The day drags on, but the weather is fine and the ocean breeze is cooling. Port Damali slowly shrinks behind you until you can no longer make it out, and the vast Lucidean Ocean surrounds you on three sides, with the coast and the HearthStar Peaks always to your starboard side.
Sunset comes, and you bed down for a peaceful night, in the cabin, on hammocks or in the crew quarters. In the morning, you eat a simple breakfast of gruel and bread - the bread at least is not too stale, as you are only one day out of port.
Captain Soales has made good on her promise, and before midday the Blue Torrent is gliding towards the docks of a small fishing village. You have perhaps a half hour before you make land. The Captain gives her orders to prepare the ship, but her crew seem to operate well and know what needs doing, so she comes and stands near her three passengers. She looks curiously at Keyo, Arael and Silent. And what brings you folks to this backwater, then? Oh, you don't need to answer if you don't want to, or if you can't, but I can't say I'm not curious. I rarely have passengers for this run, and suddenly three at once?
Nothing exciting, a bit o' business and a bit o' pleasure,says Silent as he pulls out an envelope from his pack. Got a letter bound to one... er...(he checks the envelope again) ...Harven Crane at the Riptide Inn, that's right. Say, you know anything about this bloke, Captain?
Pockets continues his duties. Occasionally he stops what he is doing, pulls out a small journal and draws something in it for a moment. He's always careful to this quickly and stuff the journal back into his coat to return to work.
Arael returns to her previous perch, gazing off the port bow, lost in thought. She once again pulls her crystal orb out from the voluminous folds of her pale blue skirt and spins it on the palm of her hand.
As the sun sets and the breeze grows cooler, she visibly relaxes. She remains on deck long after her traveling companions retreat below deck.
Eventually, she makes her way below, finds an unoccupied sleeping space as far away from her fellow travelers as possible and lets sleep overtake her.
In the morning, she joins the group for breakfast, pushing the gruel and bread around her plate, clearly dissatisfied with the offering, but keeping her opinions on the meal to herself.
As the conversation with the Captain begins, she is standing next to the motley band of travelers. In the morning sunlight, her skin is reflective, casting prismatic refractions across her bare arms and chest.
Can’t say I know anything of this Harven Crane, but I’m on a hunt for some rare birds, Purple Dancers.
Harven Crane, Captain Soales repeats, looking at Silent. I know him right enough. Was a quartermaster once. Never sailed with him, but drank with him a few times then, and a lot more now that he owns an inn. Innkeeper's a fine end to a sailing career - can't hope for better.
Keyo, the captain frowns when you mention flowers. Alchemists and all that, is it? Be careful, lad - they're an untrustworthy breed. Sell you potions for this and that and not a one does a damned thing. In my experience, at least. Well, good fortune to you, and I hope the bastard pays you well.
Pockets, if you are trying to write in your journal without the captain spotting you, make a Sleight of Hand check. If you don't mind her seeing and you're just trying to be quick about it, then no need to roll.
Arael, the captain smiles as you mention the purple dancers. Pretty things. Not much good for eating, mind. Yeah, I've seen them around the village a few times. Hah! It's a hell of a dance they do. I hope you get to see it.
A cool breeze drifts across the sea as the Blue Torrent docks, mingling the sweet scent of flowers with the salty tang of the Lucidian Ocean. Captain Soales barks orders, and all hands, Pockets included, are busy tying ropes and lowering sails.
You now have a much clearer view of the small village for Palma Flora. Well-tanned locals play on the beach, relaxing and calling out jokes and banter to each other that gets lost on the breeze. A half-dozen nearly naked men and women stand in the shallows on the south shore, armed with harpoons. Shark hunters, Captain Soales says. Smart and quick - well, the slow and stupid ones don't last long. She laughs at her own joke, and a plank is lowered to allow you all to disembark.
An elven man wearing a short-sleeved tunic with a vaguely informal, vaguely official appearance approaches. The good Captain has returned. Have you brought us some visitors?
