As powerful an artifact ad it was, Morwena believes that its source is the ultimate source of magical creation and thinks she knows how to find it. Her stated goal is to overthrow Szazz Tam, archlich ruler of Thay, the state to which she was born but now rebels against along with other red wizards beyond Thays borders, led by D'arlon Ma, another Enchanrment wizard like Morwena, who fagions himself the Zulkir of the school, though officially the position has been left intentionally vacant as it has been declared cursed, following two prior failed coups by past zulkirs of Enchantment. The rebellion is based in Mulmaster.
Having just barely survived, rough not unscathed, the assassin by the elemental forces brought to bear by the princes of thr apocalypse, Mulmaster is occupied by agents of Thay loyal to Szazz Tam. The Thayan Embassy is now the true seat of power in the city. Located in an old monastery near the Tower of Blades (the official and formerly only seat of government in tje town), in the northeast part of thr city, the embassy is well guarded and most would not venture near the compound, as the security provided by the Thayan police state has been both welcome and feared. OverLl, the people appreciate the stability the Thayans have brought. Some opportunists within the city seek to curry favor with the red wizards, others distrust them as harbingers of arcane magic. Most simply accept them as a force of nature. There is no open rebellion among the people of Mulmaster, yet within the city dwells an insurgent group of Zulkirs, most self appointed, but at least one an official zulkir of Thay.
Factions within the city include the Zentarim, who have long traded with the red wizards theough the city of Mulmaster, the Harper's, who work in secret to thwart the plans of the red wizards, the lords alliance. This is a fleshed out city, filled with temples and trade. It's a filthy place, where commerce ruled before the city was bearly destroyed and the fifth and grit thst accompany it made the place rather unpleasant even in its heyday. Now with planar rifts occupying vast stretches of the northern part of the city, citizens who remain have to fight just to survive.
Angus sees through the portal thst Morwena has entered a dark cellar. He doesn't know it yet, but the portal leads to a vault 20ft below Mulmaster's bustling commerce district, specifically below the scribes shops of a multiuser multistort building. Within the subterranean vault are several stars leafing to the individual shops on the streets above, and below a well has been converted to a stair-lined passage.
samogri would stand 6,5 if his adventure hadn’t had changed him, now standing at 7,5 black and red naturally scales. Wearing black scales from a black dragon witch is adorned claws from beast long dead in Thay with a nice looking semitar on the back, red reptilian eyes.
Tetrevess steps through the glowing portal. He is a young man, brown unkempt hair, Full brown beard, and robed in an ancient style of grey scholar’s robes, with a intricately carved black wooden staff and a brown leather backpack. His sharp-featured face has a look of intense curiosity. “Hello. I am Tetrevess Tomescribe, Student of the Arcane.”
Gravity is still dressed in the costume of a weapon-smith with leather armor doused in metallic gleam, polaroid protective glasses and a pair of simple gloves. A close inspection will reveal that she has achieved a healthy tan from her training and her neon-orange hair has turned matte orange with brown highlights. She keeps adjusting her irregularly cropped strings of matte-orange hair while trying to figure out the whereabouts of the party.
When she hears the familiar voices of her companions, a broad smile replaces the disapproving scowl. She seems younger than her actual age while a boyish grin adorns her sculpted features. "At this point, anywhere is fine as long as it offers decent employment opportunities."
“I don’t know where, or when, we are. But where ever one finds oneself there is always opportunity..”. Tetrevess replies to his companions.
“To right the when I was unconscious in that god forsaken Tome the world serpent showed me two visions one of a mighty weapon that I am to find and wield and the other was of this place” sam will use primeval awareness to sense what creatures are near by
Angus sees through the portal thst Morwena has entered a dark cellar. He doesn't know it yet, but the portal leads to a vault 20ft below Mulmaster's bustling commerce district, specifically below the scribes shops of a multiuser multistort building. Within the subterranean vault are several stars leafing to the individual shops on the streets above, and below a well has been converted to a stair-lined passage.
