This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Chip would stop strumming his lute as the area begins to look a little more shady. As he plays his last chord he would grant Rek bardic inspiration before letting his hand rest on his sword. "I would hope that two strong individuals like ourselves should have nothing to fear" He would add as he bares his teeth and exhales a bit of smoke from his nostrils... trying to look as intimidating as possible.
Rhogar waved politely in turn, but even then there was some faint uncertainty in that kindly expression of his. "I'm-..."He paused, taking at least a brief moment to try and recall any stories or tales regarding scaled folk from his time spent on Neverwinter Docks.
"I may have heard something or other from during my first week of working the docks. A co-worker had asked if I was from the Southern most seas, and when I said no but asked why, he told me of this... rumored land that some treasure seekers went that had peculiar inhabitants." He admits as much in a whisper.
"Chances are he's from there, and it'd be rather rude to continue this discourse without simply going up and asking." He grinned mirthfully at Kazri one last time, before then proceeding into comfortable speaking distance with Dragonbait. He says a bright greeting in Draconic, and then in common gestures from himself to Kazri as he adds, "The name is Rhogar Nimbatuul. And this is my companion, er, compatriot, Lazy Kazri. Where are here on behalf of Captain Aragorn in regards to a delayed shipment. Mayhaps you can explain?" After saying so, Ghorar climbs her way onto Rhogar's shoulder and sends Dragonbait a warm feelings to Dragonbait as well.
Rhogar introduces himself and the lady Kazri and the odor of lemon increases and a broad smile crosses Dragonbait's face.
Rhogar is unable to determine the exact race of the one who stands before him, he's not sure many live within the realm's, perhaps he is from another plane? Interesting notion. But the creature before him is not Dragonborn, but isn't a lizardfolk either.
You quickly realize that Dragonbait does not speak.
Dragonbait begins making hand gestures. He motions you taking something and handing it to another. He then lifts his hand up above his head and then points to a man sitting nearby. He then points to a ring on his finger and then shivers and rubs his arms.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Lady Kazri tries to make sense of what this creature is trying to convey. Insight: 16.
(I was laughing when I saw lasy kazri.)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
The odor of ham is smelt while a worried look crosses Dragonbait's face as he shakes his head no in answer to Rhogar's question. But the smell of lemons, and the smile, come back as Kazri correctly reads that Dragonbait wants you to deliver a package to a man with a ring.
Dragonbait again makes the shivering and also chatters his teeth and then points to a ring again.
Kazri understands he means a cold ring and Dragonbait nods.
He then acts out like he is climbing and looking up. He also separates himself from you a bit and the odor of roses is detected. Dragonbait also looks sad, looking around like he is alone.
Kazri is excited that she is able to understand so far the creature, then she is a little sad that he looks sad. She tries to figure out why. Insight: 13.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Rekuberk moves to draw one of his hand axes from his side, whistling as he tosses the weapon into the air and then catches it. "I not think we should have to much trouble. I will not lie though my blade does thirst for a good fight."
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Rhogar just looks increasingly confused, and would at point look to Ghorar to see if she might have figured something out with all the odd gestures given her own limited communication skills.
The man continues to glower at you as he reaches over and opens the door and beckons you to come inside. He leads you into a small foyer and bids you wait. He tells another man that you are there to see Maccath the Crimson. That man moves away, presumably to get the person you are there to see. The guard simply says "Wait here." and then goes back outside. A few minutes later a woman enters the foyer.
"I am Maccath" she says as she greets you with a wide smile and a wildly overeager excitement to share her fascination with dragons. When she calms down, she gives you a small package inside a small metal box. She claims that it’s a draconic artifact that she needs a friend in Ten-Towns to help her identify. She hands you 10 gp and bids you good bye. As you turn to leave she sees the white dragon scales on your cloaks and immediately launches into many questions about the cloaks and the white dragon. You spend some time telling her the tale of Cryovain. She is very excited but eventually lets you go.