I have, and a motley bunch they are. Well, friends, I'll be back this way in five days or so, if you're ready to return; otherwise, you might find another ship or two. She nods over to the other end of the docks where you see a small caravel; such as that one there. She stares at the larger vessel for a moment, then turns.
Pockets, you see her gaze fall on you as you stand on the ship watching the conversation. Hey, you, Eldon. C'mere. She hands you a small pouch. Master Half-Orc here wants to deliver something to the innkeeper, and I owe him from the last time I was here. Just a few small broken chairs, nothing too severe. Take him this, and run back, or we'll leave without you.
Silent nods to the Captain before disembarking. Safe travels then, Captain. Thanks for the ride.
If he overhears the Captain's words to Pockets, Silent will gesture to him and suggest, We're both headed the same way then, eh?How about a drink or two after an honest few days of work?
He turns to Arael and Keyo if they're within earshot and says,You folks are more than welcome to join. Ain't no better way to get acquainted with a new town than a visit to the local watering hole.
Carpentry, eh? Very nice! I got a lot of respect for crafty folk and woodworking.
You ever make any musical instruments? I've been in the market for a new lute for a while - got no money right now of course, but after a few weeks I might be able to pay you to build one.
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The day drags on, but the weather is fine and the ocean breeze is cooling. Port Damali slowly shrinks behind you until you can no longer make it out, and the vast Lucidean Ocean surrounds you on three sides, with the coast and the HearthStar Peaks always to your starboard side.
Sunset comes, and you bed down for a peaceful night, in the cabin, on hammocks or in the crew quarters. In the morning, you eat a simple breakfast of gruel and bread - the bread at least is not too stale, as you are only one day out of port.
Captain Soales has made good on her promise, and before midday the Blue Torrent is gliding towards the docks of a small fishing village. You have perhaps a half hour before you make land. The Captain gives her orders to prepare the ship, but her crew seem to operate well and know what needs doing, so she comes and stands near her three passengers. She looks curiously at Keyo, Arael and Silent. And what brings you folks to this backwater, then? Oh, you don't need to answer if you don't want to, or if you can't, but I can't say I'm not curious. I rarely have passengers for this run, and suddenly three at once?
Nothing exciting, a bit o' business and a bit o' pleasure, says Silent as he pulls out an envelope from his pack. Got a letter bound to one... er... (he checks the envelope again) ...Harven Crane at the Riptide Inn, that's right. Say, you know anything about this bloke, Captain?
"I am running an errand for a friend. There is a unique flower that he requires for his alchemy. As such I am headed gather some samples."
Keyo is in much better spirits this day. While he certainly does not have his sea legs, he is visibly less sick than the previous day.
"I do want to thank you for your hospitality Captain. You have a fine ship and an even finer crew."
Pockets continues his duties. Occasionally he stops what he is doing, pulls out a small journal and draws something in it for a moment. He's always careful to this quickly and stuff the journal back into his coat to return to work.
Arael returns to her previous perch, gazing off the port bow, lost in thought. She once again pulls her crystal orb out from the voluminous folds of her pale blue skirt and spins it on the palm of her hand.
As the sun sets and the breeze grows cooler, she visibly relaxes. She remains on deck long after her traveling companions retreat below deck.
Eventually, she makes her way below, finds an unoccupied sleeping space as far away from her fellow travelers as possible and lets sleep overtake her.
In the morning, she joins the group for breakfast, pushing the gruel and bread around her plate, clearly dissatisfied with the offering, but keeping her opinions on the meal to herself.
As the conversation with the Captain begins, she is standing next to the motley band of travelers. In the morning sunlight, her skin is reflective, casting prismatic refractions across her bare arms and chest.
Can’t say I know anything of this Harven Crane, but I’m on a hunt for some rare birds, Purple Dancers.
