It's been quite a journey for the halfling, but far from an unmanageable one. The travel from the king's seat of Mhurgot to the south is about half a week, but with several smaller villages along the path to rest- And now, having set out at early dawn from the last village in question, are the walls of Mezzra coming into view. Such a bustling junction point is his best shot at finding a new proper job, and perhaps a place to stay for a while.
Still, while he's not expecting trouble, he is a bit surprised to make an observation about what he had presumed to be a horseman he was following, the figure in question being stopped by the guards up ahead. As he gets closer, he notices the figure is indeed horse and man... Though not two separate figures.
Khon Stardancer
Travel is especially easy when you are your own mount- In a manner of speaking. It has been a long time since Khon last visited Mezzra, though he vaguely remembers it seeming to be a bit more open-minded than most places the troupe had visited before it. Perhaps because the travel node saw lots of walks of life? Whether or not that would mean he wouldn't get in trouble, however, had always been a big question mark- And as he slowly approaches the city gate, do the two guards posted by the door slowly turn to one another, exchanging questioning glances. While a farmer had entered not even ten minutes prior with a cart fully loaded, do the two armed militia slowly move to block the road, raising an arm to halt him.
"Stop right there, please. If you do not mind, sir, what brings you to Mezzra..?"
Tristan, already within city walls, has wasted very little time in her own explorations. A recent arrival, there had perhaps been some tension if her disguise would have been enough... But as it turns out, in such a busy city do most people not have the time to properly heed everyone around them. With those added layers, and just a little bit of makeup, does no one seem to be any the wiser. At least, as long as they don't get a proper look underneath that cowl.
And already has her own quest started bearing fruit, as she discovers that there IS an adventurer's guild. Sort of. The people she asked at least immediately sent her there, though it seems more like it's some kind of gathering point for all kinds of odd-end jobs, a notice board posted outside with dozens of small parchments pasted against the board: from helping haul goods, to cleaning, to killing some vermin which... Maybe the last technically counts as an adventure? Just not the most glamorous one. No, presumably a true "quest" would have to be found inside!
Nuria may have been the first to enter the city, but that doesn't mean quite that much yet. As it turns out, starting a new life, or even knowing where to START a new life, is much harder than it might at first seem. For now, she's put her sights on just getting out among the people, and the market is the best place for it without a doubt, the place currently bustling with such activity that it's honestly a bit overwhelming. The market street is mostly a long road all the way to the docks, where the fishmongers put out all their freshly caught wares. Lining the streets on either side are the mainstay shops, those established enough to offer everything from carpentry, to sewing, to metalsmithing... But laid out in front of them, many merchants set up their smaller stalls, peddling various wares from regions close and far. Some in full proper carts, others offering nothing more than a blanket with wares spread on it. She's become vaguely aware that a merchant is trying to call out to her, trying to sell her on buying some "Plums! Delicious plums! Any plums for the pretty miss?"
Slick Rick
Slick Rick meanwhile, was in the environment one could usually find Slick Rick in, at least while he was not at "work".
That being the absolute nastiest, greasiest dive bar, in all of Mezzra.
That bar in question turned out to be the quaint little hole in the wall called "The whale's gut", except someone at some time scribbled an "s" to the end of the sign, and yet someone else gave a very weak attempt at removing it. The bar was located practically right next to the docks, at the area where many fishmongers prepared their fish. Joined with a whole day of offal enjoying the sun, the excess waste fish... The usual smell you'd have in a bar like this is the smell of beer and piss and the latter not being what most regulars call the beer. In this bar, that smell still exists but combines with the smell of partially rotten fish into an all-new, transcendent experience. The kind of transcendent experience where cheap swill is served more like a medicine to keep nausea at bay rather than to get drunk. There are only two kinds of people who come to this kind of place. Sailors, who had already lost their sense of smell a few years into the business. And the kind of people who want to be really sure they won't be disturbed. For no sensible guard would look upon this place, look at their salary, and decide it was remotely close to what they'd have to be paid to go in there.
At least the beer is cheap.
It seems that at the moment most others in there are ignoring him. In a "Don't bother me and I'll don't bother you kind of way."
(Can I have either a perception or an insight roll?)
Tucker is spending his time at his second favorite hobby, his nose deep within some books. His second favorite hobby is usually supposed to lead to his first favorite - That of exploring some ancient ruins. He'd arranged with the librarian a deal to be allowed to browse the book, and after having been at it for a while, had the librarian even mostly grown at ease he wasn't going to steal anything, or drop the little oil lamp he's been provided.
So far, however, while he found a few interesting initial leads, in the end, none of the books he's read ended up with viable info... Some accounts turned out to be so recent it could hardly be considered archeology, others while at first promising turned out to not list any locations, and the very few that mentioned something of potential interest were so vague that he might as well just walk the wilderness at random rather than trying to follow any potential guidelines.
He might not be at throwing-in-the-towel levels yet, but it has been a bit of a wash so far...
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Breldomoves to the side and keeps heading on around the guards and the man-horse they've stopped for questioning. Not his concern.
He does let his eyes pass across the unusual equine traveler and the guards, trying to take note, particularly of the guards, how their weapons hang, whether they seem like otherwise competent soldiers, or harassing folks entering the city is a task given over to the sort that just like the tiny bit of authority their position gives them. Says a lot about a city's watch, who they put at the gate.
