Rhogar bit back a growl, yet still bore his teeth somewhat at the news. However, he is fairly quick to given an apologetic look if taken the wrong way, but would say nothing more during the exploration. In any case, over the ensuing moments the Bronze's mood picks up again seeing the crew at work. There times even where it looked as if he might break away prematurely to help, only to catch himself in time and carry on behind the rest.
As much of what he had either lie in a satchel or was easily carry-able in hand, once shown to their room eventually, Rhogar kept his effects upon himself, and simply spent any downtime meditating in his room. A curious and for once helmet-less after the incident with the Gnome (said helmet being currently stored within Rhogar's satchel) Ghorar flew all around the ship, startling the sailors at times with her sudden appearance, or could be seen on the prowl doing some pest control throughout the ship. At Krom's eventual request, Rhogar simply shrugged and said, "Whoever they are, we will need to give the benefit of the doubt at the very least, but be wary."
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When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
The captain grins at the question from Krom. "Eh? A day I would say, no more. The Icebreaker is currently under the employ of the Luskar Deliverers mercenary group. We are under contract to make deliveries north to Icewind Dale. We'll need to stop in Luskan to take on the last of the deliveries and then make our way north."
When Rhogar bares his teeth and gives his quick apologetic look the captain only gives him a quizzical look, not understanding what the tall dragonborn may be upset about.
When Kazri approaches him later he gives her a smile. "My contact paid passage for six to go north, at least to Fireshear, maybe further. You were described by your heritages and the white cloaks. The Icebreaker is the only ship sailing north for at least three tendays and so mine was booked as I have the room. I assume your trip is your own business and I ask no questions. I was paid well enough to take on passengers for a trip I would make already. That's fair enough in my book."
Chill spends his time taking a few lessons on the lute from Chip or dicing with the crew. He keeps things amicable making sure he does his best to break even. He looks north wondering what the future holds.
Chip would encourage Chill and would even play along side the tabaxi during their lessons. When not playing with Chill, The brass scaled dragonborn would stand towards the front of the ship, watching the waves (and presumably ice?) break across the front of the ship. In the evenings he would launch pyrotechnics and flares into the air to entertain the crew after playing the only sea shanty he knows each night.
Krom thanks the captain for the information and returns to his room. In the evening, the dwarf will enjoy Chip's show at the front of the ship while sipping the dwarven ale created by the Tankard of Plenty crafted by Rhogar.
"Tomorrow we will reach Luskan. I have never been there, City of Sails they call it. Some of my clan members called it also a city of pirates. We should not encounter problems, but let's keep our eyes open." says Krom to the rest of the group when he has the chance to talk to them.
When the group is together at supper, Kazri still has a slight worried expression. It bothers her that she is not sure of what is her next mission. "Gentlemen, it seems that we are still not sure what the future will bring us. I was hoping that the captain would have more information, but as of now, the only thing that I know is that we are to go to the north, far north and, I suppose, do what we have been doing in Phandalin. Help where is a need for help. I do apologize for dragging everyone on a voyage without the slightest of the idea for the reason why we are doing this." With that said, Kazri retires after supper.
Kazri goes back to her quarter, and she notices Rhogar's parcel on her bed. It seems that since the Dragon's defeat, with so much to do in Phandalin, she hasn't stopped for a moment. She sits down on her bed, slowly takes the parcel, and wonder what could it be. She tries to release the tension in her body, something that she cannot remember the last time she was afforded an opportunity to relax. She slowly and carefully opens Rhogar's parcel...
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Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
As the group eats their supper, Krom says to Kazri "Do not worry too much lass, we will go north and do our best to help who is need of help." The dwarf will continue to eat his share of food before going back to his room for the night.
"I have been there but that was when I was but a young child. I barely remember much more then the docks." Rekuberk says as he goes about helping on the boat as he can, using his strength to help where he can.
"It doesn't really matter what our task is I suppose. I didnt have anything else planned for the moment anyway." Chip would reply to Kazri with a smile.
Relatively calms seas allow for a pleasant journey north as the party spends its time talking, dicing and making music. Captain Aragorn seems to run a tight ship and a couple of days later the port at Luskan comes into view. When the ship finally docks the crew begins to unload cargo and take other cargo on board. A few hours into this Captain Aragorn approaches.
"We seem to have run into some trouble and are running far behind schedule. We've some deliveries to be made north but they haven't been collected yet. Seems we are short crew in Luskan so the work isn't getting done very quick. I was wondering if you'd be willing to help collect a few of the deliveries and bring them to the ship? Should be easy work for capable adventurers such as yourselves."
