”Thank you, Talgred, that was most considerate,” says Logan as he approaches. Stopping and introducing his new acquaintances, he says, “I happened across these gentles as they were driving off some opportunistic thugs. As they are strangers to the area, I thought it a good opportunity to have some dinner company and trade a few stories.”
After introducing them, Logan gestures to Talgred and adds, “This is my wise guardian, Talgred. He is my chaperone as I explore the greater world outside Shadowdale.”
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Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
“May the meeting be blessed.” Gorm says when introduced to Talgred and makes a small gesture with her hand again - Her right hand lift to about waist high with the palm up and slowly, gently lifts, dips and then lifts again. She then takes a slow look around the establishment before choosing a seat, wanting to be facing whichever group she quickly decides is likeliest yo be trouble.
“And what are you hoping to find in your explorations?” Gorm asks as she takes up a mug, tilts it as a signal of thanks, then takes a tentative sip before drinking more fully once she finds the taste inviting enough.
"TWO OF THOSE MATE IF YOU WOULDNT MIND!" Karvian yells after Talgred.
He pulls up a seat at the table and just stares at the gnomes. "I wonder if they'd wanna make it a trio, eh!" he says turning towards the group, a dorky smile plastered across his face.
"Oh s**t, I never introduced myself. I am," he stands up, grabbing his lute, "The Masked Bard!" He strums the lute quickly for effect and then pauses looking around. "Oh right, I probably shouldn't play while they're playing," he says, realizing his breach of etiquette and sitting back down slowly. "Buuuuuut, my friends call me Karvian. Been trying to get The Masked Bard to stick, but it's such a mouthful ya know?"
When his tea arrives Dr A thanks Talgred and takes a deep and appreciative sniff before carefully sipping it. Placing the cup back on its saucer he looks up at Karvian's shenanigans before saying "ahbut correct me if I'm wrong but if you're claiming to be the Masked Bard, shouldn't you actually be wearing a mask? - hmmm!"
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DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond DM - Four bards walk into a bar... Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Almost without thinking Gorm subtly moves the mugs that Dr. A and the Masked Singer rejected over to herself. She's not looking to get drunk so much as she just doesn't believe in letting drinks go to waste. Amongst the sands one conserves water... The amount of excess here is just astounding to her. She's seen it before but she shudders to think that she could ever become used to such.
"And why the mask?" Gorm asked. "It's not a custom I have seen as I've been about..." She was still waiting to hear Logan's answer but it seemed this group was moving faster than answers could be given.
”Ah yes, sorry,” says Logan once the tea situation is resolved, “I grew up hearing many stories from exotic lands across the Realms. I hope to experience some of the wonders of this world in person—maybe even have some adventures of my own.”
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Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
"You see, I had the mask on and then those oversized alcoholic maggots decided to peg me with a stone!" Karvian says animatedly as he points to his head. "So I took off the mask so I could check the goods," he says swirling his hand around his face, "while I planned my next move." Karvian nods his head towards Gorm, "I was getting ready to ruin their day and that's when she showed up."
"I actually have quite a few masks," he says as he reaches into his bag and pulls one out. "I used to make them while I was bored to entertain my old crew." He says the last bit slowly with a slight melancholy tone, remembering that he'd been alone for the past few weeks, which was quite new to him.
Old mask concept when his head was fatter. Haven't gotten around to fixing it.
"These are the exotic lands," Gorm replies to Logan. "Streets with names, multistory buildings, a press of people and goods all gathered so closely together that one can barely breathe... There's something new around every corner, sometimes a youngster singing a tune to thugs and ruffians while wearing a mask."
"Do the masks enhance the singing? Or are they entertaining by themselves? Can we see them?" She turns and asks Karvian, bouncing between conversations even as she looks the the unusual Doctor and tosses him a shrug.
"They're jus'fer entertainment," Karvian says holding up one of the masks. It's stark white, with dark rings around the eyes. A thick black jagged line with X patterned stitches sewn across it, stretches from ear to ear . "Though I do hope that some help t' set the mood fer the moment," he says with a grin. Searching his bag he continues, "I have some that do bring a bit more levity."
Karvian pauses his search, a look of consternation upon his face as if he's just realized something.
"Wait a minute, you look like ye're the same age as me! How am I the youngster?" Karvian says looking at Gorm incredulously.
