In the world of Drakkenheim (Referred to as Earth) there was a collosial meteor. Destroying the capital of Westamar, ending the kings life and causing a civil war in Westamar. The war however had ended with more of a whimper due to the remaining heirs of noble blood either perishing or falling to fincial ruin after losing the capital of Westamar.. Drakkenheim.
Drakkenheim had lay silent for some time but with the meteor came the crystal.. Delirium. It could enchance magic for the Mage born or even the divine or even "Dabblers." It can have equipment forged with powerful properties and it could sell for so much money.
The ruins of Drakkenheim gave birth to the "Haze" a dangerous mist effecting man and creature but the Ruins... Were a gold mine of Delirium and ancient treasures held by the Von Hussels. A lawless ruin where any treasure hunter could make a fortune.
It did not only attract the greedy.. many came with purpose. Either to help the Sacred Flame or perhaps they were a long lost Von Hussel wanting to reclaim the throne.
It's short and I greatly recommend watching it to understand some basics.
So this part will be a bit interesting.
There is two different ways I can help you understand the world/lore as it's different from the Forgotten Realms. I will give you two major options
Option 1: You can make a character who is either from a small village or a hermit in a tower or any other isolated backstory (Or even amnesia) and you can slowly and organically learn while you play if that is less overwhelming for you.
Option 2: I will write headlines with short lines associated with them below, if you wish to know more about a subject ask me in PM's. That way you can ask what you feel you need to know right away and learn what you want to while you play.
Laws of Magic
Divine casters and arcane casters have different lore and reasons for their magic in this world. (To an extent) Doesn't affect mechanics but it does in the lore.
Edict of Lumen
The laws placed upon "Mageborn" such as not being allowed to have the title of nobility.
The World
The world is called "Earth" and the land is referred to as the Continent with several smaller kingdoms and 3 major ones. Westamar,Caspia,Elmria. Drakkenheim was the capital of Westamar.
History/Civil war
The war after the fall of the meteor on Drakkenheim.
The strange other worldly shards left behind from the crater. It's uses and place in the world.
The Factions
The basics on each faction.
The Haze
The mist surrounding Drakkenheim has strange effects on those who enter
The corruption from Delrium and other worldly monsters mechanics.
The gods are silent and few in this world.
This is stuff such as trade in the world or how races are viewed in the world and such
Dangers of the City
This is a very sandboxy campaign with some RNG also with open ended exploration and the nature of the encounters that can occur not every fight will be "Balanced." You will be outgunned and out matched at times and running away is an option. Getting the drop on you're enemies or using diplomacy, fleeing or trying to brute force tough odds with smart tactics are all valid options but know death is always possible.
I am looking to recruit 4 players. It won't be come first first serve I will message those with character ideas and play styles that seem most compatible with my own as a DM ^~^
This is You're Story/Personal Quest
A major aspect of this is the mechanic of... A personal request. Down below are many examples that can be altered or used but we can create a custom one! This quest will be one you're character is trying to achieve. It can change and evolve as the journey goes and you may have more than one.
Apocalyptic Vision. I have been haunted by visions of the meteor for fifteen years. Every time I sleep, I see it crashing down upon me. My personal quest is to see for myself what lies at the heart of the crater. I must overcome whatever I find there in order to stop these nightmares.
Arcane Secrets. Forbidden lore lies in Drakkenheim. Several dark wizards living in the ruins have mastered terrible and powerful new magic. The Inscrutable Tower library stands unguarded, filled with spellbooks containing secret arcana. My personal quest is to learn these spells.
Blighted Landscape. A blight on the natural order envelops Drakkenheim, but the contamination could spread beyond the city. My personal quest is to study the unnatural phenomena found within the most corrupt places in the city: Queen’s Park Garden, the underground waterways, and the Crater’s Edge. Perhaps then I can develop a way to reverse the contamination.
Claim the Throne. Though my family has fallen on hard times, we were distantly related to the royal House von Kessel. I may have a claim to the throne of Drakkenheim. My personal quest is to search the cathedral, noble estates, and the castle for sufficient evidence to conclusively prove my inheritance. Then I will take the crown for myself.
