"You're very welcome, I'm Walker and this here is my senior officer Gara! we'll be taking it in turns driving and guarding." the round faced chap responds "I'm putting the supplies in back with you all if that's ok, nowhere else to put them, there's a Potion of Healing (Greater) each and enough food to last us, Gara has your gold allocation for whoever you decide is in charge of the purse right now, But we're all ready to go! I gotta say whoever is looking funding this trip is sparing no expense at keeping you all happy" he beams to Vin.
"we're picking them up in the council district who do you think is funding this, they're up to some bull again.." Gara grumbles dismissively looking up at the massive ornate building.
Gewyn nods in appreciation of both the effort and the honesty shown by these two guards, "should be interesting travelling, I can't wait to get to know you all, bit cramped and close quarters for my liking BUT good social interactions rarely happen at a distance" he smoulders as he embarks the carriage.
The bright eyed boy says "Isn't that why its always good to have a backup plan, I'm really excited for this. We get to make a big difference and help people! We might even become heroes. I'm not much of a brawler though. You look really strong, have you been in a lot of fights? I bet you won them if you were." The boy just looks up at the big man with curiosity in their eyes as they wait for a response.
Sam Hall blinks at the child and rubs his free hand over his bald scalp in order to give himself a moment to process all the chatter that was so quickly thrown at him.
"The backup plan already failed, boy. Messengers didn't return. Then they sent the Splitters and they didn't return. We're such a last resort that they don't even want anyone to know they're throwing us at the problem," Sam explains. "If they wanted to make a difference they would send a battalion, not five castoffs."
Looking at the boy, Sam feels that last bit didn't exactly inspire the kid and Sam had a twinge of guilt. "Look, maybe we are the best of the best. The champions they claim. Maybe we're somehow uniquely qualified. I certainly hope we can help and I intend to do my damndest, no matter what I think of the plan and those that thunk it up. I'm just what they call jaded... I seen too much and now I expect the worst. The least. It's what I'm used to..."
"As for fights," Sam continues, "I been in more than a few, sure enough. I won some and I lost some. Anyone says they won every fight is either a liar or fighting the wrong fights."
"So what about this pooch of yours? Can't say I ever seen a dog quite like it," Sam says, considering reaching over and scruffing the beats fur a bit but deciding against it. "Seems pretty loyal...."
"we're picking them up in the council district who do you think is funding this, they're up to some bull again.." Gara grumbles dismissively looking up at the massive ornate building.
"Aren't they always?" Sam agrees with Gara. "Though if no expense was being shared there'd be dozens of you on this journey, each kitted out for war just in case..."
"Give it to the green one with the helmet," Sam suggests when the coinage is brought up. "If we can't trust the padre they sent with us then I guess we're screwed from the get go." And with that Sam Hall shrugs and grabs a handhold before hauling himself up and into the back of the carriage.
The boy looks up at Sam as he talks. The difference in height a stark contrast let alone the thin frame of Vin versus the muscled form of Sam making it even more obvious how different they both appear. As Vin talks with Sam the boy seem to subconsciously reach out for their large black dog. Without any command Nef moves in close to Vin who holds their side comfortingly. The polite young man continues to look at Sam as he talks and is quite polite as he waits for Sam to finish. They seem a bit contemplative but also hopeful and innocent as they say "I don't like to think we are castoffs... I've worked really hard to not be that anymore. I like to think... we represent something cool. Like, something new. Real heroes that can represent all the factions and not just one." They look down a bit embarrassed and follow up with "That sounds really corny doesn't it?"
Vin seems to be a bit bubbly and excited as he says "Wooh, kind of hard for me to imagine you losing a fight. You look really intimidating. Umm... not that you look scary or anything just really strong and such. I'd hate to meet the person that could beat you. I bet they actually look scary." quite clear the boy find Sam a bit scary but they are trying really hard to be super friendly to the big man and work past their fear. The fact they hold Nef close to them belies that fact to Sam quite easily.
As the big man asks about Nef the dog looks right at Sam Hall with their red eyes and a bit of a growl. Vin pats their head and says "It's okay Nef. He just doesn't know not to call you that." Vin smiles as he pets Nef who still glares but doesn't growl at least. The boy then looks back to Sam and says "Sorry, she's a good girl. She doesn't like being called a pooch though. They find it... well... nevermind. Dog, wolf, canine are all good. Nef is preferred though..." Vin looks back at the dog then back at Sam "Ah, Neferox. Sorry, they only like me calling them Nef. Truth be told, I'm not sure what breed she is. She's gotten really big the past 4 years though. I found her near starved to death as a tiny puppy. I shared what little food and water I could and helped her recover. We've been through a lot since then and now we are inseparable." Vin hugs Nef around the neck and then lets them go. Nef licks Vin's cheek in return then the dog looks at Sam with an unflinching intensity.
As the dog has a staring contest with Sam Vin takes the opportunity to ask Walker, "How much were we given anyway?"
Ebb helps with packing the carriage and greets the horses, offering them a carrot each from his own rations. He had been just observing this new pack without needed much to add. Vin, Nef and Sam seemed to be getting along alright. Ebb approaches the talking pair. He bends a bit as he offers his hand for Nef to sniff, along with some jerky as a snack. “Nice to meet you Nef. Glad to have you with. As well as you two” he says with a smile and tilt of his head. When Sam gave Ebb the money. “ Well, I don’t mind holding on to this, but I’d rather everyone agree that it’s ok, if it is then anyone and everyone is free to ask for their share, or we can just keep this as a collective pot. Either way, we should come to an agreement on how we handle such matters.” He says as he holds the bag of coin in his hand.
It was still strange, being this tall. His whole life he was as diminutive as a common goblin, but now he was shaped more like an elf ever since he started being able to access higher meditations. Everything felt odd, easier. He spent his whole life struggling and trying to catch up. Now he was the one in the experienced position and representing his order. “Sam, you really are amazing. A lot of people on my travels, rich and poor, marvel at your strength and back bone for standing up for the small guy. I used to be small myself, I feel I still am. I also feel like they really did choose the best of us. They chose us because we actually care.” Ebb looks around at them, “ Those in charge are afraid. They are afraid they are going to lose everything they spent their lives building not only for themselves, but for everyone around them. They are afraid of what will happen when they are no longer around. They chose us because they believe in us, not because we are expendable. They know their future is not expendable. Since my mentor trusts in you then I will as well. Let’s respect and trust in not only each other, but ourselves. It’s what our leaders are doing.” “I think we should have a small show and tell, to better get to know each other and our capabilities. I’ll go first.”
Ebb concentrates and grips his staff “I know there is hope.” He says in an other worldly voice. A tranquil aura washes over everyone in the immediate area emanating from Ebb. “While in this state your ability to heal yourself and overcome mind altering affects becomes enhanced. I can also enhance 3 peoples effeminacy for about 3 10minute increments.” He says looking to Sam, Vin, and Gewyn. Each hear the word “you” in their head and are filled with positive self confidence. “Show is something cool Vin” Ebb says with an offered open palm.
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Drow enthusiast Lover of lore and magic. -The White Crow-
Walker responds gladly to Vin, "oh how much?, well Gara took care of the purse so he shoul-"
"Hundred an fifty, once you're all done you should jump in, make yourselves comfortable" Gara interrupts his junior and walks off round the front of the carriage, he then starts checking the horses bridles and tack, making sure each is secure and tight.
Gewyn chuckles, his head peeking out from the back of the carriage as he sits, his legs swinging freely above the ground, "neat trick, that'll sure come in handy!" He stretches and gives a gratified sigh, "feeling better about this group already, my skills are of the social kind, got anyone to butter up or entertain them I'm your man, but don't get me wrong I have some tricks up my sleeve" with a flick of the wrist there are several popping sounds as each member of the party has the dust, dirt and debris exploded off if their person leaving them completely clean and fresh smelling underneath, some will know prestidigitation and its effects, it's not an overly impressive spell, but the quick succession and smoothness of the multiple castings was nothing to complain about.
"I don't like to think we are castoffs... I've worked really hard to not be that anymore. I like to think... we represent something cool. Like, something new. Real heroes that can represent all the factions and not just one." They look down a bit embarrassed and follow up with "That sounds really corny doesn't it?"
