You are a just a random person. You have lived your life in the modern times, here, on Earth. This isn’t fantasy, it is plain, mundane reality. Until unmarked vehicles show up and people in all black tactical gear swift you away with a gag in your mouth and a bag over your head. Then your life becomes suddenly more interesting, more painful, and very likely much shorter. Then you will need to decide what you will become next, to survive, as you pass...
Beyond the Veil
Yours will be a dark and rich story told through the lens of a science-fiction / fantasy adventure. This game will start with Human-only modern-time characters which will eventually cross over into a fantasy setting. If that sounds dumb to you, it probably is. If you think, “Wow, I never thought about trying that! This could either suck or be amazing depending how deeply this yahoo thought about the story and world building,” you might like it.
Why though? Are you familiar with television shows like Sliders, Stargate, Star Trek, Earth: Final Conflict, Andromeda, Logan’s Run, and others like them? Science fiction first contact scenarios are full of interesting moral quandaries and the potential for great characters and great stories. You will be part victim, part explorer, and potentially part liberator, survivor, or conqueror – depending on what you do. This game will encompass the modern, the fantastical, then the place in-between. It will start achingly slow and you will be unbelievably weak, but you'll get stronger. You’ll see.
This is not a typical fantasy TTRPG setup. I don’t care if you split the party if you don’t care that I don’t have a map and a pre-made adventure ready for your every whim. Instead, this is a sandbox that you can play in. I have the map, the myriad cast of NPCs, the challenges, and the main arc all in my head. It’s up to you to discover it all, and make of it what you will.
Story Themes: This is your warning: There may be some dark themes, like racism, sexism, enslavement, torture, death, and upsetting moral choices. I will not describe details or attempt to actually justify these things in any way. These will be storytelling elements meant to create risk or set tension or despair to a scene. They will pervade much of the early storytelling, and may be too much for some people. Life will suck for your character for a good chunk of time. After that, it will be in your hands to decide how life goes. If you live that long. There will be no usage of sexual violence within the story – this is a line I don’t feel ever needs to be crossed to tell a purely fictional story – this rule applies to players as well. That said, this isn't a campaign about terrible things, it is an adventure that starts off in adversity and (hopefully) sees you overcome it all.
Some F&Qs: What is the posting schedule: Post at least twice a week. If you go one week with no responses, your character flat-lined. Holidays and life-stuff exempted. How long will the game last? I’m excited to find out as well. Will there be a map? If you can find a way to gain one, sure. What level are we playing to? This isn’t a pre-made module, its sandbox, you tell me. If this is D&D, why can’t I play as other races / have magic? Oh, poor sweet child. You’ll see. What happens if I die? But do we ever really though? What are the alignment restrictions? Whatever you want, but the reckless and/or crazy may not be that useful... So, I can be evil? Do not abuse the time or trust of other players or the DM, and do not describe your character’s perverse or demented actions in detail. Speak in themes and vague outcomes if you need to describe an explicit or evil act. “My character knows he cannot harm the director of the institute, but now that I am free, I will exact my revenge upon him by finding and killing his family.” <- This is pretty dark stuff all by itself, and you’ve told me enough to work out what rolls would be involved. Enough said.
The Ask: No judgement, no criticism. If you suffer from depression and/or are a survivor of trauma, I do not recommend you partake in this game. Not because you are unwelcome, but because there is no way I or you can know how the ebb and flow of events will affect you. Some people play to escape their own painful world, some people play to recreate it. Neither is healthy. Play to be challenged, to have fun, to have a creative outlet, and to see where the story will take you. But play safely. Your life and health are precious.
About Me: This is my first foray into D&D 5th Edition, but by far not my first rodeo as the DM in the franchise. I am also new to PBP. My thoughts and perspectives are through the lived experiences of a cisgender male, but I am open and friendly to all. I live in PST (-8 GMT), and predominately post a few hours at night, but am open to anyone from anywhere in the world. I am however limited to only English and terrible fake accents.
About You: You need to be over 18 years of age. You need to be mature enough to understand that you are electing to play a character in a story – your character’s story, but also in a collaborative game – everyone’s game. Your sense of agency and commitment to that story are its most powerful drivers, but you will not always win and that's okay.
What Now? You read this far, probably out of morbid curiosity more than anything else, so now what? I truly hate the PBP “job application” bit, but I also hate the “first-come first-served” lottery. Between a rock and a hard place here. So, I am asking YOU to pick four characters for me.
Huh? I want three things from you:
(1) Make a concept, include their full name, where they live, who they live with, their hobbies, education level, special skills and occupation. No child characters (under 18), otherwise no restrictions. Also, you can totally play a 100% comatose character, person without sight or hearing, celebrity, or the last surviving WWII veteran (from any side) - whatever. As long as the concept aligns with a real-world person that does or could exist today, go for it. But explain it to me. Be detailed.
(2) Describe to me where you were and what you were doing when the people in black tactical gear came and took you away. Keep in mind, they wouldn't do it too publicly.
(3) And then, vote for someone else’s character. Specifically, vote for three other people and rank them, first-pick / second-pick / third pick. Be selective, you may be choosing your fellow players. I am leaving this thread up until January 22, 2022, so if you were early and there was no one else to vote for, just come back and edit in your choices. I’ll do tallies and outreach by the 26th, and that will be that. Session zero will be on January 29th.
1... Misty Weldon is a Model that lives with her IT-consultant husband in the Northern forest of Minnesota. She is a beautiful red-head, but with curves a little too-substancial to go super far as a model, unless it is for full-figured women's clothing. She has little education, past High School anyway, as she went straight into modeling after high school. Misty has many hobbies though, being a big art enthusiast, as well as donating time to many charities and hospitals. She is a martial arts exprt, having studied self-defense, then various forms of martial arts, since she was quite young. She lives in a home she and her husband designed, and had built, on a private lake. They own hundreds of acres of land around the home, having complete privacy when, and if, they wish it. They have had no children, as of yet, having wished to spend some time together as just them, before adding kids into the mix. It has become a topic of interest between them now though, and it is something they are both looking at in the years to come. Ethan owns an IT company, consulting with fortune 500 companies around the globe, and even with the government of nations.
Misty is a gorgeous red-haired woman, with intense emerald eyes. She stands at 5 foot 2 inches. She is very curvy, though has a core of strength under the curves and is by no means what anyone would consider fat. She works out daily, and can afford the best trainers, both in regular fitness, as well as in her martial arts pursuits. She travels extensively, her husband, and her, owning properties in Hawaii, Paris, London, and other places around the globe. They also own their own private boat, both a sailing ship and a larger cruising one.
Misty enjoys working out, training her martial arts, and hanging out with friends. She and her husband have game nights, on a weekly basis, with their close friends. Misty and Ethan enjoy ending the day around a campfire, drinking beer, and often do so with their friends around them.
2... Wearing a low-cut blouse and skirt, Misty Weldon strode across the parking lot. She carried a large purse over her shoulder, the strap going cross-body, to keep pick pockets from making a grab for it. She scanned the rows of cars as she moved, emerald eyes intense. She was a gorgeous woman walking alone through a parking ramp, so was on her guard. The run-of-the-mill pick pocket would have turned and ran away though, as Misty was in good shape and moved like a panther on the prowl, her body always in balance and her eyes missing little. Approaching her Portia, Misty reached into the oversized purse at her side and pulled out the key fob for her vehicle. Hitting the button, the click of the driver's door unlocking could be heard. Misty glanced from side to side, looking at the vehicles next to her own, but, seeing nothing, she strode on towards the Portia. As she reached for the door a stinging sensation came and she reache dup to brush away the fly or whatever had just bit her on the neck. Her hand found something strange. Pulling it away she held a small feathered dart in her hand. She stared at it for a long moment, not understanding. As realization came into her eyes the men in black gear were already closing in and she was falling to the ground, unconscious even before the first of them reached her.
#3... Dyson Treggs Aleister Gomangast Oliver Lafayette
1. Dyson Treggs is one man and many. Enlisted in the US Army but never issued a weapon. One with the regiment and yet apart. Helping so many find solace while losing his own.
Even his origin is legion. His father was the youngest child of a Tuskegee Airman who flew in World War II and a tireless and devoted nurse in a mixed-race marriage that helped drive them far from rural Alabama to settle somewhat happily in Vancouver, British Columbia. His mother was the daughter of a first generation Korean ballerina and her West Indian molecular biologist partner, two accomplished women thriving in the fog and bustle of San Francisco.
Neither of his parents had found God, but Dyson had, as his pilot grandfather had before him in the skies over North Africa in the early 40s. Not that he talked about his own faith overly much. He listened. Two ears, one mouth, to be used in that proportion. And a heart. And his faith. The tools of a military chaplain. And now, he had lost one of them.
He spends his days and nights inspiring and and guiding and commiserating with young soldiers. And consoling their families as their blasted bodies return from the sand and the muck. He resolutely supports a brave, young Jewish-American corporal with PTSD, reliving the trauma of the Kunnar province in one breath and kvetching about his mother with the other. He performs traditional Islamic last rites for a middle-aged Iraqi translator. He provides a shoulder for private first class Sarah Corver to cry on as she speaks in monotone about her baby boy back home who was hit by a car. He listens patiently while the bull-necked sergeant with the Oathkeeper tattoo alternates between screaming through his pain medication to call him a sand n****r and pleading with him to ask if God can give him his lost leg back. He has seen dead and maimed bodies from explosion and ambush and burn pit and betrayal. He has tried to be the shepherd. The guide in the twilight between life and death, heaven and hell.
And in the process he has lost something else. His own faith. God no longer answers him. No longer comforts him. Sometimes he wonders if He ever had. Only a hollow emptiness remains to fuel him in his determination not to abandon his post as the spiritual lifeline for his brothers and sisters in arms.
