Soren muses: Interesting. The pack leader... ah, Knight is not impressed by the three of us already under his leadership, nor by not-Father Giles of the Scratching Hand from elsewhere. Then there is the new arrival, Tourmaline Bauer from what I sense is a bigger, more powerful pack. I remember how vast Waterdeep seemed as I gave it a wide berth on my flight south There is something going on beneath the surface of the water here, but I cannot glimpse it.
Soren's face forms an odd expression, tongue lolling out in a toothy grin at Zefla's claim that he wants to eat a werewolf. Not quite what I said, but I think maybe that was a joke? It takes confidence to make jokes in front of a pack leader. I admire Zefla's confidence - in this and in facing werewolves.
He attempts to answer Sir Rowan Caskbow. "I've only faced wolves and men, ah... sir. And only separately from each other, usually as friends, not foes. Never werewolves. Lycanthropes? Is it truly the human part that makes them bad?" Soren gives Burr a hopeful glance, looking for support.
Sir Rowan is silent for a moment. "In that case, I commend your courage in volunteering against for action against an unknown enemy. But if you are to face lycanthropes, there are a few things you must know...". Sir Rowan then dissertates for five full minutes on werewolves, their strengths, weaknesses and tactics. A few of the highlights:
..."And common steel avails you nothing against them. Silver, or magic, or something primal like fire - these are what you need to slay the moon-beasts. The militia was to provide some of you with silver-edged weapons; did they do so? Its important so please see to it that you obtain them." [Burr, Soren and Zefla indeed have silvered weapons as discussed OOC.]
... "They very rarely arm themselves, relying instead on the natural claws and fangs of their hybrid man-wolf form for attack. They claws are deadly, 'tis true, but it is the bite you must beware - for the folk tales are true; that is how they spread their curse. Bitten or not, the temple will be performing rites to purify us all of any curses when we return to town. ...Just to be sure."
... "Do not think them mindless beasts. While the man is... suppressed... by the curse, they are still far more intelligent than any wolf. They will cooperate with each other when in large groups; they will target the weak and the unwary; and they use hit and run tactics to disappear back into the darkness with their victims. Yet, like a beast, they are fearful when presented with strength. Hit them, bloody their nose, and they typically flee in search of weaker prey."
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PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Soren stirs a little at the parts about "mindless beasts" and "beasts being fearful when presented with strength." Why does Sir Rowan Caskbow ascribe these traits to beasts only? Many humans I've seen act thoughtlessly, and are fearful when presented with strength. As am I, sometimes. And I've seen beasts react to opposing strength with determined courage and resolve, as a mother bear would when defending her young.
But he says nothing. He takes out one of his silver-tipped arrows and places it on the table in front of him on the table. Then watches and listens.
Giles nods and listens, wondering how they are going to lure them out, wanting to hear where the attacks will occur and the tactical plan. He says to himself, “Perhaps we should lure them out with some of this delightful chicken…”
When Giles gives Zefla a wink, she slightly narrows her eyes at him and pulls her food closer to her. She then looks up to Sir Rowan, "Are you joining us then? And what about Miss Fancybritches? I'm sorry, Ms Bauer, are you joining us as well?"
She hungrily eats some more biscuits, thoroughly enjoying the food, "And when do we start?"
As Sir Rowan completes his lecture, Madame Bauer takes a last bite from a drumstick, drops it onto her plate with a dozen other bones, and then then pushes back from the table. She slouches a bit in her chair and wipes her mouth with the back of a hand. Anyone paying closer attention to her than to Sir Rowan:
"Ugh. (urp) I'm disgusting." she mutters.
Then she sits up and addresses Sir Rowan. "A most helpful introductory course, Sir Rowan." She glances at all of you again. At Zefla's question, she asks, "So they haven't been informed of any details yet? We should bring them up to speed quickly if we intend to be underway on the morrow."
"Of course, of course. I was just getting to that," says Sir Rowan in response. He finishes unfolding the piece of velum and spreads it out on the table where everyone can see.
