No sooner did Lesvielmention Ankitta than the Owlin was handing Maea number of items. The first is a flat round, highly polished stone inscribed with numerous runes and symbols on both sides. "This is your key, for both building at night and for your room. Number 405. Next, we have a map of the central campus. Your Resident Assistant," she tilts her head to look at you before swiveling to look at the Elf, "you have clearly already met. She will explain about your Orientation which takes place tomorrow at the Biblioplex." Her head snap back to look at Mae. "There is a meal schedule, rules for the dormitory, instructions for taking care of your laundry, and a list of a few activities." She hands over a stack of papers. "Finally, we need you to sign in, right here next to your name."Maecan see the paper the Ankitta is pushing towards her has her name, room number, and attests to receiving the key and various documents.
Meanwhile, Lesvielis trying to keep track of all the others trying to speak to her. "Well, it seems like the whole floor has arrived together! Hello Guardok," she says, having caught of sight of him through the crowd. "And yes, Malvyn, Ankitta can help each of you. But she can only take care of one at a time!" She laughs, "Well, maybe two even, but probably not much more." The Elf then looks about, "And you've already met your roommate Malvyn? That's great!" She then glances over to the Satyr. "Great to meet you as well Knap." She sees Meistarting to speak to help but then turning, as her attention is caught by Quentillius. Taking a deep breath, she says, "The Levitation Disk can only take a few at a time, so once we get a few checked in I'll start showing you the way."
Ankitta is already moving along, even as she's waiting for Mae to sign the paper. "Next person please? Did you say your name was Guardok. Room 404?" At the table beside Ankitta is a Human woman with short brown hair. She had been handing papers out to a Dwarven girl and now her spot is empty. "Who's next? Step right up," she says.
'Beautiful.' 'See each other... Often.' 'Dear lady.'
Is this... flirting? Is he flirting withme? (Insight: 9+4=13)
She stares up into those piercing blue eyes and, after a significant delay, realizes she's still holding his hand. Her ears grow uncomfortably hot. "Oh--stars above! Um... this is yours," she laughs and returns his hand to him. It's brightly that she notes, "And it does seem likely, seeing as we'll be on top of each other," before choking on her words in a rush to clarify, "B-Because the third floor is under the-the fourth floor, I mean!"
A warm blush blossoms across the apples of her cheeks as she clears her throat, meaning to barrel past that flub. "But, if you're sure, then I'll--" lower lip caught between her teeth, Mei bows her head and steps backwards, bumping once more into Mae, before course correcting with a "sorry!" towards the older student helping with room assignments. "It was lovely to meet you, Quentillius."
After a small parting wave, she turns to the brunette student and asks how she is before providing both name and room number. It's in a dream-like stupor that Mei goes through the motions, rubbing absently at her still-warm cheeks.
It seemed to Mellori that everyone was getting on fine and finding someone to either room or bond with. Would her time come, or would she be the perennial outsider?
She let out a small sigh, before re-focusing on the matter in hand. Jumping? Not wishing to miss out on sharing her thoughts on the matter, despite others already “Given the mayhem, it seems a little untoward to suggest anyone is pushing in, plus I don’t suppose anyone is going to miss out – given we have all been allocated rooms.” Mellori waves her assignment paper at the young man as proof.
She frowns and returns her attention to the group she is with as it reaches the front of the queue. Her ears pricked up at the mention of Lesviel, and her heart sang when the woman in question identified herself.
Now at the back of the gaggle of students that had naturally formed as a group, Mellori listened as names were shared and rooms allocated. When the purple-haired woman declares herself as Mei and Room 402, Mellori shakes her head. “Some mistake?” she volunteers in a quiet voice. “I’m in Room 402, but my room-mate is Mei. Has there been some error?”She re-reads her note. “Dresar Hall, 402, Mei Fujimori.”
Guardok gracefully manoeuvres his way to the table after the owlin calls his name, and puts away his maracas, all conversation with the red haired human with the apparently really long name forgotten.