1a. Edited to add: above narrative had no room for Dyson's interests and hobbies other than his job. I'm going to say running and reading are what Dyson uses to escape. And poker. He is a great listener and empathetic, and ironically, that lets him clean up at the card table. But he spends every bit of his winnings procuring and then giving away items and services that bring comfort to his regiment. His people.
2. Capture: Dyson is speaking with the special forces man. A stranger. He doesn't know his name. Or what type of special forces. The man is quiet. Only asking a few questions. Lost in thought. He is going somewhere that Dyson doesn't think he is supposed to know about special forces going. Information that Dyson perhaps should not have. Yet pleading... pleading... for guidance. Absolution. For what? Dyson cannot say. The special forces man is called away and Dyson is left to his thoughts in the desert tent. The wind is picking up, blowing sand against the flaps.
That is when he notices he is not alone. He yells, but as the mask is pulled over his head, he knows not to struggle. He centers himself and reaches out with his soul. He seeks only to remember... to remember who he is and what he once believed in, as oblivion consumes him.
3. Votes: Honestly, reading through everyone else's pieces again, there are more than 3 outstanding entries here and all of them are good at a minimum. Don't want to limit it to 3 but here goes: First: Simon Hill (bfoster121) Second: Brittania Kief (ConstancePhokas) Third: Misty Weldon (DragonDenn)
This looks like it will really be a blast! Truly delighted to have come across this and hope I can play but, up front, if I am not I hope it goes well for those who are chosen. If not chosen I would like to be a fly on the wall, so-to-speak, and follow the adventure from 'another plane'.
Aleister Gomangast, who is thirty-six years old, is the professed High Magi of the Order of the Golden Dawn and declares, to any who would listen, that that he is the rightful heir to Aleister Crowley. He lives in an apartment above his temple, the Temple of the Golden Dawn in central London, from where he makes his living ‘ministering’ to the faithful who contribute to the coffers of the Temple (his personal bank if you would), reading Tarot cards, casting horoscopes, and preforming magik rituals for those willing to pay for such services. Aleister is really quite brilliant, if a bit twisted, and he is well versed in ancient history, mathematics, chemistry and physics, having a PhD in all four subjects. He is fluent in six living languages and five dead ones. Some folks think that he is the way he is because he couldn’t handle his genius and went mad, in a sort of polite way. His ‘sermons’ regularly involve the unexplained, from crop circles to UFOs, or UAPs as they are now known; he firmly believes the ley lines spanning the British Isles are a key to dimensional travel, although he hasn’t quite yet figured out how it works, he is absolutely sure he can make it work. Publishing articles in many occult journals, for money of course, he expounds on just about any metaphysical subject with an erudite depth that most everyone finds a bit intimidating. He submissions to hard science journals are rarely rejected but, he does have to use a pseudonym. He also learned fairly early in life that one needed to be able to protect oneself and so he took up Savate, commonly known as French foot boxing, and rates the Silver glove (Third Degree) – Technical rank, eighth degree, which would correspond, roughly, to a tenth dan black belt in a karate style of martial arts.
Aleister’s outlook on life has so far not been one amenable to a mate of any sort, he has plenty of devotee’s from whom he can chose to dally with so he doesn’t feel lacking in that regard; in fact, he finds such a life style preferable to what he sees ‘couples’ have to go through.
When the bag descended over his head and he was hustled away Aleister was deep in meditation, aided by a perfect amount of peyote, in front of his private altar. Everything happened so fast he didn’t have time to really put up a good fight, he did give it a go, although in a way his deeper sensing self perceived this insult to his being a potential opportunity, after all why would he be ‘black-bagged’ unless it was for some ‘interesting' reason.
Reese Kaid has had a pretty boring life, the only thing keeping him on his toes, literally and figuratively, was his blindness, which he was born with. As a child, he never got much interaction since he was home-schooled. Both of his parents were overprotective and worried for him since the day he was born, having kept him under safety surveillance as much as possible. His dad was a former CIA agent and his mother was a college professor of chemistry, so the homeschooling didn't lack much, so he ended up pretty well-educated, unlike others. Now being 23, he has put both his natural intelligence and great homeschooling to use as much as a blind man could, having just landed a job as a music teacher for a middle-school class. He has always had a passion for music, since it was one of the few ways he could enjoyably spend his time on as a child, he even taught himself the violin at one point. That was about as far as excitement ever really got for him, since he never got an opportunity to make friends to do interesting things with, nor does he ever vary from the walking path he has for himself around the block his apartment is in. All of that is about to change, though, since throughout his entire day, he has heard people talking about a strange black vehicle. It was too much of a coincidence to him that the people talking about it around him, so he figured it must have been him that it was following. But why? He constantly thought.
On his way home from his successful job interview, he made sure to stick to what sounded like big crowds as much as possible, but it constantly slowed him down, and he didn't reach the block his apartment was on until close to nightfall. When he was just a few buildings away from his apartment, a couple of street hooligans decided he was an easy target, so in the shadows, they held a knife to his throat and took him into nearby alley, beating on him for a couple of minutes, then taking anything valuable he had on him, and breaking his walking stick. As he sat in alley after they left, taking a few breaths, he heard even more footsteps, sounding like tactical boots on the concrete. "Officers? Thank goo-" He was quickly cut off as the gag was put in his mouth, though. As the bag was put over his head, the only thing he felt from there was the weird tactical gear his hands brushed and being put into a vehicle. He now has no idea where he is....
Votes- 1. Max Miller
2. Simon Hill
3. Oliver Lafayette
*Edit: It seems I forgot to do a description bit, so here we go. Reese himself wasn't built in the most extraordinary way, he was 5'12, had a skinny frame, not very much muscle mass from not being active in his childhood, though he has been trying to work on that by walking as much as possible, he usually wears a black, loose sweater with a comfy inside, some average jeans and usually tennis shoes, as well as square, blacked out wire frame glasses. His hair is a mixture of neat and messy, and it was just long enough to cover his eyes if it was let down, usually he has it swept to a side because the hair strands tickle his face, and his eyes are hazel, sometimes green or brown if someone looked at him in a specific way.
This sounds like a great concept. It seems like a lot of fun!
I present for your consideration Max Miller, Gentle Giant, Aspiring Air Force Pilot, SciFi Nerd Enthusiast
Max Miller is the 4th out of 5 kids in his family, born outside of Kalamazoo, Mi. His family consisted: his mother, Cynthia, who taught physics at the local high school; his Father, Benny, who was a mechanic that owned Miller's Auto "The Best Shop in Town!"; the oldest, his brother Sean, who took after his dad and worked with him at the shop; older sibling Chris, they work at some startup over in Seattle area; older sister, Stacy, she works as a history teacher and assistant football coach at the high school with their mom; and Eliza, his little sister, who is finishing up high school this year (on track to be valedictorian!) and has already been accepted to Northeastern University's Bioengineering program! As for Max, physically he was built like his father, just larger. He stood at 6'10", 240lbs, and built like a linebacker. He enjoyed working out, you found it relaxing and almost meditative. Personality wise, Max took after his mother. He inherited her inquisitive mind and gentle disposition, as well as her love of reading (mostly science fiction). And ever since he was young and she took them out to see a meteor shower, he has been curious about space and what's beyond. From then on, it was his dream to work at NASA, even to be an Astronaut. He wanted to explore, go where no person has gone before, the final frontier! The only problem was he was not the best student. He was eager and willing to learn, he just didn't have the aptitude and he had to work a lot harder than the kids around him. This lead him to joining the Airforce ROTC program, trying to become a pilot. On scholarship and with much work, he finished his degree in avionics engineering! While not the smartest in the room, he was the most dedicated. With that dedication and drive, he received a Pilot slot (with some special considerations due to his height). Now he is training at Maxell Air Force Base in Alabama.
Edit: Forgot to add hobby/skills. Max's main hobby is reading, primarily SciFi novels. He enjoys video games, and got into board games in college (it's hard getting an engineering degree and not playing a board game). He like to work out, to help with his stress and clear his head. He runs every morning, then either lifts or does yoga at night (his sisters started making him do yoga because they thought it was funny, but he actually enjoyed it). Skills. While he isn't a full mechanic like his dad and brother, he does know his way around a car. He's loved playing rugby, but hasn't played much since college. He has combat training through ROTC program; his marksmanship was average but excelled at hand to hand combat. Very basic computer programing skills.
Luckily, Max had some leave lined up with a time that his parents and Eliza were scheduled to visit Northeastern, so he decided to meet them there. They spent several days exploring the city and seeing where little Eliza was going to school. He was leaving the day after his family. Since he had a late morning flight, he decided to check out the night life in the city. He realizes it's past 1am, and decides to head back to his hotel. He goes to the subway, but after waiting for 15 mins he spots a sign stating that service stops at 1am. With a little grumble, he starts his walk back across town. As he passes an alley, he hears someone yell and the sound of struggling. Someone was getting mugged! He doesn't need to think twice about it, and rushes into the dark alley! Max sees 3 figures on the other end, with a dark SUV waiting at exit. With a yell he rushes over, ready to tackle them to the ground! Two of the figures look up, while the shape between them keeps struggling between them. At the last possible moment, a trip line springs up right in front of him. He has no possible way to avoid it, and face plants right onto the concrete. Dazed, he looks up to see the middle figure, the one who was struggling prior, was dressed the same as the others. Before he can move, a gag is placed into his mouth and a mask over his face. He remembers struggling some more, pretty sure he got one of them with an elbow. Then, there was a sharp pain on the side of his head and he went limp. He felt them restrain his arms and put him into the idling car. He just barely heard someone say "....I think he broke my nose!" And all went dark to the sounds of several people chuckling around him.
Votes: These are tough choices. Picking 3 is very tough. Everyone has fantastic characters!
