This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Cryptic Gravity
"Sam, you're such a bad influence. At first, you blindly trust the charming old bard and step through the portal. Then, you got us into trouble. And now you show them that thing?" Gravity yells at the lizardfolk companion accusingly, and prepares to flee from the crime scene.
"Once we find the relic of your people and I claim it for myself, we're parting our ways."
Mr Fancy fearlessly weaves through the crowd with the nimble grace of, well, a cat. Arriving on the scene, he sees the standoff with the guards.
<for those with initiatives above those of the guards, feel free to post actions. For charity's sake: only Sam, Tetrevess and Gravitt are beholden to initiative at this time. Others may act as rhey please, but if they personally arrive at the scene (currently the alley) Should roll initiative at that time.>
Angus is following the guards, mostly out of curiosity and boredom, when he notices a flash of red in the corner of his vision. Turning, he immediately recognizes the newcomer as one of the Red Wizards of Thay. Unpleasant memories flash through his mind, and he unconsciously rests his hand on the pommel of his longsword.
Through a forced smile, he approaches the wizard and says, "I am Angus. Are you an associate of Morwena?"
"Sam, you're such a bad influence. At first, you blindly trust the charming old bard and step through the portal. Then, you got us into trouble. And now you show them that thing?" Gravity yells at the lizardfolk companion accusingly, and prepares to flee from the crime scene.
"Once we find the relic of your people and I claim it for myself, we're parting our ways."
Initiative: 18
Sam snarls “what did you say half bread” somewhat with that comment has really not only annoyed sam but also has now just received the full attention of him looks at the guards “I will flay you alive and make you an example” dropping the head and pulling out his blade
“I will deal with you later” turns back to the guard “but you now your becoming a pest”
Seeing the very important person turn and approach him Chadderlay draws himself up and tries to look as respectable as possible. The last thing he expected was that this person would give him the time of day. He half thought he might be leading the guards to whatever was happening in the alleyway. Upon hearing him announce his name as Angus and inquire about his Aunt Morwena the only conclusion Chadderlay could conceive of on such short notice was that his Aunt had sent this person to find him. Maybe she was in more trouble than he had originally thought and needed his help.
"Yes I'm Chadderlay. Chatterlay Wittmoore! Morwena is my Aunt. Is she in trouble? That is Morwena Veilmist you're talking about, correct? Can you take me to her?"
Just as Chadderlay begins conversing with Angus about his Aunt Morwena he gets the lowdown from Mister Fancy, his tuxedo cat familiar, about what is happening with the confrontation in the alleyway.
"There is a skirmish developing in the alleyway over yonder. It appears to be between some guards and a lizardfolk and his companions. It might be worth our attention to intervene in some manner before it escalates into an untenable situation."
Chadderlay will gesture toward the alleyway inviting Angus to join him in investigating the matter further.
"Shall we?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
Sam hits the first city watch twice, but the armed orderly dodges the third attack, but falls to the reptilian creature's final strike. Two watchmen remain, with reinforcements probably on the way.
<Tetrevess (maybe, pending initiative?) and Gravity [18] are up; city watch [8,7]>
“You can’t fight the whole city! Guards- back down before he kills you. Surely we can resolve this peacefully!” Tetrevess yells from the alleyway. He doesn’t move to intervene or cast anything, just watches.
"Her... nephew?"Angus says, puzzled. "I guess I never really thought about Morwena having family... She doesn't really seem the 'auntie' type..."
He is about to ask more, when the wizard Chadderlay relates that a altercation is happening in the alleyway, and he thinks this is probably where all the guards were running to.
"Keep your eyes open, young man," he says. "This city is full of dangers." He then enters the alley to see what all the fuss is about.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Chadderlay blinks once in surprise as he thinks over what Angus says to him about Morwena. Ever since he was little he always thought of Aunt Morwena as his aunt and couldn't imagine it any other way. The only way she wouldn't be an aunt is if he didn't exist or was dead. He quickly banishes the unappealing thought from his head as Angus issues his warning about Mulmaster being full of dangers before dashing down the alleyway. Chadderlay follows on his heels, wanting to stay close to this friend of his Aunt's, at least for the time being.
"Halt! By the authority of the Red Wizards of Thay I command you all to lower your weapons! Explain yourselves, what transpires here?"
Chadderlay hopes to defuse the fighting by getting everyone engaged in talking instead.
