First time posting here, but in terms of content for characters in campaigns, it depends on the DM if they allow content sharing right? Asking because I'm I'm not able to buy the PHB content due to financial constraints and though I would really love to join the games that are on here, I'm hindered by the limited choices I have in terms of character creation and content.
Hi there Winters and welcome to D&D Beyond,
yes, it is entirely up to each group to agree what content they wish to use and whether they need someone in the campaign with a Master Subscription for content sharing.
You'll find some DM's (or players) have a Master Subscription and all of the content and are happy to share this with a PbP campaign.
We're totally happy if groups just want to play PbP on these forums without purchasing any content. :)
Are we allowed to play other games on here that are not D&D, like Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, for example?
Hi there CrispyDM,
all PbP on the D&D Beyond forums should use the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition rules, however you are free to use any campaign setting and homebrew that you like.
Playing my first PbP campaign. Can someone show me how I would tag an ability my character has. My sorcerer has tides of chaos, and I wanted to tag it using the [ ] [/] format but what do I put within the brackets. I typed "ability" and it didn't work. For future reference when using a trait or ability my character has being a wild magic sorcerer. Thanks in advance
**I thought some of y'all might find this useful. Feel free to steal it.**
Campaign Formatting Guide
1. Narrate your character's actions with plain black text.
2. Have your character speak, "like this". The speech text should be emboldened and in a color of your choosing.
3. "I can state my inner monologue like this", Charlie thinks to himself. Similar to your speech text, but italicized instead of emboldened.
4. [OOC] Tag out of character text like this. Try to keep OOC chat in Discord, or designated OOC chat for the most part.
5. You can link spells, actions, and skills with a tooltip by putting the name in-between "tags". [ spell]Magic Missile[ /spell] turns into Magic Missile when the spaces are taken out of the brackets. [ action]Disengage[ /action] turns into Disengage. [ skill]Stealth[ /skill] turns into Stealth
6. Thinking ahead and posting rolls you think you might need to make ahead of time is never a bad thing. Sometimes we may not use them. ie. Charlie moves in to examine the statue's butt area more closely. Investigation22
7. Below this is an example of a standard combat turn. You need to include a detailed description of your actions along with your rolls. If I impose advantage or disadvantage after the fact, or you want to expend a bardic inspiration die etc... Just edit the post from your turn, and add the new roll at the bottom of the post. All of this is done using the dice roller, which is the small dice icon in the toolbar.
Charlie runs across the courtyard, towards the goblin (goblin 2) closest to the well, making a heavy two handed swing with his battle-axe! Attack Attack: 6 Damage: 6
8. You can also use a spoiler to add extra rolls you think you might need, or other messages. Do this by highlighting the text you want to be in the spoiler, then clicking the exclamation point icon in the toolbar.
I will often post a screen-cap of the current battle map, or loot and XP drops in these spoilers, so make sure to check them.
9. Separating by paragraphs at conversation breaks or at logical action breaks is a good idea. Strive to not post “one-liners.” That is, don’t simply post ‘Joe the Paladin whacks the goblin.’ That’s boring. Try to weave in some narrative. ‘Joe the Paladin ducks under the goblin’s hammer, easily sidestepping the crude swipe. His ornate mace slams against the goblin’s head, delivering a powerful smite in the name of Thor.’ This is by no means quality material, but it is a step in the right direction.
10. Put your character's name in your signature line, with your character's text color denoted there. You have to go to the "Account menu", then click the "Profile" tab to change your signature. VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
I didn't see anything explicitly discussing it, but if running a PBP adventure using one of the published adventures, are we allowed to post pictures (or parts of pictures) from the adventure in the thread? Things like the player maps and such. I can make compelling arguments in my own head for yes AND for no, just not sure what the official stance is on this.
I didn't see anything explicitly discussing it, but if running a PBP adventure using one of the published adventures, are we allowed to post pictures (or parts of pictures) from the adventure in the thread? Things like the player maps and such. I can make compelling arguments in my own head for yes AND for no, just not sure what the official stance is on this.
