Listening to the others Korba ponders for a moment and says, "It seems that we all share a similar burden. I, too, have an item,"holding up the pristine sword, in its sheath, "which is very important to me, yet, which is causing... difficulties in my life."
The High Priest nods along as each of you explains your situation... he appears extremely sympathetic towards you as he carefully examines your cursed items one at a time...
Finally, he is ready to do what he can. The other priests already tried several variations of remove curse and greater restoration, to no effect, and he is well aware of this. He invites you all to sit while he conducts a ritual, communing with the spirits to determine how best to help you... you watch as he burns incense and goes into a trance. He remains still, eyes closed and hands lifted to the heavens for several minutes.
And then, his eyes open, glowing with power as an otherworldly being takes hold of him.
Brave souls... each and every one of you has been granted something great power... incredible power, even. But hear me now; each and every one of you suffers... and the powers that torment you are born of divine edict. This is why the healers could not deliver you from the darkness. But even divine curses can be broken... it will be difficult. Painful even. But..."
"Or I can set you free now,"a voice says, interrupting the High Priest.
The voice sounds like a whisper in each of your ears. Behind you. Above you. Just out of sight. But the source quickly becomes clear... as you look around, you realize that a dark figure has appeared at the end of the hall...
Several of the assembled Ilmatari priests let out cries of shock as the dark wizard makes his entrance... followed by six cultists in dark robes and scale armor. Three men and three women.
The interruption shocks the High Priest out of his trance. Alaion gasps, both in surprise and anger.
"Firion!" he exclaims. "How dare you defile this holy place with your presence?"
"I am simply here to offer these poor souls respite,"the dark stranger says with a grin that does not look nearly as friendly as his words. "Curses wrought by the gods cannot be broken. It is as simple as that. But perhaps they can be transferred. See here, I have brought six devotees, willing to sacrifice and take on the curses that these poor people now endure... and you! All that you must do is give your cursed items to me. Forget that you ever had them and be free to live your lives."
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Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Korba instinctively reaches for his sword, and as he begins to pull it from his sheath winces in pain. Letting the sword drop back into his sheath he takes a step back, readying himself and says, “Though this item is my pain, it is also my birthright. To simply give it away would prove those who cursed it right, that I am not fit for it. I will not give it to you, nor any of your devotees, who could handle it even less than I.”
Jodie looks over the cultists, "One of them, play the harp? I am not sensing any music lovers in your band. I'd like to hear what Priest Grewynn was proposing before he was interrupted."
Jodie instinctively clutches the harp a little more tightly, then relaxes a bit and forms a wry smile. "You might not even like the sound it makes. I could play something simple to see what you think...." Jodie unclasps the buckles on the case and begins to pull the harp out.
Korba instinctively reaches for his sword, and as he begins to pull it from his sheath winces in pain. Letting the sword drop back into his sheath he takes a step back, readying himself and says, “Though this item is my pain, it is also my birthright. To simply give it away would prove those who cursed it right, that I am not fit for it. I will not give it to you, nor any of your devotees, who could handle it even less than I.”
Are any of these devotees Elven?
One of the women is an elf, and it looks like one of the men might be a half-elf (the rest appear to be human)
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Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Hewelathan was watching the priest's high priest's ritual with interest. It's a very different rite from the ones he has seen the druids perform, but he seems to be channeling real divine power.
Hewelathan is startled by the sudden appearance and sinister-sounding offer of this wizard, Firion. High Priest Grewynn's reaction makes it clear that the interloper is not welcome, and his intuition tells him that the wizard is dangerous. "It's like accidentally landing yourself between a buck and a pack of hungry wolves," he thinks to himself. It might not be his place to intervene, but now that he's here, extricating himself could be tricky. He glances around for exits that are not blocked by the wizard and his cultists. Perception18
The half-elf reaches down and slings his backpack and sack over his back. Then he lifts his shield and leans a long spear of elven make against a column nearby. It's always best to be ready for rain when the storm clouds gather! Hewelathan tries to position himself between the approaching wizard and Rhaenys. He rocks side to side slightly, waking up his legs and getting ready to move. He's always been a lucky fellow, but he just hopes that today isn't the day his luck runs out.
After the others finish, he gives his own response in a carrying voice, "I am not interested!" His tone is friendly but firm. "All mortals have our time in this world. The gods provide gifts so that we may enjoy life and endure our struggles. But there is a balance to the world, and I would not upset that balance with a hasty bargain and a honey-tongued wizard. Maybe we are gathered here simply to learn from the One Who Endures how to bear our burdens with grace."
Hewelathan glances toward High Priest Grewynn, hoping he'll take the lead or give he and his fellow supplicants some instructions or sign.