Rhogar and Kazri
Rhogar, with the help of Ghorar, begins to understand what Dragonbait is trying to communicate. He deciphers that he is referring to a mountian. Kazri fills in the rest when she guesses lonely and Dragonbait emits the lemon smell again.
A package for a tall man with a cold ring at a lonely mountain.
Dragonbait hands you the package, a small, hand-carved box of teak hardwood with a small lock. Rhogar can tell the lock is magical in nature. Dragonbaits hands you 10 gp and bids you farewell with a wave.
Chip and Rekuburk
With the size of the two travelers and the gleam in Rekuburk's eyes that says he's more than happy to tear someone apart if needed a group of thugs that look like they may have been interested in taking a chance in separating you from your purses seem to find something else to do.
You reach the docks and see a tall lighthouse. A dark elf gazes over the railing of the tall lighthouse, looking wistfully out at the sea as the north wind whips his white hair around him. He holds an ebon staff tipped with an effigy of a spider atop it, and clutches a parcel underneath his arm.
You climb up to the top and the man tells you he wishes to send a parcel to an old accomplice of his lurking in Fireshear. He speaks theatrically and self-importantly, but you discern an undercurrent of anxiety in his voice as he describes how he wishes for his friend in Fireshear to receive his gift. His package is a simple letter written in an inscrutable cipher that involves a script you cannot read and several odd markings. He hands you 10 gp.
With each of you having successfully collected the packages you were sent to get you make your way back to the Icebreaker. Captain Aragorn thanks you for your assistance and within a couple hours the rest of the loading is completed and you leave the harbor. The Icebreaker departs Luskan and sails northward toward the horizon.
The gold Rhogar had half a mind to see divided among everyone upon arriving at the ship. Realizing however that their respective Clients might too have done similar, the thought is easily brushed aside, and what coin was given he splits with Kazri instead. All paltry sum at the end of the day, but their earnings all the same.
Though, he would later pay it no further thought than that as Dragonbait's request had left him thoughtful, distracted, and thus fairly quick to want head to his room. When Ghorar's attempts to spitball new names fail to garner due attention, she took off to mull on her own while stay largely onboard the ship. But as much as she had her own thing to worry about, the Psuedodragon remained alert.
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
"You handled well the guard Chill." says Krom to Chip as he returns to the ship "That Maccath was an interesting lass." As the rest of the group returns to the ship the dwarf greets them "Welcome back friends! It is almost time to sail, let's get ready."
After their stop at Luskan, the paladin returns to her quarters, and slowly opens the parcel given by Rhogar. Kazri is slightly taken aback by the content. It is what looks like a delicate floral dress that is appropriate for her size. She frowns at the garment in front of her, for she never imagined herself wearing such a “civ” clothing. However, as she holds it in front of her, she feels something special about it, that it, somehow, feels warm to the touch of her bare hand. The flowery patterns reminds her of nature, and something seems to be inviting her to wear it. She gives a deep sigh. Since she is about to retire for the night anyway, she removes her armor, and wears the dress. She chides herself for doing such a foolish thing. However, as she wears the dress, she can feel the warmth that it brings to her body. The weather is getting colder with the ship travelling north, but incredibly, after wearing the dress she feels like it provides her with a spring like warmth. Uncharacteristically, Kazri decides to take a stroll around the ship. She finds that she likes the dress very much, and that she could see herself wearing it more often, though, she does not know why. As she walks around the ship, heads from the crew turn around. Everyone is used to see the heavily armorer paladin, and now there is only a thin fabric covering her. Kazri goes up to the main deck, and she goes to the port side of the ship. It all feels very alien to her, but she is glad that she is taking the time to just enjoy the moment. She notices the captain next to her. “Greetings Captain Aragorn. I am just appreciating the view for I actually never have been on a ship. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for taking us to our destination.” She stayed on the main deck for a little while longer, then she retired back to her quarters.
