Inspiring or Depressing Backstory, (short form please): "Unfortunately, despite every effort to ensure that I was properly prepared for gentle society, I found the environment unstimulating. The only acceptable activity was hunting. Once I broke the card table over my cousin's head, as I had caught him cheating he deserved far worse, I found that my family desired that I might find somewhere else to be, to fill my time."
Reason for applying for Acquisitions Incorporated: "I thought I just told you that I need somewhere else to be, something to fill my time? I even think I suggested that I desire activities far different from those commonly found on my parents' estate? If this was a crude attempt to request a bribe, I'm afraid they didn't see fit to send me on my way well heeled. Sadly, I suppose that also means I need to find a source of income so that I can feed myself."
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: "Removing my father, or whomever he designates as his heir in my place, from my seat at the table."
Is Electrum a viable currency? Why should we let you join our corporation?: "Everything is currency in the right circumstances." "I believe you have a need for people who break things. Especially other people. I can do that. I find it relieves stress marvelously well. Don't you?"
Inspiring or Depressing Backstory, (short form please): "Uplifting story huh? How about you could really uplift my living conditions if you gave me a job. Do I look like I have money to you?"
Reason for applying for Acquisitions Incorporated: "Well you know, like I said, I need some kind of employment. Being broke sucks."
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: "Where do I see myself in 10 years? Hopefully retired, all this adventuring stuff is dangerous work."
Is Electrum a viable currency? Why should we let you join our corporation?: "Because electrum is an enchanting material. I mean look at it! "
Inspiring or Depressing Backstory, (short form please): I was raised as a miner, my ability to break through the rock was praised all around. It inspired my surname when I came of age, but not long after, the nation was unexpectedly plunged into war. The army saw my strength and turned it to a different purpose, carving through bone instead of rock, seeking blood and not ore. I changed with the war, and my friends from my platoon nicknamed me 'Boneshatter,' a tease towards my surname. Years later, after the end of the war, I find myself in Waterdeep, home destroyed, without purpose or direction.
Reason for applying for Acquisitions Incorporated: I need somewhere to be, something to do, and this job sounds like the perfect thing. I can fight, I have training, and I have nothing better to do.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?:
Umm, I like to think that it ten years I'll have a little but more money, enough to live comfortably, and that I can maybe go back to mining a little bit, but I'll still love to have a goo fight once in a while.
Is Electrum a viable currency? Why should we let you join our corporation?: I have military training, I know how to fight, and almost most importantly, I have LEGENDARY anger issues.
Inspiring or Depressing Backstory, (short form please): I was raised as a miner, my ability to break through the rock was praised all around. It inspired my surname when I came of age, but not long after, the nation was unexpectedly plunged into war. The army saw my strength and turned it to a different purpose, carving through bone instead of rock, seeking blood and not ore. I changed with the war, and my friends from my platoon nicknamed me 'Boneshatter,' a tease towards my surname. Years later, after the end of the war, I find myself in Waterdeep, home destroyed, without purpose or direction.
Reason for applying for Acquisitions Incorporated: I need somewhere to be, something to do, and this job sounds like the perfect thing. I can fight, I have training, and I have nothing better to do.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?:
Umm, I like to think that it ten years I'll have a little but more money, enough to live comfortably, and that I can maybe go back to mining a little bit, but I'll still love to have a goo fight once in a while.
Is Electrum a viable currency? Why should we let you join our corporation?: I have military training, I know how to fight, and almost most importantly, I have LEGENDARY anger issues.
Name: Flambo Tumblewood "Zappy" Nackle. You can just call me Zappy
Race: Gnome (Forest. 2024 rules)
Class: Druid (2024 rules)
Inspiring or Depressing Backstory, (short form please): I come from a family of very rich merchants. Well, came. I was disowned after I was found sabotaging competitors supplies with my rat friends. And apparently poisonous mushrooms in their tea was a step too far.... No one died so they shouldn't mind. Especially seeing as I also saved their life with my magic. Obviously my family didn't mind me damaging competitors chances too much, but apparently being associated with me brought them a bad reputation so I had to go. This was in Elturel so far enough away that my reputation is of no concern here.
