"Greetings Brother Randall. I don't believe we have met before. My name is Grim, from the temple of Lliira at Greycastle. I have no particular skill at but it does sound like a good way to spend an evening." Grim pulls up a chair.
"Greycastle, hmmmm....I have visited that temple, several times in my journeys, but not perhaps in the last seven or eight years. Is the Reverend Mother Natali still running the place? She was an impressive devotee of Llira, as I recall," says Randall, his gaze drifting off in the distance as if remembering a pleasant memory.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
"Greycastle, hmmmm....I have visited that temple, several times in my journeys, but not perhaps in the last seven or eight years. Is the Reverend Mother Natali still running the place? She was an impressive devotee of Llira, as I recall," says Randall, his gaze drifting off in the distance as if remembering a pleasant memory.
"Seven or . . ." Grim starts "I remember you now. The Reverend Mother considered you a very good friend. She has recently passed. She is missed." Grim tells you, obviously still dealing with the loss.
A look of profound sadness crosses his face and he looks at Grim, "My deepest condolences, faithful of Llira. If you grew up under her guidance, her the light of her life lives on in you."
Looking up at the others, "Sorry to bring down the mood. Let me buy a round for the table." Proposing a toast, he says, "To Reverend Mother Natali, may her memory be eternal!"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Petcan raises a mug politely. “I may not have known her, but a person may make their presence known to those they’ve never met with influence they never knew. Tell me a story about her, and I’ll make sure to tell it from time to time.”
Grim raises his tankard to Brother Randall's toast. "To Reverend Mother Natali".
"You want a story about her?" Grim asks with a smile. "Very well . . . "
"What very few know of her is that she began as a Cleric of the god Helm. She was a grim, tireless destroyer of the undead. In an attack on the walled town of Oaristar by the Lich king Regikar, she fell in with a group of adventurers who were defending the people there. One of the group was a Paladin and Joydancer of Lliira by the name of Shawna. The two hated each other. To Natali, Shawna was a frivolice lightweight. To Shawna, Natali was a humorless killing machine.
But they were losing the battle. One eveing Shawna found Natali motionless, looking out over the undead army poised for the final battle that night. Natali looked into her own heart and found it as dead and lifeless as any of the horde about to descend on them. Shawna asked her what it was she fought for. Natali had no answer for her.
As the army of undead attacked the adventurers found themselves minus their two best fighters and things began to look dark. Suddenly Natali and Shawna appeared in the middle of battle, surrounded by light like that of the sun. They drove back or destroyed undead right and left. They rallied the adventurers and the whole town. They defeated Regikar's forces and won the day.
Shawna showed Natali that joy is always possible and Natali realized that there will always be monsters and that the only way to truly survive them in the long run was to find joy in life wherever you can. Helm appeared to Natali in a dream to tell her she had done enough and that her future lay in a different direction. Natali and Shawna found the ruins of Greycastle and rebuilt it and began the temple to Lliira there."
“A good story, and thank you for sharing.” Petcan claps his mug on the table a few times before seeming to muse over the story as part of a memory device.
”Truly a wonderful story. May it inspire us in finding joy in all circumstances, including drinks and cards at a tavern with new friends,” replies Randall. “Now, who is dealing?”
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
"A good story indeed" Bow says as he raises his glass "That we may relieve this world of as much evil as we can"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"grandpa" Salkur, Gnome Arti/Sorc: Forged in Chaos | Pepin, Human Arti/Cleric: Goblin horde | Mixtli, Volc Genasi Arti: Champions of the Citadel | Erix Vadalitis, Human Druid: Rising from the last war |Smithy, Human Arti: Night Ravens: Black orchids for Biscotti | Tamphalic Aliprax, Dragonborn Wizard: Chronicles of the Accursed | Doc, Dwarven Cleric (2024): Adventure at Hope's End | Abathax, Tiefling Illriger: Hunt for the Balowang | Gorin Mestel, Human Arti: Descend into Avernus
(Roll d20? with a +2 for those who are proficient in Three dragon's Ante? (I am not, went for playing cards:( )
or hope Brian will continue the campaign before our game 'finishes' )
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"grandpa" Salkur, Gnome Arti/Sorc: Forged in Chaos | Pepin, Human Arti/Cleric: Goblin horde | Mixtli, Volc Genasi Arti: Champions of the Citadel | Erix Vadalitis, Human Druid: Rising from the last war |Smithy, Human Arti: Night Ravens: Black orchids for Biscotti | Tamphalic Aliprax, Dragonborn Wizard: Chronicles of the Accursed | Doc, Dwarven Cleric (2024): Adventure at Hope's End | Abathax, Tiefling Illriger: Hunt for the Balowang | Gorin Mestel, Human Arti: Descend into Avernus
I was letting the game get started and didn't want to rush along too fast. Figured about 24 hr is enough for everyone to get ready so this is the current group. Everyone who has posted here so far.
