(Gravity left the alley and has been accompanying Sam with the steel defender, she cast spell on him to reduce his size and now fighting alongside him.)
Ok, my impression was that everyone fell back into the alley, but I'm good with the other way as well. Sorry for the confusion.
Gravity knocks over some carts and the surrounding ding area ca. 15ft radius is now difficult terrain. She is now seen as an accomplis if Sam is charged. (Might be reduced to aiding and abetting.)
Tetrevess as a witness will probably be caught as an illegal alien, and forced into a period of unpaid servitude. This indentured service is legally distinct from slavery. The practice having been outlawed in the city within the last few decades.
<waiting on Sams response. He also has the initiative. Counting Chadderly's action as held action, unkess he wants to retcon some action before the reply comes. >
Can count Chadderlay's last question to the Lizardman as his held action for this round since he just arrived at the scene of the altercation.
Not sure if we're in an alley or not?
The original posts mentioned an alley but now there is a retcon for most having left the alley?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
Angus follows the Red Wizard, and tries to take in the situation. Two wounded guards on the ground, a lizardman holding a human head, a shifter who seems to be the reptilian's ally, a human wizard lurking in the shadows... This is all very confusing.
"With your permission, Sir Wizard..." he says to Chadderlay, loud enough for the guards to hear, "I volunteer to be an intermediary. There is no need for further bloodshed here. I'm sure we can work something out."
Then, holding his empty hands out to the sides, he will slowly approach the Lizardman, and say, "Friend, I mean you no harm. I am Sir Angus Killburney of the Knights of Myth Drannor. It seems you're in a bit of a pickle here. How can we resolve this peacefully? Will you allow me to stabilize these wounded men?"
<I think the PCs in the alley were intent on leaving the alley and I didn't register it, so now in the street, still near the alley, though, just not restricting their movement ad much.>
<I'm pretty sure the shifters passing as human, but @InkedBee can correct me if I'm wrong>
<waiting on Sam>
《FYI, for the players,not the PCs: Sam is evil, that's just how it is. Most people in this city are, too, so, like, don't just assume you should kill him over it or anything. I'm just saying his motives may be different than you'd expect if you assumed to the contrary》
(I agree with our DM regarding the fact that Angus or anyone else might not be able to identify Gravity as a shifter or weretouched until she decides to shift. Perhaps, it has something to do with her kitsune lineage, they're naturally deceptive.)
Gravity has dropped the screwdriver and lifted both of her hands over her head in surrender after sabotaging the items. "I can explain! We're not trying to start a scuffle here although it seems like we're doing the exact thing. People were hallucinating and they mistook my friend as a gigantic dino. See for yourself, he's totally harmless."
Sam looks oddly happy when this red wizards comes around “this would have been peaceful if your lousy guards know different species of huminods, primitive as perusal”
sam will go to the dead guard and looks at him with respect “at least this one has some balls and try to do something” sam will quickly say something in draconic and takes 3 gold out “here” pointing to the nearest guard “give it to his family or loved one”
(Chadderly would be aware: Though paid rather poorly, the City Watch recieve fairly substantial bribes from the undividual Blades controlling the specific areas of the city. Thus area is the jurisdiction if Blade of Justice Moragrin Shadweld, a veteran and thought to be personal advisor to the High Blade (though this is just public speculation and not an official role or public knowledge.)
<Chatterly is effectively controlling the 2 city watch, here. In the emergent situation, he would have the authority to actually order them to do things, but they're also not the best and brightest, generally less fit for service than those in the soldiery and far less than specialized overt and covert forces>
Tetrevess steps from where he was in the alleyway “I can attest that these guards were assaulting this one unprovoked, the citizens here seemed to be scared of him, they must not see his kind often..” (Looking at Chadderly and the knight cautiously, while gripping his staff ready to cast a spell to escape should it be needed) You must be one of the Red Wizards I have heard of. I have traveled from far away, I know nothing of this place and the customs here. “.
(I agree with our DM regarding the fact that Angus or anyone else might not be able to identify Gravity as a shifter or weretouched until she decides to shift. Perhaps, it has something to do with her kitsune lineage, they're naturally deceptive.)
