You peak over her shoulder to get an idea just what she is drawing or writing. As your eyes meet the page, her notepad explodes in a near blinding flash of orange fire! The woman and the table where she was sitting vanishes into cinders. Sparks leap out to the walls, the tapestries, the tablecloths, and before you can react, the entire lower level of the Thundering Lizard is engulfed in flames. Smoke clouds your vision, but you can hear the screams of the terrified and burning customers. Around your feet, tiny beings made of flame dance and strut, laughing maniacally. You are frightened and want to save yourself from this conflagration before you are cooked alive.
You can make another WIS save after 6 seconds. Please describe what actions Ran takes in the meantime.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Ran recoils from the woman and the sketchpad, his hands rising quickly to protect his eyes. He then bellows "Fire," at the top of his lungs. "Everyone get out."
After that, Ran hops about on one foot then the other. He's clearly trying to avoid something on the floor. As he does, he makes his way quickly to the exit of the Thundering Lizard, ushering anyone a head of him out the doors too. Once he's around the bar from the woman with the sketch pad, he tries to get more people out the doors.
After a couple of seconds of this, Ran shakes his head, trying to clear smoke from his eyes.
It was certainly hot in here but fire... Meili looked around to make sure she did not miss anything, but neither of her senses confirmed burning in the tavern. Then she looked at the bar... Well, she was right sticking to water.
As the strange scene with Ran unfolds, a few of the dwarves seem close to hyperventilating from laughter, spitting their drinks and pounding the bar at the hilarity of this unexpected outburst. "The lad... the lad has the jungle fever!" one chokes out between laughing fits. Emeka and Esther share a quizzical look behind the bar. The one-armed dwarf guide has reached Danica but pauses, mouth ajar, to watch the obviously addled human desperately trying to convince some of the patrons near the front door to abandon their seats and flee for their lives.
The elf woman with the lizard fights a smirk and eventually has to put a hand over her mouth to stifle a laugh. Watching Ran still in a panic near the front door, she folds up her notepad and relocates out the back door to the gardens.
You continue to see the searing flames and the awful wails of the trapped guests and the terrible cracking roar of the inferno for 6 more seconds...
... And then it is gone. It is though the real world is a pool of water and you simply crash back into it from above. The roar of the flames, the smoke and the screams, it all just gone. You are standing in the Thundering Lizard, your heart nearly hammering out of your chest... and everyone is staring at you, but for those dwarves who have fallen out of their chairs from hysterical laughter.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Ran stops and looks around, his mouth open, ready to shout fire again. Once he's satisfied there really is no fire and the laughter of the dwarves registers. He nods and the corner of his mouth curls up in a partial smile.
"Crikey. I've never been that bad even after a big night on the turps," Ran says to himself.
He stares back over to where the woman with the sketch book was but sees she's gone.
"Yeah, na." Ran says to the dwarves. "Ain't no fever. Bit of magic more likely."
Still looking at the empty spot at the bar he looks around at the patrons and the bartenders.
"Anyone know who she was? The one with the grotty little lizard and the picture book."
Meeting Meili's eyes, the wood elf nods slowly in acknowledgement of the girl's words. "Aye, sometimes it can." Flashing a smile she tried to keep it light by ending with, "Let's hope it won't be necessary in the jungles though, hm?"
Nodding to the dwarf's words, Danica couldn't help but think that such advice would be rather useful to those unfamiliar in those dangerous jungles.
Raising her cup of pineapple juice in toast to the cheers that followed her impromptu speech, she took another sip, enjoying the sweetness as she surveyed the crowd, eyes passing over the hooded figure without registering any abnormality and instead focusing on the tanner dwarven guide that was making his way towards her with purpose. Before getting abruptly distracted by the figure that was suddenly bowing before her. He certainly made an impression on her, if not a completely favorable. Still she nodded with a faint polite smile nonetheless, neither agreeing nor disagreeing. His stiff dress left a bad taste in her mouth but she was intrigued by his crate of books and this 'show' he promised.
As Ran spoke up she shook her head with a troubled grimace. "Wish that it were, tell the truth. I've seen one so Cursed myself. That's primarily why I'm here on his behest. Hired to save his life as it were. With some help." She nods at the rest of the quartet gathered round. "Don't see why taking care of some personal business would interfere with my main objective. Not opposed to helping those that've lost their way."