"I need three picked up, my people can handle the others. If you split up into pairs it could be done quickly and we could get back on schedule."
"I've got maps of the city and a list of senders. If could help I'd be mighty grateful."
He hands a written list over as well as some hand drawn maps of the city.
Maccath the Crimson, a member of the Arcane Brotherhood; can be found studying in the ground floor dining commons in the Hosttower of the Arcane.
Fel’rekt Lafeen, a local swashbuckler associated with the Bregan D’aerthe; can be found on the ship called the Heartbreaker moored on the Dragon Beach on the pier closest to Cutlass Island.
Dragonbait, an unusual reptilian creature who has been frequenting the One-Eyed Jax, a tavern on the northern bank of the River Mirar near the bridge to Blood Island.
Rool, a shady figure who associates with kraken-worshiping occultists; can be found at the Cutlass, a pirate-infested tavern on the Dragon Beach.
Vanifer, a disgraced cult leader with an affinity for fire; can be found sulking in the Ruins of Illusk.
Nezznar the Black Spider, an ambitious drow with a ridiculous accent and a flair for the dramatic; can be found at the top of a lighthouse in the Open Shore.
"I have never been in Luskan Captain so I will gladly take this chance to explore the city. Walking for a while will do me good." replies Krom to Captain Aragorn. The dwarf checks the list and asks to the group. "Shall we go in order? Maccath the Crimson, Fel’rekt Lafeen and Dragonbait?"
"Even if we should not encounter any trouble, I think that each group should have a close combatant and a ranged one. Who wish to come with me to pay a visit to Maccath the Crimson?"
"I'll join ya Master Krom. But if there are six on this list, we could each handle one and get the captain ahead of schedule." Chill remarks looking at the list. "I doubt there's anything here that any of us couldn't handle on our own if need be."
"I could go speak with this Dragonbait. If there is any issue, I hope that the Dragon Slayer Sword can resolve it by its mere presence." Says Kazri with her hand going to the hilt of the sword.
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
"As the captain said, as well Chip, The other three we do not need see to, as he does have a few he can send in that direction." Rhogar reminds, though hardly more than glanced at the feline man from the list. There's an irritation beneath the tone as well, but not intentionally directed at the Tabaxi. Finally he huffs, shakes his head, and then looks to Kazri to say, "I'll go with you, Lady Kazri. If nothing else, perhaps this Dragonbait will be more comfortable in the presence of a fellow scaled one."
He then looks to the others and adds in a serious tone, "Be warned, my friends. While we are here it is exceptionally important that we avoid tangling with the law. Luskan's.... Judicial system-..."He said the last word disdainfully. "-is rather harsh, to say the least. Our being well-known in some land will do little to protect us here."
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When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
"Well you guys go see maccath and Dragonbait but I think I am going to go see Nezznar, you wanna come Rek?"Chip would say as he begins to collect his things.
"Aye Rhogar, three's enough." The captain says. "I've got people to send on the others. If Chip wants to handle the drow that's fine. If Krom and Chill have Maccath the Crimson and Rhogar and Kazri have this Dragonbait then I assume Rekuburk and Chip will take care of Nezznar. I'll send my people on the others. I thank you kindly for helping out. You be good folk."
Studying the map you see the route needed to take to find the tower. The streets are not crowded and you easily travel the city and reach the tower.
You arrive at the base of the Hosttower of the Arcane, a tower that seems to grow out of the ground like a crooked, skeletal tree. It looks just as organic as it does artificial. Standing at the entrance is a brutish-looking guard with an athlete’s build and wearing a leather skullcap. He glowers at you as you approach.
Kazri and Rhogar
You walk with Chill and Krom until they part ways to take the bridges towards Cutlass Island. Despite having never been to Luskan you easily find the One-Eyed Jax, a popular tavern on the north bank of the River Mirar, near the bridge to Blood Island.
You enter the tavern and see a person that can only be your client: he is short, stubby, dressed in fine armor, and has green scaly skin. Yet this creature looks like no dragonborn you’ve ever seen. He looks in your direction and waves cheerily, and you smell a faint scent of lemon drifting your direction.
Chip and Rekuburk
You also walk with the others until it is just the two of you continuing on. You cross a few bridges and as you get closer to the docks you find the neighborhood has declined. You sense that these seedy docks are likely infested with those who would like to separate you from your purses if possible.
Both roll stealth to try and avoid trouble or intimidation to let trouble know they shouldn't mess with you.
