Sweet lute sounds waft in through the satyr and purple tieflings door. The satyr clears his throat and begins singing (performance: nat' 1 + 3 = 4).
"The first years arrived to the proud Dresar Hall These Wizards and Druids and Warlocks and Bards Arrived from far lands, they followed a call To study the weave, the magical arts."
A slight knot in Mellori’s brow formed at the mention of being ‘Mei’s Mellori’ but her face soon returned to normal as she listened to the recounting of the cards, and what they told Mei.
“I’ve heard about the Feywild, but never experienced it first-hand. My learning has all been from books, I’ve never had a tutor and nobody I know seems to be able to do magic. Which is why I’m so excited to be here – and can’t wait for lessons to start.”
“I realise I have so much to learn and would be fascinated to hear all about Fey Magic,”she added as her room-mate’s hand enveloped hers, the amethyst eyes meeting Melori’s own indigo irises.
“And given the size of the room, I really don’t mind which side I take,” she adds as she puts her bag down on the untaken bed. Her eyes scan the plethora of objects of Mei’s and almost apologetically, Mellori unpacks her few non-uniform clothes, a small ornate box – which she places carefully on her bedside table, and it appears that the majority of her possessions are books, which she places on a shelf. A casual glance shows they are all magic books and part of the prescribed reading for Strixhaven students.
...someone like you... The purple-skinned tiefling's jaw clenches briefly at the satyr's words. It was to be expected though, a part of him hoped he wouldn't be a devil-spawn here at Strixhaven, just Malvyn, but he knew he himself was biased about satyrs, and all the other races for that matter. At least he was a fellowed horned one he thought, smiling briefly to himself. "Think nothing of it...roomie." Malvyn says with a friendly smile, turning to face the apologizing satyr. "There are certainly tieflings that deserve a fair amount of suspicion, but maybe they are simply becoming what people assume they are. I hope to earn your friendship Knap, yours and the others."
The tiefling nods and is ready to leave to rejoin with the others as the sounds of a lute reaches room 403. Malvyn is just about to comment on the quality of the performance and that he had heard a drunken pirate with hooks for hands play better back home, but as Knap starts singing with an incompetence even rivalring that of the lute player he pales and turns to look out the window, trying to hide his discomfort over the cacaphony of sounds. "That...that was quite poetic Knap." He says as the satyr finally finishes, still looking away, avoiding to comment on the actual technique of the singing. "Just a little more practice with the singing and maybe we will all hear you perform at some stage here at Strixhaven." He adds with a friendly smile, turning to face Knap again. "What do you say, get back out with the others, can't keep the ladies waiting." He says, then feeling surprised over his own choice of words. Maybe Knap's and Guardok's confidence was already rubbing off on him, Malvyn hoped he wouldn't have to regret that.
Guardok hears the out of tune singing coming from the next room, accompanying his out of tune lute playing, and assumes it is being done sarcastically.
"Yeah, yeah, I get it, no need to take the...", he calls to the other room, ending the sentence with a chuckle. "I swear that magic portal must have messed with the tuning!", he offers by way of excuse explanation as he walks into Malvyn and Knap's room whilst fiddling with the tuning on his lute.
"Still no sign of my room mate, and I don't fancy sitting by myself playing badly any more. What's the plan?"
The purple-skinned tiefling pales again as he realizes it is Guardok playing the lute. "I'm not a musician myself but I have read you are supposed to tune your instrument once in a while." He says with a weak smile, looking down at the fairly short genasi still fiddling, trying to sound as friendly and polite as possible. "I believe the plan was to head back out into the common area but there is no rush, take your time tuning your instrument, please." He adds with a playful smile now. "If your room mate does not turn up you are always welcome in here, just tune your instruments first. If you and Knap decide to rehearse together I'm sure there are places with a much better acoustic than in here though."
"There are certainly tieflings that deserve a fair amount of suspicion, but maybe they are simply becoming what people assume they are. I hope to earn your friendship Knap, yours and the others."
"Just a little more practice with the singing and maybe we will all hear you perform at some stage here at Strixhaven." He adds with a friendly smile, turning to face Knap again. "What do you say, get back out with the others, can't keep the ladies waiting." He says, then feeling surprised over his own choice of words. Maybe Knap's and Guardok's confidence was already rubbing off on him, Malvyn hoped he wouldn't have to regret that.