As everyone looks over his shoulders, he explains, "This small map shows the location of all the confirmed attacks. Most were isolated farmsteads and hamlet, with a single caravan attack on the Trade Way last week. Most have been somewhere between the Trade Way and the Misty Forest, and between Daggerford and the Way Inn, about two days walk south of here."
"While werewolves are sadly not rare, such a rash of attacks, and such a large pack appearing so suddenly, are cause for concern."
"The powers that be are concerned this may just be the beginning of something. And that is where we come in. We are not charged with eliminating this threat. This is a fact finding mission. Our orders are to locate some of these werewolves, confront them and secure a prisoner for questioning. I will be leading the expedition and Madame Bauer will be accompanying us to lend her particular arcane skillset to aid in the endeavor. My squire Jhon will join us as well. So, it will be seven of us that head south tomorrow... a lucky number, some say."
He points to the map as he continues. "We will make our way south, visiting Gillian's Hill and Liam's Hold to ask for recent sign of the pack. If they haven't been seen in the area, we will overnight in Liam's Hold and then continue south the next day as far as The Way Inn. If we still don't have any leads, then we will turn east for the Misty Forest and do a little off-road tracking until we do find them."
He rolls back up the little map. "I've been assured Madame Bauer has means with which to secure a lycanthrope safely for questioning." It is a statement, but it sounds a little like a question; one to which Madame Bauer merely nods.
"As to reward,"he says at last, "You've all been promised 25gp for accompanying this mission. I have that for you tonight. You can either leave it with your kin here in Daggerford or take it with us on the road at your discretion. Assuming we successfully capture a lycanthrope, you will each be rewarded with another 175gp when we get back to Daggerford." He pauses then adds, "If we run into anything unexpected or if any of you perform above and beyond the call of duty, I will personally request further bonuses as appropriate."
"If there are questions, now is the time. Otherwise, finish your meals, get a good night's sleep and meet us at the Caravan Gates at dawn."
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PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Soren continues to watch and listen, unblinking. He notices, wonderingly that the lady from Waterdeep devours chicken at an even more formidable pace than he himself did. As a predator would, jealous of any other beast stealing their kill... if Zefla can make a joke, perhaps I can too?
"Ah... Lady Tourmaline Bauer. I have not seen anyone savage their meat quite like that since a pair of wolves I knew in my lost forest home. Impressive. Are you sure you yourself are not a werewolf? We could all save the effort and danger of the chase and collect the reward if you just turn yourself in!" He looks around, tongue still lolling out in a toothy grin, hoping everyone gets the joke!
As he speaks, Soren begins to feel self-conscious but plows ahead. During a pause, he mumbles a prayer to nature spirits to provide him Guidance.
"If I understand Sir, ah...Rowan Caskbow, werewolves can only be harmed with silvered weapons, not ordinary steel. Before we set out on this difficult task, perhaps we should all take ordinary, un-silvered steel and seal our agreement with a blood pact, cutting ourselves with minor injuries that we bleed and suffer slightly from so that we all show that we ourselves are not... what was the word? Lycanthropes."
Soren watches Tourmaline Bauer's eyes, face, throat and posture carefully to observe whether any reaction she has to his words reveals anything.
Zefla listens as Sir Rowan describes the situation and their mission. Her eyes light up at the mention of the reward, already contemplating what she will want to spend the 25 gold on that she is going to receive tonight.
Trying to decide if she has any questions, Soren interjects with questioning the tiefling. At first a bit shocked as he calls her out to possibly being a werewolf herself, she then tries her best to stifle her laughter at the whole situation.
But as he continues, asking everyone to cut themselves, she shakes her head. "I've never hurt myself on purpose and I don't plan to now! I'm no werewolf, I don't stink enough!" Her eyes bulge out when she sees Burr stab himself.
Soren examines the utensils they are using to eat. If he doesn't think they are silvered, he nods in appreciation of Burr.
"I agree with your thought, Burr Hollen. Better to use these knives and forks here that we know are not silvered."
