"If you need any help, Mae, just let me know! I'll leave the door open," she calls to the Aasimar, though her soft voice barely carries down the hall. Once in the room, Mei takes it all in: home for the next year. Homesickness prickles at the back of her eyes and a small sniffle escapes despite her best efforts. This was quite the choice for leaving her village for the first time.
She rubs her wet eye with the heel of her hand then lifts the lid to her tarot cards. All at once they spring forth in a burst of magic and fluttering and translucent arcane butterflies. The cards circle around her and she swipes a hand through the air to rotate through them, looking for one card in particular. Once found, she gently taps a finger against the card and whispers an incantation (unseen servant).
With a helper summoned and tasked with unpacking, the cards return to their holster and Mei settles onto the bed with a great yawn. Perhaps she'll get to meet her roommate soon. She hopes the red-headed first year finds her Mai too. Oh, she'll need to warn her roommate about what happens at night--that's going to be a difficult conversation. Maybe there's another way to go about... The thoughts trail off as she slinks over and into the blessed haze of sleep as the unseen helper begins to make the room feel more like home. Soft snores echo out into the hallway.
Knap approaches the Owlin to sign the papers, and as he does he looks over his shoulder to Quentillius and says "Scoundral?! Hardly. Just some harmless magic tricks. Look, how 'bout this, let me know when you're performing. I'd love to see you in action. You certainly have a flare for the dramatic. Truly, I meant no harm." (Persuasion: 2 + 3 = 5)
With the owlin handing him papers to sign, the purple-skinned tiefling's attention leaves the annoying young actor with the fancy name. He noticed the threat against him, Knap and Guardok, but the fact that he was tagged alongside the other two was somehow almost reassuring he found. He wasn't about to join in in any actual bullying, he had suffered too much of that himself while younger, but the red-haired actor definitely had this coming. After quickly but diligently reading through the forms, Malvyn signs them and shows them to the helpful owlin, ready to be taken to his and Knap's room. Then he shyly glances over at Mellori and the winged tiefling girl, wondering if they would be on the same floor. They both seemed nice persons too, really the only one he found not nice was the self-proclaimed actor and him he could deal with. As the girls briefly look in his direction he quickly looks the other way, hoping they didn't see him watch them, instead he looks down at a small but very interesting stain on his shoes.
Guardok picks up his stuff from Ankitta and backs away from the queue, hearing Knapp speak to Quentillius.
"Knapp is right, no need for threats, it's just a bit of harmless fun. You're an actor, I'm an entertainer, and it sounds like we will be brothers of the Prismari College all being well. How about we start over?", he says approaching Quentillius with an arm held up high ready for a hand shake from the much taller student.
"What do you say, Quentin?", he says trying to remain serious as he purposefully gets Quentillius' name wrong.
Mae waved goodbye to Mei and went into her own room, noting the directions for unlocking the door, which she found unusual. But then, it -was- a magical university and they already had a levitating disk that took them up and down. Mae looked around her room for a long minute, taking every sense in, however off putting some of it might be, but happy to be where she was currently. To be fair, she was really interested in all of the magical studies, so much as simply being away from her home world, a place that seemed to get smaller and smaller every day. She put her things down on a bed and sat down beside them. She pulled out her small drum from her back, running her fingers along the taut skin head, before beginning to very gently drum her fingertips on it, breathing deeply until her heartbeat matched the drumming of her fingers, and slipping into a meditative state.
Knap's attempt to smooth things over with Quentillius seems to do very little. Although he of course does not pass the opportunity to perhaps win a fan. "Harmless? Insulting I say! But I am sure word of my performances will spread quickly. And I am certain you will greatly enjoy coming to see them."
Quentillius starts to reach for Guardok's hand though when he offers it. "Well, perhaps you do have a touch of civility. I am much obliged." Taking his hand to shake it, it takes him a moment to realize what was said. "Quintillius," he says, enunciating the word very precisely and snatching his hand away. "You very well knew my name!" he shouts.
Ankitta's atttention is drawn to the shouting. "What is going on?" Quentillius jumps in first to answer. "We are fine. I am Quentillius Antiphiun Melentor III, Room 303. Just need to check in." The Owlin glances around at the others gathered about and then replies, "Of course. We'll get you moving along right away." She starts to quickly sort through her papers.
