Rufus will move into the room with the others. He is fascinated by the scenery moving below them. He thinks to himself, it's an airship. He begins to feel more comfortable within the dungeon once he thinks of it in that manner.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Torinn will begin to carefully walk in "Well this is interesting - wonder if there is anything in the crates." he says as he begins to make his way over to explore the crates.
"Well, somewhat good for a safe place to rest." Brocc comments, since he doubts anything can come at them through the hole in the floor. "Let's check the other door. He moves to that one, and with his companion giving him aid again, tries to open it as well.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
"I also would rather check the other room - at least it might have a whole floor," Hatch says, scanning the open room for anything useful before moving on.
Torinn will begin to carefully walk in "Well this is interesting - wonder if there is anything in the crates." he says as he begins to make his way over to explore the crates.
As Torinn searches through he finds most very little of use, he does eventually turn up two flasks of a reddish liquid, though the stoppers are slightly stained and there are dark flecks floating in the liquid. From his past experience they mostly resemble healing draughts of some sort.
"Well, somewhat good for a safe place to rest." Brocc comments, since he doubts anything can come at them through the hole in the floor. "Let's check the other door. He moves to that one, and with his companion giving him aid again, tries to open it as well.
Thieve's tools: 18 / 4
Guidance: 1
Brocc easily unlocks the door but it does not budge, examining it he determines the door has been battered and is heavily damaged, but it has held against the heavy assault. It seems solid and impenetrable, but the walls are warped slightly and the hinges have come away slightly. There’s no way you can be quiet about it as the lock is already open – there’s a good chance you’ll be able to smash it down but it’ll make a lot of noise.
"Well, somewhat good for a safe place to rest." Brocc comments, since he doubts anything can come at them through the hole in the floor. "Let's check the other door. He moves to that one, and with his companion giving him aid again, tries to open it as well.
Thieve's tools: 18 / 4
Guidance: 1
Brocc easily unlocks the door but it does not budge, examining it he determines the door has been battered and is heavily damaged, but it has held against the heavy assault. It seems solid and impenetrable, but the walls are warped slightly and the hinges have come away slightly. There’s no way you can be quiet about it as the lock is already open – there’s a good chance you’ll be able to smash it down but it’ll make a lot of noise.
"Either we go down the corridor, or break the door down and risk the noise. But anything likely to hear us should close enough to us, and this close to the entrance, that we will likely come across them sooner or later anyways down the corridor. If we plan accordingly, if we do draw anything to us we can push it down the hole in the other room. So I say we knock this door down and see what we see," Hatch says, bringing up a battleaxe in both hands, ready to go if the others agree. His vote was cast.
"Sounds good Hatch. If anything hears us and comes down the corridor, they will be welcomed by an arrow." as he now aims his bow down the dark corridor to cover the party in case someone or something hears us and tries to ambush us down the corridor.
Tom sees Brocc try and kick the door. "Ouch, that's gotta hurt mate... anyone have something big they can swing at it?"
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
"One moment..." Brocc says, pulling his crowbar out of his pack. "Guess better to do it smart..." He uses the crowbar this time, after casting guidance on himself again.
Connar holds both short-swords (Bane and Oath-breaker) crossed in front of him, taking rear position, he watches the group's rear, slowly walking backwards with the group.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Five percent of the people think; ten percent of the people think they think; and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think.
An intelligent man believes only half of what he hears, a wise man knows which half. (Even Esar)
Don't wait for the perfect moment to strike, strike in the current moment and make it perfect. (William Yeats)
STATUS: Personal Problems, will not be active for a few days.
"Guess it's decided then," Hatch says, readying his battleaxe while Brocc works his crowbar against the door. While most of the party where ready should anything come rushing down the corridor, Hatch decided to watch the door in case anything dangerous should come out once they got the room opened.
The door wrenches off what are left of its hinges and swings inwards...the room seems to be a guardroom for the original keepers of the dungeon. To the left are three pairs of bunks, all rotted and collapsed, on the far wall are empty weapon racks, shield mounts on the wall and armour stands, all empty, and on the right are empty crates and barrels of supplies, as well as a cold and collapsed stove.
Those on watch outside see a very faint green glow approaching at about head height, which resolves itself into six skeletal forms, the green glow seemingly emanating from within their recall that there was a faint similar glow from the undead outside but it was difficult to make out in the dim half-light of the dungeons it is more obvious.
Initiative if you please.
Can detail first round actions as well if you wish.
Enemy Initiative is 12. And they are about 30' away.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
initiative: 15
Connar wrinkles his nose from the rancid smell. He turns to the open doorway and advances on the nearest undead with both swords facing front. "Watch and learn!" He calls out with a cocky tone. He swings his left hand sword in a perfect left/right slash, at the monster.
Rufus will move into the room with the others. He is fascinated by the scenery moving below them. He thinks to himself, it's an airship. He begins to feel more comfortable within the dungeon once he thinks of it in that manner.
