The dwarf nods for a moment, looking over the paper again... Then nods a bit more firmly.
"Yeah. We could probably do that if you're willing to let up some of the reward money for it. I expect he was mostly hoping for someone who already had a mount of some kind so they wouldn't need to do that, but should be enough for that."
"Still, I'd need to send out a messenger to him to make sure that's alright. Leo!" he suddenly yells, projecting his voice to the back. There's an inaudible grunt from somewhere in the back.
"How about you come back in a few hours? If you manage to find some more helpers, I might even have another job for you that you can do on the route back."
Breldo has to squint a fair bit, the ship still far enough away most of it is an indistinct shape, but as he gets closer, and also starts overhearing the conversation, he realizes why what he is seeing is indeed slightly "odd".
It is, after all, a ship. Or at least half of it.
The faraway dot is barely moving, explained by how what looks to be a ship big enough to support two masts, is holding up only a single one. Even that single one find it's mast torn in half, and with it, having torn its main sail in twain. Its hard to say, but it feels like the ship is lower in the water than it should be, too.
There's a fair bit of arguing that's happening among the mass of people. It seems like moments before they were still deliberating whether or not they were even seeing things correctly, but by now things had moved on to that someone should probably be doing "something".
Just nobody seemed certain what that "something" was.
Khond takes a while to find a proper place to stay. Mostly because he started walking down the main road, only to discover later that most inns with stables are much closer to the gate. It doesn't take too long to find a place that seems reasonably nice... The innkeeper seems mostly confused on whether he should charge you the stable fee, or the fee for a normal room.
By the time all this is done, he's noticed a sizeable crowd has gathered near the docks.
"Hah! Well, if you don't eat fish every day, I suppose cheap fish is always nice," Zed laughs. Cards start hitting the table. The halfling speaks up next.
"Mezzra is a really nice place for passing through."
"Ah, ignore him. I mean, it's true, lots of people come here only to pass to the next thing. But plenty to do, still. If you've coin."
"They say if you can't find it somewhere on the Mezzran market, it probably doesn't exist," Zed chimes in as well. "Food is nice too, if you can afford more than fish. Lots of spices pass through the docks."
"There's a nice coffee house too," Brokk concedes.
"There's the church, if you're one of the religious sort," Merill the half elf adds. "Library too, but you might need connections to be allowed in."
The noise outside grows. Even Brokk seems to give the occasional glance now, but there are no windows in here to peek outside.
(If you're playing legit, give me a d20 to see how well you do.)
Khond will offer the fee for a night in the stable, as well as insist that the owner consider having him perform during his stay to offset the price - such an unusual figure will surely draw interest, and he can sing, play the flute, or orate stories as well. For the time being, though, he'll leave a deposit for his stay and leave the owner to consider the options while Khond investigates the crowding at the docks. Curiosity is a powerful driving force, especially when one is seeking out strange stories.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Active Characters: Ernos, Tiefling Warlock in Tests and Trials | Khond Stardancer,Centaur Rogue in The Forgotten Wish | Blumeria "Bolt" Sirgula,Dragonborn Fighter/Sorcerer in Forged In Chaos
Active Characters: Ernos, Tiefling Warlock in Tests and Trials | Khond Stardancer,Centaur Rogue in The Forgotten Wish | Blumeria "Bolt" Sirgula,Dragonborn Fighter/Sorcerer in Forged In Chaos
Brokk's attention snaps to Slick almost like a hawk, and for a brief moment it looks as if he's going to take his comment on coffee houses as a personal insult. He ends up just throwing his next card on the table with a bit of additional gusto.
On the next round, his question raises a few inquisitive looks. The round passes before they answer in earnest. So far, Slick has scored the most points, though the game isn't over yet.
"Well... That depends on several things, doesn't it?" Zed eventually starts. Merill quickly chimes in with a "The best way to make money is being already rich," and Brokk mumbles something about "Crooks" to that. Zed presses on.
"How above board are you looking to make money? You got any experience with that thing?" he asks, gesturing briefly to his weapon.
(Feel free to keep rolling those d20's)
The innkeeper considers it for a long moment, then slowly has a smile break out over his face.
"Yes, yes. If you don't muck up the place too much- No offense- I'd love to have you perform! If you're only halfway decent, I'd say it should probably pay for the stable, and you can keep any potential tips. If nothing else, some people are bound to show up just to see a centaur! Err- No offense, again," the innkeeper hurriedly apologizes, deciding to take a small deposit, but with the promise he'd be paid it back for his performance later that night. With that, his curiosity demands he goes check out what's happening over the docks, where he...