Lesviel has returned from upstairs and sees Guardok, Knap, and Malvyn ready to go. "Alright, I'll show you upstairs. Come with me." She directs them to the Levitation Disk, showing them how it works. Soon they reach the fourth floor and the Elf leads them first to Room 403, with the names 'Knap Shaka-Grassspear' and 'Malvyn Darkhold' hand-written on cards on the door. She explains how the key works then leaves them to check the room.
She then continues with Guardok to the next adjacent room. "Alright, Room 404. You have how to work the key?" Lesviel asks.
Downstairs, once Lucia is finished helping Mellori, she turns to Chara"Now, what was your name and room number?"
The rooms themselves are fairly similar. Two relatively narrow beds and two wardrobes. There is a desk and chair for each student as well, including a couple of shelves above. To one corner is a separate room for toilet and washing. And near the center is a window with a view of the central campus. Of course, the view is slightly different in each room, but not terribly different.
(OOC - I did not come up with specific layouts for the rooms. Up to you if you wish or we can just kind of imagine. It likely does not really matter where everything is located exactly!)
When Quentillius raises his voice and pulls his hand away, Guardok gives him an innocent smile and turns to wave at Ankitta to indicate all was well.
He then follows Lesviel to the levitation disk, whispering to Knap and Malvyn as they walk. "That Quentillius is a little uptight, but I'm sure we'll get him to relax. Possibly first day nerves", he whispers with a little chuckle.
"Anyway, I get the feeling we three are going to be firm friends. Like a little troupe here at the university", he says a little louder. "A satyr, a tiefling and an earth genasi. What a trio! You know, I have met a fair few tielfings, Malvyn. We had a pair of siblings in our troupe for a while. Very talented. They were aerial acrobats who incorporated fire into their act in the most spectacular way. I am sad to say I haven't met a satyr before though, Knap".
As they reach the levitation disk and start to ascend, he starts to look a little nervous. "I tend to prefer having my feet on the ground for the most part. Being four floors up is going to be, interesting", he says for the first time showing a little nerves himself.
He waits patiently as Lesviel shows Mal and Knap their room, and leans across to make sure he sees how to use the key. As Lesviel moves over to his room, he turns back and says, "Don't be strangers", before following her and nodding in answer to her question. He presses the key to the inset by the handle, and pushes the door open.
"My thanks, Lesviel", he says with a bow. "Which room is yours in case I have questions? Or is there an office or something to go to".
"Anyway, I get the feeling we three are going to be firm friends. Like a little troupe here at the university", he says a little louder. "A satyr, a tiefling and an earth genasi. What a trio! You know, I have met a fair few tielfings, Malvyn. We had a pair of siblings in our troupe for a while. Very talented. They were aerial acrobats who incorporated fire into their act in the most spectacular way. I am sad to say I haven't met a satyr before though, Knap".
Looking at both Guardok and Malvyn, Knap's bushy eyebrows furrow a little. "I'm also unsure about this 'Quentin'. He's in room 303 if I heard correctly, possibly right below you and me, Malvyn. I'm not looking to make enemies this soon in the school year so I guess the parties will be in your room Guardok. And, I assure you Guardok, all the rumours are true about my folk",the Satyr jests and winks at the Genasi.
Knap enters his new room slinging his backpack onto the floor and removes some nuts and berries from the rations his uncle packed him. He trots directly to the window and with a little huff and puff manages to budge it open about an inch. He sprinkles the fruit and nut mix on the windowsill and takes in the view.
"This is wild, Malvyn. I can't believe we're here. Take your pick of beds."
Splayed like a starfish, Mei's limbs are shifted this way and that as the unseen helper tries to make the bed with her still on it. With a light snort and features scrunched at the disturbance, the young wizard curls herself inward to spoon her pillow. Though the arcane apparition is by no means sentient, one might swear it gets fed up with the obstacle in the way of its task as it begins to stretch the fitted sheet over the purple-haired occupant, making her into the bed.
The purple-skinned tiefling couldn't help a small smirk as Guardok kept teasing the red-haired actor. His attention is then immediately caught by the golden-haired high elf coming back to collect him, Knap and Guardok. He doubted Quintillius had first day nerves, the tiefling knew a lot about those and he was fairly sure that was not the red-haired actor's main problem. It felt comforting somehow to hear Guardok had worked with tieflings, not to say they were all the same, but still, he seemed to accept tieflings which was more than you could say about most people of Baldur's Gate. He couldn't help but wonder what rumours about satyrs Knap was referring too, certainly he didn't mean...or did he.