"Yes, I am Guardok, that's right", he says cheerfully to Ankitta, happy that he is in the right place and getting his room situation sorted. He notes no-one else claims to be in room 404, and wonders where his room mate might be. 'All things in time', he thinks.
He swings his bag down off his back, ready to load whatever items he is about to be given into it. "Has my room mate checked in yet?", he asks, deciding that time could use a little nudge.
The purple-skinned tiefling can't help but notice the red-haired young man charming the pretty purple-haired girl whose name he thinks is Mei. He can't help but feel there is something unsympathetic about the man, but he realizes it is more likely just him envying the young man with the fancy name for speaking so confidently with a girl. He briefly grits his teeth over his own social handicap before returning his attention to the beautiful high elf with the golden hair and her owlin assistant. As the easy-going genasi finishes up signing papers with the owlin, Malvyn hesitates briefly and then steps forward, not really sure if it would be more polite to let others go before him. "I'm Malvyn...Malvyn Darkhold." He explains to the owlin, hoping it sounded correct and polite. "Oh, and this is Knap..." He says, tugging up the satyr by his side. "We're...roomies."He adds to the owlin, tasting the word in his mouth, finding the word filled with both anxiety and promise.
"Hi…" Knap says shyly to the enchanting Lesviel, unable to meet her eye to eye. 'C'mon, you've practiced this so many times' he thinks to himself, but something about her iridescence made him lose focus.
"Ahhh yes, yes, that's me, Knap Shaka-Grasspear, room 403." He says to the Owlin edging himself closer to the tiefling, while also trying not stare at him. It was very rare to see his kind in Knap's neck of the woods. So long as the tiefling keeps his dirty socks on his side of the room Knap was sure they'd get along. If anything, Knap was curious to learn more about his customs and ways.
Mae nods quickly at the information dump and gathers up the papers and things before scooting to the side to sign the last paper for Ankitta. She then straightened up and looked back at the line and at the very colorful student. "I only said I didn't see anyone jumping, I didn't say you couldn't get in line." She simply smiles at him, "But those colors really do you well! One of the Prismari I take it?" She then looked at the line, "Um, one of you...are you Chara Leto?"
Mei takes a moment and she does think Quentillius is flirting with her! When she addresses the brown-haired girl, she smiles. "Oh, I'm doing well. Thank you. I'm Lucia." You notice she's wearing a white and black uniform.
As you give your name and room number, Lucia looks through some papers and pases you the one to sign along with a pen. "I'll get the room key and papers for you."
In just a few quick moments, once Mei has signed the paper, she hands you the flat stone with runes on it and a whole bunch of papers. "Make sure you take a look at everything. Umm, your Resident Assistant can help explain things if you have questions. And that's it. Best of luck to you! Most people just love it here!"
Lucia then motions to Mei to head over towards Lesviel.
Mae meanwhile had completed her registration as well. Quentillius replies to her, "The issue is that I was in line. But these others were not." He waves his hands towards where the others had come over. "But yes, I will most certainly be one of the Prismari. Next year of course. I am an actor - I'm sure you will all know of my performances in no time!"
As Quentillius finishes his boast, Lesviel interrupts. "Mae? Mei? Do you two have all your things? I can show you to the Levitation Disk."
Once the two indicate they are ready, she leads the pair towards the middle of the building. "I'll be right back," she calls to the others. There is a short hallway which opens to a round chamber. You can see an opening extending up into the tower.
On the floor, just inset enough to be flush, is a round wooden disk. Similar to the room key, it is inscribed with runes and symbols, as is the wall of this chamber. "You will need your room key to operate this after hours. But not now, during the day. But if you do have the key, it will automatically assume you want your floor! Not that you have to go there."
She turns to where a series of numbers, 2 - 12, are etched into the wall. The '4' is glowing a light blue. She reaches out and touches the '7' and the '4' stops glowing and the '7' lights. "Quite easy. And should there not be a disk here, press this button and wait for it to return." She pushes a spot just below the '2' that says 'Summon' and it briefly lights up before flickering off.
"So, step on!" Lesviel says. And she does just that, stepping onto the 10-foot diameter disk. "I'm told it will hold at least 1000 pounds! More than your usual Levitation spell."