Kazri tries to appear at ease. She leaves her shield down holding it from the top, and she stands next to Rhogar. "Mr. Nimbatuul. Would you like to do the honors?" She whispers to Rhogar's ears. "To tell you the truth, I am not exactly sure what kind of creature is that."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Chill steps forward "'I've got this." he says sidelong at Krom.
"Greetings and well met." He says to the gruff looking man. "We are here to meet with Maccath the Crimson. Would they be available? We are here on behalf of Luskar's Deliveries to make a package pickup to be delivered north."
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Rhogar bit back a growl, yet still bore his teeth somewhat at the news. However, he is fairly quick to given an apologetic look if taken the wrong way, but would say nothing more during the exploration. In any case, over the ensuing moments the Bronze's mood picks up again seeing the crew at work. There times even where it looked as if he might break away prematurely to help, only to catch himself in time and carry on behind the rest.
As much of what he had either lie in a satchel or was easily carry-able in hand, once shown to their room eventually, Rhogar kept his effects upon himself, and simply spent any downtime meditating in his room. A curious and for once helmet-less after the incident with the Gnome (said helmet being currently stored within Rhogar's satchel) Ghorar flew all around the ship, startling the sailors at times with her sudden appearance, or could be seen on the prowl doing some pest control throughout the ship. At Krom's eventual request, Rhogar simply shrugged and said, "Whoever they are, we will need to give the benefit of the doubt at the very least, but be wary."
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
The captain grins at the question from Krom. "Eh? A day I would say, no more. The Icebreaker is currently under the employ of the Luskar Deliverers mercenary group. We are under contract to make deliveries north to Icewind Dale. We'll need to stop in Luskan to take on the last of the deliveries and then make our way north."
When Rhogar bares his teeth and gives his quick apologetic look the captain only gives him a quizzical look, not understanding what the tall dragonborn may be upset about.
When Kazri approaches him later he gives her a smile. "My contact paid passage for six to go north, at least to Fireshear, maybe further. You were described by your heritages and the white cloaks. The Icebreaker is the only ship sailing north for at least three tendays and so mine was booked as I have the room. I assume your trip is your own business and I ask no questions. I was paid well enough to take on passengers for a trip I would make already. That's fair enough in my book."
Chill spends his time taking a few lessons on the lute from Chip or dicing with the crew. He keeps things amicable making sure he does his best to break even. He looks north wondering what the future holds.
Chip would encourage Chill and would even play along side the tabaxi during their lessons. When not playing with Chill, The brass scaled dragonborn would stand towards the front of the ship, watching the waves (and presumably ice?) break across the front of the ship. In the evenings he would launch pyrotechnics and flares into the air to entertain the crew after playing the only sea shanty he knows each night.
Krom thanks the captain for the information and returns to his room. In the evening, the dwarf will enjoy Chip's show at the front of the ship while sipping the dwarven ale created by the Tankard of Plenty crafted by Rhogar.
"Tomorrow we will reach Luskan. I have never been there, City of Sails they call it. Some of my clan members called it also a city of pirates. We should not encounter problems, but let's keep our eyes open." says Krom to the rest of the group when he has the chance to talk to them.
When the group is together at supper, Kazri still has a slight worried expression. It bothers her that she is not sure of what is her next mission. "Gentlemen, it seems that we are still not sure what the future will bring us. I was hoping that the captain would have more information, but as of now, the only thing that I know is that we are to go to the north, far north and, I suppose, do what we have been doing in Phandalin. Help where is a need for help. I do apologize for dragging everyone on a voyage without the slightest of the idea for the reason why we are doing this." With that said, Kazri retires after supper.
Kazri goes back to her quarter, and she notices Rhogar's parcel on her bed. It seems that since the Dragon's defeat, with so much to do in Phandalin, she hasn't stopped for a moment. She sits down on her bed, slowly takes the parcel, and wonder what could it be. She tries to release the tension in her body, something that she cannot remember the last time she was afforded an opportunity to relax. She slowly and carefully opens Rhogar's parcel...
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks
Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story
Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
As the group eats their supper, Krom says to Kazri "Do not worry too much lass, we will go north and do our best to help who is need of help." The dwarf will continue to eat his share of food before going back to his room for the night.
"I have been there but that was when I was but a young child. I barely remember much more then the docks." Rekuberk says as he goes about helping on the boat as he can, using his strength to help where he can.
"It doesn't really matter what our task is I suppose. I didnt have anything else planned for the moment anyway." Chip would reply to Kazri with a smile.
Relatively calms seas allow for a pleasant journey north as the party spends its time talking, dicing and making music. Captain Aragorn seems to run a tight ship and a couple of days later the port at Luskan comes into view. When the ship finally docks the crew begins to unload cargo and take other cargo on board. A few hours into this Captain Aragorn approaches.