Reason for applying for Acquisitions Incorporated: Having money was nice. Being cut off from it was not. I want to return to my days of having money using the skills I know best.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: Richer than my family, and 100% gloating to them about it at any opportunity. Especially about the fact that after they cut me off, they won't be seeing a penny from me. And probably owning a few franchises of my own to have them generate my income.
Is Electrum a viable currency? Why should we let you join our corporation?: Who defines viable? I was told that nuts were not a viable currency, but the squirrels I spoke to disagreed. You have nothing to lose. Unlike my parents who lost their biggest asset. So when do I start?
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Ability scores: 111416151318
Name: Evelyn Mosspool
Race: Wood Elf
Class: Barbarian
Inspiring or Depressing Backstory, (short form please): While I was out for a morning stroll in the woods, my home burnt to the ground leaving me with nothing but the clothes on my back.
Reason for applying for Acquisitions Incorporated: I really need this job to help me get back on my feet. I promise I am a hard worker and I won't disappoint.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: Well honestly I am just trying to get through the week, so in ten years I guess I hope am I happy... content. I would settle for content.
Is Electrum a viable currency? Why should we let you join our corporation?: As I said earlier I am hard worker, not afraid of getting my hands dirty and given my current predicament you won't find anyone more willing to put in the extra hours. And NO Electrum is not a viable currency however if that is what you pay in, I WILL take it.
You all have made your way to the Waterdeep offices of A.I. to turn in your 'resumes'. Surprisingly enough, your inquiries into internships and franchise opportunities at Acquisitions Incorporated have gone even better than you’d hoped. Ridiculous rumors talk about how prospective interns of Acq Inc aren’t always treated with respect, dignity, or care. Even more ridiculous tales of interns dying at an alarming rate are told throughout the city. Thankfully, you don’t believe a word of any of that.
So far, everyone at Head Office has treated you with kindness, and even a bit of deference. You were shown into this elegant conference room, given fine food and drink, and asked to wait to speak with none other than Omin Dran — founder and CEO of this august organization. A female half-elf clerk stands to the side, giving a wave, "Like, if you all, like, need anything, feel free to ask me. I'm like, your maid until Sir Dran arrives and I'm like totally excited to see you all here." She says happily.
Far from being 'in the know', but much too familiar with the act of cajoling, a man sat, chin resting pensively on his fist, golden irises rhythmically thrumming with light, blankly staring into the middle distance.
Gabriel Veles Aes Sedai — 'Gabe' to his friends, which he didn't have many of — was a man, seemingly Human, in his early thirties. Tanned skin, a full head of mane-like hair in tones of auburn and brown that was barely combed backwards and reached down to his shoulders, a square jaw and a full, thick beard. Broad shoulders, a narrow waist and cheekbones that could cut marble gave the apparent human a ruggedly handsome look — almost certainly more rugged than handsome, when you considered the fact that at full height he stood a fair bit closer to 7 feet in height than he did 6, the occasional scar, and the intricate webbing of line and tattoos that seemed to poke through his open neckline, covering who knows how much of his body.
Draped in light clothing of pretty fine make, and sporting a few rings and trinkets that seemed to have stories to tell, something about this individual's bearing somehow did not feel fully out of place in this room.
Inhaling a fair amount of the rolled tobacco on his lips in one go and keeping it in, Gabe closed his eyes, savoured it, and exhaled slowly, almost akin to a sigh. After the initial, acrid smell of burnt smoke, there was something strangely floral and fresh to it, almost dainty when compared to the powerful, fiery personage it'd emanated from.
Gabe Aes Sedai, 6'8, "Human" Anxious and Desperate Mysterious and Aloof
You hear in your mind *Greetings fellow worker, I am glad to meet you. I am Ja'Dul*
The Thri-kreen is probably a warrior of some sort, armed with blades but no armor. His carapace is a shiny green color. If you have never met them before, bug people can be interesting. How many times have you seen a 6 foot tall praying mantis. Let alone one that speaks to your mind.