Leaning slightly towards Velan as he spoke but deliberately not looking at him, she absorbed the bit of gossip he shared. "Mn... Doesn't look like a particularly useful fellow to have around... Though you might have a point about his 'eloquence'. We're a far cry from being guides ourselves considering most of us just stepped foot on Chult not half an hour ago." Finally she looked at Velan with another appraisal. "Not you though, eh? Not a local but certainly not fresh off a boat considering you're offering to be a guide, at least of the city. Color me intrigued Mr. Spellcaster." She grinned before chuckling as he brought up pay.
"Aye I didn't yet. But pay I will. I can understand the guides,"She gestures to the two estrange dwarven guides, "Wanting to be paid up front lest their charges not take heed of their advice and just up n get themselves killed. But I was only given so much by my benefactor so as to hire the needed hands and properly equip us for the journey. The other half of payment is waiting with the Captain upon delivery. In terms of numbers though..."She made sure to lower her voice and leaned closer in to the Velan, Meili and Mica, "I have two hundred gold available to get us started." (Stealth: 12)
Eyebrows quirking at the sudden question of enemies made her realize that Ran had walked off, following Velan's gaze to the hooded woman that she just now registered as being odd in such a heat. "....Not that I was aware of. Though there might be the faint possibility that not everyone is keen on the person that hired me making a recovery."
It was just then that Ran cried out 'fire' and Danica instinctively stood, the stool that she had been seated on screeching back. But no fire was to be seen, just a very sweaty man in armor hopping about like he was, which while being a funny sight certainly, was still a little concerning considering she was thinking of hiring him. Walking over to Ran she patted his warm but certainly not on fire armored shoulder and asked, "Y'alright there lad? Got bewitched there for a bit looks like. No worse for wear though?" She looked him up and down to make sure that he wasn't suffering from any burns or other magical injury. Who knows, maybe fire could be made invisible?
At his question to the tavern at large about the woman, Danica belatedly realized that the dwarf she had been eyeing earlier had approached her. "Well hello there. I hear yer just the mother hen I'm lookin' for to guide us through the jungles."
Death curse. Mica rolled that thought around in his head. He knew very little of the curse, other than half-baked stories and rumors he picked up on board the ship and in the bazaar this morning. How was this elf going to find a cure in the jungles? He was just about to ask when he was distracted by the tall fighter down the bar screaming and dancing around like his boots were on fire.
The one armed dwarf approaching the sea captain caught his attention, especially when she asked him about guiding.
“Hmph” Mica snorts at the dwarf. “Those fool dwarves think you a cheat and I prefer guides about me that have all of their parts. What horrors from the jungle took your arm? Go ahead then, tell us how you can help.”
Not even the alcohol but a prank. Meili made a mental note about the local sense of humour and glanced at the future companion. Not that she ever planned to pull anything like it, but his reaction to such jokes could tell a lot about character.
Trying to keep that scene in view and earshot she also watched - without interfering - the hiring process. Though a lost arm is not the end of the world, it's a hindrance, Mica here was right about that. On the other hand... The goal Danica (and her too) were after required some dedication - unless someone already knew the exact location of the source of Death Plague, they were looking into days, weeks, months (she really hoped only for "days") of searching. Meili suspected it was not something just any person would do.
Emeka looks at Ran with a touch of concern but answers his question. “I don’t believe the woman has shared her name with us, but she has been a regular customer for several weeks. Mostly, she just sits alone with her pet and draws. I recall another guest tried to converse with her but she would only say that she was an artist. What happened just now? Did she cast a spell on you? Violence of any kind, even magical, is not something I can allow between my guests.”
Meanwhile the one-armed dwarf opens his mouth to answer Danica but pauses again at Mica’s challenge. He allows himself the briefest of glares at the earth genasi before he turns his eyes back to the elf Druid. “Indeed. I believe I may be exactly what you are looking for…” he says at last. He has a peculiar accent and his words are softer than you may have expected given his age and appearance. His face is scarred and weathered from long days in the sun, but there is a fierceness in his eyes. He wears old leather and hide armor that shows near-countless patches where is has been repaired after battles and a custom-handled rapier hangs at his side. “I’ve stood atop every mountain in Chult. I know every gorge and crevice, every plateau and trail. My memory is an iron trap. I forget nothing - my curse and my strength. I am the finest swordsman in the land. That is no boast.”