"I can see how they set an impression. Expectation. But do you not want to be as remembered as your songs?" Gorm asks regarding the masks. She handles the masks, if allowed to at all, as if they are delicate and precious for all art is whether borne aloft on the air or set into stone for eternity, for it is formed of the ephemeral dreams and imaginings of the artist.
She grins brightly when called out about the age difference, or lack of. "The sameness does not make equal. The equal does not make the same," she responds with a mix of mischief and wisdom. "I am sure the good Doctor Arbutaveyu would agree that many things are true just because they are, not because it can be proven," she says, saying the name slowly and with great care, trying to get it correct. It's still off, still not wanting to roll over her tongue like it should. But she will get it eventually...
"Or perhaps not. Some truths require spirits to be fully understood," she finishes with a tip of her mug before taking a swallow.
Chuckling, Logan says, “Fair enough, your lands are exotic to me, and mine are exotic to you, Gorm. Since I am buying the first round of ale—or tea—why don’t you favor us with a tale of your homeland, then I will tell you a tale of mine.”
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Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
As the four strangers are talking and sharing a drink a middle aged human, or perhaps half-elven woman approaches. She isn’t very tall, her blond hair caught in a pony tail and wears long brown robes that suggests she is a scholar of some kind. A pair or eyeglasses and a scroll case strapped with a leather strip around her shoulder reinforce this idea.
“ I beg your pardon.” She says to the table as she reaches then “Dr. Vah Jo Gyaan?” When the tortle nods she seems both happy and relieved “Oh I thought it could be you. I was at your reading about the ramifications of the Feywild into the Weave and it’s derivation due to the effects of the wild magic in Waterdeep a few years ago. You probably do not remember but you were so kind to share a few ideas with me after the lecture. “
She doesn’t wait until the scholar recalls this and she, even a little bit abruptly, asks him. “May I speak with you in private Doctor?”
Karvian notices that her eyes turn towards the stairs regularly as if she was waiting for someone to appear.
Gorm raises a glass to Logan's offer and then tips it back and finishes the contents. "Fair enough, new friend..."
"My land is a beautiful but harsh land. Unforgiving to those who enter blindly but generous to those who give it the respect it deserves. A common tale told to illustrate this is of Havesu Tareq. It is said that one can only find Havesu Tareq by not looking for it, it presents itself only to those who need it most. When such a traveller is close to the end of their journey - their water and their will run dry - Havesu Tareq is found shimmering on the horizon, its gentle breezes and running waters giving hope and drive to the weary," Gorm explains.
"As such a traveller rises to their feet with the last of their energies and staggers to the sparkling city it offers all of it's riches upon the path to it's entry way as encouragement. Decorating and highlighting the path is a garden of precious stone and jewels on either side in beautiful, delicate patterns. Riches beyond what any could dream off laid at the feet of any desperate traveler who finds the city."
"Next, as one is within mere steps of the city proper, it's waters and offerings of food and shade, there are the residents lined up to great the traveller. Standing along the path to welcome and invite the traveler are men, or women, each exactly to their taste and desire. The greet the traveler and invite them to comforts and pleasures in their tents which are just off to the side..."
"We know of Havesu Tareq from the few travelers who have found it and entered the city to partake of the waters and foods offered within. They tell how the waters were the clearest, most sparkling and quenching that one could ever desire. The foods were savory and filling and there were morsels to suit any pallet. They ate. They drank. The filled themselves and then rested in the shade and found a restful sleep... But when the awoke there was no sign of Havesu Tareq beyond their once empty skins being filled and their packs weighted with food enough for several days journey..." Gorm pauses and takes a long drink.
"Those who paused on the path to pick up a precious stone or two, or those who accepted the invitation of the lovely jewels of flesh and went to their tents? None can say what came of their travels for none have heard their stories..."
Gorm looks about the table, suddenly, wondering if everyone was listening and suddenly a bit worried they were. "Others tell the story better," she insists, abruptly. "I am a Defender of the Sands, not a Keeper of Lore."
“ I beg your pardon.” someone said and Gorm all but blushed, fearful she had told the story so badly that people were now getting up to leave... But no, that wasn't quite the case. “Dr. Vah Jo Gyaan?” Gorm expelled a giant sigh of relief that a distraction came at the exact right moment and turned her full attention to this newcomer.