Harven Crane, Captain Soales repeats, looking at Silent. I know him right enough. Was a quartermaster once. Never sailed with him, but drank with him a few times then, and a lot more now that he owns an inn. Innkeeper's a fine end to a sailing career - can't hope for better.
Keyo, the captain frowns when you mention flowers. Alchemists and all that, is it? Be careful, lad - they're an untrustworthy breed. Sell you potions for this and that and not a one does a damned thing. In my experience, at least. Well, good fortune to you, and I hope the bastard pays you well.
Pockets, if you are trying to write in your journal without the captain spotting you, make a Sleight of Hand check. If you don't mind her seeing and you're just trying to be quick about it, then no need to roll.
Arael, the captain smiles as you mention the purple dancers. Pretty things. Not much good for eating, mind. Yeah, I've seen them around the village a few times. Hah! It's a hell of a dance they do. I hope you get to see it.
I’m less interested in their meat or mating than their feathers. Seem to be worth their weight in platinum to right buyer.
She turns to Keyo, with a quirk of her eyebrow,
Alchemy and herbs, no wonder you’re more comfortable on land.
(OOC: if Pockets rolls Sleight of hand, can I roll a Perception?)
Sleight of Hand 10
Captain Soales' Perception 8
The captain frowns at Eldon's occasional journalling, but doesn't say anything.
(OOC: Arael can also make a similar check if you wish, yes.)
A cool breeze drifts across the sea as the Blue Torrent docks, mingling the sweet scent of flowers with the salty tang of the Lucidian Ocean. Captain Soales barks orders, and all hands, Pockets included, are busy tying ropes and lowering sails.
You now have a much clearer view of the small village for Palma Flora. Well-tanned locals play on the beach, relaxing and calling out jokes and banter to each other that gets lost on the breeze. A half-dozen nearly naked men and women stand in the shallows on the south shore, armed with harpoons. Shark hunters, Captain Soales says. Smart and quick - well, the slow and stupid ones don't last long. She laughs at her own joke, and a plank is lowered to allow you all to disembark.
An elven man wearing a short-sleeved tunic with a vaguely informal, vaguely official appearance approaches. The good Captain has returned. Have you brought us some visitors?
I have, and a motley bunch they are. Well, friends, I'll be back this way in five days or so, if you're ready to return; otherwise, you might find another ship or two. She nods over to the other end of the docks where you see a small caravel; such as that one there. She stares at the larger vessel for a moment, then turns.
Pockets, you see her gaze fall on you as you stand on the ship watching the conversation. Hey, you, Eldon. C'mere. She hands you a small pouch. Master Half-Orc here wants to deliver something to the innkeeper, and I owe him from the last time I was here. Just a few small broken chairs, nothing too severe. Take him this, and run back, or we'll leave without you.
(OOC: Do I dm you what is in there or post it?)
(OOC: DM it please.)
Silent nods to the Captain before disembarking. Safe travels then, Captain. Thanks for the ride.
If he overhears the Captain's words to Pockets, Silent will gesture to him and suggest, We're both headed the same way then, eh? How about a drink or two after an honest few days of work?
He turns to Arael and Keyo if they're within earshot and says, You folks are more than welcome to join. Ain't no better way to get acquainted with a new town than a visit to the local watering hole.
Aye, captain. Pockets heads off with Silent and anyone else going to the inn.
Mr. Silent, sir, if I may ask, were you a sailor?
(Perception roll = 4, she sees nothing)
Silent chuckles - No need for sirs or misters, friend. And nope, I'm just a landlubber who's been lucky enough to do some travelling here and there.
You clearly know your way around a ship though. You been part of that crew a long time?
Not this ship, no. I’ve been working on ships since I could remember. Mostly as a carpenter. Sometimes a swabbie. Whatever work I can get.
Carpentry, eh? Very nice! I got a lot of respect for crafty folk and woodworking.
You ever make any musical instruments? I've been in the market for a new lute for a while - got no money right now of course, but after a few weeks I might be able to pay you to build one.