Faction Aspirant. I believe strongly in the ideals and goals of one of the five factions: either the Amethyst Academy, the Followers of the Falling Fire, the Hooded Lanterns, the Knights of the Silver Order, or the Queen’s Men. My personal quest is to join the faction, aid their mission, climb the ranks, and rise to a high leadership position within their organization.
Family Matter. One of my family members or close friends has become mixed up with one of the factions. Perhaps they have foolishly decided to join the organization. Alternatively, they’ve been taken prisoner by the faction due to some trespass or misunderstanding. Either way, my personal quest is to bring them back home.
Find a Cure. I have a friend, family member, or loved one who was contaminated by delerium and turned into a monster. They have gone mad, and are lost somewhere in Drakkenheim. My personal quest is to locate them, then discover a way to reverse their horrific transformation.
Lost Heirloom. I used to live in Drakkenheim. My personal quest is to recover a lost heirloom from my old home, which was located somewhere in the Inner City. Perhaps the item is sentimental, valuable only to members of my family. Alternatively it may have magical properties, and I wish to use these powers to aid my own ambitions.
Monster Slayer. I wish to leave behind a heroic legacy by defeating dread beasts. My personal quest is to slay three of the greatest monsters rumoured to dwell in Drakkenheim, and bring back their heads as trophies. Each must be a notable creature. My allies can assist me, but I must strike the decisive blow myself!
Overwhelming Debt. I owe a tremendous debt of 10,000 gold pieces, maybe more. My personal quest is to pay it back by making a fortune in Drakkenheim collecting delerium, plunder, and completing work-for-hire. Meanwhile, I must hide from bounty hunters my creditor send to kill me.
Personal Pilgrimage. As an acolyte of the faith, my personal quest is to visit several holy places in the city and perform a sacred ritual before the remains of the martyrs interred within each: the Cathedral of Saint Vitruvio, Saint Selina’s Monastery, and the Chapel in Castle Drakken. Through these devoted acts I will understand my place in the divine order.
Score to Settle. I have come to Drakkenheim to kill one of the faction leaders: either Archwizard Eldrick Runeweaver, Knight-Captain Theodore Marshal, Lord Commander Elias Drezel, Lucretia Mathia, or the Queen of thieves. Perhaps I seek revenge for a past wrong. Alternatively, I may covet their position and wish to replace them. Either way, my personal quest is to slay them.
Modifications/Triggers/Session 0
I may certainly change certain histories above (not too much lore and you will be warned when you send me a backstory if it pertains to you.) I also do run a few DMG variant rules.
Massive damage/system shock
Lingering Injuries (With an added con save for a chance to resist a permanent injury.)
Both these are in the DMG but rarely used I believe.
As for triggers, there may be Brothels and the like and not all roving Bandits will behave to the letter of civilization.
That being said you being comfortable comes first.
Now I cannot remove Brothels or bad things happening to NPC's. (May I add nothing graphic its all a fade to black sorta deal not trying to run a smut story lol.)
I can make sure nothing like that happens to you're PC. So give me an idea of you're triggers below.
However if you are triggered by body horror or mutilation or severe injury. (Arm loss and such) The campaign will not be a good fit for you and I am sorry for that it is a very Grimdark setting. I can't think of every possible trigger within the book. So please send me you're boundaries and triggers.
Oh and it's odd to put here but I see people get legitimately upset over this. Death is very likely in Drakkenheim and resurrection and materials for such can be a bit harder to come by. (Not impossible.)
Also I allow most books and almost everything in Tasha's except for the extra class abilties.
The spells and subclasses are fine but under "Optional Feature" of creating a character such as Paladins Divine Harness to trade channel divinity for spell slots.
Or giving all Clerics aura of vitality I don't allow.
However custom origin for stat allocation on races from Tasha's I allow and again I allow any Subclass and spell from the book.
I must admit there is always a chance I forgot something, so I will be frank when I remember and let you know. As to not drag out a campaign where we both strive for different things but also.. A good way to prevent this is asking me questions about what you want and dealbreakers for you. A session zero is always good for this!