Tytus first instinct was to vanish. But perhaps it is not necessary yet. He tries to analyse the situation. Sure the tension sky rocketed, but no one made any threats yet, so he tries to stay calm for now. High priest did not really offer anything yet, but his forecast was not very appealing. This man in the dark robes on the other hand sure do have an easy way out but... His folks do look like a bunch of cultists. I am staying clear from that kind of bunch for sure - he thought to himself. I still like the idea of just giving it away. All i ever wanted was to be happy with other people, have a family and friends. Now leaving that ring behind might just do that for me, but... There is still the pact. I don't even know what are the terms of it, i can not just ignore it and wait until it destroy everything i might achieve without the ring. For now it seems wiser to keep the ring and use it to learn more about that pact, and a road to that never appeared easy, even though i had no idea where to start. Maybe this hard road from Ilmater could bring me closer to my goal. I hope i am not imagining things but i feel like i should trust Ilmater, not the Priest though he might be up to something, but Ilmater i believe in. However that dark persona might know more about fiends than priests...
He was quiet for a bit and you could see how hesitation painted on his simple face. Tytus spoke his mind at last:
- I am grateful for your offer kind sir, but it seems you have interrupted our appointment with High Priest that we were waiting all day to meet. Please tell us your name and where we can find you if some of us would like to take on your offer. For now please let us have our time with the High Priest. We still have things to discuss.
/Tytus tries to kindly refuse his offer, but get some information on his persona, or at least where to find him if that is possible. Rolled persuasion with disadvantage in game log if needed (12,19)+3=15/
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Currently playing: DM - Dragon of Icespire Peak | Tytus Wolan - Warlock (Chronicles of the Accursed) | Biezdar Kamrazzan - Warrior (Icespire Peak)
Rhaenys' first instinct is to run to this Firion and hand the staff right away. His promise of a swift solution to their problem sounds so tempting... But as Hewelathansteps in front of her, she thinks again. All her problems had began the moment she had stolen the staff. Was she going to keep turning to the easier of solutions? Or was she for once going to try and fix things following the correct pact?
The blonde freckled kid looked at the High Priest. His solution to their predicament would surely involve a difficult path, but a path that would lead to a bright redemption. While this Firiondidn't look like the most trustworthy guy. And where their cultist really going to just accept their curse? Where they even aware of this or had they been forced by this man?
There was also the matter of the staff itself: was she willing to just give up on it? She had already tasted her power, and that was a honeyed delicacy she was not ready to give up.
So she clutched the staff and answered:
- I don't trust this shortcut you are offering, Firion. I stand with my companions, and with the High Priest. I want to do this right. And I don't want to give this staff away on empty promises that who knows what kind of payment hide within their beautiful appearance.
The High Priest smiles at your answers, and he steps towards the dark mage.
"It seems that your supposed 'help' is not needed here today," the priest says. "So I think that it would be in all of our best interest for you and your followers to leave here at once."
The dark mage glares at the elf for a few moments, then turns his attention towards the gathered sufferers.
"So, you would truly refuse my offer?" he says. "Perhaps I shouldn't have expected anything else. But just beware that you will see me again. And, one way or another, I will get what I desire."
He pauses a moment, looking at Tytus.
"When you and your friends come to your senses, you can find me to the East, in the Black Tower."
He waves a hand and produces an image of the massive tower:
(Yeah, this guy isn't the most subtle person in the multiverse)
"But, if you believe that this priest can do the impossible, then for now I will leave and watch your folly play out. Until we meet again."
He bows in mock-courtesy, before muttering an incantation. The dark mage disappears, along with the six cultists, as if they were never there at all. The High Priest stares at the place where the dark man once was for a few more moments. Then he sighs.
"The lord of the Black Tower won't give up easily on his ambitions,"Alaion says in resignation. "I don't know how he found out of the cursed items that you carry, but I know that he cannot have anything good in mind. For all his genius, the man is completely mad."
The priest doesn't expand upon that much. He looks at you all sympathetically.
"If you wish to be rid of what haunts you, then you will need to travel far and wide. To uncover ancient secrets and prove yourselves worthy. In truth, there is little that I can do... but... I can give you each something to aide you in your trials."
(You may now all equip your RARE magic items, as they have now been gifted to you by the temple).
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Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Taking the amulet gifted him by the priest and putting it on, Korba suddenly looks much more healthy and hearty than he did previously. Standing tall he holds his sword out in front of him and sighs before placing it on his back. "Thank you and Ilmater. Though that is something I never thought I would have said."Korba chuckles a bit and continues, "It is curious that so many of us have gathered with a similar problem. Though I'm sure our curses stem from different sources... perhaps the gods have brought us together for a reason. Alaion, though this is very helpful and I am grateful, I have one more thing to ask... have you any idea of where we might start in learning how to remove these curses? Or why our curses specifically are so strong?"
He bows in mock-courtesy, before muttering an incantation. The dark mage disappears, along with the six cultists, as if they were never there at all.
Hewelathan lets out a long sigh, as though he had been holding his breath. He glances around at Rhaenys and the others and lets out a nervous laugh. Once the high priest starts talking again, he finally relaxes, no longer looking like he's poised to spring.