He wipes his own knife from the table off carefully with a napkin, knowing instinctively about infections and makes a small incision in his hand, showing the others the minor wound that does not immediately close and the slightly leaking blood (1hp damage taken).
Continuing to watch Lady Tourmaline Bauer, he asks Zefla curiously, "Do werewolves stink? I did not know. Perhaps that is another way we can tell."
Giles nods at Zefla’s words. “I’m not ah into that sort of thing. My Lady tries to keep me safe, she wouldn’t take to having me stab myself.” He stands and walks over to a window, if there is one in the room. “Just looking to see if there is a full moon out, or not. Does that have any impact in the timing of our mission…”
Giles heads over to the table where Sir Rowan sits and quickly takes his 25 g.p. pouch, pocketing it smoothly, nodding to Sir Rowan, his eyes twinkling as he gets his hand on the gold. He says to those assembled in the most pious manner that he can produce, “If I may, I would like to say some words of blessing over our party, a benediction as we begin this difficult journey.”
He holds his arms up and closes his eyes, saying “My Lady Tymora, please bless these brave men and women as we go to put an end to the blight of these lycanthropes, a stop to their reign of terror on our good lands. Give us wisdom and we search for the correct paths to pursue, and a keen eye to make good choices, firm bets that will accomplish our task. You guide our paths and keep us safe, saving us in our hour of need. Give us luck my Lady, to dodge their foul bite and claws.” (his voice changes ever so slightly here, as his head is bowed and eyes are closed), “And the balls to make the right gambles at the right time, every time.”
He opens his eyes and looks up, nodding and solemn again, “In the blessed name of Lady Tymora, Amen.” “I look forward to joining you and helping in every way that I can.” Giles returns to his seat, nodding and smiling at everyone seated there. He does ask his companions and also so that Sir Rowan can hear, “Does anyone have any spare silvered crossbow bolts that I could use? Hopefully I won’t need them, but you never know…”
Madame Bauer stands, shocked, mouth agape at Soren's comment. Sir Rowan, taking a sip of wine, nearly chokes when the druid mentions how she 'savaged' her dinner. "I... I... ahem," she tries to compose herself. You wouldn't have thought it possible, but she blushes an even deeper shade of red.
Humanoids are not so different from the animals as they would like to think of themselves. You feel like you have a pretty good read on Tourmaline. Her reactions peaked when you commented about how she had been eating. She seemed to experience surprise, flirted briefly with anger, and then dipped into shame and embarrassment. By her lack of reaction, you're not sure if she even heard your suggestion about testing yourselves with wounds.
Sir Rowan, seemingly trying to lighten the mood, laughs deeply at Soren's suggestion to cut yourselves. When Burr follows through on it, however, he stops laughing. "By the Lord's light... you're serious?" He laughs again, but it is a softer, more subdued laugh, and he shakes his head. "I'm not sure it works like that... how would a werewolf even..." and then Soren cuts himself, causing Sir Rowan to pause again in disbelief. He looks up, "Enough. Madame Bauer, please take no offense, this is all very new to these...".
Madame Bauer's eyes dart back and forth between Soren, Sir Rowan, and the table. Then, without warning, she picks up her knife and draws it quickly across her hand. It bleeds more than the other wounds and she grabs it with a napkin, wincing in pain. She gives Soren a hard look, and then looks to Sir Rowan. "Excuse me, Sir." She walks out the door, pushing past a server bringing a fresh jug of wine.
The knight seems in shock over how the last few seconds have played out. He runs a hand through his black hair and sighs. "So... I am not going to cut myself to satisfy your curiosity. This will have to do instead." He walks to Burr and Soren, placing a hand on each of their shoulders. "Lord, forgive these folk and consider their minor wounds the price of youthful experimentation. Do not hold this against them. Rather, soothe these cuts, so they may be ready for the trials to come." Soren and Burr feel a gentle warmth flow through them as Sir Rowan lays his hands upon them, and their tiny wounds heal immediately. "I cannot imagine a werewolf could maintain his oaths as a holy knight. If that isn't enough for you, good sir, you are welcome to withdraw from the mission," he says firmly to Soren. "Now if you will excuse me, I need to see to the lady." He steps out and heads down the hallway in the direction Madame Bauer fled.
