I am a High School furry and love to talk to people about anything! I search for any support bc my mental health problems including depression, suicide, friend problems and being included. I want to meet new furries here on DnD Beyond. I want to become a public activist for stopping furry hate bc it's not funny and it must be stopped. I like to draw, write, make music, and being very social.
The song that best describes me is What Was I Made For? by Billie Eilish because I'm under a lot of depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts.
My current characters:
Valhalla: A male dragonborn sorcerer/druid who wants to find out who he is and wants to have fun in his adventures!
Athenix: A non-binary aarakocra cleric/fighter who has a very sharp eye and can spot things from far away.
You walk through a door into a long hallway with yellowish wallpaper. Some sort of entity, maybe in humanoid shape, maybe not, it's hard to tell, walks (or is it glides?) up to you and says "Welcome to my extended signature. You're probably wondering why you came here. Honestly, I haven't got a clue. Whoever would want to look at this signature of their own free will is a bit coocoo if you ask me but diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks I suppose. Oh you're still here? I don't know what you're expecting. Do you want details about me? What I like to do? What my favorite color is? I'll tell you some things about me. I live in Louisiana (the best state). I love books and videogames (strange mix I know). Gumbo is the best food (if you disagree what in sweet liberty is wrong with you). I'm learning the harmonica (it's very cool). I apparently put additional notes in parentheses at the end of every sentence I write (it's very strange). I'm in your neighborhood in between your walls in between the threads in between time and space in between life and death in between the very in between of the in between hallways of liminality itself (makes perfect sense). Captain Vimes is one of the best fictional characters ever. I suppose that would be just about it. I'll show you some threads I'm a part of." He leads you to the cleanest door you've ever seen and opens it to show a temple with statues of Roombas all around A man in hooded robe is chanting "Praise Jeff praise Jeff praise Jeff..." "This is the Jeff the Evil Roomba Cult. And this is the Roomba Arch-Cultist. I'm a Roomba High Cultist." He leads you to another door, this one with strange carvings of jellyfish like creatures. The entity says "This is the Cult of the Flumphs," and opens the door to a large sphere with flumph faces carved into huge gems on its side. The sphere is set on four pillars in the middle of an entrance hall. It also has a swirling portal set in the middle of it. "Ah yes, that there is a portal to the Nexus. An interesting place where all the threads converge with each other. I have never taken a large part in it, though many of the threads I am in are part of it. I suppose the Nexus can be described as something like this place we are in, only it is more of a place for people to commune with each other, instead of only being the passageway to another place." He closes the door and guides you to another door, this one with a simple 13 inscribed upon it. He opens it to reveal a scenic little town. Nearby you see a statue of a dorito with a single eye, a snazzy bow tie, and a top hat holding out a hand for a handshake. "This is the Astonishing Anomalies of Gravity Falls thread. I'm a mod along with TheMadGibber. It's very new, but I'm sure it will grow." He takes you to a door right next to the one you just looked through. It has a strange jumble of steampunk gears along with bark and vines and is generally just a whole gumbo of different time periods. He twists the valve and the door opens to a band in full swing playing for an audience. You see an orange Tabaxi plucking a bass, two men playing trombones, a dwarf tickling the ivories, and an earth genasi playing the drums. Then there's a man in a pinstripe suit wearing shades and a trillby, and a plasmoid playing the accordion. And at the front of all this is a beautiful woman with ruby lips and gold hair singing. "This is the Gut (2.0). A very neat place. Huge luxury ship. But under the decks... well, that's a different story for later. Come on, we've only got one more door left." He takes you to a door with a tree carved in it, with symbols above it that you've never seen before. "Mellon," the entity speaks, and the door opens to a large room with many bookshelves. It contains many records of discussions. "This is the The Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit/Anything Tolkien Club! This is a place where all Tolkien fans congregate to discuss all things LOTR and maybe rp some. I'm an elf in this thread which are the lore experts. Wait. No. I thought I was an elf! Oof. Guess not. Too bad. Well, that's all for me, but there are so many more threads to be discovered out there. Go discover them! You might even make some yourself!" He takes you to a door, which he opens. It shows where you were before you came here. You walk out and he closes the door behind you. You turn around and open it, but there is only a brick wall.
You extend your hand, or leg, or whatever appendage you have, towards the glowing chain link with curiosity. Suddenly, you're transported to a different realm...
Heya! I'm TheMadGibber, often just called 'Gibber' for short here on the forums, also known as The Endless Maws, The Spewer of Chatters, the Mad Murderer, and The Lord of Space and Time. Also, yes, I did steal the whole 'entrance' idea from Paco. Anyways, if you're here you probably want to know about me. So, I'll give you a basic rundown. First off, I am PERFECTLY sane. I am 101 (minus 2) percent sure. Second, I can be found anywhere on the forums, though 99% of the time I'm on the off topic forums just chilling. Here are some of my threads and campaigns I'm in!
My Threads On Adohand's Kitchen (Plus Faction Wars)
FACTION WARS (Main thread)-- A war to the death with various different factions, made with a TON of other people-- we spent an entire month working on this! Currently teetering between life and death, and we don't want a thread we worked so hard on to die, so please check it out!
The Astonishing Anomalies Of Gravity Falls-- A cool place, if you're a fan of Gravity Falls then this is the RP thread for you. I'm the creator of it and mod with Paco and Valhalla. It doesn't have a mystery/ARG element to it whatsoever! Nope! (Dead Thread :( )
The Nexus-- Have you ever wanted to see the threads of Adohand's Kitchen merge together in an epic interdimensional city? Well, the Nexus is just that! Creator of it, currently no other mods. (Dead thread :( )
The Messy Mammoth Tavern and Inn-- in the middle of a freezing wasteland lies this quaint little tavern, to rest in and relax in a frigid world. (Dead Thread :( )
The Great Sky City of Vapestia-- A lavish steampunk city flying in the sky, thriving on under the rule of the government after the Ravaging that destroyed the surface. (Dead before my brain even remembered to add it to the extended signature lol :( )
The Undertale/Deltarune Cult, Revived!-- A revival of an Undertale cult from.two years ago, now lead by yours truly with permission from Jobah619Official, the OG maker. (Still staying determined.)
THE CULT OF JEFF THE EVIL ROOMBA-- I saved the best of my threads for last. Here we praise the almighty, clay-eating evil Roomba known as Jeff! We praise Jeff! Praise him, I say! Long may he live and eat clay! (JEFF LIVES ON.)
D&D Campaigns (PbP and In-Person)
PbP-- DM'ing: Trouble in Waterdeep (inactive). Player: Mimton Donow, Aarakocra College of Lore Bard (Inactive). Goradus Cimag, Half-Elf Draconic Bloodline sorcerer (inactive).
In-Person-- DM'ing a campaign for my friends. Also a player in Dragons of Stormwreck Isle as Detrofas Linfern, a tiefling monk.
I will redo my extended sig and hope my link works this time!
Hi, the name's EJO. I love RP and lore and planning world dominance.
I make homebrew. It's cool. Put my username into the monsters section of homebrew and look at my stuff.
My threads:
Grimmshire: The Silent City: Gothic horror tavern that is less popular than it was back in the day. It attracted the great Cynophobia and i'm proud of it.
Station 2187: Honestly, this place is pointless.
London falling: This thread is unpopular but cool! A horror tavern.
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Star Wars and Warhammer nerd. Yup. I'm both.
Pronouns he/him. WASSUUP!
Titles bestowed by Drummer: The Unstrikable Warrior, Expert of Dragons and Knowledge, Master of the Blade, Merciless champion, The Rising Power, Risen from the Depths, The Potential of Darkness!
Current Campaign(s): Dungeons, Darkness, Drow, and Demons, an Out of the Abyss Adventure, Dungeon Delvers, a Dungeon of the Mad Mage Adventure, Jungle of Evil, a Tomb of Annihilation Adventure
y'all, it's me! TGOS, and Arthropleura, now dead :( [not links]
my new drummer title: Might of the Fearless!
I am a huge nerd, nonbinary, pan, short (4'6 :p) and I look like V from Murder Drones (that's why the font's yellow)
I go on Roblox a bit.
I play WOE as a Florafluff named Spectra.
My WC OC is named Fangclaw.
I am a furry have a once a fursona (they have had their title removed):
an anthro eel with a thick and short tail (for an eel), fluffy paws, fins on their elbows, protogen ears, and a sharklike tailfin. their back fin is like that of a moray eel, as well as the tailfin before the shark part, and they are skinny.
[As you pick up the paper you read the words, "Hello Friend... I am known by many names around this world. Perhaps you know me as..." And the following list]
Haiiiiii, I’m Druid! (he/they/it/moth/fae/star) I'm a smol insane queer lil' mess with a terrible mental state! I'm also a therian and furry :3 My current obsessions are The Amazing Digital Circus and Hazbin Hotel, so if you ever wanna chat about that, I'm always happy to!
"Oh no! Looks like I've taken Ragatha... AND DROPPED HER IN THE DEEP FRYER!" -Jax
Hey! I’m himynamesare (he/him) or himy for short. I’m bisexual, have adhd and a crippling addiction to making threads on adohand’s! (Someone please stop me)
I’m almost always on during the day and almost always happy to help. I love mythology, reading, anime, making storyboards but never following through and more!