The priest doesn't expand upon that much. He looks at you all sympathetically.
"If you wish to be rid of what haunts you, then you will need to travel far and wide. To uncover ancient secrets and prove yourselves worthy. In truth, there is little that I can do... but... I can give you each something to aide you in your trials."
(You may now all equip your RARE magic items, as they have now been gifted to you by the temple).
Hewelathan accepts the gifts and thanks the priests for their generosity. If High Priest Grewynn is still there, he uses a traditional Elvish response for the giving of gifts.
Hewelathan removes his mud-stained cloak and dons a clean, dark cloak that they present to him. They say that the cloak is infused with abjuration magic that will help protect its wearer from harm and even from magic. The new cloak is made of fine cloth seems to shimmer with its own power. The cloak looks old, but unlike his own cloak, there's not a single rip or patch in it.
Then the priests bring a shallow, square box of wood. It contains a silver-bladed sickle with a wooden handle that is polished and carved with a design that looks like circling vines. Hewelathan's eyes widen when he sees the sickle. "I've heard of such sickles, created by the archdruids to capture the light of the Moon herself. They strengthen a druid's bond with Nature and the Moon above."
"But I didn't know that they made them this small," Hewelathan says, laughing at the sight. He reaches into the box, not seeing the confusion on the face of the priest who holds the box and lifts out the sickle. You're not sure what Hewelathan meant: it seems like a regular-sized sickle, similar to the ones used by farmers in reaping. In the dim light of the evening, the blade seems to glimmer softly as though reflecting moonlight even though the clouds now obscure the sky outside. Hewelathan declares: "No matter! I am grateful. Even if it's a bit small, I can already feel that its magic is strong. I thank you, and I will put it to good use."
Hewelathan is in awe of the temple's generosity and starts to feel like this is more than his usual luck. "But," he says, a little confused, "these gifts are so generous. What do we owe you in exchange? Or do you know something about what we are to do? Is this all related to what High Priest Grewynn said earlier? Are these items that we carry--I don't know--are they bound to each other somehow? I do we all come to be here on the same day, each with an item cursed by divine edict? Is there something you haven't told us?"
The priest strokes his beard thoughtfully for a moment, before he gives his answer to Korba.
"Many of these curses were crafted by the gods themselves," he says at last. "In your case, it seems that whoever wished to prevent you from claiming this sword as yours was favored by either Lolth or Vhaeraun. My advice to free yourselves of these dark forces is this: find a way to reach the Ethereal Plane. There, the weave of reality may be changed contrary even to the will of gods. I confess, even when you reach that plane I do not know how you will cure yourselves of these maladies, but I believe that you will have help along the way."
Korba chuckles a bit and continues, "It is curious that so many of us have gathered with a similar problem. Though I'm sure our curses stem from different sources... perhaps the gods have brought us together for a reason.
Hewelathan is in awe of the temple's generosity and starts to feel like this is more than his usual luck. "But," he says, a little confused, "these gifts are so generous. What do we owe you in exchange? Or do you know something about what we are to do? Is this all related to what High Priest Grewynn said earlier? Are these items that we carry--I don't know--are they bound to each other somehow? I do we all come to be here on the same day, each with an item cursed by divine edict? Is there something you haven't told us?"
(OOC: Heh. Cross-posted, but I see that Hewelathan and Korba are thinking along the same lines!)
The priest strokes his beard thoughtfully for a moment, before he gives his answer to Korba.
"Many of these curses were crafted by the gods themselves," he says at last. "In your case, it seems that whoever wished to prevent you from claiming this sword as yours was favored by either Lolth or Vhaeraun. My advice to free yourselves of these dark forces is this: find a way to reach the Ethereal Plane. There, the weave of reality may be changed contrary even to the will of gods. I confess, even when you reach that plane I do not know how you will cure yourselves of these maladies, but I believe that you will have help along the way."
"The Ethereal Plane?"Korba asks, already tired from his journey here and all that has happened to him. "and... how would we even begin to find an entrance to there?"
Korba chuckles a bit and continues, "It is curious that so many of us have gathered with a similar problem. Though I'm sure our curses stem from different sources... perhaps the gods have brought us together for a reason.
Hewelathan is in awe of the temple's generosity and starts to feel like this is more than his usual luck. "But," he says, a little confused, "these gifts are so generous. What do we owe you in exchange? Or do you know something about what we are to do? Is this all related to what High Priest Grewynn said earlier? Are these items that we carry--I don't know--are they bound to each other somehow? I do we all come to be here on the same day, each with an item cursed by divine edict? Is there something you haven't told us?"
(OOC: Heh. Cross-posted, but I see that Hewelathan and Korba are thinking along the same lines!)
We do have an OOC for just these types of comments ;)
Jodie blushes when presented the elven chain. "For me? And I didn't get you anything!"
