"Siilen sal could san Al / Uskeche (L) aul Tel' / Wealdath..." Artifex mutters to itself, still in the process of admiring the drink they had just been served
Translation: ||That I could drink A Flame in the Unspoiled Woods...||
They look around at the others as they order, then back towards the barkeep. "Looks like the people have spoken. I'd be delighted to try some laverbread and leek cawl, especially if your half as good at making food as you are at making drinks."
(elvish translators actually turned out to be a bit of a thorny problem for me. I started out with the 'Common to Elvish (D&D) translator at https://lingojam.com/CommontoElvish(D%26D), which in turn is based off the Elvish dictionary on the larger Candlekeep D&D lore website (http://www.candlekeep.com/library/articles/diction_elf.htm). The trouble with that turned out to be that a lot of words weren't translated at all just using the literal words, I had to figure out how a Faerun elf might phrase the CONCEPT the word conveys and type in a phrase that meant the same thing. Since this is a homebrew world I figured it was OK if the Elvish spoken here had words drawn from more than one source, so I supplemented with Sindarin translators from Tolkien's world of which there are a good plenty online. The one I used first was https://funtranslations.com/elvish which filled in most of the words, and I was able to get the rest of what I wanted from other Tolkien sites.
Finally, I appreciate you reminding me about something I meant to decide on and forgot, which is how I would like OOC handled on this thread. Doubt I'll be too much of a bear about it, but I think the standard way I'd like it handled is to write whatever your character says and does first, and then separate OOC remarks by putting them after a line of ===, ---, ___, or whatever other straightline characters are most convenient for you., like I've done in this post
While we're on the subject of resources, I've found a website called OpenArt that will actually AI-generate a character portrait for you (among many other things). How it works is that you click on their "Create" tab, and then type in a prompt and set parameters for the dimensions, DPI, and many other things. They start you off with 1000 free credits, and finally sweet-talked me into signing up for Discord by offering 1000 more per day if you ... and that's where I forget, either if sign up for Discord with their link or if you follow them there. The link is https://openart.ai/create. You can generate from 1 to 4 at a time, and each costs you a credit.
I've been playing around with it for Myrtea just coz most of the minotaur portraits here don't quite capture her PERSONALITY (lol). I used the prompt "fantasy portrait of kind female Minotaur innkeeper with black braided fur, close up"; and I'm getting some interesting results so far; though since its not specific to D&D there's some human-featured women with horns and some IRL women wearing minotaur masks popping up occasionally in the results ... but hell, with a thousand credits to play with just for registering with OpenArt, and now 1000 more a day, I think I can spare a few misses (re-LOL). And, after a few, it came up with her almost exactly bar that I told it to give her black hair and that was one of the elements taht was downplayed in this particular iteration.
Well, I'm actually not quite sure how to answer this one.
As far as the mechanics themselves go, I was mostly planning to have the rolling take place in the campaign logs and character sheets. But as far as announcing you're going to roll ... Well, no offense meant, but I'm really not familiar with games where the players announce what abilities they're going to roll in the first place. The way I'm more used to is that the players would describe what their characters are doing or saying, and indicate perhaps things (like whether they are lying) that wouldn't be obvious to the PCs and NPCs on the scene; but then they would leave it up to the DM to decide which ability is appropriate and either roll it themselves or tell the player which ability to roll for.
As if he had seen the smile, The Black Rose smiled back and responded, “Then it is settled,” before turning to Myrtea and saying, “Barkeep, please bring us one portion each.”
After pausing a heartbeat (or perhaps two, no more), Myrtea nods. "Yees, four to share with me is enough to get started, I suppose, though there might be some leftovers for the compost oubliette. I'd hate to waste it, but we'll see ... someone else might drop by with a taste for laverbread while I'm cooking it. I'll start you out with a complimentary bowl of cockles; that should tide you over till I can get this done." She pulls out a a small lidded and handled pot from beneath the bar and rests her hand lightly on the lid's wooden handle. When she drew it forth, spidery patterns of frost had webbed the sides and woven a net of ice that held the lid down, but as her hand rests on the wood the ice around that point begins to melt. Soon the melting has spread to the point where she is able to lift the lid and dip a large scoop in. She scoops up a bowlful for each of you of small, pearly blue shellfish, and hands the two at the counter a long, slender two-tined fork and a slender but sturdy knife that was clearly designed to slip in between the shells where a slender opening shows, and pry the thing open. This is accompanied by two smaller bowls for dipping, one of melted butter and the other filled with a briny broth. Glyn moves quietly forward when these are ready and brings Morbrukk and Erolith their portions.