“Fearless, I am. There’s no dragon, beast, or undead horror that scares me. I have looked into the fiery maw of the nine hells… I have walked from one end of this jungle to the other… I have spent years of my life in this land of violence and death. You ask about my arm? A red dragon bit off my arm, lad, and yet here I stand! If you wish to survive this quest of yours, then I am your dwarf. My name is Hew Hackinstone. The charge is 5gp per day, with a one month payment up front. If that seems like too high a price… the jungle will soon show you how wrong you are.”
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
"Don't know if it was her, the book or that pockmarked lizard," Ran says. "But as soon as I tried to take a look at what she was drawing there was a flash and it seemed like the whole bar was on fire and then I was."
He looks down at his arms, and his boots again.
"No harm done," Ran says to Emeka. "But if she comes around again, I wouldn't mind a wee chat."
He turns in time to listen to Hew Hackinstone's boasts and his price.
"That's a beaut story about dragons and whatnot. If you know so much and guiding is such a piece of piss to you that you can do it in your sleep," Ran begins. "How's it that you can't find work? Seems to me that someone in your situation needs to be a wee bit less demanding."
He looks over at Danica and raises an eyebrow.
"Now it ain't my coin we're discussing here, but Hew, you have to admit," Ran starts again. "Full payment up front for someone just spinning tails about tramping about this island is steep. Take the coin, then lead us into an ambush and we're never heard of again. Anyone here vouch for you?"
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Green eyes glancing at Mica at his pointed queries, Danica then focused all of her attention to the dwarf in front of her. The...'claims' Hew made (for he was adamant that they were not boasts), seemed unlikely at best and positively scam worthy at worst. At mention of his up front cost, the wood elf paused a moment to calculate and then tried her best not to let it show on her expression how much that price would hurt her purse. "So roughly a hundred n fifty gold up front for a month then."
Before she could reply, the temporarily spell addled warrior that had returned in time to hear Hew's pitch had his own questions. Nodding along she agreed, "I'm sure some of them can be explained away by being turned off by the high pricing. ...But not all. So something else must be turning them away. Or perhaps you do have prior employers that can vouch for your character and talents?" She splayed her hands in open question before continuing, "Believe me Mr. Hackinstone, I want to hire ye. But my future companion makes a valid point." Her eyes never waver from his, trying to determine how honest he was being about his 'not boasts' as well as if he was trying to metaphorically rob them with such pricing.
Red Dragon? This dwarf would be but a morsel for even a youngling. Mica was skeptical of the dwarf’s story before, and the latest addition didn’t make him feel any better. As Danica questioned Hew on his references, Mica leaned in with a few questions of his own. “We don’t aim to walk from one end of the jungle to the other, or visit every mountain top. What do you know of this Death Curse?”
The question sparked a memory of another he had earlier, and he turns to Danica “How are you going to find a cure in the jungle? Do you know what it is you are looking for?”
Hew Hackinstone absorbs the blunt questioning from Ranand the more diplomatic prodding from Danicaas though he is being pricked by scorpions. He begins to respond in a huff, "Why, I..." but then trails off, ending in a sigh.
At last, he begins again. "A better price, you will not find. There is nothing to negotiate." He looks at the dwarves by the bar, who have returned to their drinking and merriment. "Those men... they truly have no idea what they're in for. The jungle will pick their bones clean. If the gods are merciful, they'll just stay here at the Lizard and never sober up enough to hit the trails. But the gods seldom find the heart for mercy..." He pauses again, and seems to stare off at something in the distance.
"I hope that you and your new companions might be different. You seem like what I... you seem you could use my help. And that you may have the sense to see that it is true. I will return to the jungles again, whether at your side or the next expedition. If you decide to hire me, I promise you will not find a more dedicated guide or a more skilled blade. I can be found here at the Lizard or next door at the Bazaar most any time of day. For now, though, you must excuse me." He slaps a few coins on the bar and nods to Emeka and then takes his leave, ignoring Mica's last question and exiting out the front of the tavern.
You get the impression Hew believes what he is telling you. He doesn't flinch or give any tells when he claims to be the best guide or the best sword. And there was a look in his eyes when he mentioned the dragon. His voice was tough, but there was a flicker of pain in his eyes. You tend to believe him.
At the same time, you pick up an air of desperation about him. He wants... he needs to get back in the jungle. And something seemed to upset him at the end, and he left in a hurry. If he wasn't such a tough guy dwarf, you might suspect he was about to cry....