PVP is allowed and doesn't always have to go to lethal but can destroy party cohesion. As it's pbp you can split up.. Recruit NPC's and become rival parties even. Or band together and work with one another. However PvP in a town may cause guards to get involved if not well hidden.
In an actual table splitting up parties would never work.. But in PbP it works rather nice actually!
Hi there, this seems like a really cool campaign. A good change !
I'd be interrested in joining with an GnomeArtificier who is intrigued by the delirium and wants to use it to power his inventions. Thus, I'd be keen on the Faction Aspirant background - the Amethyst Academy -
Sweet, someone is doing this. I got the book and found some stuff interesting. Would be delighted to join.
I would go with a Variant Human Wizard with the Mageborn Background going with the quirk: Magic floods my mind and makes it difficult to sleep without constant nightmares and visions. This would make my PC extra moody and is what leads to him going on a personal quest: Arcane Secrets in the hope of figuring out why this is happening to him.
I should have a character sheet done soon. What's the starting level and starting gears/gold? Exp-based or milestone leveling?
I'm interested in joining your Drakkenheim campaign, My character is a Reborn Warlock/Sorcerer searching for for her family that she lost contact with since her death. Could you please PM me so I can tell you more in detail?
Im leaning towards an Aasimar, divine soul sorcerer who is from a small village outside drakkenheim, similar to emberwood village. His personal quest is along the lines of figuring out the truth behind the metor, as half his tribe is split between coming of a new age, and a disaster.
Divine truth: I am set on learning the truth behind the meteor, good or bad.
Background: noble, he is a low ranking noble, with no claim to the throne.
As those chapters are meant for the players to read and make a character. Anyone else can ask me whatever they want to. (I can send EVERYTHING in those chapters but that is a lot and I understand wanting to learn stuff organically in the campaign.)
Also no name please send this character idea to me in PM's too I like it ^^
Certain magic is considered.. "Dark" such as blood magic or necromancy and frowned upon. (Or magic used to control nobles like dominate person but less shady than blood or necromancy)
@Johana I shall PM you ^^
@Mattrfagan Please send me this idea in PM's I like it too
@Johana/Mattrfagan For you both I'll ask in PM what lore you wanna know. Do you want some explained or learn as the campaign goes?
I’m interested in this setting, and very excited by your description - - I’d like to apply.
Name : Sinak Helvaerth
Class : Cleric, Arcana Domain
Race : Dark Elf (Shadar-Kai)
Background : Criminal / Spy
Backstory :
Sinak is a dark elf from the the region near Leuchten, a product of the diaspora. He was originally interested in the elven ruins to the west of his homeland, curious to learn of his kin and connection to his place in the world. He began to travel north, aiming to make his way slowly to Drakkenheim, with memories which seem to fade as he travels, the mystery of this being that he seeks to understand and serve. He seeks balance in this world, he begrudgingly complies with but he tries to avoids contact with the Amethyst Academy. He seeks knowledge from one known as Morrigan the Phantom Queen, but just as he seems to get closer to understanding, she eludes him. As he gets closer to his objective, he’s frustrated in that his memories of her are fading and falling from his grasp. He feels that the power of crystals and strange magic in Drakkenheim might unlock some keys and knowledge that has been hidden from him - he plans to make his way there. He feels that more fervent study, hidden from those that seek to control users of magic, is needed to finally make contact and achieve enlightenment.
He has developed contacts and companions to accompany him, and he done a few jobs with some seedier elements along the way as needed. Not for coin (though that is what he implies that he is interested in), but for the purpose of finding out forbidden secrets that the Amethyst Academy might frown upon. Information. Knowledge, in all forms. He’s not sure anymore, but he feels that through the use of powerful artifacts, he might have an advantage, such as, the powers that may reside in Drakkenheim.
Personal Pilgrimage. As an acolyte of the faith, my personal quest is to visit several holy places in the city and perform a sacred ritual before the remains of the martyrs interred within each: the Cathedral of Saint Vitruvio, Saint Selina’s Monastery, and the Chapel in Castle Drakken. Through these devoted acts I will understand my place in the divine order. (Or, eliminate any that may thwart my goals..)