Angus Killburney, human Knight of Myth Drannor, follows the enchantress through the portal. By no means does he trust her, but theirs is an alliance of necessity, however temporary it may be. He is dressed in heavy armor, with a tabard emblazoned with the sigil of his order thrown across his shoulders. He carries a longsword in one hand, and a shield in the other.
Just letting yiu know I'm still here. I think things at work are calming down and I hope I'll have time today to post useful things.
ICYMI: Mulmaster has many restrictions on magic. Most people outside the Cloaks are forbidden from casting, but enforcement is not absolute. Red Wizards have diplomatic immunity and can cast as they please. First thing I'll post is a map of Mulmaster as it is post Princes of Apocalypse. We'll figure out where everyone is from there.
"Go ahead, Sam. Tell us about the mighty weapon and the premonition of the serpent. I'm all ears". Gravity will try to find a chair to sit on and if she finds nothing, she will mutter something unintelligible while using a screwdriver to tuck her hair into a messy bun. Immediately, she starts losing several pounds of weight and a significant amount of her height as if she's been going through a phase of regression. Finally, she's reduced to the size of an halfling and lifts herself on the back of her steel defender with a plop. (Enlarge/Reduce)
(I'd vote for the place 'Traveler's Cloak Inn' (Area 9) since it's situated at the centre of the area.)
"Go ahead, Sam. Tell us about the mighty weapon and the premonition of the serpent. I'm all ears". Gravity will try to find a chair to sit on and if she finds nothing, she will mutter something unintelligible while using a screwdriver to tuck her hair into a messy bun. Immediately, she starts losing several pounds of weight and a significant amount of her height as if she's been going through a phase of regression. Finally, she's reduced to the size of an halfling and lifts herself on the back of her steel defender with a plop. (Enlarge/Reduce)
(I'd vote for the place 'Traveler's Cloak Inn' (Area 9) since it's situated at the centre of the area.)
“It’s a relic of my people long ago in the days of thunder when my people were conqueror not slaves but now it’s not the time come let’s find an inn”
(Gravity can let Sam know her intentions if so desired. I actually dont, so It doesnt make sense for me to do so, and she sets her iwn DC.)
Emerging from the portal the trio of Sam, Gravity and Tetrevess find themselves in an alley in the norther part of the city. The portal I'd an unassuming section of wall. The alley is lined with busted and rotting wooden crates and barrels, probably damaged in transit, likely set aside for collection and eventual burning after being processed, stripped of any useful bits, like the barrels' bands. Beyond the alley, the group can see people passing by on the busy streets. The chill air agrees with the fashion of most that pass; warn fur lined coats and gloves for most. Some wear red robes, recognizable to Sam (probably) as the attire of the Red Wizards of Thay.
(Sam could conceivably guess they're in Mulmaster. Sam: Can I have a Intelligence (history or investigation - whichever is higher) check, please?)
Gravity seems too much eager about the details of the weapon. Perhaps, the eagerness stems from the fact that Sam is talking about a relic which can be a weapon of some sort too, capable of causing mass terror and precious if sold. Sam might not be able to contemplate the meaning of such obsession, but Tetrevess as a research partner, certainly can discern its origin.
(Gravity can let Sam know her intentions if so desired. I actually dont, so It doesnt make sense for me to do so, and she sets her iwn DC.)
Emerging from the portal the trio of Sam, Gravity and Tetrevess find themselves in an alley in the norther part of the city. The portal I'd an unassuming section of wall. The alley is lined with busted and rotting wooden crates and barrels, probably damaged in transit, likely set aside for collection and eventual burning after being processed, stripped of any useful bits, like the barrels' bands. Beyond the alley, the group can see people passing by on the busy streets. The chill air agrees with the fashion of most that pass; warn fur lined coats and gloves for most. Some wear red robes, recognizable to Sam (probably) as the attire of the Red Wizards of Thay.