Malvyn was not unused to magic in any way but the levitation disc was slightly disconcerting the first ride he had to admit. He would get used to that in time though, and if not there were most likely some stairs too in the event of an arcane power outage. As they reach room 403 he listens attentively to the R.A. and accepts his key with a polite smile and a nod of his horned head.
As Guardok and the R.A. moves on from room 403 Malvyn gives the genasi a nod, reassuring him they wouldn't be strangers to each other, never again. He then follows Knap into their room, watching with some curiosity the strange ritual the satyr performed. Maybe it was a satyr tradition when entering a new home, he had certainly read about stranger things. "I can confirm we are here then Knap." The purple-skinned tiefling answers with an amused smile, then picking the bed to the left of the window as would fit the sinister-looking tiefling.
"I have to admit I have never before shared sleeping quarters with anyone Knap, you'll have to forgive me if there are any traditions, satyr or otherwise that I don't know about yet, but I am of course willing to learn."Malvyn starts as he slowly and meticulously starts to unpack. It is not much, his first-year uniform, ink, pen and papers, and finally two large old dark tomes, making sure they are still in good condition before putting one on his bedtable and the other back into his shoulder bag. "Do we need to decide on any rules about sharing this room or do you think we will have to address any problems as they present themselves?" He asks the satyr, wondering why he sounded so formal, the others had seemed so relaxed, maybe he would be too in time.
Mellori took a few moments to process what she'd heard and then her frown turned to a smile and she nodded her understanding. "The written word is often the foe of understanding," she said to no-one in particular. "Mei [ooc: May] and Mei [ooc: My], spelled the same but pronounced differently. My room-mate is Mei [ooc: May].It all makes sense now."
Turning back to the waiting Lesviel, she finally spoke to her directly. "Mellori. Mellori Bragai. Apologies for the confusion, I won't make the mistake again. Assumption is a dangerous thing at the best of times, but never more in studies. Lesson learned - pardon the pun."
She smiles and hold out her hand for the key. "When do lessons start...I can't wait."
Lesviel replied to Guardok before hurrying back downstairs again. "I'm in Room 401. You'll see it if you continue around the hallway. Stop by any time if you need something and I'll help. If I'm there of course, I am a student too!"
Downstairs, Lucia had quickly gotten Melloriher key and paperwork, then moved on to help Chara. In no time, both have their keys and meet Lesviel coming back down. "Ok, are you two ladies ready to find your rooms?" She leads them out and around to where the Levitation Disk is located. Once again she goes through how it operates and then leads the two up to the fourth floor.
Once there, the Elf leads them first to Room 405, with the handwritten cards saying 'Chara Leto' and 'Maeleve Fairlight'. "Here is your room Chara." She then explains to here how to use the key to open the door. From inside you can hear the faint sound of drumming. Lesviel then moves further along until reaching Room 402 with the names 'Mellori Braggi' and 'Mei Fuhimori'. "And this is your room Mellori." The door is actually open and inside you can just see the fitted sheet on one of the beds evidently making itself. Though there seems to be something beneath the sheet. "Umm, that's not normal," Lesviel says.
The lump in the bed shifts and a purple-socked foot pops out from beneath the tightly tucked sheet.
An invisible force slowly—innocently—pushes the foot back underneath. If it had a mind or means to communicate, the invisible force might suggest, “you saw nothing. Everything is perfectly normal here.” The invisible force places a pillow atop the lump.
"I have to admit I have never before shared sleeping quarters with anyone Knap, you'll have to forgive me if there are any traditions, satyr or otherwise that I don't know about yet, but I am of course willing to learn."Malvyn starts as he slowly and meticulously starts to unpack. It is not much, his first-year uniform, ink, pen and papers, and finally two large old dark tomes, making sure they are still in good condition before putting one on his bedtable and the other back into his shoulder bag. "Do we need to decide on any rules about sharing this room or do you think we will have to address any problems as they present themselves?" He asks the satyr, wondering why he sounded so formal, the others had seemed so relaxed, maybe he would be too in time.