"That would be nice, wouldn't it kid? And maybe it's true... You keep hoping and believing and maybe you'll just make it so," Sam says, begrudgingly. He doesn't believe it but he's not going to go around stepping on a kids hopes and dreams either. "Nothing wrong with corny. All the best dreams are, aren't they?"
"Wooh, kind of hard for me to imagine you losing a fight. You look really intimidating. Umm... not that you look scary or anything just really strong and such. I'd hate to meet the person that could beat you. I bet they actually look scary." quite clear the boy find Sam a bit scary but they are trying really hard to be super friendly to the big man and work past their fear. The fact they hold Nef close to them belies that fact to Sam quite easily.
"There's always someone scarier. Or something. And sometimes the other guy is just better prepared, better rested or more imaginative," Sam explains. "Don't let yourself ever think you'll win a fight just because you're stronger. Or more powerful. Or whatever. The fire in each combatant matters. As does the will and desire. And the fates. Fates can be fickle and they'll screw ya given half a chance. And looks? They can matter before a fight, but once the fight starts, looks matter for nothing at all..."
"Neferox it is then, eh?" Sam says as the conversation turns to the animal. "Apologies, ok girl? I meant no offense..."
"I think it's meant as group money," Sam says to Ebb. "Pay for rooms and meals or such. If we divvy it up and one pisses their share away..." Sam's eyes may sideways towards Gewyn at this, but he doesn't mean to insult anyone in particular. "If anyone objects I'll happily debate the issue with them."
"I'm just the muscle," Sam assures. "It's the organization that does the real heavy lifting for the people. Jimmy Connelly and the others who are good at the speechifying and the talking and ideas. Don't get me wrong, muscle is needed sometimes... But muscle is easier to come by than the brains on those sorts, while still caring about the regular folk. They could move up and advance a lot more if they left us behind. They gets all the respect because they choose not to, eh?"
"You're more generous to the real leaders than I am though. You think they built everything for everyone? I think they built it for them and themselves. You think they're afraid of what'll happen when they are gone? I think they're afraid of what'll happen when they lose power... And the comfort and privilege that comes with it."
"As for us though... those of us here? I always have faith in the individual until they give me reason not to," Sam explains. "I'm going into whatever this is with you and them, so I have your backs and expect you all to have mine. It's us against them, eh? I trust individuals, it's groups and positions and such I distrust..."
Sam watches the little show and tell and nods in appreciation. "I hit things," he says when it is possibly his turn. "I'll demonstrate if anyone wants to volunteer but I think you all know how my trick works..." Sam's other tricks are more... vague. Sam doesn't think of the effects that go with his Rune Carver-ness as powers so much as just things that happen sometimes when he fights and thus nothing he can really just demonstrate even assuming he fully knows it's his doing.
((For example, Cloud Rune'll allow him to change on hit vs a creature to be a hit against someone else. I intend to RP this more as a combat tactic than magic... I may have to stretch things a bit but like "Seeing the Death Knight's swing about to bisect his friend, Sam Hall smashes his maul into the ground creating a wave of force which booms out and redirects that power of the swing into hitting the Death Knight's own ally..."))
As Sam confirms it's okay to be corny the young man looks at them and has a small grin. Sam definitely made them feel a bit better. The large black dog does a little nod towards Sam as they address them in a preferred way of Neferox. They look to Vin after that and a moment passes then Vin laughs and the dog seems to become indignant as the hound snort and raises their head up and away from the boy. Vin can't help but giggle for a bit more before finally calming down. With a few tears of joy in their eyes Vin says to Sam, "I think Nef likes you." Then the boy looks to Nef and says "I'm sorry. It was just funny." Nef puts on an air of having their feelings hurt as they continue to look insulted.
The moment of joy gets disrupted when Ebb calls Neferox by the name Nef. The dog instantly takes a bite at Ebb their jaws biting down short of reaching Ebb but the warning clear as they follow up with a growl. The smile on Vin fades as they say "Nef! No! Its okay." Nef continues to glare with red eyes full of anger. Vin pulls them back away from Ebb as they apologize, "Sorry Ebb. She just... it's complicated. Can I ask you to apologize to her? She really only wants me calling her Nef." The large growling dog continues to glare. Apology or not Vin manages to get Neferox to back away and the boy seems ashamed of what happened. After a bit of petting behind the ear the dog seems to calm down and looks at the half-elf with their head slightly tilted to one side questioningly. Anyone trying to listen carefully will hear Vin whisper to Nef "I want to make friends with them Nef. Can you please let it go, for me?" Nef takes a moment as they glare back at Ebb but then look to Vin and nod.
Vin walks back to the others and apologizes again to Ebb "I'm really sorry Ebb. They agreed to not let it bother them. Anyway, you wanted to know what we can do? Well, Nef is really strong and as I said before I am really good at sneaking around. If there is any for of shadow in an area I can turn invisible in it. Dim light works too. My main form of attacking is blasts of raw magical power or beams of fire. I can also summon something called a shadow spawn, its kind of like a corrupted spirit. I like to give them a chance to do good things and protect people help them rehabilitate. If we are in a real pinch I can even heal you but its done by sapping life energy from other living things around you. Some of my magic is really draining on me though and I can only handle one or two spells before I need a small rest. The raw magical blasts are really easy for me though, I can shot those off all day."
As the Ebb give their demonstrations of magic Vin smiles at the feeling of mental and spiritual protection from Ebb. "That feels nice. It's like feeling... not really sure how to put it. I just feel safe under that magic I guess." Vin's eyes go wide when he hears the word in his mind. When asked to show them something cool its obvious he's feeling the pressure "Right! Something cool. Alright... ummm...." He looks around for something to target and show his power to. Obvious indicision as he tries to decide which magical spell is best to show off. He looks at Nef and the dog just stares back until Vin nods and says "Right! That one! Okay." He seems to struggle to find a place to do what he wants. The immaculate streets, the finely detailed buildings, everything seems perfect and pristine. Vin looks to the guards and asks "Umm... is it alright to melt holes in the ground here? Or do we have something I can target? Oh! I know I can shot them into the air!" Vin channels some magical energy around their arms and hands and as they do they chant "Я выклікаю агонь старажытнага пякельнага духу." suddenly a rapid succession of 4 beams of fire streak out into the air. The heat of which can easily be felt from those nearby.
Gewyn watches the display from Vin intently, and follows the performances with enthusiastic applause. "See now, I think we are going to get along just fine, this little group we have here!" He hops on to the back of the carriage and pulls a lyre from his back strumming a chord. The way the light catches his horns sets them to glittering.
"Consider this..." Gewyn now plucks away at the lyre, weaving a melody that grows more intricate with each measure. "What we are to do together has the potential to be the stuff of legends. Oh the stories they will tell of our achievements, and the songs they will sing, some of them perhaps written by yours truly." He leans toward Sam, "And before you get a gloomy look on that face, consider that it is not for personal glory that we go forth. It is to inspire! To show the people that we can accomplish together so much more than one could imagine!"
His song rises to a crescendo. He paces as he plays, and plays as he speaks, and the whole time it seems as if the sun is shining just for him. Not a shadow crosses his features. He strikes a final resounding chord... "But that is if we succeed here." He drops his voice, and his tone shifts towards solemnity in the same fashion as a story-weaver preparing to get to the lesson within his tale.
"Even the greatest musicians would not just form a band and play a grand concert without a rehearsal, away from the public eye." He waggles his fingers and a few feet over, Walker's nose scrunches up as if he smells something odd. "We must learn each other's timings. Each other's rhythms. Each other's..." Whatever Walker smells causes him to sneeze. "... cues. You were a bit late there, Walker."
Gewyn resumes plucking a light melody. "So let us journey forth and learn what we together can accomplish, so next we may show the people their new hope!"
As the group interacts before boarding for their long journey, Elthana listens intently specifically when people are speaking, but any lulls in the conversation leave her looking somewhat distracted, eyes closed and thoughts elsewhere.
As Sam mentions that everything always goes sideways, she chimes in "Well, you plan for that. You always have a plan B and C and depending how difficult the job is, even more. So no, it doesn’t." she wonders if the half Orc's approach to everything is the same as any other brute, 'smash and brawl' all your problems away, however she does soften and agree with Sam as he talks about them all having each other's backs "we can be the Champions they think of us and more, as long as we work together."