Addressing the young Half-Elf, *Hello miss? I am sorry I do not know your name, if you could bring something to eat?*
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
"Oh my gosh, I like totally forgot, my name is Galmae. And like yea, what can I get you, sir? Sorry that if you like, don't like the fruit and ciders I brought." Galmae says. She had chosen to set a spread of mainly apples, grapes, berries and sweet ciders. "Are you more into like meat and stuff? I know that Overtow like caught a crab or something and a claw is like taking up a room. We do have some cuts of like aurochs, scorpion- Oh! Feral Pyke sent over some like walrus meat if you'd like. Honestly, I feel like their secretarian is doing this just to have an excuse to talk to Perry. Like, I don't understand it, but that goblin is really into him despite being three times his size. And-" She's beginning to slip from her original purpose and starting to tell the gossip around the Head Office.
"Gabriel." — the man responded, his bearing casual but not impolite, with a tone that was more honey than gravel but assuredly had both, and an accent that was mostly neutral with just a hint of upper class. The Sorcerer offered Ja'Dul a short nod in greetings, and Galmae a simple wink and toothless smile.
His gaze lingered on the Kreen, subtly curious about the creature (but noticeably so, to those who'd want to see it), but appeared entirely unfazed by the telepathic communication.
Noticing the Half-Elf start to pick up momentum, the red-haired man yet again rested his chin on one of his hands, this time shifting it closer to the clerk, and offering brief, low responses like 'mhm', 'I see', and the occasional, playful smile and gasp. Decidedly not his first time around gossip, Gabe would attempt to nudge Galmae to keep going, and keep her engaged, without laying the charm on too thick, in hopes of seeing what kernels of information might drop from this 'temporary maid' shaped tree.
"Sigurd" replies the dour young human as he eyes the plate of fruit. He grabs himself a small handful grapes, berries and observes the rest of the group. He is shocked at the presence of the Thri-kreen, not having seen such a creature before. But everyone else seems to be not panicking at its presence, so he turns his attention the rest of the group. He acknowledges the presence of the tiefling with a nod, gives cursory glances at the 2 humans and sets eyes on the Goliath. Still getting a feel for the group he keeps his eyes and ears open while Galmae gossips.
*Fruits give me uh...gas. Any kind of meat would be great though. I didn't...get to eat anything yesterday.* Ja'Dul looks slightly embarrassed to expose his lack of funds now that others are around.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
Of course Omni Dram himself would be here… for after all Valiant himself was here was he not? And of course they were assigned a maid.
”Valiant D’Albans, and I will take some fizzy water with a lime twist if you please… uh…. make it two lime twists!… and double the fizz!”
He looked about at the group assembling… he hoped they were to be working with him, and not his competition… if they were competition, he wasn’t gonna be polite about it… by god or by force, he was taught to win damnit! But if they were Allies, well then they might get to see him be a foolish chivalrous bastard of a friend along their adventures…
Valiant walked about in his armors, always spending the extra coin (even the coin he didn’t have) to have it tailored made with the usual flares of light and dark blues that he had come to claim as his signature, something he picked up as a youth to stand out in a family of stand-outers.
Looking about more carefully as they spoke, he was happy to see the others seemed strong and capable except the little one… he decided he would need to take care of that one… for in his misunderstanding of noble action, doing things for people they didn’t necessarily want you to do for them just because you decided that was what was happening was… par for the course.
(All of these thoughts under the almost stupid idiotic looking smile that Valiant himself thought looked, both super smooth AND f-ing rad.)
