((Is there a difference between "unconscious" and "Dying but stabilised"? Circle of Mortality only specifies that it applies when the target has zero hp.))
With the Spiritual Weapon's distance, I'll just have to use the bonus action to move it 20' towards the Shadow, which I don't believe will bring it into melee.
Active Characters: Ernos, Tiefling Warlock in Tests and Trials | Khond Stardancer,Centaur Rogue in The Forgotten Wish | Blumeria "Bolt" Sirgula,Dragonborn Fighter/Sorcerer in Forged In Chaos
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
((Joe was down exactly 7 hp and went unconscious due to the poisoning, she wasn't dying. Lurn wouldn't know that but his spell would!))
Joe opens her eyes on receiving the healing as the bolt pops free and clinks to the ground. She feels distinctly unwell, maybe sleeping would have been the wiser choice...
The caster keeps on cursing in the darkness where only Mikram can see him.
Con save: 18
The shadow's twisted face turns towards Kroshav and Sword and seem to try and attack the dragonborn (if the shadow fails the save then the attack redirects to Lurn).
Wisdom save: 19
Attack: 24 Damage: 13
The more heavily armored of the drow from the west comes forward and stabs Joe with his scimitar while the other fires a bolt at Lurn.
G1a: Scimitar on Joe Attack: 11 Damage: 6, on hit poison 1
G1b: Bolt at Lurn Attack: 19 Damage: 5
(If either of the attacks from the drow hit Lurn or Joe please give me a con sav!)
Jaq (unconscious) Joe (prone/poisoned)<----- Lurn (and Mikram)<----- Kroshav (holy protectioned)<----- Group 2 Group 1 Group 3
((Standing doesn't provoke an AoO. How did the post get the manipulated sticker, you did write hardly anything? Weird.))
Joe feels the sting of the blade but does not feel any sicker and stands to face her adversary. She then fires a flurry of magical bolts into him, which somehow slide around all his defenses.
Behind her Kroshav tears into the shadow creature with Sword, slicing through and disrupting its inky darkness.
Jaq (unconscious) Joe (poisoned) Lurn (and Mikram)<----- Kroshav Group 1 Group 3
(("If it hits," as though we're going to have 20AC. XD
Well, that 6 is one above the worst possible result I could have had. At least Spiritual Weapon isn't a Concentration spell, so I guess it doesn't waste the spell slot to pass out because of two rolls with terrible luck.))
Active Characters: Ernos, Tiefling Warlock in Tests and Trials | Khond Stardancer,Centaur Rogue in The Forgotten Wish | Blumeria "Bolt" Sirgula,Dragonborn Fighter/Sorcerer in Forged In Chaos
Lunch drops like a fallen tree as the bolt sinks in, much to Mikram's surprise and dismay as the dwarf gets squished. Mikram asks something no one awake can understand before 'gently' punching Lurn in a kidney.
This is apparently exactly what Lurn needed as he blinks blearily awake, feeling a wave of nausea. Mikram indicates Lurn should get off him in a way that is surprisingly vulgar!
The shadow launches at Kroshav and his bright sword again.
Attack: 18 Damage: 14
The heavily armoured Drow reassesses Joe after all that damage and hacks at her viciously while directing his ally to fire at Kroshav.
G1a: Attack: 6 Damage: 4 + poison 4
G1b:Attack: 23 Damage: 6
The caster has grown silent but three darts shoot from the darkness to strike Kroshav.
MM Damage: 7
Jaq (unconscious) Joe (poisoned)<----- Lurn (poisoned/prone)+ Mikram<----- Kroshav <----- Group 1 Group 3
“I rather die before thay take meh again. N Ah annae goin’ ta die withou’ a fight. Lurn ye n Kroshav keep each other up. Tha mage be our threat, Ah think they be ta source o tha shadow.”
Joe will cast blink on herself and hopes it works. Blink: 8
Joe hovers on the edge of visibility before vanishing to a curse from the armoured Drow. On the ethereal plane Joe sees only those she could already see, no sign of the mage within 60'.
Mikram reaches out from under Lurn to get a hand on one of Kroshav's ear frills and wrenches viciously. Grumbling in dwarven,
"What is wrong with ye all? No wonder the Drow catch ye. Just a wisp of their poison and ye drop like mushroom maggots from a rotten wound."