(Sorry, somehow I thought she started as halfling size and then enlarged)
Angus tries to judge the sincerity and honesty of the three strangers who do not appear to be locals. He cautiously examines the dead guards to see if any of them can be revived.
Insight 15
Medicine 11
"Chadderly..." he begins, "I think this has been a tragic misunderstanding. Perhaps you can help these guards, and those still on their way here, to avoid further injury by redirecting them."
Turning to Sam, Gravity and Tetrevess, the paladin will say, "I am a recent arrival as well. This city is not... overly welcoming to outsiders, especially those not of the human race. That is not an excuse, but it is something you should be aware of, if you don't intend to engage in battles on every street corner. Perhaps a little more discretion, and investing in some nice hooded cloaks might make your path easier...
"If I may be so bold, what brings such obviously powerful outsiders as yourselves to Mulmaster? I find myself suddenly alone, and could use some stalwart allies... assuming they don't plan on fighting every guard in the city..."
(Angus still has quite a few reservations about Sam's behavior, but figures it would be easier to keep a close eye on him and prevent further unnecessary violence if they were companions).
<Chadderly has reason to believe that Angus is lying.>
This Mulmaster bit is actually a scripted scenario we are just setting up now. The actual mission is stealing something, so there's literally no way to not actually be criminals within the city except to not do the mission we're setting up. I'm just tipping my hand here becasue it feels like you're all going to great lengths to force an outcome that's probably not going ro happen. Most of you are here illegally and you'll be discovered pretty quickly if you're caught. Negotiations won't work: you've already broken the law. Running makes sense, as does hiding, even bribery might work. Diplomacy really can't do more than buy you some time. Even nobles need a writ to be in the city. There are some gates to enter where you pay a fee and get your writ. If you don't have it, your boned. Forgery could work, but you'd have to know any of this even exists. It's conceivable that Angus would, come to think of it. Chadderly definitely knows this.
Angus, you can heal the guards. Please also roll an Int. (History) check
Turning to Sam, Gravity and Tetrevess, the paladin will say, "I am a recent arrival as well. This city is not... overly welcoming to outsiders, especially those not of the human race. That is not an excuse, but it is something you should be aware of, if you don't intend to engage in battles on every street corner. Perhaps a little more discretion, and investing in some nice hooded cloaks might make your path easier...
"If I may be so bold, what brings such obviously powerful outsiders as yourselves to Mulmaster? I find myself suddenly alone, and could use some stalwart allies... assuming they don't plan on fighting every guard in the city..."
(Angus still has quite a few reservations about Sam's behavior, but figures it would be easier to keep a close eye on him and prevent further unnecessary violence if they were companions).
Sam turns to this human walks to wards him in a somewhat calm fashion his holy symbol hanging out over the armour you see the ruby red eye just a normal the other a spahire blue has somewhat of a small shimmer of light from the inside “the action that I take where to heal, help or spread the world serpent words” looks towards gravity then back to Angus “humanity have been slaves and conquers before my people have been slaves forever first to dragons and now any race that sees fit to challenge” takes a pause for a second seeing the other people around him “what’s your name”
<in point of fact, the oldest and most powerful empire in the entire history of Abier/Toril were Sam's people. They enslaved a lot of races and also sacrificed their own (exclusively at first). Also the reason Thay is replete with a multitude of dragon sculptures to this day, most modern architectural accents. This is canon, and relevant. I'd have to see a specific question do come up with a DC for history on this. It was thousands of years ago, but also a huge empire of immense power - folks might have heard of it, especially Thayans, though concievabky also Tetrevess, given his background, despite being from Oerth. To thus wnd, Im not sure if Sam is lying or just ignorant. >
<in point of fact, the oldest and most powerful empire in the entire history of Abier/Toril were Sam's people. They enslaved a lot of races and also sacrificed their own (exclusively at first). Also the reason Thay is replete with a multitude of dragon sculptures to this day, most modern architectural accents. This is canon, and relevant. I'd have to see a specific question do come up with a DC for history on this. It was thousands of years ago, but also a huge empire of immense power - folks might have heard of it, especially Thayans, though concievabky also Tetrevess, given his background, despite being from Oerth. To thus wnd, Im not sure if Sam is lying or just ignorant. >
Chadderlay sees a chance to probably defuse the situation before tempers rise any further. Turning to the guards, "Is this true? Did you offer offence to this Lizardman without provocation? Take his body to be prepared for burial and see that his family gets the gold." Gesturing toward Angus, "Angus and I deal with these visitors to Mulmaster."