Lucia overhears Mellori mention her roommate. "Oh yes, that was Mei Fujimori, Room 402, that just checked in," she says, even as Mei is now headed out of the Dinning Hall that you're in. "I can get you checked in though if you give me your name. I think I have the room number." She makes a little quiet laugh.
The Owlin already has the paper for Guardok to sign. "It seems Mr. Mirthside has not yet checked in. But there's no telling what time he may be reaching campus. I'm sure he'll be here shortly." Even as she was speaking, she has the room key at ready along with all the papers.
While still waiting for c, Ankitta turns to the two others. "Malvyn and Knap. Hello. Both Room 403. I'll have your papers in a moment. Let me just finish up with Guardok here."
From behind, a sigh can be heard as the red-haired actor waits not very patiently for his turn.
"No worries", Guardok replies regarding his room mate not having turned up yet. "Just means I have first pick of bunk", he adds with a smile that shows his gem-like teeth again.
As he hears Quentillius moan about him pushing in line, when he is sure he hadn't as he specifically moved to the end of the queue, he cannot resist playing a little joke. He reaches back down for one of his maracas, and channels his magic through it, causing a melody to start playing right on the spot Quentillius is standing. The melody is played on a violin and only lasts 14 seconds.
"Oh, yes you want my signature", he says to Ankitta through a few snickers, realising he had got distracted, and signs the form and hands it back to her.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Waiting for Guardok to finish up with his papers, the purple-skinned tiefling notices the young man with the fancy name being annoying again. Malvyn turns slightly and gives him a cold glare with his red fiery eyes, those he felt confident with and it almost felt relieving to express his displeasure with the red-haired actor's pestiferous behaviour.
Intimidation cold glare: 5
The purple-skinned tiefling then lets out a short chuckle as he hears the violin music over from the red-haired actor's spot, giving Guardok a quick appreciative look.
The violin music ends, and after offering a cheeky grin to Guardok, Knap flicks his wrist whilst under his breath mutters a word laced with druidic magic: "awkwardo". The faint sound of crickets momentarily fill the silence. Chirrup, Chirrup, Chirrup.
When Mae says her name, Chara (who has been looking very lost, confused, and awkward) quickly jumps on that.
"Yes, that's me!" She says as she comes to stand next to the other girl. She pauses when Quentillius speaks up and says that they took his place in line.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry... did we cut in front of you? I certainly didn't mean to... I've just been so overwhelmed by everything... this is all so different from how things were back home..."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Mei tucks her keystone into a pocket, making a mental note to construct some means of wearing it on her person instead. She'll most assuredly lose it otherwise and she's yet to learn the magic to locate lost objects like her grandmother does. Her focus is drawn briefly to the number "3" as Lesviel's fingers pass over it and her lashes flutter as nervous butterflies take flight within her ribcage.
It's with no small amount of awe that the wistful wizard takes a tentative step onto the platform. She sticks close to the other women, just the thought of heights making her stomach queazy, and the campus map crinkles in her grip as she clutches her pillow. "Has there ever been a problem with it... getting stuck in between floors? Or falling? Or continuing up to the ceiling and squishing all of its riders?" she asks, giving the disk a mistrustful and experimental tap with the toe of her shoe.
Mae looks over at the winged tiefling and waves as she is escorted to the levitation chamber. "See you at our room soon!" She calls out before listening to the instructions for operating the levitating disc, waiting her turn to get lifted up to the fourth floor and start walking toward her room slowly.
"It is a marvel of Stixhaven ingenuity and quite safe," Lesviel replies."I understand that we take advantage of the abundant magical energy here. Something to do with snarls and star arches and mana." She waves her hand absently as these subjects appear to be outside her understanding.
She reaches over to again press the '4' button, then a green button alongside the others. Upon hitting that, the platform slowly drifts upward. "You can see it moves slowly. And there are many layers of safeguards."
The disk floats up post the second floor and then the third floor. You cannot see much, essential just a circular room with one opening leading out to a hallway. As you go, you do notice that the openings are in different spots. Finally, at the fourth floor, the platform glides smoothly to a stop.