@Fitz_Coulson: You can make a Deception check to try and bluff. (or anything else that might apply... 1 thing per turn as each probably takes an action.)
As your game is just getting under way there is the sounds of yelling and screaming coming from down the road. It is a minor nuisance as it gets closer to the tavern and any ability checks to play the game are made with disadvantage.
(edit: also if anyone wants to employ anything like bluffing or cheating or anything else then use the threads I send the campaign links in.)
"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
"grandpa" Salkur, Gnome Arti/Sorc: Forged in Chaos | Pepin, Human Arti/Cleric: Goblin horde | Mixtli, Volc Genasi Arti: Champions of the Citadel | Erix Vadalitis, Human Druid: Rising from the last war |Smithy, Human Arti: Night Ravens: Black orchids for Biscotti | Tamphalic Aliprax, Dragonborn Wizard: Chronicles of the Accursed | Doc, Dwarven Cleric (2024): Adventure at Hope's End | Abathax, Tiefling Illriger: Hunt for the Balowang | Gorin Mestel, Human Arti: Descend into Avernus
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"Greetings Brother Randall. I don't believe we have met before. My name is Grim, from the temple of Lliira at Greycastle. I have no particular skill at but it does sound like a good way to spend an evening." Grim pulls up a chair.
The Worlds of Pphost a community of DMs and Players making PbP better
Malichi, Tiefling Rogue - Worlds of Pphost- The Amazing Teleportation Machine
DM Worlds of Pphost - Haven 'A Few Days at a Tavern'
Extended Signature
"Greycastle, hmmmm....I have visited that temple, several times in my journeys, but not perhaps in the last seven or eight years. Is the Reverend Mother Natali still running the place? She was an impressive devotee of Llira, as I recall," says Randall, his gaze drifting off in the distance as if remembering a pleasant memory.
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
"A deck of cards, a flagon of ale, a platter meat, and the promise of another dawn. All anyone ever needs to get by in this life."
Says Ceo, dealing out the cards.
"Seven or . . ." Grim starts "I remember you now. The Reverend Mother considered you a very good friend. She has recently passed. She is missed." Grim tells you, obviously still dealing with the loss.
The Worlds of Pphost a community of DMs and Players making PbP better
Malichi, Tiefling Rogue - Worlds of Pphost- The Amazing Teleportation Machine
DM Worlds of Pphost - Haven 'A Few Days at a Tavern'
Extended Signature
A look of profound sadness crosses his face and he looks at Grim, "My deepest condolences, faithful of Llira. If you grew up under her guidance, her the light of her life lives on in you."
Looking up at the others, "Sorry to bring down the mood. Let me buy a round for the table." Proposing a toast, he says, "To Reverend Mother Natali, may her memory be eternal!"
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Petcan raises a mug politely. “I may not have known her, but a person may make their presence known to those they’ve never met with influence they never knew. Tell me a story about her, and I’ll make sure to tell it from time to time.”
Paladin - warforged - orange
(Sorry had to dip for a while, what’s goin on rn?)
Grim raises his tankard to Brother Randall's toast. "To Reverend Mother Natali".
"You want a story about her?" Grim asks with a smile. "Very well . . . "
"What very few know of her is that she began as a Cleric of the god Helm. She was a grim, tireless destroyer of the undead. In an attack on the walled town of Oaristar by the Lich king Regikar, she fell in with a group of adventurers who were defending the people there. One of the group was a Paladin and Joydancer of Lliira by the name of Shawna. The two hated each other. To Natali, Shawna was a frivolice lightweight. To Shawna, Natali was a humorless killing machine.
But they were losing the battle. One eveing Shawna found Natali motionless, looking out over the undead army poised for the final battle that night. Natali looked into her own heart and found it as dead and lifeless as any of the horde about to descend on them. Shawna asked her what it was she fought for. Natali had no answer for her.
As the army of undead attacked the adventurers found themselves minus their two best fighters and things began to look dark. Suddenly Natali and Shawna appeared in the middle of battle, surrounded by light like that of the sun. They drove back or destroyed undead right and left. They rallied the adventurers and the whole town. They defeated Regikar's forces and won the day.
Shawna showed Natali that joy is always possible and Natali realized that there will always be monsters and that the only way to truly survive them in the long run was to find joy in life wherever you can. Helm appeared to Natali in a dream to tell her she had done enough and that her future lay in a different direction. Natali and Shawna found the ruins of Greycastle and rebuilt it and began the temple to Lliira there."