All of my threads:
After Death’s Fall: a survival horror rp: You wash up on the shores of a deserted island. Ghost run rampant on the mainland, and even worse here. Now you must find a way to escape. Status: dead as doornails
Evesdale: the last standing city: after Bio-puppets have destroyed most of humanity, Evesdale is renowned as the last safe place. Humanity’s final stronghold. Status: dead
Research Facility for the Incarnated: As the living reincarnation of someone from myth and folklore, the RFI has taken you to be researched and uses for their personal gain. Status: Dying, almost dead
Jujutsu Kaisen: a new order: A Jujutsu Kaisen inspired thread. After Satoru Gojo’s body was possessed by Ryomen Sukuna, the king of curses, chaos was unleashed. Though he was sealed, it is but a matter of time until he breaks free. Status: dead
Hotel Valhalla: After dying a valiant death, you are sent to Valhalla to be a enherjar and train for ragnarok. Status: dying
What a cool idea. Hello! My name is Tawnee, but you can call me Owlbear or Nyx. Yes, owlbears are my favorite D&D creature, and I would totally have a pet owlbear if I could. My pronouns are she/her. My day job is librarian, but I like to write creatively in my free time. I'm currently writing a novel that I hope to get published traditionally.
Likes: TTRPGs, video games, board games, sci-fi horror, romance novels, horror novels, Basset Hounds, animals in general but especially capybaras, writing, Mexican-style tacos, hiking
Dislikes: Mouth sounds (I have misophonia), being in a crowd for too long, too many loud noises all at once (I also have some sort of sensory processing issue probably), socializing in person for too long (confirmed introvert here)
Favorite Color: It used to be blue, then purple, and now I'm currently crushing on all shades of green.
Currently DMing: Curse of Strahd & Tomb of Annihilation on D&D Beyond, Carrion Crown converted for 5e online via Discord every other Saturday :)
And here are my characters on D&D Beyond PBP and my character I've been playing for 3 years now in an in-person campaign with my friends. :)
Evelyn Drake - Human Evocation Wizard (Rule of Change)
Aranea Kendrick - V. Human Hexblade Warlock (Where the Cold Winds Blow)
Bryony Alderleaf - Lightfoot Halfling Thief Rogue (The Shattered Obelisk)
Vesta Trevelyan - Half-Elf Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer (Nest of the Eldritch Eye)
Elsenia Vesper - Shadar-kai Circle of Spores Druid (Strixhaven)
Mercy Aves - Tiefling Genie Warlock (Dragon Heist - Hell of a Summer)
Selene Albion - Human Beast Ranger (The Dragonborn In-Person 3 year+ Campaign)
The Strength Of The Nameless and Glory Of The Shiver Lord as titled by Drummer! Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist Cetar Allwood:Human Druid: Last Chapters Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
You follow the figure behind the wall only to see a Note on the Ground...
Hello Folks! Names TheSunkenSailor your resident Loremaking Cryptid Hunter!
I've got a lot of Threads most are Dead except one which I'll never let die. |The Tower of Lore is Going under construction..|
I can make a lot of lore for multiple Genre's. Ever find yourself stumped with Lore? Send me a PM! I'll gladly help.
Till I add more, Goodbye. The note suddenly floats away in the Wind...
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hello all! TheSunkenSailor Here Resident Lore-Maker and Lore Enthusiast! I make lore for anything so ask and thou SHALL RECIEVE! Welp, that's about all I got, Till we meet again! Goodbye!
You follow the figure behind the wall only to see a Note on the Ground...
Hello Folks! Names TheSunkenSailor your resident Loremaking Cryptid Hunter!
I've got a lot of Threads most are Dead except one which I'll never let die. |The Tower of Lore is Going under construction..|
I can make a lot of lore for multiple Genre's. Ever find yourself stumped with Lore? Send me a PM! I'll gladly help.
Till I add more, Goodbye. The note suddenly floats away in the Wind...
I like how you made it like a story almost instead of just another "Extended Signature" link. Very cool
Well Thanks you!
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hello all! TheSunkenSailor Here Resident Lore-Maker and Lore Enthusiast! I make lore for anything so ask and thou SHALL RECIEVE! Welp, that's about all I got, Till we meet again! Goodbye!
Hello. My name is Erik and my pronouns are he/him/they/them. My join date on DDB (2018/03/14) was also the very first time I had played D&D. Arkros was my first character, started from level 1. I had interest in D&D for a very long time before that, but a bad experience in high school put me off the game for 20 years. I tell about this very painful and exclusionary experience here, for anyone who is interested in peeking behind that curtain of teen trauma. Once I started my D&D experience however, I was spending most of my free time reviewing the content, engaging in discussions about D&D, or playing. After about a year or two of play, I tried my hand at DMing and kind of liked it. It became my main role when playing, to the delight of my friends. Every once in a while though, I was able to convince them to sit in the Big Chair, and I have included most of the characters I have played over the years, excluding a few non-DDB PCs that were played on other sites or using pen and paper. I will bring them over to DDB eventually and link them here though.
Outside of D&D, I hold a doctorate and am a published scholar. Unfortunately, I cannot talk about my specific publications because it would not be too hard for someone to blast away my veil of Internet anonymity. I also avoid talking about any details about the topics I am educated in for the same reason, but it is in the field of healthcare. I also work in healthcare, which, truthfully, can be exhausting. Sometimes I come to this site to chat about D&D and avoid thinking about healthcare performance data, cost-savings, revenue, or patients. Playing is always more fun than talking about D&D though, so when I am between games, it is a bit of a bummer.
I am an avid reader, as most D&D players are, I imagine. Anything by Brandon Sanderson is an instant hit with me. I will include my short list of books I have read in the past year or so. I have only started up with reading again recently, as I sort of lost my taste for it after my doctorate; reading hundreds of PubMed articles a week for years necessitated a break. Now though, I am on the reading journey and having so much fun with it. If you see some books you like, feel free to reach out and we can talk about it. I also take recommendations.
I think that is it for now. I will add to this extended signature over time.
Reading, playing video games (occasionally. I mean, who has the time?), coffee, watching movies, working out, spicy foods, chocolate, spending time with my spouse, helping people, LGBTIA+, learning about different cultures, standing up for others, quiet, and the Oxford comma.
Bigotry in all forms, incurious people, and people who argue in bad faith.
Book List:
In Progress:
Little Women, Rhythm of War, The Sympathizer
Completed (2024):
Arcanum Unbound (Edgedancer), Love Rosie, The Scarlet Letter, The Stormlight Archive (Words of Radiance, Oathbringer), Warbreaker
Know My Name
Completed (2023):
Mistborn (book 1), The Stormlight Archive (The Way of Kings)
The New Jim Crow, Psychophysiological Disorders, They Can't Find Anything Wrong!
Favorite Colors:
Cyan and Magenta.
Adventures I have not played but would love to (hint hint, DMs):
Candlekeep Mysteries
Curse of Strahd (DM'd early game, but never finished)
Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden (Started with Mjornier, but never finished)
Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel
Keys from the Golden Vault
Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos
Vecna: Even of Ruin
The Wild Beyond the Witchlight
Played Characters:
Artificer: TBD
Crag - (Retired) Earth Genasi and former professor. He was recruited by some tomb raiders for his archeological expertise before being betrayed and left for dead along with some others who were hired for their specific skills. These people helped him escape and together they had many adventures. He was forced to split from the party when twin objective needed to be completed and time was a factor. He and his fellow scholar friend left the party to perform research and get the others critical information. Before research could be completed however, the city-state they were in was invaded by a foreign army and Crag and his fellow scholar became vital to beating back the invaders. Once the war was over, Crag became an advocate for the underserved and marginalized, and challenges politicians to do more for their people. Now, in his winter years, Crag prefers to stay out of the spotlight and uses his acquired money and reputation to pay new adventurers to do what he no longer has the strength to do.
Rhoc - (At large) Son to gladiator parents, a human father and an ogrillon mother. Rhoc was born at The Final Station, a fortified village along a caravan route on the edge of civilization. His mother was forced into labor prematurely during one of her fights in small amphitheater called The Crimson Pit, so named because of the red sand stained red from all the bloodletting there. When Rhoc was born during his mother's fight for survival, his first action was to chew through his own umbilical cord with his already formed tusks, which, coincidentally, had fulfilled a prophecy of legend that his mother held. 'Blood before milk'. Such a child would grow to be a great warrior. Great he did become. Growing up as a slave, as soon as he could swing a sword, he was put in the pit. Killing was all he had ever been allowed to know, but he is clever, and found himself stealing from his slavers and teaching himself about the world by spying on merchants, borrowing ledgers, stealing books, coin, wax, and seals. Many would assume he cut his way to freedom, but Rhoc sold himself to freedom instead. While his master was away, he forged a letter of sale to another slaver a great distance away, and when he was safely out of The Final Station, he fled the caravan.
Cyan - (Current game) I just started playing Cyan here. A Tragedy Bard in a homebrew campaign. I am excited to see how this goes, since their stats were kind of mid, but they got some cool magical items. The Background for this PC is that they were a double-life kind of criminal, along with their mother and father. Think Linus Caldwell's family from Ocean's Eleven. Only the family are a trio of entertainers who specialize in acrobatics, acting, and song... all great skills that can lend to thievery in their clandestine lives. Mother and father have fallen ill during the god's curse on the land. Cyan is simply doing what they can to save their parents, which in this case, is retrieving some magical artifacts in a dungeon. Only then will the curse be lifted. Their personality is modeled after Wednesday Addams, only without the barbed tongue (for friends) and a bit more dependency and desire for closeness to others. As a Kalashtar, they had a connection with a spirit, which I had been RPing as a much more free spirit, who Cyan would give control over to whenever a friendly face was needed. This game, unfortunately, was cancelled in its infancy. The DM was doing a great job, but they felt they were not and because they were juggling many games, called it quits on this one. A shame. I liked where it was going.