Perception: 7 (if you want Insight, knock 2 off of that.)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM:Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Khond gives the two militiamen his best approximation of a courtly bow, bending his front legs and his human waist, right arm extended to one side and left upon his chest. Maintaining the pose, he begins a rapid speech, articulating each word with a clarity typical to an actor projecting words across an audience, "Good day to you, gentlemen. I am a traveling performer hailing from the illustrious group known far and wide as Astra Lucaris's Traveling Troupe of Amazing Arts and Unmatched Performers, with which highly cultured persons such as yourselves are no doubt familiar. In pursuit of purest art, and as part of my troupe's official initial initiate inauguration, I travel in search of grand tales of trials and tribulations, with which I will enact my honed craft in the highest form by crafting a script of finest quality for a performance of purest perfection. High and low have I sought such a show, yet low and high have I found naught but a sigh, for the lands abound in but mundane drudgery. And so now, on this day, I seek the fair city of Mezzra, knowing that the place is to travelers as a confluence to rivers, where there are sure to be tales abound, to admire and inspire, to draw the essence of my art ever higher."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Active Characters: Ernos, Tiefling Warlock in Tests and Trials | Khond Stardancer,Centaur Rogue in The Forgotten Wish | Blumeria "Bolt" Sirgula,Dragonborn Fighter/Sorcerer in Forged In Chaos
The young girl pulls her thin cloak a bit closer around her. This was overwhelming, being out in the open where people actually notice her. It is a lot. It's so noisy! She glances around trying to get an idea of what she should do. Her posture is slightly hunched, though clearly not from age. She feels so exposed, like everyone is watching her. Even though they clearly aren't. She looks up as the merchant calls out, asking her if she would like plums. Did he just call her pretty? That was new, and it is certainly better than being chased off with a stick...of course, she hadn't taken anything from this him either. Nuria glances at the plums, and nervously tucks a few stray strands of her dark hair behind her ear, only to have it fall back in front of her eyes as she ducks her head and walks a bit faster. The fruits did look good, but they were probably way out of her price range. Besides that, she's not here to go shopping...but what is she here for? To start over. But how? She had been pushing off that question for her entire journey to this city. She'd figured she would know what to do when she got here. Well, here she is, and she still has no clue what she is doing. Should she be looking for an actual job? Who would want to hire someone like her? She glances around the busy street, looking past the noisy merchants. She wants to start with someone a bit...quieter, but she'd settle with someone who isn't trying to sell her something. She knew enough about merchants to know that they are all smiles until you turn down their offers, she doubts they would take kindly to her asking them to give her a job or point her to someone who would. As she looks, she also takes a look at any bulletins she may come across. This has become a bit of a habit of hers. She finds it good to know who's faces are up there, and besides, maybe there are job listings posted.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Realizing he's just read the same sentence three times, Tuck leans back with a sigh, rapidly blinking his eyes to clear his blurring vision. Drat, I was really hoping on this one...Carefully closing the last of the heavy tomes piled on his table, he nods to the librarian. Quietly, he approaches, and in a low voice, says, "Well, 'tis a pity - that last text seemed so promising. But alas, no luck. It seems what i seek eludes me still - though I thank you for your assistance thus far. It's been invaluable - and the readings you've helped me picked out were certainly insightful, if not precisely what I was seeking. Perhaps I'll give my eyes a break from this fine text, and wander around a bit - this is a marvelous building. Please do let me know if you think of any other documents worth examining that might assist me, be they history books or poetry, even fanciful tales may offer a clue; thanks!"
Saying that with a winsome smile to the librarian, Tuck stretches his legs, and strolls about the old building, his sharp eyes noting the details and looking for anything unusual, as well as looking around the entrance for any newer documents that might be worthy of his attention.
Persuasion (to get the librarian to find something more useful: 6; Investigation (the library's tomes for others that might give him clues): 8; Perception (anything odd or unusual that stands out): 8
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
If your boyfriend asks you to join his game, he really likes you ... and also, he needs a healer.
Breldo, not intent on making potential trouble his own, pointedly ignores the exchange between the guards and the centaur. Still, given how he has to pass them by, and the centaur's speech presented as if he's speaking to a full stadium, he probably can't help but overhear. The guards for their own parts seem to exchange mostly uncertain glances with each other, right up until at least one of them seems to have a sudden glimmer of recognition.
"Oh, right, right! The Astra troupe- I remember that! Weren't you here about three years back?"
The other guard raises a questioning brow, his own recollection seemingly not kindled yet, as the first continues.
"Yes, I remember your troupe had to ask permission to the baron to set up outside the gates for that time. I only managed to visit for a while, but it was quite interesting! You had this big cat, right? What was it called again..?"
The other guard falls silent, just shrugging briefly, clearly either not remembering, or not having visited in those years past. Still, after that moment of pause, he's about to say something, pauses when his partner suddenly exclaims "Lion!", then speaks up again.
"I mean, fair enough, but, like," he starts, just sort of gesturing to nowhere in particular. After a moment, when two puzzled glares make it clear that they don't know what he's inferring to, he elaborates.
"He's not with the troupe right now, is he? Can we just..?"
"Fred," the other guard starts, leaning in, his next words slightly more hushed, but still coming through clearly enough to be heard.
"He's a centaur, Fred. Not a damned lion-"
Fred shakes his head softly, the other guard turning back, even as both step to the side.
"Welcome to Mezzra sir. May you find no trouble as long as you do not seek it."
As this conversation goes on, Breldo has passed by the guards in question, who briefly glanced before ignoring him. But as he passes by them, he also glances right back- And in that brief moment, a quick glance and decades of military experience, has him figured out these guards down to the pat. It's as if in that very brief moment, he became the Sherlock Holmes of guard inspections. An very impressive feat, if anyone knew who that guy was supposed to be. Still, the first thing he notices is the nearly immaculate uniform of the guards, making it obvious that discipline must be an important quality for the guard, but more importantly, presentation. The fact they're letting himself, an unknown face in without even a second glance means they don't want, or can't afford to cause potential trouble what with all the merchants that pass through daily.