The Worlds of Pphost a community of DMs and Players making PbP better
Malichi, Tiefling Rogue - Worlds of Pphost- The Amazing Teleportation Machine
DM Worlds of Pphost - Haven 'A Few Days at a Tavern'
Extended Signature
“A good story, and thank you for sharing.” Petcan claps his mug on the table a few times before seeming to muse over the story as part of a memory device.
Paladin - warforged - orange
”Truly a wonderful story. May it inspire us in finding joy in all circumstances, including drinks and cards at a tavern with new friends,” replies Randall. “Now, who is dealing?”
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Grim says "If you don't mind a complete beginner, I'm in." and orders another flagon.
The Worlds of Pphost a community of DMs and Players making PbP better
Malichi, Tiefling Rogue - Worlds of Pphost- The Amazing Teleportation Machine
DM Worlds of Pphost - Haven 'A Few Days at a Tavern'
Extended Signature
"A good story indeed" Bow says as he raises his glass "That we may relieve this world of as much evil as we can"
"grandpa" Salkur, Gnome Arti/Sorc: Forged in Chaos | Pepin, Human Arti/Cleric: Goblin horde | Mixtli, Volc Genasi Arti: Champions of the Citadel | Erix Vadalitis, Human Druid: Rising from the last war | Smithy, Human Arti: Night Ravens: Black orchids for Biscotti | Tamphalic Aliprax, Dragonborn Wizard: Chronicles of the Accursed | Doc, Dwarven Cleric (2024): Adventure at Hope's End | Abathax, Tiefling Illriger: Hunt for the Balowang | Gorin Mestel, Human Arti: Descend into Avernus
"A very good story, I shall be sure to make it known. Haer's tae us, was like us, gaifew, anairodead, mairz a peti."
Ceo says, raising his flagon as a toast.
(btw, I have no idea if this is actually how the toast is spelled, I just did my best to sound it out)
Smiling broadly, Randall says, "Right then, let's get started."
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
"Of course, Ante in"
Ceo says after he has dealt out the cards.
(I didn't think of this, but unless one of us cheats, how do we know who has what cards?)
(Roll d20? with a +2 for those who are proficient in Three dragon's Ante? (I am not, went for playing cards:( )
or hope Brian will continue the campaign before our game 'finishes' )
"grandpa" Salkur, Gnome Arti/Sorc: Forged in Chaos | Pepin, Human Arti/Cleric: Goblin horde | Mixtli, Volc Genasi Arti: Champions of the Citadel | Erix Vadalitis, Human Druid: Rising from the last war | Smithy, Human Arti: Night Ravens: Black orchids for Biscotti | Tamphalic Aliprax, Dragonborn Wizard: Chronicles of the Accursed | Doc, Dwarven Cleric (2024): Adventure at Hope's End | Abathax, Tiefling Illriger: Hunt for the Balowang | Gorin Mestel, Human Arti: Descend into Avernus
My point was more "who cheats" rather than "how do we play" but that works and seems fair.
well. that bombed.
can I bluff?
Or cheat? Cheating sounds good right now.
I was letting the game get started and didn't want to rush along too fast. Figured about 24 hr is enough for everyone to get ready so this is the current group. Everyone who has posted here so far.
@Fitz_Coulson: You can make a Deception check to try and bluff. (or anything else that might apply... 1 thing per turn as each probably takes an action.)
As your game is just getting under way there is the sounds of yelling and screaming coming from down the road. It is a minor nuisance as it gets closer to the tavern and any ability checks to play the game are made with disadvantage.
(edit: also if anyone wants to employ anything like bluffing or cheating or anything else then use the threads I send the campaign links in.)
I shall bluff.
I have very high charisma and little regard to the noise of my surroundings so long as I can be louder.
Three dragon ante: 6
(yeah no problem, was more an option to handle finishing the game, without a problem:P)
During his turn Bow notices the sounds from outside
"Hmm what is going on, does anyone know if there is a festival or something?"
"Well that was a good turn"
Deception: 7
"grandpa" Salkur, Gnome Arti/Sorc: Forged in Chaos | Pepin, Human Arti/Cleric: Goblin horde | Mixtli, Volc Genasi Arti: Champions of the Citadel | Erix Vadalitis, Human Druid: Rising from the last war | Smithy, Human Arti: Night Ravens: Black orchids for Biscotti | Tamphalic Aliprax, Dragonborn Wizard: Chronicles of the Accursed | Doc, Dwarven Cleric (2024): Adventure at Hope's End | Abathax, Tiefling Illriger: Hunt for the Balowang | Gorin Mestel, Human Arti: Descend into Avernus