Back to her quarters, Kazri decides to keep the dress on, and just sit on the floor with her legs crossed. She finds that her body was, surprisingly, relaxed. She takes a deep breath, and closes her eyes. She tries to empty her mind, and be at peace for a moment. “Greetings my child. Beautiful dress by the way.” The Angel named Tharii appears in front of her in his full angelic glory. He holds her/his medallion on his palm. “It seems that your heroic journey is not yet over. Thus, I come to you to trade something." The medallion disappears from his palm, as he closes it. He takes both of his hands to his head, to his angelic halo. Kazri’s heart stop, she is about to scream in protest, but Tharii just smiles. He takes his halo, and calmly wraps it around her neck. “There. This shall be my gift to you my dear. May it be a light to you in dark places when all other lights go out.” As the angel steps back, he start to wave at her. “Wait!! What is my mission? I do not know where I am going.” Tharii smiles again. “There is still much for you to do Paladin Kazri, and I would not want to spoil the fun.” He just winks at Kazri, exactly like he did so many years ago. Just as he appeared, the angel is now gone, and Kazri wakes up. It is morning, and she is still wearing her dress. Her hands goes to her neck, and sure enough, and round torus shaped ring wraps her neck. It feels warm like when she touched her medallion, and it also slightly radiates divine light. Kazri leaves her quarters and goes to join the other for breakfast.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Wearing a floral dress, and also sporting a shiny (nothing to see here folks, moving along) angel's halo around her neck, Kazri joins her companions for breakfast.
(This is actually the character that I based upon Kazri's backstory.)
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Late that night as you lay in your bunk you hear a splash in the water outside your cabin, like something being thrown overboard. Through the porthole in your room, you can just barely see a shape sinking into the water. You only caught a glimpse of it, but it could be the size of a human body. In the corner of your vision, you see a silhouette looking over the edge of the ship's deck, about ten feet above your porthole. The silhouette's head turns towards your porthole, and seems to look directly at you! Then, just as quickly as it appeared, it pulls away from the edge of the ship, disappearing from view.
The Icebreaker has makes its way north up the Sword Coast from Luskan. The air grows colder and colder with each passing day, and bits of seaborne ice now regularly drifts past the Icebreaker throughout the day. Eventually she ship glides into the harbor of the town of Fireshear. This town’s many houses form a crescent around the harbor, and you can see several large public houses near the wharf. A dozen thin pillars of smoke rise from the far side of town as you approach—it’s clear even from this distance that a number of houses are burning.
Your vessel is moored at the dock, and you see a blond woman in a long green dress and wearing a gray wolf pelt around her shoulders approaches from one of the public houses. She stands on the dock and holds her hand aloft in greeting.
Captain Aragorn informs you that you'll have a few hours to disembark from the ship before they make way again. As you prepare to leave he hands the letter Chip and Rekuburk collected to Chip. "Could you be so kind as to deliver this letter to a Griggle Duskloch. That lady waving to us could likely tell you where he is. With my thanks."
He then abruptly turns away and starts bellowing orders to his crew.
"no problem captain." Chip would reply with a smile. As the captain turns around, the brass dragonborn would quickly put is larce scaley hand on his shoulder. "Hey.. before you go. I think you better get a good count of your crew. I am pretty sure I saw a body get tossed overboard in the night." he would say while looming hard at the captain while trying to gauge his reaction
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Chip would stop strumming his lute as the area begins to look a little more shady. As he plays his last chord he would grant Rek bardic inspiration before letting his hand rest on his sword. "I would hope that two strong individuals like ourselves should have nothing to fear" He would add as he bares his teeth and exhales a bit of smoke from his nostrils... trying to look as intimidating as possible.
intimidation! 17
Rek, make sure you add a d6 to your roll!