"Ahbut you didn't tell the story poorly at all. In fact you did honour to your people and your culture in the way you told the story my young friend!"Dr A says as he responds to the request from the half-elven women"Ahbut certainly my dear".
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DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond DM - Four bards walk into a bar... Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
"Adventurers vanishin' after partakin' in frivolities of the flesh, or a bit o' treasure? That sounds like a booty worth findin'!" Karvian says after taking the mask back from Gorm. "Do you like the wee stitchin' there? Took me ages t' sort that one out." he says pointing to a section on the mask.
As the newcomer approaches the table and begins speaking to Professor A, Karvian notices her continuing to glance at the winding staircase.
"Seems you're well acquainted with our friend here," he says after the good Professor spoke, "but you also seem t' be interested in the stairs? Stairs are rarely in monogamous relationships if that's what you're after. Or are ya expectin' someone?"
With just a shy smile to Karbian, apparently a little bit confused by his words, the woman walks with the professor a few steps away and talks to him in low voice.
“Doctor Sir. I find myself in a predicament and I beg you for your help. Some dangerous people are looking for me, and for this.” She takes the scroll case and offers it to the tortle. “I thank the Gods for putting you in my way in this moment.” She looks again towards the stairs clearly expecting someone to come looking for her “Please I beg you keep it, it contains important information for the Kingdom and probably for the whole West. I just need time to lay low for a few days and if they hit me…”
She opens wide her eyes when she sees a couple descending the stairs
“They are here. Please please I’ll drive them away just stay low and don’t trust anyone keep it safe”she offers the scrollcase again begging with her eyes.
Meanwhile the music has stopped and a few claps can be heard. A few seconds later and while the three new acquitances are speaking g among themselves and quietly looking to the worried woman speaking with Dr. A a female voice interrupts them.
”Well, what was that about? Who would be so rude to start playing when there is another performancer in the middle of their show?” The gnome, her hands on her hips is looking directly to Karvian and doesn’t look happy at all.
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PbP Character: A few ;)
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”Thank you, Talgred, that was most considerate,” says Logan as he approaches. Stopping and introducing his new acquaintances, he says, “I happened across these gentles as they were driving off some opportunistic thugs. As they are strangers to the area, I thought it a good opportunity to have some dinner company and trade a few stories.”
After introducing them, Logan gestures to Talgred and adds, “This is my wise guardian, Talgred. He is my chaperone as I explore the greater world outside Shadowdale.”
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
“May the meeting be blessed.” Gorm says when introduced to Talgred and makes a small gesture with her hand again - Her right hand lift to about waist high with the palm up and slowly, gently lifts, dips and then lifts again. She then takes a slow look around the establishment before choosing a seat, wanting to be facing whichever group she quickly decides is likeliest yo be trouble.
“And what are you hoping to find in your explorations?” Gorm asks as she takes up a mug, tilts it as a signal of thanks, then takes a tentative sip before drinking more fully once she finds the taste inviting enough.
Dr A looks at the mugs of ale and then turns to Talgred "do you think I could get a cup of tea?"
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
"Certainly" replies the older servant and excuses himself standing and goes to fetch the guest of his master a cup of tea.
PbP Character: A few ;)
"TWO OF THOSE MATE IF YOU WOULDNT MIND!" Karvian yells after Talgred.
He pulls up a seat at the table and just stares at the gnomes. "I wonder if they'd wanna make it a trio, eh!" he says turning towards the group, a dorky smile plastered across his face.
"Oh s**t, I never introduced myself. I am," he stands up, grabbing his lute, "The Masked Bard!" He strums the lute quickly for effect and then pauses looking around. "Oh right, I probably shouldn't play while they're playing," he says, realizing his breach of etiquette and sitting back down slowly. "Buuuuuut, my friends call me Karvian. Been trying to get The Masked Bard to stick, but it's such a mouthful ya know?"
When his tea arrives Dr A thanks Talgred and takes a deep and appreciative sniff before carefully sipping it. Placing the cup back on its saucer he looks up at Karvian's shenanigans before saying "ahbut correct me if I'm wrong but if you're claiming to be the Masked Bard, shouldn't you actually be wearing a mask? - hmmm!"