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Danica did not blink as she heard the well traveled man out but simply nodded as he excused himself at the end. She was quiet for but a moment before looking to Mica. "Would that I did. My benefactor was able to discover and purchase the information that the root of the Curse undoing all the Gods healing magics lies deep within these jungles. But whether it's a glowing chalice or a millennia old fork I know nawt." Clearing her throat of the seriousness in her tone she cracked a hesitant smile and then stated, "I'd much rather discuss the rest of the details, including payment," Her eyes flicked to Velan's, "Privately. I've bought a private room here. Figure we could go over things there. But maybe after whatever....this is?" She gestured to the stage that the fancily dressed human that had approached them earlier was assembling.
"This is true." Meili did not mean to interrupt or interfere but that was something she did know about and too well to keep it inside. "Death Curse is real and spread very far. Months ago a child was brought to our monastery. Dead. Parents said no one in Waterdeep even could restore the girls' life and they begged our priest to try, as we are so far away from the common paths and could be unaffected as they hoped. It failed. This is how the Cloud Valley learned of the Curse. And then... One of my teachers, who was returned to us three years ago and was full of life became ill. Inquiries were made. We learned that the curse touched every church, every monastery heard of. And that it has the source that is hidden in the jungles. Nothing more, but it's hope still. Maybe people in the city do not know, but someone should live in the jungles too. The true natives. They might know. Or the hunters, like that dwarf."
Meili looked down hesitantly, then on Danica again, and finally at others. "He sounded as he truly knows the jungles. Hew Hackinstone. Even if he does not know about the source, maybe he can bring us to the natives?" It was neither her money nor her place to speak but whether Hew was boasting or truthful, his speech was impressive.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Silent as a shadow, he observed the whole situation unfold. His interest laid in seeing how the woman would handle the matter of the guide. It would give a good idea about her finances and her senses. Instead of Danica it was Ran that caught his attention. Contrary to what deciding to use armor under the sun of Chult could suggest, the man was smart. And a frontliner. The most useful kind of ally for Velan to have in battle. Then came the relate of Meili, raising questions in his mind. How far did the curse extend? Would the direct interference of a powerful entity be affected by it?
“I’ve never been on a ship, I can tell you that much, Ms. Druid.” He answers entirely honest, soon after the monk finishes her tale. “And I did not forget my question about how much you will pay. Maybe it’s different in the continent, but here in Chult we just take work when we know how much coin it will give to us. I’m willing to attend the private discussion if you will give us figures in there.”Then he turns to Meili. If her story was true, then she was already in a quest. “The best place to start your search would be the Tyriki Anchorage. Animal trainers and explorer’s live by there.”
He probably could find a few guides with ties to jungle tribes by talking with Yapa. Most adventuring folk stayed in the Golden Macaw, but that was more information than Velan was willing to give for free.
Ran watches the dwarf, Hew, walk away and then shakes his head.
"Might be something personal for that one," Ran suggests. "And we might not want to know what keeps him awake at night."
But then he turns at Velan's comments. "You know of other guides? Whoever guides, they can't do much unless we tell them where we want to go. Someone trapping animals inland might have seen something."
Before Velan can answer, Ran's attention turns to the stage when Danica mentions it.
A bell rings near the back of the tavern. A few of the dwarves push away from the bar and start heading toward the stage area, joking amongst themselves about giving some grief to this dandy 'author' - when speaking the word author, one of the dwarves holds up his pinky finger as though daintily sipping a cup of tea, suggesting the word itself is the pinnacle of high-society foolishness.
Esther gathers up their abandoned mugs and wipes down the counters. "Can I refill any of your drinks? I do believe the performance is about to start. If you enjoy the show, please let us know. We always appreciate feedback from our guests."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
"Thank you!"Another short bow (she probably had to stop doing that). "Then Tyriki Anchorage will be the place to visit."Meili had no idea where it is, of course, but the way Velan said it - it sounded like something well known and obvious. Besides... If they were not leaving immediately... With all the worries and unwavering dedication, she was still a young girl and the city outside was a wonder to behold even for experienced travellers. An excuse to walk through it was quite welcomed.
But right now there was another entertainment no less unfamiliar to her and with child curiosity, Meili looked at the stage.
Ran - WIS Save: 1 (this should go well)
You peak over her shoulder to get an idea just what she is drawing or writing. As your eyes meet the page, her notepad explodes in a near blinding flash of orange fire! The woman and the table where she was sitting vanishes into cinders. Sparks leap out to the walls, the tapestries, the tablecloths, and before you can react, the entire lower level of the Thundering Lizard is engulfed in flames. Smoke clouds your vision, but you can hear the screams of the terrified and burning customers. Around your feet, tiny beings made of flame dance and strut, laughing maniacally. You are frightened and want to save yourself from this conflagration before you are cooked alive.