Isn't really sure what's happening, actually. People seem to be looking out at sea, but for what? Is there something with the docked boats? He doesn't really spot anything that seems off...
A couple of people turn at the question, though it seems to be the most clueless one that answers first, the lady only offering a "No idea". An older man who seems like he might be an old sea rot is at least a bit more helpful. "Don't think we could tell from this distance even if we knew how. The flag it's supposed to be carrying is just outright gone. Looks like it might be a trade ship of some kind? If any particular ships were meant to come in, the harbormaster might know."
"It better not be the latest coffee shipment, I don't want to pay the double price again..." someone helpfully adds in upon hearing that. Breldo notices that some guards have gathered off slightly toward the side of the main crowd, close to the docks. They seem to be gazing nervously between the ocean, and the city proper- Mostly toward the city, as if waiting for... Something.
"There a good coffee shop around here? Perhaps I'll have to enjoy some soon... just in case.", Breldo remarks wryly.
Looking to the nervous guards, he debates how much he wants to stick his nose into things. Sometimes the guard can be a source of jobs that they don't want to do, or would mean leaving town though the pay's rarely great, it's good to have options. But... if the Harbormaster does know who was expected in... there's worse ways to make a few coins on the side than speculating on coffee futures. And at the very least, if it is coffee prices going up, he can at least enjoy some before the prices jump.
"And if I wanted to have a quick word with the Harbormaster, where might I find him?"
If the Harbormaster is pointed out or described to him, Breldo will meander in his direction.
"Good day, sir. I'm sure you're quite busy, but do we know of any trade ships that were expected in port today?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM:Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Khond approaches the crowd, moving up to the back of the group, where he leans forward to be in line with whoever's in the back ranks, "What are we all looking at?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Active Characters: Ernos, Tiefling Warlock in Tests and Trials | Khond Stardancer,Centaur Rogue in The Forgotten Wish | Blumeria "Bolt" Sirgula,Dragonborn Fighter/Sorcerer in Forged In Chaos
"Ok!" Nuria replies, clasping her hands together. "Um, why don't we go back out so Mr. Dwarf can do what he needs to?"
Nuria is very glad she mustered up the courage to talk to this person, she seems really nice. Smiling, she starts walking to the door, then realizes something. "Um, my name is Nuria. Uh, what's yours?"
"Ok!" Nuria replies, clasping her hands together. "Um, why don't we go back out so Mr. Dwarf can do what he needs to?"
Nuria is very glad she mustered up the courage to talk to this person, she seems really nice. Smiling, she starts walking to the door, then realizes something. "Um, my name is Nuria. Uh, what's yours?"
Nuria opens the door and smiles, "Nice to meet you too Tristan."Letting Tristan exit the building first, Nuria quickly follows after, though she is careful to let the door close softly and quietly. Yet another habit she picked up over the years. After she does so she quickly looks around then ducks her head and scurries up next to Tristan. This has been the longest conversation she's had with anyone in years, so she struggles to figure out something else to ask. "Did you come to this place...specifically to find, Um adventure?"
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Tuck looks around the dusty room, and the stacks of ancient, moldering tomes, with undisquised glee. "Of course, of course - I shall be quite careful. I understand all too well the value - and fragility - of writings this old. Thank you!" Tuck exclaims, his eyes already roving over the books, Gustav all but forgotten now. Donning a pair of thin silken gloves designed for handling fragile parchment, he begins carefully sorting through the tomes, looking for titles and references to elven setlements that Gustav mentioned, sorting by age (looking specifically for those around the 10th age) according to the chronologic system he has worked out - assuming these tomes are in any sort of order at all, being as old as they are.
Slick gives a mental shrug, when in Mezzra ignore crap like the Mezzran's do. Mezzerians? Mezzers? Mezzsss?
"Cheap fish is never a bad thing!"
He makes a tasty smacking noise.
"So, what is there to do in Mezzra?"
He asks while he is dealt in.
The dwarf nods for a moment, looking over the paper again... Then nods a bit more firmly.
"Yeah. We could probably do that if you're willing to let up some of the reward money for it. I expect he was mostly hoping for someone who already had a mount of some kind so they wouldn't need to do that, but should be enough for that."
"Still, I'd need to send out a messenger to him to make sure that's alright. Leo!" he suddenly yells, projecting his voice to the back. There's an inaudible grunt from somewhere in the back.