Rhogar waved politely in turn, but even then there was some faint uncertainty in that kindly expression of his. "I'm-..." He paused, taking at least a brief moment to try and recall any stories or tales regarding scaled folk from his time spent on Neverwinter Docks.
History: 16. (same bonus if anything but Arcana)
"I may have heard something or other from during my first week of working the docks. A co-worker had asked if I was from the Southern most seas, and when I said no but asked why, he told me of this... rumored land that some treasure seekers went that had peculiar inhabitants." He admits as much in a whisper.
"Chances are he's from there, and it'd be rather rude to continue this discourse without simply going up and asking." He grinned mirthfully at Kazri one last time, before then proceeding into comfortable speaking distance with Dragonbait. He says a bright greeting in Draconic, and then in common gestures from himself to Kazri as he adds, "The name is Rhogar Nimbatuul. And this is my companion, er, compatriot, Lazy Kazri. Where are here on behalf of Captain Aragorn in regards to a delayed shipment. Mayhaps you can explain?" After saying so, Ghorar climbs her way onto Rhogar's shoulder and sends Dragonbait a warm feelings to Dragonbait as well.
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
Krom and Chill
Chill - roll persuasion
Rhogar and Kazri
Rhogar introduces himself and the lady Kazri and the odor of lemon increases and a broad smile crosses Dragonbait's face.
Rhogar is unable to determine the exact race of the one who stands before him, he's not sure many live within the realm's, perhaps he is from another plane? Interesting notion. But the creature before him is not Dragonborn, but isn't a lizardfolk either.
You quickly realize that Dragonbait does not speak.
Dragonbait begins making hand gestures. He motions you taking something and handing it to another. He then lifts his hand up above his head and then points to a man sitting nearby. He then points to a ring on his finger and then shivers and rubs his arms.
Rhogar and Kazri make Insight rolls please
Lady Kazri tries to make sense of what this creature is trying to convey. Insight: 16.
(I was laughing when I saw lasy kazri.)
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks
Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story
Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Rhogar rubs at his neck as he looked from Dragonbait to aforementioned man, a thought forming, even if not quite the correct one.
Insight: 9.
And what comes to mind warrants him asking Dragonbait next, "That one stole from you then?"
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
Rhogar and Kazri
The odor of ham is smelt while a worried look crosses Dragonbait's face as he shakes his head no in answer to Rhogar's question. But the smell of lemons, and the smile, come back as Kazri correctly reads that Dragonbait wants you to deliver a package to a man with a ring.
Dragonbait again makes the shivering and also chatters his teeth and then points to a ring again.
Kazri understands he means a cold ring and Dragonbait nods.
He then acts out like he is climbing and looking up. He also separates himself from you a bit and the odor of roses is detected. Dragonbait also looks sad, looking around like he is alone.
Roll Insight again
Persuasion 27
Kazri is excited that she is able to understand so far the creature, then she is a little sad that he looks sad. She tries to figure out why. Insight: 13.
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks
Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story
Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Rekuberk moves to draw one of his hand axes from his side, whistling as he tosses the weapon into the air and then catches it. "I not think we should have to much trouble. I will not lie though my blade does thirst for a good fight."
Intimidation: 15
Inspiration: 6
Rhogar just looks increasingly confused, and would at point look to Ghorar to see if she might have figured something out with all the odd gestures given her own limited communication skills.
Insight: 17.
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
Krom and Chill
The man continues to glower at you as he reaches over and opens the door and beckons you to come inside. He leads you into a small foyer and bids you wait. He tells another man that you are there to see Maccath the Crimson. That man moves away, presumably to get the person you are there to see. The guard simply says "Wait here." and then goes back outside. A few minutes later a woman enters the foyer.
"I am Maccath" she says as she greets you with a wide smile and a wildly overeager excitement to share her fascination with dragons. When she calms down, she gives you a small package inside a small metal box. She claims that it’s a draconic artifact that she needs a friend in Ten-Towns to help her identify. She hands you 10 gp and bids you good bye. As you turn to leave she sees the white dragon scales on your cloaks and immediately launches into many questions about the cloaks and the white dragon. You spend some time telling her the tale of Cryovain. She is very excited but eventually lets you go.