(Sam could conceivably guess they're in Mulmaster. Sam: Can I have a Intelligence (history or investigation - whichever is higher) check, please?)
Morwena ushers Angus to one particular staircase among the several in the spacious basement. The wall which had allowed them entry appears now as an ordinary wall of stone block.
"Back at the wizard barrow, on the moor, we listened to you and your companions as you approached. We fled just as you were dallying with the elementals Tyreus had summoned, but I know this: you have a tie to the weave hidden beneath the layers of pious armor you revel in showing the world. Keep that close to your chest. This is Mulmaster, City of Danger. Other than the Red Wizards, who now protect this city ad it rebuilds, arcane mages must reveal themselves to the Cloaks and either swear an oath to refrain from magic use in the city and the Zhent district, or join the Cloaks and use their magic for them. The Cloaks have eyes and ears everywhere. There are few places in the city safe enough to speak so freely as this, but we know of a few. We are in the vicinity of the Thayvian Embassy and the Tower of Blades, so you should expect to be watched closely as soon as we are upon the street. I will fi d you tomorrow. I won't tell you how to spend yiur night, but I will tell you there are many faces in the city. Be wary if any too friendly."
With that she alights the stair and emerges, Angus in tow, into the shop of a Taylor. She pulls a ticket from her robe and hands it to the man who has risen from his sewing table to trade with her. After inspecting the ticket, he hands the wizard a black garment bag and thanks her for her patronage. She leaves by the front door. The shopkeeper looks to Angus, "How may I help you, Sir?" He asks.
The shop is filled with a variety of cold weather clothing. Hats, gloves and an unusual looking coat, modeled on dressing dummies in a variety of styles.
(This should be in a occ chat but can I get a RIP for lizardfolk losing their cunning artision ability on the new book and not getting natural darkvision)
“Do you know this place Sam?” Tetrevess looks around.
“Yes from what i hear from ports” then realising about the rules the turns to his companions “under no circumstances use any magic in any way, their are people here called the red wizards we don’t want them to know about it” looking at tres directly “they are like rats they have people everywhere”
(Do we see anyone else in are party here)
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As powerful an artifact ad it was, Morwena believes that its source is the ultimate source of magical creation and thinks she knows how to find it. Her stated goal is to overthrow Szazz Tam, archlich ruler of Thay, the state to which she was born but now rebels against along with other red wizards beyond Thays borders, led by D'arlon Ma, another Enchanrment wizard like Morwena, who fagions himself the Zulkir of the school, though officially the position has been left intentionally vacant as it has been declared cursed, following two prior failed coups by past zulkirs of Enchantment. The rebellion is based in Mulmaster.
Having just barely survived, rough not unscathed, the assassin by the elemental forces brought to bear by the princes of thr apocalypse, Mulmaster is occupied by agents of Thay loyal to Szazz Tam. The Thayan Embassy is now the true seat of power in the city. Located in an old monastery near the Tower of Blades (the official and formerly only seat of government in tje town), in the northeast part of thr city, the embassy is well guarded and most would not venture near the compound, as the security provided by the Thayan police state has been both welcome and feared. OverLl, the people appreciate the stability the Thayans have brought. Some opportunists within the city seek to curry favor with the red wizards, others distrust them as harbingers of arcane magic. Most simply accept them as a force of nature. There is no open rebellion among the people of Mulmaster, yet within the city dwells an insurgent group of Zulkirs, most self appointed, but at least one an official zulkir of Thay.
Factions within the city include the Zentarim, who have long traded with the red wizards theough the city of Mulmaster, the Harper's, who work in secret to thwart the plans of the red wizards, the lords alliance. This is a fleshed out city, filled with temples and trade. It's a filthy place, where commerce ruled before the city was bearly destroyed and the fifth and grit thst accompany it made the place rather unpleasant even in its heyday. Now with planar rifts occupying vast stretches of the northern part of the city, citizens who remain have to fight just to survive.