A simple puddle of primordial ooze was nudged into sentience by an unknown being of great power. The being of great power spoke to the ooze and called it Alph. This being often reveals glimpses of Apocalyptic Visions to Alph. Alph doesn’t know why it’s here but is happy to experience life and the world. Despite its friendly, curious, child-like nature, Alph has a savage side.
I have enough players to vet through now ^^ I'll probably start Monday but anyone who has already posted this post may PM me their character stories and I can go through them all (I've got quite a few to get through!)
I should mention, some magics are considered rather "Dark" in the setting and not accepted necromancy being one.
Also characters can be targeted while downed I forget that's something I need to mention cause I know that can be a turn off for some players. Drakkenheim can be rather brutal, and when we start I should share Contamination rules and such as they can be rather deadly.
I'm throwing my hat in the ring! I'm a beginner player looking for a new campaign.
I want to play a Dwarf BattleMaster Fighterwith Monster Slayer as her personal quest. Her father, the commander of the royal army, disappeared during the civil war's peak. To restore the family's honor, the BattleMaster aims to slay the three infamous monsters of Drakkenheim.
Accepting applications in PM's I have returned home ^^
Also since I couldn't embed the video on my phone here it is to help understand the setting much better. (It's by the people who wrote the book Drakkenheim too so that's nice)
Eren had been quiet with Fenton,Thuribula,Sinak but a mere hour before the arrival with the contacts he had let them know.. The last group had robbed him of everything he had. Explaining his stiff nature the last few days.
They managed to meet the contacts, armed and armored men that had helped load the wagon. They looked to the adventurers with some level of suspicion. To ensure that Marlowe is certainly safe.. They trust him with two accosiates. Maggwyn and Dabbert though they must return the riding horses they are instructed to aid Marlowe on the way to Emberwood.
Marlowe looks at Maggwyn's horns in slight confusion.
"Ehh.. First an angel.. And now a demon... How... Interesting."
He looks to Fenton nervously, he seems almost worried the two may start fighting on the road. He clears his throat looking to Dabbert and Maggwyn.
"Well.. I'm sure they told ya but the name's Eren Marlowe! I know you're all probably here for the money and all but... Well honestly thank you for helping me get this food to Emberwood. Everyone is so obsessed with slaying monsters at Drakkenheim or hunting Delirium they sometimes forget the little things ya know? I imagine most adventurers thought this was above them.. So.. Thank ya, and Fenton.. Sinak Thuribula.. Sorry I wasn't exactly trusting the first few days. Honestly.. I think our contacts left two extra to ensure I was safe but.. You three seem alright to me!"
OOC The contacts will either be Hooded Laterns or Silver Order. I can adjust the post just depends on Dabberts faction aspirant ^^
If they are Silver Order they would have less suspicion because of Thuribula.
Also for Fazil as the wagon moves you have full control of when he stops them on the center of the road to try and join up! ^^
Though I shall PM you one idea that may help Fazil >3
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World of Drakkenheim
In the world of Drakkenheim (Referred to as Earth) there was a collosial meteor. Destroying the capital of Westamar, ending the kings life and causing a civil war in Westamar. The war however had ended with more of a whimper due to the remaining heirs of noble blood either perishing or falling to fincial ruin after losing the capital of Westamar.. Drakkenheim.
Drakkenheim had lay silent for some time but with the meteor came the crystal.. Delirium. It could enchance magic for the Mage born or even the divine or even "Dabblers." It can have equipment forged with powerful properties and it could sell for so much money.
The ruins of Drakkenheim gave birth to the "Haze" a dangerous mist effecting man and creature but the Ruins... Were a gold mine of Delirium and ancient treasures held by the Von Hussels. A lawless ruin where any treasure hunter could make a fortune.
It did not only attract the greedy.. many came with purpose. Either to help the Sacred Flame or perhaps they were a long lost Von Hussel wanting to reclaim the throne.
It's short and I greatly recommend watching it to understand some basics.
So this part will be a bit interesting.