Not that they're there just for show, of course, their posture at least indicating training... But there is a little bit of slack, of awry movements in their arms- He expects that they've had plenty of sparring training, but get little chance to actually put that combat training to the test.
He does also notice there's some more guards up on the walls, though, aimed with crossbows. Hard to say if those get to see more use.
Fearing the worst, at least for now, Nuria sticks to herself, not wanting to invoke the ire of any shopkeepers she's not going to buy from. There are a lot of people she could be asking to be fair, even just anyone at random- But she's looking for a person who isn't as busy as all the greedy sellers and buyers before she'd resort to that, perhaps. No such person stands out immediately to her among the crowds, but she does spot something else that might make finding such a person obsolete. Off one of the major side streets, she does spot a notice board which on closer inspection holds a bunch of jobs. Not... Really any that seem particularly glamorous, or exciting, or anything besides one-off jobs that'd barely pay. But maybe something? She's just in time to see what looks a gnome or halfling enter the building ahead of her.
Tristan enters the building which... Isn't that much, really. Literally- It seems almost smaller on the inside than the outside suggests, and the outside had not suggested much. A few chairs to sit or wait which were luckily unoccupied, and a small desk from behind which a dwarf peeked out over a set of fine glasses. Judging by how he was standing over the counter still, he was likely using some kind of stool, and had been until moments before been writing something down in some kind of ledger. Behind him seem to be many shelves, haphazardly organized with scrolls and tomes.
"Yes? Can I help you," he starts, gears almost audibly clicking in his head for a moment as he stared at Tristan, before deciding he could not determine who or what he was looking at exactly, falling back to "Sir?"
"Are you looking to have a job posted? I can take down details if you'd like for a nominal fee. Usage of the signboard outside is free, but I sell bits of parchment and glue if you have need."
Slick Rick
Rick takes a moment further around, already getting used to the smell. Turns out if you endure just long enough, the brain kind of starts to shut it out, as a mental defense system to keep one's sanity intact. And while he's far from the most observant person, he is smart enough to realize the reason that most people are being a bit distant is because he's a newcomer, and they don't know what to think of him... Yet. Presumably, nothing that offering to buy a beer or two couldn't help fix. In one corner of the place there's a trio playing cards too, which he could try to smooth talk his way into.
Tucker's first recourse is to plead to the librarian, who... Sadly seems a disinterested. The older man listens of course, but seems more preoccupied with twirling his beard a bit, and wanting to get back to the tome in front of him.
"Hmm. Nothing? Not even in the travel account? Hmm... Well, maybe," he starts, pauses, then shakes his head for a brief moment as he calls out. "Gustaf! Can you see about helping mister Tucker find any leads?" he calls out, a younger man with a somehow far more impressive, dark beard arriving, standing tall and imposing even in his simple brown robe. He already gives a half polite bow and a quick smile as he gets further instructions as to what Tucker needs.
"Gustaf's reading needs practice still," the librarian admits, "But I'm sure he can help you out further," he finishes, nose already diving back into his tome. Tucker in the meantime had been investigating these records for a while now, and while he had spotted nothing out of place, had already come to the conclusion that there was an ordering system. That system, sadly, was date-based, with newest books up front and the tomes becoming more and more ancient the further you went in, with the vast majority of books seeming to be at most only two hundred years old, only a very narrow subset older than that. Not that these books couldn't potentially be useful, if someone else had made record of spots of interest within them... But it was indeed like searching for a needle in a haystack.
Which perhaps made it a good thing that "simple" Gustaf had a twinkle in his eyes. He's strutting off toward the back, intent on seeing if Tucker would follow.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Rick licks his arm and smooths down his forehead hair with a toothy grin and heads over to the game. He moves so he is seen coming, and has his hands visible. Gotta strike the right pose,
"You fellasss got room for a fourth?"
He shakes a money pouch filled with sharpened bits of metal to indicate he has money. Not in that pouch, noooo, that his decoy pouch. Or his other pouch filled with ball bearings, or his other pouch filled with grease to keep his fur shiny. The other, other, other pouch his where he has a few coins.
((Taking that the city doesn't have an issue with an armed populace then? He'd have his crossbow on his back, though perhaps covered with a cloak, depending on weather.))
Breldo notes the interaction between the centaur and the guards, but finding a place to lay his pack and rest before trying to find a job is of higher priority than one centaur and their one man (horse?) show. He intends to just wander the city for a bit to get a sense of its layout and the general mood of the citizens and travelers here, but isn't going out of his way to ask questions or be sociable.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM:Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
As the guard recalls his troupe, Khond offers a bright smile, "Indeed sir, indeed! Astra Lucaris's Traveling Troupe of Amazing Arts and Unmatched Performers, more briefly known as the Astra Troupe, has been everywhere, and does everything, though I admit it has sadly been some years since we were graced by the great city of Mezzra's patronage. I hope that, should I find the inspiration I need here, it may be cause for us to pay this land another visit." The centaur nods along pleasantly as the guards discuss, the mention of the lion causing only the briefest shadow to pass over his expression - never liked the way that beast looked at his rear.