Persuasion: 16
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
Gravity grabs the handle of one of the carts loaded with shields, armor and weapons in order to push it towards the middle of the way. Then she will kick it forcefully so that the items drop on the ground to create a barricade. Her intention is to transform the ground into difficult terrain.
Gravity grabs the handle of one of the carts loaded with shields, armor and weapons in order to push it towards the middle of the way. Then she will kick it forcefully so that the items drop on the ground to create a barricade. Her intention is to transform the ground into difficult terrain.
@Sam: Attack of opportunity against who? How? Given that the guards are at this point blocking rhe alley, I'd say one of them gets one on Gravity, if she can get past them. Normally that wouldn't be possible, but with a Dex check she could conceivably do so, possibly with advantage she does something to gain it, but I'll let @InkedBee describe that if she wants. DC 12 . Alternatively, she could pass if she successfully shoves a guard.
<My fault for not battle mapping this, just didn't think it necessary. Sam has already downed half of these guys.>
<@everyone: this is the first I'm hearing g about Aunt Morwena. I like it. It doesnt even suggest anything about their relative ages, as her sibling could be substantially older, possibly even making Chadderly her elder nephew. Sounds like he sees himself a bit younger. I have no particular age in mind for Morwena, so I'll leave it the players to decide>
@Brian: see PM for what you think you know about Angus.
"Sir, there's a muckle lizard man holding a human head. Help us out! Were already down two men." The guard calls to red wizards, expecting his aid since the protection from the horrors of the elemental rifts left in the wake of the city's near destruction is the actual purpose of them being allowed within the city as open practitioners of magic.
(The Mulman really don't like it, but they tolerate it. Though they do have a history as traders within the city, ad do the Zentarim, who are relegated to a ghetto, technically beyond the city, but still holding some of its laws, such ad the ban on arcane magic.)
[I'm not really expecting pvp here, but it literally wouldn't be out of character. I'm not banning it, but if it's more than an open hand slap or shove, I want consent feom players first. Honestly it's just not very conducive given the games mechanics. But it looks like wotc is working on a thing, so maybe? Seems more like a skirmish thing for large battles, actually)
(@Wile_E_Coyote, Gravity doesn't want to shove the guards. She wants to push the cart and spill it's contents.)
Yes, but the carts are in the street, and Gravity is in the alley with the portal (it's one way, btw). To get to the street, she's have to get pat the guards, hence the shoving, unless you passed a guard coming from one direction or the other in an earlier post and I missed it. If so, clarify what you looked like at the time and if you reduced Sam after that.
(Gravity left the alley and has been accompanying Sam with the steel defender, she cast spell on him to reduce his size and now fighting alongside him.)
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Upon arriving in the alleyway Chadderlay will stop by the guards at the entrance to the alley.
Chadderlay's Initiative: 22
Mister Fancy's Initiative: 7
"You there, Lizardman! What's your name? And why do you have a human head?"
Chadderlay is not sure what is happening here in this alleyway but, both wants more information on just what exactly is going on, and hopefully to avoid any altercation from blossoming into a situation of greater violence. He's not sure if his Aunt Morwena is mixed up in this somehow and doesn't want to make it worse if she is.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Mechsnics: the guards are hiding action until Chsdderly says or does something. . Angus is some distance away yet. Far enough to avoid being involved, but close enough to act if he chooses.
Edit. Posted simultaneously with his initiative roll. Outcome is acceptable. 22.
The city watch will do as the Red Wizard does, assuming he came to help when called. If their presumed backup doesn't back them up, they'll run. They're not very well trained. More guards heard the whistle, they'll show up in 3 rounds
<Chatterly might suggest one of the guards run to any if the oathsworn on the street, mages who provide services such as healing and mending 3 days in 10 in exchange for being permitted within the city, given they have sworn to perform no arcane magic, though able to do so. This being for the 2 down city watch>
Cryptic Gravity
"Sam, you're such a bad influence. At first, you blindly trust the charming old bard and step through the portal. Then, you got us into trouble. And now you show them that thing?" Gravity yells at the lizardfolk companion accusingly, and prepares to flee from the crime scene.
"Once we find the relic of your people and I claim it for myself, we're parting our ways."