The satyr sighs with relief knowing he didn't offend the tiefling too deeply.
"I'm the first to admit that I'm more of a lyricist than singer," Knap says as Guardok enters the room, "but him…no excuse."
"Yeah, let's go check on the others. I'm a little sleepy so excuse me if I'm not all there."
Lesviel looks relieved as Mei emerges from the sheet bring magically placed on her bed. "Oh! I hope that doesn't happen too often," she says. After making sure Mei is fine, she leaves her and Mellori to themselves. "My room is 401," she notes as she goes. "If you continue around there's a lounge as well. Oh, and a study room - for... well... studying!"
She moves back along the hall, catching up with Guardok, Malvyn, and Knap. "How are you gentleman doing? Getting all set? Some nice music! I play the flute a little myself. When you've settled in here there's a lounge you can check out further along."
Taking a nosy curious peek at the books, Mei drifts towards the window to give Mellori more space, but thinks better of it as her stomach turns at the prospect of looking out. Or down. “Oh, I suppose my experience is mooorrree… secondhand than first! We have a grove and spring in my village blessed by a dryad and it’s tradition to bathe a child in it on their first bir—wait did you say you’re self-taught?” Mei’s eyebrows arch high into her forehead. “Mellori that’s…” she blink-blinks again before hopping once on her feet and exclaiming in her quiet way, “amazing!! I’ve been taught since I was little so I can hardly claim any natural talent, but you… are you hoping to claim a school of wizardry? We can trade spells if you are!” It's a strange feeling this, getting to share her magic with others rather than be sequestered away for tutelage, isolated from her peers.
Her attention is briefly drawn to the off-tune music and activity outside their room before turning back to her roommate. She does note how little the other student seems to have brought with her, and what all it might mean that no one where she lived was able to do magic. What, then, did they do instead? Perhaps these were things they would eventually share with one another. "And I might have a book on the Feywild with me if you're interested," she offers, ducking beneath a pair of traditional looking robes being lifted from her bag to parse through her books. "Though I bet there's a multitude of students here from the Wilds, so they'd certainly be better firsthand sources. And, um, I don't want to assume he's from the actual plane, but I did notice you were standing with a Satyr boy downstairs too?"
As Mellori puts her final book on the shelf, a small object falls from it. Picking it up from the floor, she recognises it instantly as a fishing hook. Smiling, she puts it next to the ornate puzzle box next to her bed.
Mellori turns to face Mei. “It didn’t occur to me that there would be a village of mages. I had to learn from books and I kind of assumed everyone did.”
Her interest truly piqued, she added, “Is trading spells a thing? If so, I’d be glad to teach you what I know. Not high-level stuff but…you know…interesting.”
She pulled an old piece of gnarled wood from a pocket. “My wand,”she said by way of explanation. “It allows me to focus my magic.”She gave it a swish and a flick and pointed her wand at the bed. On it appeared a cat – or rather what appeared to be a ghost cat. “Couldn’t have one at home – given it would eat all our fish, so I found out how to have the next best thing.”The cat looked up at Mei, turned a few circles on the bed, then settled down to sleep.
Mellori wondered if her cat was wailing initially, then realised the awful noise was coming from outside. Frowning, she tilted her head to the noise and then sighed.
“I’d read literally any book you had, and the Feywild would be an especially interesting read.”
Finally her brow knitted briefly. “I’ve not a lot of experience of other races. I live, or rather lived, in a fishing village for most of the time. I did see a few dwarves and elves in the library when I left my island to visit but my knowledge of others comes from…well, you’ve probably guessed it…books.”
Guardok looks a little embarrassed by all the teasing coming from Mal and Knap, but takes it on the chin without sulking. When Lesviel pops her head in and he realises she had heard as well, his cheeks turn a lava like red for a few moments.
He scratches the back of his neck and sucks his breath in through his teeth before replying. "We are doing fine, just tuning my lute. I guess I still have a lot to learn, and at least I am in the right place", he says, a smile sneaking back on his face. "You know, I play the flute as well. And the lyre. I used to think I was a bit of a musician, but now I'm not so sure", he adds with a chuckle.
Turning back to Knap and Mal, "We should check out that lounge, see if anyone else is hanging out there".