"How about you come back in a few hours? If you manage to find some more helpers, I might even have another job for you that you can do on the route back."
Breldo has to squint a fair bit, the ship still far enough away most of it is an indistinct shape, but as he gets closer, and also starts overhearing the conversation, he realizes why what he is seeing is indeed slightly "odd".
It is, after all, a ship. Or at least half of it.
The faraway dot is barely moving, explained by how what looks to be a ship big enough to support two masts, is holding up only a single one. Even that single one find it's mast torn in half, and with it, having torn its main sail in twain. Its hard to say, but it feels like the ship is lower in the water than it should be, too.
There's a fair bit of arguing that's happening among the mass of people. It seems like moments before they were still deliberating whether or not they were even seeing things correctly, but by now things had moved on to that someone should probably be doing "something".
Just nobody seemed certain what that "something" was.
Khond takes a while to find a proper place to stay. Mostly because he started walking down the main road, only to discover later that most inns with stables are much closer to the gate. It doesn't take too long to find a place that seems reasonably nice... The innkeeper seems mostly confused on whether he should charge you the stable fee, or the fee for a normal room.
By the time all this is done, he's noticed a sizeable crowd has gathered near the docks.
"Hah! Well, if you don't eat fish every day, I suppose cheap fish is always nice," Zed laughs. Cards start hitting the table. The halfling speaks up next.
"Mezzra is a really nice place for passing through."
"Ah, ignore him. I mean, it's true, lots of people come here only to pass to the next thing. But plenty to do, still. If you've coin."
"They say if you can't find it somewhere on the Mezzran market, it probably doesn't exist," Zed chimes in as well. "Food is nice too, if you can afford more than fish. Lots of spices pass through the docks."
"There's a nice coffee house too," Brokk concedes.
"There's the church, if you're one of the religious sort," Merill the half elf adds. "Library too, but you might need connections to be allowed in."
The noise outside grows. Even Brokk seems to give the occasional glance now, but there are no windows in here to peek outside.
(If you're playing legit, give me a d20 to see how well you do.)
((Rick is making friends, no need to cheat yet!))
Rick nods along but pauses and looks at Brokk,
"Coffee house?" He shivers, "A whole house for coffee? Yuck."
"How would you," he plays a card, "suggest someone make money in Mezzra? Preferably fast money?"
Playing it straight: 12
Khond will offer the fee for a night in the stable, as well as insist that the owner consider having him perform during his stay to offset the price - such an unusual figure will surely draw interest, and he can sing, play the flute, or orate stories as well. For the time being, though, he'll leave a deposit for his stay and leave the owner to consider the options while Khond investigates the crowding at the docks. Curiosity is a powerful driving force, especially when one is seeking out strange stories.
Active Characters:
Ernos, Tiefling Warlock in Tests and Trials | Khond Stardancer, Centaur Rogue in The Forgotten Wish | Blumeria "Bolt" Sirgula, Dragonborn Fighter/Sorcerer in Forged In Chaos
Persuasion: 24
Perception: 4
Active Characters:
Ernos, Tiefling Warlock in Tests and Trials | Khond Stardancer, Centaur Rogue in The Forgotten Wish | Blumeria "Bolt" Sirgula, Dragonborn Fighter/Sorcerer in Forged In Chaos
Brokk's attention snaps to Slick almost like a hawk, and for a brief moment it looks as if he's going to take his comment on coffee houses as a personal insult. He ends up just throwing his next card on the table with a bit of additional gusto.
On the next round, his question raises a few inquisitive looks. The round passes before they answer in earnest. So far, Slick has scored the most points, though the game isn't over yet.
"Well... That depends on several things, doesn't it?" Zed eventually starts. Merill quickly chimes in with a "The best way to make money is being already rich," and Brokk mumbles something about "Crooks" to that. Zed presses on.
"How above board are you looking to make money? You got any experience with that thing?" he asks, gesturing briefly to his weapon.
(Feel free to keep rolling those d20's)
The innkeeper considers it for a long moment, then slowly has a smile break out over his face.
"Yes, yes. If you don't muck up the place too much- No offense- I'd love to have you perform! If you're only halfway decent, I'd say it should probably pay for the stable, and you can keep any potential tips. If nothing else, some people are bound to show up just to see a centaur! Err- No offense, again," the innkeeper hurriedly apologizes, deciding to take a small deposit, but with the promise he'd be paid it back for his performance later that night. With that, his curiosity demands he goes check out what's happening over the docks, where he...