Jaq (unconscious) Joe (poisoned) Lurn (poisoned/prone)+ Mikram<----- Kroshav (poisoned/prone)<---- Group 1 Group 3
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Lurn gets off Mikram and gets back up after giving him a chance to grab on again. Beckoning his spiritual blade in, it can hopefully come in far enough to strike at the armoured one while he casts Sacred Flame on the shadow. ((I hope I remember right and these things are vulnerable to Radiant damage.))
Active Characters: Ernos, Tiefling Warlock in Tests and Trials | Khond Stardancer,Centaur Rogue in The Forgotten Wish | Blumeria "Bolt" Sirgula,Dragonborn Fighter/Sorcerer in Forged In Chaos
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
The shadow slides out of the way of the holy beam but doesn't manage to avoid the swords slicing down on it. After the attacks it looks almost completely faded, though it is substantial enough to strike out at Kroshav again while the drow focus on Lurn and Mikram.
Shadow Attack: 18 Damage: 12
Ga1 scimitar on Lurn: Attack: 24 Damage: 8 poison in hit: 3
Ga2 bolt at Mikram: Attack: 17 Damage: 5
The caster fires a blue white light towards Kroshav as well.
Attack: 7 Damage: 2
Jaq (unconscious) Joe (poisoned/ethereal)<----- Lurn (poisoned/prone)+ Mikram<----- Kroshav (poisoned/prone)<---- Group 1 Group 3
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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((Is there a difference between "unconscious" and "Dying but stabilised"? Circle of Mortality only specifies that it applies when the target has zero hp.))
With the Spiritual Weapon's distance, I'll just have to use the bonus action to move it 20' towards the Shadow, which I don't believe will bring it into melee.
Active Characters:
Ernos, Tiefling Warlock in Tests and Trials | Khond Stardancer, Centaur Rogue in The Forgotten Wish | Blumeria "Bolt" Sirgula, Dragonborn Fighter/Sorcerer in Forged In Chaos
(I believe she got unconcious due to a posion)
((Joe was down exactly 7 hp and went unconscious due to the poisoning, she wasn't dying. Lurn wouldn't know that but his spell would!))
Joe opens her eyes on receiving the healing as the bolt pops free and clinks to the ground. She feels distinctly unwell, maybe sleeping would have been the wiser choice...
The caster keeps on cursing in the darkness where only Mikram can see him.
Con save: 18
The shadow's twisted face turns towards Kroshav and Sword and seem to try and attack the dragonborn (if the shadow fails the save then the attack redirects to Lurn).
Wisdom save: 19
Attack: 24 Damage: 13
The more heavily armored of the drow from the west comes forward and stabs Joe with his scimitar while the other fires a bolt at Lurn.
G1a: Scimitar on Joe Attack: 11 Damage: 6, on hit poison 1
G1b: Bolt at Lurn Attack: 19 Damage: 5
(If either of the attacks from the drow hit Lurn or Joe please give me a con sav!)
Jaq (unconscious)
Joe (prone/poisoned)<-----
Lurn (and Mikram)<-----
Kroshav (holy protectioned)<-----
Group 2Group 1
Group 3
Mikram would let Lurn know,
Whatever ye did to that robed pointy ear has worn off. He is looking back this way but he's a good ways off, maybe 80-90 feet.
((Once I hear from the two of you that are conscious (pending con saves) I will process Kroshav's attack on the shadow as well))
Con 14
Joe will upcast magic missile at the armoured drow. 21
does getting up provoke aoo? If so then joe will not get up. If not then joe will get up
((Standing doesn't provoke an AoO. How did the post get the manipulated sticker, you did write hardly anything? Weird.))
Joe feels the sting of the blade but does not feel any sicker and stands to face her adversary. She then fires a flurry of magical bolts into him, which somehow slide around all his defenses.
Behind her Kroshav tears into the shadow creature with Sword, slicing through and disrupting its inky darkness.
Jaq (unconscious)
Joe (poisoned)
Lurn (and Mikram)<-----
Group 1
Group 3
(I don't know, it even changed my roll. I didn't even edit it! :/)
Con save: 6
(("If it hits," as though we're going to have 20AC. XD
Well, that 6 is one above the worst possible result I could have had. At least Spiritual Weapon isn't a Concentration spell, so I guess it doesn't waste the spell slot to pass out because of two rolls with terrible luck.))
Active Characters:
Ernos, Tiefling Warlock in Tests and Trials | Khond Stardancer, Centaur Rogue in The Forgotten Wish | Blumeria "Bolt" Sirgula, Dragonborn Fighter/Sorcerer in Forged In Chaos
((I don't see the rolls until after I post so I write in stuff like that. Saves me from editing the post after and getting the 'manipulated' warning!
I'll process this great result a bit later tonight.))
Lunch drops like a fallen tree as the bolt sinks in, much to Mikram's surprise and dismay as the dwarf gets squished. Mikram asks something no one awake can understand before 'gently' punching Lurn in a kidney.
This is apparently exactly what Lurn needed as he blinks blearily awake, feeling a wave of nausea. Mikram indicates Lurn should get off him in a way that is surprisingly vulgar!
The shadow launches at Kroshav and his bright sword again.
Attack: 18 Damage: 14
The heavily armoured Drow reassesses Joe after all that damage and hacks at her viciously while directing his ally to fire at Kroshav.
G1a: Attack: 6 Damage: 4 + poison 4
G1b:Attack: 23 Damage: 6
The caster has grown silent but three darts shoot from the darkness to strike Kroshav.
MM Damage: 7
Jaq (unconscious)
Joe (poisoned)<-----
Lurn (poisoned/prone)+ Mikram<-----
Kroshav <-----
Group 1
Group 3
Kroshav con save: 6
Down goes Kroshav...
Jaq (unconscious)
Joe (poisoned)<-----
Lurn (poisoned/prone)+ Mikram<-----
Kroshav (unconscious)
Group 1
Group 3
5“Kroshav, heal Lurn n target tha mage! If ya target him ah bet that tha shadow will disapear”
Joe's voice falls upon unconscious ears...
((Sword is still glowing, this channel divinity isn't concentration.))
“I rather die before thay take meh again. N Ah annae goin’ ta die withou’ a fight. Lurn ye n Kroshav keep each other up. Tha mage be our threat, Ah think they be ta source o tha shadow.”
Joe will cast blink on herself and hopes it works.
Blink: 8
(Didn’t see your post until after I posted.)
Joe hovers on the edge of visibility before vanishing to a curse from the armoured Drow. On the ethereal plane Joe sees only those she could already see, no sign of the mage within 60'.
Mikram reaches out from under Lurn to get a hand on one of Kroshav's ear frills and wrenches viciously. Grumbling in dwarven,
"What is wrong with ye all? No wonder the Drow catch ye. Just a wisp of their poison and ye drop like mushroom maggots from a rotten wound."
Jaq (unconscious)
Joe (poisoned)
Lurn (poisoned/prone)+ Mikram<-----
Kroshav (poisoned/prone)<----
Group 1
Group 3
Lurn gets off Mikram and gets back up after giving him a chance to grab on again. Beckoning his spiritual blade in, it can hopefully come in far enough to strike at the armoured one while he casts Sacred Flame on the shadow. ((I hope I remember right and these things are vulnerable to Radiant damage.))
Sacred Flame (DC16 Dex save): 12
Spiritual Weapon to-hit: 16
Spiritual Weapon damage: 9
Active Characters:
Ernos, Tiefling Warlock in Tests and Trials | Khond Stardancer, Centaur Rogue in The Forgotten Wish | Blumeria "Bolt" Sirgula, Dragonborn Fighter/Sorcerer in Forged In Chaos
((The 20' will get it in range of the shadow but not the armored drow. Guessing you would prefer an attack to just a move? Let me know if not.))
Shadow dex save: 7
Kroshav blinks awake and struggles up join in the attack on the shadow, slicing at it twice.
Attack 1: 19 Damage: 8
Attack 2: 16 Damage: 13
The shadow slides out of the way of the holy beam but doesn't manage to avoid the swords slicing down on it. After the attacks it looks almost completely faded, though it is substantial enough to strike out at Kroshav again while the drow focus on Lurn and Mikram.
Shadow Attack: 18 Damage: 12
Ga1 scimitar on Lurn: Attack: 24 Damage: 8 poison in hit: 3
Ga2 bolt at Mikram: Attack: 17 Damage: 5
The caster fires a blue white light towards Kroshav as well.
Attack: 7 Damage: 2
Jaq (unconscious)
Joe (poisoned/ethereal)<-----
Lurn (poisoned/prone)+ Mikram<-----
Kroshav (poisoned/prone)<----
Group 1
Group 3