"We seem to have run into some trouble and are running far behind schedule. We've some deliveries to be made north but they haven't been collected yet. Seems we are short crew in Luskan so the work isn't getting done very quick. I was wondering if you'd be willing to help collect a few of the deliveries and bring them to the ship? Should be easy work for capable adventurers such as yourselves."
"I need three picked up, my people can handle the others. If you split up into pairs it could be done quickly and we could get back on schedule."
"I've got maps of the city and a list of senders. If could help I'd be mighty grateful."
He hands a written list over as well as some hand drawn maps of the city.
"I have never been in Luskan Captain so I will gladly take this chance to explore the city. Walking for a while will do me good." replies Krom to Captain Aragorn.
The dwarf checks the list and asks to the group. "Shall we go in order? Maccath the Crimson, Fel’rekt Lafeen and Dragonbait?"
"Even if we should not encounter any trouble, I think that each group should have a close combatant and a ranged one. Who wish to come with me to pay a visit to Maccath the Crimson?"
"The Nezznar fellow sounds nice. I wouldn't mind paying him a visit." Chip would say as he looks over the map.
"I'll join ya Master Krom. But if there are six on this list, we could each handle one and get the captain ahead of schedule." Chill remarks looking at the list. "I doubt there's anything here that any of us couldn't handle on our own if need be."
"I could go speak with this Dragonbait. If there is any issue, I hope that the Dragon Slayer Sword can resolve it by its mere presence." Says Kazri with her hand going to the hilt of the sword.
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks
Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story
Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
"As the captain said, as well Chip, The other three we do not need see to, as he does have a few he can send in that direction." Rhogar reminds, though hardly more than glanced at the feline man from the list. There's an irritation beneath the tone as well, but not intentionally directed at the Tabaxi. Finally he huffs, shakes his head, and then looks to Kazri to say, "I'll go with you, Lady Kazri. If nothing else, perhaps this Dragonbait will be more comfortable in the presence of a fellow scaled one."
He then looks to the others and adds in a serious tone, "Be warned, my friends. While we are here it is exceptionally important that we avoid tangling with the law. Luskan's.... Judicial system-..." He said the last word disdainfully. "-is rather harsh, to say the least. Our being well-known in some land will do little to protect us here."
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
"Well you guys go see maccath and Dragonbait but I think I am going to go see Nezznar, you wanna come Rek?"Chip would say as he begins to collect his things.
"Aye Rhogar, three's enough." The captain says. "I've got people to send on the others. If Chip wants to handle the drow that's fine. If Krom and Chill have Maccath the Crimson and Rhogar and Kazri have this Dragonbait then I assume Rekuburk and Chip will take care of Nezznar. I'll send my people on the others. I thank you kindly for helping out. You be good folk."
Krom and Chill
Studying the map you see the route needed to take to find the tower. The streets are not crowded and you easily travel the city and reach the tower.
You arrive at the base of the Hosttower of the Arcane, a tower that seems to grow out of the ground like a crooked, skeletal tree. It looks just as organic as it does artificial. Standing at the entrance is a brutish-looking guard with an athlete’s build and wearing a leather skullcap. He glowers at you as you approach.
Kazri and Rhogar
You walk with Chill and Krom until they part ways to take the bridges towards Cutlass Island. Despite having never been to Luskan you easily find the One-Eyed Jax, a popular tavern on the north bank of the River Mirar, near the bridge to Blood Island.
You enter the tavern and see a person that can only be your client: he is short, stubby, dressed in fine armor, and has green scaly skin. Yet this creature looks like no dragonborn you’ve ever seen. He looks in your direction and waves cheerily, and you smell a faint scent of lemon drifting your direction.
Chip and Rekuburk
You also walk with the others until it is just the two of you continuing on. You cross a few bridges and as you get closer to the docks you find the neighborhood has declined. You sense that these seedy docks are likely infested with those who would like to separate you from your purses if possible.
Both roll stealth to try and avoid trouble or intimidation to let trouble know they shouldn't mess with you.
Kazri tries to appear at ease. She leaves her shield down holding it from the top, and she stands next to Rhogar. "Mr. Nimbatuul. Would you like to do the honors?" She whispers to Rhogar's ears. "To tell you the truth, I am not exactly sure what kind of creature is that."
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks
Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story
Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Chill steps forward "'I've got this." he says sidelong at Krom.
"Greetings and well met." He says to the gruff looking man. "We are here to meet with Maccath the Crimson. Would they be available? We are here on behalf of Luskar's Deliveries to make a package pickup to be delivered north."