You can make another WIS save after 6 seconds. Please describe what actions Ran takes in the meantime.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Ran recoils from the woman and the sketchpad, his hands rising quickly to protect his eyes. He then bellows "Fire," at the top of his lungs. "Everyone get out."
After that, Ran hops about on one foot then the other. He's clearly trying to avoid something on the floor. As he does, he makes his way quickly to the exit of the Thundering Lizard, ushering anyone a head of him out the doors too. Once he's around the bar from the woman with the sketch pad, he tries to get more people out the doors.
After a couple of seconds of this, Ran shakes his head, trying to clear smoke from his eyes.
Wis Save: 19
It was certainly hot in here but fire... Meili looked around to make sure she did not miss anything, but neither of her senses confirmed burning in the tavern. Then she looked at the bar... Well, she was right sticking to water.
Meili Liang Lvl 5 Monk
As the strange scene with Ran unfolds, a few of the dwarves seem close to hyperventilating from laughter, spitting their drinks and pounding the bar at the hilarity of this unexpected outburst. "The lad... the lad has the jungle fever!" one chokes out between laughing fits. Emeka and Esther share a quizzical look behind the bar. The one-armed dwarf guide has reached Danica but pauses, mouth ajar, to watch the obviously addled human desperately trying to convince some of the patrons near the front door to abandon their seats and flee for their lives.
The elf woman with the lizard fights a smirk and eventually has to put a hand over her mouth to stifle a laugh. Watching Ran still in a panic near the front door, she folds up her notepad and relocates out the back door to the gardens.
You continue to see the searing flames and the awful wails of the trapped guests and the terrible cracking roar of the inferno for 6 more seconds...
... And then it is gone. It is though the real world is a pool of water and you simply crash back into it from above. The roar of the flames, the smoke and the screams, it all just gone. You are standing in the Thundering Lizard, your heart nearly hammering out of your chest... and everyone is staring at you, but for those dwarves who have fallen out of their chairs from hysterical laughter.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Ran stops and looks around, his mouth open, ready to shout fire again. Once he's satisfied there really is no fire and the laughter of the dwarves registers. He nods and the corner of his mouth curls up in a partial smile.
"Crikey. I've never been that bad even after a big night on the turps," Ran says to himself.
He stares back over to where the woman with the sketch book was but sees she's gone.
"Yeah, na." Ran says to the dwarves. "Ain't no fever. Bit of magic more likely."
Still looking at the empty spot at the bar he looks around at the patrons and the bartenders.
"Anyone know who she was? The one with the grotty little lizard and the picture book."
Meeting Meili's eyes, the wood elf nods slowly in acknowledgement of the girl's words. "Aye, sometimes it can." Flashing a smile she tried to keep it light by ending with, "Let's hope it won't be necessary in the jungles though, hm?"
Nodding to the dwarf's words, Danica couldn't help but think that such advice would be rather useful to those unfamiliar in those dangerous jungles.
Raising her cup of pineapple juice in toast to the cheers that followed her impromptu speech, she took another sip, enjoying the sweetness as she surveyed the crowd, eyes passing over the hooded figure without registering any abnormality and instead focusing on the tanner dwarven guide that was making his way towards her with purpose. Before getting abruptly distracted by the figure that was suddenly bowing before her. He certainly made an impression on her, if not a completely favorable. Still she nodded with a faint polite smile nonetheless, neither agreeing nor disagreeing. His stiff dress left a bad taste in her mouth but she was intrigued by his crate of books and this 'show' he promised.
As Ran spoke up she shook her head with a troubled grimace. "Wish that it were, tell the truth. I've seen one so Cursed myself. That's primarily why I'm here on his behest. Hired to save his life as it were. With some help." She nods at the rest of the quartet gathered round. "Don't see why taking care of some personal business would interfere with my main objective. Not opposed to helping those that've lost their way."
Leaning slightly towards Velan as he spoke but deliberately not looking at him, she absorbed the bit of gossip he shared. "Mn... Doesn't look like a particularly useful fellow to have around... Though you might have a point about his 'eloquence'. We're a far cry from being guides ourselves considering most of us just stepped foot on Chult not half an hour ago." Finally she looked at Velan with another appraisal. "Not you though, eh? Not a local but certainly not fresh off a boat considering you're offering to be a guide, at least of the city. Color me intrigued Mr. Spellcaster." She grinned before chuckling as he brought up pay.