Jodie gives the High Priest a big hug and presses herself against him for a few seconds too long. She pushes him back, acting offended and then smiles. "I guess it is going to be pretty dangerous out there. Is that mithral? I can wear that under my performance clothes! "
She leans in a little closer and whispers, "So how far and wide we talking?"
Rhaenysreturns Hewelathan's glance with a mix of relaxation and surprise, then lets out a breath she didn't know was containing and relaxes the hand which was ready to perform the movements of an attack spell.
- Phew ... I was pretty sure Firion and his cultists were going to attack! I thought we were done for! I guess we have been lucky today, but I won't be at ease knowing that they might appear out of nowhere at any moment.
When Alaionstarts handing the magical objects that can help them on their journey, the sorcerer receives a beautifully crafted silver vial along with the instructions that she needs to place a few drops of blood inside it, which will make her attune to it and, apparently, amplify her magic abilities. So the kid searches for a dagger in her backpack and as she approaches the weapon to her finger, she hears in her mind:
"Ugh. Even I can't stand watching a kid bleed."
So, in the blink of an eye, the kid changes to an older version of hersef. It is as if she had grown up ten years in a single second, and now the blonde freckled hazel-eyed girl is now around twenty years in age.
- How very nice of you - Rhaenys mutters. She then cuts her finger and places it on top of the vial, which glows faintly for a few seconds, indicating that the attunement has finished correctly. When the sorcerer puts it around her neck she feels her skin tingle and the tips of her fingers brimming with arcane power. It is definitely a good feeling, and she has to contain herself from casting a spell out of curiosity. Instead, she turns to Alaion thanking him profusely - This will definitely help, thank you very much!
At Korba's questions she answers:
- I can help with that. You see, this staff allows me to cast spells that would otherwise be impossible for an inexperienced sorcerer such as me. One of them allows me to teleport a group of persons to a plane of my choice. It seems I can even specify which specific point of the plane to teleport to. So - and she turns to the High Priest - any suggestion of which part of the Ethereal Plane could we go to? Also, I don't know much about that plane. Can you tell us which kinds of dangers we can expect? - Then turns to the group again -Should we prepare for the journey? We might need to acquire a few potions and such.
I am being here totally out of my element. I guess i started that journey when i decided to leave farm for a town. he thought to himself then said still waiting for his turn and then said:
- What is this Eternal plane anyway? I have never heard of such place. Also did you heard what that man said before he left? He said he will get what he desires. I think we made an enemy for ourselves. At least he cleared up that he wanted the items and not to help us. We should be wary of him.
At this moment he was presented with a Dagger that at its base resembled a whistle. Priest explained that with this weapon we can feel safe while resting in unwelcoming places as it would alert us of any danger and even wake us up when needed. Second item is an periapt looking like two hands holding a red gem. Priest explained that they thought it my be helpful if any harm came to Tytus while he is invisible. Such periapt would keep him from dying if no one could locate him to help. Tytus thanked for the gifts, buckled the dagger to his belt and put periapt around his neck. Then he spoke to the group again.
- Dear people who share a similar problem as me. I am fully out of my element here, although i do have some training. Some of you suggested it was fate that brought us here together, i don't know about that, but from what i can see, It would be sure wise to do this together. I ask you now: Would you be open to form an alliance between us in order to overcome or curses?
The high priest sighs as he is questioned about exactly where to go on the Ethereal Plane and what you need to do when you arrive.
"That I do not know; I am not especially familiar with the various planes of reality besides this one that is our home. Though I was able to commune with the gods, I could only get a vague idea of what could be done... in all honesty, I'm not sure where you should go next to learn more..."
A priestess coughs rather conspicuously, drawing Alaion's attention. He looks at her for a moment, then his face pales.
"My dear child... you wouldn't actually suggest that they turn to him for help...?"
The priestess speaks up.
"Well... what other choice do they have? Unless you think that Firion would be a preferable alternative..."
The High Priest closes his eyes for a moment in thought... before he breathes an exasperated sigh. At last he speaks again.
"There is one who may be able to help you... someone extremely knowledgeable in the arcane and more powerful than even the lord of the Black Tower... but..." the elf grimaces. "I... have difficulty even calling him a person... you see, the man, Lord Akkron, is one of the undead. Sister Eila had a rather unusual encounter with this lich when she was stranded on another plane of existence. We at the temple have done extensive research on this creature after she came back with a report on her encounter. As far as we can tell, he is unlikely to harm you if you are not hostile towards him. But be warned, even if the lich himself is willing to hear you out, the rest of his domain will not be welcoming to mortals, the Shaded Isle is infested with angry spirits from a war that was fought several thousand years ago... and even if you are able to reach him safely, I doubt that the lich will grant you access to his vast knowledge without first making you undergo some dangerous test to prove yourselves worthy of his aid."
The high priest glances at the priestess. It is clear that he doesn't like that he is giving you this information... but at the same time, he can't think of many other options. He concludes at last.
"But... unlike Firion, Lord Akkron has never been known to go back on his word or double-cross you once a deal has been made. He is probably your best, or perhaps I should say your least terrible, option to find a solution to your problems."