"My fellow horned one, no need for such formality. I don't have any rules off the top of my head. But, let me know if anything I do irritates you. I wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of someone like you." Knap goes quiet for a moment realising he let some unconscious bias slip through. "Ahhhh, sorry 'bout what I just said. My uncle has often told me tieflings are gravely misunderstood, so I should know better." The Satyr, with some shame and his tail proverbially between his legs retrieves his backpack, slings it on the bed to the right of the window and unpacks his few possessions.Knap tries to change the subject saying, "Perhaps we should go check in on the rest of our floormates, I think we've met most everyone already."
Woken by the plop of the pillow on her head, Mei's light cursing is muffled beneath, "Oooohh, you cheeky little--mmmph!" There's a rustle as the wizard battles with the sheet for freedom until she eventually appears from beneath, flyaways sticking every which way as she rubs the sleepiness from her eyes. "Roots below, I must've copied the glyphs wrong." With a flick of her wrist, the spell card is summoned from her holster. She picks The Servant out of the air to study, holding it close to her face with a scrutinizing squint.
"Mmm, perhaps I incorporated the wrong sigil in the iconography here. Or it could be I put the triangle of conjuration too close to cabalistic cypher. The mistake could, in theory, give it some semblance of limited sentience, couldn't it?" she wonders aloud. With an exasperated but amused sigh, she smiles up at the other women, "I swear it seems to have a mind of its own sometimes." Her tired eyes widen with the realization that she has company. "Oh! Hi! Hello! I saw you downstairs in line," she says to Mellori as she pushes to her feet and smooths at her mussed hair. The sheet on the bed is pulled impatiently back into place by invisible hands. "Were you ever able to find your roommate?"
"Room 401, got it", Guardok replies to Lesviel, and then makes his way into his room to check it out.
Having been used to a life on the road, sleeping on makeshift cots under canvas, it is quite the change. The first thing he does is tentatively make his way to the window and peak out. He has to grip the sill tighter than he would like to admit, just to steady himself, but has to admit the view from this high up is amazing. And the floor is solid under his feet, a very firm feel to the stone, which makes him feel more at ease.
He puts his backpack down on the right hand bed, planning to unpack it later, and unslings his lute. He sits down on the bed and starts to play a jolly little tune.
Mellori beamed at receiving her key and paperwork, and nodded vigorously when asked if she was ready to go to her room.
She listened intently to the Levitation Disk instructions and the smile still hasn’t left her face as they make their way to the fourth floor.
At Room 402, Mellori’s smile faltered. Her knowledge of magic was limited – she knew what she knew but had no idea how she might fare compared to other students. Whatever magic was happening inside the room was entirely foreign to Mellori, and she suddenly felt inadequate.
Mellori edges into the room, seeing a bed that was not, in any way, magical – and assumed (or rather hoped) this one was hers.
The voice from the other bed was muffled but familiar to Mellori’s ears…Mei. And she listened intently to the explanation of the spell cast, doing her best to make sense of what was explained. Not all of it resonated, but she was pleased to appreciate she understood the basics of what might have gone wrong.
“Hi,”Mellori offers, her voice a little squeaky at first. “Yes I did…and it’s you. You see the problem is that what I read and what I assumed was the correct pronunciation were at odds with the reality of the situation – and so I met you and never realised it. But no harm done and we’re here now.”
Mellori’s beam returned at this point and she extends a hand.
"Mai is... Mei? Me? Me-Mei?" she points to herself quizzically. Her lashes flutter as the gears in her head turn, realizing the mix up, and then she chimes with soft laughter. "So, I'm your Mei and you're my Mellori!" Delighted at the prospect, she dispels the Servant spellcard so as to envelope Mellori's offered hand in both her own with a gentle grip. "The cards did say I would 'lose that which had been found,' and now you're found again.We're here," she echoes, amethyst eyes deeply searching both of her roommate's ((How is Mellori vibing? Any insight Mei could get into how she's feeling about everything? Insight check: 5+4=9... never mind -_- )).
Stepping back so the other wizard can properly enter, Mei narrowly avoids a load of clothes being unpacked into the wardrobe. "Welcome to our room! I hope, um, I hope you don't mind that I already picked a side? We can switch, though! If you'd prefer the left? I don't mind!" Mellori can see an assortment of little knick-knacks and a plethora of books have been set out--raw crystals and bundles of dried herbs, an incense burner, little figurines, and set of painting supplies. A small portrait of a seemingly large family sits proudly on the desk as well as a watercolor painting of what appears to be a wisteria forest up on the wall.