Well, she did say 'literally any book,' Mei thinks as she picks up a second one, far thinner than the first. She places both on Mellori's bedside table--Heart of the Wilds, a romance-adventure set in the Feywild judging by the shirtless, muscular Eladrin on the cover and a maiden with a bow that clings to him, and a thick academic text titled The Social Contract: Political and Social Theory of the Courts and Fey, Vol. I--before plopping down on her bed with a small bounce
"Oooh! Do they have a name?" she asks before cooing softly at the ghost cat--her familiar perhaps?--and juuusstt resisting the urge to go give them scritches. "And I think that'll be the case for many of us here!" she smiles, tucking her legs up against herself and curling her arms around them, chin rested upon her knees. "We're lucky to get visitors from all sorts of places and planes to our village, but this is my first time ever stepping foot outside of it, actually!" Her arms tighten around her legs. "Is your village on this plane? Or are you an out-of-planer?"
Noticing Guardok seeming embarrassed, Malvyn feels quite guilty. For some reason he imagined the confident genasi would not care too much about anyone teasing him, certainly not a tiefling. "I'm sorry Guardok, that was quite impolite of me, to be fair no one can make a lute sound good unless it is tuned I think. I would be happy to enjoy your music and I'm sure the others will too." He says, trying to sound encouraging, but it is honestly all a bit awkward sounding as this is all new to him, trying to comfort and reassure someone.
As Lesviel enters the room Malvyn goes silent, hoping the elf would not notice how nervous he is in her presence. When she mentions she plays the flute and Guardok says he plays several instruments Malvyn gets a bit envious of the carefree genasi again. He wonders if reading dusty old tomes and mastering strange languages would ever seem interesting to anyone but himself. If he were to find someone who would share his interests it would likely be here in Strixhaven though he thinks to himself feeling slightly comforted and encouraged by the thought.
"Yes, the lounge."He says with a smile and a nod to Guardok, checking the tome in his shoulderbag before following the others to explore the rest of Dresar Hall.
As Lesviel steps into view of room 403 the satyr bashfully turns his eyes towards the floor, "I can play the pan flute…but I lost mine. I'll try to make another when I come by some bamboo." He rocks gently to and fro with hands behind his back, face flushed, "I'm looking forward to the forth floor orchestra to make its debut."
Knap trots off following close behind Malvyn and Guardok.
Lesviel laughs lightly. "A fourth floor orchestra is an intetesting idea. Though I don't think all of us are musicians."
She then glances down the hall towards Room 404."No sign of your roommate Guardok? I should head downstairs to see if I can find him. I'll see you in a little while."
As others head for the lounge, she heads towards Room 405. She glances in the door if open. "Hi Mae, Chara. Settling in?"
Mae softens her finger drumming a bit and looks over at Lesviel for a moment and blinks. "I am alright I think, thank you. I think it will take some time to feel really settled. Can't speak for Chara though, I haven't even seen her yet."
"Oh?" Lesviel replies to Mae. "I thought Chara had come up with Mellori. Wonder where she's gotten to." She shrugs a bit, not seeming too concerned. "I can totally understand it taking a bit to settle in. That's pretty normal. If you want to talk, anytime, I'm in Room 401. It's... well... I imagine you can figure out where it is. Anyhow, some of the others mentioned gathering in the lounge. If you head back towards the Levitation Disk it's just past that. If you wanted to join them of course." She gives Mae a smile. "I'm headed back downstairs for a bit. We still haven't seen Piero. And I guess we need to track down Chara too! But I'll be back up in a bit."
She gives a quick wave and heads for the Levitation Disk.
On exiting his room, Knap turns to go check in and see what Mei and Melori are up to but overhears them talking about other planes and the Feywild. With a sad sigh he turns the other direction and instead goes to the check in on the flaxen-haired bard. Standing about a foot from Mae’s door so as to not impose himself on her space: “Hey, it’s Mae right? Sorry, I have a terrible memory for names. And, sorry about the noisy song I was singing earlier; it must be the altitude… Where are you from? What's your favourite song? How long have you been following the bardic ways? Knap somewhat inconsiderately but entirely innocently bombards the bard with questions. "Anyway, Malvyn, Guardok and I are heading to the lounge if you’d like to join us? No pressure, it’s been a long day.”