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Almost without thinking Gorm subtly moves the mugs that Dr. A and the Masked Singer rejected over to herself. She's not looking to get drunk so much as she just doesn't believe in letting drinks go to waste. Amongst the sands one conserves water... The amount of excess here is just astounding to her. She's seen it before but she shudders to think that she could ever become used to such.
"And why the mask?" Gorm asked. "It's not a custom I have seen as I've been about..." She was still waiting to hear Logan's answer but it seemed this group was moving faster than answers could be given.
”Ah yes, sorry,” says Logan once the tea situation is resolved, “I grew up hearing many stories from exotic lands across the Realms. I hope to experience some of the wonders of this world in person—maybe even have some adventures of my own.”
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
"You see, I had the mask on and then those oversized alcoholic maggots decided to peg me with a stone!" Karvian says animatedly as he points to his head. "So I took off the mask so I could check the goods," he says swirling his hand around his face, "while I planned my next move." Karvian nods his head towards Gorm, "I was getting ready to ruin their day and that's when she showed up."
"I actually have quite a few masks," he says as he reaches into his bag and pulls one out. "I used to make them while I was bored to entertain my old crew." He says the last bit slowly with a slight melancholy tone, remembering that he'd been alone for the past few weeks, which was quite new to him.
Old mask concept when his head was fatter. Haven't gotten around to fixing it.
Dr A notices Gorm collecting the unused mugs and just smiles and nods wisely, understanding what she is doing and why,
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
"These are the exotic lands," Gorm replies to Logan. "Streets with names, multistory buildings, a press of people and goods all gathered so closely together that one can barely breathe... There's something new around every corner, sometimes a youngster singing a tune to thugs and ruffians while wearing a mask."
"Do the masks enhance the singing? Or are they entertaining by themselves? Can we see them?" She turns and asks Karvian, bouncing between conversations even as she looks the the unusual Doctor and tosses him a shrug.
"They're jus'fer entertainment," Karvian says holding up one of the masks. It's stark white, with dark rings around the eyes. A thick black jagged line with X patterned stitches sewn across it, stretches from ear to ear . "Though I do hope that some help t' set the mood fer the moment," he says with a grin. Searching his bag he continues, "I have some that do bring a bit more levity."
Karvian pauses his search, a look of consternation upon his face as if he's just realized something.
"Wait a minute, you look like ye're the same age as me! How am I the youngster?" Karvian says looking at Gorm incredulously.
"I can see how they set an impression. Expectation. But do you not want to be as remembered as your songs?" Gorm asks regarding the masks. She handles the masks, if allowed to at all, as if they are delicate and precious for all art is whether borne aloft on the air or set into stone for eternity, for it is formed of the ephemeral dreams and imaginings of the artist.
She grins brightly when called out about the age difference, or lack of. "The sameness does not make equal. The equal does not make the same," she responds with a mix of mischief and wisdom. "I am sure the good Doctor Arbutaveyu would agree that many things are true just because they are, not because it can be proven," she says, saying the name slowly and with great care, trying to get it correct. It's still off, still not wanting to roll over her tongue like it should. But she will get it eventually...
"Or perhaps not. Some truths require spirits to be fully understood," she finishes with a tip of her mug before taking a swallow.
Chuckling, Logan says, “Fair enough, your lands are exotic to me, and mine are exotic to you, Gorm. Since I am buying the first round of ale—or tea—why don’t you favor us with a tale of your homeland, then I will tell you a tale of mine.”
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
As the four strangers are talking and sharing a drink a middle aged human, or perhaps half-elven woman approaches. She isn’t very tall, her blond hair caught in a pony tail and wears long brown robes that suggests she is a scholar of some kind. A pair or eyeglasses and a scroll case strapped with a leather strip around her shoulder reinforce this idea.
“ I beg your pardon.” She says to the table as she reaches then “Dr. Vah Jo Gyaan?” When the tortle nods she seems both happy and relieved “Oh I thought it could be you. I was at your reading about the ramifications of the Feywild into the Weave and it’s derivation due to the effects of the wild magic in Waterdeep a few years ago. You probably do not remember but you were so kind to share a few ideas with me after the lecture. “
She doesn’t wait until the scholar recalls this and she, even a little bit abruptly, asks him.
“May I speak with you in private Doctor?”
Karvian notices that her eyes turn towards the stairs regularly as if she was waiting for someone to appear.
PbP Character: A few ;)
"Ahbut certainly my dear" Dr A responds.