(Once the all the guards are gone) "It is true that the people of Mulmaster do not look kindly upon strangers that visit their city. If you accept the offer of Angus to guide you, may I include myself in the bargain, both to hopefully smooth over any future misunderstandings, and I wish to accompany Angus and learn what else he may know of my Aunt, Morwena Veilmist?"
Chadderlay is not brandishing a weapon or reaching for any spell reagents, just standing and talking, the only movement he makes is to slowly bend down when Mister Fancy, his tuxedo colored cat familiar, trots over to him and "Meows!" so that he can pick him up in his arms and begin petting him. This interaction all occurs while he is trying to negotiate for Angus and himself to accompany the group.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
Gravity frowns at the mention of discriminatory behavior against non-human races since she's gravely concerned about her own security. When the knight in shining armor asks about the intention of their visit, she will try to explain everything from her own perspective.
"Sir knight, we stumbled across this place accidentally since we didn't know about our destination. We are ready to leave it anytime. But, you see that we're in the middle of an argument about something valuable. Do you know of a place where I can learn more about serpents?"
To the male dressed in red cloak (Chadderlay), "You seem like an honorable person, Sir Wizard, also authoritative in position. We'll follow your instructions."
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
(Angus was lying? Not intentionally, maybe I misunderstood something...)
Angus will bend over the downed guards and heal 1hp each to bring them back to consciousness (Lay on hands). Helping them to their feet, he will deliver them to their comrades.
History 22
Answering Sam first, Angus repeats, "I am Sir Angus Killburney, of the Knights of Myth Drannor. I did not fully understand your words but I assure you I respect your ancient people."
Turning to Chadderlay, he says, "Morwena and I have a complicated relationship. Not that long ago we were trying to kill one another, but more recently we have a truce of sorts. If we can keep out of trouble, I believe she will find us soon and explain everything."
To Gravity, he gives an amused look. "You change subjects rapidly, friend, I'm not sure I can keep up. Whether or not you intended to come to Mulmaster, you are in fact here now, so I suggest a little more discretion and diplomacy, or else a quick escape route from here on out."
Ok, my impression was that everyone fell back into the alley, but I'm good with the other way as well. Sorry for the confusion.
Gravity knocks over some carts and the surrounding ding area ca. 15ft radius is now difficult terrain. She is now seen as an accomplis if Sam is charged. (Might be reduced to aiding and abetting.)
Tetrevess as a witness will probably be caught as an illegal alien, and forced into a period of unpaid servitude. This indentured service is legally distinct from slavery. The practice having been outlawed in the city within the last few decades.
<waiting on Sams response. He also has the initiative. Counting Chadderly's action as held action, unkess he wants to retcon some action before the reply comes. >
Can count Chadderlay's last question to the Lizardman as his held action for this round since he just arrived at the scene of the altercation.
Not sure if we're in an alley or not?
The original posts mentioned an alley but now there is a retcon for most having left the alley?
Angus follows the Red Wizard, and tries to take in the situation. Two wounded guards on the ground, a lizardman holding a human head, a shifter who seems to be the reptilian's ally, a human wizard lurking in the shadows... This is all very confusing.
"With your permission, Sir Wizard..." he says to Chadderlay, loud enough for the guards to hear, "I volunteer to be an intermediary. There is no need for further bloodshed here. I'm sure we can work something out."
Then, holding his empty hands out to the sides, he will slowly approach the Lizardman, and say, "Friend, I mean you no harm. I am Sir Angus Killburney of the Knights of Myth Drannor. It seems you're in a bit of a pickle here. How can we resolve this peacefully? Will you allow me to stabilize these wounded men?"
<I think the PCs in the alley were intent on leaving the alley and I didn't register it, so now in the street, still near the alley, though, just not restricting their movement ad much.>
<I'm pretty sure the shifters passing as human, but @InkedBee can correct me if I'm wrong>
<waiting on Sam>
《FYI, for the players,not the PCs: Sam is evil, that's just how it is. Most people in this city are, too, so, like, don't just assume you should kill him over it or anything. I'm just saying his motives may be different than you'd expect if you assumed to the contrary》
(I agree with our DM regarding the fact that Angus or anyone else might not be able to identify Gravity as a shifter or weretouched until she decides to shift. Perhaps, it has something to do with her kitsune lineage, they're naturally deceptive.)