"Here we are!" Lesviel says brightly as she steps off. You note the wall of this room has similar controls to the one on the first floor where you entered. "We can proceed to the right."
Mae puts a hand on Mei as they ride up the disk, listening to the sounds around her and feeling the sensation of being lifted up and up to the floor. "That's quite something! I've seen people fly before but in buildings I usually have to walk up stairs!" She let's go as they get to the fourth floor, following Lesviel out and looking to the right as she mentioned, then back at Mei to make sure she was with them and doing okay.
Oh. Oh this is... quite nice actually. Mei smiles gratefully up at Mae, her hand a warm reassurance, even as her lids lower heavily over her eyes at the gentle sensation of floating upwards. Her head bobs forward as they close completely before she catches herself.
"We don't have any buildings higher than two stories in my village, so we just use stairs too! And stairs are just an organized hill really," she says with a sleepy chuckle. "But this is truly a feat of arcane engineering." Though it's with less suspicion this time, she still can't help but watch the disk as she follows after the others. Hurrying along to keep up with the longer strides of the other women, she asks, "Is all of Dresar just for first years? The incoming class must be quite large. Should we expect any, um... mixers or parties tonight?" It's hard to tell if she's dreading or hoping for that possibility. It would certainly mean less sleep if there's a lot of noise and activity in their hall.
Looking back, Meicatches sight of the disk floating back down as you are leaving. Once it does, gradually you see a slight shimmery appearance to the opening in the floor. Lesviel says, "There are stairs as well, running along the outside of the tower, but we don't use them much. But don't worry, they do have a more than adequate railing to protect anyone using them!" She is speaking as she goes out and to the right. There is a circular passage, about 10 feet wide, that must be following along the other side of the wall of the Levitation Disk room.
"Mixers or parties?," Leviel says in response to Mei'squestion. "What a wonderful idea! But no, we have nothing official planned. I can't say whether some new student might try to do something informally. But move in day is more of an opportunity to get your things settled, meet your roommates, and meet your neighbors. And yes, Dresar Hall is nearly all first-years, other than us Resident Assistants. That's true of all the dormitories located in the central campus. Starting with second year the vast majority of students move to dormitories located on the campus of their college."
After just a few steps, there is a door to your left with the number '405' printed neatly in the middle of it. In very nice handwriting there are two cards with the names 'Chara Leto' and 'Maeleve Fairlight' written on them. "This is your room Mae... um, Maeleve. You can use that key to open it up, just place it right there." She points to a small inset spot right near the door handle. "Feel free to take a look and we'll get Mei... the other Mei, to her room. Just the other direction from where we exited the Levitation Disk there's a lounge if you want to check it out when you get a chance."
The Elf then continues on, passing '404' then '403' before coming to '402', all the doors on the left. "And here you are Mei! Now why don't you get settled in and I'll run back down to find the others." She then leaves Mei to check out her room and continues on heading the same clock-wise direction you had been heading to go back down.
Quentillius is looking directly at Guardokas he is casting his spell. And is getting more annoyed by the moment. Guardokthough signs off on his paper and Ankitta hands him the key stone and all the papers. The Owlin explains each briefly as she hands them over. "All set, you can wait for Lesviel to show up." She then has the papers for both Malvynand Knapready to go. "You can sign these, and I'll get your key and papers."
In the meantime, Knaphas cast his spell creating the sound of crickets. Glaring between him and Guardok, Quentillius' face seems to have reddened slightly and his irritation levels seem to be rising to a breaking point. Malvyn'sattempt at intimidation has little effect on him. "You are some of the most absurd scoundrels to have ever darkened my days," he proclaims. "You will regret this," he says, wagging his finger in direction of the three.
Chara's apologies to Quentillius go mostly unnoticed. Though she is clearly not the focus of his ire.
Lucia had gotten the paper for Mellorito sign, holding as she waited for her to confirm her name. The room key and papers were all ready to go as well.