As the guards part to let him through, Khond smiles and gives another bow, this one far less grandiose, "Thank you very much, gentlemen. May your lives ever be bright and full of wonder." Passing through the gates, Khond heads down the main road, already knowing his first goal; finding an inn with a stable, that isn't high class but with enough quality to not be flea-ridden.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Active Characters: Ernos, Tiefling Warlock in Tests and Trials | Khond Stardancer,Centaur Rogue in The Forgotten Wish | Blumeria "Bolt" Sirgula,Dragonborn Fighter/Sorcerer in Forged In Chaos
Rick approaches the table with glee, already dangling his little pocket of decoy coins. It's only now he gets a proper look at them, the three of them turning toward him with suspect eyes- One of them a halfling, his short stature offset by several tattoos scrawled along surprisingly muscular arms, and the fact he was puffing that pipe of his enough to offset the general stench the place held in general. Across him what looked at first to be a normal human, albeit with longer, darker hair, might actually be a half-elf judging by the slight but distinct shapes on his ears. And between them, and right across of him, what does appear to be a normal human, deep blue eyes meeting those of Rick's.
Hard to say why their initial reaction seems so cold. Maybe they have enough experience with coin purses to recognize the sound of a fake one? The human glancing between his two compatriots for a moment, before speaking up.
"And what's your name, stranger?"
"Oh! I see. Adventurers work it is you need then. How big is your group?" he asks, even as he glances to the side and starts shuffling some papers.
"I have a couple of potential jobs, but I think most of them will be a multi-person job. Well, this one here is a one, maybe two person job, but... Do you have a cart? Or a mount, at least?"
Breldo and Khond pass through the gate, perhaps briefly exchanging glances... But as strangers, both are quickly looking to head their own ways. Breldo interested in the city at large, while Khond needs... "Special" accommodations to rest.
Breldo and Khond, both roll an investigation check.
(If you're keeping your weapon open but holstered, you might get the occasional glance and the guards inside might pay more attention to you, but seems it's not barred.)
"Oh... group?" (She thinks, and it makes sense, since every time she's seen adventurers hunting goblins, they were always in groups) "Uh... Pardon me, uh... I'm new to adventuring.... so... uh... I'll be back later... if I can.... K?"
Nuria quickly glances over the posts. Nothing up there really catches her eye, but she's glad to know that she can come here to look for jobs. She's not against taking an off-job, but she was hoping to get into something that could actually support her. Scanning the crowd again, she notices the halfling... or gnome maybe? And watches her enter the building up ahead. This person had very interesting attire compared to the general population. This sparks Nuria's curiosity. Before she knows it, she is quietly following the heavily dressed figure into the building. Pushing the door open, she slips inside just in time to hear the small figure say something about 'adventuring' jobs. So she's looking for a job too? Perhaps she can help. Shifting her weight from foot to foot, she tries to muster up the courage to say something. This causes the battered looking rapier on her hip to gently tap her left leg. This is what pushes her to move forward a few steps. She'd nearly forgotten about the thing, she had only acquired it just before leaving home and she hadn't even taken it out of it's sheath since. Tucking her hair back behind her ear again she manages to address the short figure, "Um, Excuse me? Uh, are you looking for a job too?"
Nuria quickly glances over the posts. Nothing up there really catches her eye, but she's glad to know that she can come here to look for jobs. She's not against taking an off-job, but she was hoping to get into something that could actually support her. Scanning the crowd again, she notices the halfling... or gnome maybe? And watches her enter the building up ahead. This person had very interesting attire compared to the general population. This sparks Nuria's curiosity. Before she knows it, she is quietly following the heavily dressed figure into the building. Pushing the door open, she slips inside just in time to hear the small figure say something about 'adventuring' jobs. So she's looking for a job too? Perhaps she can help. Shifting her weight from foot to foot, she tries to muster up the courage to say something. This causes the battered looking rapier on her hip to gently tap her left leg. This is what pushes her to move forward a few steps. She'd nearly forgotten about the thing, she had only acquired it just before leaving home and she hadn't even taken it out of it's sheath since. Tucking her hair back behind her ear again she manages to address the short figure, "Um, Excuse me? Uh, are you looking for a job too?"
As Tristan is leaving to find a 'group', she sees Nuria and hears her question. "Oh, um, yes!!! As an adventurer in particular!" (As soon as she wants to find a group, she finds someone instantly! Talk about lucky) "Why do you ask?"
The dwarf raises a curious brow as Tristan comes to realize that there is a whole lot more to this "adventuring" stuff than she first thought. Luckily, as seems to happen often to "adventurers", opportunity literally enters through the door at the exact right moment- Another solo adventurer entering right at that moment. A quick conversation at least seeming to suggest that their interests align. The dwarf now shuffles a few papers, though this time they seem more random than intentional.
"Alright, certainly... Though I'm not sure how many of the jobs I'd have here I would entrust to a new party of two- No offense. Well... Besides one which should be a simple escort mission I'd guess, but did you have a cart? Or a mount?"
(Can you both give me perception rolls?)
Breldo meanwhile, while he has yet to walk through even the smaller fraction of the city, believes he's already figured out most of the layout. Through the city gate, most of the city slowly slopes down toward the ocean, giving one good vantage point at certain spots. It seems the city has a few main arteries, the biggest one leading straight from the main gate all the way to the docks, most others branching directly from it in a horizontal manner. The one exception to this downward slope is the Eastern half of the city actually sloping up, leading toward a cliff that borders the ocean. This highest point of the city is where the baron has his castle, surrounded with where all the rich tradesmen and aristocrats must make their abode as well. At the other side of that coin, perhaps slightly ironically, does it appear the very poorest houses are located right next to that cliff face as well- Except on the bottom side, where the position of the sun would make sure the houses would be in nigh permanent cold, damp shade. Although the far western side of the city likely has some slums of its own as well.