As the group discusses, the door bursts open and a tiefling rushes in, beginning an animated spiel about how 'I'm so sorry I'm late, a beggar asked for change on my way but I didn't have any so I had to go to the other side of town to withdraw some gold from my father's bank but when I returned he was gone and so I-' She suddenly stops pacing mid sentence and stands bolt upright, as if she'd suddenly been scolded by someone, which also allows you to get a better look at her. She's a twenty-something tiefling woman, with fair red skin, pure emerald eyes and a black bob, who also has a large pair of red horns emerging from the sides of her head, whilst a small black pair sit on the top of her forehead like spectacles. She's wearing some curious clothing; mainly a wizards robe that has been fashioned in such a way that the wide neck of the robe is laid flat down against her white blouse, making the ruffles of fabric on the side of it appear like the lapel of a suit's blazer, with the robe then continuing down at the waist until it has been cut short above her knees to make it appear like a skirt, the creases of the robe mimicking the pleats. Overall it's both a fashionable, suitable and intricate piece of clothing, though you expect it must have cost quite a hefty price for a tailor to make a custom item like it.
However, her well put together appearance is starkly contrasted by the enormous book under her arm. Hideous doesn't even begin to describe it. It's a large tome, the covers stitched from assorted pieces of demonic flesh, some sporting thick wiry hair, whilst other layers of grafted skin look closer to leather. In some cases, eyes of mouths are sewn into the 'fabric', with the whole thing being bound with a multitude of assorted and random padlocks, chains and clasps. The girl doesn't mention this however, and she drops the spellbook onto a table with a puff of smoke from the pages, then flattens her skirt to sit down, nervously fidgeting in her seat. She drums her fingernails against the spine of the book, and then says 'OH! I haven't told you my name!' She chuckles awkwardly, then composes her self and says 'I'm Pushover, Pushover Gerilwitz, and this is my...umm....spellbook, Aebelskink.' She then winces as if she's being yelled at and says 'Sorry, I mean Aebelskink, Archdevil Lord of the Boiling Craters, and also Tyrant of the Bookcase.' She then continues to speak without addressing this and sheepishly asks 'Sooo, who might you all be?'
Ablestink? He didn’t quite catch the pronunciation of the tome’s name; though Valiant’s fsmily had kept many tome about the manor of his youth. “Pushover! Lovely of you to finally join us. We are at present awaiting the arrival of Mr. Omin Dran, who seems to have need of our services! Would you like something to drink? Feel free to peruse the delectables” he raises his eyebrows to emphasize the bossman’s name.
waving the back of his hand limply at the fruit in the table, before giving their ‘maid’ a glance to come offer the clearly flustered one who had just arrived some assistance.
“That one… seems friendly enough… Ja Dull was it?” Turning his gaze from pushover to the kreen now, “I dare say you are quite the specimen!“ he dWonderz what spell misfired to make that the result… “not sure I trust the arcane or primal (Druidic) arts…” I’ll stick to the touch and my blade and divine grace, a-thank-you-very-much, he thinks to himself while giving the being a once over in detail.
one can see in his expressions that his bluntness is more of ignorance and low intellect than of meanness, if anything he is looking to find come chinks in the armor of the Kreen, as friendships are often made by the need for watching and making up for other’s weaknesses.
Valient brushes his shoulder length hair back to make sure the whole room can see his dashing smile.
Galmae waves to Pushover, "Hey girl, was just talking about like what we have and what's like going on at the office here. Anyway, so far, I got like, getting some walrus steaks and some fizzies with lemon. Feel free to like ask for whatever and I'll try to like get some. Don't want you all to like sit in silence, like that's such a downer, while you wait for Sir Dran."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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Is Electrum a viable currency?Why should we let you join our corporation?:"Everything is currency in the right circumstances.""I believe you have a need for people who break things. Especially other people. I can do that. I find it relieves stress marvelously well. Don't you?"S17D14 C13 I11 W12 H14
Ability scores: 13 14 13 17 12 12
[A paper drops out of a flash of light and drifts to the ground at your feet] -(extended sig)-
Ability scores: 15 15 13 11 10 13
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
Is Electrum a viable currency?Why should we let you join our corporation?: "Because electrum is an enchanting material. I mean look at it! ""Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
Name: Florence Stoneshatter
Race: Dwarf.