Sire Rowan doesn't answer Giles' question, but as the server is replacing the wine jug he chimes in, "The full moon can force a change, but once a werewolf has the curse, they can change at any time, at will." He finishes pouring. Realizing his sudden input might raise some eyebrows, he adds, "My great grandfather got bit. Was cursed for a whole year before he was blessed and cured. I'm kind of an expert."
After two minutes, Sir Rowan returns. "I apologize if I was curt, earlier. Your comment offended the lady, though I do not believe your words held malice. Though you did not mean harm, I would ask you to tread lightly around her, lest this journey be harder than it needs to be," he says to Soren. He dispenses everyone's promised 25gp, Giles says his prayer over the group, and you are free to ask additional questions or call it a night.
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PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
As Lady Tourmaline Bauer storms out, Soren himself looks surprised, though relieved when he sees the blood from her self-inflicted wound.
(He does look to see just in case the knife she had used appears to be silvered).
"I... I meant the part about savaging her meat as a compliment..." Anyone looking at Soren's crestfallen face and recalling his own manner of eating and description of how his wolf friends savaged their meat would know him to be sincere in saying this.
Only now does Soren begin to realize the possible enormity of his breach in human manners and his eyes go very still, slightly downcast. He addresses Sir Rowan as well as the others. "Thank you for the healing, pack leader. I am sorry everyone. I am new to the ways of the big city. I shall be more careful."
Soren then turns to the server, hoping this question is safe. "How did the cure work? On your great grandfather?"
Burr had backed up hard against the wall, too many important people were paying attention to him, talking to him, touching him....his fists squeezed compulsively and he snatched Zeflas wine and gulped down the entire mug.
As he placed it back down he met her eyes and gave a guilty smile, " Sorry....this is all a bit..."
Zefla stares at Burr as he downs her glass. Just as she is about to give him a piece of her mind, she overhears what the server and Soren are talking about and her attention moves to them. Reaching over for the new wine jug to fill her now empty glass, she waits for the servers answer.
"Oh," the server says, setting down the wine jug, seemingly thrilled to have interjected himself into this special meeting, "... as the romantics in my family would tell it, it was true love that broke the curse. Rather, I think, it was the fact that my great gram gram was a devoted priestess of Savras. Eager to help my grandfather, she petitioned the church to cure his affliction with divine magic. It didn't work out for the chuch - a remarkable lack of foresight for the faith of Savras the All-seeing, I'd say - as my great gram gram ended up abandoning the clergy to settle down with great grandfather after he was cured." He smiles. "I'm actually working on an anthology of stories related to my family. One of my great uncles lead an expedition into the Lizard Marsh that was quite exciting. Do you think they would be interested in reading something like that in the big cities? I hope to be an author one day." He is then summoned back out of the room by one of the managers.
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PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Giles listens with interest, his face pulled long into a somber appearance, his eyebrows arched, taking in the information. “To become an author, one must have experiences, yes? Perhaps you could see the world, expand your horizons, and then settle down to right? Quite so. Well, I for one could use some rest, meditation and preparation for our upcoming journey. Are there any skills you wish for me to pray for to my Lady Tymora, to aid us on our quest on the morrow? If not, I plan to retire and get some good sleep tonight. Good evening.”
((taking requests for any cleric spells you wish me to prepare.))
Burr was already approaching sleep especially after quaffing the wine and he wondered where exactly one slept here, his usual haunts you just found a comfortable pile of straw...
Zefla looks at Giles a bit quizzically. She didn't know how to take him, and wondered what he meant by skills for him to pray for (I really don't have any suggestions, but thanks for asking!). She finally shrugs, then seeing it is just the four of them left in the room, says goodnight and makes her leave.