She takes particular interest in Vin as he mentions his aptitude and preference of working in the shadows, a sly grin crosses her face, "That is where I live, dear Vin, never in the spotlight”. As Ebb accepts the coin purse, Elthana asks “Don’t you think a representative of the treasury should hold that?” She seems a little irritated that her position wasn't even mentioned as preference, but she also makes no move to take the purse from the Verdan.
Elthana seems impressed at the displays of magics and abilities, she may be feigning the impressed looks maybe not, but either way she offers none of her own right now, she moves to board the carriage too, whispering flatly to Vin as she passes "are you coming? We don’t want to hold them up" she leaves the boy still standing speaking to the enthusiastic guard Walker.
The trail out of Marble stead takes the group south out of the council district passing through the towering gates and out toward the only real exit to the city. The afternoon air is quickly swathed in the smells of salted meats, savoury pastries and general mealtime goods of the markets of the city, they pass steadily through the middle and down into the ramshackle drudgery and communal housings of the tangles, "Bugger off, We ain't stopping" the group hears Gara grumble loudly at any wandering vendors who attempt to approach the carriage, their arms outstretched with picked wildflower, or tatty blankets, the other hand always open, needy, ready to receive any alms or payment. The road out of the city through the tangles becomes bumpy and ill maintained, the horses have a little more of a difficult time navigating the loose stones covered in the mud tracked on to the main road from the unpaved Rabbit warrens that constitute this lowest level of the city.
Once the city hum is behind them and the carriage rumbles gently down the south hill leading out, the group watch as the cliff faces take over their observable scenery, then the cliffs are eventually swallowed in turn by the forests that line the trail going out eastward. Every so often the group watches as they pass travellers heading out toward the city, this Trail is a well used one and serves as the main road to and from Hokum, but also Lyvander in the south east. Night falls quickly in the autumnal evening. The guard, Gara and Walker keep the cart moving long after the sun goes down, but eventually they stop, "alright time to stretch your legs! we should make camp and have something to eat" Walker practically sings as he swings open the rear doors of the carriage, "because it's the first night Gara and I need to sort out our rotation, after that we can keep going as long as the horses let us, that is if you wouldn't like to stop in Trundlesten tomorrow night?"
Gewyn, having spent most of the trip alternating between juggling tricks and leaning over the edge of the wagon quietly taking in his first view of the countryside, hops down and does a quick stretch of his limbs to limber up. "I could go with some grub,"he says enthusiastically. "What are we cooking up tonight?"
Vin smiles as so many of these people he's teamed up with seem to agree that the group can become heroes, champions or maybe even something greater. As Gewyn begins to play music and talks of legends, achievement and glory. As the music continues to play and Gewyn continues to talk Vin looks like he was going to clap along but looks to Nef instead and sighs. As Gewyn finishes their performance Vin particularly seems to like the idea of "Gewyn, do you really think they'd really make songs of us? That would be amazing." The idea of fame and glory seems to have a strong pull for the young man.
As Elthana mentions never being in the spotlight Vin feels they need to ask "Do you think its bad to be in the spotlight?"
As the group loads up and puts their belongings into the carriage Vin tries to grab a window seat so they can look out at things as they head out of the city. Nef opts to get up on the seats next to Vin the massive dog would normally take two seats up but they lay their head on Vin's lap for the journey. As the carriage gets going Vin enjoys looking out at the city as Marblestead passes by. The cities these days is more affluent the more central to the city you are and as you progress away from the center the elegant designs of expertly crafted architecture gives way little by little until it's clear the buildings lack the care they need.
This continues until the housing and buildings degrade into the Tangles. A place Vin remembers well. They look out at all the desperate folks trying to climb their way back up or just trying to find a way to forget their lot in life. The boy seems to try and spot something in the distance in the tangles but it becomes clear they can't see whatever it is they are looking for. Nef gives a huff and Vin says "I know. I just... it's been awhile." The boy looks nostalgic for a moment but as the cart gets swarmed by beggers and sellers the boy notices some selling flowers. He looks for someone particularly young and sticks his head out the window waving them down. A young boy of eight, nine maybe ten? Vin knows not to give the boy too much. he wants to give a gold to help the boy but instead he only gives 4 copper for a flower as he makes a quick exchange for the little bloom of white. As he does so he tells the kid, "Go get some food. Don't hold onto it."
Vin affixes the flower on his outfit. The white flower completely clashing with the black leather. Gara manages to disperse the majority of people and the carriage manages to move through. Vin watches as the small boy vanishes into the crowd which is now dispersing and he hopes the boy finds a full belly tonight. Vin becomes unusually quiet after that. Nef seems to nuzzle their hand and Vin gives a weak smile to the dog but the smile is obviously forced. He begins to scratch behind the dog's ear as the black hound rolls onto its side to get comfy. Their legs stretching out probably overlapping with whoever sat on the same side with Vin and Nef. Nef doesn't seem to count whoever is sitting there as actually being there. The rest of the journey is more of a sight to behold for the boy as he seems deep in thought, glued to the window and watching the vast landscapes outside the city roll on by.
As day turns into night and the moon and stars come out to grimly illuminate the landscape they find themselves in. Which in this case is a forested area made to look particularly spooky in the dead of night with so little light. The drivers seem to find a semi-open area to setup for camp and pull over to allow the group to rest for the evening. Nef hops down first followed by Vin as the two stretch. Vin smiles at the dog and says "You seemed more comfy then most I think." The dog looks at the other travelers all of which have been cooped up in the carriage for many hours at this point. A definite doggy grin as they look around at everyone. Vin found it hard to believe the day began meeting so many important people and now they were in the middle of a forest with no sign of civilization beyond a well traveled road.
Vin began helping to unload camping supplies with the two guards as they talk about the plan "Trundlesten? I've never been. What do you know about it?" Vin seems curious and as they ask for information on Trundlesten, Nef seems to perk up seeming hyper alert suddenly as they look North with a certain intensity. Vin seems to be incredibly in tune with the massive canine and looks in the same direction as well just a few seconds after them. The young man look to Nef and say "Do you think it's just some other people traveling? Wait, is there a road that way. We've been heading eastward on this forest path. I wonder who's out there?" Nef seems to look back and forth between the forest and Vin. Vin looks north as well and says "We should check it out!" With this declaration Vin goes over to Elthana, politely gets her attention and says "Elthana, You said you're good at being in the shadows right? Want to join Nef and me checking out a campfire? It's just to the north through the trees that way." Vin points northward directly at a line of trees that seem to arch on a hill.
Elthana takes in the sights as they leave the confines of the city. She watches outside the wagon as well as in as she wants to get to know her new travel companions, but small talk is not in her vocabulary. As Vin gives a small boy some coin for a flower, she leans in to the boy, keeping very aware of the dog, “Friend of yours?”
As they stop for camp, she assists with setting up and not feeling anything in particular in the immediate vicinity, she looks up in surprise when the small boy asks her to join them up North.
” You hear something? Oh wait, you know there is a campfire? Of course I’ll join you.” And she hops up off the ground, pole at the ready. “Since this is your find, you leading or do you want me to?”
Elthana takes in the sights as they leave the confines of the city. She watches outside the wagon as well as in as she wants to get to know her new travel companions, but small talk is not in her vocabulary. As Vin gives a small boy some coin for a flower, she leans in to the boy, keeping very aware of the dog, “Friend of yours?”
Vin looks at Elthana a bit melancholy in his demeanor as he says "No.... just. Its tough in the tangles." he pauses a bit then adds "You know, that saying, 'it's bad luck to leave a city without a flower.' That superstition began in the Tangles. It's why everyone tries to sell flower here, just before you leave the city. I hope my buying the flower brings that boy luck." Vin goes back to looking out the window as the last parts of the city go past them. Neferox watches Elthana keenly for a few moments before laying their head back down on Vin's lap for head pats.
"You hear something? Oh wait, you know there is a campfire? Of course I’ll join you.” And she hops up off the ground, pole at the ready. “Since this is your find, you leading or do you want me to?”