There is two different ways I can help you understand the world/lore as it's different from the Forgotten Realms. I will give you two major options
Option 1: You can make a character who is either from a small village or a hermit in a tower or any other isolated backstory (Or even amnesia) and you can slowly and organically learn while you play if that is less overwhelming for you.
Option 2: I will write headlines with short lines associated with them below, if you wish to know more about a subject ask me in PM's. That way you can ask what you feel you need to know right away and learn what you want to while you play.
Laws of Magic
Divine casters and arcane casters have different lore and reasons for their magic in this world. (To an extent) Doesn't affect mechanics but it does in the lore.
Edict of Lumen
The laws placed upon "Mageborn" such as not being allowed to have the title of nobility.
The World
The world is called "Earth" and the land is referred to as the Continent with several smaller kingdoms and 3 major ones. Westamar,Caspia,Elmria. Drakkenheim was the capital of Westamar.
History/Civil war
The war after the fall of the meteor on Drakkenheim.
The strange other worldly shards left behind from the crater. It's uses and place in the world.
The Factions
The basics on each faction.
The Haze
The mist surrounding Drakkenheim has strange effects on those who enter
The corruption from Delrium and other worldly monsters mechanics.
The gods are silent and few in this world.
This is stuff such as trade in the world or how races are viewed in the world and such
Dangers of the City
This is a very sandboxy campaign with some RNG also with open ended exploration and the nature of the encounters that can occur not every fight will be "Balanced." You will be outgunned and out matched at times and running away is an option. Getting the drop on you're enemies or using diplomacy, fleeing or trying to brute force tough odds with smart tactics are all valid options but know death is always possible.
I am looking to recruit 4 players. It won't be come first first serve I will message those with character ideas and play styles that seem most compatible with my own as a DM ^~^
This is You're Story/Personal Quest
A major aspect of this is the mechanic of... A personal request. Down below are many examples that can be altered or used but we can create a custom one! This quest will be one you're character is trying to achieve. It can change and evolve as the journey goes and you may have more than one.
Apocalyptic Vision. I have been haunted by visions of the meteor for fifteen years. Every time I sleep, I see it crashing down upon me. My personal quest is to see for myself what lies at the heart of the crater. I must overcome whatever I find there in order to stop these nightmares.
Arcane Secrets. Forbidden lore lies in Drakkenheim. Several dark wizards living in the ruins have mastered terrible and powerful new magic. The Inscrutable Tower library stands unguarded, filled with spellbooks containing secret arcana. My personal quest is to learn these spells.
Blighted Landscape. A blight on the natural order envelops Drakkenheim, but the contamination could spread beyond the city. My personal quest is to study the unnatural phenomena found within the most corrupt places in the city: Queen’s Park Garden, the underground waterways, and the Crater’s Edge. Perhaps then I can develop a way to reverse the contamination.
Claim the Throne. Though my family has fallen on hard times, we were distantly related to the royal House von Kessel. I may have a claim to the throne of Drakkenheim. My personal quest is to search the cathedral, noble estates, and the castle for sufficient evidence to conclusively prove my inheritance. Then I will take the crown for myself.
Faction Aspirant. I believe strongly in the ideals and goals of one of the five factions: either the Amethyst Academy, the Followers of the Falling Fire, the Hooded Lanterns, the Knights of the Silver Order, or the Queen’s Men. My personal quest is to join the faction, aid their mission, climb the ranks, and rise to a high leadership position within their organization.
Family Matter. One of my family members or close friends has become mixed up with one of the factions. Perhaps they have foolishly decided to join the organization. Alternatively, they’ve been taken prisoner by the faction due to some trespass or misunderstanding. Either way, my personal quest is to bring them back home.
Find a Cure. I have a friend, family member, or loved one who was contaminated by delerium and turned into a monster. They have gone mad, and are lost somewhere in Drakkenheim. My personal quest is to locate them, then discover a way to reverse their horrific transformation.
Lost Heirloom. I used to live in Drakkenheim. My personal quest is to recover a lost heirloom from my old home, which was located somewhere in the Inner City. Perhaps the item is sentimental, valuable only to members of my family. Alternatively it may have magical properties, and I wish to use these powers to aid my own ambitions.