Gravity has dropped the screwdriver and lifted both of her hands over her head in surrender after sabotaging the items. "I can explain! We're not trying to start a scuffle here although it seems like we're doing the exact thing. People were hallucinating and they mistook my friend as a gigantic dino. See for yourself, he's totally harmless."
InkedBee (Undead_Analyst)
Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts - Jenviel Tsumara: Fallen Aasimar- Monk|Crimson Sands of Time - Navarra Iltazyara: Human- Druid/Warlock| Bleak Prospect - Ermasnietsz: Reborn- Clockwork Soul Sorcerer
Sam looks oddly happy when this red wizards comes around “this would have been peaceful if your lousy guards know different species of huminods, primitive as perusal”
sam will go to the dead guard and looks at him with respect “at least this one has some balls and try to do something” sam will quickly say something in draconic and takes 3 gold out “here” pointing to the nearest guard “give it to his family or loved one”
then sam will holster his weapon
Chadderly's response?
(Chadderly would be aware: Though paid rather poorly, the City Watch recieve fairly substantial bribes from the undividual Blades controlling the specific areas of the city. Thus area is the jurisdiction if Blade of Justice Moragrin Shadweld, a veteran and thought to be personal advisor to the High Blade (though this is just public speculation and not an official role or public knowledge.)
<Chatterly is effectively controlling the 2 city watch, here. In the emergent situation, he would have the authority to actually order them to do things, but they're also not the best and brightest, generally less fit for service than those in the soldiery and far less than specialized overt and covert forces>
Tetrevess steps from where he was in the alleyway “I can attest that these guards were assaulting this one unprovoked, the citizens here seemed to be scared of him, they must not see his kind often..” (Looking at Chadderly and the knight cautiously, while gripping his staff ready to cast a spell to escape should it be needed) You must be one of the Red Wizards I have heard of. I have traveled from far away, I know nothing of this place and the customs here. “.
(Sorry, somehow I thought she started as halfling size and then enlarged)
Angus tries to judge the sincerity and honesty of the three strangers who do not appear to be locals. He cautiously examines the dead guards to see if any of them can be revived.
Insight 15
Medicine 11
"Chadderly..." he begins, "I think this has been a tragic misunderstanding. Perhaps you can help these guards, and those still on their way here, to avoid further injury by redirecting them."
Turning to Sam, Gravity and Tetrevess, the paladin will say, "I am a recent arrival as well. This city is not... overly welcoming to outsiders, especially those not of the human race. That is not an excuse, but it is something you should be aware of, if you don't intend to engage in battles on every street corner. Perhaps a little more discretion, and investing in some nice hooded cloaks might make your path easier...
"If I may be so bold, what brings such obviously powerful outsiders as yourselves to Mulmaster? I find myself suddenly alone, and could use some stalwart allies... assuming they don't plan on fighting every guard in the city..."
(Angus still has quite a few reservations about Sam's behavior, but figures it would be easier to keep a close eye on him and prevent further unnecessary violence if they were companions).
<Chadderly has reason to believe that Angus is lying.>
This Mulmaster bit is actually a scripted scenario we are just setting up now. The actual mission is stealing something, so there's literally no way to not actually be criminals within the city except to not do the mission we're setting up. I'm just tipping my hand here becasue it feels like you're all going to great lengths to force an outcome that's probably not going ro happen. Most of you are here illegally and you'll be discovered pretty quickly if you're caught. Negotiations won't work: you've already broken the law. Running makes sense, as does hiding, even bribery might work. Diplomacy really can't do more than buy you some time. Even nobles need a writ to be in the city. There are some gates to enter where you pay a fee and get your writ. If you don't have it, your boned. Forgery could work, but you'd have to know any of this even exists. It's conceivable that Angus would, come to think of it. Chadderly definitely knows this.