Ravinia - (Serving an archfey) My most beloved character and the PC that turned on my love of Bards. Ravinia was so powerful, that the DM could not even give me any tailored magic items aside from the Circlet of Dauntless Thought. The 2 Glam items I added post-game because of wish fulfillment. The rest you see there are simply hand-me-downs from when the Ranger and Rogue were excused from our game for being murderhobos. What a story that was (see below). Ravinia was inspired by Black Widow from the comics and the movies. She is exceptionally confident in her abilities but is not overly so; she knows her limits and relies on getting others to do what she cannot. Her background is that she is an agent for a clandestine organization that trains people from childhood to be the ultimate... whatever is needed. Socialite, spy, assassin, scholar, etc. Everyone in this organization is taught to be omnicompetent and then their services are bought by kingdoms or wealthy individuals. She was a top agent in this organization until she did the worst thing she could: fall in love with the son of a client. She was excommunicated, though allowed the life she chose as a thank you for time in service. Nothing awful happened. Nothing exciting happened either. She had a child but longed to feel the thrill that she once felt and eventually, after some years, slipped away in the night to have excitement back in her life. Then she fell in with some adventurers and learned that a certain special archfey was at war with both the leader of the werewolves and the leader of vampires.
(Drama!) We were questioning a prisoner for murder and I miscalculated a double concentration for Fast Friends and Detect Thoughts. I had used FF to force the guard in the prison to leave and give us privacy and when the prisoner was resistant, I switched to DT, not immediately realizing that it dropped the FF spell. We got the information we wanted, then the entire outpost of guards were waiting for us outside the prison room. We hid behind some pillars for safety as Ravinia tried to negotiate our way out of the mess, but the Ranger and Rogue had other plans and dispensed with the killing. I convinced everyone in our party to surrender, confident that we could get out of this momentary hiccup, but the guard I had used FF on had me gagged once they arrested us. Ooopsie. The Cleric did manage to get permission to save 2 of the 4 guards who had been slain, but we were going to be tried for murder altogether. Gagged and left with no other choice, Ravinia requested the assistance of a fey patron who had been flirting with Ravinia for some time. The very same patron who had been freed by Arkros some time before. He would get us out of the situation, but we would have to clean up the mess. All it would cost me is an eternity of servitude. It was that or the rope, so I agreed. The guards all feel asleep and my bindings disappeared and my cell was unlocked. It was a simple matter to free everyone else. Unfortunately, the DM was deeply disturbed by the killings of police equivalents and the Ranger and Rogue were excused from the game. Oh, and my use of FF got all Acquisitions Incorporated spells banned from the table. :P
Blood Hunter:
Steffen - (Dead) This character was just played for a one-shot but in it, he was searching for his twin brother so that he could kill him. He was a simple tavern owner and had a quiet life reading books about adventures and listening to adventurers tell of their own exploits. And he NEVER desired any of it. He had a good life with a wife and a child on the way. His brother was the adventurer. One day his brother stumbled into Steffen's tavern begging for help. He and his friends had been overwhelmed by a pack of werewolves and he had only managed to get away with his life. This brother neglected to say that he had been grievously bitten. He transformed in the tavern and killed everyone inside, knocking Steffen out as he tried to restrain his brother. After burying his wife, he was approached by a sickly looking but extremely powerful individual who offered Steffen the means to attain vengeance. A deadly ritual that would reduce his lifespan to a few short years, but, he would have his vengeance. He immediately agreed and became a Blood Hunter of the Order of the Lycan. Then, he hired a few mercenaries to hunt down his brother. Once he found his brother and newly made pack, Steffen and his team killed them all. Satisfied that his brother was dead, he returned to his wife's grave, where he ended his own life.
Belora - (Waiting to go to Candlekeep) Belora is a halfling with a Napoleon complex. She is aggressive, domineering, and truly feels satisfied whenever a tiny thing like her can outperform those who would normally be seen as the stronger one. While most Clerics choose their spells for the day while in morning prayer, Belora spends her morning in intense exercise. When a criminal refuses to release information, Belora's solution involves the mace. When she is overlooked because of her height, she takes great offense. She was one of my favorites to play and I played her through the Descent into Avernus campaign. *EARLY GAME SPOILER AHEAD* We sadly did not go far before the game crumbled. It was my first exposure to PC death, as both the Paladin in the party and the Warlock died to the Master of Souls in D13 of the Dungeon of the Dead Three. We were only level 2 when we encountered this villain. Fireball... what a wild thing to have to face at that level. The game carried on for a while after that but that Master of Souls monster at such a low level was not to one player's liking and they quit when their Paladin was vaporized in the very first dungeon. The DM helped a bit with a DMPC in the form of a barbarian but once we finished the Villa and reported back to Liara Portyr, life kept getting in the way for some of the remaining players.
Mjornier - (In Icewind Dale) One of the more fun PCs I have played. This is a Goliath in the Forgotten Realms, so I leaned into the lore here and made one looking to always challenge himself and find a good way to die. Nothing bothered this PC, from cantankerous NPCs to lethal injuries. It was all in good fun for Mjornier. The party did a few things in Bryn Shander and then a trip to Caer-Konig, but when we got to the Duergar outpost there, the DM announced that DMing is not for them and the game ended. A shame. Mjornier never did find that perfect death.
Morana - (Battling the undead in Jergal's name) Morana is a Companion of the Pallid Mask. Publicly, she was an undertaker and a priest specializing in providing people their Last Rights. This caused her to be mostly feared in town, but also deeply valued for her work. As a servant of Jergal, she would record the names of those dying and send booklets of names and dates of those who died to temples where this information could be stored. I enjoyed playing this character because she was rarely unsettled. She kind of rolled with everything in a very whimsical, creepy way. When a wizard blew her up with fireball, she laughed it off with a faceless guffaw. This caused the wizard to flee in terror, giving Morana time to regrow her face with some heals. The only thing that does disturb her is the undead; perversions of life who have flouted the laws of the dead. She is definitely a merciful person though and not the sadist that most would assume at first glance, it is just that her mercy is a bit different than others. When we had defeated some bandits that waylaid us on the road to our mission against the undead, a dying bandit was questioned by her for the names of their friends so that Morana may record their time of death. Once she got the names, the bandit got his mercy, which was not in healing them, but hastening their death so they would not suffer.
Wren - (Retired to a Temple of the Light) Wren was my first transgender PC. This particular one is a trans man. I played this PC on a homebrew world and things went from really well to really brutally for Wren. Wren followed what was considered a pagan god of light, one that was quite popular where he was from, but one that was illegal to worship in the lands he adventured. The party was captured and some were killed by corrupt lawkeepers of the land. Wren was not permitted to save any lives, unfortunately. We had a sham trial where our sorcerer made a fantastic argument for our release (we were allowed to prep our defense between sessions), but of course, the panel of judges were just as corrupt as the lawkeepers. Our sentencing was life in prison, each to have some kind of personal penance, which we discussed with the DM privately. Wren had liquid gold poured into his eyes, blinding him for life for daring to worship a heathen god of light. During his time in prison, he kept his faith despite torture from guards and prisoners alike. For this, his god blessed him with the gift of sight wherever there is light. Mechanically, this was just normal sight for a human - this was all narrative and none of the PCs were actually reduced mechanically. Wren's god lit the way to escape and after the party was on the run as fugitives. Wren got a gold visor to wear over his face and continued to keep his faith the entire campaign and retired to a Temple of the Light in the nation that had failed to take his sight.
Cassandra - (Helping her friends to save the world) This PC has possibly experienced the most character growth out of any that I have played. She was a former cleric whose selfish impulses and indifference to the suffering of others cost her everything that mattered to her; her god abandoned her entirely and even cursed her with one hand that could heal and one hand that could harm. From Tempest Cleric to Mercy Monk. She has had to learn how to care about others and it has been a very painful journey for her. One that had culminated in fighting an insane fallen angel who had cornered Cass in the fight and pulled her arms clean off! The fight took place on a flying island and he tossed them to the desert below. Now she is a monk without arms but who can still heal and harm, as her entire body is a weapon. The experience had helped her to put aside her own silly, immature dreams of individual glory, which was previously her main driver. She has also learned that fighting for others, rather than for herself, is the more noble path. This game has been put on hiatus while a friend finishes his PhD.
Eirikur - (Current game) I just started this pbp campaign, so I will have to rely on the backstory. He is a brainwashed agent for Queen Victoria for a game set in late 1800s Earth, where species from other worlds came to Earth during the Civil War. Eirikur was freed from his brainwashing and upon realizing all the horrors that he had done for Queen and Country, he fled to the Americas and eventually found his way to Chicago, where the game has just begun. The game can be followed here for anyone curious.
Ranger: TBD
Left-Handed Poet - (Helping a Rogue be better as a rogue, and as a person) This PC was for a game that was intended as a campaign, but only got as far as the first session. Left-Handed Poet, or Lefty, as many call him, is an aging and retired assassin who had killed so many, that he had to put down the blades and retire to life in solitude, deep in the forest, and ponder his sins. His reputation preceded him in the criminal underworld however, and occasionally, people would come seeking his skills or seeking his life. He would always meet them, serve them tea, plead with them to leave behind the life of killing, and recite poetry during their conversations before either denying them as wards or killing the would-be assassins. One person however, had a noble cause. Initially, he denied this person too, not entirely sure that they were being truthful, but then an agent of the undead threat that this person was fighting attacked at Lefty's home as he poured tea for the young rogue. She and Lefty defeated the monster and Lefty was convinced to leave retirement to help the person become a better rogue and to help in defeating the undead threat. It is a shame this game never got off the ground. It had some potential.
Zerrius - (Finding new purpose) I am not sure it exactly counts, but I played this character in a duet game with my partner at the time. It was an introduction to D&D and they were very interested in what it is I love so much about it. This was a support DMPC for this game and we played the Lost Mine of Phandelver. We did not finish the campaign as my partner at the time was a med student and medical school is the ultimate time suck.