Monster Slayer. I wish to leave behind a heroic legacy by defeating dread beasts. My personal quest is to slay three of the greatest monsters rumoured to dwell in Drakkenheim, and bring back their heads as trophies. Each must be a notable creature. My allies can assist me, but I must strike the decisive blow myself!
Overwhelming Debt. I owe a tremendous debt of 10,000 gold pieces, maybe more. My personal quest is to pay it back by making a fortune in Drakkenheim collecting delerium, plunder, and completing work-for-hire. Meanwhile, I must hide from bounty hunters my creditor send to kill me.
Personal Pilgrimage. As an acolyte of the faith, my personal quest is to visit several holy places in the city and perform a sacred ritual before the remains of the martyrs interred within each: the Cathedral of Saint Vitruvio, Saint Selina’s Monastery, and the Chapel in Castle Drakken. Through these devoted acts I will understand my place in the divine order.
Score to Settle. I have come to Drakkenheim to kill one of the faction leaders: either Archwizard Eldrick Runeweaver, Knight-Captain Theodore Marshal, Lord Commander Elias Drezel, Lucretia Mathia, or the Queen of thieves. Perhaps I seek revenge for a past wrong. Alternatively, I may covet their position and wish to replace them. Either way, my personal quest is to slay them.
Modifications/Triggers/Session 0
I may certainly change certain histories above (not too much lore and you will be warned when you send me a backstory if it pertains to you.) I also do run a few DMG variant rules.
Massive damage/system shock
Lingering Injuries (With an added con save for a chance to resist a permanent injury.)
Both these are in the DMG but rarely used I believe.
As for triggers, there may be Brothels and the like and not all roving Bandits will behave to the letter of civilization.
That being said you being comfortable comes first.
Now I cannot remove Brothels or bad things happening to NPC's. (May I add nothing graphic its all a fade to black sorta deal not trying to run a smut story lol.)
I can make sure nothing like that happens to you're PC. So give me an idea of you're triggers below.
However if you are triggered by body horror or mutilation or severe injury. (Arm loss and such) The campaign will not be a good fit for you and I am sorry for that it is a very Grimdark setting. I can't think of every possible trigger within the book. So please send me you're boundaries and triggers.
Oh and it's odd to put here but I see people get legitimately upset over this. Death is very likely in Drakkenheim and resurrection and materials for such can be a bit harder to come by. (Not impossible.)
Also I allow most books and almost everything in Tasha's except for the extra class abilties.
The spells and subclasses are fine but under "Optional Feature" of creating a character such as Paladins Divine Harness to trade channel divinity for spell slots.
Or giving all Clerics aura of vitality I don't allow.
However custom origin for stat allocation on races from Tasha's I allow and again I allow any Subclass and spell from the book.
I must admit there is always a chance I forgot something, so I will be frank when I remember and let you know. As to not drag out a campaign where we both strive for different things but also.. A good way to prevent this is asking me questions about what you want and dealbreakers for you. A session zero is always good for this!
PVP is allowed and doesn't always have to go to lethal but can destroy party cohesion. As it's pbp you can split up.. Recruit NPC's and become rival parties even. Or band together and work with one another. However PvP in a town may cause guards to get involved if not well hidden.
In an actual table splitting up parties would never work.. But in PbP it works rather nice actually!
Hi there, this seems like a really cool campaign. A good change !
I'd be interrested in joining with an Gnome Artificier who is intrigued by the delirium and wants to use it to power his inventions.
Thus, I'd be keen on the Faction Aspirant background - the Amethyst Academy -
I'll update with more details soon...
Currently Playing: Regdus Ironfist (Greyhawk) Lvl 1 Storm Sorcerer ; Goraseth Drerjoxian (Icespeak) Lvl 3 Paladin Oath of Glory; Lerak (The Wild Beyond the Witchlight) Lvl 3 Barbarian Wild Magic
In Pause: Grimnir " Shadow-Feet", Lv 11 Owner of "The Basilisk & the Monk" (OotA) - Kurma Kappa, Lv 8 Priest of Oghma (ToA)
Currently DM'ing: Princes of Apocalypse >> Tomb of Annihilation
Sure! I'll PM you the lore relevant details you'd need to know (Unless you're familiar with the setting of course.)