"Yeah, Nef spotted it. Her eyes are a lot better in the dark then mine." As Elthana agrees to join Vin smiles and says "Alright! Lets go! Thanks for joining me. If you don't mind I would like to lead." Vin finds someone else in the party helping to setup camp and as Sam Hall sticks out he's the first Vin approaches and taps on the shoulder "Hey Sam, Elthana, Nef and I are going to check out something north of here. Not far. We will be right back!" Then taking off in the lead and with a bundle of joy in his heart Vin takes off with a skip and a hop at first but as he enters the forest he quickly slows down and focuses on moving with purpose and silence. Nef seems to trail behind a good distance to avoid making any noises but those nearby would hardly believe the hound was there at all as it seems to be about as quiet and stealthy as Vin.
Vin does confirm Elthana is following and then with a smile Vin disappears from sight. It was a subtle thing as if the shadows and darkness that were around the young man began to swallow him up and in a smooth fluid motion Vin was gone from sight. Vin would reappear every now and then only to be swallowed up by the shadows and darkness again. It almost seems like he's vanishing from existence and popping up when he moves too far only to turn invisible again. The closer he gets to the campfire the more stealthy he seems to focus on being. He definitely started out a bit rough with his stealth but as he calms down and gets into the moment his stealth skills seem to really shine.
"If you rely too much on plans you'll be useless and lost when the world turns upside down," Sam retorts. "'Cause no matter how may plans you make, there's always something you didn't plan for."
Sam is mostly quiet for the travel though. He makes himself as comfortable as possible, closes his eyes and lets time pass by just as the sounds outside the carriage do - ignore and unnoticed. He doesn't quite sleep, he is aware enough to grunt a reply if necessary or open an eye and roll it at the odd comment or two, but the big lumbering Half Orc is used to spending a lot of time doing nothing and does it well. He just wished he was in a tavern instead of a carriage.
Sam does notice Vin and his purchase of the flower and he can't help but think that boy wasn't born to money, no matter his schooling and appearance now. He's been hungry, gone without, knows what it's like. Good... Hopefully he'll always remember. If all the rich and powerful had been poor and desperate and remembered what it had been like, the world would be a better place. "It's bad luck to leave a city without a flower," Sam hears and cannot help but smile. His hand subconsciously moves to an old, worn leather pouch that is just one of several on his belt. But this one was a bit more decorated than the others, a faded line of flowers around the pouch. A gift from Molly all so long ago...
Sam, of course, lends a hand with the unpacking and setting up of camp. "No reason one of you couldn't break inside the carriage on occasion and have one of us stand guard," Sam suggests to Gara and Walker. "Likely don't want me steering the horses but watching the road for problems is easy enough... Speed seems to be of some concern here so Trundlesten and other luxury delays should probably be set aside."
Sam smells the scent of burning wood well before they set up their own campfire. He mentally notes the fact but doesn't concern himself of it overly much til others seem to be making an issue of it. "Likely as not just traveling, as we are," Sam says in reply to Vin. "Check it out if you want but be careful, people none too friendly of strangers suddenly lurking about in the dark. I'm a smash first, question later type. They could be too..."
A bit too big and bulky to be overly stealthy, Sam Hall doesn't try to insert himself into the scout party. He does not the direction they are heading, though, and keeps an eye and ear out in that direction, just in case...
"I'd join you, but it looks like you're aiming to be quiet, which flies directly counter to my mission in life." He winks at Vin and Elthana and saunters over to help Walker and Gara.
Though he doesn't know much about being an outdoorsman, each time a task is explained to him he picks it up pretty quickly. As he works, he makes his way over to Ebb. "So, what's your story?" He looks Ebb up and down rather carefully. "You seem an interesting fellow, and stories about the interesting sort always make for better fun and better coin."He smiles disarmingly.
"Trundlesten ain't much more than an outpost, the passing place between the city and the other places out east, Hokum and Lyvander." Gara grumbles in respons to Vin. "it's used alot by QuAr on their way to and from their sanctuary and it's great for traders!" Walker interjects "as for keeping look out I wouldn't mind a break or two along the way, we have a duty to protect you all but we need to be alert to do it so any help is gratefully accepted! right Gara?" the young guard answers earnestly to Sam and receives a grunt and an eye roll in return from Gara who now has set up a fire ready for lighting.
As Vin brings attention to another fire off in the forest, Walker calls after them, "uhm.. ah just be careful! it's us that are supposed to be guarding... oh erm" as he turns to face Vin, Nef and Elthana they have completely disappeared into the darkness of the forest. "they should be ok, The boy has an adult and a monster with him, I fear more for the folks they come across, besides we're guards not babysitters, can't guard a group that won't stay grouped" Gara side eyes Walker before lifting a crate of food stuffs out of the carriage he then begins rifling through looking for something to cook, he invites Gewyn to look too in wordless response to the bard's own food related enquiry, Walker merely stands looking out into the darkness after the stealthy trio, he seems hesitant and worrisome.
Vin and Elthana;
You all become immediately one with the darkness of the forests, making your way eastward following the smell of wood smoke, you use the thick trees to cover any silhouette, after a minute or two you each see the glint of firelight through the trees. The moonlight still illuminates the trail you have yet to travel to your right and the dark forest walls off any possible sightline to the cliff faces beneath Marblestead far to your left, the soft moss under foot provides a soundless ingress to the area ahead, not that any of you needed it.
But the moss covered underbrush doesn't just help you, as you approach there is some movement and the sound of heavy rasping breaths, to your surprise you see a humanoid shadow cross your path mere meters in front of you, hunched over and with, is that a tail? you keep low holding your breaths... it continues moving, making a perimeter in the darkness just out of the reach of the fire light. One full minute passes as you keep to the shadows and wait for the inquisitive shadow to return back to the firelight, "you're paranoid Scratch, a day out of the city there won't be bandits and the like here, besides you know not to fight before talking" a soft and calm voice states, "you've heard the stories though, the more people on the trail recently means there's a rise in that kinda thing, and it's not paranoia if there's reasonable and logical... ummm reasons! it's called being careful!" a second voice responds with a rasp.
Now that the coast is somewhat clear you approach to be able to see the two humanoids and a rooster sitting by the fire roasting something on sticks.
Ebb rubs the back of his neck “I’ve never been good at sneaking around, and this armor is pretty noisy” he says with a pat to his scale mail which clinks in response. He sees the guards start to set up for meal prep and he perks up. “I can help with that.” He says as he pulls out a book titled ‘A bit of everything’ and thumbs through it until he arrives to the intended page with an “Ah ha.” His eyes glow faintly as he says “Show me how” then he cracks his knuckles and encodes a second time “I’ll cook so fine, a meal to dine.” He says with a smile. A faint glow emanates from his hands. The Verdan Begins to take the lead in preparing and cooking. All the while he listens to Gweyn begin to question him.
”Well.” He begins while the Devine flows through hun during his cooking task “I was an orphan as many of the order are. I don’t know much about my parents but Holm took an interest in me. He saw something in me no one else did and took me in as his personal pupal.” Ebbs hands seemed to work almost of their own accord, as if he were being purported by some unseen force “I guess I’ve always had a knack for empathy and conflict resolution. He taught me the ways of Hermes and the order. That strange man often tested me by leaving me out in the wilds for long periods of time with teaching and meditations to practice. I took to them quickly. As my abilities grew so did I. I used to be as short as a halfling for the majority of my life, until my understanding of myself and other grew. Over a painful week, my body morphed into what you see now. People used to think I was a goblin, and I faced a lot of hate from that. Though some of that is true, I don’t think I am a goblin in the sense many think. Anyway. My adventures brought me here, with you lot. I’m happy for it. I’m happy to be able to serve others. What about you Gweyn. Tell me about yourself.” He ends with his own disarming smile as his hands continue to chop, cut, measure, and peel.
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Drow enthusiast Lover of lore and magic. -The White Crow-
"No offense, Walker," Sam says gently as he is helping with setting up camp, "but to me you two are drivers and guides, not guards. Mind you I'm happy for every able fighter I can get in a scrap, but I suspect this group was chosen 'cause them there in power think we can handle ourselves, eh?" Sam continues to talk to Walker on this for a bit, he truly doesn't want to insult him or knock him down at all or such, but the idea the Council's champions would need these two as guards rankles him a bit. Though he doesn't come right out and point that out as he thinks that part is still secret? But more than anything he seems himself having more in common with Walker and Gara. They may work for The Council but they're still workers. Cogs in the greater machine...