- Well, that is surely not an appealing travel destination, but that is something solid that we can work with. I will go there. I think... our best bet is to stick together. However if we are to venture away from the roads i would need to go and buy at least something warm to cover myself at night. How far would that Isle be? Oh and since that is an Isle is there a way we can charter some boat? Or is that entirely on our end to get there?
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Currently playing: DM - Dragon of Icespire Peak | Tytus Wolan - Warlock (Chronicles of the Accursed) | Biezdar Kamrazzan - Warrior (Icespire Peak)
- I agree. Let's stick together. That will improve our chances, now that we now have to fight not only our curses, but that Firion too. Also, you all seem nice! - she adds, smiling.
Listening to the others Korba ponders for a moment and says, "It seems that we all share a similar burden. I, too, have an item," holding up the pristine sword, in its sheath, "which is very important to me, yet, which is causing... difficulties in my life."
PbP 🎲: Tyekanik; Moneo Noree; Korba Muris; & occasional DM:
The High Priest nods along as each of you explains your situation... he appears extremely sympathetic towards you as he carefully examines your cursed items one at a time...
Finally, he is ready to do what he can. The other priests already tried several variations of remove curse and greater restoration, to no effect, and he is well aware of this. He invites you all to sit while he conducts a ritual, communing with the spirits to determine how best to help you... you watch as he burns incense and goes into a trance. He remains still, eyes closed and hands lifted to the heavens for several minutes.
And then, his eyes open, glowing with power as an otherworldly being takes hold of him.
Brave souls... each and every one of you has been granted something great power... incredible power, even. But hear me now; each and every one of you suffers... and the powers that torment you are born of divine edict. This is why the healers could not deliver you from the darkness. But even divine curses can be broken... it will be difficult. Painful even. But..."
"Or I can set you free now," a voice says, interrupting the High Priest.
The voice sounds like a whisper in each of your ears. Behind you. Above you. Just out of sight. But the source quickly becomes clear... as you look around, you realize that a dark figure has appeared at the end of the hall...

Several of the assembled Ilmatari priests let out cries of shock as the dark wizard makes his entrance... followed by six cultists in dark robes and scale armor. Three men and three women.
The interruption shocks the High Priest out of his trance. Alaion gasps, both in surprise and anger.
"Firion!" he exclaims. "How dare you defile this holy place with your presence?"
"I am simply here to offer these poor souls respite," the dark stranger says with a grin that does not look nearly as friendly as his words. "Curses wrought by the gods cannot be broken. It is as simple as that. But perhaps they can be transferred. See here, I have brought six devotees, willing to sacrifice and take on the curses that these poor people now endure... and you! All that you must do is give your cursed items to me. Forget that you ever had them and be free to live your lives."
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
Korba instinctively reaches for his sword, and as he begins to pull it from his sheath winces in pain. Letting the sword drop back into his sheath he takes a step back, readying himself and says, “Though this item is my pain, it is also my birthright. To simply give it away would prove those who cursed it right, that I am not fit for it. I will not give it to you, nor any of your devotees, who could handle it even less than I.”
Are any of these devotees Elven?
PbP 🎲: Tyekanik; Moneo Noree; Korba Muris; & occasional DM:
Jodie looks over the cultists, "One of them, play the harp? I am not sensing any music lovers in your band. I'd like to hear what Priest Grewynn was proposing before he was interrupted."
Jodie instinctively clutches the harp a little more tightly, then relaxes a bit and forms a wry smile. "You might not even like the sound it makes. I could play something simple to see what you think...." Jodie unclasps the buckles on the case and begins to pull the harp out.
Fargen Hill Dwarf Cleric/Barbarian - Hoard of the Dragon Queen, Jodie Olwen Half-Elf Bard- Chronicles of the Accursed
One of the women is an elf, and it looks like one of the men might be a half-elf (the rest appear to be human)
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
Hewelathan was watching the priest's high priest's ritual with interest. It's a very different rite from the ones he has seen the druids perform, but he seems to be channeling real divine power.
Hewelathan is startled by the sudden appearance and sinister-sounding offer of this wizard, Firion. High Priest Grewynn's reaction makes it clear that the interloper is not welcome, and his intuition tells him that the wizard is dangerous. "It's like accidentally landing yourself between a buck and a pack of hungry wolves," he thinks to himself. It might not be his place to intervene, but now that he's here, extricating himself could be tricky. He glances around for exits that are not blocked by the wizard and his cultists. Perception 18
The half-elf reaches down and slings his backpack and sack over his back. Then he lifts his shield and leans a long spear of elven make against a column nearby. It's always best to be ready for rain when the storm clouds gather! Hewelathan tries to position himself between the approaching wizard and Rhaenys. He rocks side to side slightly, waking up his legs and getting ready to move. He's always been a lucky fellow, but he just hopes that today isn't the day his luck runs out.
