"Oh, Uh, Well, I really just came here to find some sort of job. I've never really thought of adventuring until...well...when Mr. Dwarf asked if we would escort Mr. Pallen."She chuckles nervously, "I suppose it's better than washing dishes in some tavern. I just hope I'm not a burden."
"Oh, Uh, Well, I really just came here to find some sort of job. I've never really thought of adventuring until...well...when Mr. Dwarf asked if we would escort Mr. Pallen."She chuckles nervously, "I suppose it's better than washing dishes in some tavern. I just hope I'm not a burden."
Oh... well... good to know... thanks... *Could you make a perception chack?*
Nuria is not sure why Tristan is thanking her, but she does not question it. "Uh your welcome? ...Uh...why are you interested in being an adventurer? ...If you don't mind me asking.."
A few people give grave nods around Breldo, and a few already seem to scurry away to the coffee place in question. Just in case, you know? With that, though, the halfling soon starts asking around, seeing if he might be able to find the harbormaster in question.
(Can you give me a persuasion check to see how helpful are being? or something else, if you can justify it.)
If Brokk heard Slick calling coffee "dirty bean water", there probably would have been actual fisticuffs. As things stand, while he is definitely losing this first game of cards, that secret is kept safe within his mind. There's a soft chuckle and some quiet agreeing among them.
"Right, right. Well, if you do want to stay strictly above board, I'd give a check over at the guild. Here in Mezzra at least, there's always something that needs happening. But I get the impression quick might be-"
Zed pauses as a guy hurries into the bar, almost immediately beelining over toward their counter. Zed leans back, the other human briefly saying "You won't believe this," before coming in close and speaking in hushed whispers.
(Give me a perception roll if you want to listen in)
Khond gets a few incredulous stares, most people thinking they're suddenly just having some kind of weird dream. But a few at least are soon helpful enough to point out the almost indistinct blob on the horizon. When they do, even he can recognize it for the ship it is... If a barely functional one.
Nuria and Tristan both agree, bidding the dwarf goodbye just as a bleary-eyed looking Tabaxi kid is coming out from the backrooms. Going outside, they have a small conversation, much as you would expect two adventurers with charisma being their dump stat would have.
Nice pleasantries, of course. And now they're outside, it does not take too long for them to notice the apparent commotion over at the docks as well...
(Roll perception)
Tuck quickly comes to realize that this small section of the library are mostly ancient tomes. Mostly- Given how some are newer, it might be mostly books that require a bit of additional protection. Despite his decent search, however, in what SHOULD be the right section of the library by all means, is no mention of this fabled elven book... Or anything else promising, either. When it becomes obvious to Gustaf the book isn't there, does he finally move over to the side, beginning to check a ledger, and finally letting out an annoyed grunt after his eyes painstakingly read some entries.
"Well... That's annoying. Seems we might have lent out the book, to some guy called Pallen. Hmm. Don't usually do that..."
Nuria is not sure why Tristan is thanking her, but she does not question it. "Uh your welcome? ...Uh...why are you interested in being an adventurer? ...If you don't mind me asking.."
(Perception results, Tristans eyes behind her mask look upset, like she was hoping that you were a professional adventurer for some reason) Oh... I... I just... found... it.... interesting!
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Breldo knows he's not the smoothest of talkers when it comes to people. Maybe the dock folk are feeling particularly helpful towards an out of town halfling.
Persuasion: 3
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM:Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Noticing that Tristan is upset, this causes Nuria to shrink a bit more. Had she done something wrong? What should she say now? Then she hears the commotion. "Uh, something is going on over there? Should we avoid it? Or....uh...do you want to check it out?"Her hand instinctively reached for the dagger on her right hip rather than the long bladed rapier on her left.
Khond squints out at the ship on the horizon for a moment, then asks to nobody in particular, "So, seeing that it doesn't look to be in such... Ship shape, is another going to have to go haul it in?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Active Characters: Ernos, Tiefling Warlock in Tests and Trials | Khond Stardancer,Centaur Rogue in The Forgotten Wish | Blumeria "Bolt" Sirgula,Dragonborn Fighter/Sorcerer in Forged In Chaos
Tristan and Nuria both notice the ship, although Tristan can't quite make out any details. Nuria however, notes that the ship isn't exactly looking in any good shape- It feels like one mast is outright gone, and the remaining mast has been torn in half alongside it's sail. And... Is the ship starting to list?