Mellori casts an appreciative eye on the books that Mei has added. One instantly jumps out as being more academic – but she was appreciative of the fact that what appeared to be a work of fiction could be most enlightening at sharing moralities, norms and customs. She picks it up and smiles. “I’m sure it will be educational,”she says without a hint of sarcasm in her voice.
“And I call my cat Silvestris. She can be independent but tends to do whatever I ask her to. And I have the added bonus of being able to communicate with her even when she’s a distance away. Plus I can hear and see what she can. But she tends to scare mist folk, so I tend not to have her as a constant companion. But here may be different. And I'd be delighted to share the spell.”
“Oh, and I’m from another plane. But oddly I am probably better travelled as I leave my island village most days and visit the mainland. What about you, did you have to travel far?”
Strokes of pink brush over Mei’s cheeks when Mellori picks up the book of fiction, her shoulders rising up towards her ears with worry she might be teased or chastised for having it. But all of that anxiety falls away with a puff of relief at Mellori’s words and she beams across the room at the other wizard.
“Silvestris,” she tries out, watching the cat with a curious smile. Her brow softens at the thought of people being scared of her magic. Another reflection of self, she thinks. It's with gentle reassurance, for both Mellori and herself, that she agrees, tucking a bit of hair behind her ear, "I think here will be different."
"And I'll have to introduce her to Pom Poko later! He can be a bit, um... mischievous, but he's a good boy! He's been a familiar in my family for generations, but we're still," she gives her cheek a sheepish scratch as she searches for the right words, "getting used to working together."
At Mellori's answer about being from another plane, Mei lights up. "Oh, you must've been on a lot of boats then! I've never been on a boat. Or to another plane, though I'd love to visit others one day. But I'm from the Vastlands! Er--from here, I mean. Arrived by tree this morning," she giggles. "It would've been a really long journey otherwise." Unobservant as she may be, she catches the silhouette of someone passing their doorway in her peripherals and perks up. "Would you like to... travel our floor a little bit? It seems like we might have more floormates now."
Mellori scowls slightly and then smiles. "I realise now just how much I have to learn." She picks up the more academic book now at her bedside. "Not so much this, I mean but about life. People. And when better to start than now."
She carefully places the book back on her bedside table and retrieves her wand again. Shaking her head slightly, she returns the wand to her pocket. "No Silvestris, you can stay here...no need to hide away."
Finally, turning to Mei, she adds, "OK, let's go. No time like the present."
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Sweet lute sounds waft in through the satyr and purple tieflings door. The satyr clears his throat and begins singing (performance: nat' 1 + 3 = 4).
"The first years arrived to the proud Dresar Hall
These Wizards and Druids and Warlocks and Bards
Arrived from far lands, they followed a call
To study the weave, the magical arts."
A slight knot in Mellori’s brow formed at the mention of being ‘Mei’s Mellori’ but her face soon returned to normal as she listened to the recounting of the cards, and what they told Mei.
“I’ve heard about the Feywild, but never experienced it first-hand. My learning has all been from books, I’ve never had a tutor and nobody I know seems to be able to do magic. Which is why I’m so excited to be here – and can’t wait for lessons to start.”
“I realise I have so much to learn and would be fascinated to hear all about Fey Magic,” she added as her room-mate’s hand enveloped hers, the amethyst eyes meeting Melori’s own indigo irises.
“And given the size of the room, I really don’t mind which side I take,” she adds as she puts her bag down on the untaken bed. Her eyes scan the plethora of objects of Mei’s and almost apologetically, Mellori unpacks her few non-uniform clothes, a small ornate box – which she places carefully on her bedside table, and it appears that the majority of her possessions are books, which she places on a shelf. A casual glance shows they are all magic books and part of the prescribed reading for Strixhaven students.
...someone like you... The purple-skinned tiefling's jaw clenches briefly at the satyr's words. It was to be expected though, a part of him hoped he wouldn't be a devil-spawn here at Strixhaven, just Malvyn, but he knew he himself was biased about satyrs, and all the other races for that matter. At least he was a fellowed horned one he thought, smiling briefly to himself. "Think nothing of it...roomie." Malvyn says with a friendly smile, turning to face the apologizing satyr. "There are certainly tieflings that deserve a fair amount of suspicion, but maybe they are simply becoming what people assume they are. I hope to earn your friendship Knap, yours and the others."
