Silent, you've never seen anything like these creatures.
Arael, Keyo and Pockets, you recognise these as sahuagin, predators that live in the depths of the ocean and hunt people for food at times. Arael, you've spoken to hunters and warriors who have faced sahuagin many times; you know that they have a special affinity for sharks, they worship a shark god and can sometimes command sharks to do their bidding.
Sailors: 17 Sahuagin: 11 Crabs: 18 Boy: 10
Round One
First group: Eldon, Arael and Keyo, in any order. Second group: Crabs Third group: Sailors Fourth group: Silent Fifth group: Sahuagin Sixth group: Boy
Eldon, Arael and Keyo are up. You each have movement and an action. You may also have a bonus action, depending on your class and abilities. On the map, one square is five feet.
The crossbow bolt hits the crab's massive shell; there's a crack as it splits, slightly, but the crab seems not much injured. Is Pockets going to move?
Keyo extends his hand, towards Crab 4. A small red glyph extends a few inches out from his hand. He pours energy into the glyph as it increases in intensity. With a snap of his finger the glyph collapses into a small blast of flame Fire Bolt towards his foe.
The ball of flame hits right where Pocket's arrow cracked the shell open; you smell burning as the flesh inside starts to roast. The crab shudders, but somehow it is still just alive.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
(OOC: Frostbite is one of those spells where you don't have to make an attack. Instead, the target makes a saving throw.)
Fish Man 2's CON save: 12
You see frost creep over the sahuagin's arm, the one holding its spear; it seems to cause the creature pain. You also notice it moves the weapon a little less skillfully, as though its arm were numb.
The crabs are next. Crab 1 scuttles towards Keyo, and a nasty sharp claw stabs towards him:
Attack: 7 Damage: 2
But he dodges aside, and the claw closes over thin air.
Crab 2 moves, surprisingly quickly perhaps, and makes a similar claw attack on Eldon:
Attack: 20 Damage: 4
Eldon is shimmering and vibrating faintly from the spell he has cast upon himself, but the claw grabs onto him and holds him, rendering him unable to move.
Eldon you are grappled. You can attempt to escape on your next turn if you wish, but it takes a full action. Until then you cannot move. And please make a CON save to hold on to your spell, as it's a concentration spell.
Crab 3 is already engaged with the sailors, and makes its attack on Sailor 1:
Attack: 18 Damage: 6
The sailor is badly hurt; the claw seems to wrench his arm from its socket as it grabs and holds him.
Crab 4 is next to Arael, and cannot resist the target:
Attack: 4 Damage: 2
However, it stumble, flailing wildly, and Arael dodges the attack easily.
Sailor 1 is injured and grappled and wants to take out the crab that is holding him. He slashes at it wildly with his scimitar:
Attack: 21 Damage: 4
He finds his mark, and cuts one of the crab's legs clean off.
Sailor 2 is focused on Fish Man 2:
Attack: 15 Damage: 6
His scimitar also hits, drawing a spurt of strangely coloured green/blue blood.
Sailor 4 moves around to the side, and standing opposite his friend he flanks Fish Man 1, gaining advantage on the attack. The two seem to be practised fighters used to working together, and they attack on the same heartbeat:
Attack: 8 Damage: 2 Attack: 20 Damage: 3
Sadly, luck isn't with them. Sailor 3's strike misses, and Sailor 4's stab goes into the thigh but doesn't seem to trouble the creature much.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Silent uses 25 ft of his movement to pivot around to the opposite side of Crab 2 (the one grappling Pockets), such that he should be 10 ft. away from Crab 4.
Hefting his greatsword in an arc he takes a swing aiming for grooves in the crab's shell (I don't think there's any way for me to use an attack to try and free Pockets but let me know if I can).
Attack: 7 Damage: 15
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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Nature 16
Initiative - 16
Nature - 11
Initiative: 22
Nature 16
(OOC: Thanks DM! I would like to save my shield until later!)
(OOC: Nat 20 nature check!)
(OOC: First nat20 of the game!)
Silent, you've never seen anything like these creatures.
Arael, Keyo and Pockets, you recognise these as sahuagin, predators that live in the depths of the ocean and hunt people for food at times. Arael, you've spoken to hunters and warriors who have faced sahuagin many times; you know that they have a special affinity for sharks, they worship a shark god and can sometimes command sharks to do their bidding.