Sadly for Breldo, it doesn't really seem like people want to help him, most having their own business to attend to (even if said business is just going to the coffee shop). Not that they are completely unhelpful, as the ones who know the harbormaster in question give a description of him, that of being a rather chubby, bald dude, but given location it seems like nobody knows for sure, and there nobody is willing to spare some proper time. He's usually on the docks somewhere, or his office (also on the docks) but the docks are big, stretching over the entire length of the city. At least three major vessels are currently moored, to not start counting smaller vessels.
If he occasionally looks out toward the ocean, he notices the ship in question is slowly starting to list. The guards are getting increasingly frantic.
Khond may speak to no one in particular, but a persona such as himself draws in attention. A few people speaking up, although it's obvious that none of the common citizens in question have any idea what they're talking about.
"Oh yes, they must! They'll just need an even bigger ship to tuck them close to shore with some ropes!"
"You think they can tug a ship like that? Ought to leave it before it clogs up the harbor!"
"We can't touch it- What if it's seafolk who did all that damage?!"
"Seafolk don't exist, numbskull,"
"Yes they do!"
While people are arguing, nobody seems to actually be doing something, anything, yet. Although now it's starting to appear like the ship is actually listing, do some people slowly begin snapping out of the bystander effect.
Slick leans in, not even trying to hide that he's curious. The other two give him a few dagger eyes, but end of the day, he only catches a few words of their conversation
He can't quite catch what the messenger says in response, but his body clearly betrays an "I don't know" as an answer. Zed openly curses for a moment, before his eyes dart back to the Tabaxi across him. He quickly leans right back in.
"Alright, Slick. Do you want to make some quick money?"
"I-I think they are in trouble! The ship...it looks like it's starting to sink! It's in really bad shape!" She lets go of her dagger and looks at Tristan, "Yes, let's go see if we can help." Then she dashes towards the harbor. She's not really sure how she is going to help, but there is no way that she's about to sit back and watch people get hurt.
"I-I think they are in trouble! The ship...it looks like it's starting to sink! It's in really bad shape!" She lets go of her dagger and looks at Tristan, "Yes, let's go see if we can help." Then she dashes towards the harbor. She's not really sure how she is going to help, but there is no way that she's about to sit back and watch people get hurt.
It what!?!? Oh geez! We should help! (If Nuria is running there, Tristan'll follow behind)
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Breldo sighs. If the higher ups are touchy, it's not likely to blow back kindly on him, but it grits his gravy to see guards milling about incompetently.
He marches his way towards the clustered guards, scanning them for any rank insignia to denote them. Seeing a bunch of common guards, he addresses them as a lot.
"Breldo Bramblepelt, Advance Scout. Guardsman, where is your commanding officer?", he barks. "Where's the harbormaster? If they aren't here, someone needs to step up! If you're not able to do anything, at least LOOK like you can, by the gods, or the citizens will start panicking worse than you are!"
He scans their reaction, and if one of them seems to buck up and seem like they're willing to grab their sacks and get something done, he'll snap off a salute in their general direction.
(Insight: 17)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM:Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
"At the very least, a small ship or two should go out to help the crew or passengers get out of there, before it keels over completely. Anyone here have a boat, or know someone with one? Best to act quickly, I would think."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Active Characters: Ernos, Tiefling Warlock in Tests and Trials | Khond Stardancer,Centaur Rogue in The Forgotten Wish | Blumeria "Bolt" Sirgula,Dragonborn Fighter/Sorcerer in Forged In Chaos
Zed's lips curl up into a victorious smirk, as he gets up himself. Slick notes he's surprisingly short, as he comes lean in right quick beside him.
"Glad we're seeing eye to eye to this," he says, needing to look up to actually achieve said eye to eye. "And it's nothing too below the board, I assure you. Some harmless stuff. And especially, no need to poke holes into anything," he nods, guiding the both of them toward outside. He peeks briefly to make sure the coast is clear, then quickly shows what's been going on. A decent distance away a crowd has formed. Being closer to the rougher part of the docks, he's treated mostly to the crowd that has turned what is happening into a spectator sports. Someone nearby is placing bets- From everything to "Will it sink?" to "Which country does it hail from?" and "What prices will be affected if any?" It doesn't take Slick too long to notice what the fascination is about in question as Zed points it out.
"Okay, so, it's far out still but seems that ship out there hit a spot of trouble on the way here. Now, I don't actually know if it's the ship me and my compadres were waiting for, we thought it would probably be another week. But, it could be. So here's the deal," he spoke, again leaning in to make sure it was just them.