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Soren muses: Interesting. The pack leader... ah, Knight is not impressed by the three of us already under his leadership, nor by not-Father Giles of the Scratching Hand from elsewhere. Then there is the new arrival, Tourmaline Bauer from what I sense is a bigger, more powerful pack. I remember how vast Waterdeep seemed as I gave it a wide berth on my flight south There is something going on beneath the surface of the water here, but I cannot glimpse it.
Soren's face forms an odd expression, tongue lolling out in a toothy grin at Zefla's claim that he wants to eat a werewolf. Not quite what I said, but I think maybe that was a joke? It takes confidence to make jokes in front of a pack leader. I admire Zefla's confidence - in this and in facing werewolves.
He attempts to answer Sir Rowan Caskbow. "I've only faced wolves and men, ah... sir. And only separately from each other, usually as friends, not foes. Never werewolves. Lycanthropes? Is it truly the human part that makes them bad?" Soren gives Burr a hopeful glance, looking for support.
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
Burr gave Rowan side eye and a slight nervous was never good to gain the notice of those in power, let alone invite it.
Sir Rowan is silent for a moment. "In that case, I commend your courage in volunteering against for action against an unknown enemy. But if you are to face lycanthropes, there are a few things you must know...". Sir Rowan then dissertates for five full minutes on werewolves, their strengths, weaknesses and tactics. A few of the highlights:
..."And common steel avails you nothing against them. Silver, or magic, or something primal like fire - these are what you need to slay the moon-beasts. The militia was to provide some of you with silver-edged weapons; did they do so? Its important so please see to it that you obtain them." [Burr, Soren and Zefla indeed have silvered weapons as discussed OOC.]
... "They very rarely arm themselves, relying instead on the natural claws and fangs of their hybrid man-wolf form for attack. They claws are deadly, 'tis true, but it is the bite you must beware - for the folk tales are true; that is how they spread their curse. Bitten or not, the temple will be performing rites to purify us all of any curses when we return to town. ...Just to be sure."
... "Do not think them mindless beasts. While the man is... suppressed... by the curse, they are still far more intelligent than any wolf. They will cooperate with each other when in large groups; they will target the weak and the unwary; and they use hit and run tactics to disappear back into the darkness with their victims. Yet, like a beast, they are fearful when presented with strength. Hit them, bloody their nose, and they typically flee in search of weaker prey."
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Soren stirs a little at the parts about "mindless beasts" and "beasts being fearful when presented with strength." Why does Sir Rowan Caskbow ascribe these traits to beasts only? Many humans I've seen act thoughtlessly, and are fearful when presented with strength. As am I, sometimes. And I've seen beasts react to opposing strength with determined courage and resolve, as a mother bear would when defending her young.
But he says nothing. He takes out one of his silver-tipped arrows and places it on the table in front of him on the table. Then watches and listens.
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
Giles nods and listens, wondering how they are going to lure them out, wanting to hear where the attacks will occur and the tactical plan. He says to himself, “Perhaps we should lure them out with some of this delightful chicken…”
When Giles gives Zefla a wink, she slightly narrows her eyes at him and pulls her food closer to her. She then looks up to Sir Rowan, "Are you joining us then? And what about Miss Fancybritches? I'm sorry, Ms Bauer, are you joining us as well?"
She hungrily eats some more biscuits, thoroughly enjoying the food, "And when do we start?"
As Sir Rowan completes his lecture, Madame Bauer takes a last bite from a drumstick, drops it onto her plate with a dozen other bones, and then then pushes back from the table. She slouches a bit in her chair and wipes her mouth with the back of a hand. Anyone paying closer attention to her than to Sir Rowan:
"Ugh. (urp) I'm disgusting." she mutters.
Then she sits up and addresses Sir Rowan. "A most helpful introductory course, Sir Rowan." She glances at all of you again. At Zefla's question, she asks, "So they haven't been informed of any details yet? We should bring them up to speed quickly if we intend to be underway on the morrow."
"Of course, of course. I was just getting to that," says Sir Rowan in response. He finishes unfolding the piece of velum and spreads it out on the table where everyone can see.