Yes, you can post map and artwork in a PbP thread.
I've been playing here for a few months, and find myself playing on mobile web browser pretty often.
I understand the App will be improved in time, but for now I'm wondering if mobile web browser interface is slated for any improved features. Mainly, text formatting options, and the dice roller, if possible.
Though, my play group has messed with and memorized some of the capabilities of the [ roll] function, an easy access list of some of the code strings might be helpful for others.
EDIT : I found the link to the dice roller forum on page 2, so I'm all set with that.
And failing updates to the mobile web browser interface, is there a simple way to add italics or bold formatting via inline code?
Oh, and the code to place text in a spoiler box, if thats a function that can be easily used?
Tooltips are great, and overall I love the convenience of the platform. Though, I would also like to see class features added as tooltips someday as well.
Been glancing around at pbp forum as a interesting way to scratch that D&D itch beyond the group I normally play with (and seems to work with what time I've got...)
While it seems pretty straight forward, I'm a little confused on how many DMs/Groups handle battles / rolling / and the general adlib nature that (most games I've been in) seem to devolve into.
With that said, looking for tips, tricks, ideas... or a good forum campaign I should read to get a solid concept. (Also, sorry if this isn't the right forum to post in)
Pun-loving nerd | Faith Elisabeth Lilley | She/Her/Hers | Profile art by Becca Golins
If you need help with homebrew, please post on the homebrew forums, where multiple staff and moderators can read your post and help you!
"We got this, no problem! I'll take the twenty on the left - you guys handle the one on the right!"🔊
Are we allowed to play other games on here that are not D&D, like Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, for example?
Pun-loving nerd | Faith Elisabeth Lilley | She/Her/Hers | Profile art by Becca Golins
If you need help with homebrew, please post on the homebrew forums, where multiple staff and moderators can read your post and help you!
"We got this, no problem! I'll take the twenty on the left - you guys handle the one on the right!"🔊
Thank you!
Playing my first PbP campaign. Can someone show me how I would tag an ability my character has. My sorcerer has tides of chaos, and I wanted to tag it using the [ ] [/] format but what do I put within the brackets. I typed "ability" and it didn't work. For future reference when using a trait or ability my character has being a wild magic sorcerer. Thanks in advance
Killian Greycastle Lv3 - Human Wild Magic Sorcerer - Lost In The Endless Tower, DM Pokepaladdy
Onyx Greyscale Lv3 - Human Ranger - Hanging out at The Rest in the Quest
Fiven - Wood Elf Monk 3 / Rogue 2 - Private Campaign - Seeking a new adventure
Rokas Lv7 - Wood Elf Rogue - D&D Origins @ Local Game Store, Hex & CO, NYC
[Tooltip Not Found]
Healing Word
**I thought some of y'all might find this useful. Feel free to steal it.**
Campaign Formatting Guide
1. Narrate your character's actions with plain black text.
2. Have your character speak, "like this". The speech text should be emboldened and in a color of your choosing.
3. "I can state my inner monologue like this", Charlie thinks to himself. Similar to your speech text, but italicized instead of emboldened.
4. [OOC] Tag out of character text like this. Try to keep OOC chat in Discord, or designated OOC chat for the most part.
5. You can link spells, actions, and skills with a tooltip by putting the name in-between "tags".
[ spell]Magic Missile[ /spell] turns into Magic Missile when the spaces are taken out of the brackets.
[ action]Disengage[ /action] turns into Disengage.
[ skill]Stealth[ /skill] turns into Stealth
6. Thinking ahead and posting rolls you think you might need to make ahead of time is never a bad thing. Sometimes we may not use them.
ie. Charlie moves in to examine the statue's butt area more closely. Investigation 22
7. Below this is an example of a standard combat turn. You need to include a detailed description of your actions along with your rolls. If I impose advantage or disadvantage after the fact, or you want to expend a bardic inspiration die etc... Just edit the post from your turn, and add the new roll at the bottom of the post. All of this is done using the dice roller, which is the small dice icon in the toolbar.
Charlie runs across the courtyard, towards the goblin (goblin 2) closest to the well, making a heavy two handed swing with his battle-axe!
Attack: 6
Damage: 6
8. You can also use a spoiler to add extra rolls you think you might need, or other messages. Do this by highlighting the text you want to be in the spoiler, then clicking the exclamation point icon in the toolbar.
I will often post a screen-cap of the current battle map, or loot and XP drops in these spoilers, so make sure to check them.
9. Separating by paragraphs at conversation breaks or at logical action breaks is a good idea. Strive to not post “one-liners.” That is, don’t simply post ‘Joe the Paladin whacks the goblin.’ That’s boring. Try to weave in some narrative. ‘Joe the Paladin ducks under the goblin’s hammer, easily sidestepping the crude swipe. His ornate mace slams against the goblin’s head, delivering a powerful smite in the name of Thor.’ This is by no means quality material, but it is a step in the right direction.
10. Put your character's name in your signature line, with your character's text color denoted there. You have to go to the "Account menu", then click the "Profile" tab to change your signature.
Dungeon Master - Princes of the Apocalypse PbP
Dungeon Master - Chopshop PbP - ToA
Dungeon Master - Dungeon Squad Live (HotDQ Live Stream)
Magnus Munch - Level 4 Gnome Necromancer - Shadowguard D&D Stream
looking for public or recruiting.
I didn't see anything explicitly discussing it, but if running a PBP adventure using one of the published adventures, are we allowed to post pictures (or parts of pictures) from the adventure in the thread? Things like the player maps and such. I can make compelling arguments in my own head for yes AND for no, just not sure what the official stance is on this.
Yes, you can post map and artwork in a PbP thread.
It works!
Pico De Lolobardo; Aarakocra bard.
Tyto is family of owls like the Barn Owl.
How do you link class features?, Like Lay of Hands from the paladin, what do you use, action?, spell?
"Normality is but an Illusion, Whats normal to the Spider, is only madness for the Fly"
Kain de Frostberg- Dark Knight - (Vengeance Pal3/ Hexblade 9), Port Mourn
Kain de Draakberg-Dark Knight lvl8-Avergreen(DitA)
You can't.
I've been playing here for a few months, and find myself playing on mobile web browser pretty often.
I understand the App will be improved in time, but for now I'm wondering if mobile web browser interface is slated for any improved features. Mainly, text formatting options, and the dice roller, if possible.
Though, my play group has messed with and memorized some of the capabilities of the [ roll] function, an easy access list of some of the code strings might be helpful for others.
EDIT : I found the link to the dice roller forum on page 2, so I'm all set with that.
And failing updates to the mobile web browser interface, is there a simple way to add italics or bold formatting via inline code?
Oh, and the code to place text in a spoiler box, if thats a function that can be easily used?
Tooltips are great, and overall I love the convenience of the platform. Though, I would also like to see class features added as tooltips someday as well.
Thanks for everything we've got so far, though!
My Characters:
Aracynth - Level 2 Dragonborn Paladin - Wins : 4 - Journey Unto Chaos
Kyros - Level 1 Dragonborn Fighter - Wins : 9 - Unconscious : 1 - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
I have looked through the FAQ and these posts but have not seen an answer.
What is the time commitment involved in PbP? Do you typically pick a time to all be on like a home game? Is it strung out through the week?
Curious what I would be getting into.
Are we allowed to post recruitment for non-PbP? Like, a voice game off-site?
In here, yes.
Hi Folks,
Been glancing around at pbp forum as a interesting way to scratch that D&D itch beyond the group I normally play with (and seems to work with what time I've got...)
While it seems pretty straight forward, I'm a little confused on how many DMs/Groups handle battles / rolling / and the general adlib nature that (most games I've been in) seem to devolve into.
With that said, looking for tips, tricks, ideas... or a good forum campaign I should read to get a solid concept. (Also, sorry if this isn't the right forum to post in)
DM PbP Series (Completed) : The Blackmire Company, Voyage of the Windhook ,Shanty of Soulripper, The Streets of Dunnour
"Dice rolls not yet available for this section"
How do we enable this?