"I'll pay you a sum just if you manage to head out there and get me info on what ship it is. But if it IS our ship... If you can get our contact on it back safe, you can expect some real fast money," he says, looking the tabaxi up and down expectantly, gauging his reaction to how this was sounding so far.
Nuria, realizing what she was seeing, quickly rushes off toward the docks, with Tristan right behind her once the gravity of the situation became apparent. Rushing as fast as they can, they make it to the docks in record time. Straight off the main street, they can see most of the crowd has gathered, mostly haphazardly, mostly observing, even though there's now... A centaur, of all things, seeming to address them? And off to the side, someone else appears to be scolding some guards milling about.
Breldo, after a while, figures out what it is that has him acting even when he'd want to keep his nose far out of this. Sheer, unwarranted, incompetence. Before he even realizes it himself, he's barking orders as if he were his own senior commander back in the war, the guards at first just too stunned to even counter. After that initial shock of a citizen telling them what to do, does a mixture of emotions slowly begin to come over their expressions. At least two of them look positively insulted; how dare someone out of rank address them like this! Luckily the majority seemed to just take the criticism, at least one of the more nervous guards exclaiming a brief "But the captain-", before, finally, it seems at least one of them has enough of a spine to actually act.
"No, no, he's right, captain is going to be even more pissed if we don't at least do something. How far out is it now? Half a mile? At least half of us should grab some rowboats and head out there, we don't know how many people are on that ship- I don't think it's gonna get much closer than this..."
(Khond, give me a persuasion check to see how people near you respond.)
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Persuasion: 17
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Active Characters: Ernos, Tiefling Warlock in Tests and Trials | Khond Stardancer,Centaur Rogue in The Forgotten Wish | Blumeria "Bolt" Sirgula,Dragonborn Fighter/Sorcerer in Forged In Chaos
Khond continues exhibiting sheer natural charisma. Or maybe people just don't want to disagree with the person who's backside kick could fling them from their current position all the way in the water. Whatever the reason, his words finally seem to get some matter of urgency going among the crowd, even if only a very few actually seem to have means to act.
"I've a fishing boat," one says. "Not much, but should hold a handful of people at the least."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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"Oh, Uh, Well, I really just came here to find some sort of job. I've never really thought of adventuring until...well...when Mr. Dwarf asked if we would escort Mr. Pallen." She chuckles nervously, "I suppose it's better than washing dishes in some tavern. I just hope I'm not a burden."
Oh... well... good to know... thanks... *Could you make a perception chack?*
Perception: 21 (nat 20)
Nuria is not sure why Tristan is thanking her, but she does not question it. "Uh your welcome? ...Uh...why are you interested in being an adventurer? ...If you don't mind me asking.."
A few people give grave nods around Breldo, and a few already seem to scurry away to the coffee place in question. Just in case, you know? With that, though, the halfling soon starts asking around, seeing if he might be able to find the harbormaster in question.
(Can you give me a persuasion check to see how helpful are being? or something else, if you can justify it.)
If Brokk heard Slick calling coffee "dirty bean water", there probably would have been actual fisticuffs. As things stand, while he is definitely losing this first game of cards, that secret is kept safe within his mind. There's a soft chuckle and some quiet agreeing among them.
"Right, right. Well, if you do want to stay strictly above board, I'd give a check over at the guild. Here in Mezzra at least, there's always something that needs happening. But I get the impression quick might be-"
Zed pauses as a guy hurries into the bar, almost immediately beelining over toward their counter. Zed leans back, the other human briefly saying "You won't believe this," before coming in close and speaking in hushed whispers.
(Give me a perception roll if you want to listen in)
Khond gets a few incredulous stares, most people thinking they're suddenly just having some kind of weird dream. But a few at least are soon helpful enough to point out the almost indistinct blob on the horizon. When they do, even he can recognize it for the ship it is... If a barely functional one.
Nuria and Tristan both agree, bidding the dwarf goodbye just as a bleary-eyed looking Tabaxi kid is coming out from the backrooms. Going outside, they have a small conversation, much as you would expect two adventurers with charisma being their dump stat would have.
Nice pleasantries, of course. And now they're outside, it does not take too long for them to notice the apparent commotion over at the docks as well...