Angus sees through the portal thst Morwena has entered a dark cellar. He doesn't know it yet, but the portal leads to a vault 20ft below Mulmaster's bustling commerce district, specifically below the scribes shops of a multiuser multistort building. Within the subterranean vault are several stars leafing to the individual shops on the streets above, and below a well has been converted to a stair-lined passage.
(I’m guessing we’re all somewhat near each other)
samogri would stand 6,5 if his adventure hadn’t had changed him, now standing at 7,5 black and red naturally scales. Wearing black scales from a black dragon witch is adorned claws from beast long dead in Thay with a nice looking semitar on the back, red reptilian eyes.
“T where are we know”
Tetrevess steps through the glowing portal. He is a young man, brown unkempt hair, Full brown beard, and robed in an ancient style of grey scholar’s robes, with a intricately carved black wooden staff and a brown leather backpack. His sharp-featured face has a look of intense curiosity. “Hello. I am Tetrevess Tomescribe, Student of the Arcane.”
Cryptic Gravity
Urban Bounty Hunter/Con Artist: Artificer (Battle-smith) and Fighter (Battle Master)- A true anarchist.
Gravity is still dressed in the costume of a weapon-smith with leather armor doused in metallic gleam, polaroid protective glasses and a pair of simple gloves. A close inspection will reveal that she has achieved a healthy tan from her training and her neon-orange hair has turned matte orange with brown highlights. She keeps adjusting her irregularly cropped strings of matte-orange hair while trying to figure out the whereabouts of the party.
When she hears the familiar voices of her companions, a broad smile replaces the disapproving scowl. She seems younger than her actual age while a boyish grin adorns her sculpted features. "At this point, anywhere is fine as long as it offers decent employment opportunities."
InkedBee (Undead_Analyst)
Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts - Jenviel Tsumara: Fallen Aasimar- Monk|Crimson Sands of Time - Navarra Iltazyara: Human- Druid/Warlock| Bleak Prospect - Ermasnietsz: Reborn- Clockwork Soul Sorcerer
“I don’t know where, or when, we are. But where ever one finds oneself there is always opportunity..”. Tetrevess replies to his companions.
“To right the when I was unconscious in that god forsaken Tome the world serpent showed me two visions one of a mighty weapon that I am to find and wield and the other was of this place” sam will use primeval awareness to sense what creatures are near by
Angus Killburney, human Knight of Myth Drannor, follows the enchantress through the portal. By no means does he trust her, but theirs is an alliance of necessity, however temporary it may be. He is dressed in heavy armor, with a tabard emblazoned with the sigil of his order thrown across his shoulders. He carries a longsword in one hand, and a shield in the other.
<Placeholder >
Just letting yiu know I'm still here. I think things at work are calming down and I hope I'll have time today to post useful things.
ICYMI: Mulmaster has many restrictions on magic. Most people outside the Cloaks are forbidden from casting, but enforcement is not absolute. Red Wizards have diplomatic immunity and can cast as they please. First thing I'll post is a map of Mulmaster as it is post Princes of Apocalypse. We'll figure out where everyone is from there.
Note to self. P37
Map of Mulmaster (hopefully big enough to actually see)
Cryptic Gravity
"Go ahead, Sam. Tell us about the mighty weapon and the premonition of the serpent. I'm all ears". Gravity will try to find a chair to sit on and if she finds nothing, she will mutter something unintelligible while using a screwdriver to tuck her hair into a messy bun. Immediately, she starts losing several pounds of weight and a significant amount of her height as if she's been going through a phase of regression. Finally, she's reduced to the size of an halfling and lifts herself on the back of her steel defender with a plop. (Enlarge/Reduce)
(I'd vote for the place 'Traveler's Cloak Inn' (Area 9) since it's situated at the centre of the area.)