No sooner did Lesviel mention Ankitta than the Owlin was handing Mae a number of items. The first is a flat round, highly polished stone inscribed with numerous runes and symbols on both sides. "This is your key, for both building at night and for your room. Number 405. Next, we have a map of the central campus. Your Resident Assistant," she tilts her head to look at you before swiveling to look at the Elf, "you have clearly already met. She will explain about your Orientation which takes place tomorrow at the Biblioplex." Her head snap back to look at Mae. "There is a meal schedule, rules for the dormitory, instructions for taking care of your laundry, and a list of a few activities." She hands over a stack of papers. "Finally, we need you to sign in, right here next to your name." Mae can see the paper the Ankitta is pushing towards her has her name, room number, and attests to receiving the key and various documents.
Meanwhile, Lesviel is trying to keep track of all the others trying to speak to her. "Well, it seems like the whole floor has arrived together! Hello Guardok," she says, having caught of sight of him through the crowd. "And yes, Malvyn, Ankitta can help each of you. But she can only take care of one at a time!" She laughs, "Well, maybe two even, but probably not much more." The Elf then looks about, "And you've already met your roommate Malvyn? That's great!" She then glances over to the Satyr. "Great to meet you as well Knap." She sees Mei starting to speak to help but then turning, as her attention is caught by Quentillius. Taking a deep breath, she says, "The Levitation Disk can only take a few at a time, so once we get a few checked in I'll start showing you the way."
Ankitta is already moving along, even as she's waiting for Mae to sign the paper. "Next person please? Did you say your name was Guardok. Room 404?" At the table beside Ankitta is a Human woman with short brown hair. She had been handing papers out to a Dwarven girl and now her spot is empty. "Who's next? Step right up," she says.
Lesviel Turnadri

Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
Blink-blink. Blink.
'Beautiful.' 'See each other... Often.' 'Dear lady.'
Is this... flirting? Is he flirting with me?
(Insight: 9+4=13)
She stares up into those piercing blue eyes and, after a significant delay, realizes she's still holding his hand. Her ears grow uncomfortably hot. "Oh--stars above! Um... this is yours," she laughs and returns his hand to him. It's brightly that she notes, "And it does seem likely, seeing as we'll be on top of each other," before choking on her words in a rush to clarify, "B-Because the third floor is under the-the fourth floor, I mean!"
A warm blush blossoms across the apples of her cheeks as she clears her throat, meaning to barrel past that flub. "But, if you're sure, then I'll--" lower lip caught between her teeth, Mei bows her head and steps backwards, bumping once more into Mae, before course correcting with a "sorry!" towards the older student helping with room assignments. "It was lovely to meet you, Quentillius."
After a small parting wave, she turns to the brunette student and asks how she is before providing both name and room number. It's in a dream-like stupor that Mei goes through the motions, rubbing absently at her still-warm cheeks.
It seemed to Mellori that everyone was getting on fine and finding someone to either room or bond with. Would her time come, or would she be the perennial outsider?
She let out a small sigh, before re-focusing on the matter in hand. Jumping? Not wishing to miss out on sharing her thoughts on the matter, despite others already “Given the mayhem, it seems a little untoward to suggest anyone is pushing in, plus I don’t suppose anyone is going to miss out – given we have all been allocated rooms.” Mellori waves her assignment paper at the young man as proof.
She frowns and returns her attention to the group she is with as it reaches the front of the queue. Her ears pricked up at the mention of Lesviel, and her heart sang when the woman in question identified herself.
Now at the back of the gaggle of students that had naturally formed as a group, Mellori listened as names were shared and rooms allocated. When the purple-haired woman declares herself as Mei and Room 402, Mellori shakes her head. “Some mistake?” she volunteers in a quiet voice. “I’m in Room 402, but my room-mate is Mei. Has there been some error?” She re-reads her note. “Dresar Hall, 402, Mei Fujimori.”
[ooc: Mellori still pronounces Mei as ‘My’]
Guardok gracefully manoeuvres his way to the table after the owlin calls his name, and puts away his maracas, all conversation with the red haired human with the apparently really long name forgotten.