While you are busy figuring out the most efficient way to get the knife far enough under the shells to slice the muscle that holds them nearly close, you watch Myrtea pull out a thick stack of dried and flattened sheets of seaweed. She places another pot on the fire and adds these, well pounded, and some water. Then she returns to the counter and begins chopping leeks, stopping every now and then to toss what seems like a carelessly grabbed handful into the pot that was on the fire at first (which seems to have been mostly emptied by the last helpings she had ladled from it, for the dawrven couple who are now busy stowing away incredible quantities of food). Those of you close enough to notice, though, see that she is actually very carefully assessing the amount of leek on various parts of her cutting board and taking a much more exact quantity each time than was apparent from a distance.
The AI had a little more trouble with Sae and Glyn, but I think I finally got some more or less satisfactory results. I would have preferred Glyn's moustache to be the same color as his hair, and though it might delight Erolith I HIGHLY doubt Sae was dancing naked, but you know what they say about beggars and choosers LOL
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
As someone who had never eaten shellfish before, The Black Rose struggled to open the first few before finally finding a proper but still clumsy way to do it.
Meanwhile he was caught a little off guard by her hesitation, and although his lifeless eyes were not fixed on her, his other senses were busy studying Myrtea carefully as she cooked, trying to read her.
Artifex slips the knife into the shellfish with ease, more because of her natural dexterity than because they knew what it was doing. Once they get it open they eat it, their mannerisms once more giving the sense that while they had no idea what kind of taste to expect, they are tourly enjoying it.
The cockles are absolutely delicious, fully as buttery and sweet tasting as most other shellfish but conspicuously lacking the briny taste that some find a little too strong. The briny smell of boiling seaweed, on the other hand, is beginning to steal from the second pot Myrtea put on the fire and waft around the room ... not unpleasantly, but definitely bringing a tinge of the sea to this lofty inn several miles inland. Some of the other patrons are beginning to sniff the air with reminiscent smiles; others, with a wry but somewhat puckered patience on their faces. You think you even hear some whispers that die off quickly into inaudibility but clearly begin, "Oh dear, Myrtea's laverbread again. So old fashioned ... "
Slowly, the bubbling from the seaweed pot becomes thicker and gloopier, and the smells from the pot of cawl begin to weave an increasingly complex counterpoint as she adds first cabbage and potatoes, then finally ground oats; and finishes by taking out several meaty bones from another cold pot and slicing off chunks which she tosses in with the bones themselves and the diced leeks. Both pots are then moved to the sides of the long metal pole they hang from over the fire and left to slowly simmer. When all is ready, she ladles the two ... delicacies ... into five oval wooden bowls which are partitioned into two sections by a lighter colored wood divider in the middle. In the absolute center, this rises and widens into a small hollow holding a much smaller bowl into which she spoons a few more shellfish She takes a taste from one of the bowls and nods in satisfaction; hands two to Glyn and sets the others down in front of Artifex and the Black Rose. Then, finally, she turns to you.
"Ready! For the most authentic experience, I'd suggest eating these with hot buttered toast; that is included in the price, but for those who prefer we also substitute extra bacon. And ... mmm ... I know some find this a little indelicate, but I really don't intend it so ... but some individuals -- ," she shoots a quick side glance at one of the shadowier corners, " -- think that if I mention the more commercial aspects to them at all, I'm accusing them of not intending to pay. I mean nothing of the kind! Its just that I know how hard it is sometimes to keep track of how much the tab is running up when you're having a good time; so EVERY NOW AND THEN I simply MENTION what the total has accrued to so far, and ask if the patron wishes to leave it on that tab, or take care of it then and start a new one. That's ALL ... "
(please make a Perception check on your character sheets at this point. It will show up in my campaign management screen, and I'll either PM you with the results or describe here depending how obvious it would be in-world that you're trying to be particularly observant)
After a moment's pause, she goes on. "Now, in your cases I definitely want to deal fairly with such nice patrons. Since the prices of your various orders add up fairly similar, I think we can average them out and say that so far each of your tabs adds up, at the moment, to one ceiniog and six firdlyc. We have decided ... after some discussion ... to accept coins from elsewhere at par based on their metal, so any silver coin and six copper coins of any currency will do just fine." You think she shoots a brief glance over at Glyn as she finishes the sentence, but it is gone so quickly you can't be sure.