Sam is happy to allow Ebb to do the cooking. Sam could heat things up and usually not burn them but that was about the end of his culinary arts. He helped with the setting of the camp though, and the seeing to the horses and the gathering of some wood to keep the fire going. His head turned often in the direction that Vin, Neferox and Elthana headed off in. He also kept in mind precisely where his maul was, and he assured that it was never too far from him no matter what task he was performing.
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"You're very welcome, I'm Walker and this here is my senior officer Gara! we'll be taking it in turns driving and guarding." the round faced chap responds "I'm putting the supplies in back with you all if that's ok, nowhere else to put them, there's a Potion of Healing (Greater) each and enough food to last us, Gara has your gold allocation for whoever you decide is in charge of the purse right now, But we're all ready to go! I gotta say whoever is looking funding this trip is sparing no expense at keeping you all happy" he beams to Vin.
"we're picking them up in the council district who do you think is funding this, they're up to some bull again.." Gara grumbles dismissively looking up at the massive ornate building.
Gewyn nods in appreciation of both the effort and the honesty shown by these two guards, "should be interesting travelling, I can't wait to get to know you all, bit cramped and close quarters for my liking BUT good social interactions rarely happen at a distance" he smoulders as he embarks the carriage.
The bright eyed boy says "Isn't that why its always good to have a backup plan, I'm really excited for this. We get to make a big difference and help people! We might even become heroes. I'm not much of a brawler though. You look really strong, have you been in a lot of fights? I bet you won them if you were." The boy just looks up at the big man with curiosity in their eyes as they wait for a response.
Sam Hall blinks at the child and rubs his free hand over his bald scalp in order to give himself a moment to process all the chatter that was so quickly thrown at him.
"The backup plan already failed, boy. Messengers didn't return. Then they sent the Splitters and they didn't return. We're such a last resort that they don't even want anyone to know they're throwing us at the problem," Sam explains. "If they wanted to make a difference they would send a battalion, not five castoffs."
Looking at the boy, Sam feels that last bit didn't exactly inspire the kid and Sam had a twinge of guilt. "Look, maybe we are the best of the best. The champions they claim. Maybe we're somehow uniquely qualified. I certainly hope we can help and I intend to do my damndest, no matter what I think of the plan and those that thunk it up. I'm just what they call jaded... I seen too much and now I expect the worst. The least. It's what I'm used to..."
"As for fights," Sam continues, "I been in more than a few, sure enough. I won some and I lost some. Anyone says they won every fight is either a liar or fighting the wrong fights."
"So what about this pooch of yours? Can't say I ever seen a dog quite like it," Sam says, considering reaching over and scruffing the beats fur a bit but deciding against it. "Seems pretty loyal...."
"we're picking them up in the council district who do you think is funding this, they're up to some bull again.." Gara grumbles dismissively looking up at the massive ornate building.
"Aren't they always?" Sam agrees with Gara. "Though if no expense was being shared there'd be dozens of you on this journey, each kitted out for war just in case..."
"Give it to the green one with the helmet," Sam suggests when the coinage is brought up. "If we can't trust the padre they sent with us then I guess we're screwed from the get go." And with that Sam Hall shrugs and grabs a handhold before hauling himself up and into the back of the carriage.
The boy looks up at Sam as he talks. The difference in height a stark contrast let alone the thin frame of Vin versus the muscled form of Sam making it even more obvious how different they both appear. As Vin talks with Sam the boy seem to subconsciously reach out for their large black dog. Without any command Nef moves in close to Vin who holds their side comfortingly. The polite young man continues to look at Sam as he talks and is quite polite as he waits for Sam to finish. They seem a bit contemplative but also hopeful and innocent as they say "I don't like to think we are castoffs... I've worked really hard to not be that anymore. I like to think... we represent something cool. Like, something new. Real heroes that can represent all the factions and not just one." They look down a bit embarrassed and follow up with "That sounds really corny doesn't it?"
Vin seems to be a bit bubbly and excited as he says "Wooh, kind of hard for me to imagine you losing a fight. You look really intimidating. Umm... not that you look scary or anything just really strong and such. I'd hate to meet the person that could beat you. I bet they actually look scary." quite clear the boy find Sam a bit scary but they are trying really hard to be super friendly to the big man and work past their fear. The fact they hold Nef close to them belies that fact to Sam quite easily.
As the big man asks about Nef the dog looks right at Sam Hall with their red eyes and a bit of a growl. Vin pats their head and says "It's okay Nef. He just doesn't know not to call you that." Vin smiles as he pets Nef who still glares but doesn't growl at least. The boy then looks back to Sam and says "Sorry, she's a good girl. She doesn't like being called a pooch though. They find it... well... nevermind. Dog, wolf, canine are all good. Nef is preferred though..." Vin looks back at the dog then back at Sam "Ah, Neferox. Sorry, they only like me calling them Nef. Truth be told, I'm not sure what breed she is. She's gotten really big the past 4 years though. I found her near starved to death as a tiny puppy. I shared what little food and water I could and helped her recover. We've been through a lot since then and now we are inseparable." Vin hugs Nef around the neck and then lets them go. Nef licks Vin's cheek in return then the dog looks at Sam with an unflinching intensity.
As the dog has a staring contest with Sam Vin takes the opportunity to ask Walker, "How much were we given anyway?"
Ebb helps with packing the carriage and greets the horses, offering them a carrot each from his own rations. He had been just observing this new pack without needed much to add. Vin, Nef and Sam seemed to be getting along alright. Ebb approaches the talking pair. He bends a bit as he offers his hand for Nef to sniff, along with some jerky as a snack. “Nice to meet you Nef. Glad to have you with. As well as you two” he says with a smile and tilt of his head. When Sam gave Ebb the money. “ Well, I don’t mind holding on to this, but I’d rather everyone agree that it’s ok, if it is then anyone and everyone is free to ask for their share, or we can just keep this as a collective pot. Either way, we should come to an agreement on how we handle such matters.” He says as he holds the bag of coin in his hand.
It was still strange, being this tall. His whole life he was as diminutive as a common goblin, but now he was shaped more like an elf ever since he started being able to access higher meditations. Everything felt odd, easier. He spent his whole life struggling and trying to catch up. Now he was the one in the experienced position and representing his order. “Sam, you really are amazing. A lot of people on my travels, rich and poor, marvel at your strength and back bone for standing up for the small guy. I used to be small myself, I feel I still am. I also feel like they really did choose the best of us. They chose us because we actually care.” Ebb looks around at them, “ Those in charge are afraid. They are afraid they are going to lose everything they spent their lives building not only for themselves, but for everyone around them. They are afraid of what will happen when they are no longer around. They chose us because they believe in us, not because we are expendable. They know their future is not expendable. Since my mentor trusts in you then I will as well. Let’s respect and trust in not only each other, but ourselves. It’s what our leaders are doing.”
“I think we should have a small show and tell, to better get to know each other and our capabilities. I’ll go first.”
Ebb concentrates and grips his staff “I know there is hope.” He says in an other worldly voice. A tranquil aura washes over everyone in the immediate area emanating from Ebb. “While in this state your ability to heal yourself and overcome mind altering affects becomes enhanced. I can also enhance 3 peoples effeminacy for about 3 10minute increments.” He says looking to Sam, Vin, and Gewyn. Each hear the word “you” in their head and are filled with positive self confidence. “Show is something cool Vin” Ebb says with an offered open palm.
Drow enthusiast
Lover of lore and magic.
-The White Crow-
Walker responds gladly to Vin, "oh how much?, well Gara took care of the purse so he shoul-"
"Hundred an fifty, once you're all done you should jump in, make yourselves comfortable" Gara interrupts his junior and walks off round the front of the carriage, he then starts checking the horses bridles and tack, making sure each is secure and tight.
Gewyn chuckles, his head peeking out from the back of the carriage as he sits, his legs swinging freely above the ground, "neat trick, that'll sure come in handy!" He stretches and gives a gratified sigh, "feeling better about this group already, my skills are of the social kind, got anyone to butter up or entertain them I'm your man, but don't get me wrong I have some tricks up my sleeve" with a flick of the wrist there are several popping sounds as each member of the party has the dust, dirt and debris exploded off if their person leaving them completely clean and fresh smelling underneath, some will know prestidigitation and its effects, it's not an overly impressive spell, but the quick succession and smoothness of the multiple castings was nothing to complain about.
"That would be nice, wouldn't it kid? And maybe it's true... You keep hoping and believing and maybe you'll just make it so," Sam says, begrudgingly. He doesn't believe it but he's not going to go around stepping on a kids hopes and dreams either. "Nothing wrong with corny. All the best dreams are, aren't they?"
"There's always someone scarier. Or something. And sometimes the other guy is just better prepared, better rested or more imaginative," Sam explains. "Don't let yourself ever think you'll win a fight just because you're stronger. Or more powerful. Or whatever. The fire in each combatant matters. As does the will and desire. And the fates. Fates can be fickle and they'll screw ya given half a chance. And looks? They can matter before a fight, but once the fight starts, looks matter for nothing at all..."
"Neferox it is then, eh?" Sam says as the conversation turns to the animal. "Apologies, ok girl? I meant no offense..."
"I think it's meant as group money," Sam says to Ebb. "Pay for rooms and meals or such. If we divvy it up and one pisses their share away..." Sam's eyes may sideways towards Gewyn at this, but he doesn't mean to insult anyone in particular. "If anyone objects I'll happily debate the issue with them."
"I'm just the muscle," Sam assures. "It's the organization that does the real heavy lifting for the people. Jimmy Connelly and the others who are good at the speechifying and the talking and ideas. Don't get me wrong, muscle is needed sometimes... But muscle is easier to come by than the brains on those sorts, while still caring about the regular folk. They could move up and advance a lot more if they left us behind. They gets all the respect because they choose not to, eh?"
"You're more generous to the real leaders than I am though. You think they built everything for everyone? I think they built it for them and themselves. You think they're afraid of what'll happen when they are gone? I think they're afraid of what'll happen when they lose power... And the comfort and privilege that comes with it."
"As for us though... those of us here? I always have faith in the individual until they give me reason not to," Sam explains. "I'm going into whatever this is with you and them, so I have your backs and expect you all to have mine. It's us against them, eh? I trust individuals, it's groups and positions and such I distrust..."
Sam watches the little show and tell and nods in appreciation. "I hit things," he says when it is possibly his turn. "I'll demonstrate if anyone wants to volunteer but I think you all know how my trick works..." Sam's other tricks are more... vague. Sam doesn't think of the effects that go with his Rune Carver-ness as powers so much as just things that happen sometimes when he fights and thus nothing he can really just demonstrate even assuming he fully knows it's his doing.
((For example, Cloud Rune'll allow him to change on hit vs a creature to be a hit against someone else. I intend to RP this more as a combat tactic than magic... I may have to stretch things a bit but like "Seeing the Death Knight's swing about to bisect his friend, Sam Hall smashes his maul into the ground creating a wave of force which booms out and redirects that power of the swing into hitting the Death Knight's own ally..."))
As Sam confirms it's okay to be corny the young man looks at them and has a small grin. Sam definitely made them feel a bit better. The large black dog does a little nod towards Sam as they address them in a preferred way of Neferox. They look to Vin after that and a moment passes then Vin laughs and the dog seems to become indignant as the hound snort and raises their head up and away from the boy. Vin can't help but giggle for a bit more before finally calming down. With a few tears of joy in their eyes Vin says to Sam, "I think Nef likes you." Then the boy looks to Nef and says "I'm sorry. It was just funny." Nef puts on an air of having their feelings hurt as they continue to look insulted.
The moment of joy gets disrupted when Ebb calls Neferox by the name Nef. The dog instantly takes a bite at Ebb their jaws biting down short of reaching Ebb but the warning clear as they follow up with a growl. The smile on Vin fades as they say "Nef! No! Its okay." Nef continues to glare with red eyes full of anger. Vin pulls them back away from Ebb as they apologize, "Sorry Ebb. She just... it's complicated. Can I ask you to apologize to her? She really only wants me calling her Nef." The large growling dog continues to glare. Apology or not Vin manages to get Neferox to back away and the boy seems ashamed of what happened. After a bit of petting behind the ear the dog seems to calm down and looks at the half-elf with their head slightly tilted to one side questioningly. Anyone trying to listen carefully will hear Vin whisper to Nef "I want to make friends with them Nef. Can you please let it go, for me?" Nef takes a moment as they glare back at Ebb but then look to Vin and nod.
Vin walks back to the others and apologizes again to Ebb "I'm really sorry Ebb. They agreed to not let it bother them. Anyway, you wanted to know what we can do? Well, Nef is really strong and as I said before I am really good at sneaking around. If there is any for of shadow in an area I can turn invisible in it. Dim light works too. My main form of attacking is blasts of raw magical power or beams of fire. I can also summon something called a shadow spawn, its kind of like a corrupted spirit. I like to give them a chance to do good things and protect people help them rehabilitate. If we are in a real pinch I can even heal you but its done by sapping life energy from other living things around you. Some of my magic is really draining on me though and I can only handle one or two spells before I need a small rest. The raw magical blasts are really easy for me though, I can shot those off all day."
As the Ebb give their demonstrations of magic Vin smiles at the feeling of mental and spiritual protection from Ebb. "That feels nice. It's like feeling... not really sure how to put it. I just feel safe under that magic I guess." Vin's eyes go wide when he hears the word in his mind. When asked to show them something cool its obvious he's feeling the pressure "Right! Something cool. Alright... ummm...." He looks around for something to target and show his power to. Obvious indicision as he tries to decide which magical spell is best to show off. He looks at Nef and the dog just stares back until Vin nods and says "Right! That one! Okay." He seems to struggle to find a place to do what he wants. The immaculate streets, the finely detailed buildings, everything seems perfect and pristine. Vin looks to the guards and asks "Umm... is it alright to melt holes in the ground here? Or do we have something I can target? Oh! I know I can shot them into the air!" Vin channels some magical energy around their arms and hands and as they do they chant "Я выклікаю агонь старажытнага пякельнага духу." suddenly a rapid succession of 4 beams of fire streak out into the air. The heat of which can easily be felt from those nearby.
Gewyn watches the display from Vin intently, and follows the performances with enthusiastic applause. "See now, I think we are going to get along just fine, this little group we have here!" He hops on to the back of the carriage and pulls a lyre from his back strumming a chord. The way the light catches his horns sets them to glittering.
"Consider this..." Gewyn now plucks away at the lyre, weaving a melody that grows more intricate with each measure. "What we are to do together has the potential to be the stuff of legends. Oh the stories they will tell of our achievements, and the songs they will sing, some of them perhaps written by yours truly." He leans toward Sam, "And before you get a gloomy look on that face, consider that it is not for personal glory that we go forth. It is to inspire! To show the people that we can accomplish together so much more than one could imagine!"
His song rises to a crescendo. He paces as he plays, and plays as he speaks, and the whole time it seems as if the sun is shining just for him. Not a shadow crosses his features. He strikes a final resounding chord... "But that is if we succeed here." He drops his voice, and his tone shifts towards solemnity in the same fashion as a story-weaver preparing to get to the lesson within his tale.
"Even the greatest musicians would not just form a band and play a grand concert without a rehearsal, away from the public eye." He waggles his fingers and a few feet over, Walker's nose scrunches up as if he smells something odd. "We must learn each other's timings. Each other's rhythms. Each other's..." Whatever Walker smells causes him to sneeze. "... cues. You were a bit late there, Walker."
Gewyn resumes plucking a light melody. "So let us journey forth and learn what we together can accomplish, so next we may show the people their new hope!"
Everyone gains 8 temporary hit points
As the group interacts before boarding for their long journey, Elthana listens intently specifically when people are speaking, but any lulls in the conversation leave her looking somewhat distracted, eyes closed and thoughts elsewhere.
As Sam mentions that everything always goes sideways, she chimes in "Well, you plan for that. You always have a plan B and C and depending how difficult the job is, even more. So no, it doesn’t." she wonders if the half Orc's approach to everything is the same as any other brute, 'smash and brawl' all your problems away, however she does soften and agree with Sam as he talks about them all having each other's backs "we can be the Champions they think of us and more, as long as we work together."