Sailors: 17

Sahuagin: 11
Crabs: 18
Boy: 10
Round One
First group: Eldon, Arael and Keyo, in any order.
Second group: Crabs
Third group: Sailors
Fourth group: Silent
Fifth group: Sahuagin
Sixth group: Boy
Eldon, Arael and Keyo are up. You each have movement and an action. You may also have a bonus action, depending on your class and abilities. On the map, one square is five feet.
As a bonus action, Pockets is going to cast Expeditious Retreat. As an action, he’s going to fire his crossbow at Crab 4.
Attack - 22
23 is a hit, roll 1d8+2 damage.
(In the dice roller, if you click on the second tab, you can input the attack role and damage roll together).
Damage: 4
The crossbow bolt hits the crab's massive shell; there's a crack as it splits, slightly, but the crab seems not much injured. Is Pockets going to move?
Arael and Keyo are up.
Pockets stays put.
Keyo extends his hand, towards Crab 4. A small red glyph extends a few inches out from his hand. He pours energy into the glyph as it increases in intensity. With a snap of his finger the glyph collapses into a small blast of flame Fire Bolt towards his foe.
Attack: 21 Damage: 9
Keyo then moves 5 ft down and 10ft to the left.
The ball of flame hits right where Pocket's arrow cracked the shell open; you smell burning as the flesh inside starts to roast. The crab shudders, but somehow it is still just alive.
Arael is up.
Arael runs twenty feet next to Crab 4. She would like to cast Frostbite at Fishman 2. Spell DC Const. 13.
Attack: 4 Damage: 3
(OOC: Frostbite is one of those spells where you don't have to make an attack. Instead, the target makes a saving throw.)
Fish Man 2's CON save: 12
You see frost creep over the sahuagin's arm, the one holding its spear; it seems to cause the creature pain. You also notice it moves the weapon a little less skillfully, as though its arm were numb.
The crabs are next. Crab 1 scuttles towards Keyo, and a nasty sharp claw stabs towards him:
Attack: 7 Damage: 2
But he dodges aside, and the claw closes over thin air.
Crab 2 moves, surprisingly quickly perhaps, and makes a similar claw attack on Eldon:
Attack: 20 Damage: 4
Eldon is shimmering and vibrating faintly from the spell he has cast upon himself, but the claw grabs onto him and holds him, rendering him unable to move.
Eldon you are grappled. You can attempt to escape on your next turn if you wish, but it takes a full action. Until then you cannot move. And please make a CON save to hold on to your spell, as it's a concentration spell.
Crab 3 is already engaged with the sailors, and makes its attack on Sailor 1:
Attack: 18 Damage: 6
The sailor is badly hurt; the claw seems to wrench his arm from its socket as it grabs and holds him.
Crab 4 is next to Arael, and cannot resist the target:
Attack: 4 Damage: 2
However, it stumble, flailing wildly, and Arael dodges the attack easily.
The sailors are up next.

Sailor 1 is injured and grappled and wants to take out the crab that is holding him. He slashes at it wildly with his scimitar:
Attack: 21 Damage: 4
He finds his mark, and cuts one of the crab's legs clean off.
Sailor 2 is focused on Fish Man 2:
Attack: 15 Damage: 6
His scimitar also hits, drawing a spurt of strangely coloured green/blue blood.
Sailor 4 moves around to the side, and standing opposite his friend he flanks Fish Man 1, gaining advantage on the attack. The two seem to be practised fighters used to working together, and they attack on the same heartbeat:
Attack: 8 Damage: 2
Attack: 20 Damage: 3
Sadly, luck isn't with them. Sailor 3's strike misses, and Sailor 4's stab goes into the thigh but doesn't seem to trouble the creature much.
Silent is up next.
(OOC: for the dice roller in the future, should I do the "basic" roll and set it to *number*d*sides* instead of attack?)
Concentration: 23
Pockets maintains concentration on his spell, but remains stuck in place, held by the giant crab's claw.
Silent uses 25 ft of his movement to pivot around to the opposite side of Crab 2 (the one grappling Pockets), such that he should be 10 ft. away from Crab 4.
Hefting his greatsword in an arc he takes a swing aiming for grooves in the crab's shell (I don't think there's any way for me to use an attack to try and free Pockets but let me know if I can).
Attack: 7 Damage: 15