Initiative: 18
InkedBee (Undead_Analyst)
Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts - Jenviel Tsumara: Fallen Aasimar- Monk|Crimson Sands of Time - Navarra Iltazyara: Human- Druid/Warlock| Bleak Prospect - Ermasnietsz: Reborn- Clockwork Soul Sorcerer
Mr Fancy fearlessly weaves through the crowd with the nimble grace of, well, a cat. Arriving on the scene, he sees the standoff with the guards.
<for those with initiatives above those of the guards, feel free to post actions. For charity's sake: only Sam, Tetrevess and Gravitt are beholden to initiative at this time. Others may act as rhey please, but if they personally arrive at the scene (currently the alley) Should roll initiative at that time.>
Angus is following the guards, mostly out of curiosity and boredom, when he notices a flash of red in the corner of his vision. Turning, he immediately recognizes the newcomer as one of the Red Wizards of Thay. Unpleasant memories flash through his mind, and he unconsciously rests his hand on the pommel of his longsword.
Through a forced smile, he approaches the wizard and says, "I am Angus. Are you an associate of Morwena?"
Sam snarls “what did you say half bread” somewhat with that comment has really not only annoyed sam but also has now just received the full attention of him looks at the guards “I will flay you alive and make you an example” dropping the head and pulling out his blade
“I will deal with you later” turns back to the guard “but you now your becoming a pest”
dread attack
bouns action war priest
damge will be on separate post
Normal attacks damge
dread damage
5 6
war damage
Seeing the very important person turn and approach him Chadderlay draws himself up and tries to look as respectable as possible. The last thing he expected was that this person would give him the time of day. He half thought he might be leading the guards to whatever was happening in the alleyway. Upon hearing him announce his name as Angus and inquire about his Aunt Morwena the only conclusion Chadderlay could conceive of on such short notice was that his Aunt had sent this person to find him. Maybe she was in more trouble than he had originally thought and needed his help.
"Yes I'm Chadderlay. Chatterlay Wittmoore! Morwena is my Aunt. Is she in trouble? That is Morwena Veilmist you're talking about, correct? Can you take me to her?"
Just as Chadderlay begins conversing with Angus about his Aunt Morwena he gets the lowdown from Mister Fancy, his tuxedo cat familiar, about what is happening with the confrontation in the alleyway.
"There is a skirmish developing in the alleyway over yonder. It appears to be between some guards and a lizardfolk and his companions. It might be worth our attention to intervene in some manner before it escalates into an untenable situation."
Chadderlay will gesture toward the alleyway inviting Angus to join him in investigating the matter further.
"Shall we?"
Sam hits the first city watch twice, but the armed orderly dodges the third attack, but falls to the reptilian creature's final strike. Two watchmen remain, with reinforcements probably on the way.
<Tetrevess (maybe, pending initiative?) and Gravity [18] are up; city watch [8,7]>
“You can’t fight the whole city! Guards- back down before he kills you. Surely we can resolve this peacefully!” Tetrevess yells from the alleyway. He doesn’t move to intervene or cast anything, just watches.
"Her... nephew?" Angus says, puzzled. "I guess I never really thought about Morwena having family... She doesn't really seem the 'auntie' type..."
He is about to ask more, when the wizard Chadderlay relates that a altercation is happening in the alleyway, and he thinks this is probably where all the guards were running to.
"Keep your eyes open, young man," he says. "This city is full of dangers." He then enters the alley to see what all the fuss is about.
Chadderlay blinks once in surprise as he thinks over what Angus says to him about Morwena. Ever since he was little he always thought of Aunt Morwena as his aunt and couldn't imagine it any other way. The only way she wouldn't be an aunt is if he didn't exist or was dead. He quickly banishes the unappealing thought from his head as Angus issues his warning about Mulmaster being full of dangers before dashing down the alleyway. Chadderlay follows on his heels, wanting to stay close to this friend of his Aunt's, at least for the time being.
"Halt! By the authority of the Red Wizards of Thay I command you all to lower your weapons! Explain yourselves, what transpires here?"
Chadderlay hopes to defuse the fighting by getting everyone engaged in talking instead.
Persuasion: 16
Cryptic Gravity
Gravity grabs the handle of one of the carts loaded with shields, armor and weapons in order to push it towards the middle of the way. Then she will kick it forcefully so that the items drop on the ground to create a barricade. Her intention is to transform the ground into difficult terrain.
Bonus Action:
Order the defender: "Socket, follow me and don't try to absorb damage! Dodge, you daft lizard."
