takes a deep breath. "While Fate has brought us together, it does not make very good introductions! If we are going to be traveling together...we should...I mean." She stands for moment, almost panting. Then, another deep breath, and, "My name is Valrieth. I am an initiate in the Old Faith. I left my sacred grove a couple of weeks ago, following the path laid out by the Fates." She turns and grabs Hisashi's arm to pull her up to standing. "And this is my friend Hisashi. Fate led her to me just in time to save me from some ruffians who were harassing me on the road a few days ago. She's a wandering and...uh...enthusiastic warrior who is talking her...Sun Walk, I think she calls it? Away from her clan."
The Kobold nods along with Val's summary swinging her legs as she sits in her seat. "Yup, yup, it's nice to meet cha. Da name is Hisashi, you can say it like His-a-shi or my Baba called me Hes-ashy, or Hisa for short too. I don't think I need to go shopping. I can wait here, I can."
Hisashi folds her legs to sit patiently whilst the rest of the party converses or goes off to buy their items.
A Sun Walk?, Eudith thinks. What a strange mirror of my own journey.
"I am 'Eudith de la Lune, knight-in-training in service of Selune the goddess of the moon'; but just Eudith is fine. I knew Valrieth years ago, growing up in Waterdeep, and more recently got to know Absinthe. Hisashi and... 'Pommy' was it? I am pleased to meet you both for the first time. Tell me a little about yourselves. Where do you come from, and what capabilities do you bring to this quest?"
It was Pom, not yet 'Pommy' for you, but you got good chances you'll end up there. She smiles while speaking Not much about me, really. I live here and sell things made of plants. Pleasure to meet you all. Looks like an energetic group we have here. I will try to balance it out a bit. Pom's last two sentences give you the impression that she enjoys a calm environment but she genuinely appreciates your presences. She is also fairly used to it because of Abby.
"Ah you make plant juice and potions like my Baba den? A good thing, it is. I come from underneath the ground, in a cave system I think is what it's called. Dis my first time explorin da outside full time. I like all the explorin and tings are much different so I'm learnin tons to bring back to my tribe." She struggles through parts of the description as Hishashi herself hasn't fully grasped her purpose or the gravity of her pilgrimage. It had only been a few weeks after all and many more days stand in front of her.
Val's ears swivel toward each speaker as the tiefling and humans talk. Sometimes, each ear aiming toward a different speaker at the same time. She stands very still and gives the tall folk a lingering but blank look that's hard to read. Finally, she starts moving again, slowly at first, turning back toward her backpack. She says over her shoulder, "Pom, you suggested that we meet back here in about an hour? That should be long enough for me as long I can find the store to buy some supplies. I need some things before I'm traveling off into the Wild again." She finishes her mead, straps on her backpack, and turns to Hisashi. "Are you sure that you don't mind waiting for us here, Hisa? We'll be back soon."
“I’ll sit with you guys since I packed all of my stuff.” Absinthe smiles as she looks to the rest of the group, then Pom, “Pommmmyyyyy, we’ve got time to kill. Want an ale~?”
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"It looks like Zybilna has helped each of you. Then I hope you do your best to help her if she needs it. You may leave when ready. There is also a general store in this hamlet if anyone need to make any purchases before setting out for the Carnival." says Madryck
Hisashi nods in agreement with the party. Finishing her drink
. “Ay ay, we do her a favor for the things she did for us no?”
"It's the only right thing to do," Eudith says, agreeing with the small charcoal-colored kobold.
"But wait! If we get to Prismeer, how do we get back? We won't be able to bring you any information about your patron, Mr. Roslof, if we get stuck in the Feywild!"
"Every adventure has risks. I hope Zybilna is fine and if she is she can easily send you back here" says Madryck
Absinthe pulls out a bag of “Ghost’s Library” and grins as she opens it and starts packing it down with her fingers, before grabbing a match and lighting it. Putting her briar pipe to her lips she gives an introductory puff and sighs in contentment. “Oohhhh, that’s nice! Well, anyway, I think we should totally help her out because she’s been so nice to all of us, right?”
Indeed. I have a faint memory of such a woman. It was during my apprenticeship. I was just about to pluck a poisonous flower and she stopped me. Pom, who is usually quite collected, now looks a bit fazed by the fact everyone here shares a connection of sorts. When do we want to leave? I have to grab a few things and close shop.
Olloray Dim - Limbo's Pit
Gunther Korroden - Nightmares in the Mist
Eudith answers Pom, "I can be ready to go at a moment's notice, but understand that's not the case for everyone here. Before we leave the guildhall though, Mister Roslof: Is there anything else we should know?"
"Yes. Her palace is called Heart's Desire. It is located in the middle of Prismeer. She should be found within." says Madryck. He stands with the aid of his cane. You can hear the creak of his bones. "I think it is time I retire to my room. I wish each of you luck in your endeavors" The pixies do there best to steady him as he heads upstairs.