Rhogar and Kazri
Rhogar, with the help of Ghorar, begins to understand what Dragonbait is trying to communicate. He deciphers that he is referring to a mountian. Kazri fills in the rest when she guesses lonely and Dragonbait emits the lemon smell again.
A package for a tall man with a cold ring at a lonely mountain.
Dragonbait hands you the package, a small, hand-carved box of teak hardwood with a small lock. Rhogar can tell the lock is magical in nature. Dragonbaits hands you 10 gp and bids you farewell with a wave.
Chip and Rekuburk
With the size of the two travelers and the gleam in Rekuburk's eyes that says he's more than happy to tear someone apart if needed a group of thugs that look like they may have been interested in taking a chance in separating you from your purses seem to find something else to do.
You reach the docks and see a tall lighthouse. A dark elf gazes over the railing of the tall lighthouse, looking wistfully out at the sea as the north wind whips his white hair around him. He holds an ebon staff tipped with an effigy of a spider atop it, and clutches a parcel underneath his arm.
You climb up to the top and the man tells you he wishes to send a parcel to an old accomplice of his lurking in Fireshear. He speaks theatrically and self-importantly, but you discern an undercurrent of anxiety in his voice as he describes how he wishes for his friend in Fireshear to receive his gift. His package is a simple letter written in an inscrutable cipher that involves a script you cannot read and several odd markings. He hands you 10 gp.
With each of you having successfully collected the packages you were sent to get you make your way back to the Icebreaker. Captain Aragorn thanks you for your assistance and within a couple hours the rest of the loading is completed and you leave the harbor. The Icebreaker departs Luskan and sails northward toward the horizon.
Everyone roll perception
Rhogar's Perception: 18.
Ghorar's Perception w/ Keen Senses: 21.
The gold Rhogar had half a mind to see divided among everyone upon arriving at the ship. Realizing however that their respective Clients might too have done similar, the thought is easily brushed aside, and what coin was given he splits with Kazri instead. All paltry sum at the end of the day, but their earnings all the same.
Though, he would later pay it no further thought than that as Dragonbait's request had left him thoughtful, distracted, and thus fairly quick to want head to his room. When Ghorar's attempts to spitball new names fail to garner due attention, she took off to mull on her own while stay largely onboard the ship. But as much as she had her own thing to worry about, the Psuedodragon remained alert.
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
Kazri Perception: 4
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks
Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story
Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Chill perception 24
"Don't you worry, we will make sure to deliver your package!" Chip would say with a smile before returning with Rek to the ship.
Perception! 24
"You handled well the guard Chill." says Krom to Chip as he returns to the ship "That Maccath was an interesting lass."
As the rest of the group returns to the ship the dwarf greets them "Welcome back friends! It is almost time to sail, let's get ready."
After their stop at Luskan, the paladin returns to her quarters, and slowly opens the parcel given by Rhogar. Kazri is slightly taken aback by the content. It is what looks like a delicate floral dress that is appropriate for her size. She frowns at the garment in front of her, for she never imagined herself wearing such a “civ” clothing. However, as she holds it in front of her, she feels something special about it, that it, somehow, feels warm to the touch of her bare hand. The flowery patterns reminds her of nature, and something seems to be inviting her to wear it. She gives a deep sigh. Since she is about to retire for the night anyway, she removes her armor, and wears the dress. She chides herself for doing such a foolish thing. However, as she wears the dress, she can feel the warmth that it brings to her body. The weather is getting colder with the ship travelling north, but incredibly, after wearing the dress she feels like it provides her with a spring like warmth. Uncharacteristically, Kazri decides to take a stroll around the ship. She finds that she likes the dress very much, and that she could see herself wearing it more often, though, she does not know why. As she walks around the ship, heads from the crew turn around. Everyone is used to see the heavily armorer paladin, and now there is only a thin fabric covering her. Kazri goes up to the main deck, and she goes to the port side of the ship. It all feels very alien to her, but she is glad that she is taking the time to just enjoy the moment. She notices the captain next to her. “Greetings Captain Aragorn. I am just appreciating the view for I actually never have been on a ship. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for taking us to our destination.” She stayed on the main deck for a little while longer, then she retired back to her quarters.