Steel Defender: Action [Dodge]
InkedBee (Undead_Analyst)
Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts - Jenviel Tsumara: Fallen Aasimar- Monk|Crimson Sands of Time - Navarra Iltazyara: Human- Druid/Warlock| Bleak Prospect - Ermasnietsz: Reborn- Clockwork Soul Sorcerer
Do I get an AOP?
@Sam: Attack of opportunity against who? How? Given that the guards are at this point blocking rhe alley, I'd say one of them gets one on Gravity, if she can get past them. Normally that wouldn't be possible, but with a Dex check she could conceivably do so, possibly with advantage she does something to gain it, but I'll let @InkedBee describe that if she wants. DC 12 . Alternatively, she could pass if she successfully shoves a guard.
<My fault for not battle mapping this, just didn't think it necessary. Sam has already downed half of these guys.>
<@everyone: this is the first I'm hearing g about Aunt Morwena. I like it. It doesnt even suggest anything about their relative ages, as her sibling could be substantially older, possibly even making Chadderly her elder nephew. Sounds like he sees himself a bit younger. I have no particular age in mind for Morwena, so I'll leave it the players to decide>
@Brian: see PM for what you think you know about Angus.
(@Wile_E_Coyote, Gravity doesn't want to shove the guards. She wants to push the cart and spill it's contents.)
InkedBee (Undead_Analyst)
Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts - Jenviel Tsumara: Fallen Aasimar- Monk|Crimson Sands of Time - Navarra Iltazyara: Human- Druid/Warlock| Bleak Prospect - Ermasnietsz: Reborn- Clockwork Soul Sorcerer
"Sir, there's a muckle lizard man holding a human head. Help us out! Were already down two men." The guard calls to red wizards, expecting his aid since the protection from the horrors of the elemental rifts left in the wake of the city's near destruction is the actual purpose of them being allowed within the city as open practitioners of magic.
(The Mulman really don't like it, but they tolerate it. Though they do have a history as traders within the city, ad do the Zentarim, who are relegated to a ghetto, technically beyond the city, but still holding some of its laws, such ad the ban on arcane magic.)
[I'm not really expecting pvp here, but it literally wouldn't be out of character. I'm not banning it, but if it's more than an open hand slap or shove, I want consent feom players first. Honestly it's just not very conducive given the games mechanics. But it looks like wotc is working on a thing, so maybe? Seems more like a skirmish thing for large battles, actually)
Yes, but the carts are in the street, and Gravity is in the alley with the portal (it's one way, btw). To get to the street, she's have to get pat the guards, hence the shoving, unless you passed a guard coming from one direction or the other in an earlier post and I missed it. If so, clarify what you looked like at the time and if you reduced Sam after that.
(Gravity left the alley and has been accompanying Sam with the steel defender, she cast spell on him to reduce his size and now fighting alongside him.)
InkedBee (Undead_Analyst)
Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts - Jenviel Tsumara: Fallen Aasimar- Monk|Crimson Sands of Time - Navarra Iltazyara: Human- Druid/Warlock| Bleak Prospect - Ermasnietsz: Reborn- Clockwork Soul Sorcerer
Upon arriving in the alleyway Chadderlay will stop by the guards at the entrance to the alley.
Chadderlay's Initiative: 22
Mister Fancy's Initiative: 7
"You there, Lizardman! What's your name? And why do you have a human head?"
Chadderlay is not sure what is happening here in this alleyway but, both wants more information on just what exactly is going on, and hopefully to avoid any altercation from blossoming into a situation of greater violence. He's not sure if his Aunt Morwena is mixed up in this somehow and doesn't want to make it worse if she is.
Mechsnics: the guards are hiding action until Chsdderly says or does something. . Angus is some distance away yet. Far enough to avoid being involved, but close enough to act if he chooses.
Edit. Posted simultaneously with his initiative roll. Outcome is acceptable. 22.
The city watch will do as the Red Wizard does, assuming he came to help when called. If their presumed backup doesn't back them up, they'll run. They're not very well trained. More guards heard the whistle, they'll show up in 3 rounds
<Chatterly might suggest one of the guards run to any if the oathsworn on the street, mages who provide services such as healing and mending 3 days in 10 in exchange for being permitted within the city, given they have sworn to perform no arcane magic, though able to do so. This being for the 2 down city watch>