I've decided to use the third post of this thread, the one showing the continent map, to fill in details that come up in play which I hadn't fully described before. As the first fill-in, I've created a table where I will fill in all the different names for coins across the various cultures as you encounter them; all the coin names for the culture prevalent in Abyrstwyth ( ) are now posted there
Artifex give an airy chuckle, pulling a strange gold coin shaped like a crescent and with unfamiliar designs on it out of their pocket. "Keep a tab going for me, I'm sure I'll be back here at come point. Will this work?" They hand Myrtea the coin. "Also, anyone here up for a wager?" They ask a little louder, their question directed at anyone in the immediate vicinity.
"I might be up for a wager, but could you excuse me for a second? I would like to take care of my tab right away," The Black Rose responded. Turning to Myrtea, he took out a gold coin and placed it on the table. "I hope this will cover the rest of this wonderful dining experience. If not, let me know. But if the tab does not exceed this, then the rest is yours to keep as a thank you for good service."
"Oh, and I was supposed to mention something", he leaned in and whispered to Myrtea, "Zanixi Zoppebis Leewamba."
At the mention of that name, Myrtea's left eyebrow not only shoots up to the level of her left horn, but you would swear you see it creep a few inches up the keratin. "I SEE. You're on that expense account ... " She draws a clipboard out from under what you can't help starting to think of as a bar of holding. Then she sighs, and an almost wistful note creeps into her voice. "Oh, if I was only the wild and carefree girl-calf I used to be, I'd love to g..."
She shakes herself back to the present with a visible effort. "I'm so glad anyway. I actually think I saw him come in earlier, so I'll be able to confirm this right away. And since you all mentioned sharing the order ... " She passes the clipboard to The Black Rose. "Please write your names on this, and I will take it up and see what he says."
The Black Rose took the clipboard and moved his chair closer to Artifex so that both of them could study it. "Is this blank or is it some sort of a contract?" he asked as he looked from Myrtea to Artifex. "I'm afraid my condition only allows me to read anything i can feel", "It must be carved, engraved, embossed or something similar" he elaborated.
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"Siilen sal could san Al / Uskeche (L) aul Tel' / Wealdath..." Artifex mutters to itself, still in the process of admiring the drink they had just been served
Translation: ||That I could drink A Flame in the Unspoiled Woods...||
They look around at the others as they order, then back towards the barkeep. "Looks like the people have spoken. I'd be delighted to try some laverbread and leek cawl, especially if your half as good at making food as you are at making drinks."
... ... ...
(elvish translators actually turned out to be a bit of a thorny problem for me. I started out with the 'Common to Elvish (D&D) translator at https://lingojam.com/CommontoElvish(D%26D), which in turn is based off the Elvish dictionary on the larger Candlekeep D&D lore website (http://www.candlekeep.com/library/articles/diction_elf.htm). The trouble with that turned out to be that a lot of words weren't translated at all just using the literal words, I had to figure out how a Faerun elf might phrase the CONCEPT the word conveys and type in a phrase that meant the same thing. Since this is a homebrew world I figured it was OK if the Elvish spoken here had words drawn from more than one source, so I supplemented with Sindarin translators from Tolkien's world of which there are a good plenty online. The one I used first was https://funtranslations.com/elvish which filled in most of the words, and I was able to get the rest of what I wanted from other Tolkien sites.
There;s actually a thread on the forums here which aggregates a lot of good D&D language translators; many of the links default back to the Lingojam site I started out with, apparently they have a lot more than just elvish. The thread here is https://www.dndbeyond.com/forums/dungeons-dragons-discussion/dungeon-masters-only/54689-comprehensive-d-d-language-translators).
Finally, I appreciate you reminding me about something I meant to decide on and forgot, which is how I would like OOC handled on this thread. Doubt I'll be too much of a bear about it, but I think the standard way I'd like it handled is to write whatever your character says and does first, and then separate OOC remarks by putting them after a line of ===, ---, ___, or whatever other straightline characters are most convenient for you., like I've done in this post
While we're on the subject of resources, I've found a website called OpenArt that will actually AI-generate a character portrait for you (among many other things). How it works is that you click on their "Create" tab, and then type in a prompt and set parameters for the dimensions, DPI, and many other things. They start you off with 1000 free credits, and finally sweet-talked me into signing up for Discord by offering 1000 more per day if you ... and that's where I forget, either if sign up for Discord with their link or if you follow them there. The link is https://openart.ai/create. You can generate from 1 to 4 at a time, and each costs you a credit.