She takes particular interest in Vin as he mentions his aptitude and preference of working in the shadows, a sly grin crosses her face, "That is where I live, dear Vin, never in the spotlight”. As Ebb accepts the coin purse, Elthana asks “Don’t you think a representative of the treasury should hold that?” She seems a little irritated that her position wasn't even mentioned as preference, but she also makes no move to take the purse from the Verdan.
Elthana seems impressed at the displays of magics and abilities, she may be feigning the impressed looks maybe not, but either way she offers none of her own right now, she moves to board the carriage too, whispering flatly to Vin as she passes "are you coming? We don’t want to hold them up" she leaves the boy still standing speaking to the enthusiastic guard Walker.
The trail out of Marble stead takes the group south out of the council district passing through the towering gates and out toward the only real exit to the city.
The afternoon air is quickly swathed in the smells of salted meats, savoury pastries and general mealtime goods of the markets of the city, they pass steadily through the middle and down into the ramshackle drudgery and communal housings of the tangles, "Bugger off, We ain't stopping" the group hears Gara grumble loudly at any wandering vendors who attempt to approach the carriage, their arms outstretched with picked wildflower, or tatty blankets, the other hand always open, needy, ready to receive any alms or payment.
The road out of the city through the tangles becomes bumpy and ill maintained, the horses have a little more of a difficult time navigating the loose stones covered in the mud tracked on to the main road from the unpaved Rabbit warrens that constitute this lowest level of the city.
Once the city hum is behind them and the carriage rumbles gently down the south hill leading out, the group watch as the cliff faces take over their observable scenery, then the cliffs are eventually swallowed in turn by the forests that line the trail going out eastward. Every so often the group watches as they pass travellers heading out toward the city, this Trail is a well used one and serves as the main road to and from Hokum, but also Lyvander in the south east.
Night falls quickly in the autumnal evening. The guard, Gara and Walker keep the cart moving long after the sun goes down, but eventually they stop, "alright time to stretch your legs! we should make camp and have something to eat" Walker practically sings as he swings open the rear doors of the carriage, "because it's the first night Gara and I need to sort out our rotation, after that we can keep going as long as the horses let us, that is if you wouldn't like to stop in Trundlesten tomorrow night?"
Gewyn, having spent most of the trip alternating between juggling tricks and leaning over the edge of the wagon quietly taking in his first view of the countryside, hops down and does a quick stretch of his limbs to limber up. "I could go with some grub," he says enthusiastically. "What are we cooking up tonight?"
Vin smiles as so many of these people he's teamed up with seem to agree that the group can become heroes, champions or maybe even something greater. As Gewyn begins to play music and talks of legends, achievement and glory. As the music continues to play and Gewyn continues to talk Vin looks like he was going to clap along but looks to Nef instead and sighs. As Gewyn finishes their performance Vin particularly seems to like the idea of "Gewyn, do you really think they'd really make songs of us? That would be amazing." The idea of fame and glory seems to have a strong pull for the young man.
As Elthana mentions never being in the spotlight Vin feels they need to ask "Do you think its bad to be in the spotlight?"
As the group loads up and puts their belongings into the carriage Vin tries to grab a window seat so they can look out at things as they head out of the city. Nef opts to get up on the seats next to Vin the massive dog would normally take two seats up but they lay their head on Vin's lap for the journey. As the carriage gets going Vin enjoys looking out at the city as Marblestead passes by. The cities these days is more affluent the more central to the city you are and as you progress away from the center the elegant designs of expertly crafted architecture gives way little by little until it's clear the buildings lack the care they need.
This continues until the housing and buildings degrade into the Tangles. A place Vin remembers well. They look out at all the desperate folks trying to climb their way back up or just trying to find a way to forget their lot in life. The boy seems to try and spot something in the distance in the tangles but it becomes clear they can't see whatever it is they are looking for. Nef gives a huff and Vin says "I know. I just... it's been awhile." The boy looks nostalgic for a moment but as the cart gets swarmed by beggers and sellers the boy notices some selling flowers. He looks for someone particularly young and sticks his head out the window waving them down. A young boy of eight, nine maybe ten? Vin knows not to give the boy too much. he wants to give a gold to help the boy but instead he only gives 4 copper for a flower as he makes a quick exchange for the little bloom of white. As he does so he tells the kid, "Go get some food. Don't hold onto it."
Vin affixes the flower on his outfit. The white flower completely clashing with the black leather. Gara manages to disperse the majority of people and the carriage manages to move through. Vin watches as the small boy vanishes into the crowd which is now dispersing and he hopes the boy finds a full belly tonight. Vin becomes unusually quiet after that. Nef seems to nuzzle their hand and Vin gives a weak smile to the dog but the smile is obviously forced. He begins to scratch behind the dog's ear as the black hound rolls onto its side to get comfy. Their legs stretching out probably overlapping with whoever sat on the same side with Vin and Nef. Nef doesn't seem to count whoever is sitting there as actually being there. The rest of the journey is more of a sight to behold for the boy as he seems deep in thought, glued to the window and watching the vast landscapes outside the city roll on by.
As day turns into night and the moon and stars come out to grimly illuminate the landscape they find themselves in. Which in this case is a forested area made to look particularly spooky in the dead of night with so little light. The drivers seem to find a semi-open area to setup for camp and pull over to allow the group to rest for the evening. Nef hops down first followed by Vin as the two stretch. Vin smiles at the dog and says "You seemed more comfy then most I think." The dog looks at the other travelers all of which have been cooped up in the carriage for many hours at this point. A definite doggy grin as they look around at everyone. Vin found it hard to believe the day began meeting so many important people and now they were in the middle of a forest with no sign of civilization beyond a well traveled road.
Vin began helping to unload camping supplies with the two guards as they talk about the plan "Trundlesten? I've never been. What do you know about it?" Vin seems curious and as they ask for information on Trundlesten, Nef seems to perk up seeming hyper alert suddenly as they look North with a certain intensity. Vin seems to be incredibly in tune with the massive canine and looks in the same direction as well just a few seconds after them. The young man look to Nef and say "Do you think it's just some other people traveling? Wait, is there a road that way. We've been heading eastward on this forest path. I wonder who's out there?" Nef seems to look back and forth between the forest and Vin. Vin looks north as well and says "We should check it out!" With this declaration Vin goes over to Elthana, politely gets her attention and says "Elthana, You said you're good at being in the shadows right? Want to join Nef and me checking out a campfire? It's just to the north through the trees that way." Vin points northward directly at a line of trees that seem to arch on a hill.
Elthana takes in the sights as they leave the confines of the city. She watches outside the wagon as well as in as she wants to get to know her new travel companions, but small talk is not in her vocabulary. As Vin gives a small boy some coin for a flower, she leans in to the boy, keeping very aware of the dog, “Friend of yours?”
As they stop for camp, she assists with setting up and not feeling anything in particular in the immediate vicinity, she looks up in surprise when the small boy asks her to join them up North.
” You hear something? Oh wait, you know there is a campfire? Of course I’ll join you.” And she hops up off the ground, pole at the ready. “Since this is your find, you leading or do you want me to?”
Vin looks at Elthana a bit melancholy in his demeanor as he says "No.... just. Its tough in the tangles." he pauses a bit then adds "You know, that saying, 'it's bad luck to leave a city without a flower.' That superstition began in the Tangles. It's why everyone tries to sell flower here, just before you leave the city. I hope my buying the flower brings that boy luck." Vin goes back to looking out the window as the last parts of the city go past them. Neferox watches Elthana keenly for a few moments before laying their head back down on Vin's lap for head pats.
"Yeah, Nef spotted it. Her eyes are a lot better in the dark then mine." As Elthana agrees to join Vin smiles and says "Alright! Lets go! Thanks for joining me. If you don't mind I would like to lead." Vin finds someone else in the party helping to setup camp and as Sam Hall sticks out he's the first Vin approaches and taps on the shoulder "Hey Sam, Elthana, Nef and I are going to check out something north of here. Not far. We will be right back!" Then taking off in the lead and with a bundle of joy in his heart Vin takes off with a skip and a hop at first but as he enters the forest he quickly slows down and focuses on moving with purpose and silence. Nef seems to trail behind a good distance to avoid making any noises but those nearby would hardly believe the hound was there at all as it seems to be about as quiet and stealthy as Vin.