Surely an intriguing character he is. And so are all of you. It will be a pleasure to travel and get to know you. Pom stands in front of you with her arms crossed. As i mentioned before i'd have some things to resolve before i can leave and so might Abby. May i suggest we all run our errands and meet back here in one hour, She turns to Abby and continues to her directly, a bit quiteter but still loud enough for all to be audible Or is that too little?
{{ what time is it now? }}
Olloray Dim - Limbo's Pit
Gunther Korroden - Nightmares in the Mist
The harengon hops up and kind of hops from one foot to the other in place, a mixture of excitement and anxiety. "Oh! When I left the sacred grove, I put myself in the hands of the fates. And didn't I say just this morning when we saw the rainbow, Hisashi, that is was an auspicious sign? And now we meet an old friend from my past and these other women here, all with a connection to this archfey!" As she talks, she fumbles with her pack to remove some papers covered with diagrams and notes. She points to a page as though it shows you anything, "And it's just at the beginning of a waxing crescent moon -- the best time for undertaking a new project! But -- oh! 'Hopefully Zybilna is fine?' 'If she is, she can send you back here?' What would we do if she's not? Would we be trapped in the Feywild like a child in those old stories about changelings?"
Val settles down as she carefully arranges her papers and puts them back in her backpack. "But I'm only packed for light travel. If we're going on an adventure into the Feywild, I need to get some things. And...and...oh!" Val stops as if something just occurred to her, hops down off the bench, and turns to face the tall women.
She takes a deep breath. "While Fate has brought us together, it does not make very good introductions! If we are going to be traveling together...we should...I mean." She stands for moment, almost panting. Then, another deep breath, and, "My name is Valrieth. I am an initiate in the Old Faith. I left my sacred grove a couple of weeks ago, following the path laid out by the Fates." She turns and grabs Hisashi's arm to pull her up to standing. "And this is my friend Hisashi. Fate led her to me just in time to save me from some ruffians who were harassing me on the road a few days ago. She's a wandering and...uh...enthusiastic warrior who is talking her...Sun Walk, I think she calls it? Away from her clan."
The Kobold nods along with Val's summary swinging her legs as she sits in her seat. "Yup, yup, it's nice to meet cha. Da name is Hisashi, you can say it like His-a-shi or my Baba called me Hes-ashy, or Hisa for short too. I don't think I need to go shopping. I can wait here, I can."
Hisashi folds her legs to sit patiently whilst the rest of the party converses or goes off to buy their items.
A Sun Walk?, Eudith thinks. What a strange mirror of my own journey.
"I am 'Eudith de la Lune, knight-in-training in service of Selune the goddess of the moon'; but just Eudith is fine. I knew Valrieth years ago, growing up in Waterdeep, and more recently got to know Absinthe. Hisashi and... 'Pommy' was it? I am pleased to meet you both for the first time. Tell me a little about yourselves. Where do you come from, and what capabilities do you bring to this quest?"
It was Pom, not yet 'Pommy' for you, but you got good chances you'll end up there. She smiles while speaking Not much about me, really. I live here and sell things made of plants. Pleasure to meet you all. Looks like an energetic group we have here. I will try to balance it out a bit. Pom's last two sentences give you the impression that she enjoys a calm environment but she genuinely appreciates your presences. She is also fairly used to it because of Abby.
Olloray Dim - Limbo's Pit
Gunther Korroden - Nightmares in the Mist
"Ah you make plant juice and potions like my Baba den? A good thing, it is. I come from underneath the ground, in a cave system I think is what it's called. Dis my first time explorin da outside full time. I like all the explorin and tings are much different so I'm learnin tons to bring back to my tribe." She struggles through parts of the description as Hishashi herself hasn't fully grasped her purpose or the gravity of her pilgrimage. It had only been a few weeks after all and many more days stand in front of her.
Absinthe protectively puts a hand around Pom’s neck (not trying to harm her) “My Pommy!” She pouts… before giggling. “I’m kidding, I’m not weird.”
Val's ears swivel toward each speaker as the tiefling and humans talk. Sometimes, each ear aiming toward a different speaker at the same time. She stands very still and gives the tall folk a lingering but blank look that's hard to read. Finally, she starts moving again, slowly at first, turning back toward her backpack. She says over her shoulder, "Pom, you suggested that we meet back here in about an hour? That should be long enough for me as long I can find the store to buy some supplies. I need some things before I'm traveling off into the Wild again." She finishes her mead, straps on her backpack, and turns to Hisashi. "Are you sure that you don't mind waiting for us here, Hisa? We'll be back soon."
Hisa nods, "No worries, I sit and meditate, maybe a drink...just one more."
“I’ll sit with you guys since I packed all of my stuff.” Absinthe smiles as she looks to the rest of the group, then Pom, “Pommmmyyyyy, we’ve got time to kill. Want an ale~?”