I've been playing around with it for Myrtea just coz most of the minotaur portraits here don't quite capture her PERSONALITY (lol). I used the prompt "fantasy portrait of kind female Minotaur innkeeper with black braided fur, close up"; and I'm getting some interesting results so far; though since its not specific to D&D there's some human-featured women with horns and some IRL women wearing minotaur masks popping up occasionally in the results ... but hell, with a thousand credits to play with just for registering with OpenArt, and now 1000 more a day, I think I can spare a few misses (re-LOL). And, after a few, it came up with her almost exactly bar that I told it to give her black hair and that was one of the elements taht was downplayed in this particular iteration.
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
I didn't use the same generator but here's my character portrait just for funsies
The Black Rose turned to Morbrukk and said, "You sound strong and healthy yourself. Would you care to join us for a bite of this tasty treat?'"
By the way, will dice rolls take place in this thread or will they be rolled on our character sheet and shown in the game log?
And how should we announce that we are going to roll?
Should we do something like this:
The Black Rose put his hand on the guard's shoulder and said, "If I assure you we are up to no trouble, would you please allow us to pass?"
I would like to roll Persuasion/Deception (depending on if im telling the truth).
Well, I'm actually not quite sure how to answer this one.
As far as the mechanics themselves go, I was mostly planning to have the rolling take place in the campaign logs and character sheets. But as far as announcing you're going to roll ... Well, no offense meant, but I'm really not familiar with games where the players announce what abilities they're going to roll in the first place. The way I'm more used to is that the players would describe what their characters are doing or saying, and indicate perhaps things (like whether they are lying) that wouldn't be obvious to the PCs and NPCs on the scene; but then they would leave it up to the DM to decide which ability is appropriate and either roll it themselves or tell the player which ability to roll for.
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
Sounds like a good plan and no offence taken :)
Morbrukk Smiles. "I will never turn down the offer to eat a meal with interesting company."
As if he had seen the smile, The Black Rose smiled back and responded, “Then it is settled,” before turning to Myrtea and saying, “Barkeep, please bring us one portion each.”
After pausing a heartbeat (or perhaps two, no more), Myrtea nods. "Yees, four to share with me is enough to get started, I suppose, though there might be some leftovers for the compost oubliette. I'd hate to waste it, but we'll see ... someone else might drop by with a taste for laverbread while I'm cooking it. I'll start you out with a complimentary bowl of cockles; that should tide you over till I can get this done." She pulls out a a small lidded and handled pot from beneath the bar and rests her hand lightly on the lid's wooden handle. When she drew it forth, spidery patterns of frost had webbed the sides and woven a net of ice that held the lid down, but as her hand rests on the wood the ice around that point begins to melt. Soon the melting has spread to the point where she is able to lift the lid and dip a large scoop in. She scoops up a bowlful for each of you of small, pearly blue shellfish, and hands the two at the counter a long, slender two-tined fork and a slender but sturdy knife that was clearly designed to slip in between the shells where a slender opening shows, and pry the thing open. This is accompanied by two smaller bowls for dipping, one of melted butter and the other filled with a briny broth. Glyn moves quietly forward when these are ready and brings Morbrukk and Erolith their portions.
While you are busy figuring out the most efficient way to get the knife far enough under the shells to slice the muscle that holds them nearly close, you watch Myrtea pull out a thick stack of dried and flattened sheets of seaweed. She places another pot on the fire and adds these, well pounded, and some water. Then she returns to the counter and begins chopping leeks, stopping every now and then to toss what seems like a carelessly grabbed handful into the pot that was on the fire at first (which seems to have been mostly emptied by the last helpings she had ladled from it, for the dawrven couple who are now busy stowing away incredible quantities of food). Those of you close enough to notice, though, see that she is actually very carefully assessing the amount of leek on various parts of her cutting board and taking a much more exact quantity each time than was apparent from a distance.
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
The AI had a little more trouble with Sae and Glyn, but I think I finally got some more or less satisfactory results. I would have preferred Glyn's moustache to be the same color as his hair, and though it might delight Erolith I HIGHLY doubt Sae was dancing naked, but you know what they say about beggars and choosers LOL
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
As someone who had never eaten shellfish before, The Black Rose struggled to open the first few before finally finding a proper but still clumsy way to do it.
Meanwhile he was caught a little off guard by her hesitation, and although his lifeless eyes were not fixed on her, his other senses were busy studying Myrtea carefully as she cooked, trying to read her.
All three AI representations of the characters look great. It is crazy what you can do with AI!
But I agree, Myrtea was the best representation, which is a little weird since she is the least humanoid of those three XD
Artifex slips the knife into the shellfish with ease, more because of her natural dexterity than because they knew what it was doing. Once they get it open they eat it, their mannerisms once more giving the sense that while they had no idea what kind of taste to expect, they are tourly enjoying it.