Dyson Treggs (Tybard)
Reese Kaid (0verkill)
Simon Hill (bfoster121)
Backup idea (Don't vote on this one, I just thought of it and wanted to write it down): Sam "HaZe" Francis, Paraplegic Programmer, Hacker, and Crypto miner
Sam had a pretty normal childhood until he was 7. That's when his sister, Stella, was taking the family out after getting her license. A drunk driver hit drove through a red light and slammed into the car. Their parents were on the wrong side of the car, they didn't make it. Same had extensive injures, and was comatose for several months. When he finally woke up, he realized he couldn't feel his legs. Stella and Sam went to live with their Aunt Vicky after that. Sam, depressed, became very withdrawn. His Aunt decided to get him a computer (early 90's, windows 3.0 era). He enjoyed the escape and anonymity of the early internet, then started joining online hacker communities with the alias HaZe. He started small, but quickly figured out how to get into some very secure networks! One of his favorite pass-times was checking out new images from Hubble before they were released to the public. He joined the ShadowCrew for a bit, but didn't like that they were stealing for innocent people. By the mid 2000's, he decided to go... well not White Hat, more of a Grey Hat. He would expose security flaws for big banks, but would usually adjust a few things before letting them know. He probably deleted hundreds of thousands of dollars of credit card fees and late fees for people! He's always been a proponent of decentralized computing. HaZe was an early adopter of Bitcoin, and used several of his old computers to start mining in early 2009. He has not needed to work for a long time now, but he still does some of his Grey Hat work for fun. When the door burst open, and he saw the men in tactically gear, he assumed someone found out who he was and got Swatted. He rolled out and didn't resist. When one of them pulled a mask over his head, he realized something was very wrong, but it was too late.
1) Simon Hill, 22, had a pretty difficult life. Born in Portland Oregon, his dad not in the picture, his mom a drug addict and sex worker, it wasn't long before he, and his younger brother Lucas were in the system. Lucas, at 2 years old had no issue finding permanent placement with a nice suburban couple. Simon, being 9 with some behavioral issues, was a much harder sell. He moved from foster family to foster family because they couldn't deal with him. As he got older, he would just leave before it got to that point and live on the street. Simon initially found it quite difficult to take care of himself, scrounging through dumpsters and pan handling downtown, most nights finding a bridge or over pass to sleep under with a near empty stomach. After a couple weeks of this he tried his hand at trying to be a pick pocket...needless to say the first attempts did not go well, but he caught the eyes of an older group of kids and fell in with them. They started showing him the ropes, how to use distractions, how to use a light touch, how to bring as little attention to yourself as possible, etc. Simon picked these skills up quite quickly, and while he was still sleeping under bridges and over passes he never went to bed hungry again. Things went on this way for the better part of 6 months, growing closer to older group, picking up skills along the way (picking a lock, jimmying a window, learning what places to hit and what to look for). It was during this time he was the crews second story man, lighter than the older teens, he was able to reach places most wouldn't be able to get to. About 7 months in, things started to take a turn. The oldest boy (18) and de-facto leader, Antoni, approached Simon one night and assaulted him. Simon lay there afterwards, in tears and pain, numb to the world. Ryan, a boy in the group only a year older than Simon's 13, found him curled in a ball staring into space, and explained that he was now part of the group. For the next two years, Simon continued to hone his thieving skills, but in his free time he found himself drawn more and more to reading books and spending hours on end in the stacks at the Multnomah county library. One cold, wintry day, not paying attention he was approached by the Portland police for loitering outside the Starbucks in Pioneer Courthouse Square late one evening. They took him into custody and returned him to the system. The first Foster house they placed him in he was getting ready to book it back to his old crew. As he was leaving, Dave, the foster dad asked him to wait and hear him out. Dave explained that he was also a child of the system and that he was very much like Simon when he was younger, that he wanted to help make things better for him if Simon would let him, but that he wouldn't stop him if he chose to leave. Something in what Dave said resonated with Simon and he chose to stay. He started attending school, picking most subjects up quickly, but finding the order and at times chaos of computer programming fascinating. Over the next 4 years, Simon dove head long into school work, finding enjoyment in expanding his knowledge base and when he graduated found that his desire to continue learning was not sated so he found part time work in the service industry and started attending classes at MT. Hood Community College. All was going well up until 6 months ago, when Antoni found him saying something about a big score, that they couldn't do it without Simon and that if he refused then his "pretty new life" was going to end. Not seeing any other options Simon agreed. Antoni, being a busy little beaver, moved up to the manufacturing and use of meth. He needed more supplies and figured the fast, most lucrative path forward was to steal what he needed, but the problem was where they needed to break into. Grated it was no Fort Knox, but it was well beyond anything the crew had done in the past. Simon found a way around the security system and led the group into the facility. With the rest of the group preoccupied with gathering things, Simon crept away, locked the exit door and set the alarm off while fleeing the scene.
1a) Hobbies include puzzles, slight of hand/"magic", keeping up with lock picking, computer code.
2) Simon was walking down 4th St, checking out Portland State's campus, when someone bumped into him and lifted his wallet, the classic push. Simon turned around and followed the guy, who turned down a less populated street. About half way down the new street the person Simon was following turned back towards him. As he approached and Simon was about to say something when a black hood was thrown over his head an secured. Panicking, Simon started to thrash about when he felt a shape pain in his back, his body goes stiff and he falls to the ground where restrains, zip-ties, are fastened around his wrists. He hears the screech and stench of stopping tires and feels himself get lifted bodily in to the back of a van.
3) There are a lot of interesting choices and it is hard to choose
1) Oliver Lafayette is a 19 year old boy living in a tiny studio apartment in New York. He is a college student and spends most of his time painting on the street or inside and trying to make some kind of money from his art. His stature is quite lithe, he is average in height at about 5’8. His skin is sunlessly pale and his wavy-curly ginger hair descends to his shoulder or to the bottom of his ears depending on his haircut and mood. He has a tattoo of a whale's tail on the left side of his back and of a leafless, dead tree on the right. Oliver is able to survive because of his painting skills, obviously, but also his ability to sell them. He can be fairly convincing, even if some people only buy out of pity or attraction. Another trick up his sleeve is his mild addiction to hallucinogenic substances. Some of his trips have granted him the best paintings he has done, although those happen to be harder to sell. Those mostly exist for his own artistic satisfaction. The reason for him going to college for an art degree is so that he can learn some of the basic skills a person would need for an office job, just in case his plans don’t pan out, however the bigger reason is to have an excuse to get away from his toxic family. As a person, Oliver is often calm and clumsy, both with words and action. He tends to not take anything too seriously and just go with the flow of things.
2) Oliver was kidnapped during one of his monthly painting sessions of the New York skyline on the roof of his apartment building. He was definitely high.
1: Dyson Treggs, Tybard, godless therapist sounds fun
2: Brittania Kief, ConstancePhokas, a tragic nurse could have some interesting conversations with Olly
3: Gabriella Sanchez, kqstark, for the art conversations
This looks like a whooole lot of fun. Reminds me of a series I read when I was 17. I thing it was "Gone"? Looking forward to this regardless. I've got a few questions first.
Will we be using a character that we create on the DND Beyond website? Will we even be using the DND Beyond website?
When creating our character on this website, what should we give as our second language?
Is there a specific class we should use? Can we do multi-classing?
1. Gabriella Sanchez is a gallery owner who lives in an upscale apartment in downtown Chicago. She's young for a gallery owner, 27, but she's ambitious and knows what she wants. She's tall, Hispanic, with short black hair and a walk that says she means business. She typically dresses in all black, common among artists, but with color splashes in the earrings she wears. Her art gallery is modern and mainly holds paintings, though she opens it up for sculptors on occasion. Her parents, both living in Chicago as well, are very proud of their daughter, more so than her brother. Maurice, her twin, works for her as her security manager and they are very close. He does many other odd jobs around the gallery and is her only permanent employee.
Gabriella graduated in the top of her class at the School of the Art Institute in Chicago, something she had always inspired towards and easily accomplished. Most things did come easy to her. Other than finding a mate. Honestly, that was low on the totem pole for her in terms of importance, but of course her parents kept pestering her about it. Not sure why they didn't give Maurice a hard time about it? She was worried that if she did find a mate, then what? Her parents would want grandchildren! Ugh, she shuddered at the thought.
Gabriella was a people person, she knew how to work the room. The made her gallery very successful, but it wasn't enough. She could talk to anyone and make them feel like they were the most important person in the world and she knew she could - though it tired her out. This is how her hobby started... she's an art thief. When the pressure of the gallery, her parents, the art community, get to her.. she gets out. She has become quite the cat burglar and steals from all kinds of different places, people's homes, museums, other galleries.. the more difficult, the more the thrill. Maurice knows about her little, habit, and though he doesn't approve, he does approve of the hefty paycheck he now receives.
2. After another successful night, this time at one of her customer's homes, Gabriella is heading back to her apartment prize in hand. Heading down a familiar alley, she feels something isn't quite right and as she turns around to confront it, a person dressed all in black grapples her and puts a rag in front of her face. Next thing she knows, she is out.
I think the answer to all of your questions is that you will not be creating a character at all... at first. The description you give of your characters at start will determine your basic proficiencies for story progression purposes, but no rolls for that part. Using your described characters in that way, you will each be given a separate in-depth personalized session zero which will set the stage for you to build your D&D character. I don't want to say more, because a large element of (I hope) the fun for players will be experiencing a much more nuanced and personalized character generation approach, entirely through the story. However, at the point in the story when your character is fleshed out, I would be fine with players storing their characters in DDB, or just sending me the information via PM if they don't have enough DDB slots or don't prefer to use the generator. In purely game mechanic terms, there will of course be stats and skill checks derived from dice rolls, so yes, it still uses all the 5th Ed rules as we progress away from story-building and into adventure. I hope that helps!
Visual Perspective: Visibly looks Latina, has a wide waist and a seductive upper body. Her face looks as if it was sculpted by DaVinci himself, and her arms are as jacked as a military Sargent’s. Her resting face is quite seductive, with puffy lips and shinning eyes. She has jet-black hair and green eyes.