After the others finish, he gives his own response in a carrying voice, "I am not interested!" His tone is friendly but firm. "All mortals have our time in this world. The gods provide gifts so that we may enjoy life and endure our struggles. But there is a balance to the world, and I would not upset that balance with a hasty bargain and a honey-tongued wizard. Maybe we are gathered here simply to learn from the One Who Endures how to bear our burdens with grace."
Hewelathan glances toward High Priest Grewynn, hoping he'll take the lead or give he and his fellow supplicants some instructions or sign.
Tytus first instinct was to vanish. But perhaps it is not necessary yet. He tries to analyse the situation. Sure the tension sky rocketed, but no one made any threats yet, so he tries to stay calm for now. High priest did not really offer anything yet, but his forecast was not very appealing. This man in the dark robes on the other hand sure do have an easy way out but... His folks do look like a bunch of cultists. I am staying clear from that kind of bunch for sure - he thought to himself. I still like the idea of just giving it away. All i ever wanted was to be happy with other people, have a family and friends. Now leaving that ring behind might just do that for me, but... There is still the pact. I don't even know what are the terms of it, i can not just ignore it and wait until it destroy everything i might achieve without the ring. For now it seems wiser to keep the ring and use it to learn more about that pact, and a road to that never appeared easy, even though i had no idea where to start. Maybe this hard road from Ilmater could bring me closer to my goal. I hope i am not imagining things but i feel like i should trust Ilmater, not the Priest though he might be up to something, but Ilmater i believe in. However that dark persona might know more about fiends than priests...
He was quiet for a bit and you could see how hesitation painted on his simple face. Tytus spoke his mind at last:
- I am grateful for your offer kind sir, but it seems you have interrupted our appointment with High Priest that we were waiting all day to meet. Please tell us your name and where we can find you if some of us would like to take on your offer. For now please let us have our time with the High Priest. We still have things to discuss.
/Tytus tries to kindly refuse his offer, but get some information on his persona, or at least where to find him if that is possible. Rolled persuasion with disadvantage in game log if needed (12,19)+3=15/
Currently playing: DM - Dragon of Icespire Peak | Tytus Wolan - Warlock (Chronicles of the Accursed) | Biezdar Kamrazzan - Warrior (Icespire Peak)
Rhaenys' first instinct is to run to this Firion and hand the staff right away. His promise of a swift solution to their problem sounds so tempting... But as Hewelathan steps in front of her, she thinks again. All her problems had began the moment she had stolen the staff. Was she going to keep turning to the easier of solutions? Or was she for once going to try and fix things following the correct pact?
The blonde freckled kid looked at the High Priest. His solution to their predicament would surely involve a difficult path, but a path that would lead to a bright redemption. While this Firion didn't look like the most trustworthy guy. And where their cultist really going to just accept their curse? Where they even aware of this or had they been forced by this man?
There was also the matter of the staff itself: was she willing to just give up on it? She had already tasted her power, and that was a honeyed delicacy she was not ready to give up.
So she clutched the staff and answered:
- I don't trust this shortcut you are offering, Firion. I stand with my companions, and with the High Priest. I want to do this right. And I don't want to give this staff away on empty promises that who knows what kind of payment hide within their beautiful appearance.
It's only forever, not long at all ♫ Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua | Aisling
The High Priest smiles at your answers, and he steps towards the dark mage.

"It seems that your supposed 'help' is not needed here today," the priest says. "So I think that it would be in all of our best interest for you and your followers to leave here at once."
The dark mage glares at the elf for a few moments, then turns his attention towards the gathered sufferers.
"So, you would truly refuse my offer?" he says. "Perhaps I shouldn't have expected anything else. But just beware that you will see me again. And, one way or another, I will get what I desire."
He pauses a moment, looking at Tytus.
"When you and your friends come to your senses, you can find me to the East, in the Black Tower."
He waves a hand and produces an image of the massive tower:
(Yeah, this guy isn't the most subtle person in the multiverse)
"But, if you believe that this priest can do the impossible, then for now I will leave and watch your folly play out. Until we meet again."
He bows in mock-courtesy, before muttering an incantation. The dark mage disappears, along with the six cultists, as if they were never there at all. The High Priest stares at the place where the dark man once was for a few more moments. Then he sighs.
"The lord of the Black Tower won't give up easily on his ambitions," Alaion says in resignation. "I don't know how he found out of the cursed items that you carry, but I know that he cannot have anything good in mind. For all his genius, the man is completely mad."
The priest doesn't expand upon that much. He looks at you all sympathetically.
"If you wish to be rid of what haunts you, then you will need to travel far and wide. To uncover ancient secrets and prove yourselves worthy. In truth, there is little that I can do... but... I can give you each something to aide you in your trials."
(You may now all equip your RARE magic items, as they have now been gifted to you by the temple).