Sweet, someone is doing this. I got the book and found some stuff interesting. Would be delighted to join.
I would go with a Variant Human Wizard with the Mageborn Background going with the quirk: Magic floods my mind and makes it difficult to sleep without constant nightmares and visions. This would make my PC extra moody and is what leads to him going on a personal quest: Arcane Secrets in the hope of figuring out why this is happening to him.
I should have a character sheet done soon. What's the starting level and starting gears/gold? Exp-based or milestone leveling?
Hello ShieldHero,
I'm interested in joining your Drakkenheim campaign, My character is a Reborn Warlock/Sorcerer searching for for her family that she lost contact with since her death. Could you please PM me so I can tell you more in detail?
Ill be adding a character to the mix shortly, just working out character stuff
Im leaning towards an Aasimar, divine soul sorcerer who is from a small village outside drakkenheim, similar to emberwood village. His personal quest is along the lines of figuring out the truth behind the metor, as half his tribe is split between coming of a new age, and a disaster.
Divine truth: I am set on learning the truth behind the meteor, good or bad.
Background: noble, he is a low ranking noble, with no claim to the throne.
For players with the book you may read chapter one and the world of Drakkenheim
As those chapters are meant for the players to read and make a character. Anyone else can ask me whatever they want to. (I can send EVERYTHING in those chapters but that is a lot and I understand wanting to learn stuff organically in the campaign.)
Also no name please send this character idea to me in PM's too I like it ^^
Certain magic is considered.. "Dark" such as blood magic or necromancy and frowned upon. (Or magic used to control nobles like dominate person but less shady than blood or necromancy)
@Johana I shall PM you ^^
@Mattrfagan Please send me this idea in PM's I like it too
@Johana/Mattrfagan For you both I'll ask in PM what lore you wanna know. Do you want some explained or learn as the campaign goes?
I’m interested in this setting, and very excited by your description - - I’d like to apply.
Name : Sinak Helvaerth
Class : Cleric, Arcana Domain
Race : Dark Elf (Shadar-Kai)
Background : Criminal / Spy
Backstory :
Sinak is a dark elf from the the region near Leuchten, a product of the diaspora. He was originally interested in the elven ruins to the west of his homeland, curious to learn of his kin and connection to his place in the world. He began to travel north, aiming to make his way slowly to Drakkenheim, with memories which seem to fade as he travels, the mystery of this being that he seeks to understand and serve. He seeks balance in this world, he begrudgingly complies with but he tries to avoids contact with the Amethyst Academy. He seeks knowledge from one known as Morrigan the Phantom Queen, but just as he seems to get closer to understanding, she eludes him. As he gets closer to his objective, he’s frustrated in that his memories of her are fading and falling from his grasp. He feels that the power of crystals and strange magic in Drakkenheim might unlock some keys and knowledge that has been hidden from him - he plans to make his way there. He feels that more fervent study, hidden from those that seek to control users of magic, is needed to finally make contact and achieve enlightenment.
He has developed contacts and companions to accompany him, and he done a few jobs with some seedier elements along the way as needed. Not for coin (though that is what he implies that he is interested in), but for the purpose of finding out forbidden secrets that the Amethyst Academy might frown upon. Information. Knowledge, in all forms. He’s not sure anymore, but he feels that through the use of powerful artifacts, he might have an advantage, such as, the powers that may reside in Drakkenheim.
Personal Pilgrimage. As an acolyte of the faith, my personal quest is to visit several holy places in the city and perform a sacred ritual before the remains of the martyrs interred within each: the Cathedral of Saint Vitruvio, Saint Selina’s Monastery, and the Chapel in Castle Drakken. Through these devoted acts I will understand my place in the divine order. (Or, eliminate any that may thwart my goals..)
Character sheet :
Would love to play in this setting.