Isn't really sure what's happening, actually. People seem to be looking out at sea, but for what? Is there something with the docked boats? He doesn't really spot anything that seems off...
Breldo will come up alongside some of the onlookers.
"I'm no sailor, but pretty sure that's not how ships are supposed to work. Know whose that is?"
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
A couple of people turn at the question, though it seems to be the most clueless one that answers first, the lady only offering a "No idea". An older man who seems like he might be an old sea rot is at least a bit more helpful. "Don't think we could tell from this distance even if we knew how. The flag it's supposed to be carrying is just outright gone. Looks like it might be a trade ship of some kind? If any particular ships were meant to come in, the harbormaster might know."
"It better not be the latest coffee shipment, I don't want to pay the double price again..." someone helpfully adds in upon hearing that. Breldo notices that some guards have gathered off slightly toward the side of the main crowd, close to the docks. They seem to be gazing nervously between the ocean, and the city proper- Mostly toward the city, as if waiting for... Something.
"There a good coffee shop around here? Perhaps I'll have to enjoy some soon... just in case.", Breldo remarks wryly.
Looking to the nervous guards, he debates how much he wants to stick his nose into things. Sometimes the guard can be a source of jobs that they don't want to do, or would mean leaving town though the pay's rarely great, it's good to have options. But... if the Harbormaster does know who was expected in... there's worse ways to make a few coins on the side than speculating on coffee futures. And at the very least, if it is coffee prices going up, he can at least enjoy some before the prices jump.
"And if I wanted to have a quick word with the Harbormaster, where might I find him?"
If the Harbormaster is pointed out or described to him, Breldo will meander in his direction.
"Good day, sir. I'm sure you're quite busy, but do we know of any trade ships that were expected in port today?"
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
Slick gives Brokk a sad look, he see's the poor man has become addicted to the dirty bean water.
Slick nods along to the comments,
"Many things, many ways! The best way is to be born rich, I sadly, was already born not rich."
To the final question about being above board he gives a grin,
"I am happy to be above the board! I do like quick though. And fun."
To the point on the rapier,
"I, sadly, have much practice with it but poking holes in people and things, while fast, is not so much fun. Mostly."
1: 4
2: 8
3: 15
4: 2
Khond approaches the crowd, moving up to the back of the group, where he leans forward to be in line with whoever's in the back ranks, "What are we all looking at?"
Active Characters:
Ernos, Tiefling Warlock in Tests and Trials | Khond Stardancer, Centaur Rogue in The Forgotten Wish | Blumeria "Bolt" Sirgula, Dragonborn Fighter/Sorcerer in Forged In Chaos
"Uh, Alright." Nuria replies then looks down at Tristan, "Um, what should we do in the meantime?"
Oh... well... We could... get... to know each other... since we'll be adventuring together!
"Ok!" Nuria replies, clasping her hands together. "Um, why don't we go back out so Mr. Dwarf can do what he needs to?"
Nuria is very glad she mustered up the courage to talk to this person, she seems really nice. Smiling, she starts walking to the door, then realizes something. "Um, my name is Nuria. Uh, what's yours?"
I'm Tristan! Nice to meet you!
Nuria opens the door and smiles, "Nice to meet you too Tristan." Letting Tristan exit the building first, Nuria quickly follows after, though she is careful to let the door close softly and quietly. Yet another habit she picked up over the years. After she does so she quickly looks around then ducks her head and scurries up next to Tristan. This has been the longest conversation she's had with anyone in years, so she struggles to figure out something else to ask. "Did you come to this place...specifically to find, Um adventure?"
Oh, uh, not often... This is actually my first time. Do you come here often?
Tuck looks around the dusty room, and the stacks of ancient, moldering tomes, with undisquised glee. "Of course, of course - I shall be quite careful. I understand all too well the value - and fragility - of writings this old. Thank you!" Tuck exclaims, his eyes already roving over the books, Gustav all but forgotten now. Donning a pair of thin silken gloves designed for handling fragile parchment, he begins carefully sorting through the tomes, looking for titles and references to elven setlements that Gustav mentioned, sorting by age (looking specifically for those around the 10th age) according to the chronologic system he has worked out - assuming these tomes are in any sort of order at all, being as old as they are.
Investigation: 12
If your boyfriend asks you to join his game, he really likes you ... and also, he needs a healer.
"No, not really. I only got here a few days ago." The girl fiddles with her hair as she talks.
Oh... well... what got you interested in adventuring in the first place?