Torinn will begin to carefully walk in "Well this is interesting - wonder if there is anything in the crates." he says as he begins to make his way over to explore the crates.
investigation check: 12
Wildemount: The Felderwin Irregulars (2020) - Balassar Silverstone - Dragonborn Fighter (Rune Knight) Lv. 5 | Rise of TIamat - Aiwin Aralana - Wood Elf Fighter/Ranger (Arcane Archer/Gloom Stalker) Lv. 9
"Well, somewhat good for a safe place to rest." Brocc comments, since he doubts anything can come at them through the hole in the floor. "Let's check the other door. He moves to that one, and with his companion giving him aid again, tries to open it as well.
Thieve's tools: 18 / 4
Guidance: 1
Tom nods at Brocc and points his readied bow at the other door, waiting to see what happens.
"I also would rather check the other room - at least it might have a whole floor," Hatch says, scanning the open room for anything useful before moving on.
Perception roll: 15
Investigation roll: 17
As Torinn searches through he finds most very little of use, he does eventually turn up two flasks of a reddish liquid, though the stoppers are slightly stained and there are dark flecks floating in the liquid. From his past experience they mostly resemble healing draughts of some sort.
Brocc easily unlocks the door but it does not budge, examining it he determines the door has been battered and is heavily damaged, but it has held against the heavy assault. It seems solid and impenetrable, but the walls are warped slightly and the hinges have come away slightly. There’s no way you can be quiet about it as the lock is already open – there’s a good chance you’ll be able to smash it down but it’ll make a lot of noise.
"Either we go down the corridor, or break the door down and risk the noise. But anything likely to hear us should close enough to us, and this close to the entrance, that we will likely come across them sooner or later anyways down the corridor. If we plan accordingly, if we do draw anything to us we can push it down the hole in the other room. So I say we knock this door down and see what we see," Hatch says, bringing up a battleaxe in both hands, ready to go if the others agree. His vote was cast.
"Well, I agree.", says Rufus as he moves closer to the hole & readies himself for the attention forcing the door will generate.
"Seems solid logic." Brocc says with a nod. He pauses to cast guidance on himself again, then kicks the door in...
Athletics: 7 plus guidance 3
Or tries to. It is like kicking a stone wall though, his foot bruised, but the door not budging.
A loud metallic clang echoes through the corridors....
"Sounds good Hatch. If anything hears us and comes down the corridor, they will be welcomed by an arrow." as he now aims his bow down the dark corridor to cover the party in case someone or something hears us and tries to ambush us down the corridor.
Tom sees Brocc try and kick the door. "Ouch, that's gotta hurt mate... anyone have something big they can swing at it?"
"One moment..." Brocc says, pulling his crowbar out of his pack. "Guess better to do it smart..." He uses the crowbar this time, after casting guidance on himself again.
Brocc athletics with crowbar: 18 / 24 guidance 1
Torinn just walks over watching the group work with the door as he places the flasks of red liquid in his pouch.
Wildemount: The Felderwin Irregulars (2020) - Balassar Silverstone - Dragonborn Fighter (Rune Knight) Lv. 5 | Rise of TIamat - Aiwin Aralana - Wood Elf Fighter/Ranger (Arcane Archer/Gloom Stalker) Lv. 9
Connar holds both short-swords (Bane and Oath-breaker) crossed in front of him, taking rear position, he watches the group's rear, slowly walking backwards with the group.
Five percent of the people think; ten percent of the people think they think; and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think.
An intelligent man believes only half of what he hears, a wise man knows which half. (Even Esar)
Don't wait for the perfect moment to strike, strike in the current moment and make it perfect. (William Yeats)
STATUS: Personal Problems, will not be active for a few days.
Extended Signature
"Guess it's decided then," Hatch says, readying his battleaxe while Brocc works his crowbar against the door. While most of the party where ready should anything come rushing down the corridor, Hatch decided to watch the door in case anything dangerous should come out once they got the room opened.
The door wrenches off what are left of its hinges and swings inwards...the room seems to be a guardroom for the original keepers of the dungeon. To the left are three pairs of bunks, all rotted and collapsed, on the far wall are empty weapon racks, shield mounts on the wall and armour stands, all empty, and on the right are empty crates and barrels of supplies, as well as a cold and collapsed stove.
Those on watch outside see a very faint green glow approaching at about head height, which resolves itself into six skeletal forms, the green glow seemingly emanating from within their recall that there was a faint similar glow from the undead outside but it was difficult to make out in the dim half-light of the dungeons it is more obvious.
Initiative if you please.
Can detail first round actions as well if you wish.
Enemy Initiative is 12. And they are about 30' away.
Brocc initiative: 3
initiative: 15
Connar wrinkles his nose from the rancid smell. He turns to the open doorway and advances on the nearest undead with both swords facing front. "Watch and learn!" He calls out with a cocky tone. He swings his left hand sword in a perfect left/right slash, at the monster.
(OOC: when its my turn.)
Attack: Attack: 11 Damage: 4
(Edit: trouble with dice roller.)
Five percent of the people think; ten percent of the people think they think; and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think.
An intelligent man believes only half of what he hears, a wise man knows which half. (Even Esar)
Don't wait for the perfect moment to strike, strike in the current moment and make it perfect. (William Yeats)
STATUS: Personal Problems, will not be active for a few days.
Extended Signature
Initiative 12