Class: Barbarian
Inspiring or Depressing Backstory, (short form please): I was raised as a miner, my ability to break through the rock was praised all around. It inspired my surname when I came of age, but not long after, the nation was unexpectedly plunged into war. The army saw my strength and turned it to a different purpose, carving through bone instead of rock, seeking blood and not ore. I changed with the war, and my friends from my platoon nicknamed me 'Boneshatter,' a tease towards my surname. Years later, after the end of the war, I find myself in Waterdeep, home destroyed, without purpose or direction.
Reason for applying for Acquisitions Incorporated: I need somewhere to be, something to do, and this job sounds like the perfect thing. I can fight, I have training, and I have nothing better to do.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?:
Umm, I like to think that it ten years I'll have a little but more money, enough to live comfortably, and that I can maybe go back to mining a little bit, but I'll still love to have a goo fight once in a while.
Is Electrum a viable currency?Why should we let you join our corporation?: I have military training, I know how to fight, and almost most importantly, I have LEGENDARY anger issues.[A paper drops out of a flash of light and drifts to the ground at your feet] -(extended sig)-
If you want a character sheet:
[A paper drops out of a flash of light and drifts to the ground at your feet] -(extended sig)-
Is Electrum a viable currency?Why should we let you join our corporation?:Who defines viable? I was told that nuts were not a viable currency, but the squirrels I spoke to disagreed.You have nothing to lose. Unlike my parents who lost their biggest asset. So when do I start?Ability scores: 15 15 14 14 11 17
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Ability scores: 11 14 16 15 13 18
Is Electrum a viable currency?Why should we let you join our corporation?: As I said earlier I am hard worker, not afraid of getting my hands dirty and given my current predicament you won't find anyone more willing to put in the extra hours.And NO Electrum is not a viable currency however if that is what you pay in, I WILL take it.The recruitment is done and the party shall be as followed:
You all have made your way to the Waterdeep offices of A.I. to turn in your 'resumes'. Surprisingly enough, your inquiries into internships and franchise opportunities at Acquisitions Incorporated have gone even better than you’d hoped. Ridiculous rumors talk about how prospective interns of Acq Inc aren’t always treated with respect, dignity, or care. Even more ridiculous tales of interns dying at an alarming rate are told throughout the city. Thankfully, you don’t believe a word of any of that.
So far, everyone at Head Office has treated you with kindness, and even a bit of deference. You were shown into this elegant conference room, given fine food and drink, and asked to wait to speak with none other than Omin Dran — founder and CEO of this august organization. A female half-elf clerk stands to the side, giving a wave, "Like, if you all, like, need anything, feel free to ask me. I'm like, your maid until Sir Dran arrives and I'm like totally excited to see you all here." She says happily.
Far from being 'in the know', but much too familiar with the act of cajoling, a man sat, chin resting pensively on his fist, golden irises rhythmically thrumming with light, blankly staring into the middle distance.
Gabriel Veles Aes Sedai — 'Gabe' to his friends, which he didn't have many of — was a man, seemingly Human, in his early thirties. Tanned skin, a full head of mane-like hair in tones of auburn and brown that was barely combed backwards and reached down to his shoulders, a square jaw and a full, thick beard. Broad shoulders, a narrow waist and cheekbones that could cut marble gave the apparent human a ruggedly handsome look — almost certainly more rugged than handsome, when you considered the fact that at full height he stood a fair bit closer to 7 feet in height than he did 6, the occasional scar, and the intricate webbing of line and tattoos that seemed to poke through his open neckline, covering who knows how much of his body.
Draped in light clothing of pretty fine make, and sporting a few rings and trinkets that seemed to have stories to tell, something about this individual's bearing somehow did not feel fully out of place in this room.