Arkros - (Lost between worlds) Arkros was my first PC and, being wholly intimidated at the prospect of role playing in front of others and being a very shy person, I elected to lean into my ignorance and turn it into a defining feature of the character. Arkros is a fool. Not unintelligent exactly, but definitely a screwup and he speaks and acts before thinking things through. He is a career performer who longed for more and is an addict with a 'live fast, leave a messed up looking corpse' kind of mentality. When a fey patron offered him that 'more', Arkros signed on the dotted line without so much as reading the contract. When the game my friends and I were playing fell apart, he was taken by his patron to the feywild and then, once the patron was freed by Arkros from his thousand year prison, who knows where. Between worlds for sure. Arkros was partially inspired by my own fears and insecurities, but also Nathan Young, from the TV show, Misfits. If you know this character, just give him horns, turn him red, and hand him some illicit substances, and you have Arkros. I suspect the actor, Robert Sheehan, saw my performance of Arkros somehow and then later created an amalgamation of Nathan Young and Arkros, forming Klaus Hargreeves from Umbrella Academy. I am still waiting for my check, Robert!
Suki - (Current game) Another PC with a seedy background, only this one is a former thief. Her backstory is that she was a career smuggler and once she completed her first big job, her and her crew were seized by the person they worked for and were tortured and killed. What they had smuggled was so sensitive in nature, that her employers wouldn't even take the chance that Suki and her crew never peeked. They hadn't and Suki does not even know what it was that she had moved into the country. Suki managed to survive and escape. While on the run and looking for the means of attaining her very much deserved revenge, she fell in with a new crew, all independently arriving at a secluded ancient wizard's mansion at the same time and looking for the same thing. Interesting!!! Choosing safety in numbers, Suki joined the newly formed crew and the mansion has turned out to be quite dangerous within. Her backstory would have had her be something akin to an Arcane Trickster before being permanently partially disabled by the bad men who killed her previous crew, but in the game, she has always been a wizard. She is a character that has a lot of buried rage. She hides it well and, on the surface, is an upbeat and almost bubbly person.
ok this is a silly idea, but a good one. How did I not see this until just now.
Bio/History/What I'm willing to share about myself.
Hello I'm an over 50 year old D&D player who has been playing since jr HS in 1983. I was in the USMC at the end of the 80s until just after Operation Desert Storm. 100% Service Connected Disabled.
I'm also a Dual National USA & UK by birth. I've been into the Gothic Music Scene since I got out of the Marines. I'm also a Trans woman, which is how a woman could be a combat veteran from the 90s with the MOS 0331, 0321, 8911.
I'm of Jewish Ancestry (Specifically Turkish and Russian Jewish) I look very Jewish and have olive white skin, thanks to my dad being full blooded northern European, and a half giant. Which means I'm tall, way too tall for my liking.
I have 7 years college, and no specific degree, I never could make my mind up. Psych, CET, History,... I'm also dyslectic and somewhat autistic (somewhat recent medical diagnosis)
I also live in the greater Los Angeles area, and eventually I want to start up live games again, but that requires a few things. I do miss running beer and pizza games.
Recruitment Open For:
Currently closed
Dungeon Master For:
Current Sunday game - Gideon the Campaign
Player In:
Currently none - not enough spoons right now for it.
My Homebrew Stuff:
Ok just the good stuff, or objectively terrible stuff made when drunk.
Staff (quarterstaff), very rare (requires attunement by a wizard, or druid with a strength greater than 15 ) "This weapon can be turned into almost any exercise equipment you could need." - Manufacturers Advertisement
You have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
(Note: It's a free weight barbell, the magic allows you to add or remove the weight on the sides. Somehow this gives it the +3 to attack and damage rolls in melee., DM Rulings damage numbers reflect max combat potential adding 300lbs to the barbel won't add to damage but might be good for pinning a weakling.)
Proficiency with a quarterstaff allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.
Notes: Bonus: Magic, Weapon Property: Heavy, wizard, or druid with a strength greater than 15 , Damage, Combat, Versatile
Silly Short story requested by the DM for the campaign I was playing in at the time, not often a DM asks for player to write a short story for a background, but I did.
This is a post campaign reedit of my lore Bard "Traveling Merchant" Tabaxi has wears. ;p I used her as an NPC in another game because the character was too cool.
Ok this one takes a while to explain. Gail was born in 1997 AD&D as a Half-Elf psionicist they died badly in that campaign as they were shunted off to the Negative energy plane. Early into 5th ed, I decided to resurrect this ancient character of mine as a Shadar-kai. (Originally as the long range Warlock Assassin sniper that was a popular theory craft 7 years ago) but when it came to an actual game I went with a Cleric of the Raven Queen. I wish I got more time to play this one, but that campaign fell apart way too soon IMO.
Recreation of my two time 3.5/Iron Heroes Chaotic Red Neck Dwarf. In 3.5 they were a Red Neck based on the Alabama hunter trapper theme, was a ranger for that. Then I remade them as a Barbarian for Iron Heroes, all this was between 2010 and 2013.
a fun character aimed at being something I normally don't do. The campaign only lasted 4 sessions, and I wish the lady who DMed this would run it again. ;_;
Teal is a slime girl with no gear but a tattoo and her profession material in a barrel which she uses as her mobile home.
No DnDB character sheet I'm willing to share. This is my long time main character, way back in the AD&D era, all the way up until now, only I tend to not play her in D&D much anymore.
She was originally named something else, I changed it do to the name turning out to be NSFW never use an object and reverse the spelling to make a D&D character name, it can backfire. So I renamed her based on a name I was considering for myself. Which ended up being my cats name as well. Mariel. This was my main in 3.0/3.5, D20, and 4.0 games, plus every Video game, and MMORPG that I played, and I played a lot of them. She's basically a War Wizard AD&D Elf Kit class (Fighter/Wizard) she ended that old campaign as a succubus. What a game.
That is my list of character I 'm willing to share.
Hewo! ^w^
I am a High School furry and love to talk to people about anything! I search for any support bc my mental health problems including depression, suicide, friend problems and being included. I want to meet new furries here on DnD Beyond. I want to become a public activist for stopping furry hate bc it's not funny and it must be stopped. I like to draw, write, make music, and being very social.
The song that best describes me is What Was I Made For? by Billie Eilish because I'm under a lot of depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts.
My current characters:
Valhalla: A male dragonborn sorcerer/druid who wants to find out who he is and wants to have fun in his adventures!
Athenix: A non-binary aarakocra cleric/fighter who has a very sharp eye and can spot things from far away.
Make sure you check out my forums! ------> Quote Comment Thread | Furry Social Thread | Counting Thread | Suicide Support Thread
PM me the word tomato 🍅
I hope you have a great day! <3 :)
ima drago :3
OwO What's this? *notices your pfp* Very nice pfp my friend. 10/10
PM me the word tomato 🍅 PRAISE JEFF THE EVIL ROOMBA! Please read my Extended Signature
JOIN MY THREADS ----> Quote Comment Thread | Furry Social Thread | Counting Thread | Suicide Support Thread
I love suffering with suicide :3
Well. I feel like I'm a little late. Oh well.
You walk through a door into a long hallway with yellowish wallpaper. Some sort of entity, maybe in humanoid shape, maybe not, it's hard to tell, walks (or is it glides?) up to you and says "Welcome to my extended signature. You're probably wondering why you came here. Honestly, I haven't got a clue. Whoever would want to look at this signature of their own free will is a bit coocoo if you ask me but diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks I suppose. Oh you're still here? I don't know what you're expecting. Do you want details about me? What I like to do? What my favorite color is? I'll tell you some things about me. I live in Louisiana (the best state). I love books and videogames (strange mix I know). Gumbo is the best food (if you disagree what in sweet liberty is wrong with you). I'm learning the harmonica (it's very cool). I apparently put additional notes in parentheses at the end of every sentence I write (it's very strange). I'm in your neighborhood in between your walls in between the threads in between time and space in between life and death in between the very in between of the in between hallways of liminality itself (makes perfect sense). Captain Vimes is one of the best fictional characters ever. I suppose that would be just about it. I'll show you some threads I'm a part of." He leads you to the cleanest door you've ever seen and opens it to show a temple with statues of Roombas all around A man in hooded robe is chanting "Praise Jeff praise Jeff praise Jeff..." "This is the Jeff the Evil Roomba Cult. And this is the Roomba Arch-Cultist. I'm a Roomba High Cultist." He leads you to another door, this one with strange carvings of jellyfish like creatures. The entity says "This is the Cult of the Flumphs," and opens the door to a large sphere with flumph faces carved into huge gems on its side. The sphere is set on four pillars in the middle of an entrance hall. It also has a swirling portal set in the middle of it. "Ah yes, that there is a portal to the Nexus. An interesting place where all the threads converge with each other. I have never taken a large part in it, though many of the threads I am in are part of it. I suppose the Nexus can be described as something like this place we are in, only it is more of a place for people to commune with each other, instead of only being the passageway to another place." He closes the door and guides you to another door, this one with a simple 13 inscribed upon it. He opens it to reveal a scenic little town. Nearby you see a statue of a dorito with a single eye, a snazzy bow tie, and a top hat holding out a hand for a handshake. "This is the Astonishing Anomalies of Gravity Falls thread. I'm a mod along with TheMadGibber. It's very new, but I'm sure it will grow." He takes you to a door right next to the one you just looked through. It has a strange jumble of steampunk gears along with bark and vines and is generally just a whole gumbo of different time periods. He twists the valve and the door opens to a band in full swing playing for an audience. You see an orange Tabaxi plucking a bass, two men playing trombones, a dwarf tickling the ivories, and an earth genasi playing the drums. Then there's a man in a pinstripe suit wearing shades and a trillby, and a plasmoid playing the accordion. And at the front of all this is a beautiful woman with ruby lips and gold hair singing. "This is the Gut (2.0). A very neat place. Huge luxury ship. But under the decks... well, that's a different story for later. Come on, we've only got one more door left." He takes you to a door with a tree carved in it, with symbols above it that you've never seen before. "Mellon," the entity speaks, and the door opens to a large room with many bookshelves. It contains many records of discussions. "This is the The Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit/Anything Tolkien Club! This is a place where all Tolkien fans congregate to discuss all things LOTR and maybe rp some. I'm an elf in this thread which are the lore experts. Wait. No. I thought I was an elf! Oof. Guess not. Too bad. Well, that's all for me, but there are so many more threads to be discovered out there. Go discover them! You might even make some yourself!" He takes you to a door, which he opens. It shows where you were before you came here. You walk out and he closes the door behind you. You turn around and open it, but there is only a brick wall.