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Taking the amulet gifted him by the priest and putting it on, Korba suddenly looks much more healthy and hearty than he did previously. Standing tall he holds his sword out in front of him and sighs before placing it on his back. "Thank you and Ilmater. Though that is something I never thought I would have said." Korba chuckles a bit and continues, "It is curious that so many of us have gathered with a similar problem. Though I'm sure our curses stem from different sources... perhaps the gods have brought us together for a reason. Alaion, though this is very helpful and I am grateful, I have one more thing to ask... have you any idea of where we might start in learning how to remove these curses? Or why our curses specifically are so strong?"
PbP 🎲: Tyekanik; Moneo Noree; Korba Muris; & occasional DM:
Hewelathan lets out a long sigh, as though he had been holding his breath. He glances around at Rhaenys and the others and lets out a nervous laugh. Once the high priest starts talking again, he finally relaxes, no longer looking like he's poised to spring.
Hewelathan accepts the gifts and thanks the priests for their generosity. If High Priest Grewynn is still there, he uses a traditional Elvish response for the giving of gifts.
Hewelathan removes his mud-stained cloak and dons a clean, dark cloak that they present to him. They say that the cloak is infused with abjuration magic that will help protect its wearer from harm and even from magic. The new cloak is made of fine cloth seems to shimmer with its own power. The cloak looks old, but unlike his own cloak, there's not a single rip or patch in it.
Then the priests bring a shallow, square box of wood. It contains a silver-bladed sickle with a wooden handle that is polished and carved with a design that looks like circling vines. Hewelathan's eyes widen when he sees the sickle. "I've heard of such sickles, created by the archdruids to capture the light of the Moon herself. They strengthen a druid's bond with Nature and the Moon above."
"But I didn't know that they made them this small," Hewelathan says, laughing at the sight. He reaches into the box, not seeing the confusion on the face of the priest who holds the box and lifts out the sickle. You're not sure what Hewelathan meant: it seems like a regular-sized sickle, similar to the ones used by farmers in reaping. In the dim light of the evening, the blade seems to glimmer softly as though reflecting moonlight even though the clouds now obscure the sky outside. Hewelathan declares: "No matter! I am grateful. Even if it's a bit small, I can already feel that its magic is strong. I thank you, and I will put it to good use."
Hewelathan is in awe of the temple's generosity and starts to feel like this is more than his usual luck. "But," he says, a little confused, "these gifts are so generous. What do we owe you in exchange? Or do you know something about what we are to do? Is this all related to what High Priest Grewynn said earlier? Are these items that we carry--I don't know--are they bound to each other somehow? I do we all come to be here on the same day, each with an item cursed by divine edict? Is there something you haven't told us?"
The priest strokes his beard thoughtfully for a moment, before he gives his answer to Korba.
"Many of these curses were crafted by the gods themselves," he says at last. "In your case, it seems that whoever wished to prevent you from claiming this sword as yours was favored by either Lolth or Vhaeraun. My advice to free yourselves of these dark forces is this: find a way to reach the Ethereal Plane. There, the weave of reality may be changed contrary even to the will of gods. I confess, even when you reach that plane I do not know how you will cure yourselves of these maladies, but I believe that you will have help along the way."
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(OOC: Heh. Cross-posted, but I see that Hewelathan and Korba are thinking along the same lines!)
"The Ethereal Plane?" Korba asks, already tired from his journey here and all that has happened to him. "and... how would we even begin to find an entrance to there?"
We do have an OOC for just these types of comments ;)
PbP 🎲: Tyekanik; Moneo Noree; Korba Muris; & occasional DM:
Jodie blushes when presented the elven chain. "For me? And I didn't get you anything!"
Jodie gives the High Priest a big hug and presses herself against him for a few seconds too long. She pushes him back, acting offended and then smiles. "I guess it is going to be pretty dangerous out there. Is that mithral? I can wear that under my performance clothes! "
She leans in a little closer and whispers, "So how far and wide we talking?"
Fargen Hill Dwarf Cleric/Barbarian - Hoard of the Dragon Queen, Jodie Olwen Half-Elf Bard- Chronicles of the Accursed
Rhaenys returns Hewelathan's glance with a mix of relaxation and surprise, then lets out a breath she didn't know was containing and relaxes the hand which was ready to perform the movements of an attack spell.
- Phew ... I was pretty sure Firion and his cultists were going to attack! I thought we were done for! I guess we have been lucky today, but I won't be at ease knowing that they might appear out of nowhere at any moment.
When Alaion starts handing the magical objects that can help them on their journey, the sorcerer receives a beautifully crafted silver vial along with the instructions that she needs to place a few drops of blood inside it, which will make her attune to it and, apparently, amplify her magic abilities. So the kid searches for a dagger in her backpack and as she approaches the weapon to her finger, she hears in her mind:
"Ugh. Even I can't stand watching a kid bleed."
So, in the blink of an eye, the kid changes to an older version of hersef. It is as if she had grown up ten years in a single second, and now the blonde freckled hazel-eyed girl is now around twenty years in age.