The tiefling nods and is ready to leave to rejoin with the others as the sounds of a lute reaches room 403. Malvyn is just about to comment on the quality of the performance and that he had heard a drunken pirate with hooks for hands play better back home, but as Knap starts singing with an incompetence even rivalring that of the lute player he pales and turns to look out the window, trying to hide his discomfort over the cacaphony of sounds. "That...that was quite poetic Knap." He says as the satyr finally finishes, still looking away, avoiding to comment on the actual technique of the singing. "Just a little more practice with the singing and maybe we will all hear you perform at some stage here at Strixhaven." He adds with a friendly smile, turning to face Knap again. "What do you say, get back out with the others, can't keep the ladies waiting." He says, then feeling surprised over his own choice of words. Maybe Knap's and Guardok's confidence was already rubbing off on him, Malvyn hoped he wouldn't have to regret that.
Guardok hears the out of tune singing coming from the next room, accompanying his out of tune lute playing, and assumes it is being done sarcastically.
"Yeah, yeah, I get it, no need to take the...", he calls to the other room, ending the sentence with a chuckle. "I swear that magic portal must have messed with the tuning!", he offers by way of
excuseexplanation as he walks into Malvyn and Knap's room whilst fiddling with the tuning on his lute."Still no sign of my room mate, and I don't fancy sitting by myself playing badly any more. What's the plan?"
The purple-skinned tiefling pales again as he realizes it is Guardok playing the lute. "I'm not a musician myself but I have read you are supposed to tune your instrument once in a while." He says with a weak smile, looking down at the fairly short genasi still fiddling, trying to sound as friendly and polite as possible. "I believe the plan was to head back out into the common area but there is no rush, take your time tuning your instrument, please." He adds with a playful smile now. "If your room mate does not turn up you are always welcome in here, just tune your instruments first. If you and Knap decide to rehearse together I'm sure there are places with a much better acoustic than in here though."
The satyr sighs with relief knowing he didn't offend the tiefling too deeply.
"I'm the first to admit that I'm more of a lyricist than singer," Knap says as Guardok enters the room, "but him…no excuse."
"Yeah, let's go check on the others. I'm a little sleepy so excuse me if I'm not all there."
Lesviel looks relieved as Mei emerges from the sheet bring magically placed on her bed. "Oh! I hope that doesn't happen too often," she says. After making sure Mei is fine, she leaves her and Mellori to themselves. "My room is 401," she notes as she goes. "If you continue around there's a lounge as well. Oh, and a study room - for... well... studying!"
She moves back along the hall, catching up with Guardok, Malvyn, and Knap. "How are you gentleman doing? Getting all set? Some nice music! I play the flute a little myself. When you've settled in here there's a lounge you can check out further along."
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
Taking a
nosycurious peek at the books, Mei drifts towards the window to give Mellori more space, but thinks better of it as her stomach turns at the prospect of looking out. Or down. “Oh, I suppose my experience is mooorrree… secondhand than first! We have a grove and spring in my village blessed by a dryad and it’s tradition to bathe a child in it on their first bir—wait did you say you’re self-taught?” Mei’s eyebrows arch high into her forehead. “Mellori that’s…” she blink-blinks again before hopping once on her feet and exclaiming in her quiet way, “amazing!! I’ve been taught since I was little so I can hardly claim any natural talent, but you… are you hoping to claim a school of wizardry? We can trade spells if you are!” It's a strange feeling this, getting to share her magic with others rather than be sequestered away for tutelage, isolated from her peers.Her attention is briefly drawn to the off-tune music and activity outside their room before turning back to her roommate. She does note how little the other student seems to have brought with her, and what all it might mean that no one where she lived was able to do magic. What, then, did they do instead? Perhaps these were things they would eventually share with one another. "And I might have a book on the Feywild with me if you're interested," she offers, ducking beneath a pair of traditional looking robes being lifted from her bag to parse through her books. "Though I bet there's a multitude of students here from the Wilds, so they'd certainly be better firsthand sources. And, um, I don't want to assume he's from the actual plane, but I did notice you were standing with a Satyr boy downstairs too?"
As Mellori puts her final book on the shelf, a small object falls from it. Picking it up from the floor, she recognises it instantly as a fishing hook. Smiling, she puts it next to the ornate puzzle box next to her bed.