"Yes, I am Guardok, that's right", he says cheerfully to Ankitta, happy that he is in the right place and getting his room situation sorted. He notes no-one else claims to be in room 404, and wonders where his room mate might be. 'All things in time', he thinks.
He swings his bag down off his back, ready to load whatever items he is about to be given into it. "Has my room mate checked in yet?", he asks, deciding that time could use a little nudge.
The purple-skinned tiefling can't help but notice the red-haired young man charming the pretty purple-haired girl whose name he thinks is Mei. He can't help but feel there is something unsympathetic about the man, but he realizes it is more likely just him envying the young man with the fancy name for speaking so confidently with a girl. He briefly grits his teeth over his own social handicap before returning his attention to the beautiful high elf with the golden hair and her owlin assistant. As the easy-going genasi finishes up signing papers with the owlin, Malvyn hesitates briefly and then steps forward, not really sure if it would be more polite to let others go before him. "I'm Malvyn...Malvyn Darkhold." He explains to the owlin, hoping it sounded correct and polite. "Oh, and this is Knap..." He says, tugging up the satyr by his side. "We're...roomies." He adds to the owlin, tasting the word in his mouth, finding the word filled with both anxiety and promise.
"Hi…" Knap says shyly to the enchanting Lesviel, unable to meet her eye to eye. 'C'mon, you've practiced this so many times' he thinks to himself, but something about her iridescence made him lose focus.
"Ahhh yes, yes, that's me, Knap Shaka-Grasspear, room 403." He says to the Owlin edging himself closer to the tiefling, while also trying not stare at him. It was very rare to see his kind in Knap's neck of the woods. So long as the tiefling keeps his dirty socks on his side of the room Knap was sure they'd get along. If anything, Knap was curious to learn more about his customs and ways.
Mae nods quickly at the information dump and gathers up the papers and things before scooting to the side to sign the last paper for Ankitta. She then straightened up and looked back at the line and at the very colorful student. "I only said I didn't see anyone jumping, I didn't say you couldn't get in line." She simply smiles at him, "But those colors really do you well! One of the Prismari I take it?" She then looked at the line, "Um, one of you...are you Chara Leto?"
Mei takes a moment and she does think Quentillius is flirting with her! When she addresses the brown-haired girl, she smiles. "Oh, I'm doing well. Thank you. I'm Lucia." You notice she's wearing a white and black uniform.
As you give your name and room number, Lucia looks through some papers and pases you the one to sign along with a pen. "I'll get the room key and papers for you."
In just a few quick moments, once Mei has signed the paper, she hands you the flat stone with runes on it and a whole bunch of papers. "Make sure you take a look at everything. Umm, your Resident Assistant can help explain things if you have questions. And that's it. Best of luck to you! Most people just love it here!"
Lucia then motions to Mei to head over towards Lesviel.
Mae meanwhile had completed her registration as well. Quentillius replies to her, "The issue is that I was in line. But these others were not." He waves his hands towards where the others had come over. "But yes, I will most certainly be one of the Prismari. Next year of course. I am an actor - I'm sure you will all know of my performances in no time!"
As Quentillius finishes his boast, Lesviel interrupts. "Mae? Mei? Do you two have all your things? I can show you to the Levitation Disk."
Once the two indicate they are ready, she leads the pair towards the middle of the building. "I'll be right back," she calls to the others. There is a short hallway which opens to a round chamber. You can see an opening extending up into the tower.
On the floor, just inset enough to be flush, is a round wooden disk. Similar to the room key, it is inscribed with runes and symbols, as is the wall of this chamber. "You will need your room key to operate this after hours. But not now, during the day. But if you do have the key, it will automatically assume you want your floor! Not that you have to go there."
She turns to where a series of numbers, 2 - 12, are etched into the wall. The '4' is glowing a light blue. She reaches out and touches the '7' and the '4' stops glowing and the '7' lights. "Quite easy. And should there not be a disk here, press this button and wait for it to return." She pushes a spot just below the '2' that says 'Summon' and it briefly lights up before flickering off.
"So, step on!" Lesviel says. And she does just that, stepping onto the 10-foot diameter disk. "I'm told it will hold at least 1000 pounds! More than your usual Levitation spell."