As everyone looks over his shoulders, he explains, "This small map shows the location of all the confirmed attacks. Most were isolated farmsteads and hamlet, with a single caravan attack on the Trade Way last week. Most have been somewhere between the Trade Way and the Misty Forest, and between Daggerford and the Way Inn, about two days walk south of here."
"While werewolves are sadly not rare, such a rash of attacks, and such a large pack appearing so suddenly, are cause for concern."
"The powers that be are concerned this may just be the beginning of something. And that is where we come in. We are not charged with eliminating this threat. This is a fact finding mission. Our orders are to locate some of these werewolves, confront them and secure a prisoner for questioning. I will be leading the expedition and Madame Bauer will be accompanying us to lend her particular arcane skillset to aid in the endeavor. My squire Jhon will join us as well. So, it will be seven of us that head south tomorrow... a lucky number, some say."
He points to the map as he continues. "We will make our way south, visiting Gillian's Hill and Liam's Hold to ask for recent sign of the pack. If they haven't been seen in the area, we will overnight in Liam's Hold and then continue south the next day as far as The Way Inn. If we still don't have any leads, then we will turn east for the Misty Forest and do a little off-road tracking until we do find them."
He rolls back up the little map. "I've been assured Madame Bauer has means with which to secure a lycanthrope safely for questioning." It is a statement, but it sounds a little like a question; one to which Madame Bauer merely nods.
"As to reward," he says at last, "You've all been promised 25gp for accompanying this mission. I have that for you tonight. You can either leave it with your kin here in Daggerford or take it with us on the road at your discretion. Assuming we successfully capture a lycanthrope, you will each be rewarded with another 175gp when we get back to Daggerford." He pauses then adds, "If we run into anything unexpected or if any of you perform above and beyond the call of duty, I will personally request further bonuses as appropriate."
"If there are questions, now is the time. Otherwise, finish your meals, get a good night's sleep and meet us at the Caravan Gates at dawn."
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Soren continues to watch and listen, unblinking. He notices, wonderingly that the lady from Waterdeep devours chicken at an even more formidable pace than he himself did. As a predator would, jealous of any other beast stealing their kill... if Zefla can make a joke, perhaps I can too?
"Ah... Lady Tourmaline Bauer. I have not seen anyone savage their meat quite like that since a pair of wolves I knew in my lost forest home. Impressive. Are you sure you yourself are not a werewolf? We could all save the effort and danger of the chase and collect the reward if you just turn yourself in!" He looks around, tongue still lolling out in a toothy grin, hoping everyone gets the joke!
As he speaks, Soren begins to feel self-conscious but plows ahead. During a pause, he mumbles a prayer to nature spirits to provide him Guidance.
"If I understand Sir, ah... Rowan Caskbow, werewolves can only be harmed with silvered weapons, not ordinary steel. Before we set out on this difficult task, perhaps we should all take ordinary, un-silvered steel and seal our agreement with a blood pact, cutting ourselves with minor injuries that we bleed and suffer slightly from so that we all show that we ourselves are not... what was the word? Lycanthropes."
Soren watches Tourmaline Bauer's eyes, face, throat and posture carefully to observe whether any reaction she has to his words reveals anything.
Insight plus Guidance: 17 + 4 = 21
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
Burr considered Soren with an thoughtful look and stabbed his fork into his forearm, " Happy?"
Zefla listens as Sir Rowan describes the situation and their mission. Her eyes light up at the mention of the reward, already contemplating what she will want to spend the 25 gold on that she is going to receive tonight.
Trying to decide if she has any questions, Soren interjects with questioning the tiefling. At first a bit shocked as he calls her out to possibly being a werewolf herself, she then tries her best to stifle her laughter at the whole situation.
But as he continues, asking everyone to cut themselves, she shakes her head. "I've never hurt myself on purpose and I don't plan to now! I'm no werewolf, I don't stink enough!" Her eyes bulge out when she sees Burr stab himself.
Soren examines the utensils they are using to eat. If he doesn't think they are silvered, he nods in appreciation of Burr.