"We only have today, but tomorrow we may die,
so let's shout out to the starry sky"
You extend your hand, or leg, or whatever appendage you have, towards the glowing chain link with curiosity. Suddenly, you're transported to a different realm...
Heya! I'm TheMadGibber, often just called 'Gibber' for short here on the forums, also known as The Endless Maws, The Spewer of Chatters, the Mad Murderer, and The Lord of Space and Time. Also, yes, I did steal the whole 'entrance' idea from Paco. Anyways, if you're here you probably want to know about me. So, I'll give you a basic rundown. First off, I am PERFECTLY sane. I am 101 (minus 2) percent sure. Second, I can be found anywhere on the forums, though 99% of the time I'm on the off topic forums just chilling. Here are some of my threads and campaigns I'm in!
My Threads On Adohand's Kitchen (Plus Faction Wars)
FACTION WARS (Main thread)-- A war to the death with various different factions, made with a TON of other people-- we spent an entire month working on this! Currently teetering between life and death, and we don't want a thread we worked so hard on to die, so please check it out!
The Astonishing Anomalies Of Gravity Falls-- A cool place, if you're a fan of Gravity Falls then this is the RP thread for you. I'm the creator of it and mod with Paco and Valhalla. It doesn't have a mystery/ARG element to it whatsoever! Nope! (Dead Thread :( )
The Nexus-- Have you ever wanted to see the threads of Adohand's Kitchen merge together in an epic interdimensional city? Well, the Nexus is just that! Creator of it, currently no other mods. (Dead thread :( )
The Messy Mammoth Tavern and Inn-- in the middle of a freezing wasteland lies this quaint little tavern, to rest in and relax in a frigid world. (Dead Thread :( )
The Great Sky City of Vapestia-- A lavish steampunk city flying in the sky, thriving on under the rule of the government after the Ravaging that destroyed the surface. (Dead before my brain even remembered to add it to the extended signature lol :( )
The Undertale/Deltarune Cult, Revived!-- A revival of an Undertale cult from.two years ago, now lead by yours truly with permission from Jobah619Official, the OG maker. (Still staying determined.)
THE CULT OF JEFF THE EVIL ROOMBA-- I saved the best of my threads for last. Here we praise the almighty, clay-eating evil Roomba known as Jeff! We praise Jeff! Praise him, I say! Long may he live and eat clay! (JEFF LIVES ON.)
D&D Campaigns (PbP and In-Person)
PbP-- DM'ing: Trouble in Waterdeep (inactive). Player: Mimton Donow, Aarakocra College of Lore Bard (Inactive). Goradus Cimag, Half-Elf Draconic Bloodline sorcerer (inactive).
In-Person-- DM'ing a campaign for my friends. Also a player in Dragons of Stormwreck Isle as Detrofas Linfern, a tiefling monk.
Other Stuff
"But enough about me. Behold... ME!!!!"
I've also been in multiple threads such as The Absolutely Anything Thread, The Bloody Barnacle, The Universe Smörgåsbord and a ton more!
And with that, I'm gonna go now. This perfectly sane gibberer says goodbye!
Reality seems to shift. You're back to where you were before...
Hello! I am a perfectly sane gibberer. Hi! :D
A mysterious link of chain... (Extended signature). PRAISE JEFF THE EVIL ROOMBA! REALLY cool video.
One of the Warlock Patrons on the forums. Low, low price of your soul, your firstborn child and your liver!
Titles: The Echoing Story Spewer from Drummer, the Endless Maws from Isis, the Mad Murderer from PJ
I will redo my extended sig and hope my link works this time!
Hi, the name's EJO. I love RP and lore and planning world dominance.
I make homebrew. It's cool. Put my username into the monsters section of homebrew and look at my stuff.
My threads:
Grimmshire: The Silent City: Gothic horror tavern that is less popular than it was back in the day. It attracted the great Cynophobia and i'm proud of it.
Station 2187: Honestly, this place is pointless.
London falling: This thread is unpopular but cool! A horror tavern.
Star Wars and Warhammer nerd. Yup. I'm both.
Pronouns he/him. WASSUUP!
Titles bestowed by Drummer:
The Unstrikable Warrior, Expert of Dragons and Knowledge, Master of the Blade, Merciless champion, The Rising Power, Risen from the Depths, The Potential of Darkness!
Currently inactive for most of the week.
Pronouns He/him Been playing this game since I was 12
Music Interests: NF, Eminem, French music (FLOFRANCO, Black M, Amir, Bigflo et Oli)
Love reading.
Best of both worlds: I'm a D&D nerd who wants to major in math, but I'm also an athlete who plays several sports both competitively and for fun.
I'm that tall, lanky kid who can jump freakishly high.
Character(s): Chak-tha, Thri-kreen Battlemaster Fighter, Théodmon Rokas, Eladrin Druid, Grayhawk the Aerial Ace, Aarakocra Bladesinger Wizard
Current Campaign(s): Dungeons, Darkness, Drow, and Demons, an Out of the Abyss Adventure, Dungeon Delvers, a Dungeon of the Mad Mage Adventure, Jungle of Evil, a Tomb of Annihilation Adventure
Check out the Chatty Tavern | Jester and Breadman's Character Bakery
My title from drummer is Wielder of Whispers
y'all, it's me! TGOS, and Arthropleura, now dead :( [not links]
my new drummer title: Might of the Fearless!
I am a huge nerd, nonbinary, pan, short (4'6 :p) and I look like V from Murder Drones (that's why the font's yellow)
I go on Roblox a bit.
I play WOE as a Florafluff named Spectra.
My WC OC is named Fangclaw.
I am a furry have a once a fursona (they have had their title removed):
an anthro eel with a thick and short tail (for an eel), fluffy paws, fins on their elbows, protogen ears, and a sharklike tailfin. their back fin is like that of a moray eel, as well as the tailfin before the shark part, and they are skinny.
I hate math, love biology, and am an extravert
I also drew 10 pentagrams in my life LOL.
okay byeeeeeeeee!!!
Sig but long ^w^
Furry Febuary Prompts:
Hybrid, Silly, Fluffy, Afraid, Mantled Beast, Sleepy, Glitched, Shark Hybrid, Dragon, Cat, Arson, Chibi, Protogen, Feathers, Wolf Hybrid, Elegant, Kind-Eyed, Sad, Happy, Dinosaur, Owl, Ox Hybrid, Leopard, Colorful, Snake, Hyena, Bat, Your 'Sona
💛🤍💜🖤 🩷💛💙
[As you pick up the paper you read the words, "Hello Friend... I am known by many names around this world. Perhaps you know me as..." And the following list]
Bilyur Ningel - 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist
Jaren - Campaignless Adventure
Volneer Smith Bryskin - Norea/Westhaven
OOC thread
IC thread
Bryskin Alleywood - The Scarlet Mist
Heiberos Ganneva - Button's Best
DM for Dragons of Stormwreck Isle.
Ezrer Slaza - Frozen Sick
["Or by my creations..."]
The Void Dragonborn...
The Living Fire Bolt...
The Swarm of Living Fire Bolts...
or The Evil Essence...
Come see me in the FACTION WARS
["Thanks for coming around, friend..." A magical flame consumes the paper into ash.]
[A paper drops out of a flash of light and drifts to the ground at your feet] -(extended sig)-
My heroforge characters:
Merwor Azelglass, gnome artificier: https://www.heroforge.com/load_config=518573735/
Erzor Elderbraid, halfling rogue: https://www.heroforge.com/load_config=518573165/
Sir Cruadrtis Farolt III, warforged bard: https://www.heroforge.com/load_config=518512029/
Vinaaquil, hobgoblin wizard: https://www.heroforge.com/load_config=518544381/
Lanticus, aasimar paladin: https://www.heroforge.com/load_config=518592627/
Bob, human fighter: https://www.heroforge.com/load_config=518811040/
Carn Elderbraid, halfling ranger: https://www.heroforge.com/load_config=518512065/
Ganrik, naga paladin: https://www.heroforge.com/load_config=518513069/
Gormund, dwarf cleric: https://www.heroforge.com/load_config=518712281/
Tyranir, drow warlock: https://www.heroforge.com/load_config=518816341/
Nutmeg the Crafty, Vek Nying, Lil Tika, Foofoo, Si, Chaos, Drizzle, Along with 80 more!
𝔐𝔶 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔫𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔰 𝔞𝔯𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔶/𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔪 🏳️🌈🟨⬜️🟪⬛️ ℑ'𝔪 𝔎𝔬𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔫-𝔄𝔪𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔫 (ℑ 𝔠𝔞𝔫'𝔱 𝔰𝔭𝔢𝔞𝔨 𝔎𝔬𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔫)
My Characters! (that i actually played in a campaign)
Vek Nying, Si, Drizzle, Foofoo, Ą̸͇͍̗̱̮̹͔͐̒͑̂̑̓̚͜c̴̡̨͖̞̦̼̱͚͐͐̌̎ṵ̷̼̰̩̬̭͛̊͗̅͌̅̔̿m̸̙̰̓̽̀̆̈́͠͝a̴̛͚̍ư̶̗̬͎̈̊͒͂̿͝͝s̴̛̖̮̗̏̊̓̅̊̚ͅ, Bappa, Chaos
*insert my sig here :3*
Haiiiiii, I’m Druid! (he/they/it/moth/fae/star) I'm a smol insane queer lil' mess with a terrible mental state! I'm also a therian and furry :3 My current obsessions are The Amazing Digital Circus and Hazbin Hotel, so if you ever wanna chat about that, I'm always happy to!