"I have help, so it wouldn't take any time at all. And they can help with yours too if you'd like," she explains, gesturing to the invisible force currently hanging predominantly purple and pastel garments. Wow, she's talking a lot. Is she talking a lot? It's to both women that she adds with a lilt of nervousness, "And sorry if they scared you! They're a new spell I learned before coming and I... haven't quite ironed out the kinks yet. Fey-touched magic can be a little, um, unruly."
"If you need any help, Mae, just let me know! I'll leave the door open," she calls to the Aasimar, though her soft voice barely carries down the hall. Once in the room, Mei takes it all in: home for the next year. Homesickness prickles at the back of her eyes and a small sniffle escapes despite her best efforts. This was quite the choice for leaving her village for the first time.
She rubs her wet eye with the heel of her hand then lifts the lid to her tarot cards. All at once they spring forth in a burst of magic and fluttering and translucent arcane butterflies. The cards circle around her and she swipes a hand through the air to rotate through them, looking for one card in particular. Once found, she gently taps a finger against the card and whispers an incantation (unseen servant).
With a helper summoned and tasked with unpacking, the cards return to their holster and Mei settles onto the bed with a great yawn. Perhaps she'll get to meet her roommate soon. She hopes the red-headed first year finds her Mai too. Oh, she'll need to warn her roommate about what happens at night--that's going to be a difficult conversation. Maybe there's another way to go about... The thoughts trail off as she slinks over and into the blessed haze of sleep as the unseen helper begins to make the room feel more like home. Soft snores echo out into the hallway.
Knap approaches the Owlin to sign the papers, and as he does he looks over his shoulder to Quentillius and says "Scoundral?! Hardly. Just some harmless magic tricks. Look, how 'bout this, let me know when you're performing. I'd love to see you in action. You certainly have a flare for the dramatic. Truly, I meant no harm." (Persuasion: 2 + 3 = 5)
With the owlin handing him papers to sign, the purple-skinned tiefling's attention leaves the annoying young actor with the fancy name. He noticed the threat against him, Knap and Guardok, but the fact that he was tagged alongside the other two was somehow almost reassuring he found. He wasn't about to join in in any actual bullying, he had suffered too much of that himself while younger, but the red-haired actor definitely had this coming. After quickly but diligently reading through the forms, Malvyn signs them and shows them to the helpful owlin, ready to be taken to his and Knap's room. Then he shyly glances over at Mellori and the winged tiefling girl, wondering if they would be on the same floor. They both seemed nice persons too, really the only one he found not nice was the self-proclaimed actor and him he could deal with. As the girls briefly look in his direction he quickly looks the other way, hoping they didn't see him watch them, instead he looks down at a small but very interesting stain on his shoes.
Guardok picks up his stuff from Ankitta and backs away from the queue, hearing Knapp speak to Quentillius.
"Knapp is right, no need for threats, it's just a bit of harmless fun. You're an actor, I'm an entertainer, and it sounds like we will be brothers of the Prismari College all being well. How about we start over?", he says approaching Quentillius with an arm held up high ready for a hand shake from the much taller student.
"What do you say, Quentin?", he says trying to remain serious as he purposefully gets Quentillius' name wrong.
Deception: 8+5=13
Mae waved goodbye to Mei and went into her own room, noting the directions for unlocking the door, which she found unusual. But then, it -was- a magical university and they already had a levitating disk that took them up and down. Mae looked around her room for a long minute, taking every sense in, however off putting some of it might be, but happy to be where she was currently. To be fair, she was really interested in all of the magical studies, so much as simply being away from her home world, a place that seemed to get smaller and smaller every day. She put her things down on a bed and sat down beside them. She pulled out her small drum from her back, running her fingers along the taut skin head, before beginning to very gently drum her fingertips on it, breathing deeply until her heartbeat matched the drumming of her fingers, and slipping into a meditative state.
Knap's attempt to smooth things over with Quentillius seems to do very little. Although he of course does not pass the opportunity to perhaps win a fan. "Harmless? Insulting I say! But I am sure word of my performances will spread quickly. And I am certain you will greatly enjoy coming to see them."
Quentillius starts to reach for Guardok's hand though when he offers it. "Well, perhaps you do have a touch of civility. I am much obliged." Taking his hand to shake it, it takes him a moment to realize what was said. "Quintillius," he says, enunciating the word very precisely and snatching his hand away. "You very well knew my name!" he shouts.