Vin does confirm Elthana is following and then with a smile Vin disappears from sight. It was a subtle thing as if the shadows and darkness that were around the young man began to swallow him up and in a smooth fluid motion Vin was gone from sight. Vin would reappear every now and then only to be swallowed up by the shadows and darkness again. It almost seems like he's vanishing from existence and popping up when he moves too far only to turn invisible again. The closer he gets to the campfire the more stealthy he seems to focus on being. He definitely started out a bit rough with his stealth but as he calms down and gets into the moment his stealth skills seem to really shine.
"If you rely too much on plans you'll be useless and lost when the world turns upside down," Sam retorts. "'Cause no matter how may plans you make, there's always something you didn't plan for."
Sam is mostly quiet for the travel though. He makes himself as comfortable as possible, closes his eyes and lets time pass by just as the sounds outside the carriage do - ignore and unnoticed. He doesn't quite sleep, he is aware enough to grunt a reply if necessary or open an eye and roll it at the odd comment or two, but the big lumbering Half Orc is used to spending a lot of time doing nothing and does it well. He just wished he was in a tavern instead of a carriage.
Sam does notice Vin and his purchase of the flower and he can't help but think that boy wasn't born to money, no matter his schooling and appearance now. He's been hungry, gone without, knows what it's like. Good... Hopefully he'll always remember. If all the rich and powerful had been poor and desperate and remembered what it had been like, the world would be a better place. "It's bad luck to leave a city without a flower," Sam hears and cannot help but smile. His hand subconsciously moves to an old, worn leather pouch that is just one of several on his belt. But this one was a bit more decorated than the others, a faded line of flowers around the pouch. A gift from Molly all so long ago...
Sam, of course, lends a hand with the unpacking and setting up of camp. "No reason one of you couldn't break inside the carriage on occasion and have one of us stand guard," Sam suggests to Gara and Walker. "Likely don't want me steering the horses but watching the road for problems is easy enough... Speed seems to be of some concern here so Trundlesten and other luxury delays should probably be set aside."
Sam smells the scent of burning wood well before they set up their own campfire. He mentally notes the fact but doesn't concern himself of it overly much til others seem to be making an issue of it. "Likely as not just traveling, as we are," Sam says in reply to Vin. "Check it out if you want but be careful, people none too friendly of strangers suddenly lurking about in the dark. I'm a smash first, question later type. They could be too..."
A bit too big and bulky to be overly stealthy, Sam Hall doesn't try to insert himself into the scout party. He does not the direction they are heading, though, and keeps an eye and ear out in that direction, just in case...
"I'd join you, but it looks like you're aiming to be quiet, which flies directly counter to my mission in life." He winks at Vin and Elthana and saunters over to help Walker and Gara.
Though he doesn't know much about being an outdoorsman, each time a task is explained to him he picks it up pretty quickly. As he works, he makes his way over to Ebb. "So, what's your story?" He looks Ebb up and down rather carefully. "You seem an interesting fellow, and stories about the interesting sort always make for better fun and better coin." He smiles disarmingly.
"Trundlesten ain't much more than an outpost, the passing place between the city and the other places out east, Hokum and Lyvander." Gara grumbles in respons to Vin.
"it's used alot by QuAr on their way to and from their sanctuary and it's great for traders!" Walker interjects "as for keeping look out I wouldn't mind a break or two along the way, we have a duty to protect you all but we need to be alert to do it so any help is gratefully accepted! right Gara?" the young guard answers earnestly to Sam and receives a grunt and an eye roll in return from Gara who now has set up a fire ready for lighting.
As Vin brings attention to another fire off in the forest, Walker calls after them, "uhm.. ah just be careful! it's us that are supposed to be guarding... oh erm" as he turns to face Vin, Nef and Elthana they have completely disappeared into the darkness of the forest. "they should be ok, The boy has an adult and a monster with him, I fear more for the folks they come across, besides we're guards not babysitters, can't guard a group that won't stay grouped" Gara side eyes Walker before lifting a crate of food stuffs out of the carriage he then begins rifling through looking for something to cook, he invites Gewyn to look too in wordless response to the bard's own food related enquiry, Walker merely stands looking out into the darkness after the stealthy trio, he seems hesitant and worrisome.
Vin and Elthana;
You all become immediately one with the darkness of the forests, making your way eastward following the smell of wood smoke, you use the thick trees to cover any silhouette, after a minute or two you each see the glint of firelight through the trees.
The moonlight still illuminates the trail you have yet to travel to your right and the dark forest walls off any possible sightline to the cliff faces beneath Marblestead far to your left, the soft moss under foot provides a soundless ingress to the area ahead, not that any of you needed it.
But the moss covered underbrush doesn't just help you, as you approach there is some movement and the sound of heavy rasping breaths, to your surprise you see a humanoid shadow cross your path mere meters in front of you, hunched over and with, is that a tail? you keep low holding your breaths... it continues moving, making a perimeter in the darkness just out of the reach of the fire light.
One full minute passes as you keep to the shadows and wait for the inquisitive shadow to return back to the firelight, "you're paranoid Scratch, a day out of the city there won't be bandits and the like here, besides you know not to fight before talking" a soft and calm voice states, "you've heard the stories though, the more people on the trail recently means there's a rise in that kinda thing, and it's not paranoia if there's reasonable and logical... ummm reasons! it's called being careful!" a second voice responds with a rasp.
Now that the coast is somewhat clear you approach to be able to see the two humanoids and a rooster sitting by the fire roasting something on sticks.
Ebb rubs the back of his neck “I’ve never been good at sneaking around, and this armor is pretty noisy” he says with a pat to his scale mail which clinks in response. He sees the guards start to set up for meal prep and he perks up. “I can help with that.” He says as he pulls out a book titled ‘A bit of everything’ and thumbs through it until he arrives to the intended page with an “Ah ha.” His eyes glow faintly as he says “Show me how” then he cracks his knuckles and encodes a second time “I’ll cook so fine, a meal to dine.” He says with a smile. A faint glow emanates from his hands. The Verdan Begins to take the lead in preparing and cooking. All the while he listens to Gweyn begin to question him.
”Well.” He begins while the Devine flows through hun during his cooking task “I was an orphan as many of the order are. I don’t know much about my parents but Holm took an interest in me. He saw something in me no one else did and took me in as his personal pupal.” Ebbs hands seemed to work almost of their own accord, as if he were being purported by some unseen force “I guess I’ve always had a knack for empathy and conflict resolution. He taught me the ways of Hermes and the order. That strange man often tested me by leaving me out in the wilds for long periods of time with teaching and meditations to practice. I took to them quickly. As my abilities grew so did I. I used to be as short as a halfling for the majority of my life, until my understanding of myself and other grew. Over a painful week, my body morphed into what you see now. People used to think I was a goblin, and I faced a lot of hate from that. Though some of that is true, I don’t think I am a goblin in the sense many think. Anyway. My adventures brought me here, with you lot. I’m happy for it. I’m happy to be able to serve others. What about you Gweyn. Tell me about yourself.” He ends with his own disarming smile as his hands continue to chop, cut, measure, and peel.
Drow enthusiast
Lover of lore and magic.
-The White Crow-
"No offense, Walker," Sam says gently as he is helping with setting up camp, "but to me you two are drivers and guides, not guards. Mind you I'm happy for every able fighter I can get in a scrap, but I suspect this group was chosen 'cause them there in power think we can handle ourselves, eh?" Sam continues to talk to Walker on this for a bit, he truly doesn't want to insult him or knock him down at all or such, but the idea the Council's champions would need these two as guards rankles him a bit. Though he doesn't come right out and point that out as he thinks that part is still secret? But more than anything he seems himself having more in common with Walker and Gara. They may work for The Council but they're still workers. Cogs in the greater machine...
Sam is happy to allow Ebb to do the cooking. Sam could heat things up and usually not burn them but that was about the end of his culinary arts. He helped with the setting of the camp though, and the seeing to the horses and the gathering of some wood to keep the fire going. His head turned often in the direction that Vin, Neferox and Elthana headed off in. He also kept in mind precisely where his maul was, and he assured that it was never too far from him no matter what task he was performing.