He notices something else too, though. Some kind of commotion starting near the docks...
Breldo Bramblepelt
It's been quite a journey for the halfling, but far from an unmanageable one. The travel from the king's seat of Mhurgot to the south is about half a week, but with several smaller villages along the path to rest- And now, having set out at early dawn from the last village in question, are the walls of Mezzra coming into view. Such a bustling junction point is his best shot at finding a new proper job, and perhaps a place to stay for a while.
Still, while he's not expecting trouble, he is a bit surprised to make an observation about what he had presumed to be a horseman he was following, the figure in question being stopped by the guards up ahead. As he gets closer, he notices the figure is indeed horse and man... Though not two separate figures.
Khon Stardancer
Travel is especially easy when you are your own mount- In a manner of speaking. It has been a long time since Khon last visited Mezzra, though he vaguely remembers it seeming to be a bit more open-minded than most places the troupe had visited before it. Perhaps because the travel node saw lots of walks of life? Whether or not that would mean he wouldn't get in trouble, however, had always been a big question mark- And as he slowly approaches the city gate, do the two guards posted by the door slowly turn to one another, exchanging questioning glances. While a farmer had entered not even ten minutes prior with a cart fully loaded, do the two armed militia slowly move to block the road, raising an arm to halt him.
"Stop right there, please. If you do not mind, sir, what brings you to Mezzra..?"
Tristan, already within city walls, has wasted very little time in her own explorations. A recent arrival, there had perhaps been some tension if her disguise would have been enough... But as it turns out, in such a busy city do most people not have the time to properly heed everyone around them. With those added layers, and just a little bit of makeup, does no one seem to be any the wiser. At least, as long as they don't get a proper look underneath that cowl.
And already has her own quest started bearing fruit, as she discovers that there IS an adventurer's guild. Sort of. The people she asked at least immediately sent her there, though it seems more like it's some kind of gathering point for all kinds of odd-end jobs, a notice board posted outside with dozens of small parchments pasted against the board: from helping haul goods, to cleaning, to killing some vermin which... Maybe the last technically counts as an adventure? Just not the most glamorous one. No, presumably a true "quest" would have to be found inside!
Nuria may have been the first to enter the city, but that doesn't mean quite that much yet. As it turns out, starting a new life, or even knowing where to START a new life, is much harder than it might at first seem. For now, she's put her sights on just getting out among the people, and the market is the best place for it without a doubt, the place currently bustling with such activity that it's honestly a bit overwhelming. The market street is mostly a long road all the way to the docks, where the fishmongers put out all their freshly caught wares. Lining the streets on either side are the mainstay shops, those established enough to offer everything from carpentry, to sewing, to metalsmithing... But laid out in front of them, many merchants set up their smaller stalls, peddling various wares from regions close and far. Some in full proper carts, others offering nothing more than a blanket with wares spread on it. She's become vaguely aware that a merchant is trying to call out to her, trying to sell her on buying some "Plums! Delicious plums! Any plums for the pretty miss?"
Slick Rick
Slick Rick meanwhile, was in the environment one could usually find Slick Rick in, at least while he was not at "work".
That being the absolute nastiest, greasiest dive bar, in all of Mezzra.
That bar in question turned out to be the quaint little hole in the wall called "The whale's gut", except someone at some time scribbled an "s" to the end of the sign, and yet someone else gave a very weak attempt at removing it. The bar was located practically right next to the docks, at the area where many fishmongers prepared their fish. Joined with a whole day of offal enjoying the sun, the excess waste fish... The usual smell you'd have in a bar like this is the smell of beer and piss and the latter not being what most regulars call the beer. In this bar, that smell still exists but combines with the smell of partially rotten fish into an all-new, transcendent experience. The kind of transcendent experience where cheap swill is served more like a medicine to keep nausea at bay rather than to get drunk. There are only two kinds of people who come to this kind of place. Sailors, who had already lost their sense of smell a few years into the business. And the kind of people who want to be really sure they won't be disturbed. For no sensible guard would look upon this place, look at their salary, and decide it was remotely close to what they'd have to be paid to go in there.
At least the beer is cheap.
It seems that at the moment most others in there are ignoring him. In a "Don't bother me and I'll don't bother you kind of way."
(Can I have either a perception or an insight roll?)
Tucker is spending his time at his second favorite hobby, his nose deep within some books. His second favorite hobby is usually supposed to lead to his first favorite - That of exploring some ancient ruins. He'd arranged with the librarian a deal to be allowed to browse the book, and after having been at it for a while, had the librarian even mostly grown at ease he wasn't going to steal anything, or drop the little oil lamp he's been provided.
So far, however, while he found a few interesting initial leads, in the end, none of the books he's read ended up with viable info... Some accounts turned out to be so recent it could hardly be considered archeology, others while at first promising turned out to not list any locations, and the very few that mentioned something of potential interest were so vague that he might as well just walk the wilderness at random rather than trying to follow any potential guidelines.
He might not be at throwing-in-the-towel levels yet, but it has been a bit of a wash so far...
Breldo moves to the side and keeps heading on around the guards and the man-horse they've stopped for questioning. Not his concern.
He does let his eyes pass across the unusual equine traveler and the guards, trying to take note, particularly of the guards, how their weapons hang, whether they seem like otherwise competent soldiers, or harassing folks entering the city is a task given over to the sort that just like the tiny bit of authority their position gives them. Says a lot about a city's watch, who they put at the gate.
Perception: 7 (if you want Insight, knock 2 off of that.)
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
Khond gives the two militiamen his best approximation of a courtly bow, bending his front legs and his human waist, right arm extended to one side and left upon his chest. Maintaining the pose, he begins a rapid speech, articulating each word with a clarity typical to an actor projecting words across an audience, "Good day to you, gentlemen. I am a traveling performer hailing from the illustrious group known far and wide as Astra Lucaris's Traveling Troupe of Amazing Arts and Unmatched Performers, with which highly cultured persons such as yourselves are no doubt familiar. In pursuit of purest art, and as part of my troupe's official initial initiate inauguration, I travel in search of grand tales of trials and tribulations, with which I will enact my honed craft in the highest form by crafting a script of finest quality for a performance of purest perfection. High and low have I sought such a show, yet low and high have I found naught but a sigh, for the lands abound in but mundane drudgery. And so now, on this day, I seek the fair city of Mezzra, knowing that the place is to travelers as a confluence to rivers, where there are sure to be tales abound, to admire and inspire, to draw the essence of my art ever higher."
Active Characters:
Ernos, Tiefling Warlock in Tests and Trials | Khond Stardancer, Centaur Rogue in The Forgotten Wish | Blumeria "Bolt" Sirgula, Dragonborn Fighter/Sorcerer in Forged In Chaos
The young girl pulls her thin cloak a bit closer around her. This was overwhelming, being out in the open where people actually notice her. It is a lot. It's so noisy! She glances around trying to get an idea of what she should do. Her posture is slightly hunched, though clearly not from age. She feels so exposed, like everyone is watching her. Even though they clearly aren't. She looks up as the merchant calls out, asking her if she would like plums. Did he just call her pretty? That was new, and it is certainly better than being chased off with a stick...of course, she hadn't taken anything from this him either. Nuria glances at the plums, and nervously tucks a few stray strands of her dark hair behind her ear, only to have it fall back in front of her eyes as she ducks her head and walks a bit faster. The fruits did look good, but they were probably way out of her price range. Besides that, she's not here to go shopping...but what is she here for? To start over. But how? She had been pushing off that question for her entire journey to this city. She'd figured she would know what to do when she got here. Well, here she is, and she still has no clue what she is doing. Should she be looking for an actual job? Who would want to hire someone like her? She glances around the busy street, looking past the noisy merchants. She wants to start with someone a bit...quieter, but she'd settle with someone who isn't trying to sell her something. She knew enough about merchants to know that they are all smiles until you turn down their offers, she doubts they would take kindly to her asking them to give her a job or point her to someone who would. As she looks, she also takes a look at any bulletins she may come across. This has become a bit of a habit of hers. She finds it good to know who's faces are up there, and besides, maybe there are job listings posted.
Just realized I forgot to roll perception so here it is: 12 (rolled on sheet)
Slick Rick licks his moist lips as he looks around the room and taking a deep breath. He purrs softly, the smell of freedom and a new city!
He squints around to see what there is to see, probably not a mark but maybe a friendly conversation and some light gaming?
Perception: 7
(Her outfit actually includes a big coat (think like an Alaskan coat) and a mask that covers her entire face besides her eyes.)
Tristan decides to head on inside to search for any true quests!
(Perception: 19)
Realizing he's just read the same sentence three times, Tuck leans back with a sigh, rapidly blinking his eyes to clear his blurring vision. Drat, I was really hoping on this one...Carefully closing the last of the heavy tomes piled on his table, he nods to the librarian. Quietly, he approaches, and in a low voice, says, "Well, 'tis a pity - that last text seemed so promising. But alas, no luck. It seems what i seek eludes me still - though I thank you for your assistance thus far. It's been invaluable - and the readings you've helped me picked out were certainly insightful, if not precisely what I was seeking. Perhaps I'll give my eyes a break from this fine text, and wander around a bit - this is a marvelous building. Please do let me know if you think of any other documents worth examining that might assist me, be they history books or poetry, even fanciful tales may offer a clue; thanks!"
Saying that with a winsome smile to the librarian, Tuck stretches his legs, and strolls about the old building, his sharp eyes noting the details and looking for anything unusual, as well as looking around the entrance for any newer documents that might be worthy of his attention.
Persuasion (to get the librarian to find something more useful: 6; Investigation (the library's tomes for others that might give him clues): 8; Perception (anything odd or unusual that stands out): 8
If your boyfriend asks you to join his game, he really likes you ... and also, he needs a healer.
Breldo, Khond
Breldo, not intent on making potential trouble his own, pointedly ignores the exchange between the guards and the centaur. Still, given how he has to pass them by, and the centaur's speech presented as if he's speaking to a full stadium, he probably can't help but overhear. The guards for their own parts seem to exchange mostly uncertain glances with each other, right up until at least one of them seems to have a sudden glimmer of recognition.
"Oh, right, right! The Astra troupe- I remember that! Weren't you here about three years back?"
The other guard raises a questioning brow, his own recollection seemingly not kindled yet, as the first continues.
"Yes, I remember your troupe had to ask permission to the baron to set up outside the gates for that time. I only managed to visit for a while, but it was quite interesting! You had this big cat, right? What was it called again..?"
The other guard falls silent, just shrugging briefly, clearly either not remembering, or not having visited in those years past. Still, after that moment of pause, he's about to say something, pauses when his partner suddenly exclaims "Lion!", then speaks up again.
"I mean, fair enough, but, like," he starts, just sort of gesturing to nowhere in particular. After a moment, when two puzzled glares make it clear that they don't know what he's inferring to, he elaborates.
"He's not with the troupe right now, is he? Can we just..?"