Mellori turns to face Mei. “It didn’t occur to me that there would be a village of mages. I had to learn from books and I kind of assumed everyone did.”
Her interest truly piqued, she added, “Is trading spells a thing? If so, I’d be glad to teach you what I know. Not high-level stuff but…you know…interesting.”
She pulled an old piece of gnarled wood from a pocket. “My wand,” she said by way of explanation. “It allows me to focus my magic.” She gave it a swish and a flick and pointed her wand at the bed. On it appeared a cat – or rather what appeared to be a ghost cat. “Couldn’t have one at home – given it would eat all our fish, so I found out how to have the next best thing.” The cat looked up at Mei, turned a few circles on the bed, then settled down to sleep.
Mellori wondered if her cat was wailing initially, then realised the awful noise was coming from outside. Frowning, she tilted her head to the noise and then sighed.
“I’d read literally any book you had, and the Feywild would be an especially interesting read.”
Finally her brow knitted briefly. “I’ve not a lot of experience of other races. I live, or rather lived, in a fishing village for most of the time. I did see a few dwarves and elves in the library when I left my island to visit but my knowledge of others comes from…well, you’ve probably guessed it…books.”
Guardok looks a little embarrassed by all the teasing coming from Mal and Knap, but takes it on the chin without sulking. When Lesviel pops her head in and he realises she had heard as well, his cheeks turn a lava like red for a few moments.
He scratches the back of his neck and sucks his breath in through his teeth before replying. "We are doing fine, just tuning my lute. I guess I still have a lot to learn, and at least I am in the right place", he says, a smile sneaking back on his face. "You know, I play the flute as well. And the lyre. I used to think I was a bit of a musician, but now I'm not so sure", he adds with a chuckle.
Turning back to Knap and Mal, "We should check out that lounge, see if anyone else is hanging out there".
Well, she did say 'literally any book,' Mei thinks as she picks up a second one, far thinner than the first. She places both on Mellori's bedside table--Heart of the Wilds, a romance-adventure set in the Feywild judging by the shirtless, muscular Eladrin on the cover and a maiden with a bow that clings to him, and a thick academic text titled The Social Contract: Political and Social Theory of the Courts and Fey, Vol. I--before plopping down on her bed with a small bounce
"Oooh! Do they have a name?" she asks before cooing softly at the ghost cat--her familiar perhaps?--and juuusstt resisting the urge to go give them scritches. "And I think that'll be the case for many of us here!" she smiles, tucking her legs up against herself and curling her arms around them, chin rested upon her knees. "We're lucky to get visitors from all sorts of places and planes to our village, but this is my first time ever stepping foot outside of it, actually!" Her arms tighten around her legs. "Is your village on this plane? Or are you an out-of-planer?"
Noticing Guardok seeming embarrassed, Malvyn feels quite guilty. For some reason he imagined the confident genasi would not care too much about anyone teasing him, certainly not a tiefling. "I'm sorry Guardok, that was quite impolite of me, to be fair no one can make a lute sound good unless it is tuned I think. I would be happy to enjoy your music and I'm sure the others will too." He says, trying to sound encouraging, but it is honestly all a bit awkward sounding as this is all new to him, trying to comfort and reassure someone.
As Lesviel enters the room Malvyn goes silent, hoping the elf would not notice how nervous he is in her presence. When she mentions she plays the flute and Guardok says he plays several instruments Malvyn gets a bit envious of the carefree genasi again. He wonders if reading dusty old tomes and mastering strange languages would ever seem interesting to anyone but himself. If he were to find someone who would share his interests it would likely be here in Strixhaven though he thinks to himself feeling slightly comforted and encouraged by the thought.
"Yes, the lounge." He says with a smile and a nod to Guardok, checking the tome in his shoulderbag before following the others to explore the rest of Dresar Hall.
As Lesviel steps into view of room 403 the satyr bashfully turns his eyes towards the floor, "I can play the pan flute…but I lost mine. I'll try to make another when I come by some bamboo." He rocks gently to and fro with hands behind his back, face flushed, "I'm looking forward to the forth floor orchestra to make its debut."
Knap trots off following close behind Malvyn and Guardok.
Lesviel laughs lightly. "A fourth floor orchestra is an intetesting idea. Though I don't think all of us are musicians."