"Aye I didn't yet. But pay I will. I can understand the guides," She gestures to the two estrange dwarven guides, "Wanting to be paid up front lest their charges not take heed of their advice and just up n get themselves killed. But I was only given so much by my benefactor so as to hire the needed hands and properly equip us for the journey. The other half of payment is waiting with the Captain upon delivery. In terms of numbers though..." She made sure to lower her voice and leaned closer in to the Velan, Meili and Mica, "I have two hundred gold available to get us started." (Stealth: 12)
Eyebrows quirking at the sudden question of enemies made her realize that Ran had walked off, following Velan's gaze to the hooded woman that she just now registered as being odd in such a heat. "....Not that I was aware of. Though there might be the faint possibility that not everyone is keen on the person that hired me making a recovery."
It was just then that Ran cried out 'fire' and Danica instinctively stood, the stool that she had been seated on screeching back. But no fire was to be seen, just a very sweaty man in armor hopping about like he was, which while being a funny sight certainly, was still a little concerning considering she was thinking of hiring him. Walking over to Ran she patted his warm but certainly not on fire armored shoulder and asked, "Y'alright there lad? Got bewitched there for a bit looks like. No worse for wear though?" She looked him up and down to make sure that he wasn't suffering from any burns or other magical injury. Who knows, maybe fire could be made invisible?
At his question to the tavern at large about the woman, Danica belatedly realized that the dwarf she had been eyeing earlier had approached her. "Well hello there. I hear yer just the mother hen I'm lookin' for to guide us through the jungles."
Nym Durnodel - Aspiring Heroes of Faerûn // Danica Amastacia - Red Dead Annihilation
Death curse. Mica rolled that thought around in his head. He knew very little of the curse, other than half-baked stories and rumors he picked up on board the ship and in the bazaar this morning. How was this elf going to find a cure in the jungles? He was just about to ask when he was distracted by the tall fighter down the bar screaming and dancing around like his boots were on fire.
The one armed dwarf approaching the sea captain caught his attention, especially when she asked him about guiding.
“Hmph” Mica snorts at the dwarf. “Those fool dwarves think you a cheat and I prefer guides about me that have all of their parts. What horrors from the jungle took your arm? Go ahead then, tell us how you can help.”
Not even the alcohol but a prank. Meili made a mental note about the local sense of humour and glanced at the future companion. Not that she ever planned to pull anything like it, but his reaction to such jokes could tell a lot about character.
Trying to keep that scene in view and earshot she also watched - without interfering - the hiring process. Though a lost arm is not the end of the world, it's a hindrance, Mica here was right about that. On the other hand... The goal Danica (and her too) were after required some dedication - unless someone already knew the exact location of the source of Death Plague, they were looking into days, weeks, months (she really hoped only for "days") of searching. Meili suspected it was not something just any person would do.
Meili Liang Lvl 5 Monk
Emeka looks at Ran with a touch of concern but answers his question. “I don’t believe the woman has shared her name with us, but she has been a regular customer for several weeks. Mostly, she just sits alone with her pet and draws. I recall another guest tried to converse with her but she would only say that she was an artist. What happened just now? Did she cast a spell on you? Violence of any kind, even magical, is not something I can allow between my guests.”
Meanwhile the one-armed dwarf opens his mouth to answer Danica but pauses again at Mica’s challenge. He allows himself the briefest of glares at the earth genasi before he turns his eyes back to the elf Druid. “Indeed. I believe I may be exactly what you are looking for…” he says at last. He has a peculiar accent and his words are softer than you may have expected given his age and appearance. His face is scarred and weathered from long days in the sun, but there is a fierceness in his eyes. He wears old leather and hide armor that shows near-countless patches where is has been repaired after battles and a custom-handled rapier hangs at his side. “I’ve stood atop every mountain in Chult. I know every gorge and crevice, every plateau and trail. My memory is an iron trap. I forget nothing - my curse and my strength. I am the finest swordsman in the land. That is no boast.”