Back to her quarters, Kazri decides to keep the dress on, and just sit on the floor with her legs crossed. She finds that her body was, surprisingly, relaxed. She takes a deep breath, and closes her eyes. She tries to empty her mind, and be at peace for a moment. “Greetings my child. Beautiful dress by the way.” The Angel named Tharii appears in front of her in his full angelic glory. He holds her/his medallion on his palm. “It seems that your heroic journey is not yet over. Thus, I come to you to trade something." The medallion disappears from his palm, as he closes it. He takes both of his hands to his head, to his angelic halo. Kazri’s heart stop, she is about to scream in protest, but Tharii just smiles. He takes his halo, and calmly wraps it around her neck. “There. This shall be my gift to you my dear. May it be a light to you in dark places when all other lights go out.” As the angel steps back, he start to wave at her. “Wait!! What is my mission? I do not know where I am going.” Tharii smiles again. “There is still much for you to do Paladin Kazri, and I would not want to spoil the fun.” He just winks at Kazri, exactly like he did so many years ago. Just as he appeared, the angel is now gone, and Kazri wakes up. It is morning, and she is still wearing her dress. Her hands goes to her neck, and sure enough, and round torus shaped ring wraps her neck. It feels warm like when she touched her medallion, and it also slightly radiates divine light. Kazri leaves her quarters and goes to join the other for breakfast.
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks
Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story
Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Wearing a floral dress, and also sporting a shiny (nothing to see here folks, moving along) angel's halo around her neck, Kazri joins her companions for breakfast.
(This is actually the character that I based upon Kazri's backstory.)
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks
Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story
Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Late that night as you lay in your bunk you hear a splash in the water outside your cabin, like something being thrown overboard. Through the porthole in your room, you can just barely see a shape sinking into the water. You only caught a glimpse of it, but it could be the size of a human body. In the corner of your vision, you see a silhouette looking over the edge of the ship's deck, about ten feet above your porthole. The silhouette's head turns towards your porthole, and seems to look directly at you! Then, just as quickly as it appeared, it pulls away from the edge of the ship, disappearing from view.
The Icebreaker has makes its way north up the Sword Coast from Luskan. The air grows colder and colder with each passing day, and bits of seaborne ice now regularly drifts past the Icebreaker throughout the day. Eventually she ship glides into the harbor of the town of Fireshear. This town’s many houses form a crescent around the harbor, and you can see several large public houses near the wharf. A dozen thin pillars of smoke rise from the far side of town as you approach—it’s clear even from this distance that a number of houses are burning.
Your vessel is moored at the dock, and you see a blond woman in a long green dress and wearing a gray wolf pelt around her shoulders approaches from one of the public houses. She stands on the dock and holds her hand aloft in greeting.
Captain Aragorn informs you that you'll have a few hours to disembark from the ship before they make way again. As you prepare to leave he hands the letter Chip and Rekuburk collected to Chip. "Could you be so kind as to deliver this letter to a Griggle Duskloch. That lady waving to us could likely tell you where he is. With my thanks."
He then abruptly turns away and starts bellowing orders to his crew.
"no problem captain." Chip would reply with a smile. As the captain turns around, the brass dragonborn would quickly put is larce scaley hand on his shoulder. "Hey.. before you go. I think you better get a good count of your crew. I am pretty sure I saw a body get tossed overboard in the night." he would say while looming hard at the captain while trying to gauge his reaction