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
Lucia overhears Mellori mention her roommate. "Oh yes, that was Mei Fujimori, Room 402, that just checked in," she says, even as Mei is now headed out of the Dinning Hall that you're in. "I can get you checked in though if you give me your name. I think I have the room number." She makes a little quiet laugh.
The Owlin already has the paper for Guardok to sign. "It seems Mr. Mirthside has not yet checked in. But there's no telling what time he may be reaching campus. I'm sure he'll be here shortly." Even as she was speaking, she has the room key at ready along with all the papers.
While still waiting for c, Ankitta turns to the two others. "Malvyn and Knap. Hello. Both Room 403. I'll have your papers in a moment. Let me just finish up with Guardok here."
From behind, a sigh can be heard as the red-haired actor waits not very patiently for his turn.
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
"No worries", Guardok replies regarding his room mate not having turned up yet. "Just means I have first pick of bunk", he adds with a smile that shows his gem-like teeth again.
As he hears Quentillius moan about him pushing in line, when he is sure he hadn't as he specifically moved to the end of the queue, he cannot resist playing a little joke. He reaches back down for one of his maracas, and channels his magic through it, causing a melody to start playing right on the spot Quentillius is standing. The melody is played on a violin and only lasts 14 seconds.
"Oh, yes you want my signature", he says to Ankitta through a few snickers, realising he had got distracted, and signs the form and hands it back to her.
Waiting for Guardok to finish up with his papers, the purple-skinned tiefling notices the young man with the fancy name being annoying again. Malvyn turns slightly and gives him a cold glare with his red fiery eyes, those he felt confident with and it almost felt relieving to express his displeasure with the red-haired actor's pestiferous behaviour.
Intimidation cold glare: 5
The purple-skinned tiefling then lets out a short chuckle as he hears the violin music over from the red-haired actor's spot, giving Guardok a quick appreciative look.
The violin music ends, and after offering a cheeky grin to Guardok, Knap flicks his wrist whilst under his breath mutters a word laced with druidic magic: "awkwardo". The faint sound of crickets momentarily fill the silence. Chirrup, Chirrup, Chirrup.
When Mae says her name, Chara (who has been looking very lost, confused, and awkward) quickly jumps on that.
"Yes, that's me!" She says as she comes to stand next to the other girl. She pauses when Quentillius speaks up and says that they took his place in line.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry... did we cut in front of you? I certainly didn't mean to... I've just been so overwhelmed by everything... this is all so different from how things were back home..."
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
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Mei tucks her keystone into a pocket, making a mental note to construct some means of wearing it on her person instead. She'll most assuredly lose it otherwise and she's yet to learn the magic to locate lost objects like her grandmother does. Her focus is drawn briefly to the number "3" as Lesviel's fingers pass over it and her lashes flutter as nervous butterflies take flight within her ribcage.
It's with no small amount of awe that the wistful wizard takes a tentative step onto the platform. She sticks close to the other women, just the thought of heights making her stomach queazy, and the campus map crinkles in her grip as she clutches her pillow. "Has there ever been a problem with it... getting stuck in between floors? Or falling? Or continuing up to the ceiling and squishing all of its riders?" she asks, giving the disk a mistrustful and experimental tap with the toe of her shoe.
Mae looks over at the winged tiefling and waves as she is escorted to the levitation chamber. "See you at our room soon!" She calls out before listening to the instructions for operating the levitating disc, waiting her turn to get lifted up to the fourth floor and start walking toward her room slowly.
"It is a marvel of Stixhaven ingenuity and quite safe," Lesviel replies."I understand that we take advantage of the abundant magical energy here. Something to do with snarls and star arches and mana." She waves her hand absently as these subjects appear to be outside her understanding.
She reaches over to again press the '4' button, then a green button alongside the others. Upon hitting that, the platform slowly drifts upward. "You can see it moves slowly. And there are many layers of safeguards."
The disk floats up post the second floor and then the third floor. You cannot see much, essential just a circular room with one opening leading out to a hallway. As you go, you do notice that the openings are in different spots. Finally, at the fourth floor, the platform glides smoothly to a stop.