Inhaling a fair amount of the rolled tobacco on his lips in one go and keeping it in, Gabe closed his eyes, savoured it, and exhaled slowly, almost akin to a sigh. After the initial, acrid smell of burnt smoke, there was something strangely floral and fresh to it, almost dainty when compared to the powerful, fiery personage it'd emanated from.
Gabe Aes Sedai, 6'8, "Human"
Anxious and DesperateMysterious and AloofJa'Dul looks around the room antennae aquiver.
You hear in your mind *Greetings fellow worker, I am glad to meet you. I am Ja'Dul*
The Thri-kreen is probably a warrior of some sort, armed with blades but no armor. His carapace is a shiny green color. If you have never met them before, bug people can be interesting. How many times have you seen a 6 foot tall praying mantis. Let alone one that speaks to your mind.
Addressing the young Half-Elf, *Hello miss? I am sorry I do not know your name, if you could bring something to eat?*
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
"Oh my gosh, I like totally forgot, my name is Galmae. And like yea, what can I get you, sir? Sorry that if you like, don't like the fruit and ciders I brought." Galmae says. She had chosen to set a spread of mainly apples, grapes, berries and sweet ciders. "Are you more into like meat and stuff? I know that Overtow like caught a crab or something and a claw is like taking up a room. We do have some cuts of like aurochs, scorpion- Oh! Feral Pyke sent over some like walrus meat if you'd like. Honestly, I feel like their secretarian is doing this just to have an excuse to talk to Perry. Like, I don't understand it, but that goblin is really into him despite being three times his size. And-" She's beginning to slip from her original purpose and starting to tell the gossip around the Head Office.
"Gabriel." — the man responded, his bearing casual but not impolite, with a tone that was more honey than gravel but assuredly had both, and an accent that was mostly neutral with just a hint of upper class. The Sorcerer offered Ja'Dul a short nod in greetings, and Galmae a simple wink and toothless smile.
His gaze lingered on the Kreen, subtly curious about the creature (but noticeably so, to those who'd want to see it), but appeared entirely unfazed by the telepathic communication.
Noticing the Half-Elf start to pick up momentum, the red-haired man yet again rested his chin on one of his hands, this time shifting it closer to the clerk, and offering brief, low responses like 'mhm', 'I see', and the occasional, playful smile and gasp. Decidedly not his first time around gossip, Gabe would attempt to nudge Galmae to keep going, and keep her engaged, without laying the charm on too thick, in hopes of seeing what kernels of information might drop from this 'temporary maid' shaped tree.
"Sigurd" replies the dour young human as he eyes the plate of fruit. He grabs himself a small handful grapes, berries and observes the rest of the group. He is shocked at the presence of the Thri-kreen, not having seen such a creature before. But everyone else seems to be not panicking at its presence, so he turns his attention the rest of the group. He acknowledges the presence of the tiefling with a nod, gives cursory glances at the 2 humans and sets eyes on the Goliath. Still getting a feel for the group he keeps his eyes and ears open while Galmae gossips.
Cats go Moo!
*Fruits give me uh...gas. Any kind of meat would be great though. I didn't...get to eat anything yesterday.* Ja'Dul looks slightly embarrassed to expose his lack of funds now that others are around.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
Of course Omni Dram himself would be here… for after all Valiant himself was here was he not? And of course they were assigned a maid.
”Valiant D’Albans, and I will take some fizzy water with a lime twist if you please… uh…. make it two lime twists!… and double the fizz!”
He looked about at the group assembling… he hoped they were to be working with him, and not his competition… if they were competition, he wasn’t gonna be polite about it… by god or by force, he was taught to win damnit! But if they were Allies, well then they might get to see him be a foolish chivalrous bastard of a friend along their adventures…
Valiant walked about in his armors, always spending the extra coin (even the coin he didn’t have) to have it tailored made with the usual flares of light and dark blues that he had come to claim as his signature, something he picked up as a youth to stand out in a family of stand-outers.
Looking about more carefully as they spoke, he was happy to see the others seemed strong and capable except the little one… he decided he would need to take care of that one… for in his misunderstanding of noble action, doing things for people they didn’t necessarily want you to do for them just because you decided that was what was happening was… par for the course.
(All of these thoughts under the almost stupid idiotic looking smile that Valiant himself thought looked, both super smooth AND f-ing rad.)
As the group discusses, the door bursts open and a tiefling rushes in, beginning an animated spiel about how 'I'm so sorry I'm late, a beggar asked for change on my way but I didn't have any so I had to go to the other side of town to withdraw some gold from my father's bank but when I returned he was gone and so I-' She suddenly stops pacing mid sentence and stands bolt upright, as if she'd suddenly been scolded by someone, which also allows you to get a better look at her. She's a twenty-something tiefling woman, with fair red skin, pure emerald eyes and a black bob, who also has a large pair of red horns emerging from the sides of her head, whilst a small black pair sit on the top of her forehead like spectacles. She's wearing some curious clothing; mainly a wizards robe that has been fashioned in such a way that the wide neck of the robe is laid flat down against her white blouse, making the ruffles of fabric on the side of it appear like the lapel of a suit's blazer, with the robe then continuing down at the waist until it has been cut short above her knees to make it appear like a skirt, the creases of the robe mimicking the pleats. Overall it's both a fashionable, suitable and intricate piece of clothing, though you expect it must have cost quite a hefty price for a tailor to make a custom item like it.
However, her well put together appearance is starkly contrasted by the enormous book under her arm. Hideous doesn't even begin to describe it. It's a large tome, the covers stitched from assorted pieces of demonic flesh, some sporting thick wiry hair, whilst other layers of grafted skin look closer to leather. In some cases, eyes of mouths are sewn into the 'fabric', with the whole thing being bound with a multitude of assorted and random padlocks, chains and clasps. The girl doesn't mention this however, and she drops the spellbook onto a table with a puff of smoke from the pages, then flattens her skirt to sit down, nervously fidgeting in her seat. She drums her fingernails against the spine of the book, and then says 'OH! I haven't told you my name!' She chuckles awkwardly, then composes her self and says 'I'm Pushover, Pushover Gerilwitz, and this is my...umm....spellbook, Aebelskink.' She then winces as if she's being yelled at and says 'Sorry, I mean Aebelskink, Archdevil Lord of the Boiling Craters, and also Tyrant of the Bookcase.' She then continues to speak without addressing this and sheepishly asks 'Sooo, who might you all be?'
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Ablestink? He didn’t quite catch the pronunciation of the tome’s name; though Valiant’s fsmily had kept many tome about the manor of his youth. “Pushover! Lovely of you to finally join us. We are at present awaiting the arrival of Mr. Omin Dran, who seems to have need of our services! Would you like something to drink? Feel free to peruse the delectables” he raises his eyebrows to emphasize the bossman’s name.
waving the back of his hand limply at the fruit in the table, before giving their ‘maid’ a glance to come offer the clearly flustered one who had just arrived some assistance.
“That one… seems friendly enough… Ja Dull was it?” Turning his gaze from pushover to the kreen now, “I dare say you are quite the specimen!“ he dWonderz what spell misfired to make that the result… “not sure I trust the arcane or primal (Druidic) arts…” I’ll stick to the touch and my blade and divine grace, a-thank-you-very-much, he thinks to himself while giving the being a once over in detail.
one can see in his expressions that his bluntness is more of ignorance and low intellect than of meanness, if anything he is looking to find come chinks in the armor of the Kreen, as friendships are often made by the need for watching and making up for other’s weaknesses.
Valient brushes his shoulder length hair back to make sure the whole room can see his dashing smile.
Galmae waves to Pushover, "Hey girl, was just talking about like what we have and what's like going on at the office here. Anyway, so far, I got like, getting some walrus steaks and some fizzies with lemon. Feel free to like ask for whatever and I'll try to like get some. Don't want you all to like sit in silence, like that's such a downer, while you wait for Sir Dran."