"Oh no! Looks like I've taken Ragatha... AND DROPPED HER IN THE DEEP FRYER!" -Jax
Threads I run: Quotes
Where to find me: Last Comment Wins, Quotes, and here and there on Onions Are Like Worms. I dont really do taverns
Do you feel like a chain store?
Practically floored
One of many zeros
Kicked around bored
Your ears are full but your empty
Holding at your heart
To people who never really
Care how you are
So give me Coffe & TV, easily
I’ve seen so much I’m going blind and I’m brain dead virtually
Hey! I’m himynamesare (he/him) or himy for short. I’m bisexual, have adhd and a crippling addiction to making threads on adohand’s! (Someone please stop me)
I’m almost always on during the day and almost always happy to help. I love mythology, reading, anime, making storyboards but never following through and more!
All of my threads:
After Death’s Fall: a survival horror rp: You wash up on the shores of a deserted island. Ghost run rampant on the mainland, and even worse here. Now you must find a way to escape. Status: dead as doornails
Evesdale: the last standing city: after Bio-puppets have destroyed most of humanity, Evesdale is renowned as the last safe place. Humanity’s final stronghold. Status: dead
Research Facility for the Incarnated: As the living reincarnation of someone from myth and folklore, the RFI has taken you to be researched and uses for their personal gain. Status: Dying, almost dead
Jujutsu Kaisen: a new order: A Jujutsu Kaisen inspired thread. After Satoru Gojo’s body was possessed by Ryomen Sukuna, the king of curses, chaos was unleashed. Though he was sealed, it is but a matter of time until he breaks free. Status: dead
Hotel Valhalla: After dying a valiant death, you are sent to Valhalla to be a enherjar and train for ragnarok. Status: dying
Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
Hic Sunt Dracones
What a cool idea. Hello! My name is Tawnee, but you can call me Owlbear or Nyx. Yes, owlbears are my favorite D&D creature, and I would totally have a pet owlbear if I could. My pronouns are she/her. My day job is librarian, but I like to write creatively in my free time. I'm currently writing a novel that I hope to get published traditionally.
Likes: TTRPGs, video games, board games, sci-fi horror, romance novels, horror novels, Basset Hounds, animals in general but especially capybaras, writing, Mexican-style tacos, hiking
Dislikes: Mouth sounds (I have misophonia), being in a crowd for too long, too many loud noises all at once (I also have some sort of sensory processing issue probably), socializing in person for too long (confirmed introvert here)
Favorite Color: It used to be blue, then purple, and now I'm currently crushing on all shades of green.
Currently DMing: Curse of Strahd & Tomb of Annihilation on D&D Beyond, Carrion Crown converted for 5e online via Discord every other Saturday :)
And here are my characters on D&D Beyond PBP and my character I've been playing for 3 years now in an in-person campaign with my friends. :)
Evelyn Drake - Human Evocation Wizard (Rule of Change)
Aranea Kendrick - V. Human Hexblade Warlock (Where the Cold Winds Blow)
Bryony Alderleaf - Lightfoot Halfling Thief Rogue (The Shattered Obelisk)
Vesta Trevelyan - Half-Elf Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer (Nest of the Eldritch Eye)
Elsenia Vesper - Shadar-kai Circle of Spores Druid (Strixhaven)
Mercy Aves - Tiefling Genie Warlock (Dragon Heist - Hell of a Summer)
Selene Albion - Human Beast Ranger (The Dragonborn In-Person 3 year+ Campaign)
Extended Signature
Characters: Bryony Alderleaf - Lvl. 4 Halfling Rogue (The Shattered Obelisk) ♦ Vesta Trevelyan - Lvl. 10 Half-Elf Sorcerer (Eve of Ruin) ♦ Ada Kendrick - Lvl. 4 Aasimar Paladin (Curse of Strahd) ♦ Selene Albion - Lvl. 12 Human Ranger (In-Person Homebrew Campaign) ♦ Phaerdra Tor'viir - Lvl. 3 Drow Wizard (Exandria Sandbox Campaign)
No news is still good news…
Were you expecting something more?
Me too, honestly.
Well, tell them I sent you, and maybe you’ll find something worthwhile.
Then again…
maybe not.
No news is good news…
I'll lay a white rose on the cold earth, knowing it that it has not claimed your soul.
The Strength Of The Nameless and Glory Of The Shiver Lord as titled by Drummer!
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Cetar Allwood: Human Druid: Last Chapters
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature. In fact, you're already reading it.
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
You follow the figure behind the wall only to see a Note on the Ground...
Hello Folks! Names TheSunkenSailor your resident Loremaking Cryptid Hunter!
I've got a lot of Threads most are Dead except one which I'll never let die.
|The Tower of Lore is Going under construction..|
I can make a lot of lore for multiple Genre's. Ever find yourself stumped with Lore? Send me a PM! I'll gladly help.
Till I add more, Goodbye.
The note suddenly floats away in the Wind...
Hello all!
TheSunkenSailor Here
Resident Lore-Maker and Lore Enthusiast!
I make lore for anything so ask and thou SHALL RECIEVE!
Welp, that's about all I got, Till we meet again!
I like how you made it like a story almost instead of just another "Extended Signature" link. Very cool
Do you feel like a chain store?
Practically floored
One of many zeros
Kicked around bored
Your ears are full but your empty
Holding at your heart
To people who never really
Care how you are
So give me Coffe & TV, easily
I’ve seen so much I’m going blind and I’m brain dead virtually
Well Thanks you!
Hello all!
TheSunkenSailor Here
Resident Lore-Maker and Lore Enthusiast!
I make lore for anything so ask and thou SHALL RECIEVE!
Welp, that's about all I got, Till we meet again!
About Me:
Hello. My name is Erik and my pronouns are he/him/they/them. My join date on DDB (2018/03/14) was also the very first time I had played D&D. Arkros was my first character, started from level 1. I had interest in D&D for a very long time before that, but a bad experience in high school put me off the game for 20 years. I tell about this very painful and exclusionary experience here, for anyone who is interested in peeking behind that curtain of teen trauma. Once I started my D&D experience however, I was spending most of my free time reviewing the content, engaging in discussions about D&D, or playing. After about a year or two of play, I tried my hand at DMing and kind of liked it. It became my main role when playing, to the delight of my friends. Every once in a while though, I was able to convince them to sit in the Big Chair, and I have included most of the characters I have played over the years, excluding a few non-DDB PCs that were played on other sites or using pen and paper. I will bring them over to DDB eventually and link them here though.
Outside of D&D, I hold a doctorate and am a published scholar. Unfortunately, I cannot talk about my specific publications because it would not be too hard for someone to blast away my veil of Internet anonymity. I also avoid talking about any details about the topics I am educated in for the same reason, but it is in the field of healthcare. I also work in healthcare, which, truthfully, can be exhausting. Sometimes I come to this site to chat about D&D and avoid thinking about healthcare performance data, cost-savings, revenue, or patients. Playing is always more fun than talking about D&D though, so when I am between games, it is a bit of a bummer.
I am an avid reader, as most D&D players are, I imagine. Anything by Brandon Sanderson is an instant hit with me. I will include my short list of books I have read in the past year or so. I have only started up with reading again recently, as I sort of lost my taste for it after my doctorate; reading hundreds of PubMed articles a week for years necessitated a break. Now though, I am on the reading journey and having so much fun with it. If you see some books you like, feel free to reach out and we can talk about it. I also take recommendations.
I think that is it for now. I will add to this extended signature over time.
Reading, playing video games (occasionally. I mean, who has the time?), coffee, watching movies, working out, spicy foods, chocolate, spending time with my spouse, helping people, LGBTIA+, learning about different cultures, standing up for others, quiet, and the Oxford comma.
Bigotry in all forms, incurious people, and people who argue in bad faith.
Book List:
In Progress:
Little Women, Rhythm of War, The Sympathizer
Completed (2024):
Arcanum Unbound (Edgedancer), Love Rosie, The Scarlet Letter, The Stormlight Archive (Words of Radiance, Oathbringer), Warbreaker
Know My Name
Completed (2023):
Mistborn (book 1), The Stormlight Archive (The Way of Kings)
The New Jim Crow, Psychophysiological Disorders, They Can't Find Anything Wrong!
Favorite Colors:
Cyan and Magenta.
Adventures I have not played but would love to (hint hint, DMs):
Candlekeep Mysteries
Curse of Strahd (DM'd early game, but never finished)
Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden (Started with Mjornier, but never finished)
Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel
Keys from the Golden Vault
Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos
Vecna: Even of Ruin
The Wild Beyond the Witchlight
Played Characters:
Artificer: TBD
Crag - (Retired) Earth Genasi and former professor. He was recruited by some tomb raiders for his archeological expertise before being betrayed and left for dead along with some others who were hired for their specific skills. These people helped him escape and together they had many adventures. He was forced to split from the party when twin objective needed to be completed and time was a factor. He and his fellow scholar friend left the party to perform research and get the others critical information. Before research could be completed however, the city-state they were in was invaded by a foreign army and Crag and his fellow scholar became vital to beating back the invaders. Once the war was over, Crag became an advocate for the underserved and marginalized, and challenges politicians to do more for their people. Now, in his winter years, Crag prefers to stay out of the spotlight and uses his acquired money and reputation to pay new adventurers to do what he no longer has the strength to do.
Rhoc - (At large) Son to gladiator parents, a human father and an ogrillon mother. Rhoc was born at The Final Station, a fortified village along a caravan route on the edge of civilization. His mother was forced into labor prematurely during one of her fights in small amphitheater called The Crimson Pit, so named because of the red sand stained red from all the bloodletting there. When Rhoc was born during his mother's fight for survival, his first action was to chew through his own umbilical cord with his already formed tusks, which, coincidentally, had fulfilled a prophecy of legend that his mother held. 'Blood before milk'. Such a child would grow to be a great warrior. Great he did become. Growing up as a slave, as soon as he could swing a sword, he was put in the pit. Killing was all he had ever been allowed to know, but he is clever, and found himself stealing from his slavers and teaching himself about the world by spying on merchants, borrowing ledgers, stealing books, coin, wax, and seals. Many would assume he cut his way to freedom, but Rhoc sold himself to freedom instead. While his master was away, he forged a letter of sale to another slaver a great distance away, and when he was safely out of The Final Station, he fled the caravan.
Cyan - (Current game) I just started playing Cyan here. A Tragedy Bard in a homebrew campaign. I am excited to see how this goes, since their stats were kind of mid, but they got some cool magical items. The Background for this PC is that they were a double-life kind of criminal, along with their mother and father. Think Linus Caldwell's family from Ocean's Eleven. Only the family are a trio of entertainers who specialize in acrobatics, acting, and song... all great skills that can lend to thievery in their clandestine lives. Mother and father have fallen ill during the god's curse on the land. Cyan is simply doing what they can to save their parents, which in this case, is retrieving some magical artifacts in a dungeon. Only then will the curse be lifted. Their personality is modeled after Wednesday Addams, only without the barbed tongue (for friends) and a bit more dependency and desire for closeness to others. As a Kalashtar, they had a connection with a spirit, which I had been RPing as a much more free spirit, who Cyan would give control over to whenever a friendly face was needed. This game, unfortunately, was cancelled in its infancy. The DM was doing a great job, but they felt they were not and because they were juggling many games, called it quits on this one. A shame. I liked where it was going.
Ravinia - (Serving an archfey) My most beloved character and the PC that turned on my love of Bards. Ravinia was so powerful, that the DM could not even give me any tailored magic items aside from the Circlet of Dauntless Thought. The 2 Glam items I added post-game because of wish fulfillment. The rest you see there are simply hand-me-downs from when the Ranger and Rogue were excused from our game for being murderhobos. What a story that was (see below). Ravinia was inspired by Black Widow from the comics and the movies. She is exceptionally confident in her abilities but is not overly so; she knows her limits and relies on getting others to do what she cannot. Her background is that she is an agent for a clandestine organization that trains people from childhood to be the ultimate... whatever is needed. Socialite, spy, assassin, scholar, etc. Everyone in this organization is taught to be omnicompetent and then their services are bought by kingdoms or wealthy individuals. She was a top agent in this organization until she did the worst thing she could: fall in love with the son of a client. She was excommunicated, though allowed the life she chose as a thank you for time in service. Nothing awful happened. Nothing exciting happened either. She had a child but longed to feel the thrill that she once felt and eventually, after some years, slipped away in the night to have excitement back in her life. Then she fell in with some adventurers and learned that a certain special archfey was at war with both the leader of the werewolves and the leader of vampires.
(Drama!) We were questioning a prisoner for murder and I miscalculated a double concentration for Fast Friends and Detect Thoughts. I had used FF to force the guard in the prison to leave and give us privacy and when the prisoner was resistant, I switched to DT, not immediately realizing that it dropped the FF spell. We got the information we wanted, then the entire outpost of guards were waiting for us outside the prison room. We hid behind some pillars for safety as Ravinia tried to negotiate our way out of the mess, but the Ranger and Rogue had other plans and dispensed with the killing. I convinced everyone in our party to surrender, confident that we could get out of this momentary hiccup, but the guard I had used FF on had me gagged once they arrested us. Ooopsie. The Cleric did manage to get permission to save 2 of the 4 guards who had been slain, but we were going to be tried for murder altogether. Gagged and left with no other choice, Ravinia requested the assistance of a fey patron who had been flirting with Ravinia for some time. The very same patron who had been freed by Arkros some time before. He would get us out of the situation, but we would have to clean up the mess. All it would cost me is an eternity of servitude. It was that or the rope, so I agreed. The guards all feel asleep and my bindings disappeared and my cell was unlocked. It was a simple matter to free everyone else. Unfortunately, the DM was deeply disturbed by the killings of police equivalents and the Ranger and Rogue were excused from the game. Oh, and my use of FF got all Acquisitions Incorporated spells banned from the table. :P
Blood Hunter:
Steffen - (Dead) This character was just played for a one-shot but in it, he was searching for his twin brother so that he could kill him. He was a simple tavern owner and had a quiet life reading books about adventures and listening to adventurers tell of their own exploits. And he NEVER desired any of it. He had a good life with a wife and a child on the way. His brother was the adventurer. One day his brother stumbled into Steffen's tavern begging for help. He and his friends had been overwhelmed by a pack of werewolves and he had only managed to get away with his life. This brother neglected to say that he had been grievously bitten. He transformed in the tavern and killed everyone inside, knocking Steffen out as he tried to restrain his brother. After burying his wife, he was approached by a sickly looking but extremely powerful individual who offered Steffen the means to attain vengeance. A deadly ritual that would reduce his lifespan to a few short years, but, he would have his vengeance. He immediately agreed and became a Blood Hunter of the Order of the Lycan. Then, he hired a few mercenaries to hunt down his brother. Once he found his brother and newly made pack, Steffen and his team killed them all. Satisfied that his brother was dead, he returned to his wife's grave, where he ended his own life.
Belora - (Waiting to go to Candlekeep) Belora is a halfling with a Napoleon complex. She is aggressive, domineering, and truly feels satisfied whenever a tiny thing like her can outperform those who would normally be seen as the stronger one. While most Clerics choose their spells for the day while in morning prayer, Belora spends her morning in intense exercise. When a criminal refuses to release information, Belora's solution involves the mace. When she is overlooked because of her height, she takes great offense. She was one of my favorites to play and I played her through the Descent into Avernus campaign. *EARLY GAME SPOILER AHEAD* We sadly did not go far before the game crumbled. It was my first exposure to PC death, as both the Paladin in the party and the Warlock died to the Master of Souls in D13 of the Dungeon of the Dead Three. We were only level 2 when we encountered this villain. Fireball... what a wild thing to have to face at that level. The game carried on for a while after that but that Master of Souls monster at such a low level was not to one player's liking and they quit when their Paladin was vaporized in the very first dungeon. The DM helped a bit with a DMPC in the form of a barbarian but once we finished the Villa and reported back to Liara Portyr, life kept getting in the way for some of the remaining players.
Mjornier - (In Icewind Dale) One of the more fun PCs I have played. This is a Goliath in the Forgotten Realms, so I leaned into the lore here and made one looking to always challenge himself and find a good way to die. Nothing bothered this PC, from cantankerous NPCs to lethal injuries. It was all in good fun for Mjornier. The party did a few things in Bryn Shander and then a trip to Caer-Konig, but when we got to the Duergar outpost there, the DM announced that DMing is not for them and the game ended. A shame. Mjornier never did find that perfect death.
Morana - (Battling the undead in Jergal's name) Morana is a Companion of the Pallid Mask. Publicly, she was an undertaker and a priest specializing in providing people their Last Rights. This caused her to be mostly feared in town, but also deeply valued for her work. As a servant of Jergal, she would record the names of those dying and send booklets of names and dates of those who died to temples where this information could be stored. I enjoyed playing this character because she was rarely unsettled. She kind of rolled with everything in a very whimsical, creepy way. When a wizard blew her up with fireball, she laughed it off with a faceless guffaw. This caused the wizard to flee in terror, giving Morana time to regrow her face with some heals. The only thing that does disturb her is the undead; perversions of life who have flouted the laws of the dead. She is definitely a merciful person though and not the sadist that most would assume at first glance, it is just that her mercy is a bit different than others. When we had defeated some bandits that waylaid us on the road to our mission against the undead, a dying bandit was questioned by her for the names of their friends so that Morana may record their time of death. Once she got the names, the bandit got his mercy, which was not in healing them, but hastening their death so they would not suffer.
Wren - (Retired to a Temple of the Light) Wren was my first transgender PC. This particular one is a trans man. I played this PC on a homebrew world and things went from really well to really brutally for Wren. Wren followed what was considered a pagan god of light, one that was quite popular where he was from, but one that was illegal to worship in the lands he adventured. The party was captured and some were killed by corrupt lawkeepers of the land. Wren was not permitted to save any lives, unfortunately. We had a sham trial where our sorcerer made a fantastic argument for our release (we were allowed to prep our defense between sessions), but of course, the panel of judges were just as corrupt as the lawkeepers. Our sentencing was life in prison, each to have some kind of personal penance, which we discussed with the DM privately. Wren had liquid gold poured into his eyes, blinding him for life for daring to worship a heathen god of light. During his time in prison, he kept his faith despite torture from guards and prisoners alike. For this, his god blessed him with the gift of sight wherever there is light. Mechanically, this was just normal sight for a human - this was all narrative and none of the PCs were actually reduced mechanically. Wren's god lit the way to escape and after the party was on the run as fugitives. Wren got a gold visor to wear over his face and continued to keep his faith the entire campaign and retired to a Temple of the Light in the nation that had failed to take his sight.
Druid: TBD
Cassandra - (Helping her friends to save the world) This PC has possibly experienced the most character growth out of any that I have played. She was a former cleric whose selfish impulses and indifference to the suffering of others cost her everything that mattered to her; her god abandoned her entirely and even cursed her with one hand that could heal and one hand that could harm. From Tempest Cleric to Mercy Monk. She has had to learn how to care about others and it has been a very painful journey for her. One that had culminated in fighting an insane fallen angel who had cornered Cass in the fight and pulled her arms clean off! The fight took place on a flying island and he tossed them to the desert below. Now she is a monk without arms but who can still heal and harm, as her entire body is a weapon. The experience had helped her to put aside her own silly, immature dreams of individual glory, which was previously her main driver. She has also learned that fighting for others, rather than for herself, is the more noble path. This game has been put on hiatus while a friend finishes his PhD.
Eirikur - (Current game) I just started this pbp campaign, so I will have to rely on the backstory. He is a brainwashed agent for Queen Victoria for a game set in late 1800s Earth, where species from other worlds came to Earth during the Civil War. Eirikur was freed from his brainwashing and upon realizing all the horrors that he had done for Queen and Country, he fled to the Americas and eventually found his way to Chicago, where the game has just begun. The game can be followed here for anyone curious.
Ranger: TBD
Left-Handed Poet - (Helping a Rogue be better as a rogue, and as a person) This PC was for a game that was intended as a campaign, but only got as far as the first session. Left-Handed Poet, or Lefty, as many call him, is an aging and retired assassin who had killed so many, that he had to put down the blades and retire to life in solitude, deep in the forest, and ponder his sins. His reputation preceded him in the criminal underworld however, and occasionally, people would come seeking his skills or seeking his life. He would always meet them, serve them tea, plead with them to leave behind the life of killing, and recite poetry during their conversations before either denying them as wards or killing the would-be assassins. One person however, had a noble cause. Initially, he denied this person too, not entirely sure that they were being truthful, but then an agent of the undead threat that this person was fighting attacked at Lefty's home as he poured tea for the young rogue. She and Lefty defeated the monster and Lefty was convinced to leave retirement to help the person become a better rogue and to help in defeating the undead threat. It is a shame this game never got off the ground. It had some potential.
Zerrius - (Finding new purpose) I am not sure it exactly counts, but I played this character in a duet game with my partner at the time. It was an introduction to D&D and they were very interested in what it is I love so much about it. This was a support DMPC for this game and we played the Lost Mine of Phandelver. We did not finish the campaign as my partner at the time was a med student and medical school is the ultimate time suck.
Arkros - (Lost between worlds) Arkros was my first PC and, being wholly intimidated at the prospect of role playing in front of others and being a very shy person, I elected to lean into my ignorance and turn it into a defining feature of the character. Arkros is a fool. Not unintelligent exactly, but definitely a screwup and he speaks and acts before thinking things through. He is a career performer who longed for more and is an addict with a 'live fast, leave a messed up looking corpse' kind of mentality. When a fey patron offered him that 'more', Arkros signed on the dotted line without so much as reading the contract. When the game my friends and I were playing fell apart, he was taken by his patron to the feywild and then, once the patron was freed by Arkros from his thousand year prison, who knows where. Between worlds for sure. Arkros was partially inspired by my own fears and insecurities, but also Nathan Young, from the TV show, Misfits. If you know this character, just give him horns, turn him red, and hand him some illicit substances, and you have Arkros. I suspect the actor, Robert Sheehan, saw my performance of Arkros somehow and then later created an amalgamation of Nathan Young and Arkros, forming Klaus Hargreeves from Umbrella Academy. I am still waiting for my check, Robert!
Suki - (Current game) Another PC with a seedy background, only this one is a former thief. Her backstory is that she was a career smuggler and once she completed her first big job, her and her crew were seized by the person they worked for and were tortured and killed. What they had smuggled was so sensitive in nature, that her employers wouldn't even take the chance that Suki and her crew never peeked. They hadn't and Suki does not even know what it was that she had moved into the country. Suki managed to survive and escape. While on the run and looking for the means of attaining her very much deserved revenge, she fell in with a new crew, all independently arriving at a secluded ancient wizard's mansion at the same time and looking for the same thing. Interesting!!! Choosing safety in numbers, Suki joined the newly formed crew and the mansion has turned out to be quite dangerous within. Her backstory would have had her be something akin to an Arcane Trickster before being permanently partially disabled by the bad men who killed her previous crew, but in the game, she has always been a wizard. She is a character that has a lot of buried rage. She hides it well and, on the surface, is an upbeat and almost bubbly person.
Obligatory Rick Roll
DM mostly, Player occasionally | Session 0 form | He/Him/They/Them
Doctor/Published Scholar/Science and Healthcare Advocate/Critter/Trekkie/Gandalf with a Glock
Try DDB free: Free Rules (2024), premade PCs, adventures, one shots, encounters, SC, homebrew, more
Answers: physical books, purchases, and subbing.
Check out my life-changing
ok this is a silly idea, but a good one. How did I not see this until just now.
Bio/History/What I'm willing to share about myself.
Hello I'm an over 50 year old D&D player who has been playing since jr HS in 1983. I was in the USMC at the end of the 80s until just after Operation Desert Storm. 100% Service Connected Disabled.
I'm also a Dual National USA & UK by birth. I've been into the Gothic Music Scene since I got out of the Marines. I'm also a Trans woman, which is how a woman could be a combat veteran from the 90s with the MOS 0331, 0321, 8911.
I'm of Jewish Ancestry (Specifically Turkish and Russian Jewish) I look very Jewish and have olive white skin, thanks to my dad being full blooded northern European, and a half giant. Which means I'm tall, way too tall for my liking.
I have 7 years college, and no specific degree, I never could make my mind up. Psych, CET, History,... I'm also dyslectic and somewhat autistic (somewhat recent medical diagnosis)
I also live in the greater Los Angeles area, and eventually I want to start up live games again, but that requires a few things. I do miss running beer and pizza games.
Recruitment Open For:
Currently closed
Dungeon Master For:
Current Sunday game - Gideon the Campaign
Player In:
Currently none - not enough spoons right now for it.
My Homebrew Stuff:
Ok just the good stuff, or objectively terrible stuff made when drunk.
The beautiful sword
Weapon (any sword), common
This is a beautiful sword. It is made with silver and gold inlay. This sword is always beautiful.
Proficiency with a longsword allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.
Notes: Bonus: Charisma Score, Buff, Utility, Versatile
Bigflex Body Builders Quarter Staff of Working out +3
Staff (quarterstaff), very rare (requires attunement by a wizard, or druid with a strength greater than 15 )
"This weapon can be turned into almost any exercise equipment you could need." - Manufacturers Advertisement
You have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
(Note: It's a free weight barbell, the magic allows you to add or remove the weight on the sides. Somehow this gives it the +3 to attack and damage rolls in melee., DM Rulings damage numbers reflect max combat potential adding 300lbs to the barbel won't add to damage but might be good for pinning a weakling.)
Proficiency with a quarterstaff allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.
Notes: Bonus: Magic, Weapon Property: Heavy, wizard, or druid with a strength greater than 15 , Damage, Combat, Versatile
drunk attempt to fix the og thiey're
Drunk D&D game, we all chipped in to this idea based on a meme.
Tiny Fey, Any Chaotic Alignment
Made for a game I was running a few years ago, needed something to challenge the players with in a specific setting.
And lastly a limited selection of my characters:
Bhuem Ka'Bhuem (She who likes loud sounds)
my avatar currently on DnDB Rock Gnome
Silly Short story requested by the DM for the campaign I was playing in at the time, not often a DM asks for player to write a short story for a background, but I did.
Qa'azami Sahbiri
This is a post campaign reedit of my lore Bard "Traveling Merchant" Tabaxi has wears. ;p I used her as an NPC in another game because the character was too cool.
Gail Alfhiem
Ok this one takes a while to explain. Gail was born in 1997 AD&D as a Half-Elf psionicist they died badly in that campaign as they were shunted off to the Negative energy plane. Early into 5th ed, I decided to resurrect this ancient character of mine as a Shadar-kai. (Originally as the long range Warlock Assassin sniper that was a popular theory craft 7 years ago) but when it came to an actual game I went with a Cleric of the Raven Queen. I wish I got more time to play this one, but that campaign fell apart way too soon IMO.
Recreation of my two time 3.5/Iron Heroes Chaotic Red Neck Dwarf. In 3.5 they were a Red Neck based on the Alabama hunter trapper theme, was a ranger for that. Then I remade them as a Barbarian for Iron Heroes, all this was between 2010 and 2013.
a fun character aimed at being something I normally don't do. The campaign only lasted 4 sessions, and I wish the lady who DMed this would run it again. ;_;
Teal is a slime girl with no gear but a tattoo and her profession material in a barrel which she uses as her mobile home.
Shaye Valefar
Devil Girl based on my Sith Warrior in SWTOR, who was based on character from a book series which is too adult to list.
Another campaign I played in
Yoraza Temerity
OneDnD test character from my group letting other people DM.
Mariel/Mary/Mary Jigoku
No DnDB character sheet I'm willing to share. This is my long time main character, way back in the AD&D era, all the way up until now, only I tend to not play her in D&D much anymore.
So the links are
FFXIV : https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/29818998
WOW : https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/character/us/feathermoon/mary
She was originally named something else, I changed it do to the name turning out to be NSFW never use an object and reverse the spelling to make a D&D character name, it can backfire. So I renamed her based on a name I was considering for myself. Which ended up being my cats name as well. Mariel. This was my main in 3.0/3.5, D20, and 4.0 games, plus every Video game, and MMORPG that I played, and I played a lot of them. She's basically a War Wizard AD&D Elf Kit class (Fighter/Wizard) she ended that old campaign as a succubus. What a game.
That is my list of character I 'm willing to share.
And last but not least: Rock & Stone