"Here we are!" Lesviel says brightly as she steps off. You note the wall of this room has similar controls to the one on the first floor where you entered. "We can proceed to the right."
She waits for Mei and Mae.
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
Mae puts a hand on Mei as they ride up the disk, listening to the sounds around her and feeling the sensation of being lifted up and up to the floor. "That's quite something! I've seen people fly before but in buildings I usually have to walk up stairs!" She let's go as they get to the fourth floor, following Lesviel out and looking to the right as she mentioned, then back at Mei to make sure she was with them and doing okay.
Oh. Oh this is... quite nice actually. Mei smiles gratefully up at Mae, her hand a warm reassurance, even as her lids lower heavily over her eyes at the gentle sensation of floating upwards. Her head bobs forward as they close completely before she catches herself.
"We don't have any buildings higher than two stories in my village, so we just use stairs too! And stairs are just an organized hill really," she says with a sleepy chuckle. "But this is truly a feat of arcane engineering." Though it's with less suspicion this time, she still can't help but watch the disk as she follows after the others. Hurrying along to keep up with the longer strides of the other women, she asks, "Is all of Dresar just for first years? The incoming class must be quite large. Should we expect any, um... mixers or parties tonight?" It's hard to tell if she's dreading or hoping for that possibility. It would certainly mean less sleep if there's a lot of noise and activity in their hall.
Looking back, Mei catches sight of the disk floating back down as you are leaving. Once it does, gradually you see a slight shimmery appearance to the opening in the floor. Lesviel says, "There are stairs as well, running along the outside of the tower, but we don't use them much. But don't worry, they do have a more than adequate railing to protect anyone using them!" She is speaking as she goes out and to the right. There is a circular passage, about 10 feet wide, that must be following along the other side of the wall of the Levitation Disk room.
"Mixers or parties?," Leviel says in response to Mei's question. "What a wonderful idea! But no, we have nothing official planned. I can't say whether some new student might try to do something informally. But move in day is more of an opportunity to get your things settled, meet your roommates, and meet your neighbors. And yes, Dresar Hall is nearly all first-years, other than us Resident Assistants. That's true of all the dormitories located in the central campus. Starting with second year the vast majority of students move to dormitories located on the campus of their college."
After just a few steps, there is a door to your left with the number '405' printed neatly in the middle of it. In very nice handwriting there are two cards with the names 'Chara Leto' and 'Maeleve Fairlight' written on them. "This is your room Mae... um, Maeleve. You can use that key to open it up, just place it right there." She points to a small inset spot right near the door handle. "Feel free to take a look and we'll get Mei... the other Mei, to her room. Just the other direction from where we exited the Levitation Disk there's a lounge if you want to check it out when you get a chance."
The Elf then continues on, passing '404' then '403' before coming to '402', all the doors on the left. "And here you are Mei! Now why don't you get settled in and I'll run back down to find the others." She then leaves Mei to check out her room and continues on heading the same clock-wise direction you had been heading to go back down.
Map of your floor:
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
Quentillius is looking directly at Guardok as he is casting his spell. And is getting more annoyed by the moment. Guardok though signs off on his paper and Ankitta hands him the key stone and all the papers. The Owlin explains each briefly as she hands them over. "All set, you can wait for Lesviel to show up." She then has the papers for both Malvyn and Knap ready to go. "You can sign these, and I'll get your key and papers."
In the meantime, Knap has cast his spell creating the sound of crickets. Glaring between him and Guardok, Quentillius' face seems to have reddened slightly and his irritation levels seem to be rising to a breaking point. Malvyn's attempt at intimidation has little effect on him. "You are some of the most absurd scoundrels to have ever darkened my days," he proclaims. "You will regret this," he says, wagging his finger in direction of the three.
Chara's apologies to Quentillius go mostly unnoticed. Though she is clearly not the focus of his ire.
Lucia had gotten the paper for Mellori to sign, holding as she waited for her to confirm her name. The room key and papers were all ready to go as well.
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest