I believe there are plans for the future of implementing macros that allow you to reference specific character sheets with in tags but I could very easily be mistaken.
I believe there are plans for the future of implementing macros that allow you to reference specific character sheets with in tags but I could very easily be mistaken.
Thanks. Much appreciated!
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D&D is a game, but it's not just a game. It's the ultimate storyboard, a campfire to share with friends, an imaginary call to imaginary arms and a ship to sail to horizons yet undreamt of...
One of these days I'm going to have to write all of those tags down somewhere at work so that I don't have to open 4 tabs to keep track of what I'm doing and what's what xD Are there plans to make the dice rolls and all that easier accasible on phone?
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Naya Andore - Half elf Cleric / Life Domain - Tomb of Annihilation
Elena Thaylin - Water Genasi Cleric / Life Domain - Kamaryst: The Gathering Storm
Does anyone have a fancy way to bookmark the "most recent post in a thread?" Like, is there a feature of the Forum software that would let me do that? I know the notifications bell dropdown takes you to the post listed, but I've bookmarked PbP game threads, and would like to jump straight to the end when I load them.
On my own forum (thinking about moving my game to here) we hold live games where everyone logs on at a given day and time and posts in real time, they then refresh their web page to see message responses, is that possible to do on here as well? It makes a PbP campaign go so much faster instead of waiting for people to log on daily to post their game messages. I've been doing it this way for a year now and it never caused a problem, I just want to know if it would work on here as well. I would like to move my game to here because I am getting a lot of complaints about the forum not working correctly and it's detering a lot of potential players.
Is there a specific NPC system on here? I had a bot on my site that lets the DM change his account to a NPC temporarily, is there anything like that on here or would I need to come up with some method of showing that an NPC is being used. A lot of my NPCs become an intricate part of the story and thus become important characters in the game. I need to be able to use them. If there is no NPC system here, then is it possible to attach small avatar images to a post, if so, I could just use a avatar for the NPCs.
As a new member and someone newer to DND, is there an area I can go to find help with finding a campaign other than just joining one? I see a lot of places on the site with information, but what would be the best place to begin?
Longtime DM, but i'm new to DND Beyond and PBP. I love the functionality of the site and having everything, character sheets, dice roller and game thread all in the one place. Great job!
Question: in the PBP campaign that I've just started running, the player posts don't seem to auto-update on the game thread as they're posted, i.e. our own replys go into the thread as soon as they're posted, but to see other peoples posts, you need to refresh the page. Is this a glitch that we're experiencing or something that I'm not doing right? Thanks.
That's a site-wide thing. I tried asking them to fix it a while ago, but the moderator who answered didn't seem to understand what I was asking for.
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"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" -- allegedly Benjamin Franklin
Hi, are we allowed to create campaigns in other languages rather than english? (in my case, in italian)
Yes please do. There are a handful of non english games in the Play by Post section of the forums. Im sure there is an Italian player base that is not being represented.
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Lark- Goblin Bard 2- Lost Mines Gr-A/ AC 13 HP 15, passive perception 11
I believe there are plans for the future of implementing macros that allow you to reference specific character sheets with in tags but I could very easily be mistaken.
Thanks. Much appreciated!
D&D is a game, but it's not just a game. It's the ultimate storyboard, a campfire to share with friends, an imaginary call to imaginary arms and a ship to sail to horizons yet undreamt of...
DM Trevails Upon the Trackless Sea
To try tooltips or rolling dice, please go on https://www.dndbeyond.com/forums/d-d-beyond-general/play-by-post/2985-rolling-dice
Can we make a post looking for a DM?
One of these days I'm going to have to write all of those tags down somewhere at work so that I don't have to open 4 tabs to keep track of what I'm doing and what's what xD
Are there plans to make the dice rolls and all that easier accasible on phone?
Naya Andore - Half elf Cleric / Life Domain - Tomb of Annihilation
Elena Thaylin - Water Genasi Cleric / Life Domain - Kamaryst: The Gathering Storm
Rayne - Water Genasi Rogue / Assassin - Swansong
Does anyone have a fancy way to bookmark the "most recent post in a thread?" Like, is there a feature of the Forum software that would let me do that? I know the notifications bell dropdown takes you to the post listed, but I've bookmarked PbP game threads, and would like to jump straight to the end when I load them.
Something like...
...would be super cool. (I tried it, but that link just takes you to the first post, like the naked URL without the "?variable" portion attached.)
ey/em/eirs, or they/them works, too (just not he).
Role-playing since that keep on those borderlands. I love it so.
Mage Armor
just trying things out
I don't understand how to use the tooltips/links still? Like how would I put in bardic inspiration?
[Class Feature]Arcane Ward[/Class Feature]
From what I can tell, the user interface is not set up to use class skills like bardic inspiration or lay on hands yet.
On my own forum (thinking about moving my game to here) we hold live games where everyone logs on at a given day and time and posts in real time, they then refresh their web page to see message responses, is that possible to do on here as well? It makes a PbP campaign go so much faster instead of waiting for people to log on daily to post their game messages. I've been doing it this way for a year now and it never caused a problem, I just want to know if it would work on here as well. I would like to move my game to here because I am getting a lot of complaints about the forum not working correctly and it's detering a lot of potential players.
Is there a specific NPC system on here? I had a bot on my site that lets the DM change his account to a NPC temporarily, is there anything like that on here or would I need to come up with some method of showing that an NPC is being used. A lot of my NPCs become an intricate part of the story and thus become important characters in the game. I need to be able to use them. If there is no NPC system here, then is it possible to attach small avatar images to a post, if so, I could just use a avatar for the NPCs.
As a new member and someone newer to DND, is there an area I can go to find help with finding a campaign other than just joining one? I see a lot of places on the site with information, but what would be the best place to begin?
That's a site-wide thing. I tried asking them to fix it a while ago, but the moderator who answered didn't seem to understand what I was asking for.
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" -- allegedly Benjamin Franklin
Tooltips (Help/aid)
Is there a tooltip for race features such as the Fallen Aasimar’s Strength of the Grave?
Unfortunately there is not. It certainly would be nice if a tooltip for racial features and class features was implemented.
DM: Waterdeep: Dragon Heist
Hello, Maybe this has been covered before, but how do people type in tool tips as flavor text? As in not just saying im casting fire bolt.
Lark- Goblin Bard 2- Lost Mines Gr-A/ AC 13 HP 15, passive perception 11
DM- Sunless Citadel PbP// Waterdeep Dragon Heist (IRL F2F)// Adventurers League (F2F LGS)
Hi, are we allowed to create campaigns in other languages rather than english? (in my case, in italian)
Yes please do. There are a handful of non english games in the Play by Post section of the forums. Im sure there is an Italian player base that is not being represented.
Lark- Goblin Bard 2- Lost Mines Gr-A/ AC 13 HP 15, passive perception 11
DM- Sunless Citadel PbP// Waterdeep Dragon Heist (IRL F2F)// Adventurers League (F2F LGS)