(Roll perception)
Tuck quickly comes to realize that this small section of the library are mostly ancient tomes. Mostly- Given how some are newer, it might be mostly books that require a bit of additional protection. Despite his decent search, however, in what SHOULD be the right section of the library by all means, is no mention of this fabled elven book... Or anything else promising, either. When it becomes obvious to Gustaf the book isn't there, does he finally move over to the side, beginning to check a ledger, and finally letting out an annoyed grunt after his eyes painstakingly read some entries.
"Well... That's annoying. Seems we might have lent out the book, to some guy called Pallen. Hmm. Don't usually do that..."
(Perception results, Tristans eyes behind her mask look upset, like she was hoping that you were a professional adventurer for some reason)
Oh... I... I just... found... it.... interesting!
Perception: 9
Breldo knows he's not the smoothest of talkers when it comes to people. Maybe the dock folk are feeling particularly helpful towards an out of town halfling.
Persuasion: 3
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
Noticing that Tristan is upset, this causes Nuria to shrink a bit more. Had she done something wrong? What should she say now? Then she hears the commotion. "Uh, something is going on over there? Should we avoid it? Or....uh...do you want to check it out?" Her hand instinctively reached for the dagger on her right hip rather than the long bladed rapier on her left.
Perception: 16
Khond squints out at the ship on the horizon for a moment, then asks to nobody in particular, "So, seeing that it doesn't look to be in such... Ship shape, is another going to have to go haul it in?"
Active Characters:
Ernos, Tiefling Warlock in Tests and Trials | Khond Stardancer, Centaur Rogue in The Forgotten Wish | Blumeria "Bolt" Sirgula, Dragonborn Fighter/Sorcerer in Forged In Chaos
Slick leans in to hear.
Perception: 9
Tristan and Nuria both notice the ship, although Tristan can't quite make out any details. Nuria however, notes that the ship isn't exactly looking in any good shape- It feels like one mast is outright gone, and the remaining mast has been torn in half alongside it's sail. And... Is the ship starting to list?
Sadly for Breldo, it doesn't really seem like people want to help him, most having their own business to attend to (even if said business is just going to the coffee shop). Not that they are completely unhelpful, as the ones who know the harbormaster in question give a description of him, that of being a rather chubby, bald dude, but given location it seems like nobody knows for sure, and there nobody is willing to spare some proper time. He's usually on the docks somewhere, or his office (also on the docks) but the docks are big, stretching over the entire length of the city. At least three major vessels are currently moored, to not start counting smaller vessels.
If he occasionally looks out toward the ocean, he notices the ship in question is slowly starting to list. The guards are getting increasingly frantic.
Khond may speak to no one in particular, but a persona such as himself draws in attention. A few people speaking up, although it's obvious that none of the common citizens in question have any idea what they're talking about.
"Oh yes, they must! They'll just need an even bigger ship to tuck them close to shore with some ropes!"
"You think they can tug a ship like that? Ought to leave it before it clogs up the harbor!"
"We can't touch it- What if it's seafolk who did all that damage?!"
"Seafolk don't exist, numbskull,"
"Yes they do!"
While people are arguing, nobody seems to actually be doing something, anything, yet. Although now it's starting to appear like the ship is actually listing, do some people slowly begin snapping out of the bystander effect.
Slick leans in, not even trying to hide that he's curious. The other two give him a few dagger eyes, but end of the day, he only catches a few words of their conversation
He can't quite catch what the messenger says in response, but his body clearly betrays an "I don't know" as an answer. Zed openly curses for a moment, before his eyes dart back to the Tabaxi across him. He quickly leans right back in.
"Alright, Slick. Do you want to make some quick money?"
"Zed, we have just met, but I think you know that I do. Besides I think I am losing at this hand, so the sooner the better."
He is already standing, ready to go make quick money.
"Above or below board, out of curiosity."
He asks as an afterthought.
"Well, Nuria... want to check that ship thingy out while we wait for the dwarf? Who knows, we might end up finding more adventurers there!"
"I-I think they are in trouble! The ship...it looks like it's starting to sink! It's in really bad shape!" She lets go of her dagger and looks at Tristan, "Yes, let's go see if we can help." Then she dashes towards the harbor. She's not really sure how she is going to help, but there is no way that she's about to sit back and watch people get hurt.
It what!?!? Oh geez! We should help! (If Nuria is running there, Tristan'll follow behind)
Breldo sighs. If the higher ups are touchy, it's not likely to blow back kindly on him, but it grits his gravy to see guards milling about incompetently.
He marches his way towards the clustered guards, scanning them for any rank insignia to denote them. Seeing a bunch of common guards, he addresses them as a lot.