"Fred," the other guard starts, leaning in, his next words slightly more hushed, but still coming through clearly enough to be heard.
"He's a centaur, Fred. Not a damned lion-"
Fred shakes his head softly, the other guard turning back, even as both step to the side.
"Welcome to Mezzra sir. May you find no trouble as long as you do not seek it."
As this conversation goes on, Breldo has passed by the guards in question, who briefly glanced before ignoring him. But as he passes by them, he also glances right back- And in that brief moment, a quick glance and decades of military experience, has him figured out these guards down to the pat. It's as if in that very brief moment, he became the Sherlock Holmes of guard inspections. An very impressive feat, if anyone knew who that guy was supposed to be. Still, the first thing he notices is the nearly immaculate uniform of the guards, making it obvious that discipline must be an important quality for the guard, but more importantly, presentation. The fact they're letting himself, an unknown face in without even a second glance means they don't want, or can't afford to cause potential trouble what with all the merchants that pass through daily.
Not that they're there just for show, of course, their posture at least indicating training... But there is a little bit of slack, of awry movements in their arms- He expects that they've had plenty of sparring training, but get little chance to actually put that combat training to the test.
He does also notice there's some more guards up on the walls, though, aimed with crossbows. Hard to say if those get to see more use.
Fearing the worst, at least for now, Nuria sticks to herself, not wanting to invoke the ire of any shopkeepers she's not going to buy from. There are a lot of people she could be asking to be fair, even just anyone at random- But she's looking for a person who isn't as busy as all the greedy sellers and buyers before she'd resort to that, perhaps. No such person stands out immediately to her among the crowds, but she does spot something else that might make finding such a person obsolete. Off one of the major side streets, she does spot a notice board which on closer inspection holds a bunch of jobs. Not... Really any that seem particularly glamorous, or exciting, or anything besides one-off jobs that'd barely pay. But maybe something? She's just in time to see what looks a gnome or halfling enter the building ahead of her.
Tristan enters the building which... Isn't that much, really. Literally- It seems almost smaller on the inside than the outside suggests, and the outside had not suggested much. A few chairs to sit or wait which were luckily unoccupied, and a small desk from behind which a dwarf peeked out over a set of fine glasses. Judging by how he was standing over the counter still, he was likely using some kind of stool, and had been until moments before been writing something down in some kind of ledger. Behind him seem to be many shelves, haphazardly organized with scrolls and tomes.
"Yes? Can I help you," he starts, gears almost audibly clicking in his head for a moment as he stared at Tristan, before deciding he could not determine who or what he was looking at exactly, falling back to "Sir?"
"Are you looking to have a job posted? I can take down details if you'd like for a nominal fee. Usage of the signboard outside is free, but I sell bits of parchment and glue if you have need."
Slick Rick
Rick takes a moment further around, already getting used to the smell. Turns out if you endure just long enough, the brain kind of starts to shut it out, as a mental defense system to keep one's sanity intact. And while he's far from the most observant person, he is smart enough to realize the reason that most people are being a bit distant is because he's a newcomer, and they don't know what to think of him... Yet. Presumably, nothing that offering to buy a beer or two couldn't help fix. In one corner of the place there's a trio playing cards too, which he could try to smooth talk his way into.
Tucker's first recourse is to plead to the librarian, who... Sadly seems a disinterested. The older man listens of course, but seems more preoccupied with twirling his beard a bit, and wanting to get back to the tome in front of him.
"Hmm. Nothing? Not even in the travel account? Hmm... Well, maybe," he starts, pauses, then shakes his head for a brief moment as he calls out. "Gustaf! Can you see about helping mister Tucker find any leads?" he calls out, a younger man with a somehow far more impressive, dark beard arriving, standing tall and imposing even in his simple brown robe. He already gives a half polite bow and a quick smile as he gets further instructions as to what Tucker needs.
"Gustaf's reading needs practice still," the librarian admits, "But I'm sure he can help you out further," he finishes, nose already diving back into his tome. Tucker in the meantime had been investigating these records for a while now, and while he had spotted nothing out of place, had already come to the conclusion that there was an ordering system. That system, sadly, was date-based, with newest books up front and the tomes becoming more and more ancient the further you went in, with the vast majority of books seeming to be at most only two hundred years old, only a very narrow subset older than that. Not that these books couldn't potentially be useful, if someone else had made record of spots of interest within them... But it was indeed like searching for a needle in a haystack.
Which perhaps made it a good thing that "simple" Gustaf had a twinkle in his eyes. He's strutting off toward the back, intent on seeing if Tucker would follow.
Rick licks his arm and smooths down his forehead hair with a toothy grin and heads over to the game. He moves so he is seen coming, and has his hands visible. Gotta strike the right pose,
"You fellasss got room for a fourth?"
He shakes a money pouch filled with sharpened bits of metal to indicate he has money. Not in that pouch, noooo, that his decoy pouch. Or his other pouch filled with ball bearings, or his other pouch filled with grease to keep his fur shiny. The other, other, other pouch his where he has a few coins.
Persuasion: 8
"Oh, no, I planned on seeing if there was any of those 'adventures' posted in here?"
((Taking that the city doesn't have an issue with an armed populace then? He'd have his crossbow on his back, though perhaps covered with a cloak, depending on weather.))
Breldo notes the interaction between the centaur and the guards, but finding a place to lay his pack and rest before trying to find a job is of higher priority than one centaur and their one man (horse?) show. He intends to just wander the city for a bit to get a sense of its layout and the general mood of the citizens and travelers here, but isn't going out of his way to ask questions or be sociable.