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Gorm raises a glass to Logan's offer and then tips it back and finishes the contents. "Fair enough, new friend..."
"My land is a beautiful but harsh land. Unforgiving to those who enter blindly but generous to those who give it the respect it deserves. A common tale told to illustrate this is of Havesu Tareq. It is said that one can only find Havesu Tareq by not looking for it, it presents itself only to those who need it most. When such a traveller is close to the end of their journey - their water and their will run dry - Havesu Tareq is found shimmering on the horizon, its gentle breezes and running waters giving hope and drive to the weary," Gorm explains.
"As such a traveller rises to their feet with the last of their energies and staggers to the sparkling city it offers all of it's riches upon the path to it's entry way as encouragement. Decorating and highlighting the path is a garden of precious stone and jewels on either side in beautiful, delicate patterns. Riches beyond what any could dream off laid at the feet of any desperate traveler who finds the city."
"Next, as one is within mere steps of the city proper, it's waters and offerings of food and shade, there are the residents lined up to great the traveller. Standing along the path to welcome and invite the traveler are men, or women, each exactly to their taste and desire. The greet the traveler and invite them to comforts and pleasures in their tents which are just off to the side..."
"We know of Havesu Tareq from the few travelers who have found it and entered the city to partake of the waters and foods offered within. They tell how the waters were the clearest, most sparkling and quenching that one could ever desire. The foods were savory and filling and there were morsels to suit any pallet. They ate. They drank. The filled themselves and then rested in the shade and found a restful sleep... But when the awoke there was no sign of Havesu Tareq beyond their once empty skins being filled and their packs weighted with food enough for several days journey..." Gorm pauses and takes a long drink.
"Those who paused on the path to pick up a precious stone or two, or those who accepted the invitation of the lovely jewels of flesh and went to their tents? None can say what came of their travels for none have heard their stories..."
Gorm looks about the table, suddenly, wondering if everyone was listening and suddenly a bit worried they were. "Others tell the story better," she insists, abruptly. "I am a Defender of the Sands, not a Keeper of Lore."
“ I beg your pardon.” someone said and Gorm all but blushed, fearful she had told the story so badly that people were now getting up to leave... But no, that wasn't quite the case. “Dr. Vah Jo Gyaan?” Gorm expelled a giant sigh of relief that a distraction came at the exact right moment and turned her full attention to this newcomer.
"Ahbut you didn't tell the story poorly at all. In fact you did honour to your people and your culture in the way you told the story my young friend!" Dr A says as he responds to the request from the half-elven women "Ahbut certainly my dear".
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
"Adventurers vanishin' after partakin' in frivolities of the flesh, or a bit o' treasure? That sounds like a booty worth findin'!" Karvian says after taking the mask back from Gorm. "Do you like the wee stitchin' there? Took me ages t' sort that one out." he says pointing to a section on the mask.
As the newcomer approaches the table and begins speaking to Professor A, Karvian notices her continuing to glance at the winding staircase.
"Seems you're well acquainted with our friend here," he says after the good Professor spoke, "but you also seem t' be interested in the stairs? Stairs are rarely in monogamous relationships if that's what you're after. Or are ya expectin' someone?"
With just a shy smile to Karbian, apparently a little bit confused by his words, the woman walks with the professor a few steps away and talks to him in low voice.
“Doctor Sir. I find myself in a predicament and I beg you for your help. Some dangerous people are looking for me, and for this.”
She takes the scroll case and offers it to the tortle.
“I thank the Gods for putting you in my way in this moment.” She looks again towards the stairs clearly expecting someone to come looking for her “Please I beg you keep it, it contains important information for the Kingdom and probably for the whole West. I just need time to lay low for a few days and if they hit me…”
She opens wide her eyes when she sees a couple descending the stairs
“They are here. Please please I’ll drive them away just stay low and don’t trust anyone keep it safe”she offers the scrollcase again begging with her eyes.
Meanwhile the music has stopped and a few claps can be heard. A few seconds later and while the three new acquitances are speaking g among themselves and quietly looking to the worried woman speaking with Dr. A a female voice interrupts them.
”Well, what was that about? Who would be so rude to start playing when there is another performancer in the middle of their show?”
The gnome, her hands on her hips is looking directly to Karvian and doesn’t look happy at all.
PbP Character: A few ;)