“Fearless, I am. There’s no dragon, beast, or undead horror that scares me. I have looked into the fiery maw of the nine hells… I have walked from one end of this jungle to the other… I have spent years of my life in this land of violence and death. You ask about my arm? A red dragon bit off my arm, lad, and yet here I stand! If you wish to survive this quest of yours, then I am your dwarf. My name is Hew Hackinstone. The charge is 5gp per day, with a one month payment up front. If that seems like too high a price… the jungle will soon show you how wrong you are.”
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Ran smiles at Emeka.
"Don't know if it was her, the book or that pockmarked lizard," Ran says. "But as soon as I tried to take a look at what she was drawing there was a flash and it seemed like the whole bar was on fire and then I was."
He looks down at his arms, and his boots again.
"No harm done," Ran says to Emeka. "But if she comes around again, I wouldn't mind a wee chat."
He turns in time to listen to Hew Hackinstone's boasts and his price.
"That's a beaut story about dragons and whatnot. If you know so much and guiding is such a piece of piss to you that you can do it in your sleep," Ran begins. "How's it that you can't find work? Seems to me that someone in your situation needs to be a wee bit less demanding."
He looks over at Danica and raises an eyebrow.
"Now it ain't my coin we're discussing here, but Hew, you have to admit," Ran starts again. "Full payment up front for someone just spinning tails about tramping about this island is steep. Take the coin, then lead us into an ambush and we're never heard of again. Anyone here vouch for you?"
Green eyes glancing at Mica at his pointed queries, Danica then focused all of her attention to the dwarf in front of her. The...'claims' Hew made (for he was adamant that they were not boasts), seemed unlikely at best and positively scam worthy at worst. At mention of his up front cost, the wood elf paused a moment to calculate and then tried her best not to let it show on her expression how much that price would hurt her purse. "So roughly a hundred n fifty gold up front for a month then."
Before she could reply, the temporarily spell addled warrior that had returned in time to hear Hew's pitch had his own questions. Nodding along she agreed, "I'm sure some of them can be explained away by being turned off by the high pricing. ...But not all. So something else must be turning them away. Or perhaps you do have prior employers that can vouch for your character and talents?" She splayed her hands in open question before continuing, "Believe me Mr. Hackinstone, I want to hire ye. But my future companion makes a valid point." Her eyes never waver from his, trying to determine how honest he was being about his 'not boasts' as well as if he was trying to metaphorically rob them with such pricing.
(Insight: 14 )
Nym Durnodel - Aspiring Heroes of Faerûn // Danica Amastacia - Red Dead Annihilation
Red Dragon? This dwarf would be but a morsel for even a youngling. Mica was skeptical of the dwarf’s story before, and the latest addition didn’t make him feel any better. As Danica questioned Hew on his references, Mica leaned in with a few questions of his own. “We don’t aim to walk from one end of the jungle to the other, or visit every mountain top. What do you know of this Death Curse?”
The question sparked a memory of another he had earlier, and he turns to Danica “How are you going to find a cure in the jungle? Do you know what it is you are looking for?”
Hew Hackinstone absorbs the blunt questioning from Ran and the more diplomatic prodding from Danica as though he is being pricked by scorpions. He begins to respond in a huff, "Why, I..." but then trails off, ending in a sigh.
At last, he begins again. "A better price, you will not find. There is nothing to negotiate." He looks at the dwarves by the bar, who have returned to their drinking and merriment. "Those men... they truly have no idea what they're in for. The jungle will pick their bones clean. If the gods are merciful, they'll just stay here at the Lizard and never sober up enough to hit the trails. But the gods seldom find the heart for mercy..." He pauses again, and seems to stare off at something in the distance.
"I hope that you and your new companions might be different. You seem like what I... you seem you could use my help. And that you may have the sense to see that it is true. I will return to the jungles again, whether at your side or the next expedition. If you decide to hire me, I promise you will not find a more dedicated guide or a more skilled blade. I can be found here at the Lizard or next door at the Bazaar most any time of day. For now, though, you must excuse me." He slaps a few coins on the bar and nods to Emeka and then takes his leave, ignoring Mica's last question and exiting out the front of the tavern.
You get the impression Hew believes what he is telling you. He doesn't flinch or give any tells when he claims to be the best guide or the best sword. And there was a look in his eyes when he mentioned the dragon. His voice was tough, but there was a flicker of pain in his eyes. You tend to believe him.
At the same time, you pick up an air of desperation about him. He wants... he needs to get back in the jungle. And something seemed to upset him at the end, and he left in a hurry. If he wasn't such a tough guy dwarf, you might suspect he was about to cry....