Name: Alph
Race: Plasmoid
Class: Warlock(dip)/Barbarian
A simple puddle of primordial ooze was nudged into sentience by an unknown being of great power. The being of great power spoke to the ooze and called it Alph. This being often reveals glimpses of Apocalyptic Visions to Alph. Alph doesn’t know why it’s here but is happy to experience life and the world. Despite its friendly, curious, child-like nature, Alph has a savage side.
I have enough players to vet through now ^^
I'll probably start Monday but anyone who has already posted this post may PM me their character stories and I can go through them all (I've got quite a few to get through!)
I should mention, some magics are considered rather "Dark" in the setting and not accepted necromancy being one.
Also characters can be targeted while downed I forget that's something I need to mention cause I know that can be a turn off for some players. Drakkenheim can be rather brutal, and when we start I should share Contamination rules and such as they can be rather deadly.
I know I said I have enough to vet through, but if someone sees this they can PM me a character bio regardless.
I've already accepted 2, still vetting (haven't turned any down yet.)
Willing to take 2 more ^~^
Heading to work but wanted to post this on my phone real fast.
For those who wanna know more of the lore before starting. The video above is everything you would need to know to start.
Course some wanting to learn as they play works too ill just share bare essentials with them.
I will be accepting new applications till the end of today when I return feel free to send them ^^
For clarity- are you wanting the applications here, or in your PMs?
DM of AURYN: The Measure of Devotion - Escape from New York
Hey DM, is this going to be played here on dndbeyond?
I'm throwing my hat in the ring! I'm a beginner player looking for a new campaign.
I want to play a Dwarf BattleMaster Fighter with Monster Slayer as her personal quest. Her father, the commander of the royal army, disappeared during the civil war's peak. To restore the family's honor, the BattleMaster aims to slay the three infamous monsters of Drakkenheim.
I'm DMing a Drakkenhiem game we started a while ago. (before the book came out. I'm an original backer from the first Kickstarter)
It's a wonderful book and setting.
I wish you the best of luck to you and you PCs
Accepting applications in PM's I have returned home ^^
Also since I couldn't embed the video on my phone here it is to help understand the setting much better. (It's by the people who wrote the book Drakkenheim too so that's nice)
It was a long and hard vetting process I almost wanted to make two groups cause so many good candidates but I am going to start with just the one.
I have messaged the six that will be joining/are selected. For everyone else I'm really sorry I couldn't take everyone and good luck finding a game!
If anyone leaves or I start a second or if it fizzles out (I hope it doesn't but sometimes life happens to the party/PC's.)
Than I will message you for sure! Again sorry and good luck in other campaigns ^~^
Eren had been quiet with Fenton,Thuribula,Sinak but a mere hour before the arrival with the contacts he had let them know.. The last group had robbed him of everything he had. Explaining his stiff nature the last few days.
They managed to meet the contacts, armed and armored men that had helped load the wagon. They looked to the adventurers with some level of suspicion. To ensure that Marlowe is certainly safe.. They trust him with two accosiates. Maggwyn and Dabbert though they must return the riding horses they are instructed to aid Marlowe on the way to Emberwood.
Marlowe looks at Maggwyn's horns in slight confusion.
"Ehh.. First an angel.. And now a demon... How... Interesting."
He looks to Fenton nervously, he seems almost worried the two may start fighting on the road. He clears his throat looking to Dabbert and Maggwyn.
"Well.. I'm sure they told ya but the name's Eren Marlowe! I know you're all probably here for the money and all but... Well honestly thank you for helping me get this food to Emberwood. Everyone is so obsessed with slaying monsters at Drakkenheim or hunting Delirium they sometimes forget the little things ya know? I imagine most adventurers thought this was above them.. So.. Thank ya, and Fenton.. Sinak Thuribula.. Sorry I wasn't exactly trusting the first few days. Honestly.. I think our contacts left two extra to ensure I was safe but.. You three seem alright to me!"
The contacts will either be Hooded Laterns or Silver Order. I can adjust the post just depends on Dabberts faction aspirant ^^
If they are Silver Order they would have less suspicion because of Thuribula.
Also for Fazil as the wagon moves you have full control of when he stops them on the center of the road to try and join up! ^^
Though I shall PM you one idea that may help Fazil >3