She then glances down the hall towards Room 404. "No sign of your roommate Guardok? I should head downstairs to see if I can find him. I'll see you in a little while."
As others head for the lounge, she heads towards Room 405. She glances in the door if open. "Hi Mae, Chara. Settling in?"
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
Mae softens her finger drumming a bit and looks over at Lesviel for a moment and blinks. "I am alright I think, thank you. I think it will take some time to feel really settled. Can't speak for Chara though, I haven't even seen her yet."
"Oh?" Lesviel replies to Mae. "I thought Chara had come up with Mellori. Wonder where she's gotten to." She shrugs a bit, not seeming too concerned. "I can totally understand it taking a bit to settle in. That's pretty normal. If you want to talk, anytime, I'm in Room 401. It's... well... I imagine you can figure out where it is. Anyhow, some of the others mentioned gathering in the lounge. If you head back towards the Levitation Disk it's just past that. If you wanted to join them of course." She gives Mae a smile. "I'm headed back downstairs for a bit. We still haven't seen Piero. And I guess we need to track down Chara too! But I'll be back up in a bit."
She gives a quick wave and heads for the Levitation Disk.
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
On exiting his room, Knap turns to go check in and see what Mei and Melori are up to but overhears them talking about other planes and the Feywild. With a sad sigh he turns the other direction and instead goes to the check in on the flaxen-haired bard. Standing about a foot from Mae’s door so as to not impose himself on her space: “Hey, it’s Mae right? Sorry, I have a terrible memory for names. And, sorry about the noisy song I was singing earlier; it must be the altitude… Where are you from? What's your favourite song? How long have you been following the bardic ways? Knap somewhat inconsiderately but entirely innocently bombards the bard with questions. "Anyway, Malvyn, Guardok and I are heading to the lounge if you’d like to join us? No pressure, it’s been a long day.”
Mellori casts an appreciative eye on the books that Mei has added. One instantly jumps out as being more academic – but she was appreciative of the fact that what appeared to be a work of fiction could be most enlightening at sharing moralities, norms and customs. She picks it up and smiles. “I’m sure it will be educational,” she says without a hint of sarcasm in her voice.
“And I call my cat Silvestris. She can be independent but tends to do whatever I ask her to. And I have the added bonus of being able to communicate with her even when she’s a distance away. Plus I can hear and see what she can. But she tends to scare mist folk, so I tend not to have her as a constant companion. But here may be different. And I'd be delighted to share the spell.”
“Oh, and I’m from another plane. But oddly I am probably better travelled as I leave my island village most days and visit the mainland. What about you, did you have to travel far?”
Strokes of pink brush over Mei’s cheeks when Mellori picks up the book of fiction, her shoulders rising up towards her ears with worry she might be teased or chastised for having it. But all of that anxiety falls away with a puff of relief at Mellori’s words and she beams across the room at the other wizard.
“Silvestris,” she tries out, watching the cat with a curious smile. Her brow softens at the thought of people being scared of her magic. Another reflection of self, she thinks. It's with gentle reassurance, for both Mellori and herself, that she agrees, tucking a bit of hair behind her ear, "I think here will be different."
"And I'll have to introduce her to Pom Poko later! He can be a bit, um... mischievous, but he's a good boy! He's been a familiar in my family for generations, but we're still," she gives her cheek a sheepish scratch as she searches for the right words, "getting used to working together."
At Mellori's answer about being from another plane, Mei lights up. "Oh, you must've been on a lot of boats then! I've never been on a boat. Or to another plane, though I'd love to visit others one day. But I'm from the Vastlands! Er--from here, I mean. Arrived by tree this morning," she giggles. "It would've been a really long journey otherwise." Unobservant as she may be, she catches the silhouette of someone passing their doorway in her peripherals and perks up. "Would you like to... travel our floor a little bit? It seems like we might have more floormates now."
Mellori scowls slightly and then smiles. "I realise now just how much I have to learn." She picks up the more academic book now at her bedside. "Not so much this, I mean but about life. People. And when better to start than now."
She carefully places the book back on her bedside table and retrieves her wand again. Shaking her head slightly, she returns the wand to her pocket. "No Silvestris, you can stay here...no need to hide away."
Finally, turning to Mei, she adds, "OK, let's go. No time like the present."