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Danica did not blink as she heard the well traveled man out but simply nodded as he excused himself at the end. She was quiet for but a moment before looking to Mica. "Would that I did. My benefactor was able to discover and purchase the information that the root of the Curse undoing all the Gods healing magics lies deep within these jungles. But whether it's a glowing chalice or a millennia old fork I know nawt." Clearing her throat of the seriousness in her tone she cracked a hesitant smile and then stated, "I'd much rather discuss the rest of the details, including payment," Her eyes flicked to Velan's, "Privately. I've bought a private room here. Figure we could go over things there. But maybe after whatever....this is?" She gestured to the stage that the fancily dressed human that had approached them earlier was assembling.
Nym Durnodel - Aspiring Heroes of Faerûn // Danica Amastacia - Red Dead Annihilation
"This is true." Meili did not mean to interrupt or interfere but that was something she did know about and too well to keep it inside. "Death Curse is real and spread very far. Months ago a child was brought to our monastery. Dead. Parents said no one in Waterdeep even could restore the girls' life and they begged our priest to try, as we are so far away from the common paths and could be unaffected as they hoped. It failed. This is how the Cloud Valley learned of the Curse. And then... One of my teachers, who was returned to us three years ago and was full of life became ill. Inquiries were made. We learned that the curse touched every church, every monastery heard of. And that it has the source that is hidden in the jungles. Nothing more, but it's hope still. Maybe people in the city do not know, but someone should live in the jungles too. The true natives. They might know. Or the hunters, like that dwarf."
Meili looked down hesitantly, then on Danica again, and finally at others. "He sounded as he truly knows the jungles. Hew Hackinstone. Even if he does not know about the source, maybe he can bring us to the natives?" It was neither her money nor her place to speak but whether Hew was boasting or truthful, his speech was impressive.
Meili Liang Lvl 5 Monk
Silent as a shadow, he observed the whole situation unfold. His interest laid in seeing how the woman would handle the matter of the guide. It would give a good idea about her finances and her senses. Instead of Danica it was Ran that caught his attention. Contrary to what deciding to use armor under the sun of Chult could suggest, the man was smart. And a frontliner. The most useful kind of ally for Velan to have in battle. Then came the relate of Meili, raising questions in his mind. How far did the curse extend? Would the direct interference of a powerful entity be affected by it?
“I’ve never been on a ship, I can tell you that much, Ms. Druid.” He answers entirely honest, soon after the monk finishes her tale. “And I did not forget my question about how much you will pay. Maybe it’s different in the continent, but here in Chult we just take work when we know how much coin it will give to us. I’m willing to attend the private discussion if you will give us figures in there.” Then he turns to Meili. If her story was true, then she was already in a quest. “The best place to start your search would be the Tyriki Anchorage. Animal trainers and explorer’s live by there.”
He probably could find a few guides with ties to jungle tribes by talking with Yapa. Most adventuring folk stayed in the Golden Macaw, but that was more information than Velan was willing to give for free.
Arcana Check: 18
Ran watches the dwarf, Hew, walk away and then shakes his head.
"Might be something personal for that one," Ran suggests. "And we might not want to know what keeps him awake at night."
But then he turns at Velan's comments. "You know of other guides? Whoever guides, they can't do much unless we tell them where we want to go. Someone trapping animals inland might have seen something."
Before Velan can answer, Ran's attention turns to the stage when Danica mentions it.
A bell rings near the back of the tavern. A few of the dwarves push away from the bar and start heading toward the stage area, joking amongst themselves about giving some grief to this dandy 'author' - when speaking the word author, one of the dwarves holds up his pinky finger as though daintily sipping a cup of tea, suggesting the word itself is the pinnacle of high-society foolishness.
Esther gathers up their abandoned mugs and wipes down the counters. "Can I refill any of your drinks? I do believe the performance is about to start. If you enjoy the show, please let us know. We always appreciate feedback from our guests."
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
"Thank you!" Another short bow (she probably had to stop doing that). "Then Tyriki Anchorage will be the place to visit." Meili had no idea where it is, of course, but the way Velan said it - it sounded like something well known and obvious. Besides... If they were not leaving immediately... With all the worries and unwavering dedication, she was still a young girl and the city outside was a wonder to behold even for experienced travellers. An excuse to walk through it was quite welcomed.
But right now there was another entertainment no less unfamiliar to her and with child curiosity, Meili looked at the stage.
Meili Liang Lvl 5 Monk