Sexual Orientation: Attracted to males, but is willing to do whatever it takes to climb up the social ladder.
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Age: 23
Country of Origin: Germany
Languages Spoken: Fluent German, Fluent English, Influent French, A little bit of Spanish
As a child, Fey grew up with a rich, yet somehow generous father, Sparrow. At the age of 11, Fey’s father died in a car crash. When her mother, Harriet, realizes that his entire will, except for their house in Germany, went to random charities throughout the country, she becomes furious. In the end, she ends up beating Fey’s 8-year-old sister, Astral, half to death. Fey is smart enough to realize that her mother is a gold digger, and that they were no longer safe in their home. Fey ran away with Astral, but was caught stealing a diamond necklace at a jewelry store in France. There had been a continent-wide search for these two sisters for over 2 years, with the sisters staying one step ahead of the authorizes, up until this moment. A week after her birthday (she is now 15), she was reunited with her mother. At first, Harriet acted how any mother would, worried and pissed off, but on Astral’s 13 birthday, she finally snapped. She, once again, proceeded to beat Astral for no other apparent reason than to vent over her new “boyfriend”, a knight of Britain. Astral, in defense, pushed Harriet (quite hard due to the muscles gained on the run), which lead to her impaling herself on an “ornamental” sword. Before the mother died, she told Fey that they would never make it in the world without sucking up to those rich-a** d***s, and sucking up their money for our “love”. Fey took that to heart, and has began climbing her way up the social ladder by using men’s pockets, which she attains through their pants. Fey tells herself she does this to keep her and Astral safe, but deep down, she knows she enjoys the thrill of having several men ensnared in her spell of “love”.
Current Social Status: Social Media Fitness and Fashion Influencer
# of Followers: 457,000
Money in Swiss Bank: Over $3,500,000
2) After a very successful photo shoot in Belgium, Fey began to walk to her hotel, the Royale Gazette. After entering her room, the building had a 25-minute blackout. The next morning, when room service when up to the room, they found the door open. There was stuff everywhere. Scattered papers on the floor, wine staining the walls, and the TV had been flung across the room. There had obviously been a struggle, but Fey was nowhere to be found.
1) Brittania Kief, 27, brown-haired, blue-eyed, small and quiet, grew up in a small northern coastal town in Maine that was buried in snow eight months out of the year. Everybody knew everyone, and there was only one high school in the area, that all the surrounding towns bussed their kids to. The more enterprising students, mostly from families that had lived there less than a generation, never stayed in the area long, but the less well adjusted families who had been here for generations saw their youngsters settling in for the long haul. Brittania's childhood was fairly stable, if not well off, except for a demanding, turbulent father. A bright student who liked people and wanted to help them, she wanted to be a doctor, but ended up in a local technical school in a pre-nursing program.
She married a lobsterman named Jerry Kief just out of college when she finished her degree, and got her nursing license soon after that. Newlywed, she worked at a small local hospital taking care of patients. In her free time she liked to knit and sew, read novels, and garden. A year and one baby into the marriage, Jerry started to act erratically. Brittania loved her husband dearly, but she was aghast at how he was beginning to treat her, insulting or even screaming at her if she questioned him or got upset at anything he did. At other times, he was sweet, romantic, and supportive. She tried to make it work, stifling her own needs and feelings to try and keep him happy, but with a now 3-year-old and the next baby on the way, she was beginning to drop her responsibilities, not be able to have dinner ready or warm at whatever time he would show up.
Then Jerry accused her of cheating on him, and left. In the small town they lived in, their small church and local community took his side and believed him. Brittania was bewildered at how this accusation could have taken hold... she was very careful, these days, not to talk to other men. She had bent herself over backwards to make herself and her child what this man wanted them to be, only to be treated in this way. But then he came back, apologizing, and things were wonderful again.
Until he did it again. And then a third time. Each time the community turned colder on her, betraying this good man who kept forgiving her. Finally, a few months after the new baby came, he announced he was going to divorce her, and start over with someone new. He filed the papers and moved in with the new girlfriend.
Alone, frightened, and with no community support, Brittania found herself snapping at her children, and every time little Sean would have a tantrum or cry inconsolably, Brittania began to dream of revenge.
It was a small town, so she knew where Jerry was living with his new girlfriend. She also knew that Jerry's dog knew her and wouldn't bark at her. Although she'd never even considered doing it before, she stole drugs from her hospital---insulin, rocuronium, potassium. Things she knew she could use to make him pay. She set it all up. She left Sean and baby Elena with a neighbor. She waited until the girlfriend was traveling, visiting her family. It would be easy. Subcutaneous insulin coma while he slept, vascular access, and then.... skills she used a dozen times a day at work.
But when the moment came.... she injected 100 units of insulin... and she couldn't finish it. She couldn't. Not because she didn't think he deserved it. Not because she loved him anymore. But she couldn't do it. How could she take care of people suffering all day at work, and then do something like this? Make her children lose their mother as well as their father? She called 911 for the insulin overdose, left the other medications with their red warning labels on the vials, and ran.
2) Brittania knew her life was over. She knew her children would be taken away. Her license would be taken away. She drove back to her house in the middle of the night after leaving Jerry's place, knowing she was going to hear police sirens any minute when the paramedics found the evidence. She went to unlock the door of her house, and just stood there. But they didn't come with sirens and flashing lights. They didn't come with shouts and warnings. They came dressed like the night, like a SWAT team or something, and threw a bag over her head. Brittania did not even struggle. Her last thought before her consciousness swiftly fled was, I deserve this.
3) 1. Dyson Treggs (Tybard) 2. Simon Hill (bfoster121) 3. Oliver Lafayette (PlaqueInquisitor)
Hi Joe, though it is awesome that you're inspired to create multiple concepts, that would throw off any balance to player voting. Could you just edit the post for your current character and write your new idea in as a backup concept? If you do that, just make a note that people can't vote for your backup please!
Klint Rogers is a 35 year old man that is already starting to bald, which he covers up with a fedora, he's a bit overweight. He does not like exercise very much. He grew up in Kentucky and lived there all of his life, he is currently living with his parents.He does not have any children nor a significant other. He is an only child and spoiled by his parents to get whatever he wanted, they also encouraged his massive imagination and creativity. He eventually applied for college to become an animator, which he attempted to make homemade animes. When that failed, he had to blame someone and in him wanting to blame something figured that it was lizard people that wanted him to fail. That is because in his mind, they knew too much. He had to dig deeper into this mystery. He devoted all his time off of work trying to find any holes in the world, finding problems where there were none and solutions that are out of scope of reality. He just knows that there are ancient aliens that came down and created mankind and are now here to claim back the world that mankind has trashed, and they are shape-shifting lizard people that have taken over the president. He has to speak the truth, he has to warn people that the end is coming and it's from the lizard people! But no one believes him, no one thinks that he's serious and laughs in his face, well he will show them. He will gather whatever truth he can find and compile it for the world to see.
He went out to his telescope to record signs of aliens/lizard people in the sky when people suddenly grabbed him and stuffed him to a van. To him, he felt vindicated, that all he knew to be true is justified. That the secret agents are there to silence him before he speaks out to mankind as a whole about his theories.
Hobbies: Alien watching, looking at facebook, browsing the web for more theories, creating theories, blaming ancient shape-shifting lizard people aliens
Hi all, I will close this out at 8:00 PST (-8 GMT) today (1/22/22). If you have any last-minute posts, votes, or updates please keep the cutoff in mind. Thank you everyone who showed interest, I hope that we game together in the future if we don't play together this time around.
The votes are tallied and the characters selected are:
Tybard (Dyson Treggs) - "The Lost Chaplain"
bfoster121 (Simon Hill) - "The Repentant Criminal"
ConstancePhokas (Brittania Kief) - "The Guilt-Ridden Healer"
PlaqueInquisitor (Oliver Lafayette) - "The Artistic Survivor"
I will PM them each, and if any are no longer interested then I will ask runner's up if they are. Thank you so much for all the great character ideas, gaming is such a passion for this community and I hope we all find our next great game soon!
The Math: I had asked for ranked choices in case of ties, but that was not an issue so total tallies worked fine. If more than one runner up becomes needed then I will have to do actual math. Votes in for: DragonDenn, Tybard, Krivoi_Rog, Overkill, Joe, bfoster121, PlaqueInquisitor, kqstark, GamingArcitectV2, ConstancePhokas, DeadOnes (all accounted for). 1st Place Votes: Dyson Treggs, Simon Hill, Misty Weldon, Max Miller, Dyson Trepps, Brittania Kief, Dyson Treggs, Brittania Kief, Reese kaid, Dyson Treggs, Max Miller 2nd Place Votes: Aleister Gomangast, Brittania Kief, Reese Kaid, Simon Hill, Reese Kaid, Dyson Treggs, Brittania Kief, Simon Hill, Aleister Gomangast, Simon Hill, Dyson Treggs 3rd Place Votes: Oliver Lafayette, Misty Weldon, Fey Russel, Oliver Lafayette, Simon Hill, TBD, Gabriella Sanchez, Oliver Lafayette, Gabriella Sanchez, Oliver Lafayette, Brittania Kief
Tallies: DragonDenn (Misty Weldon): total votes = two [1st Place (one), 2nd Place (zero), 3rd Place (one)] Tybard (Dyson Treggs): total votes = six[1st Place (four), 2nd Place (two), 3rd Place (zero)] Krivol_Rog (Aleister Gomangast): total votes = two [1st Place (zero), 2nd Place (two), 3rd Place (zero)] Overkill (Reese Kaid): total votes = three [1st Place (one), 2nd Place (two), 3rd Place (zero)] Joe (Max Miller): total votes = two [1st Place (two), 2nd Place (zero), 3rd Place (zero)] bfoster121 (Simon Hill): total votes = five[1st Place (one), 2nd Place (three), 3rd Place (one)] PlaqueInquisitor (Oliver Lafayette): total votes = four[1st Place (zero), 2nd Place (zero), 3rd Place (four)] kqstark (Gabriella Sanchez): total votes = two [1st Place (zero), 2nd Place (zero), 3rd Place (two)] GamingArcitectV2 (Fey Russell): total votes = one [1st Place (zero), 2nd Place (zero), 3rd Place (one)] ConstancePhokas (Brittania Kief): total votes = five [1st Place (two), 2nd Place (two), 3rd Place (one)] DeadOnes (Klint Rogers): total votes = zero [1st Place (zero), 2nd Place (zero), 3rd Place (zero)]
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You are a just a random person. You have lived your life in the modern times, here, on Earth. This isn’t fantasy, it is plain, mundane reality.