"I agree with your thought, Burr Hollen. Better to use these knives and forks here that we know are not silvered."
He wipes his own knife from the table off carefully with a napkin, knowing instinctively about infections and makes a small incision in his hand, showing the others the minor wound that does not immediately close and the slightly leaking blood (1hp damage taken).
Continuing to watch Lady Tourmaline Bauer, he asks Zefla curiously, "Do werewolves stink? I did not know. Perhaps that is another way we can tell."
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
Giles nods at Zefla’s words. “I’m not ah into that sort of thing. My Lady tries to keep me safe, she wouldn’t take to having me stab myself.” He stands and walks over to a window, if there is one in the room. “Just looking to see if there is a full moon out, or not. Does that have any impact in the timing of our mission…”
Giles heads over to the table where Sir Rowan sits and quickly takes his 25 g.p. pouch, pocketing it smoothly, nodding to Sir Rowan, his eyes twinkling as he gets his hand on the gold. He says to those assembled in the most pious manner that he can produce, “If I may, I would like to say some words of blessing over our party, a benediction as we begin this difficult journey.”
He holds his arms up and closes his eyes, saying “My Lady Tymora, please bless these brave men and women as we go to put an end to the blight of these lycanthropes, a stop to their reign of terror on our good lands. Give us wisdom and we search for the correct paths to pursue, and a keen eye to make good choices, firm bets that will accomplish our task. You guide our paths and keep us safe, saving us in our hour of need. Give us luck my Lady, to dodge their foul bite and claws.” (his voice changes ever so slightly here, as his head is bowed and eyes are closed), “And the balls to make the right gambles at the right time, every time.”
He opens his eyes and looks up, nodding and solemn again, “In the blessed name of Lady Tymora, Amen.” “I look forward to joining you and helping in every way that I can.” Giles returns to his seat, nodding and smiling at everyone seated there. He does ask his companions and also so that Sir Rowan can hear, “Does anyone have any spare silvered crossbow bolts that I could use? Hopefully I won’t need them, but you never know…”
Madame Bauer stands, shocked, mouth agape at Soren's comment. Sir Rowan, taking a sip of wine, nearly chokes when the druid mentions how she 'savaged' her dinner. "I... I... ahem," she tries to compose herself. You wouldn't have thought it possible, but she blushes an even deeper shade of red.
Humanoids are not so different from the animals as they would like to think of themselves. You feel like you have a pretty good read on Tourmaline. Her reactions peaked when you commented about how she had been eating. She seemed to experience surprise, flirted briefly with anger, and then dipped into shame and embarrassment. By her lack of reaction, you're not sure if she even heard your suggestion about testing yourselves with wounds.
Sir Rowan, seemingly trying to lighten the mood, laughs deeply at Soren's suggestion to cut yourselves. When Burr follows through on it, however, he stops laughing. "By the Lord's light... you're serious?" He laughs again, but it is a softer, more subdued laugh, and he shakes his head. "I'm not sure it works like that... how would a werewolf even..." and then Soren cuts himself, causing Sir Rowan to pause again in disbelief. He looks up, "Enough. Madame Bauer, please take no offense, this is all very new to these...".
Madame Bauer's eyes dart back and forth between Soren, Sir Rowan, and the table. Then, without warning, she picks up her knife and draws it quickly across her hand. It bleeds more than the other wounds and she grabs it with a napkin, wincing in pain. She gives Soren a hard look, and then looks to Sir Rowan. "Excuse me, Sir." She walks out the door, pushing past a server bringing a fresh jug of wine.
The knight seems in shock over how the last few seconds have played out. He runs a hand through his black hair and sighs. "So... I am not going to cut myself to satisfy your curiosity. This will have to do instead." He walks to Burr and Soren, placing a hand on each of their shoulders. "Lord, forgive these folk and consider their minor wounds the price of youthful experimentation. Do not hold this against them. Rather, soothe these cuts, so they may be ready for the trials to come." Soren and Burr feel a gentle warmth flow through them as Sir Rowan lays his hands upon them, and their tiny wounds heal immediately. "I cannot imagine a werewolf could maintain his oaths as a holy knight. If that isn't enough for you, good sir, you are welcome to withdraw from the mission," he says firmly to Soren. "Now if you will excuse me, I need to see to the lady." He steps out and heads down the hallway in the direction Madame Bauer fled.