Ankitta's atttention is drawn to the shouting. "What is going on?" Quentillius jumps in first to answer. "We are fine. I am Quentillius Antiphiun Melentor III, Room 303. Just need to check in." The Owlin glances around at the others gathered about and then replies, "Of course. We'll get you moving along right away." She starts to quickly sort through her papers.
Lesviel has returned from upstairs and sees Guardok, Knap, and Malvyn ready to go. "Alright, I'll show you upstairs. Come with me." She directs them to the Levitation Disk, showing them how it works. Soon they reach the fourth floor and the Elf leads them first to Room 403, with the names 'Knap Shaka-Grassspear' and 'Malvyn Darkhold' hand-written on cards on the door. She explains how the key works then leaves them to check the room.
She then continues with Guardok to the next adjacent room. "Alright, Room 404. You have how to work the key?" Lesviel asks.
Downstairs, once Lucia is finished helping Mellori, she turns to Chara "Now, what was your name and room number?"
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
The rooms themselves are fairly similar. Two relatively narrow beds and two wardrobes. There is a desk and chair for each student as well, including a couple of shelves above. To one corner is a separate room for toilet and washing. And near the center is a window with a view of the central campus. Of course, the view is slightly different in each room, but not terribly different.
(OOC - I did not come up with specific layouts for the rooms. Up to you if you wish or we can just kind of imagine. It likely does not really matter where everything is located exactly!)
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
When Quentillius raises his voice and pulls his hand away, Guardok gives him an innocent smile and turns to wave at Ankitta to indicate all was well.
He then follows Lesviel to the levitation disk, whispering to Knap and Malvyn as they walk. "That Quentillius is a little uptight, but I'm sure we'll get him to relax. Possibly first day nerves", he whispers with a little chuckle.
"Anyway, I get the feeling we three are going to be firm friends. Like a little troupe here at the university", he says a little louder. "A satyr, a tiefling and an earth genasi. What a trio! You know, I have met a fair few tielfings, Malvyn. We had a pair of siblings in our troupe for a while. Very talented. They were aerial acrobats who incorporated fire into their act in the most spectacular way. I am sad to say I haven't met a satyr before though, Knap".
As they reach the levitation disk and start to ascend, he starts to look a little nervous. "I tend to prefer having my feet on the ground for the most part. Being four floors up is going to be, interesting", he says for the first time showing a little nerves himself.
He waits patiently as Lesviel shows Mal and Knap their room, and leans across to make sure he sees how to use the key. As Lesviel moves over to his room, he turns back and says, "Don't be strangers", before following her and nodding in answer to her question. He presses the key to the inset by the handle, and pushes the door open.
"My thanks, Lesviel", he says with a bow. "Which room is yours in case I have questions? Or is there an office or something to go to".
"Oh, I'm Chara, Chara Leto," the winged tiefling says. "Um... give me just a second on the room number..."
She rummages through a bag for a moment before pulling out her letter.
"Room number, room number... here it is! Room #405... Dresar Hall."
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
Looking at both Guardok and Malvyn, Knap's bushy eyebrows furrow a little. "I'm also unsure about this 'Quentin'. He's in room 303 if I heard correctly, possibly right below you and me, Malvyn. I'm not looking to make enemies this soon in the school year so I guess the parties will be in your room Guardok. And, I assure you Guardok, all the rumours are true about my folk", the Satyr jests and winks at the Genasi.
Knap enters his new room slinging his backpack onto the floor and removes some nuts and berries from the rations his uncle packed him. He trots directly to the window and with a little huff and puff manages to budge it open about an inch. He sprinkles the fruit and nut mix on the windowsill and takes in the view.
"This is wild, Malvyn. I can't believe we're here. Take your pick of beds."
Splayed like a starfish, Mei's limbs are shifted this way and that as the unseen helper tries to make the bed with her still on it. With a light snort and features scrunched at the disturbance, the young wizard curls herself inward to spoon her pillow. Though the arcane apparition is by no means sentient, one might swear it gets fed up with the obstacle in the way of its task as it begins to stretch the fitted sheet over the purple-haired occupant, making her into the bed.