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
As the guard recalls his troupe, Khond offers a bright smile, "Indeed sir, indeed! Astra Lucaris's Traveling Troupe of Amazing Arts and Unmatched Performers, more briefly known as the Astra Troupe, has been everywhere, and does everything, though I admit it has sadly been some years since we were graced by the great city of Mezzra's patronage. I hope that, should I find the inspiration I need here, it may be cause for us to pay this land another visit." The centaur nods along pleasantly as the guards discuss, the mention of the lion causing only the briefest shadow to pass over his expression - never liked the way that beast looked at his rear.
As the guards part to let him through, Khond smiles and gives another bow, this one far less grandiose, "Thank you very much, gentlemen. May your lives ever be bright and full of wonder." Passing through the gates, Khond heads down the main road, already knowing his first goal; finding an inn with a stable, that isn't high class but with enough quality to not be flea-ridden.
Active Characters:
Ernos, Tiefling Warlock in Tests and Trials | Khond Stardancer, Centaur Rogue in The Forgotten Wish | Blumeria "Bolt" Sirgula, Dragonborn Fighter/Sorcerer in Forged In Chaos
Rick approaches the table with glee, already dangling his little pocket of decoy coins. It's only now he gets a proper look at them, the three of them turning toward him with suspect eyes- One of them a halfling, his short stature offset by several tattoos scrawled along surprisingly muscular arms, and the fact he was puffing that pipe of his enough to offset the general stench the place held in general. Across him what looked at first to be a normal human, albeit with longer, darker hair, might actually be a half-elf judging by the slight but distinct shapes on his ears. And between them, and right across of him, what does appear to be a normal human, deep blue eyes meeting those of Rick's.
Hard to say why their initial reaction seems so cold. Maybe they have enough experience with coin purses to recognize the sound of a fake one? The human glancing between his two compatriots for a moment, before speaking up.
"And what's your name, stranger?"
"Oh! I see. Adventurers work it is you need then. How big is your group?" he asks, even as he glances to the side and starts shuffling some papers.
"I have a couple of potential jobs, but I think most of them will be a multi-person job. Well, this one here is a one, maybe two person job, but... Do you have a cart? Or a mount, at least?"
Breldo and Khond pass through the gate, perhaps briefly exchanging glances... But as strangers, both are quickly looking to head their own ways. Breldo interested in the city at large, while Khond needs... "Special" accommodations to rest.
Breldo and Khond, both roll an investigation check.
(If you're keeping your weapon open but holstered, you might get the occasional glance and the guards inside might pay more attention to you, but seems it's not barred.)
"Oh... group?" (She thinks, and it makes sense, since every time she's seen adventurers hunting goblins, they were always in groups) "Uh... Pardon me, uh... I'm new to adventuring.... so... uh... I'll be back later... if I can.... K?"
Breldo gives the centaur a nod before turning back to his own needs as the faster paced fellow catches up to him.
Breldo Investigation: 19
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
Nuria quickly glances over the posts. Nothing up there really catches her eye, but she's glad to know that she can come here to look for jobs. She's not against taking an off-job, but she was hoping to get into something that could actually support her. Scanning the crowd again, she notices the halfling... or gnome maybe? And watches her enter the building up ahead. This person had very interesting attire compared to the general population. This sparks Nuria's curiosity. Before she knows it, she is quietly following the heavily dressed figure into the building. Pushing the door open, she slips inside just in time to hear the small figure say something about 'adventuring' jobs. So she's looking for a job too? Perhaps she can help. Shifting her weight from foot to foot, she tries to muster up the courage to say something. This causes the battered looking rapier on her hip to gently tap her left leg. This is what pushes her to move forward a few steps. She'd nearly forgotten about the thing, she had only acquired it just before leaving home and she hadn't even taken it out of it's sheath since. Tucking her hair back behind her ear again she manages to address the short figure, "Um, Excuse me? Uh, are you looking for a job too?"
As Tristan is leaving to find a 'group', she sees Nuria and hears her question. "Oh, um, yes!!! As an adventurer in particular!" (As soon as she wants to find a group, she finds someone instantly! Talk about lucky) "Why do you ask?"
The dwarf raises a curious brow as Tristan comes to realize that there is a whole lot more to this "adventuring" stuff than she first thought. Luckily, as seems to happen often to "adventurers", opportunity literally enters through the door at the exact right moment- Another solo adventurer entering right at that moment. A quick conversation at least seeming to suggest that their interests align. The dwarf now shuffles a few papers, though this time they seem more random than intentional.
"Alright, certainly... Though I'm not sure how many of the jobs I'd have here I would entrust to a new party of two- No offense. Well... Besides one which should be a simple escort mission I'd guess, but did you have a cart? Or a mount?"
(Can you both give me perception rolls?)
Breldo meanwhile, while he has yet to walk through even the smaller fraction of the city, believes he's already figured out most of the layout. Through the city gate, most of the city slowly slopes down toward the ocean, giving one good vantage point at certain spots. It seems the city has a few main arteries, the biggest one leading straight from the main gate all the way to the docks, most others branching directly from it in a horizontal manner. The one exception to this downward slope is the Eastern half of the city actually sloping up, leading toward a cliff that borders the ocean. This highest point of the city is where the baron has his castle, surrounded with where all the rich tradesmen and aristocrats must make their abode as well. At the other side of that coin, perhaps slightly ironically, does it appear the very poorest houses are located right next to that cliff face as well- Except on the bottom side, where the position of the sun would make sure the houses would be in nigh permanent cold, damp shade. Although the far western side of the city likely has some slums of its own as well.
He notices something else too, though. Some kind of commotion starting near the docks...