Sire Rowan doesn't answer Giles' question, but as the server is replacing the wine jug he chimes in, "The full moon can force a change, but once a werewolf has the curse, they can change at any time, at will." He finishes pouring. Realizing his sudden input might raise some eyebrows, he adds, "My great grandfather got bit. Was cursed for a whole year before he was blessed and cured. I'm kind of an expert."
After two minutes, Sir Rowan returns. "I apologize if I was curt, earlier. Your comment offended the lady, though I do not believe your words held malice. Though you did not mean harm, I would ask you to tread lightly around her, lest this journey be harder than it needs to be," he says to Soren. He dispenses everyone's promised 25gp, Giles says his prayer over the group, and you are free to ask additional questions or call it a night.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
As Lady Tourmaline Bauer storms out, Soren himself looks surprised, though relieved when he sees the blood from her self-inflicted wound.
(He does look to see just in case the knife she had used appears to be silvered).
"I... I meant the part about savaging her meat as a compliment..." Anyone looking at Soren's crestfallen face and recalling his own manner of eating and description of how his wolf friends savaged their meat would know him to be sincere in saying this.
Only now does Soren begin to realize the possible enormity of his breach in human manners and his eyes go very still, slightly downcast. He addresses Sir Rowan as well as the others. "Thank you for the healing, pack leader. I am sorry everyone. I am new to the ways of the big city. I shall be more careful."
Soren then turns to the server, hoping this question is safe. "How did the cure work? On your great grandfather?"
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
Burr had backed up hard against the wall, too many important people were paying attention to him, talking to him, touching him....his fists squeezed compulsively and he snatched Zeflas wine and gulped down the entire mug.
As he placed it back down he met her eyes and gave a guilty smile, " Sorry....this is all a bit..."
Zefla stares at Burr as he downs her glass. Just as she is about to give him a piece of her mind, she overhears what the server and Soren are talking about and her attention moves to them. Reaching over for the new wine jug to fill her now empty glass, she waits for the servers answer.
"Oh," the server says, setting down the wine jug, seemingly thrilled to have interjected himself into this special meeting, "... as the romantics in my family would tell it, it was true love that broke the curse. Rather, I think, it was the fact that my great gram gram was a devoted priestess of Savras. Eager to help my grandfather, she petitioned the church to cure his affliction with divine magic. It didn't work out for the chuch - a remarkable lack of foresight for the faith of Savras the All-seeing, I'd say - as my great gram gram ended up abandoning the clergy to settle down with great grandfather after he was cured." He smiles. "I'm actually working on an anthology of stories related to my family. One of my great uncles lead an expedition into the Lizard Marsh that was quite exciting. Do you think they would be interested in reading something like that in the big cities? I hope to be an author one day." He is then summoned back out of the room by one of the managers.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Giles listens with interest, his face pulled long into a somber appearance, his eyebrows arched, taking in the information. “To become an author, one must have experiences, yes? Perhaps you could see the world, expand your horizons, and then settle down to right? Quite so. Well, I for one could use some rest, meditation and preparation for our upcoming journey. Are there any skills you wish for me to pray for to my Lady Tymora, to aid us on our quest on the morrow? If not, I plan to retire and get some good sleep tonight. Good evening.”
((taking requests for any cleric spells you wish me to prepare.))
Burr was already approaching sleep especially after quaffing the wine and he wondered where exactly one slept here, his usual haunts you just found a comfortable pile of straw...
Zefla looks at Giles a bit quizzically. She didn't know how to take him, and wondered what he meant by skills for him to pray for (I really don't have any suggestions, but thanks for asking!). She finally shrugs, then seeing it is just the four of them left in the room, says goodnight and makes her leave.