Until unmarked vehicles show up and people in all black tactical gear swift you away with a gag in your mouth and a bag over your head.
Then your life becomes suddenly more interesting, more painful, and very likely much shorter.
Then you will need to decide what you will become next, to survive, as you pass...
Beyond the Veil
Yours will be a dark and rich story told through the lens of a science-fiction / fantasy adventure. This game will start with Human-only modern-time characters which will eventually cross over into a fantasy setting. If that sounds dumb to you, it probably is. If you think, “Wow, I never thought about trying that! This could either suck or be amazing depending how deeply this yahoo thought about the story and world building,” you might like it.
Why though? Are you familiar with television shows like Sliders, Stargate, Star Trek, Earth: Final Conflict, Andromeda, Logan’s Run, and others like them? Science fiction first contact scenarios are full of interesting moral quandaries and the potential for great characters and great stories. You will be part victim, part explorer, and potentially part liberator, survivor, or conqueror – depending on what you do. This game will encompass the modern, the fantastical, then the place in-between. It will start achingly slow and you will be unbelievably weak, but you'll get stronger. You’ll see.
This is not a typical fantasy TTRPG setup. I don’t care if you split the party if you don’t care that I don’t have a map and a pre-made adventure ready for your every whim. Instead, this is a sandbox that you can play in. I have the map, the myriad cast of NPCs, the challenges, and the main arc all in my head. It’s up to you to discover it all, and make of it what you will.
Story Themes:
This is your warning: There may be some dark themes, like racism, sexism, enslavement, torture, death, and upsetting moral choices. I will not describe details or attempt to actually justify these things in any way. These will be storytelling elements meant to create risk or set tension or despair to a scene. They will pervade much of the early storytelling, and may be too much for some people. Life will suck for your character for a good chunk of time. After that, it will be in your hands to decide how life goes. If you live that long. There will be no usage of sexual violence within the story – this is a line I don’t feel ever needs to be crossed to tell a purely fictional story – this rule applies to players as well. That said, this isn't a campaign about terrible things, it is an adventure that starts off in adversity and (hopefully) sees you overcome it all.
Some F&Qs:
What is the posting schedule: Post at least twice a week. If you go one week with no responses, your character flat-lined. Holidays and life-stuff exempted.
How long will the game last? I’m excited to find out as well.
Will there be a map? If you can find a way to gain one, sure.
What level are we playing to? This isn’t a pre-made module, its sandbox, you tell me.
If this is D&D, why can’t I play as other races / have magic? Oh, poor sweet child. You’ll see.
What happens if I die? But do we ever really though?
What are the alignment restrictions? Whatever you want, but the reckless and/or crazy may not be that useful...
So, I can be evil? Do not abuse the time or trust of other players or the DM, and do not describe your character’s perverse or demented actions in detail. Speak in themes and vague outcomes if you need to describe an explicit or evil act. “My character knows he cannot harm the director of the institute, but now that I am free, I will exact my revenge upon him by finding and killing his family.” <- This is pretty dark stuff all by itself, and you’ve told me enough to work out what rolls would be involved. Enough said.
The Ask:
No judgement, no criticism. If you suffer from depression and/or are a survivor of trauma, I do not recommend you partake in this game. Not because you are unwelcome, but because there is no way I or you can know how the ebb and flow of events will affect you. Some people play to escape their own painful world, some people play to recreate it. Neither is healthy. Play to be challenged, to have fun, to have a creative outlet, and to see where the story will take you. But play safely. Your life and health are precious.
About Me:
This is my first foray into D&D 5th Edition, but by far not my first rodeo as the DM in the franchise. I am also new to PBP. My thoughts and perspectives are through the lived experiences of a cisgender male, but I am open and friendly to all. I live in PST (-8 GMT), and predominately post a few hours at night, but am open to anyone from anywhere in the world. I am however limited to only English and terrible fake accents.
About You:
You need to be over 18 years of age. You need to be mature enough to understand that you are electing to play a character in a story – your character’s story, but also in a collaborative game – everyone’s game. Your sense of agency and commitment to that story are its most powerful drivers, but you will not always win and that's okay.
What Now?
You read this far, probably out of morbid curiosity more than anything else, so now what? I truly hate the PBP “job application” bit, but I also hate the “first-come first-served” lottery. Between a rock and a hard place here. So, I am asking YOU to pick four characters for me.
I want three things from you:
(1) Make a concept, include their full name, where they live, who they live with, their hobbies, education level, special skills and occupation. No child characters (under 18), otherwise no restrictions. Also, you can totally play a 100% comatose character, person without sight or hearing, celebrity, or the last surviving WWII veteran (from any side) - whatever. As long as the concept aligns with a real-world person that does or could exist today, go for it. But explain it to me. Be detailed.
(2) Describe to me where you were and what you were doing when the people in black tactical gear came and took you away. Keep in mind, they wouldn't do it too publicly.
(3) And then, vote for someone else’s character. Specifically, vote for three other people and rank them, first-pick / second-pick / third pick. Be selective, you may be choosing your fellow players. I am leaving this thread up until January 22, 2022, so if you were early and there was no one else to vote for, just come back and edit in your choices. I’ll do tallies and outreach by the 26th, and that will be that. Session zero will be on January 29th.
Misty Weldon is a Model that lives with her IT-consultant husband in the Northern forest of Minnesota. She is a beautiful red-head, but with curves a little too-substancial to go super far as a model, unless it is for full-figured women's clothing. She has little education, past High School anyway, as she went straight into modeling after high school. Misty has many hobbies though, being a big art enthusiast, as well as donating time to many charities and hospitals. She is a martial arts exprt, having studied self-defense, then various forms of martial arts, since she was quite young. She lives in a home she and her husband designed, and had built, on a private lake. They own hundreds of acres of land around the home, having complete privacy when, and if, they wish it. They have had no children, as of yet, having wished to spend some time together as just them, before adding kids into the mix. It has become a topic of interest between them now though, and it is something they are both looking at in the years to come. Ethan owns an IT company, consulting with fortune 500 companies around the globe, and even with the government of nations.
Misty is a gorgeous red-haired woman, with intense emerald eyes. She stands at 5 foot 2 inches. She is very curvy, though has a core of strength under the curves and is by no means what anyone would consider fat. She works out daily, and can afford the best trainers, both in regular fitness, as well as in her martial arts pursuits. She travels extensively, her husband, and her, owning properties in Hawaii, Paris, London, and other places around the globe. They also own their own private boat, both a sailing ship and a larger cruising one.
Misty enjoys working out, training her martial arts, and hanging out with friends. She and her husband have game nights, on a weekly basis, with their close friends. Misty and Ethan enjoy ending the day around a campfire, drinking beer, and often do so with their friends around them.
Wearing a low-cut blouse and skirt, Misty Weldon strode across the parking lot. She carried a large purse over her shoulder, the strap going cross-body, to keep pick pockets from making a grab for it. She scanned the rows of cars as she moved, emerald eyes intense. She was a gorgeous woman walking alone through a parking ramp, so was on her guard. The run-of-the-mill pick pocket would have turned and ran away though, as Misty was in good shape and moved like a panther on the prowl, her body always in balance and her eyes missing little. Approaching her Portia, Misty reached into the oversized purse at her side and pulled out the key fob for her vehicle. Hitting the button, the click of the driver's door unlocking could be heard.
Misty glanced from side to side, looking at the vehicles next to her own, but, seeing nothing, she strode on towards the Portia. As she reached for the door a stinging sensation came and she reache dup to brush away the fly or whatever had just bit her on the neck. Her hand found something strange. Pulling it away she held a small feathered dart in her hand. She stared at it for a long moment, not understanding. As realization came into her eyes the men in black gear were already closing in and she was falling to the ground, unconscious even before the first of them reached her.
Dyson Treggs
Aleister Gomangast
Oliver Lafayette
Dropping a reminder to myself, will get to this hopefully later tonight.
The Lost Chaplain
1. Dyson Treggs is one man and many. Enlisted in the US Army but never issued a weapon. One with the regiment and yet apart. Helping so many find solace while losing his own.
Even his origin is legion. His father was the youngest child of a Tuskegee Airman who flew in World War II and a tireless and devoted nurse in a mixed-race marriage that helped drive them far from rural Alabama to settle somewhat happily in Vancouver, British Columbia. His mother was the daughter of a first generation Korean ballerina and her West Indian molecular biologist partner, two accomplished women thriving in the fog and bustle of San Francisco.
Neither of his parents had found God, but Dyson had, as his pilot grandfather had before him in the skies over North Africa in the early 40s. Not that he talked about his own faith overly much. He listened. Two ears, one mouth, to be used in that proportion. And a heart. And his faith. The tools of a military chaplain. And now, he had lost one of them.