InkedBee (Undead_Analyst)
Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts - Jenviel Tsumara: Fallen Aasimar- Monk|Crimson Sands of Time - Navarra Iltazyara: Human- Druid/Warlock| Bleak Prospect - Ermasnietsz: Reborn- Clockwork Soul Sorcerer
“It’s a relic of my people long ago in the days of thunder when my people were conqueror not slaves but now it’s not the time come let’s find an inn”
insight check on gravity 21
(Gravity can let Sam know her intentions if so desired. I actually dont, so It doesnt make sense for me to do so, and she sets her iwn DC.)
Emerging from the portal the trio of Sam, Gravity and Tetrevess find themselves in an alley in the norther part of the city. The portal I'd an unassuming section of wall. The alley is lined with busted and rotting wooden crates and barrels, probably damaged in transit, likely set aside for collection and eventual burning after being processed, stripped of any useful bits, like the barrels' bands. Beyond the alley, the group can see people passing by on the busy streets. The chill air agrees with the fashion of most that pass; warn fur lined coats and gloves for most. Some wear red robes, recognizable to Sam (probably) as the attire of the Red Wizards of Thay.
(Sam could conceivably guess they're in Mulmaster. Sam: Can I have a Intelligence (history or investigation - whichever is higher) check, please?)
Cryptic Gravity
Gravity seems too much eager about the details of the weapon. Perhaps, the eagerness stems from the fact that Sam is talking about a relic which can be a weapon of some sort too, capable of causing mass terror and precious if sold. Sam might not be able to contemplate the meaning of such obsession, but Tetrevess as a research partner, certainly can discern its origin.
InkedBee (Undead_Analyst)
Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts - Jenviel Tsumara: Fallen Aasimar- Monk|Crimson Sands of Time - Navarra Iltazyara: Human- Druid/Warlock| Bleak Prospect - Ermasnietsz: Reborn- Clockwork Soul Sorcerer
Investigation 18
Morwena ushers Angus to one particular staircase among the several in the spacious basement. The wall which had allowed them entry appears now as an ordinary wall of stone block.
"Back at the wizard barrow, on the moor, we listened to you and your companions as you approached. We fled just as you were dallying with the elementals Tyreus had summoned, but I know this: you have a tie to the weave hidden beneath the layers of pious armor you revel in showing the world. Keep that close to your chest. This is Mulmaster, City of Danger. Other than the Red Wizards, who now protect this city ad it rebuilds, arcane mages must reveal themselves to the Cloaks and either swear an oath to refrain from magic use in the city and the Zhent district, or join the Cloaks and use their magic for them. The Cloaks have eyes and ears everywhere. There are few places in the city safe enough to speak so freely as this, but we know of a few. We are in the vicinity of the Thayvian Embassy and the Tower of Blades, so you should expect to be watched closely as soon as we are upon the street. I will fi d you tomorrow. I won't tell you how to spend yiur night, but I will tell you there are many faces in the city. Be wary if any too friendly."
With that she alights the stair and emerges, Angus in tow, into the shop of a Taylor. She pulls a ticket from her robe and hands it to the man who has risen from his sewing table to trade with her. After inspecting the ticket, he hands the wizard a black garment bag and thanks her for her patronage. She leaves by the front door. The shopkeeper looks to Angus, "How may I help you, Sir?" He asks.
The shop is filled with a variety of cold weather clothing. Hats, gloves and an unusual looking coat, modeled on dressing dummies in a variety of styles.
“Do you know this place Sam?” Tetrevess looks around.
(This should be in a occ chat but can I get a RIP for lizardfolk losing their cunning artision ability on the new book and not getting natural darkvision)
“Yes from what i hear from ports” then realising about the rules the turns to his companions “under no circumstances use any magic in any way, their are people here called the red wizards we don’t want them to know about it” looking at tres directly “they are like rats they have people everywhere”
(Do we see anyone else in are party here)