The purple-skinned tiefling couldn't help a small smirk as Guardok kept teasing the red-haired actor. His attention is then immediately caught by the golden-haired high elf coming back to collect him, Knap and Guardok. He doubted Quintillius had first day nerves, the tiefling knew a lot about those and he was fairly sure that was not the red-haired actor's main problem. It felt comforting somehow to hear Guardok had worked with tieflings, not to say they were all the same, but still, he seemed to accept tieflings which was more than you could say about most people of Baldur's Gate. He couldn't help but wonder what rumours about satyrs Knap was referring too, certainly he didn't mean...or did he.
Malvyn was not unused to magic in any way but the levitation disc was slightly disconcerting the first ride he had to admit. He would get used to that in time though, and if not there were most likely some stairs too in the event of an arcane power outage. As they reach room 403 he listens attentively to the R.A. and accepts his key with a polite smile and a nod of his horned head.
As Guardok and the R.A. moves on from room 403 Malvyn gives the genasi a nod, reassuring him they wouldn't be strangers to each other, never again. He then follows Knap into their room, watching with some curiosity the strange ritual the satyr performed. Maybe it was a satyr tradition when entering a new home, he had certainly read about stranger things. "I can confirm we are here then Knap." The purple-skinned tiefling answers with an amused smile, then picking the bed to the left of the window as would fit the sinister-looking tiefling.
"I have to admit I have never before shared sleeping quarters with anyone Knap, you'll have to forgive me if there are any traditions, satyr or otherwise that I don't know about yet, but I am of course willing to learn." Malvyn starts as he slowly and meticulously starts to unpack. It is not much, his first-year uniform, ink, pen and papers, and finally two large old dark tomes, making sure they are still in good condition before putting one on his bedtable and the other back into his shoulder bag. "Do we need to decide on any rules about sharing this room or do you think we will have to address any problems as they present themselves?" He asks the satyr, wondering why he sounded so formal, the others had seemed so relaxed, maybe he would be too in time.
Mellori took a few moments to process what she'd heard and then her frown turned to a smile and she nodded her understanding. "The written word is often the foe of understanding," she said to no-one in particular. "Mei [ooc: May] and Mei [ooc: My], spelled the same but pronounced differently. My room-mate is Mei [ooc: May]. It all makes sense now."
Turning back to the waiting Lesviel, she finally spoke to her directly. "Mellori. Mellori Bragai. Apologies for the confusion, I won't make the mistake again. Assumption is a dangerous thing at the best of times, but never more in studies. Lesson learned - pardon the pun."
She smiles and hold out her hand for the key. "When do lessons start...I can't wait."
Lesviel replied to Guardok before hurrying back downstairs again. "I'm in Room 401. You'll see it if you continue around the hallway. Stop by any time if you need something and I'll help. If I'm there of course, I am a student too!"
Downstairs, Lucia had quickly gotten Mellori her key and paperwork, then moved on to help Chara. In no time, both have their keys and meet Lesviel coming back down. "Ok, are you two ladies ready to find your rooms?" She leads them out and around to where the Levitation Disk is located. Once again she goes through how it operates and then leads the two up to the fourth floor.
Once there, the Elf leads them first to Room 405, with the handwritten cards saying 'Chara Leto' and 'Maeleve Fairlight'. "Here is your room Chara." She then explains to here how to use the key to open the door. From inside you can hear the faint sound of drumming. Lesviel then moves further along until reaching Room 402 with the names 'Mellori Braggi' and 'Mei Fuhimori'. "And this is your room Mellori." The door is actually open and inside you can just see the fitted sheet on one of the beds evidently making itself. Though there seems to be something beneath the sheet. "Umm, that's not normal," Lesviel says.
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
The lump in the bed shifts and a purple-socked foot pops out from beneath the tightly tucked sheet.
An invisible force slowly—innocently—pushes the foot back underneath. If it had a mind or means to communicate, the invisible force might suggest, “you saw nothing. Everything is perfectly normal here.” The invisible force places a pillow atop the lump.
"My fellow horned one, no need for such formality. I don't have any rules off the top of my head. But, let me know if anything I do irritates you. I wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of someone like you." Knap goes quiet for a moment realising he let some unconscious bias slip through. "Ahhhh, sorry 'bout what I just said. My uncle has often told me tieflings are gravely misunderstood, so I should know better." The Satyr, with some shame and his tail proverbially between his legs retrieves his backpack, slings it on the bed to the right of the window and unpacks his few possessions. Knap tries to change the subject saying, "Perhaps we should go check in on the rest of our floormates, I think we've met most everyone already."