He spends his days and nights inspiring and and guiding and commiserating with young soldiers. And consoling their families as their blasted bodies return from the sand and the muck. He resolutely supports a brave, young Jewish-American corporal with PTSD, reliving the trauma of the Kunnar province in one breath and kvetching about his mother with the other. He performs traditional Islamic last rites for a middle-aged Iraqi translator. He provides a shoulder for private first class Sarah Corver to cry on as she speaks in monotone about her baby boy back home who was hit by a car. He listens patiently while the bull-necked sergeant with the Oathkeeper tattoo alternates between screaming through his pain medication to call him a sand n****r and pleading with him to ask if God can give him his lost leg back. He has seen dead and maimed bodies from explosion and ambush and burn pit and betrayal. He has tried to be the shepherd. The guide in the twilight between life and death, heaven and hell.
And in the process he has lost something else. His own faith. God no longer answers him. No longer comforts him. Sometimes he wonders if He ever had. Only a hollow emptiness remains to fuel him in his determination not to abandon his post as the spiritual lifeline for his brothers and sisters in arms.
1a. Edited to add: above narrative had no room for Dyson's interests and hobbies other than his job. I'm going to say running and reading are what Dyson uses to escape. And poker. He is a great listener and empathetic, and ironically, that lets him clean up at the card table. But he spends every bit of his winnings procuring and then giving away items and services that bring comfort to his regiment. His people.
2. Capture: Dyson is speaking with the special forces man. A stranger. He doesn't know his name. Or what type of special forces. The man is quiet. Only asking a few questions. Lost in thought. He is going somewhere that Dyson doesn't think he is supposed to know about special forces going. Information that Dyson perhaps should not have. Yet pleading... pleading... for guidance. Absolution. For what? Dyson cannot say. The special forces man is called away and Dyson is left to his thoughts in the desert tent. The wind is picking up, blowing sand against the flaps.
That is when he notices he is not alone. He yells, but as the mask is pulled over his head, he knows not to struggle. He centers himself and reaches out with his soul. He seeks only to remember... to remember who he is and what he once believed in, as oblivion consumes him.
3. Votes: Honestly, reading through everyone else's pieces again, there are more than 3 outstanding entries here and all of them are good at a minimum. Don't want to limit it to 3 but here goes:
First: Simon Hill (bfoster121)
Second: Brittania Kief (ConstancePhokas)
Third: Misty Weldon (DragonDenn)
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
This looks like it will really be a blast! Truly delighted to have come across this and hope I can play but, up front, if I am not I hope it goes well for those who are chosen. If not chosen I would like to be a fly on the wall, so-to-speak, and follow the adventure from 'another plane'.
Aleister Gomangast, who is thirty-six years old, is the professed High Magi of the Order of the Golden Dawn and declares, to any who would listen, that that he is the rightful heir to Aleister Crowley. He lives in an apartment above his temple, the Temple of the Golden Dawn in central London, from where he makes his living ‘ministering’ to the faithful who contribute to the coffers of the Temple (his personal bank if you would), reading Tarot cards, casting horoscopes, and preforming magik rituals for those willing to pay for such services. Aleister is really quite brilliant, if a bit twisted, and he is well versed in ancient history, mathematics, chemistry and physics, having a PhD in all four subjects. He is fluent in six living languages and five dead ones. Some folks think that he is the way he is because he couldn’t handle his genius and went mad, in a sort of polite way. His ‘sermons’ regularly involve the unexplained, from crop circles to UFOs, or UAPs as they are now known; he firmly believes the ley lines spanning the British Isles are a key to dimensional travel, although he hasn’t quite yet figured out how it works, he is absolutely sure he can make it work. Publishing articles in many occult journals, for money of course, he expounds on just about any metaphysical subject with an erudite depth that most everyone finds a bit intimidating. He submissions to hard science journals are rarely rejected but, he does have to use a pseudonym. He also learned fairly early in life that one needed to be able to protect oneself and so he took up Savate, commonly known as French foot boxing, and rates the Silver glove (Third Degree) – Technical rank, eighth degree, which would correspond, roughly, to a tenth dan black belt in a karate style of martial arts.
Aleister’s outlook on life has so far not been one amenable to a mate of any sort, he has plenty of devotee’s from whom he can chose to dally with so he doesn’t feel lacking in that regard; in fact, he finds such a life style preferable to what he sees ‘couples’ have to go through.
When the bag descended over his head and he was hustled away Aleister was deep in meditation, aided by a perfect amount of peyote, in front of his private altar. Everything happened so fast he didn’t have time to really put up a good fight, he did give it a go, although in a way his deeper sensing self perceived this insult to his being a potential opportunity, after all why would he be ‘black-bagged’ unless it was for some ‘interesting' reason.
Misty Weldon
Reese Kaid
Fey Russel
Panic is a mechanism that strengthens the gene pool.
Reese Kaid has had a pretty boring life, the only thing keeping him on his toes, literally and figuratively, was his blindness, which he was born with. As a child, he never got much interaction since he was home-schooled. Both of his parents were overprotective and worried for him since the day he was born, having kept him under safety surveillance as much as possible. His dad was a former CIA agent and his mother was a college professor of chemistry, so the homeschooling didn't lack much, so he ended up pretty well-educated, unlike others. Now being 23, he has put both his natural intelligence and great homeschooling to use as much as a blind man could, having just landed a job as a music teacher for a middle-school class. He has always had a passion for music, since it was one of the few ways he could enjoyably spend his time on as a child, he even taught himself the violin at one point. That was about as far as excitement ever really got for him, since he never got an opportunity to make friends to do interesting things with, nor does he ever vary from the walking path he has for himself around the block his apartment is in. All of that is about to change, though, since throughout his entire day, he has heard people talking about a strange black vehicle. It was too much of a coincidence to him that the people talking about it around him, so he figured it must have been him that it was following. But why? He constantly thought.
On his way home from his successful job interview, he made sure to stick to what sounded like big crowds as much as possible, but it constantly slowed him down, and he didn't reach the block his apartment was on until close to nightfall. When he was just a few buildings away from his apartment, a couple of street hooligans decided he was an easy target, so in the shadows, they held a knife to his throat and took him into nearby alley, beating on him for a couple of minutes, then taking anything valuable he had on him, and breaking his walking stick. As he sat in alley after they left, taking a few breaths, he heard even more footsteps, sounding like tactical boots on the concrete. "Officers? Thank goo-" He was quickly cut off as the gag was put in his mouth, though. As the bag was put over his head, the only thing he felt from there was the weird tactical gear his hands brushed and being put into a vehicle. He now has no idea where he is....
Votes- 1. Max Miller
2. Simon Hill
3. Oliver Lafayette
*Edit: It seems I forgot to do a description bit, so here we go. Reese himself wasn't built in the most extraordinary way, he was 5'12, had a skinny frame, not very much muscle mass from not being active in his childhood, though he has been trying to work on that by walking as much as possible, he usually wears a black, loose sweater with a comfy inside, some average jeans and usually tennis shoes, as well as square, blacked out wire frame glasses. His hair is a mixture of neat and messy, and it was just long enough to cover his eyes if it was let down, usually he has it swept to a side because the hair strands tickle his face, and his eyes are hazel, sometimes green or brown if someone looked at him in a specific way.
Want a place to roleplay in your spare time? Here: Lord's Rest Inn
Please don't hide your imperfections, if one part is beautiful, it all is.
I don't like rp-heavy games, I LOVE them.
This sounds like a great concept. It seems like a lot of fun!
I present for your consideration Max Miller, Gentle Giant, Aspiring Air Force Pilot, SciFi
NerdEnthusiastAs for Max, physically he was built like his father, just larger. He stood at 6'10", 240lbs, and built like a linebacker. He enjoyed working out, you found it relaxing and almost meditative. Personality wise, Max took after his mother. He inherited her inquisitive mind and gentle disposition, as well as her love of reading (mostly science fiction). And ever since he was young and she took them out to see a meteor shower, he has been curious about space and what's beyond. From then on, it was his dream to work at NASA, even to be an Astronaut. He wanted to explore, go where no person has gone before, the final frontier! The only problem was he was not the best student. He was eager and willing to learn, he just didn't have the aptitude and he had to work a lot harder than the kids around him. This lead him to joining the Airforce ROTC program, trying to become a pilot. On scholarship and with much work, he finished his degree in avionics engineering! While not the smartest in the room, he was the most dedicated. With that dedication and drive, he received a Pilot slot (with some special considerations due to his height). Now he is training at Maxell Air Force Base in Alabama.
Edit: Forgot to add hobby/skills.
Max's main hobby is reading, primarily SciFi novels. He enjoys video games, and got into board games in college (it's hard getting an engineering degree and not playing a board game). He like to work out, to help with his stress and clear his head. He runs every morning, then either lifts or does yoga at night (his sisters started making him do yoga because they thought it was funny, but he actually enjoyed it).
Skills. While he isn't a full mechanic like his dad and brother, he does know his way around a car. He's loved playing rugby, but hasn't played much since college. He has combat training through ROTC program; his marksmanship was average but excelled at hand to hand combat. Very basic computer programing skills.
These are tough choices. Picking 3 is very tough. Everyone has fantastic characters!
Backup idea (Don't vote on this one, I just thought of it and wanted to write it down):
Sam "HaZe" Francis, Paraplegic Programmer, Hacker, and Crypto miner
Sam had a pretty normal childhood until he was 7. That's when his sister, Stella, was taking the family out after getting her license. A drunk driver hit drove through a red light and slammed into the car. Their parents were on the wrong side of the car, they didn't make it. Same had extensive injures, and was comatose for several months. When he finally woke up, he realized he couldn't feel his legs. Stella and Sam went to live with their Aunt Vicky after that. Sam, depressed, became very withdrawn. His Aunt decided to get him a computer (early 90's, windows 3.0 era). He enjoyed the escape and anonymity of the early internet, then started joining online hacker communities with the alias HaZe. He started small, but quickly figured out how to get into some very secure networks! One of his favorite pass-times was checking out new images from Hubble before they were released to the public. He joined the ShadowCrew for a bit, but didn't like that they were stealing for innocent people. By the mid 2000's, he decided to go... well not White Hat, more of a Grey Hat. He would expose security flaws for big banks, but would usually adjust a few things before letting them know. He probably deleted hundreds of thousands of dollars of credit card fees and late fees for people! He's always been a proponent of decentralized computing. HaZe was an early adopter of Bitcoin, and used several of his old computers to start mining in early 2009. He has not needed to work for a long time now, but he still does some of his Grey Hat work for fun. When the door burst open, and he saw the men in tactically gear, he assumed someone found out who he was and got Swatted. He rolled out and didn't resist. When one of them pulled a mask over his head, he realized something was very wrong, but it was too late.
1) Simon Hill, 22, had a pretty difficult life. Born in Portland Oregon, his dad not in the picture, his mom a drug addict and sex worker, it wasn't long before he, and his younger brother Lucas were in the system. Lucas, at 2 years old had no issue finding permanent placement with a nice suburban couple. Simon, being 9 with some behavioral issues, was a much harder sell. He moved from foster family to foster family because they couldn't deal with him. As he got older, he would just leave before it got to that point and live on the street. Simon initially found it quite difficult to take care of himself, scrounging through dumpsters and pan handling downtown, most nights finding a bridge or over pass to sleep under with a near empty stomach. After a couple weeks of this he tried his hand at trying to be a pick pocket...needless to say the first attempts did not go well, but he caught the eyes of an older group of kids and fell in with them. They started showing him the ropes, how to use distractions, how to use a light touch, how to bring as little attention to yourself as possible, etc. Simon picked these skills up quite quickly, and while he was still sleeping under bridges and over passes he never went to bed hungry again. Things went on this way for the better part of 6 months, growing closer to older group, picking up skills along the way (picking a lock, jimmying a window, learning what places to hit and what to look for). It was during this time he was the crews second story man, lighter than the older teens, he was able to reach places most wouldn't be able to get to. About 7 months in, things started to take a turn. The oldest boy (18) and de-facto leader, Antoni, approached Simon one night and assaulted him. Simon lay there afterwards, in tears and pain, numb to the world. Ryan, a boy in the group only a year older than Simon's 13, found him curled in a ball staring into space, and explained that he was now part of the group. For the next two years, Simon continued to hone his thieving skills, but in his free time he found himself drawn more and more to reading books and spending hours on end in the stacks at the Multnomah county library. One cold, wintry day, not paying attention he was approached by the Portland police for loitering outside the Starbucks in Pioneer Courthouse Square late one evening. They took him into custody and returned him to the system. The first Foster house they placed him in he was getting ready to book it back to his old crew. As he was leaving, Dave, the foster dad asked him to wait and hear him out. Dave explained that he was also a child of the system and that he was very much like Simon when he was younger, that he wanted to help make things better for him if Simon would let him, but that he wouldn't stop him if he chose to leave. Something in what Dave said resonated with Simon and he chose to stay. He started attending school, picking most subjects up quickly, but finding the order and at times chaos of computer programming fascinating. Over the next 4 years, Simon dove head long into school work, finding enjoyment in expanding his knowledge base and when he graduated found that his desire to continue learning was not sated so he found part time work in the service industry and started attending classes at MT. Hood Community College. All was going well up until 6 months ago, when Antoni found him saying something about a big score, that they couldn't do it without Simon and that if he refused then his "pretty new life" was going to end. Not seeing any other options Simon agreed. Antoni, being a busy little beaver, moved up to the manufacturing and use of meth. He needed more supplies and figured the fast, most lucrative path forward was to steal what he needed, but the problem was where they needed to break into. Grated it was no Fort Knox, but it was well beyond anything the crew had done in the past. Simon found a way around the security system and led the group into the facility. With the rest of the group preoccupied with gathering things, Simon crept away, locked the exit door and set the alarm off while fleeing the scene.
1a) Hobbies include puzzles, slight of hand/"magic", keeping up with lock picking, computer code.
2) Simon was walking down 4th St, checking out Portland State's campus, when someone bumped into him and lifted his wallet, the classic push. Simon turned around and followed the guy, who turned down a less populated street. About half way down the new street the person Simon was following turned back towards him. As he approached and Simon was about to say something when a black hood was thrown over his head an secured. Panicking, Simon started to thrash about when he felt a shape pain in his back, his body goes stiff and he falls to the ground where restrains, zip-ties, are fastened around his wrists. He hears the screech and stench of stopping tires and feels himself get lifted bodily in to the back of a van.
3) There are a lot of interesting choices and it is hard to choose
1) Brittania Kief (ConstancePhokas)
2) Dyson Treggs (Tybard)
3) Reese Kaid (overkill)
1) Oliver Lafayette is a 19 year old boy living in a tiny studio apartment in New York. He is a college student and spends most of his time painting on the street or inside and trying to make some kind of money from his art. His stature is quite lithe, he is average in height at about 5’8. His skin is sunlessly pale and his wavy-curly ginger hair descends to his shoulder or to the bottom of his ears depending on his haircut and mood. He has a tattoo of a whale's tail on the left side of his back and of a leafless, dead tree on the right. Oliver is able to survive because of his painting skills, obviously, but also his ability to sell them. He can be fairly convincing, even if some people only buy out of pity or attraction. Another trick up his sleeve is his mild addiction to hallucinogenic substances. Some of his trips have granted him the best paintings he has done, although those happen to be harder to sell. Those mostly exist for his own artistic satisfaction. The reason for him going to college for an art degree is so that he can learn some of the basic skills a person would need for an office job, just in case his plans don’t pan out, however the bigger reason is to have an excuse to get away from his toxic family. As a person, Oliver is often calm and clumsy, both with words and action. He tends to not take anything too seriously and just go with the flow of things.
2) Oliver was kidnapped during one of his monthly painting sessions of the New York skyline on the roof of his apartment building. He was definitely high.
1: Dyson Treggs, Tybard, godless therapist sounds fun
2: Brittania Kief, ConstancePhokas, a tragic nurse could have some interesting conversations with Olly
3: Gabriella Sanchez, kqstark, for the art conversations
This looks like a whooole lot of fun. Reminds me of a series I read when I was 17. I thing it was "Gone"? Looking forward to this regardless. I've got a few questions first.
1. Gabriella Sanchez is a gallery owner who lives in an upscale apartment in downtown Chicago. She's young for a gallery owner, 27, but she's ambitious and knows what she wants. She's tall, Hispanic, with short black hair and a walk that says she means business. She typically dresses in all black, common among artists, but with color splashes in the earrings she wears. Her art gallery is modern and mainly holds paintings, though she opens it up for sculptors on occasion. Her parents, both living in Chicago as well, are very proud of their daughter, more so than her brother. Maurice, her twin, works for her as her security manager and they are very close. He does many other odd jobs around the gallery and is her only permanent employee.
Gabriella graduated in the top of her class at the School of the Art Institute in Chicago, something she had always inspired towards and easily accomplished. Most things did come easy to her. Other than finding a mate. Honestly, that was low on the totem pole for her in terms of importance, but of course her parents kept pestering her about it. Not sure why they didn't give Maurice a hard time about it? She was worried that if she did find a mate, then what? Her parents would want grandchildren! Ugh, she shuddered at the thought.
Gabriella was a people person, she knew how to work the room. The made her gallery very successful, but it wasn't enough. She could talk to anyone and make them feel like they were the most important person in the world and she knew she could - though it tired her out. This is how her hobby started... she's an art thief. When the pressure of the gallery, her parents, the art community, get to her.. she gets out. She has become quite the cat burglar and steals from all kinds of different places, people's homes, museums, other galleries.. the more difficult, the more the thrill. Maurice knows about her little, habit, and though he doesn't approve, he does approve of the hefty paycheck he now receives.
2. After another successful night, this time at one of her customer's homes, Gabriella is heading back to her apartment prize in hand. Heading down a familiar alley, she feels something isn't quite right and as she turns around to confront it, a person dressed all in black grapples her and puts a rag in front of her face. Next thing she knows, she is out.
3. Brittania, Simon, Oliver
Hi GamingArcitectV2,
I think the answer to all of your questions is that you will not be creating a character at all... at first. The description you give of your characters at start will determine your basic proficiencies for story progression purposes, but no rolls for that part. Using your described characters in that way, you will each be given a separate in-depth personalized session zero which will set the stage for you to build your D&D character. I don't want to say more, because a large element of (I hope) the fun for players will be experiencing a much more nuanced and personalized character generation approach, entirely through the story. However, at the point in the story when your character is fleshed out, I would be fine with players storing their characters in DDB, or just sending me the information via PM if they don't have enough DDB slots or don't prefer to use the generator. In purely game mechanic terms, there will of course be stats and skill checks derived from dice rolls, so yes, it still uses all the 5th Ed rules as we progress away from story-building and into adventure. I hope that helps!
Thanks, it does!
Name: Fey Russell – Female – Hispanic – 23
Gender: Female
Visual Perspective: Visibly looks Latina, has a wide waist and a seductive upper body. Her face looks as if it was sculpted by DaVinci himself, and her arms are as jacked as a military Sargent’s. Her resting face is quite seductive, with puffy lips and shinning eyes. She has jet-black hair and green eyes.
Sexual Orientation: Attracted to males, but is willing to do whatever it takes to climb up the social ladder.