"Breldo Bramblepelt, Advance Scout. Guardsman, where is your commanding officer?", he barks. "Where's the harbormaster? If they aren't here, someone needs to step up! If you're not able to do anything, at least LOOK like you can, by the gods, or the citizens will start panicking worse than you are!"
He scans their reaction, and if one of them seems to buck up and seem like they're willing to grab their sacks and get something done, he'll snap off a salute in their general direction.
(Insight: 17)
DM: Forged in Chaos, Spiders of the Abyss, The Sundered Way, Champions of the Citadel
Active Characters:
Breldo, Halfling Ranger | Kathryn, Wood Elf Rogue/Ranger | Kroshav, Dragonborn Paladin | T'laren Farsiel, Wood Elf Fighter | Trill, Kenku Bard | Val "Janellae", Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock
"At the very least, a small ship or two should go out to help the crew or passengers get out of there, before it keels over completely. Anyone here have a boat, or know someone with one? Best to act quickly, I would think."
Active Characters:
Ernos, Tiefling Warlock in Tests and Trials | Khond Stardancer, Centaur Rogue in The Forgotten Wish | Blumeria "Bolt" Sirgula, Dragonborn Fighter/Sorcerer in Forged In Chaos
Zed's lips curl up into a victorious smirk, as he gets up himself. Slick notes he's surprisingly short, as he comes lean in right quick beside him.
"Glad we're seeing eye to eye to this," he says, needing to look up to actually achieve said eye to eye. "And it's nothing too below the board, I assure you. Some harmless stuff. And especially, no need to poke holes into anything," he nods, guiding the both of them toward outside. He peeks briefly to make sure the coast is clear, then quickly shows what's been going on. A decent distance away a crowd has formed. Being closer to the rougher part of the docks, he's treated mostly to the crowd that has turned what is happening into a spectator sports. Someone nearby is placing bets- From everything to "Will it sink?" to "Which country does it hail from?" and "What prices will be affected if any?" It doesn't take Slick too long to notice what the fascination is about in question as Zed points it out.
"Okay, so, it's far out still but seems that ship out there hit a spot of trouble on the way here. Now, I don't actually know if it's the ship me and my compadres were waiting for, we thought it would probably be another week. But, it could be. So here's the deal," he spoke, again leaning in to make sure it was just them.
"I'll pay you a sum just if you manage to head out there and get me info on what ship it is. But if it IS our ship... If you can get our contact on it back safe, you can expect some real fast money," he says, looking the tabaxi up and down expectantly, gauging his reaction to how this was sounding so far.
Nuria, realizing what she was seeing, quickly rushes off toward the docks, with Tristan right behind her once the gravity of the situation became apparent. Rushing as fast as they can, they make it to the docks in record time. Straight off the main street, they can see most of the crowd has gathered, mostly haphazardly, mostly observing, even though there's now... A centaur, of all things, seeming to address them? And off to the side, someone else appears to be scolding some guards milling about.
Breldo, after a while, figures out what it is that has him acting even when he'd want to keep his nose far out of this. Sheer, unwarranted, incompetence. Before he even realizes it himself, he's barking orders as if he were his own senior commander back in the war, the guards at first just too stunned to even counter. After that initial shock of a citizen telling them what to do, does a mixture of emotions slowly begin to come over their expressions. At least two of them look positively insulted; how dare someone out of rank address them like this! Luckily the majority seemed to just take the criticism, at least one of the more nervous guards exclaiming a brief "But the captain-", before, finally, it seems at least one of them has enough of a spine to actually act.
"No, no, he's right, captain is going to be even more pissed if we don't at least do something. How far out is it now? Half a mile? At least half of us should grab some rowboats and head out there, we don't know how many people are on that ship- I don't think it's gonna get much closer than this..."
(Khond, give me a persuasion check to see how people near you respond.)
Persuasion: 17
Active Characters:
Ernos, Tiefling Warlock in Tests and Trials | Khond Stardancer, Centaur Rogue in The Forgotten Wish | Blumeria "Bolt" Sirgula, Dragonborn Fighter/Sorcerer in Forged In Chaos
Khond continues exhibiting sheer natural charisma. Or maybe people just don't want to disagree with the person who's backside kick could fling them from their current position all the way in the water. Whatever the reason, his words finally seem to get some matter of urgency going among the crowd, even if only a very few actually seem to have means to act.
"I've a fishing boat," one says. "Not much, but should hold a handful of people at the least."