Woken by the plop of the pillow on her head, Mei's light cursing is muffled beneath, "Oooohh, you cheeky little--mmmph!" There's a rustle as the wizard battles with the sheet for freedom until she eventually appears from beneath, flyaways sticking every which way as she rubs the sleepiness from her eyes. "Roots below, I must've copied the glyphs wrong." With a flick of her wrist, the spell card is summoned from her holster. She picks The Servant out of the air to study, holding it close to her face with a scrutinizing squint.
"Mmm, perhaps I incorporated the wrong sigil in the iconography here. Or it could be I put the triangle of conjuration too close to cabalistic cypher. The mistake could, in theory, give it some semblance of limited sentience, couldn't it?" she wonders aloud. With an exasperated but amused sigh, she smiles up at the other women, "I swear it seems to have a mind of its own sometimes." Her tired eyes widen with the realization that she has company. "Oh! Hi! Hello! I saw you downstairs in line," she says to Mellori as she pushes to her feet and smooths at her mussed hair. The sheet on the bed is pulled impatiently back into place by invisible hands. "Were you ever able to find your roommate?"
"Room 401, got it", Guardok replies to Lesviel, and then makes his way into his room to check it out.
Having been used to a life on the road, sleeping on makeshift cots under canvas, it is quite the change. The first thing he does is tentatively make his way to the window and peak out. He has to grip the sill tighter than he would like to admit, just to steady himself, but has to admit the view from this high up is amazing. And the floor is solid under his feet, a very firm feel to the stone, which makes him feel more at ease.
He puts his backpack down on the right hand bed, planning to unpack it later, and unslings his lute. He sits down on the bed and starts to play a jolly little tune.
Mellori beamed at receiving her key and paperwork, and nodded vigorously when asked if she was ready to go to her room.
She listened intently to the Levitation Disk instructions and the smile still hasn’t left her face as they make their way to the fourth floor.
At Room 402, Mellori’s smile faltered. Her knowledge of magic was limited – she knew what she knew but had no idea how she might fare compared to other students. Whatever magic was happening inside the room was entirely foreign to Mellori, and she suddenly felt inadequate.
Mellori edges into the room, seeing a bed that was not, in any way, magical – and assumed (or rather hoped) this one was hers.
The voice from the other bed was muffled but familiar to Mellori’s ears…Mei. And she listened intently to the explanation of the spell cast, doing her best to make sense of what was explained. Not all of it resonated, but she was pleased to appreciate she understood the basics of what might have gone wrong.
“Hi,” Mellori offers, her voice a little squeaky at first. “Yes I did…and it’s you. You see the problem is that what I read and what I assumed was the correct pronunciation were at odds with the reality of the situation – and so I met you and never realised it. But no harm done and we’re here now.”
Mellori’s beam returned at this point and she extends a hand.
"Mai is... Mei? Me? Me-Mei?" she points to herself quizzically. Her lashes flutter as the gears in her head turn, realizing the mix up, and then she chimes with soft laughter. "So, I'm your Mei and you're my Mellori!" Delighted at the prospect, she dispels the Servant spellcard so as to envelope Mellori's offered hand in both her own with a gentle grip. "The cards did say I would 'lose that which had been found,' and now you're found again. We're here," she echoes, amethyst eyes deeply searching both of her roommate's ((How is Mellori vibing? Any insight Mei could get into how she's feeling about everything? Insight check: 5+4=9... never mind -_- )).
Stepping back so the other wizard can properly enter, Mei narrowly avoids a load of clothes being unpacked into the wardrobe. "Welcome to our room! I hope, um, I hope you don't mind that I already picked a side? We can switch, though! If you'd prefer the left? I don't mind!" Mellori can see an assortment of little knick-knacks and a plethora of books have been set out--raw crystals and bundles of dried herbs, an incense burner, little figurines, and set of painting supplies. A small portrait of a seemingly large family sits proudly on the desk as well as a watercolor painting of what appears to be a wisteria forest up on the wall.
"I have help, so it wouldn't take any time at all. And they can help with yours too if you'd like," she explains, gesturing to the invisible force currently hanging predominantly purple and pastel garments. Wow, she's talking a lot. Is she talking a lot? It's to both women that she adds with a lilt of nervousness, "And sorry if they scared you! They're a new spell I learned before coming and I... haven't quite ironed out the kinks yet. Fey-touched magic can be a little, um, unruly."