The cockles are absolutely delicious, fully as buttery and sweet tasting as most other shellfish but conspicuously lacking the briny taste that some find a little too strong. The briny smell of boiling seaweed, on the other hand, is beginning to steal from the second pot Myrtea put on the fire and waft around the room ... not unpleasantly, but definitely bringing a tinge of the sea to this lofty inn several miles inland. Some of the other patrons are beginning to sniff the air with reminiscent smiles; others, with a wry but somewhat puckered patience on their faces. You think you even hear some whispers that die off quickly into inaudibility but clearly begin, "Oh dear, Myrtea's laverbread again. So old fashioned ... "
Slowly, the bubbling from the seaweed pot becomes thicker and gloopier, and the smells from the pot of cawl begin to weave an increasingly complex counterpoint as she adds first cabbage and potatoes, then finally ground oats; and finishes by taking out several meaty bones from another cold pot and slicing off chunks which she tosses in with the bones themselves and the diced leeks. Both pots are then moved to the sides of the long metal pole they hang from over the fire and left to slowly simmer. When all is ready, she ladles the two ... delicacies ... into five oval wooden bowls which are partitioned into two sections by a lighter colored wood divider in the middle. In the absolute center, this rises and widens into a small hollow holding a much smaller bowl into which she spoons a few more shellfish She takes a taste from one of the bowls and nods in satisfaction; hands two to Glyn and sets the others down in front of Artifex and the Black Rose. Then, finally, she turns to you.
"Ready! For the most authentic experience, I'd suggest eating these with hot buttered toast; that is included in the price, but for those who prefer we also substitute extra bacon. And ... mmm ... I know some find this a little indelicate, but I really don't intend it so ... but some individuals -- ," she shoots a quick side glance at one of the shadowier corners, " -- think that if I mention the more commercial aspects to them at all, I'm accusing them of not intending to pay. I mean nothing of the kind! Its just that I know how hard it is sometimes to keep track of how much the tab is running up when you're having a good time; so EVERY NOW AND THEN I simply MENTION what the total has accrued to so far, and ask if the patron wishes to leave it on that tab, or take care of it then and start a new one. That's ALL ... "
After a moment's pause, she goes on. "Now, in your cases I definitely want to deal fairly with such nice patrons. Since the prices of your various orders add up fairly similar, I think we can average them out and say that so far each of your tabs adds up, at the moment, to one ceiniog and six firdlyc. We have decided ... after some discussion ... to accept coins from elsewhere at par based on their metal, so any silver coin and six copper coins of any currency will do just fine." You think she shoots a brief glance over at Glyn as she finishes the sentence, but it is gone so quickly you can't be sure.
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
Artifex give an airy chuckle, pulling a strange gold coin shaped like a crescent and with unfamiliar designs on it out of their pocket. "Keep a tab going for me, I'm sure I'll be back here at come point. Will this work?" They hand Myrtea the coin. "Also, anyone here up for a wager?" They ask a little louder, their question directed at anyone in the immediate vicinity.
Sorry for the inadvertent dice rolls. I thought I had this figured out. How do you roll for perception?
"I might be up for a wager, but could you excuse me for a second? I would like to take care of my tab right away," The Black Rose responded. Turning to Myrtea, he took out a gold coin and placed it on the table. "I hope this will cover the rest of this wonderful dining experience. If not, let me know. But if the tab does not exceed this, then the rest is yours to keep as a thank you for good service."
"Oh, and I was supposed to mention something", he leaned in and whispered to Myrtea, "Zanixi Zoppebis Leewamba."
At the mention of that name, Myrtea's left eyebrow not only shoots up to the level of her left horn, but you would swear you see it creep a few inches up the keratin. "I SEE. You're on that expense account ... " She draws a clipboard out from under what you can't help starting to think of as a bar of holding. Then she sighs, and an almost wistful note creeps into her voice. "Oh, if I was only the wild and carefree girl-calf I used to be, I'd love to g..."
She shakes herself back to the present with a visible effort. "I'm so glad anyway. I actually think I saw him come in earlier, so I'll be able to confirm this right away. And since you all mentioned sharing the order ... " She passes the clipboard to The Black Rose. "Please write your names on this, and I will take it up and see what he says."
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
The Black Rose took the clipboard and moved his chair closer to Artifex so that both of them could study it. "Is this blank or is it some sort of a contract?" he asked as he looked from Myrtea to Artifex. "I'm afraid my condition only allows me to read anything i can feel", "It must be carved, engraved, embossed or something similar" he elaborated.