Angus, you can heal the guards. Please also roll an Int. (History) check
Sam turns to this human walks to wards him in a somewhat calm fashion his holy symbol hanging out over the armour you see the ruby red eye just a normal the other a spahire blue has somewhat of a small shimmer of light from the inside “the action that I take where to heal, help or spread the world serpent words” looks towards gravity then back to Angus “humanity have been slaves and conquers before my people have been slaves forever first to dragons and now any race that sees fit to challenge” takes a pause for a second seeing the other people around him “what’s your name”
History check on Angus order 21
<in point of fact, the oldest and most powerful empire in the entire history of Abier/Toril were Sam's people. They enslaved a lot of races and also sacrificed their own (exclusively at first). Also the reason Thay is replete with a multitude of dragon sculptures to this day, most modern architectural accents. This is canon, and relevant. I'd have to see a specific question do come up with a DC for history on this. It was thousands of years ago, but also a huge empire of immense power - folks might have heard of it, especially Thayans, though concievabky also Tetrevess, given his background, despite being from Oerth. To thus wnd, Im not sure if Sam is lying or just ignorant. >
Sam has heard of the knights of Myth Drannor. He knows they're a good-aligned knightly order from somewhere up North (relative to his home in Chult).
Chadderlay sees a chance to probably defuse the situation before tempers rise any further. Turning to the guards, "Is this true? Did you offer offence to this Lizardman without provocation? Take his body to be prepared for burial and see that his family gets the gold." Gesturing toward Angus, "Angus and I deal with these visitors to Mulmaster."
(Once the all the guards are gone)
"It is true that the people of Mulmaster do not look kindly upon strangers that visit their city. If you accept the offer of Angus to guide you, may I include myself in the bargain, both to hopefully smooth over any future misunderstandings, and I wish to accompany Angus and learn what else he may know of my Aunt, Morwena Veilmist?"
Chadderlay is not brandishing a weapon or reaching for any spell reagents, just standing and talking, the only movement he makes is to slowly bend down when Mister Fancy, his tuxedo colored cat familiar, trots over to him and "Meows!" so that he can pick him up in his arms and begin petting him. This interaction all occurs while he is trying to negotiate for Angus and himself to accompany the group.
Cryptic Gravity
Gravity frowns at the mention of discriminatory behavior against non-human races since she's gravely concerned about her own security. When the knight in shining armor asks about the intention of their visit, she will try to explain everything from her own perspective.
"Sir knight, we stumbled across this place accidentally since we didn't know about our destination. We are ready to leave it anytime. But, you see that we're in the middle of an argument about something valuable. Do you know of a place where I can learn more about serpents?"
To the male dressed in red cloak (Chadderlay), "You seem like an honorable person, Sir Wizard, also authoritative in position. We'll follow your instructions."
InkedBee (Undead_Analyst)
Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts - Jenviel Tsumara: Fallen Aasimar- Monk|Crimson Sands of Time - Navarra Iltazyara: Human- Druid/Warlock| Bleak Prospect - Ermasnietsz: Reborn- Clockwork Soul Sorcerer
(Angus was lying? Not intentionally, maybe I misunderstood something...)
Angus will bend over the downed guards and heal 1hp each to bring them back to consciousness (Lay on hands). Helping them to their feet, he will deliver them to their comrades.
History 22
Answering Sam first, Angus repeats, "I am Sir Angus Killburney, of the Knights of Myth Drannor. I did not fully understand your words but I assure you I respect your ancient people."
Turning to Chadderlay, he says, "Morwena and I have a complicated relationship. Not that long ago we were trying to kill one another, but more recently we have a truce of sorts. If we can keep out of trouble, I believe she will find us soon and explain everything."
To Gravity, he gives an amused look. "You change subjects rapidly, friend, I'm not sure I can keep up. Whether or not you intended to come to Mulmaster, you are in fact here now, so I suggest a little more discretion and diplomacy, or else a quick escape route from here on out."
Gravity mutters something to Angus that sounds a lot like the group of words 'silly royal pet'.
InkedBee (Undead_Analyst)
Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts - Jenviel Tsumara: Fallen Aasimar- Monk|Crimson Sands of Time - Navarra Iltazyara: Human- Druid/Warlock| Bleak Prospect - Ermasnietsz: Reborn- Clockwork Soul Sorcerer