- How very nice of you - Rhaenys mutters. She then cuts her finger and places it on top of the vial, which glows faintly for a few seconds, indicating that the attunement has finished correctly. When the sorcerer puts it around her neck she feels her skin tingle and the tips of her fingers brimming with arcane power. It is definitely a good feeling, and she has to contain herself from casting a spell out of curiosity. Instead, she turns to Alaion thanking him profusely - This will definitely help, thank you very much!
At Korba's questions she answers:
- I can help with that. You see, this staff allows me to cast spells that would otherwise be impossible for an inexperienced sorcerer such as me. One of them allows me to teleport a group of persons to a plane of my choice. It seems I can even specify which specific point of the plane to teleport to. So - and she turns to the High Priest - any suggestion of which part of the Ethereal Plane could we go to? Also, I don't know much about that plane. Can you tell us which kinds of dangers we can expect? - Then turns to the group again - Should we prepare for the journey? We might need to acquire a few potions and such.
It's only forever, not long at all ♫ Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua | Aisling
I am being here totally out of my element. I guess i started that journey when i decided to leave farm for a town. he thought to himself then said still waiting for his turn and then said:
- What is this Eternal plane anyway? I have never heard of such place. Also did you heard what that man said before he left? He said he will get what he desires. I think we made an enemy for ourselves. At least he cleared up that he wanted the items and not to help us. We should be wary of him.
At this moment he was presented with a Dagger that at its base resembled a whistle. Priest explained that with this weapon we can feel safe while resting in unwelcoming places as it would alert us of any danger and even wake us up when needed. Second item is an periapt looking like two hands holding a red gem. Priest explained that they thought it my be helpful if any harm came to Tytus while he is invisible. Such periapt would keep him from dying if no one could locate him to help.
Tytus thanked for the gifts, buckled the dagger to his belt and put periapt around his neck. Then he spoke to the group again.
- Dear people who share a similar problem as me. I am fully out of my element here, although i do have some training. Some of you suggested it was fate that brought us here together, i don't know about that, but from what i can see, It would be sure wise to do this together. I ask you now: Would you be open to form an alliance between us in order to overcome or curses?
Currently playing: DM - Dragon of Icespire Peak | Tytus Wolan - Warlock (Chronicles of the Accursed) | Biezdar Kamrazzan - Warrior (Icespire Peak)
The high priest sighs as he is questioned about exactly where to go on the Ethereal Plane and what you need to do when you arrive.
"That I do not know; I am not especially familiar with the various planes of reality besides this one that is our home. Though I was able to commune with the gods, I could only get a vague idea of what could be done... in all honesty, I'm not sure where you should go next to learn more..."
A priestess coughs rather conspicuously, drawing Alaion's attention. He looks at her for a moment, then his face pales.
"My dear child... you wouldn't actually suggest that they turn to him for help...?"
The priestess speaks up.
"Well... what other choice do they have? Unless you think that Firion would be a preferable alternative..."
The High Priest closes his eyes for a moment in thought... before he breathes an exasperated sigh. At last he speaks again.
"There is one who may be able to help you... someone extremely knowledgeable in the arcane and more powerful than even the lord of the Black Tower... but..." the elf grimaces. "I... have difficulty even calling him a person... you see, the man, Lord Akkron, is one of the undead. Sister Eila had a rather unusual encounter with this lich when she was stranded on another plane of existence. We at the temple have done extensive research on this creature after she came back with a report on her encounter. As far as we can tell, he is unlikely to harm you if you are not hostile towards him. But be warned, even if the lich himself is willing to hear you out, the rest of his domain will not be welcoming to mortals, the Shaded Isle is infested with angry spirits from a war that was fought several thousand years ago... and even if you are able to reach him safely, I doubt that the lich will grant you access to his vast knowledge without first making you undergo some dangerous test to prove yourselves worthy of his aid."
The high priest glances at the priestess. It is clear that he doesn't like that he is giving you this information... but at the same time, he can't think of many other options. He concludes at last.
"But... unlike Firion, Lord Akkron has never been known to go back on his word or double-cross you once a deal has been made. He is probably your best, or perhaps I should say your least terrible, option to find a solution to your problems."
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- Well, that is surely not an appealing travel destination, but that is something solid that we can work with. I will go there. I think... our best bet is to stick together. However if we are to venture away from the roads i would need to go and buy at least something warm to cover myself at night. How far would that Isle be? Oh and since that is an Isle is there a way we can charter some boat? Or is that entirely on our end to get there?
Currently playing: DM - Dragon of Icespire Peak | Tytus Wolan - Warlock (Chronicles of the Accursed) | Biezdar Kamrazzan - Warrior (Icespire Peak)
Rhaenys nods to Tytus:
- I agree. Let's stick together. That will improve our chances, now that we now have to fight not only our curses, but that Firion too. Also, you all seem nice! - she adds, smiling.
It's only forever, not long at all ♫ Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua | Aisling