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Age: 23
Country of Origin: Germany
Languages Spoken: Fluent German, Fluent English, Influent French, A little bit of Spanish
Profession: Bikini Model
Hobbies: Gold Digger, Weight Lifting, Running Marathons
As a child, Fey grew up with a rich, yet somehow generous father, Sparrow. At the age of 11, Fey’s father died in a car crash. When her mother, Harriet, realizes that his entire will, except for their house in Germany, went to random charities throughout the country, she becomes furious. In the end, she ends up beating Fey’s 8-year-old sister, Astral, half to death. Fey is smart enough to realize that her mother is a gold digger, and that they were no longer safe in their home. Fey ran away with Astral, but was caught stealing a diamond necklace at a jewelry store in France. There had been a continent-wide search for these two sisters for over 2 years, with the sisters staying one step ahead of the authorizes, up until this moment. A week after her birthday (she is now 15), she was reunited with her mother. At first, Harriet acted how any mother would, worried and pissed off, but on Astral’s 13 birthday, she finally snapped. She, once again, proceeded to beat Astral for no other apparent reason than to vent over her new “boyfriend”, a knight of Britain. Astral, in defense, pushed Harriet (quite hard due to the muscles gained on the run), which lead to her impaling herself on an “ornamental” sword. Before the mother died, she told Fey that they would never make it in the world without sucking up to those rich-a** d***s, and sucking up their money for our “love”. Fey took that to heart, and has began climbing her way up the social ladder by using men’s pockets, which she attains through their pants. Fey tells herself she does this to keep her and Astral safe, but deep down, she knows she enjoys the thrill of having several men ensnared in her spell of “love”.
Current Social Status: Social Media Fitness and Fashion Influencer
# of Followers: 457,000
Money in Swiss Bank: Over $3,500,000
2) After a very successful photo shoot in Belgium, Fey began to walk to her hotel, the Royale Gazette. After entering her room, the building had a 25-minute blackout. The next morning, when room service when up to the room, they found the door open. There was stuff everywhere. Scattered papers on the floor, wine staining the walls, and the TV had been flung across the room. There had obviously been a struggle, but Fey was nowhere to be found.
1) Reese Kaid, by Overkill
2) Aleister Gomangast, by Krivoi_Rog
3) Gabriella Sanchez, by kqstark
1) Brittania Kief, 27, brown-haired, blue-eyed, small and quiet, grew up in a small northern coastal town in Maine that was buried in snow eight months out of the year. Everybody knew everyone, and there was only one high school in the area, that all the surrounding towns bussed their kids to. The more enterprising students, mostly from families that had lived there less than a generation, never stayed in the area long, but the less well adjusted families who had been here for generations saw their youngsters settling in for the long haul. Brittania's childhood was fairly stable, if not well off, except for a demanding, turbulent father. A bright student who liked people and wanted to help them, she wanted to be a doctor, but ended up in a local technical school in a pre-nursing program.
She married a lobsterman named Jerry Kief just out of college when she finished her degree, and got her nursing license soon after that. Newlywed, she worked at a small local hospital taking care of patients. In her free time she liked to knit and sew, read novels, and garden. A year and one baby into the marriage, Jerry started to act erratically. Brittania loved her husband dearly, but she was aghast at how he was beginning to treat her, insulting or even screaming at her if she questioned him or got upset at anything he did. At other times, he was sweet, romantic, and supportive. She tried to make it work, stifling her own needs and feelings to try and keep him happy, but with a now 3-year-old and the next baby on the way, she was beginning to drop her responsibilities, not be able to have dinner ready or warm at whatever time he would show up.
Then Jerry accused her of cheating on him, and left. In the small town they lived in, their small church and local community took his side and believed him. Brittania was bewildered at how this accusation could have taken hold... she was very careful, these days, not to talk to other men. She had bent herself over backwards to make herself and her child what this man wanted them to be, only to be treated in this way. But then he came back, apologizing, and things were wonderful again.
Until he did it again. And then a third time. Each time the community turned colder on her, betraying this good man who kept forgiving her. Finally, a few months after the new baby came, he announced he was going to divorce her, and start over with someone new. He filed the papers and moved in with the new girlfriend.
Alone, frightened, and with no community support, Brittania found herself snapping at her children, and every time little Sean would have a tantrum or cry inconsolably, Brittania began to dream of revenge.
It was a small town, so she knew where Jerry was living with his new girlfriend. She also knew that Jerry's dog knew her and wouldn't bark at her. Although she'd never even considered doing it before, she stole drugs from her hospital---insulin, rocuronium, potassium. Things she knew she could use to make him pay. She set it all up. She left Sean and baby Elena with a neighbor. She waited until the girlfriend was traveling, visiting her family. It would be easy. Subcutaneous insulin coma while he slept, vascular access, and then.... skills she used a dozen times a day at work.
But when the moment came.... she injected 100 units of insulin... and she couldn't finish it. She couldn't. Not because she didn't think he deserved it. Not because she loved him anymore. But she couldn't do it. How could she take care of people suffering all day at work, and then do something like this? Make her children lose their mother as well as their father? She called 911 for the insulin overdose, left the other medications with their red warning labels on the vials, and ran.
2) Brittania knew her life was over. She knew her children would be taken away. Her license would be taken away. She drove back to her house in the middle of the night after leaving Jerry's place, knowing she was going to hear police sirens any minute when the paramedics found the evidence. She went to unlock the door of her house, and just stood there. But they didn't come with sirens and flashing lights. They didn't come with shouts and warnings. They came dressed like the night, like a SWAT team or something, and threw a bag over her head. Brittania did not even struggle. Her last thought before her consciousness swiftly fled was, I deserve this.
1. Dyson Treggs (Tybard)
2. Simon Hill (bfoster121)
3. Oliver Lafayette (PlaqueInquisitor)
@VosBeyond, Can I put up a second character idea? I got an idea yesterday and wanted to throw it out there. If not, that's cool.
Hi Joe, though it is awesome that you're inspired to create multiple concepts, that would throw off any balance to player voting. Could you just edit the post for your current character and write your new idea in as a backup concept? If you do that, just make a note that people can't vote for your backup please!
Klint Rogers - Conspiracy Theorist
Klint Rogers is a 35 year old man that is already starting to bald, which he covers up with a fedora, he's a bit overweight. He does not like exercise very much. He grew up in Kentucky and lived there all of his life, he is currently living with his parents.He does not have any children nor a significant other. He is an only child and spoiled by his parents to get whatever he wanted, they also encouraged his massive imagination and creativity. He eventually applied for college to become an animator, which he attempted to make homemade animes. When that failed, he had to blame someone and in him wanting to blame something figured that it was lizard people that wanted him to fail. That is because in his mind, they knew too much. He had to dig deeper into this mystery. He devoted all his time off of work trying to find any holes in the world, finding problems where there were none and solutions that are out of scope of reality. He just knows that there are ancient aliens that came down and created mankind and are now here to claim back the world that mankind has trashed, and they are shape-shifting lizard people that have taken over the president. He has to speak the truth, he has to warn people that the end is coming and it's from the lizard people! But no one believes him, no one thinks that he's serious and laughs in his face, well he will show them. He will gather whatever truth he can find and compile it for the world to see.
He went out to his telescope to record signs of aliens/lizard people in the sky when people suddenly grabbed him and stuffed him to a van. To him, he felt vindicated, that all he knew to be true is justified. That the secret agents are there to silence him before he speaks out to mankind as a whole about his theories.
Hobbies: Alien watching, looking at facebook, browsing the web for more theories, creating theories, blaming ancient shape-shifting lizard people aliens
Choices: Max Miller, Dyson Treggs, Brittania Kief
Hi all, I will close this out at 8:00 PST (-8 GMT) today (1/22/22). If you have any last-minute posts, votes, or updates please keep the cutoff in mind. Thank you everyone who showed interest, I hope that we game together in the future if we don't play together this time around.
The votes are tallied and the characters selected are:
I will PM them each, and if any are no longer interested then I will ask runner's up if they are. Thank you so much for all the great character ideas, gaming is such a passion for this community and I hope we all find our next great game soon!
The Math: I had asked for ranked choices in case of ties, but that was not an issue so total tallies worked fine. If more than one runner up becomes needed then I will have to do actual math.
Votes in for: DragonDenn, Tybard, Krivoi_Rog, Overkill, Joe, bfoster121, PlaqueInquisitor, kqstark, GamingArcitectV2, ConstancePhokas, DeadOnes (all accounted for).
1st Place Votes: Dyson Treggs, Simon Hill, Misty Weldon, Max Miller, Dyson Trepps, Brittania Kief, Dyson Treggs, Brittania Kief, Reese kaid, Dyson Treggs, Max Miller
2nd Place Votes: Aleister Gomangast, Brittania Kief, Reese Kaid, Simon Hill, Reese Kaid, Dyson Treggs, Brittania Kief, Simon Hill, Aleister Gomangast, Simon Hill, Dyson Treggs
3rd Place Votes: Oliver Lafayette, Misty Weldon, Fey Russel, Oliver Lafayette, Simon Hill, TBD, Gabriella Sanchez, Oliver Lafayette, Gabriella Sanchez, Oliver Lafayette, Brittania Kief
DragonDenn (Misty Weldon): total votes = two [1st Place (one), 2nd Place (zero), 3rd Place (one)]
Tybard (Dyson Treggs): total votes = six [1st Place (four), 2nd Place (two), 3rd Place (zero)]
Krivol_Rog (Aleister Gomangast): total votes = two [1st Place (zero), 2nd Place (two), 3rd Place (zero)]
Overkill (Reese Kaid): total votes = three [1st Place (one), 2nd Place (two), 3rd Place (zero)]
Joe (Max Miller): total votes = two [1st Place (two), 2nd Place (zero), 3rd Place (zero)]
bfoster121 (Simon Hill): total votes = five [1st Place (one), 2nd Place (three), 3rd Place (one)]
PlaqueInquisitor (Oliver Lafayette): total votes = four [1st Place (zero), 2nd Place (zero), 3rd Place (four)]
kqstark (Gabriella Sanchez): total votes = two [1st Place (zero), 2nd Place (zero), 3rd Place (two)]
GamingArcitectV2 (Fey Russell): total votes = one [1st Place (zero), 2nd Place (zero), 3rd Place (one)]
ConstancePhokas (Brittania Kief): total votes = five [1st Place (two), 2nd Place (two), 3rd Place (one)]
DeadOnes (Klint Rogers): total votes = zero [1st Place (zero), 2nd Place (zero), 3rd Place (zero)]