Homebrew & House Rules

Discuss and share homebrew creations and house rules
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
How to give varied darkvision? >>
by DnDNewper
5 740
Primus arrives on the Material Plane >>
by PailWetbeard
5 4,294
How to make a Feat give conditional double proficiency? >>
by DnDNewper
7 350
Battleship Idea >>
by GBarbatos
0 10
A question about Saving Throw and Ability check modifiers on custom items. >>
by Incindra1214
0 23
How do I make a Magic Item that gives a +1 to AC? >>
by Give_Birth
2 1,813
ALMOST Everything you need to know about creating Homebrew Weapons >>
by Mairondil
19 10,635
how to increase a weapons range >>
by wyrth
14 4,897
How to use Homebrew Subclasses? >> (1 Viewing)
by DrSmegwipe
29 13,568
I'm adding flavor items that have some use to bring backgrounds to life. >>
by Groundstain
0 10
What is Replace Weapon Ability in the modify tabs of homebrew? >>
by ShadoUrufu
5 73
Increasing Spell DC >>
by Justen_Wildwing
9 587
HB Sorcerer Subclass "Prismatic Blade" Feedback Requested >>
by TEB1881
4 38
Homebrew Fighter Subclass: The Dragon Rider (Inspired by the Inheritance Cycle) >>
by The_Leviathan_of_Levistus
53 14,552
Adding a natural weapon for a homebrew race? >>
by EnigmaDragonkin
13 3,314
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